User calendar web URL

For groups: http://server/groups/groupname/
works great...
problem is, does something like this exist for user calendars?

See here: <>
This is good for subscribing to your own calendar with an older client for instance. However to subscribe to other peoples calendars, you would need to know their passwords.
Alternatively, iCalDAVMerge <>
is a collection of scripts for use with iCal Server running on
Mac OS X Leopard Server or Darwin Calendar Server. It includes a cron script
that creates a single merged and optimized ics calendar file for every
user/caldav account each time it runs (in our case, every 15 minutes).
These merged ics files can be made available through a webserver, so all users
can then easily subscribe (read-only) to the ics/webcal feed for everybody
else. This was, in our case, impossibe to do in a stable or easy way using
CalDAV delegation.

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    Form fields in LiveCycle. I want to allow users to add URLs to a form so that they can be clicked and opened on the web by form reviewers (users). what is the best way to achieve this?

    Once the user has entered the URL they want to add to the form. You can use the loadXML function to implement some special text in a label...
    var linkValue = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><exData contentType=\"text/html\" xmlns=\"\"><body xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xfa=\"\" xfa:APIVersion=\"Acroform:\" xfa:spec=\"2.1\"><p style=\"font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;letter-spacing:0in\">The new link the user have entered is:<a href=\"" + textfield.rawValue + "\">textfield.rawValue</a></p></body></exData>";
      this.resolveNode("lblURL").value.exData.loadXML(linkValue, 1, 1);

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    Is there any way to restrict the same.
    Please suggest.
    Any suggesion.
    Thanks In Advance
    Edited by: user12780476 on Dec 28, 2011 12:18 AM

    Does the javascript file is really a private resource?
    Assuming it is a private resource, here are the few things you can do :
    1. Don't put it into document root at all.
    2. Put it in a location where access is denied e.g.
    <If uri =~ '/private'>
    PathCheck fn="deny-existense"
    3. Use access control list (acls) to deny access to private resources.
    4. Use <If> else around send-file SAF e.g.
    <If uri !~ "*.js">
    Service fn="send-file"
    5. Use htaccess to deny access to those resources.
    So it all depends on what you really want to achieve.

  • New Leopard server installation; no user calendars via Web?

    We have just done a clean install and migration of all users from a Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) server to a 10.5 (Leopard) one and are trying to figure out how to enable the user calendars.
    Have done the step of turning on iCal server, which seemed to be necessary anyway to get the blogs working, and configuring it for SSL with a self-signed cert. Have also enabled calendaring in Workgroup Manager for the users we wish to provide with calendaring. Have also been able to figure out how to subscribe (read-only) to a user or a group calendar, and how to add an account via iCal to get read/write access to a user calendar via the "Preferences... Accounts" method described in other threads.
    Why is it, though, that no user calendars or even links to them show up via the "Users" pages on the collaboration-services-driven web pages? Is the calendaring for users in Leopard server set up only to allow access via CalDAV clients, and not display these user calendars in or near the user's web pages, like the one that hosts their blogs? It seems odd that one can view and edit a group calendar via the web, but a user cannot see or edit his or her own calendar in the same way via the web. Did we miss something or do something wrong?

    First of all: Don't store passwords. Store a hash of it. E.g. the specialized
    Rfc2898DeriveBytes class or a
    SHA hash. Make yourself familiar with the concept of salts.
    Also important: Don't concat strings to build SQL commands. This is prone to
    SQL injection. Use parameterized statments instead of it. E.g.
    public DataSet RetrieveUserProfile(string email, string passwordHash)
    DataSet result = null;
    const string SQL_COMMAND_TEXT = "SELECT * FROM Detailed WHERE Email = @Email AND PasswordHash = @PasswordHash;";
    using (SqlConnection connection = Class1.GetConnection())
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SQL_COMMAND_TEXT, connection))
    command.Parameters.Add("@Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
    command.Parameters.Add("@PasswordHash", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
    command.Parameters["@Email"].Value = email;
    command.Parameters["@PasswordHash"].Value = passwordHash;
    using (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
    result = new DataSet();
    return result;
    We are normally using CamelCase as it's C# not Java, thus method names start with upper-case letters. Also Get is a reserved verb like set or do. It's only used for explicit getter methods. Parameter names are started with a lower-case letter.
    Use the
    using statement for classes which implement IDisposable. So your objects are properly disposed, even when an exception occurs in the inner scope.
    And least, but not last: use a layered architecture. The actual WebMethod is only a
    facade. So that you can use unit tests. See
    Unit Test Basics.
    p.s. there must be an
    UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the Email column in your table.

  • How to disable web service authentication by sap-user string in url

    Hi Experts,
    I am publish some RFC function as webservice for my SAP AS ABAP, i set the authentication as basic. I can using http basic authentication to call the service and get the result. But it also accept passing user/password through the url string: http://localhost:8001/sap/bc/soap/wsdl11?services=BAPI_PO_CHANGE&sap-client=100&sap-user=myId&sap-password=myPassword
    I want to disable this, make it no user/password through url string. Can anyone tell me how to do it, thanks.
    Best regards,

    Well, it's not a backdoor - but (extremely) bad style: an URL should never contain any authentication data (like UID & PWD) nor should it ever contain any (security) session ID (which, if valid, would allow to skip authentication).
    So, I agree with you / your customer: it should be (made) possible to configure the system to discard / ignore any authentication data which is contained in the URL.
    I recommend to submit a customer message to SAP (using message component BC-MID-ICF). You might refer to this SDN posting (by providing the URL) in the support ticket.
    PS: Basic Authentication is not much better but at least the information (UID & PWD) is not sent in the clear (although simply Base64-encoded) and not in the URL (but in the http header). Sending cleartext data in the URL is really the worst. The best is: use stronger authentication mechanisms (e.g. X.509 client certificates, Kerberos, Biometric authentication mechanisms, etc.).

  • Question about publishing Calendar and URLs

    Hi everyone, have a question that hopefully knows the answer too. I have been researching on how to publish individual user calendars to external users.
    I have seem to come across 2 different ways to do this
    1) is to right-click on my calendar in OWA, then I select the external recipient and it emails the recipient a long url similar to:[email protected]/4d9f8b52769b4ddca3e51f6f82d01b6f1902995877095312719/S-1-8-2306188436-3125773453-2945785077-3615357645/reachcalendar.html
    2) Within Outlook 2013, I click on "publish calendar" and it takes me to an ECP url for my exchange server where I can select how many months I want to share, the permission they can see, etc... and then it provides me at the bottom with two links
    like:[email protected]/Calendar/calendar.html
    My question is what are the differences between these two methods and also, both of these urls will NOT work unless I change them to HTTPS instead, how I can modify the links that get emailed out? I did see for the 2nd method above I can set it using the
    "PublishedCalendarUrl" in Powershell, but that is impractical for a lot of users.

    Hi BMIG,
    Please re-start IIS for testing.
    If not working unfortunately, please use IIS Manager to simplify the OWA url and force redirection to SSL.
    Steps as below:
    1. Start IIS Manager.
    2. Expand the local computer, expand Sites, and then click
    Default Web Site.
    3. At the bottom of the Default Web Site Home pane, click Features View if this option isn't already selected.
    4. In the IIS section, double-click HTTP Redirect.
    5. Select the Redirect requests to this destination check box.
    6. Type the absolute path of the /owa virtual directory. For example, type
    7. Under Redirect Behavior, select the Only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories) check box.
    8. In the Status code list, click Found (302).
    9. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
    10. Click Default Web Site.
    11. In the Default Web Site Home pane, double-click SSL Settings.
    12. In SSL Settings, clear Require SSL.
    13. For the new settings to take effect, open a Command Prompt window, and then type
    iisreset /noforce to restart IIS.
    Details in the following article:
    Simplify the Outlook Web App URL
    Hope it is helpful
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Application-to-application authentication using Calendar Web Services

    Calendar Web Services
    Application-to-application authentication
    (Proxy authentication)
    Application-to-application authentication allows services to trust other services without having to authenticate the end-user making use of these services. The Calendar Web Services offers an application-to-application authentication mechanism called “Proxy Authentication”.
    What is Proxy Authentication?
    The Calendar Web Services Proxy Authentication is a solution that was developed by the Oracle Calendar team and is similar to what SSO would be to the web. Proxy Authentication allows any application developed using the Calendar Web Services Toolkit to establish a trusted authentication link to the Calendar Server via the Calendar Web Services.
    What do I need to get Proxy Authentication going?
    -     The Calendar Web Services Toolkit (Calendarlet.jar)
    -     The Calendar Web Services (OCAS)
    -     The Calendar Server (Calserv)
    -     Oracle Internet Directory 9.0.4.X (OID)
    Your collaboration suite deployment MUST be configured in a way where the Calendar Server is connected to the OID (done by default). This is fundamental given that Proxy Auth is designed to extensively use the OID security schemes.
    How to configure Proxy Authentication?
    You must have:
    1.     Access to the OID administrator account.
    2.     Access to the ldap tools ($ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin).
    3.     Access to the Oracle Calendar Server administrator password.
    OID Configuration
    Create an entry for your application product in OID
    The following entry needs to be created:
    - cn=OracleContext
    - cn=Products
    - cn=MyApplicationProduct
    The MyApplicationProduct.ldif will look like:
    dn: cn= MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext
    objectClass: orclContainer
    objectClass: top
    The command to add the entry is
    ./ldapadd -h HOSTNAME.COM -p OIDPORT -D "cn=orcladmin" -w PASSWROD -f ./MyApplicationProduct.ldif
    Where [HOSTNAME.COM] is the OID server hostname, [PASSWROD] is the password for the OID directory and [OIDPORT] is the OID port.
    Create an application entity for MyAppName in OID
    The following entry needs to be added to the OID:
    - cn=OracleContext
    - cn=Products
    - cn= MyApplicationProduct
    - orclApplicationCommonName=MyAppName
    The MyAppName.ldif will look like:
    dn: orclApplicationCommonName= MyAppName,
    cn= MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products,
    objectClass: orclApplicationEntity
    objectClass: top
    orclApplicationCommonName: MyAppName
    userpassword: test1
    The command to add the entry is
    ./ldapadd -h HOSTNAME.COM -p OIDPORT -D "cn=orcladmin" -w PASSWORD -f ./MyAppName.ldif
    Ensure the entry is properly configured
    Perform an LDAP search to locate the entry's distinguished name:
    "orclApplicationCommonName= MyAppName,
    cn= MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products,
    ./ldapsearch -h HOSTNAME.COM -p OIDPORT -D "cn=orcladmin" -w PASSWROD
    -b "cn= MyApplicationProduct,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext"
    "objectclass=orclApplicationEntity" "c"
    Grant proxy privileges to the new application entity
    This creates an entry in OID:
    - dc=com
    - dc=oracle
    - dc=us
    - cn=OracleContext
    - cn=Products
    - cn=Calendar
    - cn=UserProxyPrivilege
    - uniquemember:
    orclApplicationCommonName= MyAppName,
    cn= MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products,
    From the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin
    ./unioidconf -grantproxyprivilege \
    "orclApplicationCommonName= MyAppName,
    cn= MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products,
    NOTE: you need the calendar server admin password.
    How to use Proxy Authentication?
    Once successfully done configuring your OID and Calendar Server, you must start the real work; coding. It is actually simple to implement.
    In your Java application, you will simply change the BasicAuth class with the ProxyAuth class. You then set the end-user identity, along with the proxy application name and proxy application password, you registered a moment ago.
    ProxyAuth auth = new ProxyAuth();
    auth.setApplicationName("orclApplicationCommonName=MyAppName, cn=MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext");
    Your application will no longer need to pass the end-user’s password to the Calendar Web Services. From now on, it is your application’s responsibility to authenticate the end-user.
    Frederic Leblanc

    I found the solution:
    Using the CalendaringResponse.getReceiveBuffer() and getSendBuffer() methods, the soap request looks something like this:
    Sendbuffer: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <auth:ProxyAuth xmlns:auth=""><ApplicationName>orclApplicationCommonName=MyAppName,cn=MyApplicationProduct, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext</ApplicationName><ApplicationPassword>testpw1</ApplicationPassword><Name>king</Name></auth:ProxyAuth>
    <cwsl:Search xmlns:cwsl=""><CmdId>MySearchCommandID-1</CmdId><vQuery><From>VEVENT</From><Where>DTEND &gt;= '20061007T220000Z' AND DTSTART &lt;= '20061014T215900Z'</Where></vQuery></cwsl:Search>

  • How to get "Calendar in the View" displayed on the page where Calendar web part is displayed?

    I have a calendar with overlay set up for 5 views. When the calendar list is open in full page, the "Calendars in View" is displayed on the left pane with all 5 views listed by colors.
    1) I want to display the calendar right on the home page, so I added the calendar web part to the page. But the problem is the "Calendars in the View" does  not show up on the quick launch on home page, it only shows up in calendar list view.
    How can I get "Calendars in View" displayed on left pane when calendar web part is displayed? so that users can select different views?
    2) Also it will be better if the "Calendars in View" can display all components of the overlay when not in the default view, so user can toggle thru different views to see each one on the main pane.
    Currently, only the default view has all colored views displayed under "Calendars in Views", once you click another view on the list, it just displays the current view, and you have to click the "Calendar" to see all and select another
    Really appreciated if someone can give a solution for at least the #1 problem. great if you have a solution for #2 as well!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to know how to add iFrame via Content Editor web part.
    There are two articles for your reference.
    How to insert an iFrame into a SharePoint web page
    Embed YouTube video in SharePoint 2010
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error with SOAP Request to calendar web service

    I'm sending the following SOAP request to a calendar web service to create an appointment in the calendar. The response returns what seems to be a syntax error ("The Create method did not have a proper element in the request") but I can't see the cause of the fault. Any suggestions on what it may be? It's an 11g DB.
    Many thanks
    POST /ocws-bin/ocas.fcgi HTTP/1.0
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Length: 993
    SOAPAction: SOAPAction: ""
    Connection: close
    <SOAP-ENV:Header><auth:BasicAuth xmlns:auth="">
    </auth:BasicAuth> </SOAP-ENV:Header>
    <SOAP-ENV:Body><cwsl:Create xmlns:cwsl=""><CmdId>ITS APPOINTMENT</CmdId><iCalendar>
    <vcalendar prodid="-//Oracle//Calendaring//Calendarlet//EN" version="2.0">
    <description>Calendar Body</description>
    <dtstart value="DATE-TIME">20102905T120000</dtstart>
    <location>Location of user</location>
    <summary>Incident ID - (name of user])</summary>
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 08:22:16 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.4 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.4 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_fastcgi/2.4.6
    OCAS-ProcTime: 407
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" soap:encodingStyle="">
    <faultstring>The Create method did not have a proper element in the request</faultstring>
    <cwsl:Error xmlns:cwsl="">
    <LastMod>2007/05/30 21:13:25</LastMod>
    <Date>Thu May 27 09:22:16 2010</Date>

    I am having problem using dii client, while sending a
    request to c# webservice. error follows
    call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE,
    call.addParameter("String_1", QNAME_TYPE_STRING,
    ParameterMode.IN);Do you need another call to addParameter here?
    String[] params = { "02", "2004" };
    String result = (String)call.invoke(params);

  • Report Server Web Urls

    SQL 2008R2 (Standard) 
    Windows Server 2012 
    Having problems accessing SSRS on a new commissioned SQL server.  In the "Web Service URL" page of the "Reporting Services Configuration Manager", I'm clicking on the link next to the label "Report Server Web Urls".  I'm
    prompted for a domain username/password, none of which appear to work - the credentials box just keeps reappearing. 
    I know these credentials are OK as one of them is my own domain username/password. 
    There is nothing around this time in the event log or the SQL server log(s),  however there are a number of these much earlier on: 
    Login failed for user '***\*****'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
    I have since rebooted the server and tried again, same result but there is nothing of value in the logfile 
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles
    Or in the logfiles available from SSMS. 
    Any ideas? 

    Hi The real Slartibartfast,
    According to your description, when you tried to access SSRS on a new server, you got the error message: Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>].
    State 11 corresponds to “Valid login but server access failure”, which means that SQL Server was able to authenticate you, but weren't able to validate with the underlying Windows permissions. It could be that the Windows login has no profile or that permissions
    could not be checked due to UAC. To troubleshoot the problem, please refer to the following steps:
    If the login is directly mapped to the list of available logins in the SQL instance, then check if the SID of the login matches the SID of the Windows Login.
    Turn off UAC or running SSMS as administrator.
    For more information about specific Login Failed error messages, please refer to the following blog:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Userid of a Portal-user in Web Dynpro ABAP

    Dear colleagues,
    we want to migrate our application from BSP to Web Dynpro ABAP and I'm looking for a procedure how I can get the userid of a Portal-user in Web Dynpro ABAP which is running inside an iView ?
    In BSP I used iView application parameter user_id and in the BSP the event handler for data retrieval with:
    userid = runtime->server->request->get_form_field( 'userid' ).
    Found a lot of entries how to do it in Java but no one for WDA ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Michael,
    Actualy it is not so trivial. You have some options:
    1) In case user_id is parameter of iView you can read URL parameter like described here Webdynpro ABAP url-parameters
    2) In case user_id is not iView parameter you can use usuall ABAP <i>sy-uname</i> system variable.
    But pay attantion that it is not really EP user. Here we have 2 options: user mapping and SSO. In case of user mapping <i>sy-uname</i> will contain R/3 user which is mapped to EP user. In case of SSO <i>sy-uname</i> will contain same user name like in EP, because by using SSO user must ne the same on issuing and accepting systems.
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

  • Set user Language in URL IView

    I am trying to put the Language of the user in the parameters of the URL.
    For example :
    How can I parameter the URL IView to automatically retrieves the language of the connected user?
    Thanks for your help,

    Once you have defined the iView’s URL to the targeted Web page, you may need to configure parameters that are passed to the information source as part of the URL. In the URL iView Editor, you can do the following to URL parameters:
    ·        Add, remove, and modify URL parameters
    ·        Determine whether or not portal end user can view and personalize URL parameters at runtime
    ·        Assign intuitive display names to URL parameters that are viewed or personalizable by portal end users
    ·        Specify the URL request method (GET or POST)
    If you navigated to the targeted Web page and defined the iView URL using the portal built-in browser, the URL parameters and request method may already been defined in the URL iView Editor.
           1.      Open the iView in the URL iView Editor.
    The editor does not display URL-specific parameters in the URL address within the URL box. URL parameters that were part of the URL referencing the selected Web page (the information source) are automatically removed from the source URL and displayed in the URL parameter list in the editor. At runtime, the portal automatically appends the URL and the listed parameters to the targeted URL request.
           2.      In the Request Method option, choose either GET or POST to specify the request method. The request method indicates how the browser sends information to the information source:
    Request Method
    This request method appends parameters to the URL when the data request is sent to the information source. The server receives the data in one long query string, which typically limits the length of parameters that can be passed.
    For example, a URL using the GET request method would be: where querystring indicates the parameter identifier and SAP is the parameter value.
    This request method sends parameters for the URL in the header of the data request stream; parameters are not appended to the URL. This allows for long parameters to be passed to a script and parsed one element at a time.
    For example, a URL using the POST request method would be:
    POST is only supported when the Fetch Method property defined in the iView is set to Server-side. For more information, see URL iView Properties.
    For iViews that have a mixture of parameters sent by GET and POST together, you must:
    §         Choose POST as the request method.
    §         Set the Fetch Mode property to Server-side
    §         Append the GET_EXPLICIT_ prefix to the parameter identifier of each parameter that is sent by GET. For example, a parameter defined as searchstring should be defined as GET_EXPLICIT_searchstring. When the iView sends a data request, the prefix is removed from the parameter identifier at runtime. Parameters sent by POST do not require a special prefix. 
           3.      To add a parameter, click Add below the table. A new entry is added to the parameter list.
    To remove a parameter, select the checkbox of the relevant parameter in the list and click Remove. Before doing so make sure the parameter is not required by the information source.
           4.      Define the attributes of existing or new parameters, as follows:
    URL Parameter
    Specifies the parameter identifier as recognized by the information source. For example, in the URL, the parameter identifier is querystring.
    As stated above, parameters that need to be sent by GET when the request method is defined as POST, must have the GET_EXPLICIT_ prefix. For example: GET_EXPLICIT_searchstring.
    Enter special characters that are present in the parameter identifier as is. Do not convert them to ASCII code. For example, enter first name, and not first%20name. At runtime, the portal will encode special characters to ASCII when fetching the iView data.
    Specifies the value of the parameter. This is not mandatory.
    If you set the parameter as a variable that can be personalizable by end users (see following attribute), then this value will be the parameter’s default value. However, if you set the parameter as not personalizable, then this value is the fixed value of the parameter.
    Enter special characters present in the parameter value as is. Do not convert them to ASCII code.
    Specifies the data type of the parameter.
    Choose one of the following options:
    ·        String: Apply this option for all data types whose property is not a mapped user name or password; for example, an integer or string.
    ·        Mapped User: Apply this option when the URL parameter designates a “user name” that is required to authenticate the user with the information source at runtime.
    ·        Mapped Password: Apply this option when the URL parameter designates a “password” that is required to authenticate the user with the information source at runtime.
    §         When Mapped User and Mapped Password are selected, the Value and Personalize attributes cannot be edited.
    §         If you want to enable user mapping for the user name and password parameters, in the System drop down-down list, choose an appropriate system already defined in the portal, which contains the necessary settings. See Selecting a System.
    Specifies whether or not portal end users can view the parameter and its assigned value if they personalize the iView at runtime. This attribute also allows you to determine whether or not end users can personalize the parameter value.
    Choose one of the following options:
    ·        Hidden: The end user does not see the parameter and its value. This is the default setting.
    ·        Read / Write: The end user sees the parameter and is able to modify its value.
    ·        Read Only: The end user sees the parameter and the fixed value assigned to it. The end user cannot modify the parameter value.
    Specifies an intuitive display name for the parameter identifier. If you set the parameter to be viewable by end users at runtime, this name is displayed instead of the parameter identifier, which is often abbreviated and unintuitive.
    This attribute is available only if Read / Write or Read Only is selected in the Personalize attribute. If you do not specify a name, the Personalize attribute will be reverted to Hidden.
    with regards
    subrato kundu

  • Restoring Deleted User Calendars 10.6.8

    We manage several public event calendars in OS X Server 10.6.8 via a single user called "Calendars" that publishes all its public calendars to the server. To facilitate ease of management in users' iCal, I also created a second user - called "Almanac", to whom I have delegated "read only" access to these calendars via iCal's delegation tab in the "Calendars" account. Thus, most users view the calendars by authenticating iCal using the "Almanac" account, while two or three privledged calendar managers view and edit that same data by authenticaing using the "Calendars" account.
    This worked flawlessly for years, until recently when for no apparent reason, the "Calendars" account was getting automatically disabled on the Server, causing authentication errors in users' ical and of course presenting event updates. At first I thought the fault lay in my OD policies, which are set to delete accounts after 90 days of inactivity. However, this particular account has been excepted from this policy in Workgroup Manager via the Avanced Tab/Options.
    In the past, I've cleared up similar niggling problems by simply deleting and recreating the problematic user account, making sure to use the same short name and then running chown -r on the appropriate user home folder.  I did that with this account, and indeed it is no longer being disabled. However, all of the precious iCal calendar events have disappeared. I can see the calendars themselves when I log into the Calendars user account and start up iCal, but there are no events present. When I try to access the calendars on the server via a privledged or unprivledged user in iCal, I get the message:
    "The calendar http://<my.server.FQDN>:8008/principals/__uids__/00C48532-BA77-478C-A4D3-17A848DD9F6D/ was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct."
    Looking at the Calendar user home folder, it looks like the data is all still there in ~/Library/Calendars. On the server, I also see what appears to be the Calendar Server documents that match the above UID in /Library/CalendarServer/Documents/Calendars/_uids_/...  Of course, I also have multiple backup copies of all of these directories via TimeMachine, SuperDuper! and PresSTORE.
    I've already tried rm all the user calendar cache files and resyncing, also tried trashing all the user iCal preferences. Also tried a full restore of the users home folder via TimeMachine and running chown -r again.
    Thoughts anyone? Thanks.

    Sorry - I meant chown -R of course.

  • Error d124 Multi user calendar

    we moved all of our users from one PO to another, both GW2012SP2. When the users now open their multi user calendar they get the error "d124".
    When i open the multi-user list in a users mailbox there are entries from the old po an the new po. I tried to remove the old entries by click the Name, click Remove User, click OK to save. When i re-open the list, the removed users dont appear. Now i closed the Client, start it again and all of the removed users are shown up again in the multi-user list...
    Does anyone have an idea how to remove the user in the multi-user list permamently? Or have any GW Check options to solve this?
    kind regards

    In article <[email protected]>, Bmulfinger wrote:
    > we moved all of our users from one PO to another, both GW2012SP2. When
    > the users now open their multi user calendar they get the error "d124".
    Moving in every sense of the term always leaves some loose ends like
    this. This is why as much as possible we like to move POs and not the
    users if we can avoid it. Basically some of the connectsions betweek
    users broke because a bunch of them are still looking at the old PO, so
    we need to work through those connections and fix them.
    > When i open the multi-user list in a users mailbox there are entries
    > from the old po an the new po.
    In looking this up I found I had a user in my list that was no longer in
    the system and I had the same behaviour in trying to deal with it. I
    realized that this was only the users I have proxied into, so I went into
    my proxy list, removed the offending user, and after a restart the
    problem went away. So how many of these do you need to deal with?
    Before we look at the specialized GWchecks, make sure you are running a
    regular set of them and checking the resulting outputs for any errors
    that might point you to parts of the cleanup.
    Running through the TopDown rebuild (TID 3347260 at and selecting the
    Rebuild Indexes after doing the other parts at those levels may help.
    Afterwards an Analyze/Fix of Structure & Index would be useful, checking
    the results to see if it reports problems. If there are such problems,
    rerun again to see that they are gone.
    Andy of in Toronto
    Knowledge Partner
    If you find a post helpful and are logged in the Web interface, please
    show your appreciation by clicking on the star below. Thanks!

  • Web URL Re-direction thru Web Dispatcher

    Has anybody done web url re-direction using Web Dispatcher. I want to redirect URLs. Please advise what configuration I need to carry out.

    I guess your sapwebdisp is talking to the Message Server of the Portal behind it. So what you have is the following
    User connects to 'http://sapwebdispname:sapwebdispport/irj/portal' and this URL stays like that regardless
    of the Portal-Server the user is actually working on.
    To achieve what you outlined you will have to make the sapwebdisp answer to port 80 and the desired
    hostname. Everything else should be handled in the background.
    The configuration item icm/server_port_xx will have to contain the HOST Parameter
    icm/server_port_1 = PROT=HTTP, PORT=80, TIMEOUT=45, EXTBIND=1,
    Where EXTBIND=1 is required if your OS does not allow ports  to specify that the port should not be bound to all host names (default), but only to the specified host. In this way the host with only one open port can be reached under various URLs. 
    In parallel you need to make sure that DNS yields the desired results for the name you want to use in the URL.

Maybe you are looking for

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