Use of getAnnotation

I have some problems with the use of getAnnotation(). I want to get the Annotation (Type Documented) of a class. I tried the following code:
Documented annotation = myClass.getAnnotation(Documented.class)This was said to be the right use in another thread here in the forum, but I get the error message
Type mismatch cannot convert from Annotation to Documented.
and the warning
Unsafe type operation: Should not invoke the method getAnnotation(Class<A>) of raw type Class. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized     
Can anyone tell me how to use ist correctly?

Well, that works, but it's not exactly what I need. I don't need the Annotation
of the class Documented, but from another class.Sorry guys,
I muddied the waters a little by being lazy.
I wanted a Class that was annotated with @Documented so I used Documented.class which is, which also meant I could use it as both the object and the argument. I needed to do this because the OP hadn't defined MyClass and I had to do some guessing.
However I Still think there is something fishy going on with my code that didn't compile.
Oops, no there isn't. I retested the code that I said didn't compile, and now it does. I can only assume I did something really stupid like not saving the file before compiling, and So the compiler error was for a previous incantation of the code. SORRY.
But there is still something fishy...
Michael said
"The problem is that your myClass is a raw type, so myClass.getAnnotation(documentedClass) returns a raw-type"
But how come?
My understanding is that the return type is a type parameter of the method - not the class) and provided the args are "cooked", so should the return type be cooked. The type parameter T of the Class<T> class doesn't enter into the type inference process in this case.
This is the signature copied from the API docs for FCS
<A extends Annotation> A  getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationClass)
T (from Class<T>) just doesn't come into it as far as I can tell.
The JLS drafts in the JSR-14 Proposed Final Draft 2 (the closest to JLS 3rd Ed I can find), don't say anything about the type inference algorithm being different for instance and static methods, and static methods can't have Class type parameters (The scope of them specifically excludes static members).
So why does the reference need to be a Class<?> rather than just a Class?

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    public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> typeElements, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
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    The main project however does not have a dependency on the testclass, but it seems the testclass needs to be compiled before the main project can be compiled, as that class is used during compile time, and that's the problem I'm encountering.
    I hope this provides some more information?You might to need to explain why that bit happens. What error messages are you getting when you compile?
    But you might not if these guesses at what is happening lead you in the right direction.
    *1* It might be that you are using the autodiscovery mechanism, and your META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file (containing the fully qualified name of your Processor) is in the src tree while the Processor itself is in the test tree, which would mean javac would look for your processor when it builds the main part of the project.
    *2* Another scenario which I have encountered, which might be what you are seeing is a sort of bootstrapping catch22. This occurs where you have a META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file pointing to your processor, and they are both in the src tree. It can happen that the META-INF file is also on the classpath (in the build/classes dir as a result of a previous build) so when compiling the processor, it tries to run that same processor but can't find it because it hasn't yet been successfully compiled. A CLEAN_AND_BUILD will normally bypass this issue each time it occurs. If this is biting you often, it might be best to delay coding the META-INF file till the processor is working correctly (or just temporarily comment out the name of your processor in that file) - just use the explicit processor option on javac command line when testing it.
    *3* Yet another scenario might be that you are trying to compile the enum, annotation, processor and all the code that uses the enum/annotation pair all at the same time, and you are expecting the processor to run as part of that compilation. This is not going to work at least after a clean.
    You will need to build the processor before compiling the source that uses the enum/annotation. So that's 2 projects. Where you put the enum and annotation is up to you, but if you put them in the main project, you'll need to write your processor so that it doesn't have a dependency on them.
    That means you shouldn't use Element.getAnnotation(Class) method, because you can't refer to the annotation class. You can use Element.getAnnotationMirrors() to obtain a model of the annotation and use Names to find it which breaks your dependency on the annotation. (There is an easier way which I can explain in a separate post if need be - just ask).

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    vrtItem.vt = VT_BSTR;
    vrtItem.pcVal = "1";
    vrtFirst.vt = VT_I4;
    vrtFirst.lVal = 0;
    vrtInc.vt = VT_I4;
    vrtInc.lVal = 1;
    vrtData.vt = VT_BYREF|VT_UI1;
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    Hi Johannes,
    Did you get a chance to read this thread?

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        /** Creates a new instance of PublicationTableModel */
        public PublicationTableModel(PublicationManager pm)
            pubManager = pm;
        public int getColumnCount()
            return GUISettings.getDisplayedFieldCount();
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            return pubManager.getPublicationCount();
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            if (o != null) return o.getClass();
            return (new String()).getClass();
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            System.out.println("asked for column name "+columnIndex+" --> "+GUISettings.getColumnName(columnIndex));
            return GUISettings.getColumnName(columnIndex);
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            Publication pub = (Publication)pubManager.getPublicationAt(rowIndex);
            String columnName = getColumnName(columnIndex);
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                else return null;
            else if (columnName.equals("Annotation"))
                if (pub instanceof Annotation) return ((Annotation)pub).getAnnotation();
                else return null;
           else if (columnName.equals("Title"))
                return pub.getTitle();
            else if (columnName.equals("Key"))
                return pub.getKey();
            return null;
        public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
            return false;
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        private static Vector fields = new Vector();
        private static Vector classes = new Vector();
        /** Creates a new instance of GUISettings */
        public GUISettings() {
        public static void setFields(Vector f)
        public static int getDisplayedFieldCount()
            return fields.size();
        public static String getColumnName(int columnIndex)
            return (String)fields.elementAt(columnIndex);
        public static Vector getFields()
            return fields;
    }GUISettings.setFields has been called before table is displayed.

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    Best regards,

    No problem, I will give you some details about my architecture.
    First of all I encapsulated the code which uses the Jaxb-API in one class, say Foo, which implements the interface FooInterface.
    Secondly I load the Foo class in another class, Bar, using my derivation of URLClassLoader, called MyClassLoader. Then I use the interface to marshal an object gen of type GenClass where GenClass was generated using xjc:
    class Bar {
      void method(URL[] urls, GenClass gen) {
        ClassLoader parent = Bar.class.getClassLoader();
        ClassLoader myCL = new MyClassLoader(urls,parent);
        Class clazz = myCL.loadClass("Foo");
        FooInterface foo = (FooInterface)clazz.newInstance();
    }So my class loader will be a child of the current class loader. The delegation model of class loading is reversed in MyClassLoader so that first the urls will be checked and then, if the class was not found, the parent class loader.
    Note that GenClass and its ObjectFactory which acutally contain the annotations Jaxb needs will be loaded by the current class loader, not my own. All classes of the Jaxb-API will be loaded by MyClassLoader. If I try to marshal gen, the annotations of the ObjectFactory corresponding to GenClass won't be readable causing the Class.getAnnotation(...) method called in the class RuntimeInlineAnnotationReader to return null.
    If I don't use my own class loader, say
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    I observed the different behaviour by stepping through the classes and methods around JaxbContext.newInstance(...).
    MyClassLoader is not that different from URLClassLoader, only the loadClass method is overridden to change the delegation behaviour. Thats why I suspect an error in the annotations framework and not in my class loader but I may be mistaken.
    Best regards,

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          Annots = jso.getAnnots()
          ' Pass one - get all the comments.
    Dim Annots As Object
          Dim Annot As Object
          Dim acroAnnotation As Annotation
          Dim childAnnotation As Annotation
          Dim annotationSet As New Dictionary(Of String, Annotation)
          Dim rootAnnotations As New Dictionary(Of String, Annotation)
            For Each Annot In Annots
                    acroAnnotation = New Annotation(Annot, FromFilename)
                    annotationSet.Add(, acroAnnotation)
                    If Annot.inReplyTo = "" Then
                        rootAnnotations.Add(, acroAnnotation)
                    End If
            Next Annot
    It crashes at annotationSet.Add(,acroAnnotation)

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    Edited by: 1002618 on May 1, 2013 9:57 PM

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    Executing this code from the JS console will change the font size of all the Measurement annotations to 20. You can change the value in the first line to use a different font size:
    var newTextSize = 20;
    var annots = this.getAnnots();
    for (var i in annots) {
        var annot = annots[i];
        if (annots[i].type=="Line") {
            var richText = annot.richContents;
            for (var i in richText) {
                richText[i].textSize = newTextSize;
            annot.richContents = richText;

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    >var annots = this.getAnnots();
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  • The travails of method getAnnotation in class Declaration (apt programming)

    well the problem is at least documented:
    you are in trouble if you want to read a value of an annotation which happens to be a class !
    I can vaguely understand the reason....
    but now what do I do if I need to get such a value?
    different hacks spring to my mind:
    - get the name of the Class value as a String and perform a Class.forName
    - build a Map <TypeMirror, Class> and try to get the TypeMirror trough inspection of results of getAnnotationMirrors() ...
    which hack is the least ugly?
    or may be other more elegant options?
    urgent thanks!

    In apt, you are using the mirror API which is similar to but also quite different from reflection.
    Some say that a mirror is where you look for a reflection, which sounds pretty neat, but doesn't really help the likes of you understand things.
    For a number of reasons, the mirror API is just modelling source and class files, and NOT modelling the classes loaded into the JVM that is running the apt tool.
    One reason, is that the class file might not yet exist because APT hasn't actually compiled it yet.
    But understanding why you can't do something how you'd expect to is all very consoling and such, but still doesn't help. You want some code, right?
    What I generally do is call that nice convenient method that returns actual values, but throws an exception when the value is a class, then look in the exception for the Declaration, then check its name.
    Here's a block of code (from rapt project on that does what (I suspect) you want.    protected ClassDeclaration getValue(Declaration d) {
            RenamableImplementation at =
            try {
            } catch (MirroredTypeException mte) {
                TypeMirror v = mte.getTypeMirror();
                if(! (v instanceof ClassType) ) {
                        "@RenamableImplementation(%s.class), %s is not a class",
                    return null;
                return ((ClassType)v).getDeclaration();
            return null;
        }error is just a varargs convenience wrapper for the Messager.printError() method.    void error(Declaration where, String format, Object... args) {
    That exception thing is a bit of a kludge, but its quite a nice kludge that maintains the distinction between the mirror API and the reflection API. In a way, it would have been better if the JSR-175 (annotations) expert group had defined class annotation elements to have a type of java.lang.reflect.Type.
    The annotation method would have returned Class<?> at runtime, but APT's DeclaredType could have also implemented the java.lang.reflect.Type interface and the annotation could have returned a DeclaredType. Everything would have worked nicely I suspect, but nobody foresaw the problems and now we are stuck with annotations defined with a runtime Class rather than an interface. Actually maybe they foresaw other problems with doing it this way.
    Everyone is at fault, because everyone could have looked at the 175 spec at the review stages and done something about it. Nobody did.

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    Button programmed with;
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\wscript.exe "N:\Client Folder\FF_clientscript.js"
    which calls;
    var navOpenInBackgroundTab = 0x1000;
    var oIE = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
    oIE.Visible = true;
    So far I haven't been able to find anything similar for Firefox. Can anyone assist?

    Executing this code from the JS console will change the font size of all the Measurement annotations to 20. You can change the value in the first line to use a different font size:
    var newTextSize = 20;
    var annots = this.getAnnots();
    for (var i in annots) {
        var annot = annots[i];
        if (annots[i].type=="Line") {
            var richText = annot.richContents;
            for (var i in richText) {
                richText[i].textSize = newTextSize;
            annot.richContents = richText;

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    Is there a reason why you want to use Edge Web Fonts with Adobe Muse?
    Assuming you wish to improve typography of your web pages, you should know that Muse is fully integrated with Typekit. This allows you to access and apply over 500 web fonts from within Muse. Here's how you do it:
    Select a text component within Muse, and click the Text drop-down.
    Select Add Web Fonts option, to pop-open the Add Web Fonts dialog.
    Browse and apply fonts per your design needs.
    Muse also allows you to create paragraph styles that you can save and apply to chunks of text, a la InDesign. Watch this video for more information:
    Also take a look at these help files to see if they help you:
    Hope this helps!
    Suhas Yogin

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    Any ideas?
    Thank you:)

    It means that the issue resides in your existing Library.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

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    Hey Ajtt!
    I have an article for you that can help inform you about using Apple IDs in a variety of ways:
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    Using one Apple ID for iCloud and a different Apple ID for Store Purchases
    You can use different Apple IDs for iCloud and Store purchases and still get all of the benefits of iCloud. Just follow these steps:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:
    When you first set up your device with iOS 5 or later, enter the Apple ID you want to use with iCloud. If you skipped the setup assistant, sign in to Settings > iCloud and enter the Apple ID you’d like to use with iCloud.
    In Settings > iTunes and App Stores, sign in with the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match). You may need to sign out first to change the Apple ID.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Apple () menu > System Preferences > iCloud.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, you can also click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    PC (Windows 8):
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in the Control Panel. To access the iCloud Control Panel, move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar, click the Search charm, and then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes. In iTunes 10, select Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    PC (Windows 7 and Vista):
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Control Panel > Network and Internet > iCloud.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes 10 in Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    Note: Once a device or computer is associated with your Apple ID for your iTunes Store account, you cannot associate that device or computer with another Apple ID for 90 days. Learn more about associating a device or computer to your Apple ID.
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • Using SQVI to generate report of open and released delivery schedule lines

    I'm using SQVI  to generate an excel spreadsheet for some buyers to show open released schedule lines because they are a 1 line item per scheduling agreement company.
    I used the logical database MEPOLDB instead of a table joint and pulled fields from EKKO(vendor, SA #,&purchasing group), EKPO(Material Number), EKEH(schedule line type), and EKET(delivery date, scheduled qty,previous qty).
    Does this sound like I'll get the results I want on paper as long as I use the right selection criteria, because the report I'm getting isn't quite what I expect? I am unable to identify which lines are authorized to ship vs. trade-off zone, planning, etc. in the report thus far.

    Hi Mark,
                 I have faced same requirement. I am not sure about transporting to TST and PROD. I done by this way.
    After generating SQVI program in DEV , I assigned that program  to a transaction and tested in DEV. Later i have regenarated SQVI in Production. then I assigned the generated Program to same transaction in DEV. And transported the Tcode assignment of program to Production..
    About authorization , if its not sensitive report, BASIS can restrict at transaction level.

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