Used Code via Giftcard. No Upgrade to premium

I just typed in the Code and I got a answer that it was successful. But still an hour ago theres no Email for my Upgrade to premium. When i use the Code again it says the code was used. Please help.

I have the same problem.. and also there is no e-mail that arrived.

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    Press Shift key in boot, go to App Store and download

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    Verification code for two-step verification? If so, you can register a new new number to receive the code via text message by going to and click on "Manage Your Apple ID" and then on "Password and Security" and then "Add or Remove Trusted Devices." You will need a verification code in order to log in so if you currently only have one and it is no longer available you will need to use your Recovery Key. More information at: Frequently asked questions about two-step verification for Apple ID - Apple Support

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    CharlesLewis wrote:
    Several months ago, I asked some questions about using the iPad without a Mac. One problem several folks pointed out was the need to connect to iTunes for backup and updates. Now that the new OS is about to hit the road, I am again considering making the move. To help me, let me toss out a few questions I still have.
    1. Does the iPad version of Safari support auto-click tabs (where I can open a series of tabs with one click)? If not, is there a workaround?
    The next version of Safari (in iOS5) will have tabs, but I don't think anything has been released about auto-clicking.
    4. I *think* I will be satisfied with the soft keyboard, since my typing needs are not that severe any longer, but if I change my mind, I assume that I could use a bluetooth keyboard. Right?
    5. Since my documents and photos are on Dropbox, I wouldn't need to keep them on the iPad itself. The "cloud" makes it easy for me to use my Droid X phone when I need to. Would I have any problems saving word processing documents on Dropbox?
    It depends on the WP App you use. I used the Doc2Go Premium version - upgraded to Premium specifically to get the Dropbox 2-way syncing. I believe QuickOffice does as well. The Apple suite does not - presumably that will be part of iCloud - but several people have posted work-arounds that will allow you to sync Pages etc with Dropbox.

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    If you transdferred the software from one machine to another that could be the source of the problem.  Transferring doesn't work in most cases.  You need to install using installation files.  You can download via:
    CS6 -
    Othert possibly helpful info:
    To locate the serial number:
    Error "The serial number is not valid for this product" | Creative Suite

  • Upgrading from Premium to Standard and Visa Versa

    Hi all
    Our upgrading issues rumble on here at my workplace!
    We currently have 2 machines which are installed with CS2.
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    My question is one of compatibility!

    Yes you can upgrade.

  • ICloud Keychain Verification code via SMS

    I am not getting the iCloud Keychain verification code via text message. but receiving the usual text messages. On Yosemite

    Hello, Kutoz. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Here is some information that you may find helpful with this issue. 
    I'm not receiving the verification code via SMS.
    Make sure that you have a strong cellular network connection on your phone.
    Make sure that your phone number can receive SMS messages. You can do this by asking someone to send you a text message.
    Make sure that the correct phone number is associated with your account:
    iOS 7.0.3 or later: Tap Settings > iCloud > Account, then tap Keychain. Make sure the phone number under Verification Number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later: Choose Apple () > System Preferences. Click iCloud, then click Account Details. Make sure the phone number listed under Verification number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    If you can't access a device that has iCloud Keychain enabled, you can contact Apple Support and verify your identity to get help completing iCloud Keychain setup.
    Get help using iCloud Keychain
    Jason H. 

  • I m using window vista32 after itunes upgrade.. itunes crash .. Problem signature:

    i m using window vista32 after itunes upgrade.. itunes crash ..
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:          APPCRASH
      Application Name:          iTunes.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:          52ddbf7a
      Fault Module Name:          ntdll.dll
      Fault Module Version:          6.0.6000.16386
      Fault Module Timestamp:          4549bdc9
      Exception Code:          c0000005
      Exception Offset:          00062086
      OS Version:          6.0.6000.
      Locale ID:          16393
      Additional Information 1:          a183
      Additional Information 2:          96f68295953afa2675d1551e001cfa2f
      Additional Information 3:          5630
      Additional Information 4:          5482da5e28e2dc79b1d40bd90d8c9b

    Hello there, jasibrar.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting your issue:
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    This additional article may prove useful to you as well:
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    I have downloaded a Maverick OS X 10.9.4 and installed it on my Mac from a USB, and i can't receive a Verification Code via SMS when setting up the iCloud Keychain. Please help.

    Hello, Kutoz. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Here is some information that you may find helpful with this issue. 
    I'm not receiving the verification code via SMS.
    Make sure that you have a strong cellular network connection on your phone.
    Make sure that your phone number can receive SMS messages. You can do this by asking someone to send you a text message.
    Make sure that the correct phone number is associated with your account:
    iOS 7.0.3 or later: Tap Settings > iCloud > Account, then tap Keychain. Make sure the phone number under Verification Number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later: Choose Apple () > System Preferences. Click iCloud, then click Account Details. Make sure the phone number listed under Verification number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    If you can't access a device that has iCloud Keychain enabled, you can contact Apple Support and verify your identity to get help completing iCloud Keychain setup.
    Get help using iCloud Keychain
    Jason H. 

  • Projects that has used OPA via Java library

    Hi All,
    Would like to know if OPA been used as a Java library in an actual project/implementation. At the moment I would like to know the approach/strategy and lessons learnt if we go this path - since there is a lot of implementation details to address.
    Its a possible integration at the moment for a client of ours - the pros/cons vs OPA as a webservice has been discussed, but due to high performance requirements may need to use OPA as a library. Currently no specific business scenarios for OPA, but the intention is to use it as wide as possible - since any rules not in OPA is likely to be Java.
    Edited by: Noel Lim on Apr 3, 2012 3:00 AM

    I know several customers use OPA via the Determinations Engine API. We always recommend using the Determinations Server where possible in preference to the API, as upgrade is generally cleaner and it is generally easier to change the application separately from the policy models.
    See also the YouTube video here: which gives an introduction to the different OPA deployment options available.
    Edited by: Davin Fifield on 30-Apr-2012 00:49

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    But the programs have no syntax errors, all programs compiled properly.

    Its not required to resolve all of them, they will be arranges as Errors, Warnings etc.
    So try to resolve the Errors.
    Each error has how it can be solved some times they will give you options to hidethe rros by putting some comments on the perticular line.

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    In CS4, when I wanted to open a linked style sheet for editing, I could right click or double click any CSS entry in the CSS panel to Go to Code. This would open the style sheet and goes to the line where the rule is defined. It's properly set in the Preference pane to Edit using Code view but hasn't worked ever since upgrading to CS5 and it is a real hinderance on my productivity.
    Does anyone else have this problem. More importantly what is the fix?
    (I noticed this question had been asked before but was never answered

    OK, I may have found something. It seems to be an issue with template (.dwt) files. Can you reproduce and test this theory?
    When I open a template child page, everything seems to work as expected.  It doesn't seem like I can reproduce your symptoms.

  • Maas360 free version upgrade to Premium

    Any one with experience with using Maas360 free spiceworks version and then upgrading to premium version.
    My question is if we dicide to go with premium do we need to enroll our devices again or do they get update with premium when you pay.
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    Really sorry to hear you both ran into this trouble upgrading. We've tried to reproduce it with two test accounts and the orders all went through fine.
    What we did:
    Testing with a new Skype account that never had Skype Premium (Group video calling) before
    Started a group video call and got prompted to enter the free trial
    Accepted the trial
    Went to the Skype Premium product page at and picked the purchase option
    Was asked to sign in with my Skype name and did so
    Prompted "You already have the active free trial. Do you want to proceeed nevertheless or wait until that's over?" (I've paraphrased the message here). I chose the "Proceed" option
    Was prompted to pick the duration of the premium subscription and the payment method.
    Submitted the order there
    At this stage the order got submitted. Can you share at which of above steps exactly you see the error message? Ideally can you also supply a screenshot, please?
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • I have recently bought my Mac mini ( July 12) and have already requested my free update code for mountain lion, got a reference nr, but I still haven't received a code via email to update? Its been 12 days. Any advice?

    I have recently bought my Mac mini ( July 12) and have already requested my free update code for mountain lion, got a reference nr, but I still haven't received a code via email to update with? Its been 12 days. Any advice?

    I am still in the return window but i really do not want to return my mac as i know it has the ability to do what i want, my problem is just finding the software that will work as i know there has been a lot of complications with OS X Mountain Lion with softwares that caim to be compatible but then later turn out not to be.
    I have been a windows user for years and this is really my first mac but apart from the hole software issue i find the mac 10x better than any windows computer i have ever used. For example i bought a HP laptop 4 weeks ago and has nothing but problems. At first the fans stopped working and making weird noises and then it began switching off when ever it felt like it and freezing like mad when i was trying to access the smallest program. I have found that now a days you dont get what you pay for with Windows especially since Windows 8 was released. Also Laptops such as HP now are just crammed with cheap parts, they dont take pride in their systems like they once used to unlike Apple. I know i will get more than a year or 2 out my mac (hopefully a lot more) but with windows systems it just seems to break all the time costing more money on extending warrantys. Also i like mac because i dont need to send it away if i ever get a problem, i can just take it into the apple shop half a mile down the road and they will fix it in store. Where as with windows i am waiting 2 weeks+ to just hear back from them.

  • Starting SMA runbook with parameteres using powershell via REST

    I am trying to start SMA runbook using powershell via REST. I can do that normally for simple runbook without parameters using REST web service (for example
    However, I do not understand how to start a runbook which has parameters? For example I have 2 runbooks - 1 with single parameter and second with 3 parameters, how can I pass parameters value? I would really appreciate any help!

    Does this Link answer your question?
    Code from that URL in case the link ever dies:
    # Details of the runbook we are going to run
    $rbid = "00000000-0000-0000-00000000000000001"
    $rbParameters = @{"00000000-0000-0000-00000000000000002" = "This is the value for Param1.";" 00000000-0000-0000-00000000000000003" = " This is the value for Param2."}
    # Create the request object
    $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create("http://")
    # Set the credentials to default or prompt for credentials
    $request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
    # $request.Credentials = Get-Credential
    # Build the request header
    $request.Method = "POST"
    $request.UserAgent = "Microsoft ADO.NET Data Services"
    $request.Accept = "application/atom+xml,application/xml"
    $request.ContentType = "application/atom+xml"
    $request.KeepAlive = $true
    # If runbook servers are specified, format the string
    $rbServerString = ""
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RunbookServers)) {
    $rbServerString = -join ("<d:RunbookServers>",$RunbookServers,"</d:RunbookServers>")
    # Format the Runbook parameters, if any
    $rbParamString = ""
    if ($rbParameters -ne $null) {
    # Format the param string from the Parameters hashtable
    $rbParamString = "<d:Parameters><![CDATA[<Data>"
    foreach ($p in $rbParameters.GetEnumerator())
    #$rbParamString = -join ($rbParamString,"&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{",$p.key,"}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;",$p.value,"&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;")
    $rbParamString = -join ($rbParamString,"<Parameter><ID>{",$p.key,"}</ID><Value>",$p.value,"</Value></Parameter>")
    $rbParamString += "</Data>]]></d:Parameters>"
    # Build the request body
    $requestBody = @"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <entry xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">
    <content type="application/xml">
    <d:RunbookId m:type="Edm.Guid">$rbid</d:RunbookId>
    # Create a request stream from the request
    $requestStream = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $Request.GetRequestStream()
    # Sends the request to the service
    # Get the response from the request
    [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $response = [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $Request.GetResponse()
    # Write the HttpWebResponse to String
    $responseStream = $Response.GetResponseStream()
    $readStream = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream
    $responseString = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
    # Close the streams
    # Get the ID of the resulting job
    if ($response.StatusCode -eq 'Created')
    $xmlDoc = [xml]$responseString
    $jobId = $
    Write-Host "Successfully started runbook. Job ID: " $jobId
    Write-Host "Could not start runbook. Status: " $response.StatusCode

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