Use FM SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE for creating free goods line items

Dear Experts,
I have created a program for uploading Sales Order details using FM "SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE".
The program successfully creates Sales Orders.
Now the problem is with the materials which is a free goods item.
i.e. if I enter a material say 'XYZ' which has a 20% free goods then if I enter quantity as 10 then it has to create 2 line items where in 1st line item will have 8 as qty. with value and 2nd line item will have 2 as qty with no value.
It successfully happens when I create Sales Order using tcode VA01.
FORM create_sales_order.
  head_flg = 'T'.
  LOOP AT t_socreate02 INTO w_socreate02.
    CLEAR : vbeln, spart, bstnk, bstdk,
            w_itemin, w_iteminx, w_partnr.
    MOVE : w_socreate02-vbeln TO vbeln,
           w_socreate02-spart TO spart,
           w_socreate02-bstnk TO bstnk,
           w_socreate02-bstdk TO bstdk.
    AT NEW vbeln.
      CLEAR : w_sdhead, w_sdheadx.
**Transferring Header Details
      MOVE : 'ZODF'   TO w_sdhead-doc_type,   "Default
             'L001'   TO w_sdhead-sales_org,  "Default
             '01'     TO w_sdhead-distr_chan, "Default
             spart    TO w_sdhead-division,
             bstdk    TO w_sdhead-purch_date,
             sy-datum TO w_sdhead-req_date_h,
             bstnk    TO w_sdhead-purch_no_c.
      MOVE : 'I' TO w_sdheadx-updateflag,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-doc_type,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-sales_org,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-distr_chan,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-division,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-purch_date,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-req_date_h,
             'X' TO w_sdheadx-purch_no_c.
**Transferring Item Details
    MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr TO w_itemin-itm_number,
           w_socreate02-matnr TO w_itemin-material,
           w_socreate02-zmeng TO w_itemin-target_qty.
    APPEND w_itemin TO t_itemin.
    MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr TO w_iteminx-itm_number,
           'I'                TO w_iteminx-updateflag,
           'X'                TO w_iteminx-material,
           'X'                TO w_iteminx-target_qty.
    APPEND w_iteminx TO t_iteminx.
**Transferring Partner Function Details
    CLEAR : w_partnr.
    MOVE : 'AG'                    TO w_partnr-partn_role, "Sold-to-Party
           w_socreate02-sold_party TO w_partnr-partn_numb.
    APPEND w_partnr TO t_partnr.
    CLEAR : w_partnr.
    MOVE : 'WE'                    TO w_partnr-partn_role, "Ship-to-Party
           w_socreate02-ship_party TO w_partnr-partn_numb.
    APPEND w_partnr TO t_partnr.
**Transferring Schedule Line Details
*Schedule Line 1
    CLEAR : w_schedulesin, w_schedulesinx.
    MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesin-itm_number,
           '0001'               TO w_schedulesin-sched_line,
           w_socreate02-edatu01 TO w_schedulesin-req_date,
           w_socreate02-edatu01 TO w_schedulesin-dlv_date,
           w_socreate02-wmeng01 TO w_schedulesin-req_qty.
    APPEND w_schedulesin TO t_schedulesin.
    MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesinx-itm_number,
           '0001'               TO w_schedulesinx-sched_line,
           'I'                  TO w_schedulesinx-updateflag,
           'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_date,
           'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-dlv_date,
           'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_qty.
    APPEND w_schedulesinx TO t_schedulesinx.
*Schedule Line 2
    IF NOT w_socreate02-wmeng02 IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR : w_schedulesin, w_schedulesinx.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesin-itm_number,
             '0002'               TO w_schedulesin-sched_line,
             w_socreate02-edatu02 TO w_schedulesin-req_date,
             w_socreate02-edatu02 TO w_schedulesin-dlv_date,
             w_socreate02-wmeng02 TO w_schedulesin-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesin TO t_schedulesin.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesinx-itm_number,
             '0002'               TO w_schedulesinx-sched_line,
             'I'                  TO w_schedulesinx-updateflag,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-dlv_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesinx TO t_schedulesinx.
*Schedule Line 3
    IF NOT w_socreate02-wmeng03 IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR : w_schedulesin, w_schedulesinx.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesin-itm_number,
             '0003'               TO w_schedulesin-sched_line,
             w_socreate02-edatu03 TO w_schedulesin-req_date,
             w_socreate02-edatu03 TO w_schedulesin-dlv_date,
             w_socreate02-wmeng03 TO w_schedulesin-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesin TO t_schedulesin.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesinx-itm_number,
             '0003'               TO w_schedulesinx-sched_line,
             'I'                  TO w_schedulesinx-updateflag,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-dlv_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesinx TO t_schedulesinx.
*Schedule Line 4
    IF NOT w_socreate02-wmeng04 IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR : w_schedulesin, w_schedulesinx.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesin-itm_number,
             '0004'               TO w_schedulesin-sched_line,
             w_socreate02-edatu04 TO w_schedulesin-req_date,
             w_socreate02-edatu04 TO w_schedulesin-dlv_date,
             w_socreate02-wmeng04 TO w_schedulesin-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesin TO t_schedulesin.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesinx-itm_number,
             '0004'               TO w_schedulesinx-sched_line,
             'I'                  TO w_schedulesinx-updateflag,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-dlv_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesinx TO t_schedulesinx.
*Schedule Line 5
    IF NOT w_socreate02-wmeng05 IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR : w_schedulesin, w_schedulesinx.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesin-itm_number,
             '0005'               TO w_schedulesin-sched_line,
             w_socreate02-edatu05 TO w_schedulesin-req_date,
             w_socreate02-edatu05 TO w_schedulesin-dlv_date,
             w_socreate02-wmeng05 TO w_schedulesin-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesin TO t_schedulesin.
      MOVE : w_socreate02-posnr   TO w_schedulesinx-itm_number,
             '0005'               TO w_schedulesinx-sched_line,
             'I'                  TO w_schedulesinx-updateflag,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-dlv_date,
             'X'                  TO w_schedulesinx-req_qty.
      APPEND w_schedulesinx TO t_schedulesinx.
    AT END OF vbeln.
      PERFORM bapi_salesorder.
      CLEAR : t_itemin[], t_iteminx[], t_partnr[],
              t_schedulesin[], t_schedulesinx[],
              sdno, head_flg.
ENDFORM.                    " CREATE_SALES_ORDER
FORM bapi_salesorder.
      sales_header_in       = w_sdhead
      sales_header_inx      = w_sdheadx
      testrun               = p_test
      status_buffer_refresh = 'X'
      salesdocument_ex      = sdno
      return                = t_return
      sales_items_in        = t_itemin
      sales_items_inx       = t_iteminx
      sales_partners        = t_partnr
      sales_schedules_in    = t_schedulesin
      sales_schedules_inx   = t_schedulesinx.
  IF p_test <> 'X'.
  IF head_flg = 'T' AND p_test = 'X'.
    WRITE :/40 '** E X E C U T E D - I N - T E S T - M O D E **' COLOR 2.
  ELSEIF head_flg = 'T' AND p_test = ' '.
    WRITE :/40 '** E X E C U T E D - I N - U P D A T E - M O D E **' COLOR 2.
  IF head_flg = 'T'.
    SKIP 1.
    ULINE /2(139).
    WRITE :/2 sy-vline,
            3 'Dummy SalesOrder No.' COLOR 1,
           23 sy-vline,
           24 'Generated SalesOrder No.' COLOR 1,
           48 sy-vline,
           49  'Return Message' COLOR 1,
          140 sy-vline.
    ULINE /2(139).
    DELETE t_return WHERE type <> 'E'.
    IF NOT t_return[] IS INITIAL.
      LOOP AT t_return INTO w_return WHERE type = 'E'.
        WRITE :/2 sy-vline,
                5 w_socreate02-vbeln,
               23 sy-vline,
               28 sdno,
               48 sy-vline,
               49 w_return-message COLOR 6 INVERSE,
              140 sy-vline.
      WRITE :/2 sy-vline,
              5 w_socreate02-vbeln,
             23 sy-vline,
             28 sdno,
             48 sy-vline,
             49 'Sales Order can be processed SUCCESSFULLY' COLOR 7 INVERSE,
            140 sy-vline.
    WRITE :/2 sy-vline,
            5 w_socreate02-vbeln,
           23 sy-vline,
           28 sdno,
           48 sy-vline,
           49 'Sales Order created SUCCESSFULLY !!' COLOR 5 INVERSE,
          140 sy-vline.
  ULINE /2(139).
ENDFORM.                    " BAPI_SALESORDER

No reply so closed the thread.

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  • Sales Orders line item quantity getting Zero after free good line item

    Hi experts,
    i am creating sales order using BAPI  BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2   sales order having some free goods material  and line item after free goods line item having quantity zero.
    for example A B are  materials, A having free goods a1.  when SO  having 3 line items 10 for A ,line item  20 for a1 and line item 30 for B . But line item 30 having quantity zero.
    find code below and advice .
    lwa_ord_head_in-doc_type       = 'ZSO'.
        lwa_ord_head_in-sales_org      = '1000'.
        lwa_ord_head_in-distr_chan     = '10'.
        lwa_ord_head_in-division       = '10'.
        lwa_ord_head_in-req_date_h     = lwa_rof_s-date_del.
    *Order Header Update
        lwa_ord_head_inx-doc_type       = 'X'.
        lwa_ord_head_inx-sales_org      = 'X'.
        lwa_ord_head_inx-distr_chan     = 'X'.
        lwa_ord_head_inx-division       = 'X'.
        lwa_ord_head_inx-req_date_h     = 'X'.
        lwa_ord_partners-partn_role  =  'AG'.
        lwa_ord_partners-partn_numb  =  lwa_rof_s-lease.
        APPEND lwa_ord_partners TO lt_ord_partners.
        IF lwa_rof_s-del_addr IS INITIAL.
          lwa_ord_partners-partn_role  =  'WE'.
          lwa_ord_partners-partn_numb  =  lwa_rof_s-lease.
          APPEND lwa_ord_partners TO lt_ord_partners.
          lwa_ord_partners-partn_role  =  'WE'.
          lwa_ord_partners-partn_numb  =  lwa_rof_s-lease.
          APPEND lwa_ord_partners TO lt_ord_partners.
        lt_rof_it_t = lwa_rof_s-zsd_rof_it_t.
        LOOP AT  lt_rof_it_t INTO lwa_rof_it_s.
          lwa_ord_items_in-material = lwa_rof_it_s-matnr.
          lwa_ord_items_in-plant = lwa_rof_s-plant.
          lwa_ord_items_in-target_qty = lwa_rof_it_s-qty.
          lwa_ord_items_in-comp_quant = lwa_rof_it_s-qty. "added on 12/29
         lwa_ord_items_in-target_qu = 'EA'.
         lwa_ord_items_in-t_unit_iso = 'EA'.
          APPEND lwa_ord_items_in TO lt_ord_items_in.
          lwa_ord_items_inx-material = 'X'.
          lwa_ord_items_inx-plant = 'X'.
          lwa_ord_items_inx-target_qty = 'X'.
          lwa_ord_items_inx-comp_quant = 'X'.
         lwa_ord_items_inx-target_qu = 'X'.
         lwa_ord_items_inx-t_unit_iso = 'X'.
          lwa_ord_items_inx-updateflag = 'I'. "'U'
          APPEND lwa_ord_items_inx TO lt_ord_items_inx.
         ** Schedule Line Information
          lwa_schedule_lines-itm_number = '000010'.
         lwa_schedule_lines-sched_line = '0003'.
          lwa_schedule_lines-sched_line = 'X'.
          lwa_schedule_lines-req_date   = lwa_rof_s-date_del.
          lwa_schedule_lines-date_type  = '1'.
          lwa_schedule_lines-req_qty    = lwa_rof_it_s-qty.
          APPEND lwa_schedule_lines TO lt_schedule_lines.
         lwa_schedule_lines_x-itm_number = '000010'.
         lwa_schedule_lines_x-sched_line = '0003'.
          lwa_schedule_lines_x-updateflag = 'I'.
          lwa_schedule_lines_x-sched_line = 'X'.
          lwa_schedule_lines_x-req_date   = 'X'.
          lwa_schedule_lines_x-date_type  = 'X'.
          lwa_schedule_lines_x-req_qty    = 'X'.
          APPEND lwa_schedule_lines_x TO lt_schedule_lines_x.
      SALESDOCUMENTIN               =
            order_header_in               = lwa_ord_head_in
            order_header_inx              = lwa_ord_head_inx
      SENDER                        =
      BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR             =
      LOGIC_SWITCH                  =
      TESTRUN                       =
      CONVERT                       = ' '
         salesdocument                 = lwa_saledocu
         return                        = lt_return
         order_items_in                = lt_ord_items_in
         order_items_inx               = lt_ord_items_inx
         order_partners                = lt_ord_partners
         order_schedules_in            = lt_schedule_lines
         order_schedules_inx           = lt_schedule_lines_x
      ORDER_CONDITIONS_IN           =
      ORDER_CONDITIONS_INX          =
      ORDER_CFGS_REF                =
      ORDER_CFGS_INST               =
      ORDER_CFGS_PART_OF            =
      ORDER_CFGS_VALUE              =
      ORDER_CFGS_BLOB               =
      ORDER_CFGS_VK                 =
      ORDER_CFGS_REFINST            =
      ORDER_CCARD                   =
      ORDER_TEXT                    =
      ORDER_KEYS                    =
      EXTENSIONIN                   =
      PARTNERADDRESSES              =

    Hi experts,
    I am still waiting for your response......
    Thanks in advance

  • Free Goods line item in Billing Doc.

    Hello SAP GURUS,
    I am working on ECC.6. I am processing the sales order and delivery for FREE GOODS every thing is fine but I not able to see the relavent free good item in the billing document.Can some one help me How to get the same.
    Thanks & Regards.

    Hi Akhi,
    Please go to VOV7 transaction then select the free item itemcategory then go in to the details of the item category here you check Billing relevance field
    If the field is block item will not come in the invice
    If you put A- Delivery-related billing document , item will come in the billing document.
    I hope it will help you,

  • Tax Code for NR00 Free Goods

    I have configured discount-in-kind free goods using the standard NR00 condition type.  With the necessary configuration and condition records in place I am attempting to test my setup by creating a purchase order.
    The discount-in-kind calculation is working correctly, creating item 11 containing the free goods quantity (set up as exclusive).
    However, I am receiving the error:  In case of ERS, please enter Tax Code.  Due to our business process the user is not able to enter this manually, it must be automatically populated.
    We have a tax condition type on in our main calculation schema which is correctly determining the tax code for the item 10.  However, this is not getting copied down when item 11 is created, and since it is a free good, there is no condition tab which is used to determine the tax code.
    Am I missing something or is there additional set up to populate the tax code for the free good?  Our taxes are somewhat complex as we operate cross boarder (one material may be not taxable in one country, and taxed at different rates in another one).
    Thanks in advance,

    ERS indicator is based on Vendor Master if you are creating PO for that vendor for all items it will ask for Tax code
    Since tax code is mandatory to for ERS to run in backgeorund
    Now if you are using one line item as free goods you need to create some dummay tax code with ZERO tax
    Hope its clear

  • Free Goods sub item split in two line items

    I give free good along with  sale item ,but i want free goods quantity split in two lines ,so how I do  that?
    Please help .

    Free goods has the following limitations:
    - Free goods can only be supported on a 1:1 ratio. This means that an order item can lead to a free goods item. Agreements in the following form are not supported: u2018With material 1, material 2 and material 3 are free of chargeu2018 or u2018If material 1 and material 2 are ordered at the same time, then material 3 is free of chargeu2018.
    - Free goods are not supported in combinations with material structures (for example, product selection, BOM, variants with BOM explosion).
    - Free goods are only supported for sales orders with document category C (for example, not quotations).
    - Free goods are not supported for deliveries without reference to a sales order.
    - Free goods cannot be used in make-to-order production, third-party order processing and scheduling agreements.
    - If you defined a free goods for variants in a generic article (only SAP Retail), you can only process the variants in the purchase order and goods receipt individually (as single articles). In other words, you cannot process them using the generic article matrix.
    Not all Sales Order can be used for free goods determination.  You have to check the SD document category if it does not work.  Only category 'C' are supported.  Check transaction VOV8.
    Assume that you want to configure an inclusive FREE goods routine.  Customers must order a minumum quantity of 5 before any free goods can be assign.  For every quantity of 3, the customer will be given 1 free goods.
    WC07 - Maintain Number Range Intervals
    No   From number       To number
    01    0000010000         0000099999
    IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Free Goods ->
    Maintain Access Sequences
    New Entries
    Maintain Condition Types
    New Entries
    Ctyp   Name             AcSq
    FREE  Free Goods    NA00
    Maintain Pricing Procedures
    New Entries
    Procedure   Description
    FREE           Free Goods
    Select Procedure FREE then click Control data
    Step   Cntr   Ctyp
    10       10      FREE
    V/N6 - Activate Free Goods Determination
    Assign Order Type OR with Document Procedure A with Procedure FREE
    VBN1 - Create free goods determination
    e.g.  FREE inclusive
    Material  Min qty   From   are free good   Calc Rule   Free Goods
                           5           3                1                      1                1
    In this example, if you create a Sales Order for a quantity of 10, SAP will prompt you 7 as the customer order qty and 3 will be free.  Customer only pay for the 7 quantity
    Hopefully this will help to resolve the answer.
    Thanks & regards,
    Pankaj Mahajan
    Edited by: PM on Apr 13, 2010 10:28 AM

  • Create Free Goods in CRM

    Hi Gurus,
    Could you please forward me the configuration document on how to create free goods?
    Many thanks!

    Hi Leon,
    There is no need to create separate free goods materials/products in CRM. You can make use of the existing materials/products as free goods by assigning appropriate free good condition records. In general free goods master data like materials and pricing condition records can be downloaded from R/3 into CRM. You need to do only the necessary free goods customizing activities under SPRO > CRM > Basic Functions > Free Goods > Setup Free Goods
    Please refer to the below SAP help document on free goods for complete understanding :
    Refer to the section ‘Replicating Condition Customizing (SAP CRM)’ in C03 best practice document for free good condition records master data download into CRM
    Refer to the section ‘Replicating Specific Conditions’ in B09 best practice document for free good customizing data download into CRM
    Refer to the section ‘Free Goods’ in C34 best practice document for free good CRM customizing activities.
    <b>Do not forget to reward if it helps</b>
    Paul Kondaveeti

  • InterCompany Billing issue for the Free Goods?

    Hi All,
    I created the info record (MM) for the free goods determination in the STO with Condition Type NR00. When I am creating STO  for the stock transfer from one company code to other, the free goods are determing automaticaly, but  while doing the Intercompany billing system is considering the price for the free goods also.
    Please suggest How to configure to determine the free goods while doing the Intercompany Billing ?
    C S Javali

    Hi Javail
    Any have all free goods so you can create the po indicator with free goods in receiving  plant.
    after delivery from supplying plant, you have to do the GRN in receiving plant.
    so supplying pant value of goods zero ( P101 CONDITION TYPE). in this you have to specify if any other charges like transport etc. then do the billing.

  • Creating inbound delivery for the purchase order line items

    Hi Experts,
    Please let me know how can I create inbound delivery for the purchase order line items?  Say, I have a purchase order with 5 line items in it.  I wanted to create an inbound delivery for only 2 line items at this point of time.  Which SAP Standard transaction I have to use and what all  data I need to populate?  I would appreciate any help on this and will reward the right answer.  Please let me know.
    Thank you in advance.
    with regards,
    Muthu Ganapathy.

    While creating the inbound delivery (VL31N), intially all the items will be shown, see the advance shipping notfication - from the vendor for which he has send confirmation & rest items you can delete simply & save. & next time when the vendor sends rest advance shipping notifcation (confirmation), you can receive them.
    Hope this answers your query.

  • Partial goods receipt for PO with multiple line items

    Hello All,
    While doing MIGO, for a PO with multiple line items, if one line item is having error, will we be able to go ahead with goods receipt? Or entire material document is blocked for doing MIGO?
    We will be doing a development - in case if there is problem in goods receipt (checking of any parameter, and if it is missing - we will be posting error message) it possible to ahead with next line item and still post the material document?
    If partial goods receipt if possible for PO with multiple line items, how do we do it?

    While doing MIGO, for a PO with multiple line items, if one line item is having error, will we be able to go ahead with goods receipt? Or entire material document is blocked for doing MIGO?
    No. You cannot post the MIGO, if even one of the PO line item is having problem or giving error.
    We will be doing a development - in case if there is problem in goods receipt (checking of any parameter, and if it is missing - we will be posting error message) it possible to ahead with next line item and still post the material document?
    If you skip a line irem and do GR with next line item, how will you match quantity & value with the vendor Invoice at LIV ?
    If partial goods receipt if possible for PO with multiple line items, how do we do it?
    Partial goods receipt is possible for PO line items. That means, if PO has 100 qty for line item 1 then you can do GR for 50 now and 50 later depending on the vendors delivery.
    Hope this is what you mean by "Partial Goods Receipt".
    Edited by: Arun R on May 10, 2010 2:03 PM

  • Good morning . i have iphone 4s is not working in israel !!!! i need to open for sim free, good morning . i have iphone 4s is not working in israel !!!! i need to open for sim free

    good morning . i have iphone 4s is not working in israel !!!! i need to open for sim free, good morning . i have iphone 4s is not working in israel !!!! i need to open for sim free

    the only ones who can sim unlock a phone is the ones who sim locked it in the first place
    and that is the phone Carrier not apple

  • Got an email stating my Creative Cloud Membership ends tonight, yet I'm all paid up and the card I'm using to pay for it is good.  I have two very important projects going on and can't afford to have CC go down.  Please help!

    got an email stating my Creative Cloud Membership ends tonight, yet I'm all paid up and the card I'm using to pay for it is good.  I have two very important projects going on and can't afford to have CC go down.  Please help!

    You have 3 CC under same Adobe ID out of which one purchased on has expired, you are getting notification due to this.
    Creative Cloud Photography plan (one-year)
    Desktop Subscription
    Mar 30, 2015
    The other two are active, however it is advisable to have one CC under one Adobe ID.

  • How to realize the scenario of Inclusive Free Goods without Item Generation

    I include the condition type NRAB in my pricing procedure, but it shows me that this condition ignored(requirement 059 not fulfilled).

    In the free goods master record in the Free goods category field, select free goods category 3 (inclusive free goods without item generation).
    Follow the foll. procedure:
    In free goods master data maintenance, this new free goods type is dealt with in the same way as the inclusive free goods procedure described above.
    In order processing, you can not create order sub-items.
    For pricing in the main item, you need to create a discount. The standard system provides pricing procedure RVAA01 and condition type NRAB.
    Condition type NRAV is set up as follows:
    It does not determine a discount from a condition record. It uses condition basis formula 029 in the pricing procedure to determine a discount from the free goods factor.
    The condition receives the new pricing requirement 059 in the pricing procedure. This requirement checks whether free goods have already been determined.
    The condition type receives condition category f. This condition category ensures that the condition is redetermined every time the quantity is changed, since this can also mean a change to the free goods quantity.

  • Creating new sub line items before a Sales Order is saved (in CRM)

    Hi CRM Experts,
    I am pretty new to CRM system. I have a scenario.
    The actual business scenario behind this is: the customer can only choose a dummy material while placing an order. The customer will not be able to choose what all materials that will make up this order. So he can place an order for a "Pack" with say Qty as 50 units. The business contains some rules based on which the actual materials are mapped to this dummy material.
    User creates a SO in CRM system (using txn CRMD_BUS2000115). Assume a dummy material is added as first line item. The system displays it as line item 10. At this stage I need to create sub line items for this high level line item (item 10) based on what all actual materials can fulfill this. I need to do it programmatically. Is there any BAdI that can be used to do this? Also I need some hints on how to go about this? That is how to do it programmatically. For every sub-item material I need to carry a ATP check and only if the stock is available then add it as a sub line item.
    Basically what I need is to create sub line items programmatically exactly in the same way as it would have been created manually. The system is configured to put the sub line item numbers automatically. That is, if the high level item is 10, then sub line items will be automatically numbered as 11, 12 so on.
    Please feel free to throw me questions if you need more info.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    I have a similar kind of a requirement.
    I need to add new line items to the order through the program.
    Can you please suggest how did you resolve your issue ?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Free goods+ discounted item

    Hello all,
    Could you help in configuring the scenario wherein :
    <b>.</b> we give a shirt free on purchase of two shirts and a discounted price of 30% on the pants.
    i.e. 1 item free on purchase of 2 and the 3rd item at discounted rate.
    If not clear please let me know.

    Hi Karthik
    you can create free goods with exclusive type where you can give 1 Shirt free on 2 Shirts and then about the 30% discount in pants you can use VK 11 and  for a particular condition type you can give 30 % discount.
    so when the order is created and when you enter the material Shirt it will automatically give 1 free shirt for every two Qty, and for Pant you maintain a discount in VK11 for particular condition type so in pricing it will give you 30 % discount.
    hope this helps

  • Inclusive Free Goods without Item Generation

    Can anbody explain 'Inclusive Free Goods without Item Generation' with an example.
    Thanks in advance

    In the free goods master record in the Free goods category field, select free goods category 3 (inclusive free goods without item generation).
    In free goods master data maintenance, this new free goods type is dealt with in the same way as the inclusive free goods procedure described above.
    In order processing, you can not create order sub-items.
    For pricing in the main item, you need to create a discount. The standard system provides pricing procedure RVAA01 and condition type NRAB.
    Condition type NRAB is set up as follows:
    It does not determine a discount from a condition record. It uses condition basis formula 029 in the pricing procedure to determine a discount from the free goods factor.
    The condition receives the new pricing requirement 059 in the pricing procedure. This requirement checks whether free goods have already been determined.
    The condition type receives condition category f. This condition category ensures that the condition is redetermined every time the quantity is changed, since this can also mean a change to the free goods quantity.
    sadhu kishore

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