Use of synchronized keyword with portal services

Can you confirm me if it is true that a portal service is a Singleton? I mean, when using an instance variable of a portal service I am able to set the value of the instance variable using one client app and get it afterwards using another client app. So we are talking about the same and only instance of the portal service, right?
If this is true how can I synchronize the access to a portal's service method? I tried to mark
the method syncronized (in the interface) but then I realized that this issues a compiler error because one can not mark an interface method synchronized. So can I mark the implementation class instead? That is, can I leave the interface without the synchronized keyword for the method and still mark the implementation of the method in the service class as syncronized? Does this work?
Thanks in advance,

Portal service is not a Singleton, as the name says a service is just provider for services which does not save state between two requests/applications.
So if you want to save state, then use some session variables to save it.
In a cluster installation, each server node has its own portal services, so if you save state in service, then your application should save this state on all servers of the cluster.
So you should change your approch.
Praveen Gudapati
[Points are always welcome for helpful answers]

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    thePropObj = existingPropObj.Clone("", 0)
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    D. LaFosse

    Hello LaFosse,
    You need to use the Set keyword before the clone method statement. However, I have a couple of comments about the code you sent.
    This is the code you sent:
    ' Start up the testStand engine
    Dim theTS As TS.Engine
    Set theTS = New TS.Engine
    ' OK, load in the sequence file I
    ' created. This sequence file
    ' contains nothing more than a call
    ' to a VI in the main stepgroup of
    ' the MainSequence.
    Dim seqFile As SequenceFile
    Set seqFile =
    ' get a handle to the MainSequence
    Dim seq As Sequence
    Set seq = seqFile.GetSequenceByName
    ' Get a handle to the step that calls
    ' the VI, and a property object for
    ' the step
    Dim theStep As Step
    Set theStep =
    seq.GetStep(0, StepGroup_Main)
    Dim theStepProp As PropertyObject
    Set theStepProp =
    ' Create another step. We will attempt
    ' to use Clone to fill in the
    ' properties of this step.
    Dim theOtherStep As Step
    Dim theOtherStepProp As PropertyObject
    Set theOtherStep = theTS.NewStep("",
    Set theOtherStepProp =
    ' Call clone...this step will hang.
    theOtherStepProp =
    theStepProp.Clone("", 0)
    Basically the problem is that you are not loading the TypePallete after creating the engine. You shoud include right after the Set theTS = New TS.Engine:
    This should avoid the crash.
    Some Additional comments:
    1. With VB you don't need to create property objects from other objects. All the classes, except the Engine Class, inherit from the Property Object Class. The following Code does the same thing, but without creating propertyobjects directly:
    Sub MySub()
    'Variable Declaration
    Dim theTS As TS.Engine
    Dim seqFile As SequenceFile
    Dim seq As Sequence
    Dim theStep As Step
    Dim theOtherStep As Step
    'Create the Engine
    Set theTS = New TS.Engine
    'Load the Types
    'Get Sequence File
    Set seqFile = theTS.GetSequenceFile()
    'Get Sequence
    Set seq = seqFile.GetSequenceByName("MainSequence")
    'Get Step
    Set theStep = seq.GetStep(0, StepGroup_Main)
    'Clone the Step
    Set theOtherStep = theStep.Clone("", 0)
    'Using the inheritance functionality
    'gets the Step Status
    'Notice that theOtherStep is not a PropertyObject
    'and you can use all the properties and methods that
    'applies to the PropertyObject Class to a Step class
    'in this example
    'Also, in VB when you are typing the statement, you
    'will not see the PropertyObject Class properties and
    'and Methods automatically if the variable is not a
    'PropertyObject type. However, you can still use them
    'as mentioned before
    MsgBox (theOtherStep.GetValString("Result.Status", 0))
    End Sub
    2. When you create or modify sequence files programatically be carefull not to break the license Agreement. You need the development lisence when modifying sequences.
    3. This piece of code is not completed, and you will need to shutdown the engine by the end.
    4. Since you are not handling UI Messages, you will need to be carefull when loading sequences that have the SequenceFileLoad Callback. The engine posts UI Messages when executing this callback. Also when you shutdown the engine, UI Messages are posted. For both operations (Load Sequence and Shuutdown) you may prevent the engine from posting the message (You may check the options parameter for this two methods in TS Programmer Help.)
    5. If you want to run a sequence, again you will need to incorporate in your code the UIMessage Handler part. (You may check the TS Programmer Help->Writing an Application Using the API->UI Messages). Otherwise it may hang since the engine posts UI Messages eventually.
    Roberto Piacentini
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Oracle9iAS Portal Knowledge Exchange has a community contribution that describes how to get the portal to authenticate users against their NT credentials, and subsequently, how to facilitate the transparent login of NT users to the Portal.
    This contribution is from Damian Edwards and can be found in his community folder (labelled "DAEDW1"). Damian is one of the top rated contributors and his article on NT authentication with portal is one of the top rated community items. So you should be able to find links to his folder from the Knowledge Exchange portlets for "top rated community items" and "top rated community contributors".
    To access this article and other contributions from the portal developer community, you must be a subscriber to Oracle9iAS Portal Developer Services (subscription is free!). To sign up, just go to and follow the directions on how to subscribe to the Oracle9iAS Portal Developer Services.

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    the shared counter------------------------------
    package sycTest;
    public class Counter
    {public int val = 0;}
    the sampler / reader class----------------------
    package sycTest;
    public class Sampler extends Thread
    private Counter c;
    private MyThread A, B;
    public Sampler ( MyThread A, MyThread B, Counter c ) {
    this.A = A;
    this.B = B;
    this.c = c;
    public void run()
    try { sleep( 1000 ); } catch (Exception x) { }
    "A count = " + A.getCount() + ", " +
    "B count = " + B.getCount() + ": " +
    "A + B count = " + (A.getCount() + B.getCount()) + ", " +
    "shared counter = " + c.val
    the main class to get things started------------------------------------
    package sycTest;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Main
    public static void main( String[] args )
    Counter c = new Counter();
    MyThread A = new MyThread( c );
    MyThread B = new MyThread( c );
    A.start(); B.start();
    // create and start Sampler thread in one step
    new Sampler( A, B, c ).start();
    // main thread waits to read a carriage-return.
    try {;
    catch( Exception e ) { }
    /* rand_sleep function is used to generate "random switching" behaviour
    assuming n > 0,
    rand_sleep( n ) sleeps a random time between 0 and n millisec.
    private static Random rand = new Random();
    public static void rand_sleep( int maxms ) {
    int ms = rand.nextInt() % maxms; // - maxms < ms < maxms
    int amt=(ms + maxms + 1)/2;
    try { Thread.sleep(amt); } catch(Exception e) { }
    the thread / writer class-------------------------------------------
    package sycTest;
    public class MyThread extends Thread
    private Counter sharedCounter;
    public MyThread( Counter c ) { this.sharedCounter=c; }
    private int count=0;
    public int getCount() { return count; }
    public void run() {
              // simulate non-critical section by sleeping a "large" amount
              synchronized (sharedCounter) {
    private void criticalSection() {
    int x=sharedCounter.val + 1;
    Main.rand_sleep( 100 );
    --the question!
    The idea is that running the main methods gives something like
    A count=13, B count=10: A + B count=23, shared counter=23
    (where A and B are writer threads)
    If I take out the synchronised keyword in the MyThread class, things get
    much worse...the 'personal' totals of A and B do not equal the total
    held in the shared counter rather quickly..
    A count=13, B count=10: A + B count=23, shared counter=22
    However, adding the synchronised keyword (eclipse suggested
    �sharedCounter� as the argument � the notes seem to suggest �this�, but
    if I do that the synchronised keyword seems much like the example above...
    synchronized (sharedCounter) {
    this makes it much better...I never saw it get the counts 'wrong'
    A count=56, B count=72: A + B count=128, shared counter=128
    Now comes the confusing bit...when I add some time between the 2 methods
    within the sychonized block...
    synchronized (sharedCounter) {
    Then mismatches appear very quickly, the program behaves very similarly
    to when it didn't have the synchronised keyword...
    Why is this? Is it because the Sampler class is asking what the values
    of the shared and personal counters during the �Main.rand sleep(1000)�
    The other question I was hoping someone could help me with, is pointing
    out what the difference is between �synchronized (sharedCounter)� and
    �synchronized (this)� is in this context. Why does the later not do
    anything in this example?

    Hello Julian,
    you're Sampler thread reads the different counters without any synchronization. He may call A.getCount() and get 5 back, then yield and then ask for c.val which was increased by A in the meantime. Or A increases it's own counter, then yields and lets the Sampler output nonsense.. ;)
    To clear up the confusion surrounding Thread.sleep(long): It would be a waste to do nothing while the thread is sleeping, so another thread gets to play. Since the other MyThread is waiting on sharedCounter's monitor and the sleeping thread still owns it<sup>1</sup> the Sampler thread gets the execution time. Now the sampler gets going and you know the rest.
    EDIT: In future, use code-tags:
    class MyClass {
        private int myField;
    }will turn into
    class MyClass {
        private int myField;
    }With kind regards
    Edited by: BenSchulz on Mar 24, 2008 11:45 AM

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    TestWSXSD port = service.getTestWSXSDSoapPort();
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    Edited by johnlindgreen at 08/10/2007 4:51 AM

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                   TestWSXSDService service = new TestWSXSDService_Impl ();
                   TestWSXSD port = service.getTestWSXSDSoapPort();
              Proxy p = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 13458));
              HttpTransportInfo info = new HttpTransportInfo();
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    But, things seem different, when I added 'static' keyword for 'update()' method as can be seen from 'Program2'. Here, instead of waiting for 'display()' method to finish, 'update()' method is called during the execution of 'display()' method. You can check the output to see the difference.
    Does it mean, 'static' keyword has anything to do with synchronizaton?
    Appreciate your valuable comments.
    1. Program1
    public class SynchTest {
         public synchronized void display() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("start display:");
                   System.out.println("end display:");
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public synchronized void update() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("start update:");
                   System.out.println("end update:");
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Synchronized methods test:");
              final SynchTest synchtest = new SynchTest();
              new Thread(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
              new Thread(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
    Synchronized methods test:
    start display:
    end display:
    start update:
    end update:
    2. Program2
    public class SynchTest {
         public synchronized void display() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("start display:");
                   System.out.println("end display:");
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public static synchronized void update() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("start update:");
                   System.out.println("end update:");
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Synchronized methods test:");
              final SynchTest synchtest = new SynchTest();
              new Thread(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
              new Thread(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
    Synchronized methods test:
    start display:
    start update:end update:
    end display:

    the synchronized method obtain the lock from the current instance while static synchronized method obtain the lock from the class
    Below is some code for u to have better understanding
    package facado.collab;
    public class TestSync {
         public synchronized void add() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              System.out.println("TestSync.add() - end");          
         public synchronized void update() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              System.out.println("TestSync.update() - end");          
         public static synchronized void staticAdd() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              System.out.println("TestSync.staticAdd() - end");
         public static synchronized void staticUpdate() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              System.out.println("TestSync.staticUpdate() - end");
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final TestSync sync1 = new TestSync();
              final TestSync sync2 = new TestSync();
              new Thread(new Runnable(){
                   public void run() {
              new Thread(new Runnable(){
                   public void run() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              new Thread(new Runnable(){
                   public void run() {
              new Thread(new Runnable(){
                   public void run() {

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    Can anyone tell me how java is implementing the Object locking and the code block locking mechanism using the 'synchronized' keyword internally??
    Thanks in advance

    The JVM implements a concept known as a monitor using a combination of direct implementation and support by the operating system. For more detail, refer to the Java JVM and language specifications.

  • Portal Service - Creating the JAR Files

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    1. Export the IService files in a Jar file and add to the project.
    Please do let me know.

    Hi John,
    You have to jar the class files of the Portal Service using the java jar command and add the jar in your other applications.
    You can go to the directory location of the class files of your Portal service in command prompt and type in this command..
    "jar -cvf <i>jarFileName</i>.jar ."
    the jar file will be created in the current directory.

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    Many many thx in advance

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  • RE: Native Forte Clients with Express Services

    I would be very interested in hearing from anyone using Express who may
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    what problems/issues (if any) you encountered and whether you found it to
    be a successful way to develop complex screens where the 'look and feel'
    can't be achieved with Express alone.I wrote a general-purpose windows framework which uses Express Services for its
    database access. Had I known what I was letting myself in for, I probably
    wouldn't have attempted it! I started it when Express V1 was fairly new, and
    Express Windows did not support the types and complexity of relationships
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    difficult it is to implement a completely general framework which handles every
    possible permutation. Obviously I ended up making compromises, but what we
    have now meets our needs very well. We are about to upgrade to Express V2, so
    the real test will be whether the framework migrates smoothly to the new
    If I were starting a new project now with Express V2, I don't know if I would
    go down the same path. If you do, be aware of the following (based on my
    experience of Express V1):
    * Your design MUST obey the fundamental rules of Express Services. Your
    BusinessQueries must be fired off by the correct BusinessClient subclass,
    your BusinessClass attributes must be logged at the right time (depending
    on which concurrency scheme you are using), and you must start and end
    Express transactions (different to Forte transactions) appropriately.
    * Your design needs to take into account the difference in the way Express
    Services handles aggregate and non-aggregate associations.
    * If you manage parent-child class relationships from your windows, you must
    make sure you set and log foreign key attributes at the right time. If
    the relationship is not aggregation, you must also manage the order in
    which the records are saved to the database (if you use referential
    integrity constraints).
    * If you call Express Services directly from the windows, it is hard to
    reconcile the asynchronous nature of a windows interface with the
    database's requirement for things to happen in a certain order. (From
    memory, there was a very good discussion in this user group last year of
    what should constitute a unit of work in the windows paradigm.) If I
    were doing it again, I would move all the Express-related objects and
    method calls from the windows to a separate layer, which would manage
    putting together the data from multiple windows, assigning foreign keys
    and firing things off in the right order.
    Fiona Symon
    Babylon Software Pty Ltd

    Hello Kevin,
    Normally, it has been corrected from the last public release 2.
    Hope this helps.
    Daniel Nguyen
    Kevin Klein wrote:
    We had a similar problem. We reported the problem to Forte technical
    support and they determined that it is a bug. I don't know if this has been
    fixed in the 3.0.F release.
    The Stopwatch seems to be accurate for long (several second) intervals, but
    it can't be trusted for measuring short intervals.
    Kevin Klein
    Millennium Partners, Inc.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
    Date: Tuesday, December 30, 1997 1:40 PM
    Subject: The Forte Stopwatch
    At our site we are using Windows NT 4.0 clients and a Windows NT
    Server with Forte 3.0.E.0.
    Periodically, we use the Forte StopWatch class to measure durations for
    access to data. We've noticed
    a strange phenomenon, and we're not sure if it's simply circumstance or if
    there's a problem. All of the
    measured durations that we receive through the Split method appear to
    contain either a 0 or a 9 in the
    tenth-of-a-second position. For example, values of 1011 and 1912. Has
    anybody noticed this?
    Thank you,
    Name: Kevin Klein.vcf
    Part 1.2 Type: text/x-vcard
    Encoding: 7bit

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    We use micropars on our 595 frames. Essentially taking 1 cpu and splitting it down to 1/10 min across a series of lpars - nice for DR ad dev-type lpars. We also define cpu pools, ie take 6 cpus and let them float across say 3 different lpars. Limits can be built into this like lpar A can never get less than 3 of the 6 cpus, etc.
    Not sure i answered your question.

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