User Proxy Settings

Is there any way of forcing the proxy username and password to be the login name and password. The problem I have is students not clicking the save to keychain clickbox, then using other peoples proxy login and password as it may have different permissions.
On windows this comes from the active directory, is there a similar setting I can set on the Mac?
Many Thanks

Microsoft ISA can authenticate via various means including your mentioned AD, Kerberos and various LDAP schemes, which implies there's a problematic authentication means here or there's a misconfiguration of some sort. This particularly if the users are re-using previous credentials; that's (badness) occurring out at the ISA box.
I'm not an ISA expert, and I'm not at all current on Microsoft technologies. You might want to check in a more Microsoft-focused forum, and particularly search for discussions of operating ISA with Linux (yes, Linux), Unix, or Mac OS X clients; with non-Microsoft platforms.
Based on some digging, it looks like MCX might be your path forward if you want to get Mac OS X hard-wired with these and not go near the ISA box configuration; the 10.6 Proxies set-up does provide for proxy credentials, and the path into that storage (if you're auto-configuring) is usually via the user's input or via MCX.
This possibly in conjunction with the [WPAD proxy autoconfiguration| scovery-in-safari.html] setting. (And there's an interesting thread [here|] related to proxy authentication)
Check with the Microsoft ISA folks and forums, too. This can't be the first time they've encountered Linux (and I'd start there, with this question; most any "foreign" system OS will do for the purposes of the initial question) or Mac OS X boxes.

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    Hi there,
    Wondering if anyone can help.
    I am experiencing the following issue when trying to load ActiveX control without UAC prompts for standard users.
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    Before going further, what's the operating systems you are using? How did you configure
    approved Installation Sites for ActiveX Controls and Active X installation policy for sites in Trusted zones settings?
    Regarding how to configure these two settings, we can refer to the following article for double check.
    Administering the ActiveX Installer Service in Windows 7
    Besides, we can also run command gpresult/h gpreport.html with admin privileges to collect group policy result report to check if the policy settings are applied correctly.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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    I hate to say, but I don't understand how what I see is compatible with your statement.
    Let me show what I'm experiencing with more details.
    Here's what I get without any proxy options from powershell.exe:
    PS 4.0 ~> $r = iwr
    PS 4.0 ~> $r -eq $null
    PS 4.0 ~> $r.GetType()
    IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
    True     False    HtmlWebResponseObject                    Microsoft.PowerSh...
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    PS ~> $r = iwr
    iwr : The remote name could not be resolved: ''
    At line:1 char:6
    + $r = iwr
    +      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-W
       ebRequest], WebException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebR
    PS ~> $r -eq $null
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    Current WinHTTP proxy settings:
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    To configure the proxy server settings on a client computer, create the following .reg file to populate the registry with the proxy server information:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
    In this file, ProxyServer name is the name of your proxy server.
    Andy Altmann
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I have proxy settings stay for multiple users on an educational network?

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    A possibility is to create a file user.js and place that file in the default template location (defaults\pref) in the Firefox program folder.
    If you don't want users to change the proxy (connection) settings then you can also lock the prefs or set a different default value.
    You can use these calls in mozilla.cfg to set or lock a pref:
    defaultPref(); // set new default value
    pref(); // set pref, but allow changes
    lockPref(); // lock pref, disallow changes

  • Proxy settings moved from User to Machine not removing user settings.

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    I have recently moved our company's proxy settings from User based to Machine based as we were having issues after moving from an internal proxy to a hosted external proxy.  What we found was after turning off the internal some users were no longer
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    Any help on this would be much appreciated.

    Hi Nat,
    you wrote: I found if I remove the proxy settings it doesn't always apply to users but if I add info in it always updates to the user. 
    Does that also happen für new users now after you changed your settings to the computer settings?
    I guess you used group policy preferences; that worked as "one time settings", so as long as the policy exists it will be merged with the Settings on the users computer. Please find a detailed description on
    So you now have 2 configuration items: your policy as well as the users registry. So to remove that you already moved the Settings from the user configuration to your Computers configuration (that worked as you described) while the Settings
    in their HKCU are still there - you Need to either implement another  policy to remove that, or you can set it empty.
    Don't set it to "not configured" as that will keep your old setting deployed before.
    Sometimes I found in more easy to implement another user preference that removed the Registry key with the Registry keys to remove a Setting instead of Publishing a "remove Setting" configuration.

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    > have a Windows 2008 R2 server, and i've enabled the GPO "Make proxy
    > settings per-machine (rather than per user)", and i've add a registry
    > key AutoConfigURL in "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current
    > Version\Internet Settings" with the pac file link.
    In the past, we experienced various issues with machine proxy settings,
    so we don't use them anymore. The simple approach:
    Block access to the connections page through ADM template settings and
    deploy the proxy through GPP Internet Settings.
    This is what we do (with a pac file, too), and it works well :)
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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    Most browsers include an [automatic proxy configuration (PAC) mechanism|] and the transparent configuration of proxies, and Safari and Firefox are no different here.
    The usual approach here is to have folks visit a site and select the PAC file, or to push the file out. Here is a comfiguration example from [UConn|], and another from [Rice|], and there are others around and visible via Google.
    The [pactester|> tool might be useful, too.
    If y'all get some DNS entries set up (various web browsers have [Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD)|], when last I checked [Safari needed a little help|]) and have your firewall raise an appropriate diagnostic page, you won't have to go through this again, either.
    None of this stuff is particularly specific to Mac OS X or to Safari; the PAC stuff is fairly generic, and WPAD is used with various boxes. (Try Safari with WPAD, but you might still need to reference that PAC file. And if you do, using WPAD-compliant naming would probably be a reasonable approach.)
    The hosts files? You're really still using those? Any chance you can get real DNS working? That's a whole lot less work, and now is the time to deploy that; if you're going to mess with everything, then you can use that effort and that requirement to (also) move forward in your networking capabilities.

  • Firefox proxy settings with OD users

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    thanks in advance

    Firefox keeps its settings in /Users/Home/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/mixofnumbersandletters.default/prefs.js. This file does not lend itself too easily for use in Workgroup Manager's Preferences Manifest.
    What you could do - which is what I sometimes do - is to configure the Proxy Settings first on one client workstation. You could do this either one of two ways; keying about:config in Firefox itself or simply amending the Network Settings. This should 'write' the relevant information you want. Copy the prefs.js file to the Desktop. Quit out of Firefox and delete the User's Firefox Profile from the Application Support folder. Right click or Control Click on the Firefox application itself and select show Package Contents. Drill down through the Contents folder to the MacOS folder. Keep on going through the defaults folder. In there you should see a profile folder with an existing prefs.js. Overwrite this with the one on the Desktop. Now re-launch Firefox. Any user (local or otherwise) will receive those settings as default as they are set by the Application rather than by the User.
    All you have to do now is copy the Firefox application to all of your clients. Which you could a number of ways. Copy the application to a pencil stick or CD and walk round each client in turn and copying the amended Firefox Application to the Applications folder. Or use the Copy command in ARD. Or prepare the client workstation you did this all on as a NetRestore Image and image the remaining workstations.

  • GPO Proxy Settings per User

    I've spent days researching this but haven't found a situation quite like it. I have multiple users in a SBS environment. We use roaming profiles exclusively. I have 2 users (user A and user B) in the same OU "No Internet" that have dummy proxy
    settings to prevent them from using the internet except for specifically allowed sites.  These users log in to two different workstations (PC1 and PC2).  The computers are in the same OU, "Windows7Desktops". 
    When User A logs in to PC1, the proxy settings are correctly applied.  When User A logs in to PC2, the proxy settings do not apply.  User B's proxy settings also apply on PC1, but not on PC2.
    The workstations are identical builds, the same software is installed on each, both are running the same version of Windows 7 SP1. 
    I'm at a loss!  My gut feeling is that there is a setting in the registry for the PCs that is different, but I've been unable to locate it.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Hi DeannaM,
    Would you please provide a general description for that how you configure the Proxy setting in Group Policy?
    Did you mean that configure the proxy settings under User Configuration, and then link the GPO to a computer-based OU? If I misunderstand, or any details and updates, please feel free to let me know.
    Based on your description, this issue seems that just occurred when user login PC2. Please use a user account
    to login PC2, then run
    gpresult command to collect group policy information and check.
    By the way, would you please confirm whether PC2 was also belonged to another computer-based OU, or just belong
    to this one OU? Please pay attention to
    loopback mode. Just my guess.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • Allow restricted user to change Proxy Settings

    I have an OS X 10.4.11 MacBook Pro that has 2 accounts. One local administrator account and one restricted Network mobile account authenticating against an LDAP domain. All users are required to go through a proxy to get out to the internet. The proxy is not accessible outside our network. This means the proxy settings have to be change when the user takes his laptop out of the office. However since the user has a restricted account he does not have permission to change the proxy information.
    Is there away I can allow this user to change the proxy settings or even change a Network Location with out giving him administrator privileges.?

    Hi msaner, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Haven't found the answer just yet, but...
    /System/Library/CoreServices/ t
    contained some interesting strings after finding changing permissions on the PrefPanes didn't work, like...

  • Update hosts file and Change proxy settings for all users on Mac

    I am in a large environment with many Mac users. We have a Windows based proxy server that we are switching over within a few weeks. So far we are manually having to go to each Mac and change the proxy settings under the users account. This is a very long and painstaking process as users are on vacation etc. and our cutoff date is fast approaching for the old proxy.
    we also are having to log into each workstation as administrator go into the terminal and so sudo passwd root then change the password then do sudo vi /etc/hosts to edit the hosts file.
    Is there a way to change the proxy server setting for safari and firefox globally without having to log in as each user on the Mac ?
    Or is there an automated way through a script that the users can run ?
    These macs authenticate to active directory. They do not have a mac server but I was told to post this question here versus the desktop area.

    Most browsers include an [automatic proxy configuration (PAC) mechanism|] and the transparent configuration of proxies, and Safari and Firefox are no different here.
    The usual approach here is to have folks visit a site and select the PAC file, or to push the file out. Here is a comfiguration example from [UConn|], and another from [Rice|], and there are others around and visible via Google.
    The [pactester|> tool might be useful, too.
    If y'all get some DNS entries set up (various web browsers have [Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD)|], when last I checked [Safari needed a little help|]) and have your firewall raise an appropriate diagnostic page, you won't have to go through this again, either.
    None of this stuff is particularly specific to Mac OS X or to Safari; the PAC stuff is fairly generic, and WPAD is used with various boxes. (Try Safari with WPAD, but you might still need to reference that PAC file. And if you do, using WPAD-compliant naming would probably be a reasonable approach.)
    The hosts files? You're really still using those? Any chance you can get real DNS working? That's a whole lot less work, and now is the time to deploy that; if you're going to mess with everything, then you can use that effort and that requirement to (also) move forward in your networking capabilities.

  • Proxy settings with user and password

    How can I configure the proxy settings if our proxy requests user and password.

    We have a proxy configuration that requieres the input of an user and a password. If we try to update the Creator, we get the error 'Unable to connect to the Update Center Server. Check proxy settings ...'.
    If I remember well, the first time I tried the update feature, I think I got a pop up window to input the user and the password for the proxy. But now I get always the error message. If we shut down the proxy it works fine.
    Today I tried the 'GoogleSearch' demo application and the same problen occures.
    Thanks for information

  • WLAN Proxy Settings - Saving User Id and Password

    I've looked around on the net but have not been able to find a solution to this problem.
    Using an N8 (on Nokia Belle), the WLAN settings does not seem to provide any place to specify the username and password for a proxy based network (Note: this is not the pre-shared key for the WLAN, but the username and password asked by the proxy server). When the browser is used, it prompts for the username and password and then works. However other applications cannot connect to this network as they seemingly lack this feature and the phone does not make this globally available. Nokia Configuration Tool (NCT) 6.3 seems to allow placement of username and password values. When configuration is transferred back to phone, NCT shows successfully configured, but this does not seem to be the case when the settings are used by the phone. Does anyone have a solution for this?

    Step 1
    Goto Connectivity Menu
    Menu Button - Settings - Connectivity
    Step 2
    Add new Access Point (continue from above)
    Settings - Destinations
    Step 3
    Set the new Access Point
    1) Select Access Point to add new access point.
    2) Select Yes for "Automatically check ......"
    3) Select WLAN for wifi & choose your corporate Access Point
    4) Select Internet to assign it to Internet group.
    Step 4
    1) Go back to menu in Step 2
    2) Select Internet.
    3) Select the new Access Point that you've added in Step 3 & it will give the details of it.
    4) Select Options - Advanced Settings
    5) And you should see IPv4, IPv6 and Proxy settings menu
    If I have helped you, please hit the star at the bottom of my posts - it's appreciated!
    Don't forget if your problem is solved to press the "Accept as Solution" button.

  • Firefox suddenly stopped opening webpages, while other browser work properly. I checked Proxy settings and everything that is mentioned in the central help page, but still no solution found...

    In addition, i tried to re-install Firefox many times, without a result. In the time these lines are written, I am using Google Chrome to surf the web.
    Neither proxy settings, nor the true/false ipV6 values helped.
    The '''"symptoms"''' are as following:
    --> The programm itself starts correctly, at usual speed, with no crashes or error messages to pop-up.
    --> No page is displayed, neither the home page, nor any other one. I only see a blank white page.
    -->The name of the starting tab, as of any other new tab I try to open is "(Untitled)"
    -->There is no probability of errors in the Internet Line, because I am using it right now, running Chrome.
    -->The full scan results are totally clean, using Panda Internet Security 2011, activated and updated.
    -->The Error Console shows the following messages:
    Could not read chrome manifest file 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}\chrome.manifest'.
    Warning: XUL box for _moz_generated_content_after element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block.
    Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
    Line: 0
    Warning: WARN addons.updates: HTTP Request failed for an unknown reason
    Source File: resource://gre/modules/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm
    Line: 503
    Warning: WARN addons.repository: Search failed when repopulating cache
    Source File: resource://gre/modules/AddonRepository.jsm
    Line: 573
    Error: Livemark Service: feed processor received an invalid channel for
    Source File: resource://gre/components/nsLivemarkService.js
    Line: 635
    Error: Livemark Service: feed processor received an invalid channel for
    Source File: resource://gre/components/nsLivemarkService.js
    Line: 635.
    These Error messages appear in the Error Console of the just now downloaded Firefox 4.0. In the previous version, 3.6.12, before removing it, I noticed two more error messages in the error console, like the two last as listed above: With the nema ERROR.
    I am forced now to use Chrome, and I dislike that!
    Some could suspect that Google has sabbotaged firefox to get its popularity by forcing users to change browsing programms by giving them a hidden worm..?? :P
    Please, help me out anyone with good will and strong tech-knowledge.

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting&#58; Make a new profile]]
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)

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