User Defined Table Setting

Hello Experts,
I created the User Defined Table in the name of SR NO where i entered the Docment No in Code Field (System generated default field).When i add the Document Number serially when i saved the UDT table then my serial sequence has changed.Could anyone help me out from these problem.

Hi Suraj,
These is my Query when i tried to run @PPC Table then it will not sort the Code & Name the details contain all the information.
If u have any query please ask.
SELECT T0.[Code], T0.[Name], T0.[U_0001] as 'Purchase Order No',T0.[U_0002] as 'Sr No', T0.[U_0003] as 'Item Code', T0.[U_0004] as 'Item Description' , T0.[U_9999] as 'Plan Qty', T0.[U_0005] as 'P O Qty', T0.[U_0006] as 'GRN No', T0.[U_0007] as 'GRN Date' , convert(varchar,T0.[U_0008]) as 'Batch Num',convert(varchar,T0.[U_0009]) as ' Heat Num', T0.[U_0010] as 'GRN Qty', convert(varchar,T0.[U_0011]) as 'RM Size',convert(varchar,T0.[U_0012]) as 'Length' , convert(varchar,T0.[U_0013]) as 'Pieces' , convert(varchar,T0.[U_0014]) as 'SO Num' , T0.[U_0015] as 'SO ROWNUM' , T0.[U_0016] as 'SO ItemCode' , T0.[U_0017] as 'SO Item Description' , T0.[U_0018] as 'SO Qty' , T0.[U_0019] as 'SUPP Name'  , T0.[U_0020] as 'Cust Name', T0.[U_0021] as 'Open PO Qty' ,convert(varchar,T0.[U_0022]) as 'SO Tol Size' , T0.[U_0023] as 'SO Condition' , T0.[U_0024] as 'SO Size' , T0.[U_0025] as 'SO Length' , T0.[U_0026] as 'Remarks' , T0.[U_0027] as 'Planning Date' , convert(varchar,T0.[U_0028]) as 'SO Dia MM' , T0.[U_0029] as 'Plan Pieces' , T0.[U_0030] as 'Stock Condition' FROM [dbo].[@PPC]  T0 ORDER BY T0.[U_0008]

Similar Messages

  • Error while linking user defined table to user defined field using vb6.0

    I am creating a userdefined field on a SAPB1 table(PDN1) using vb 6.0
    I am trying to link this field to a user defined table.
    When i do that i get the following error:
    "The field 'Related table' should consist of 8 alphanumeric chracters with no valid or default values"
    When i try to do the same thing from SAPB1(not using code) there is no such problem.
    My vb code is as follows:
    Set oUserFieldsMD = oCmp.GetBusinessObject(oUserFields)
    oUserFieldsMD.TableName = "PDN1"
    oUserFieldsMD.Name = "OB_Locn"
    oUserFieldsMD.Description = "WH Location"
    oUserFieldsMD.Type = db_Alpha
    oUserFieldsMD.EditSize = 30
    lRetCode = oUserFieldsMD.Add
    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
        oCmp.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox sErrMsg
        GoTo Err_
    End If
    If Not oUserFieldsMD.GetByKey("PDN1", 0) Then
        MsgBox "Error"
        GoTo Err_
    End If
    oUserFieldsMD.LinkedTable = "OB_TEST"
    lRetCode = oUserFieldsMD.Update
    Your help will be much appreciated.

    Great Sébastien!
    Looks like we could not survive here one day without your contribution
    Best regards,
    PS: For readers of this thread who don't understand why
    must be "8":
    This is the size of the
    field in the user-defined table to which the new field OB_Locn (in the DB it will be U_OB_Locn) is linked to...
    So, it should be preferrably of the same size.

  • Help needed for data updation in User Defined Tables

    Hello Experts,
    I am developing one add-on in SAP B1 8.8 to input data in a User Defined Table described as under
    Table Name
    DriverMst UDT Type is No Object
    Stores the Driver master data which are used to get reference in Sale Delivery Form and Driver data management activity
    User defined fields
    Data Name
    Data source
    Pane Level
    Driver Code
    No object table fixed field
    System Name
    No object table fixed field
    Full Name
    Father Name
    Birth Date
    Phone Number
    Mobile No
    I have created one form using screen painter displaying text boxes and bind them to the table.
    This form is working absolutely fine when there are some data in table (i.e. Browse using navigation)
    My problem is, when I click add button from tool bar the "OK" button turn to "Add" that means the form is set to Add mode, but when I click "Add" button after entering some data nothing happens and input data is not stored in Table. The same "OK" Button turned to "Update" when I do changes in loaded data, but my changes are not reflected to table after I click "Update".

    Thanks Nagarajan,
    There is no such query. The table fields is directly linked to Edit Box or Combo Box in form.
    From the examples I learned that I have to do something like this to get my table updated
    Dim oUsrTbl As SAPbobsCOM.UserTable
    Dim Res As Integer
    oUsrTbl = oCompany.UserTables.Item("DRIVERMST")
    oUsrTbl.Code = oBPC.Value 'Item Specific of Driver Code Edit Box
    oUsrTbl.Name = Left(oBPN.Value, 30) 'Item Specific of Name Edit Box
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FullName").Value = oMFN.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FatherName").Value = oFTHN.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_BirthDate").Value = oDOB.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_PhoneNo").Value = oPHN.Value
    (Similar For rest ofthe fields)
    Res = oUsrTbl.Add()
    Just let me know that is this necessary to do like above.. To be frank there are few more fields and matrices on the form which I didn't mentioned. I am just trying to get recovered from first step to proceed further.

  • What the best way to create User defined table with ADDON purpose

    Hi folks, how are you ?
    I´m beginner in development to business one, and I m studying to develop ISV addons.
    But, during my exercises and analisys, I learned that have two ways to create tables and fields in business one. One way is throght by wizard in business one using Tools Menu > Configuration Tools > User Defined Tables >
    Obs: I ´m using Business One Patch Level 9.
    Other way, is create the tables and fields using DI API
    But, my question is. When I develop one addon, or one UDO form that uses one set of user defined tables or used defined fields that where created by the first way (by wizard in B1), how I deploy this in other business one installation ? The package process will ensure the creation of this tables in another enviroment or I must implement the creation of user defined tables using DI API so that this code is called during the installation?
    If in cases of addon develop I must use DI API to create user defined tables, How can I use my classes with this responsibility in package process ?
    Thanks my friends.

    Hi Renan,
    You just need to put your logic in to the startup of your application, after you've established your connection to the UI API and DI API. All this will be triggered in the constructor of your main class.
    namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyAddon
      bool runAddon = true;
      bool initialised = false;
      const string ADDON_NAME = "My Addon";
      public static void Main()
            MyAddon addOn = new MyAddon();
      public MyAddon()
            // Connect to SBO session for UI
            if(!SetApplication()) runAddon = false;
      private bool SetApplication()
            // Code goes in here to establish UI API and DI API connections
            // See SDK samples for examples
            // You should also define and filter the UI API events your addon will trap at this stage and create any menus
            // Call your routine to check if the required UDFs/UDTs exist on this company
            initialised = CheckInitialisation();
            if (!initialised)
               //  AddOn not yet intialised on this company so prompt the user to run the intialisation process
              int iResponse = app.MessageBox("The " + ADDON_NAME + " addon will now create all required fields and tables."
                                             + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine
                                             + "WARNING: It is strongly recommended that all other users are logged out of this company "
                                             + "before running this process. Are you sure you wish to continue?", 2, "Yes", "No", "");
              if (iResponse == 1) initialised = InitialiseAddOn(); // Call your routine to create the objects
            return true;
    Kind Regards,

  • How do i declare a user defined table type sproc parameter as a local variable?

    I have a procedure that uses a user defined table type.
    I am trying to redeclare the @accountList parameter into a local variable but it's not working and says that i must declare the scalar variable @accountList.this is the line that is having the issue: must declare the scalar variable @accountListSET @local_accountList = @accountListALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DynamicNumberVisits] @accountList AS integer_list_tbltype READONLY
    ,@startDate NVARCHAR(50)
    ,@endDate NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @local_accountList AS integer_list_tbltype
    DECLARE @local_startDate AS NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @local_endDate AS NVARCHAR(50)
    SET @local_accountList = @accountList
    SET @local_startDate = @startDate
    SET @local_endDate = @endDate
    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[integer_list_tbltype] AS TABLE(
    [n] [int] NOT NULL,
    [n] ASC

    Why are you asking how to be an awful SQL programmer??  Your whole approach to SQL is wrong.
    We have a DATE data type so your insanely long NVARCHAR(50) of Chinese Unicode strings is absurd. Perhaps you can post your careful research on this? Can you post one example of a fifty character date in any language? 
    The use of the "sp_" prefix has special meaning in T-SQL dialect. Good SQL programmers do not use CREATE TYPE for anything. It is dialect and useless. It is how OO programmers fake it in SQL. 
    The design flaw of using a "tbl-" prefix on town names is called "tibbling" and we laugh at it. 
    There are no lists in RDBMS; all values are shown as scalar values. First Normal Form (1NF)? This looks like a set, which would have a name. 
    In any -- repeat any -- declarative programming language, we do not use local variables. You have done nothing right at any level. You need more help than forum kludges. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Query SQL with variables Parameters and user defined tables

    Hi  everyone
    I got a problem about Query SQL
    [dbo].[@CSOURCE]  is a user defined table
    select * from [dbo].[@CSOURCE]
    you can get the result in following
    code    name
    T01      newspaper
    T02      TV
    T03      radio
    T04      friends
    when I execute the following SQL   Statements ,I get an error
    SELECT T0.CardCode , 0.CardName ,T1.Name ,T2.SONumber
    FROM OCRD T0    LEFT JOIN [dbo].[@CSOURCE]  T1 ON T0.U_CSOURCE = T1.Code
                                 LEFT JOIN (SELECT  T0.CardCode ,COUNT(T0.DocNum)SONumber
                                 FROM ODLN T0  INNER JOIN OCRD T1 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode
                                WHERE T1.GroupCode =111
                                AND   (T0.DocDate >=[%0] or [%0]='')
                                AND   (T0.DocDate <=[%1] or [%1]='')   
                                GROUP BY T0.CardCode) T2 ON T0.CardCode=T2.CardCode
    WHERE T0.GroupCode =111
    and  T0.CardType ='C
    Is there anyone can correct it for me
    thank you very much
    Edited by: Li Mishan on Jul 17, 2008 9:36 AM
    Edited by: Li Mishan on Jul 17, 2008 9:40 AM

    I am sorry .It is just a mistake of my typewriting.
    The following is the whole SQL
    dbo.@CSOURCE is a user table.It's content is
    code  name
    T01    newspaper
    T02    TV
    T03    radio
    T04    friends
    declare @m int
    declare @FromDate DateTime
    declare @ToDate DateTime
    set @m=(SELECT count(*)  FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.DocDate >=[%0] and  T0.DocDate <=[%1])
    set  @FromDate=[%0]
    set  @ToDate=[%1]
    /*****************If I do not connect user tavble dbo.@CSOURCE ,I will succed *****************************************************/
    SELECT T0.CardCode ,T0.CardName ,T2.SONumber,T1.Name
                               LEFT JOIN (
                                                SELECT T0.CardCode ,COUNT(T0.DocNum)SONumber                                            FROM ODLN T0 INNER JOIN OCRD T1 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode
                                                WHERE T1.GroupCode =111
                                                AND (T0.DocDate >=@FromDate or @FromDate='')
                                                AND (T0.DocDate <=@ToDate  or  @ToDate ='')                                                                               
    GROUP BY T0.CardCode
                                            ) T2 ON T0.CardCode=T2.CardCode
    WHERE T0.GroupCode =111
    and T0.CardType ='C'
    when I excute the SQL, It return a error , whith says the column name '%0'  is invalid.
    If I delete "set @m=(SELECT count(*)  FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.DocDate >=[%0] and  T0.DocDate <=[%1])"
    and rewrite "set  @FromDate='2008.05.01' set  @ToDate='2008.07.01' "
    It Shows the following results
       CardCode     CardName     SONumber     name
    1      000070        Deng. Jiahua   1                newspaper
    2      000293        LU .Weijuan    1                radio
    3      000313         Xie .Jifang       3               TV
    Edited by: Li Mishan on Jul 18, 2008 4:42 AM
    Edited by: Li Mishan on Jul 18, 2008 4:43 AM
    Edited by: Li Mishan on Jul 18, 2008 5:43 AM

  • UDT and UDF - User-defined Tables and Fields

    Dear All,
    I am writing a Query to permit the Cashier to check her Cash entries and balances on a Daily basis.
    Basically, it's a General Ledger, but I want the Query - Selection Criteria window to display only a few GL codes namely GL codes 1240601, 1240602, 1240603 etc.
    I don't know if I am doing it right. This is what I did (SAP B1 8.8):
    I created a UDT called TEST2 using:
    Tools -> Customization Tools -> User-defined Tables - Setup
    Then I created a field in the UDT called GlCod using User-Defined Fields - Management
    Title : GlCod
    Description : GL Code
    Type : Alphanumeric 30
    Field Data
    In the Field Data window, I ticked the Set Valid Values for Fields checkbox and filled in the blanks as follows:
    #                  Value                Description
    1                 1240601             Cash in Hand (Rs)
    2                 1240602             Cash in Hand (USD Notes)
    3                 1240603             Cash in Hand (Euro Notes)
    Then I wrote my Query (see below).
    When I run it, I get the Selection Criteria screen as I wanted:
    Query - Selection Criteria
    GL Code                                   ...............   (arrow here)
    Posting Date                              ...............
    [OK]                [Cancel]
    When I click on the GL Code arrow, I get a window with the exact choices I need. It looks like this:
    1240601 -  Cash in Hand (Rs)
    1240602 -  Cash in Hand (USD Notes)
    1240603 -  Cash in Hand (Euro Notes)
    Executing the Query
    The Query seems to run normally, but nothing is generated on the screen, and there's no Error Message.
    What can be wrong about this query?
    I suspect that the GL codes in JDT1 and TEST2 are not of the same data type, so that INNER JOIN returns nothing.
    Leon Lai
    Here's my SQL
    declare @TEST2 TABLE
    (GlCod varchar(30))
    declare @GlCod nvarchar (30)
    set @GlCod =/*SELECT T0.U_GlCod from [dbo].[@TEST2] T0 where T0.U_GlCod=*/  '[%0]'
    declare @refdt datetime
    set @ref=/*SELECT T1.RefDate from [dbo].[JDT1] T1 where T1.RefDate=*/ '[%1]'
    t1.Account as 'GL Code',
    t1.RefDate as 'Posting Date',
    t0.U_GlCod as 'Restricted GL Codes'
    from JDT1 T1
    INNER JOIN @TEST2 T0 ON T0.[U_GlCod] = T1.[Account]
    t1.RefDate <= @refdt
    t0.U_GLCod = @GlCod

    Try this:
    declare @GlCod nvarchar (30)
    set @GlCod =/*SELECT T0.U_GlCod from [dbo].[@TEST2] T0 where T0.U_GlCod=*/  '[%0]'
    declare @refdt datetime
    set @refdt=/*SELECT T1.RefDate from [dbo].[JDT1] T1 where T1.RefDate=*/ '[%1]'
    t1.Account as 'GL Code',
    t1.RefDate as 'Posting Date'
    from JDT1 T1
    t1.RefDate <= @refdt
    T1.[Account] = @GlCod
    (There is no need to declare the memoria table @test2 if you already created one table with this name.
    And there is no need to a join.)
    Edited by: István Korös on Aug 15, 2011 1:27 PM

  • Practical limitations to user defined table

    Hi all,
    I am thinking of setting up a user defined table which will have 5 columns and around 45,000 rows.  It will be used in a simple formatted search to retrieve the value in column 5 when the values in columns 3 and 4 match an item code and an invoice header code on an invoice. 
    Will a table of this size slow things down significantly?
    Regards, David.

    Hi David,
    It shouldn't be that slow, but if you're worried about performance, you can also add indexes (keys in SBO) to the UDT.
    For that go to User-Defined Field - Managment (I'm using SBO 2007), select the table and press the button Keys. Make sure no one else is connected for you to add the index (not even an add-on), otherwise you'll get an error.
    Hope this helps,

  • What is the Object Type for User Define table ?

    Dear All Experts,
    I create one of the User Define Table with no. of UDF's
    I already register User Define Table with Unique ID.
    As per my knowledge, Unique ID is our Object type for that User Define Table.
    I want to add Transaction Notification Code for created Used Define Table.
    This Transaction Notification prevents user to must enter name in that form.
    IF (@object_type = 'Z_Roto' AND (@TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'A' or @TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'U'))
    If not Exists (Select T0.DocEntry from [@Z_ROTO] T0 Where ( T0.Name is null  OR  T0.Name = ' ' ) AND T0.Code  = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del )
    SET @error = 1
    SET @error_message = 'Name is NULL then So, Please enter ZERO Value i.e. 0 in Filed_Name'
    Please help me for this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nishit Makadia

    Hi All,
    Thanks for your replay.
    Below code is working for User Define Table's Transaction Notification
    IF (@transaction_type = 'A' OR @transaction_type = 'U') AND @object_type = 'Z_Roto'
    If Exists (Select T0.Code from [@Z_ROTO] T0 Where ( T0.Name is null  OR  T0.Name = ' ' ) AND T0.Code  = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    select @error = 10
    select @error_message = 'Name is NULL then So, Please enter ZERO Value i.e. 0 in Filed_Name'
    Necessary to Remember 4 Things. That are mentioned below.
    1) Register User Define Table (UDT) with using "Object Registration Wizard". For Example : @object_type = 'Z_Roto'
    2) When you define selection criteria then it must be compulsory for use Code Field. For Example : Select T0.Code from [@Z_Roto]
    3) When you define selection criteria then it must be compulsory for use Code for @list_of_cols_val_tab_del.
    4) Use error code as 10 Number
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nishit Makadia

  • Insert to User Defined Table

    Guys.. How can i insert my data to my user defined table (Master Document), i have write code:
    Set oUserTable = oCompany.UserTables.Item("TR_MD_FAKPAJAK")
    oUserTable.Code = "1"
    oUserTable.Name = "TORO"
    oUserTable.UserFields("U_field1").Value = "toro"
    oUserTable.UserFields("U_field2").Value = "toro"
    oUserTable.UserFields("U_field3").Value = "toro"
    oUserTable.UserFields("U_field4").Value = "toro"
    oUserTable.UserFields("U_field5").Value = "toro"
    Dim retval As Long
    retval = oUserTable.Add
    If retval <> 0 Then
        oCompany.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg
        MsgBox "Masuk"
    End If
    my question is, when i run always display error "-4002 To Generate This Document, first defined the numbering series in Administration Module",
    any idea guys ??

    Hi Ria,
    Unfortunately you cannot insert data in to a UDO table using the DI API (by marking your table as a 'Master Document' table you have made your UDT part of a UDO). It is one of the current limitations with working with UDOs. All data must be entered through the UI (ie manually).
    If you just want to store data in a UDT then it is best to create the table as 'No object'. You can then use the DI API to read and write data to your table. However, you do lose the UDO functionality (eg no automatic saving or searching etc).
    Kind Regards,

  • How to read and write data to a user defined table?

    I have created a srf with 2 edit box and a ok buttin, I want to insert data to the user defined table i created using sql query while i press OK button..
    Please provide the complete code to insert and select da from the user defined table.

    You can use the code below.
    Dim ret As Long
    Private Sub Add_Table_Click()
        Dim oUserTablesMD As SAPbobsCOM.UserTablesMD
        Set oUserTablesMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(oUserTables)
        ' When adding user tables or fields, use a prefix
        ' identifying your partner name space. This will
        ' prevent collisions from different partner add-ons
        ' SAP's name space prefix is "BE_"
        'Set the two mandatory fields
        oUserTablesMD.TableName = "T1"
        oUserTablesMD.TableDescription = "Table1"
        'Add the table (which contains 2 default, mandatory fields, 'Code' and 'Name')
        ret = oUserTablesMD.Add
        If ret <> 0 Then
            oCompany.GetLastError ret, Str
            MsgBox Str
            MsgBox "Table: " & oUserTablesMD.TableName & " was added successfully"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Add_UDF_Click()
        Dim oUserFieldsMD As SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD
        Set oUserFieldsMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(oUserFields)
        oUserFieldsMD.TableName = "T1"
        oUserFieldsMD.Name = "AlbUDF"
        oUserFieldsMD.Description = "Albert UDF"
        'Add the field to the table
        lRetCode = oUserFieldsMD.Add
        If lRetCode <> 0 Then
            oCompany.GetLastError ret, Str
            MsgBox Str
            MsgBox "Field: '" & oUserFieldsMD.Name & "' was added successfuly to " & oUserFieldsMD.TableName & " Table"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Add_Data_Click()
        Dim oUserTable As SAPbobsCOM.UserTable
        Set oUserTable = oCompany.UserTables.Item(1)
        oUserTable.GetByKey ("T1")
        'Set default, mandatory fields
        oUserTable.Code = "A"
        oUserTable.Name = "Albert"
        'Set user field
        oUserTable.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_AlbUDF").Value = "1"
        If ret <> 0 Then
            oCompany.GetLastError ret, Str
            MsgBox Str
            MsgBox "Value to field: '" & oUserTable.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_AlbUDF").Name & "' was updated successfuly to " & oUserTable.TableName & " Table"
        End If
    End Sub

  • No value is select  from  user define  table

    Hi ALL,
                 i am using  B1if , i am sending  data  B1 to  isr , i am using user define table  but problem  no value is select  from  user define  table  .
    my table ID  is @SSRPOD 
    <payload operation="">
         <ns0:MT_POD_B1_System xmlns:ns0="">
                             <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/@SSRPOD/row/U_SalOrdNo" />
                             <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/@SSRPOD/row/U_TaxDate" />
                                  <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/@SSRPOD/row/U_Quantity" />
                                  <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/@SSRPOD/row/U_Unitmsr" />
    I have set following things. 
    Inbound Channel
        scenirio step identifier :z.xxxx
        Inbound Channel(IPO):INB_B1_EVNT_ASYN_EVT
        Process Trigger:B1Event
        Identification Method: B1Event
        Identification Parameter:n.a
        Identifier Namespace:??????
      can anyone help me?
    Edited by: Sinha_Sinha on Feb 3, 2012 7:47 AM

    Found an authorization object was missing, that enabled the case types to show but hitting the GO button brought a page that can not be viewed in IE.  on to the next hurdle..........

  • How to pop-up a text box for a grid item on a user defined table?

    I have a user defined table with a grid & one of the columns is for comments. What I'm trying to do is to pop up a text box when double clicking in the column field. This would be the same as the Item Details column in the Sales Order ittems grid.

    Please post your question on SDK forum.  Only SDK could meet your need.

  • Print Layout to User Defined Table

    Hello guyz..
    I want a make preprinted for my user query from user defined table where the header information is from another query.
    I guess, the base template User Report (system) can only show the repetitve data from one query but the header area is not,
    could you help, showing the header information from another query ??
    Thanks Regards

    The word is that you cannot use the PLD with user defined tables (i wish it was possible).  So in any case to do that you have to use third party tools such as Crystal Reports and Reporting Services

  • How to create a Foreign key relationship between 2 user defined tables...

    Hi Folks,
    I have created two user defined tables... Where in i want to create foriegn key relationship between the 2 tables.... Can anyone guide the step by step procedure to do this scenario...
    Any help would be highly appreciated...

    1.  In the 2nd table call the field of the 1st table which is a primary key.
    2.  Give the same field and dataelement name.
    3.  Select that field and then click on the foreign key field icon which is beside Search Help button.
    4. Then give short text, and the 1st table name.
    5. Then in the below box give the 2nd table name and 2nd table field name which you have called from 1st table.
    6. Then click on copy, then u will be able to see Check table name and check table field name beside foreign key table name.
    7. Then again click on copy.

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    hi, I am working on a report which fills the database and i had assigned variant called SYSDATE -1 bcoz it will update the database table for all the plants for the previous date. can anybody guide me that whether i should use the variable SYSDATE- 1

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