User Exit for PO creation(me21n and me22n) - A/c assgn Category is existing

Hi all,
I would like to have your guidance to find out an appropriate EXIT to meet the following req.
Requirement is such that : This EXIT should generate a G/L account automatically (or over-write the existing G/L a/c) during any PO creation(me21n and me22n tcodes - before saving) based on the fields(mandatory) :
A/c Assignment Category,
Company code and
entered by the user(during his/her PO creation activity)
The identified EXITS as of now are EXIT_SAPLEBND_002 (But the package is not matching our PO tcodes : me21n and me22n)
and EXIT_SAPMM06E_017(Package ME- same as tcodes me21n,me22n)
and even other Exits available for PO based on <b>before saving</b> activity.
Even I tried out creating a PO in debugging mode(with break points set at the above EXITs).
Please do help me out at the earliest to identify the appropriate EXIT to meet this requirement.
With Regards,

in SMOD give MM06E005 enhancement
FM name
This will be triggered during saving.

Similar Messages

  • User Exits for Invoice creation ,cancellation and sales return

    Hi Gurus,
    Pl help me it's very urgent.
    I did not find any user exit invoice creation so i wrote the following code in include program
    This code is to update the Z*table while saving invoice ,cancellation and sales return.
    The code modification is like below
          FORM BELEG_SICHERN                                            *
          Buchen Fakturabelege                                          *
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        MESSAGE S032.
      IF SAMH_MOD = ON.
        CALC_TYPE = 'A'.
        CALC_TYPE = 'I'.
    *{   INSERT         RD1K903017                                        1
    Work Area*********************
    data : wa_xvbrk type VBRKVB.
    data : wa_xvbrp type vbrpvb.
    data : wa_zmigo type zmigo.
    data : wa_vbrp type vbrp.
    Internal table Creation*******
    DATA:  END OF tab_XVBRP.
    data : begin of tab_vbeln occurs 10,
           vbeln type vbrk-vbeln,
           knumv type vbrk-knumv,
           end of tab_vbeln.
    data : tab_zmigo type table of zmigo.
    data : tab_vbrp type table of vbrp.
    *****Data declaration*************
    data : v_no_of_inv type i.
    data : v_vbeln_no(10) type n.
    data : v_last_inv_no(10) type n.
    data : v_first_inv_no(10) type c.
    data : v_tot_qty type i.
    data : v_frbnr type mkpf-frbnr.
    ranges : r_vbeln for vbrk-vbeln.
    *****Populating IT****************
    tab_xvbrp[] = xvbrp[].
    describe table xvbrk lines v_no_of_inv.
    *}   INSERT
                VBSK_I           = VBSK
                WITH_POSTING     = 'A'
                VBSK_E           = VBSK
                XKOMFK           = XKOMFK
                XTHEAD           = XTHEAD
                XVBFS            = XVBFS
                XVBSS            = XVBSS
                XVBRK            = XVBRK
                XVBRP            = XVBRP
                XVBPA            = XVBPA
                XKOMV            = XKOMV.
    *{   INSERT         RD1K903017                                        2
    data : v_count type i,v_fkimg type i .
    data : v_no_of_records(10) type n.
    wa_xvbrk = xvbrk.
    ********Selecting the last rec no from ZMIGO
          select max( sr_no ) from zmigo into v_no_of_records.
    *****If Distribution channel is not ZB*********
    if  wa_xvbrk-vtweg ne 'ZB' and ( wa_xvbrk-fkart = 'ZRIN' or wa_xvbrk-fkart = 'ZRTE' ).
    if v_no_of_inv = 1.              " Process only when there is one invoice
    loop at tab_xvbrp into wa_xvbrp  where (           matnr ne 'CDGSTP0001'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW65OHS'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CABLE'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-R'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'CDQ80N4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'GENERAL'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'NERO'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'OTHERS'           and
                                                       matnr ne 'SPARE PARTS'      and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO ITEM'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-1'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-2'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-3'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-5'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-6'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-7'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-8'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-9'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-10' ).
    v_fkimg = wa_xvbrp-fkimg .
    v_fkimg = v_fkimg / 1000.
                do v_fkimg times.
                  v_no_of_records = v_no_of_records + 1.
                  wa_zmigo-sr_no = v_no_of_records.
                  wa_zmigo-po_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
                  wa_zmigo-item_no  = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                 wa_zmigo-mblnr  = wa_xmkpf-mblnr.
                  wa_zmigo-doc_type = wa_xvbrk-fkart.
                  wa_zmigo-posting_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                  wa_zmigo-created_on = sy-datum.
                  wa_zmigo-created_time = sy-uzeit.
                 wa_zmigo-bill_lno = v_frbnr.
                  wa_zmigo-material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
                 wa_zmigo-inv_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
                 wa_zmigo-inv_item_no = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                  wa_zmigo-plant = wa_xvbrp-werks.
                  wa_zmigo-inv_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                  wa_zmigo-customer = wa_xvbrk-kunag.
                  wa_zmigo-unit = 1.
                  wa_zmigo-mtype = '601'.
                  insert into zmigo values wa_zmigo.
                clear : wa_zmigo.
    clear : v_count,v_fkimg,wa_zmigo.
    refresh tab_zmigo[].
    clear v_no_of_inv.
    else.                              "When there are Split Invoices
    v_last_inv_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
    v_vbeln_no = v_last_inv_no - v_no_of_inv + 1.
    v_first_inv_no = v_vbeln_no.
    sort tab_xvbrp by vbeln.
    loop at tab_xvbrp into wa_xvbrp  where (           matnr ne 'CDGSTP0001'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW65OHS'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CABLE'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-R'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'CDQ80N4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'GENERAL'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'NERO'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'OTHERS'           and
                                                       matnr ne 'SPARE PARTS'      and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO ITEM'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-1'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-2'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-3'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-5'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-6'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-7'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-8'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-9'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-10' ).
    v_fkimg = wa_xvbrp-fkimg .
    v_fkimg = v_fkimg / 1000.
                do v_fkimg times.
                  v_no_of_records = v_no_of_records + 1.
                  wa_zmigo-sr_no = v_no_of_records.
                  wa_zmigo-po_no = v_vbeln_no.                      "wa_vbrp-vbeln.
                  wa_zmigo-item_no  = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                 wa_zmigo-mblnr  = wa_xmkpf-mblnr.
                  wa_zmigo-doc_type = wa_xvbrk-fkart.
                  wa_zmigo-posting_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                  wa_zmigo-created_on = sy-datum.
                  wa_zmigo-created_time = sy-uzeit.
                 wa_zmigo-bill_lno = v_frbnr.
                  wa_zmigo-material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
                 wa_zmigo-inv_no = v_vbeln_no.
                 wa_zmigo-inv_item_no = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                  wa_zmigo-plant = wa_xvbrp-werks.
                  wa_zmigo-inv_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                  wa_zmigo-customer = wa_xvbrk-kunag.
                  wa_zmigo-unit = 1.
                  wa_zmigo-mtype = '601'.
                  insert into zmigo values wa_zmigo.
                clear : wa_zmigo.
    at end of vbeln.
    v_vbeln_no = v_vbeln_no + 1.
    clear : v_count,v_fkimg,wa_zmigo.
    refresh tab_zmigo[].
    endif.                             "End of first 2nd IF.
    clear : v_no_of_inv, v_vbeln_no.
    ****************Sales return************************************
    if  wa_xvbrk-fkart = 'ZRRE' and wa_xvbrk-vtweg ne 'ZB'.
    loop at tab_xvbrp into wa_xvbrp where (            matnr ne 'CDGSTP0001'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW65OHS'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CABLE'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-R'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'CDQ80N4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'GENERAL'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'NERO'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'OTHERS'           and
                                                       matnr ne 'SPARE PARTS'      and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO ITEM'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-1'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-2'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-3'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-5'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-6'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-7'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-8'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-9'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-10' ).
             v_fkimg = wa_xvbrp-fkimg.
             v_fkimg = v_fkimg / 1000.
             v_tot_qty = v_tot_qty + v_fkimg.
              do v_fkimg times.
                v_no_of_records = v_no_of_records + 1.
                wa_zmigo-sr_no = v_no_of_records.
                wa_zmigo-po_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
                wa_zmigo-item_no  = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                wa_zmigo-doc_type = wa_xvbrk-fkart.
                wa_zmigo-posting_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                wa_zmigo-created_on = sy-datum.
                wa_zmigo-created_time = sy-uzeit.
                wa_zmigo-material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
               wa_zmigo-inv_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
               wa_zmigo-inv_item_no = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                wa_zmigo-plant = wa_xvbrp-werks.
                wa_zmigo-inv_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                wa_zmigo-customer = wa_xvbrk-kunag.
                wa_zmigo-unit = 1.
                wa_zmigo-mtype = '651'.
                condense wa_xvbrk-xblnr.
                wa_zmigo-reference = wa_xvbrk-xblnr.
    ********Bill of lading no**
               select single bill_lno from zmigo_final into v_frbnr where inv_no = wa_xvbrk-xblnr and material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
               if sy-subrc eq 0.
               wa_zmigo-bill_lno = v_frbnr.
                insert into zmigo values wa_zmigo.
              clear : wa_zmigo,wa_xvbrp , v_fkimg, v_frbnr.
    *******Invoice Cancellation*****************************
    if  wa_xvbrk-fkart = 'ZRS1' and wa_xvbrk-vtweg ne 'ZB'.
    delete tab_xvbrp[] where shkzg eq 'X'.
    loop at tab_xvbrp into wa_xvbrp where (            matnr ne 'CDGSTP0001'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-RW65OHS'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'CABLE'            and
                                                       matnr ne 'CD-R'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'CDQ80N4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'GENERAL'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'NERO'             and
                                                       matnr ne 'OTHERS'           and
                                                       matnr ne 'SPARE PARTS'      and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO ITEM'       and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-1'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-2'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-3'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-4'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-5'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-6'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-7'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-8'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-9'          and
                                                       matnr ne 'PROMO-10' ).
             v_fkimg = wa_xvbrp-fkimg.
             v_fkimg = v_fkimg / 1000.
             v_tot_qty = v_tot_qty + v_fkimg.
              do v_fkimg times.
                v_no_of_records = v_no_of_records + 1.
                wa_zmigo-sr_no = v_no_of_records.
                wa_zmigo-po_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
                wa_zmigo-item_no  = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                wa_zmigo-doc_type = wa_xvbrk-fkart.
                wa_zmigo-posting_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                wa_zmigo-created_on = sy-datum.
                wa_zmigo-created_time = sy-uzeit.
                wa_zmigo-material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
               wa_zmigo-inv_no = wa_xvbrk-vbeln.
               wa_zmigo-inv_item_no = wa_xvbrp-posnr.
                wa_zmigo-plant = wa_xvbrp-werks.
                wa_zmigo-inv_date = wa_xvbrk-fkdat.
                wa_zmigo-customer = wa_xvbrk-kunag.
                wa_zmigo-unit = 1.
                condense wa_xvbrk-zuonr.
                wa_zmigo-reference = wa_xvbrk-zuonr.
                wa_zmigo-mtype = '602'.
    ********Bill of lading no**
               select single bill_lno from zmigo_final into v_frbnr where inv_no = wa_xvbrk-xblnr and material = wa_xvbrp-matnr.
               if sy-subrc eq 0.
               wa_zmigo-bill_lno = v_frbnr.
                insert into zmigo values wa_zmigo.
              clear : wa_zmigo,wa_xvbrp , v_fkimg.
    clear : v_no_of_records.
    *}   INSERT
    *{   INSERT         RD1K903017                                        3
    *}   INSERT
    This program is working fine for single user but in production where no of people are creating the invoices from different places the data is not getting updated in table ZMIGO.
    sometime populating with wrong data , partial data and sometimes no updation at all.
    I have used the table locking system enqueue and dequeue FM's before n after updation but still the same
    thing is happening.
    What could be the reason.
    Looking for help very urgent any other alternate option.

    Go thru these..
    SDVFX009 Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference numbe
    SDVFX010 User exit item table for the customer lines
    SDVFX011 Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures
    V05I0001 User exits for billing index
    V05N0001 User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedu
    V60A0001 Customer functions in the billing document
    V60P0001 Data provision for additional fields for display in lis
    V61A0001 Customer enhancement: Pricing
    SDVFX001 User exit header line in delivery to accounting
    SDVFX002 User exit for A/R line (transfer to accounting)
    SDVFX003 User exit: Cash clearing (transfer to accounting)
    SDVFX004 User exit: G/L line (transfer to accounting)
    SDVFX008 User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI
    SDVFX007 User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting
    SDVFX006 User exit: Tax line (transfer to accounting)
    SDVFX005 User exit: Reserves (transfer to accounting)
    Business Add-in
    SD_CIN_LV60AU02 BADI for billing
    If it is helpful rewards points

  • BAdI: or User Exit  for Campaign Creation

    Hi all,
              we are working in CRM 5.0,
    we have a Requirement like :
          when we create the campaign it should check higher level project ID        (marketing Plan ID)
          if it is there it should permit for create campaign else it ll show error...
    Any BAdI: or User Exit  for Campaign Creation?
    I ll geive reward points....
    Rhanks & Regards,

    Dear Ganesh,
    As campaign can be created and executed individually also, it will never check for higher level project ID.
    Let me check the system if we can block creation of campaign individually, without having a higher level marketing plan.

  • User Exit for Delivery Creation

    I am looking for an User Exit for Delivery Creation, which should provide a Sales Order Number. This is required before Batch determination. Can any one help.

    I think you can try with MV50AFZ1 user exit.
    In move fields to LIKP and LIPS routine you can get the sales order.
    LIPS-VGBEL gives the sales order.

  • BAdI: or User Exit for Campaign Creation   IN CRM 5.0

    Hi all,
    we are working in CRM 5.0,
    we have a Requirement like :
    when we create the campaign it should check higher level project ID (marketing Plan ID)
    if it is there it should permit for create campaign else it ll show error...
    Any BAdI: or User Exit for Campaign Creation?
    I ll geive reward points....
    Rhanks & Regards,


  • BADI / User exit for Purchase order(ME21N) after saving the document

    Hi expert,
    I need the BADI / User exit for Purchase order(ME21N) after saving the document
    This is for email sending after create the purchase order so PO document number will be the import parameter
    pls help me
    point will be reward

    Hi Ganesh,
    Could you please share your solution?
    Edited by: Hoops on Jun 13, 2011 10:51 PM

  • User exits for delivery picking confirmation and transfer order creation

    We have a scenario for which we need help.
    This is to do with replenishment from plant to plant.
    We have sales sets.
    The sales sets needs to be replenished from one plant to another. We want the componenets of the sales sets to picked from the issuing plant. For this we need a transfer order. this needs tobe confirmed and then the goods issue should take place from the issuing plant. Its a two step process.
    we are doing Sales sets in STO. The explosion takes place in STO. However when we create deliveries for this. Only the sales set header item without its components are flowing into the delivery.
    The Tranfer order does not contain the components either.
    However post  the goods issue we  can create a TO with reference to the TR. This is is not acceptable because we want the picking and confirmation to occur before PGI from the issuing plant.
    Could anybody help: We want the TO to be created with the components even though in the delivery only the Sales set header appears. Can u suggest a user exit in which when we create the TR from the delivery the components of the set.
    After confirmation of the TO then we want the picking status to be put as C.

    Check the following users exits.
    MWMRFSSG            user exit for sorting TOs in RF system-guided transaction
    MWMRFUP             Customer defined general purpose pushbutton called from scr.
    MWMRP001            Cust. Exit for Fixed Bin Replenish.: Delivery Item Selection
    MWMRP002            Cust. Exit for Fixed Bin Replenishment: TR Quantity Distr.
    MWMRP003            Customer Exit for Replenishment using RLLNACH1
    MWMRP004            User Exit for Replenishment using RLLNACH4
    MWMTO001            Enhancements for end of transfer order generation
    MWMTO010            Exit: Calculation of Total Planned TO Processing Time
    MWMTO011            Correction of Planned Processing Time for TO Item
    MWMTO012            Correction of Sorting and Split Transfer Order
    MWMTO013            Stock Removal for Sev. Storage Types as in Stringent FIFO
    MWMTOAU3            Separate selection of posting changes for autom.TO creation
    MWMTR001            Exits at the end of transfer rqmnt creation (IM,PP interf.)
    MWMD0001            Transfer order print via RLVSDR40
    MWMD0002            Transfer order print as multiple process with RLKOMM40
    MWMIDI07            Enhancement for Output WMPIHU (Create Pick-HU) Inbound
    MWMIDO11            Enhancement for message WMTORD: TO with several items
    MWMIDO12            Enhancement for Output WMPIHU (Pick-HUs) Outbound
    MWMIDO13            Extension for WMMBXY (subsequent tasks after goods movement)
    MWMPP001            Enhancement WM/PP Interface (automatic TR generation)

  • User exit for Exchange rate in PO (ME22n) of Delivery/invoice Tab

    Hi SDN,
    We are using 4.6c. I wanna make the FIELD "Exchange rate" in Purchase Order (Tx: ME22n) of Delivery/invoice Tab into display mode. So can any one tell the USER EXIT i have to use to make SCREEN-INPUT = 0 for this screen field, MEPO1226-WKURS.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Transaction Code - ME22N                    Change Purchase Order
    Exit Name           Description
    LMEDR001            Enhancements to print program
    LMELA002            Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a GR
    LMELA010            Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC
    LMEQR001            User exit for source determination
    LMEXF001            Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt
    LWSUS001            Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail
    M06B0001            Role determination for purchase requisition release
    M06B0002            Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition release
    M06B0003            Number range and document number
    M06B0004            Number range and document number
    M06B0005            Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requisn.
    M06E0004            Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc.
    M06E0005            Role determination for release of purchasing documents
    ME590001            Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59
    MEETA001            Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., preview)
    MEFLD004            Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only PO)
    MELAB001            Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule implem.
    MEQUERY1            Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N
    MEVME001            WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery tolerance
    MM06E001            User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing documents
    MM06E003            Number range and document number
    MM06E004            Control import data screens in purchase order
    MM06E005            Customer fields in purchasing document
    MM06E007            Change document for requisitions upon conversion into PO
    MM06E008            Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release orders
    MM06E009            Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
    MM06E010            Field selection for vendor address
    MMAL0001            ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing
    MMAL0002            ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing
    MMAL0003            ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound processing
    MMAL0004            ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound processing
    MMDA0001            Default delivery addresses
    MMFAB001            User exit for generation of release order
    MRFLB001            Control Items for Contract Release Order
    AMPL0001            User subscreen for additional data on AMPL
    No of Exits:         35
    USER EXIT,295199,sid63_gci982756,00.html
    Rewards if useful.........

  • User Exit for PO asociated ME21N

    Hello experts,
    I have a requeriment and I need to find user exit for ME21N. The point is when standard PO is created I need to validate the amount item with values on a ZTABLE.
    I will appreciate it any info. Points rewards

    in SMOD give MM06E005 enhancement
    FM name
    This will be triggered during saving.

  • PR mandatory in PO Creation ME21N and ME22N

    Dear Experts,
    I want to make PR mandatory for each line item in ME21N and ME22N transaction Code,how to do it in SAP ?

    First Create a Function authorization in OMET named as XX.
    In that tick on Ref to PR.
    Hope Help U !
    pardeep malik

  • User exit for VT01n (Creation of shipment)

    Hii All
    We have a requirement where we have to automatically enter the planned shipment  scheduled time & end time and date for each stage while saving the shipment.
    Can anyone let me know user exit which can be used to do the same.
    Thanks & Regards

    You can use V56FSTAT this user exit for your purpose..
    If you want more selection of user exits you goto transaction SMOD and input V56* and then press F4,so that you can see all the user exits can be used for shipment or transportation purpose...

  • User Exit for employee creation

    I want to know the user exit which is called whenever the employee is created and employee number is generated.
    I found one user exit as below:
    Is it correct?
    Please advise.
    Manish Jaiswal

    Hi Manish,
    PFB the correct user exits for the same.
    EXIT_SAPFP50M_001 - Customer Default Values for Personnel Administration and Rec
    EXIT_SAPFP50M_002 - Customer Checks for Personnel Administration and Recruitment

  • User Exit For VF01 VBRK-NETWR and VBRP-NETWR

    I want to change the invoice price about VF01.
    Anyone know the method?

    Transaction Code - VF01                     Create Billing Document
    Exit Name           Description
    SDVFX001            User exit header line in delivery to accounting
    SDVFX002            User exit for A/R line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX003            User exit cash clearing in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX004            User exit G/L line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX005            User exit reserves in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX006            User exit tax line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX007            User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting
    SDVFX008            User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI
    SDVFX009            Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference number)
    SDVFX010            User exit item table for the customer lines
    SDVFX011            Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures
    V05I0001            User exits for billing index
    V05N0001            User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedure
    V60A0001            Customer functions in the billing document
    V60P0001            Data provision for additional fields for display in lists
    V61A0001            Customer enhancement: Pricing
    J_3RSINV            Customer enhancement: Pricing
    No of Exits:         17
    USER EXIT,295199,sid63_gci982756,00.html
    BAPI-step by step procedure
    list of all BAPI's
    Rewards if useful.........


    I needed a user exit in which I could call my function module .The requirement is that whenever a sales order is created or changed ,on saving of the sales order I need  to trigger an IDOC .Inside my function module I plan to use the MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE
    Can anyone tell me if the above logic can work and please tell me the name of the user exit which I can use?

    Instead of User exit, you can think of using SAP Standard Output type functionality.
    Ask your functional consultant to create a Output type with Medium 6 and do the necessary outbound configuration in the Partner profile WE20 transaciton.
    Madhan D
    Edited by: Madhan Doraikannan on Dec 10, 2008 10:49 AM

  • User exit for delivery creation in VL10B/VL10G-

    Is there any exits available for restricting the document type while the deliveries are selected/processed using VL10B/VL10G - delivery creation in background.
    Scenario is when deliveries are created for STO's,the delivery is to be created for a selected document types(EKKO - BSART).Other types of document types have to be ignored when the delivery is created in background.

    Hello Deepak
    You handle this through configuration while setting up Stock Transport Orders in MM.
    Path:  IMG/Materials Management/Purchasing/Purchase Order/Set up Stock Transport Order/Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule
    Here you a Delivery type for a combination of Plant and PO type. So those PO types which you don't want to be included for delivery creation will not figure in this assignment. I don't think you should go down  the user exit route.
    If you still need to explore user exits, look at OSS note 198137 for a list and purpose of VL10X based exits.
    Hope this helps.

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