Using bind variable with IN clause

My application runs a limited number of straight up queries (no stored procs) using ODP.NET. For the most part, I'm able to use bind variables to help with query caching, etc... but I'm at a loss as to how to use bind variables with IN clauses. Basically, I'm looking for something like this:
int objectId = 123;
string[] listOfValues = { "a", "b", "c"};
OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand();
command.Connection = conn;
command.BindByName = true;
command.CommandText = @"select blah from mytable where objectId = :objectId and somevalue in (:listOfValues)";
command.Parameters.Add("objectId", objectId);
command.Parameters.Add("listOfValues", listOfValues);
I haven't had much luck yet using an array as a bind variable. Do I need to pass it in as a PL/SQL associative array? Cast the values to a TABLE?

Nevermind, found this
How to use OracleParameter whith the IN Operator of select statement
which contained this, which is a brilliant solution

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  • How to use bind variables with XMLTABLE?

    I tried to use bind variables with xmltable statment. Here, my testcase:
    create or replace function wsdltest return xmltype as
    l_dummy xmltype;
    l_stt clob;
    l_name varchar2(500);
    l_xml clob;
    l_xml :=
    '<definitions name="F1" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xsd:element name="SVARCHAR2-F1Input">
    <xsd:element name="A-VARCHAR2-IN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="F1Output">
    <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="F1InputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:SVARCHAR2-F1Input"/>
    <message name="F1OutputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:F1Output"/>
    <portType name="F1PortType">
    <operation name="F1">
    <input message="tns:F1InputMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:F1OutputMessage"/>
    <binding name="F1Binding" type="tns:F1PortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="F1">
    <soap:operation soapAction="F1"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <service name="F1Service">
    <documentation>Oracle Web Service</documentation>
    <port name="F1Port" binding="tns:F1Binding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/orawsv/XFILES/F1"/>
    -- OK
    l_stt := 'select * from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('''' AS "XSD", default ''''),
    passing xmltype(:1)
    ab xmltype path ''.'' ) t';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_stt INTO l_dummy using l_xml;
    -- ERROR ORA-01006
    l_name := '"SVARCHAR2-F1Input"';
    l_stt := 'select * from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('''' AS "XSD", default ''''),
    passing xmltype(:1)
    ab xmltype path ''.'' ) t';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_stt INTO l_dummy using l_xml, l_name;
    return l_dummy;
    Any idea ?
    Thanks in advance

    Why are you using dynamic SQL statements? Why not just use something like this instead in your PL/SQL. I also replaced the leading // in your Xpath with just / since you start from the root node.
    select *
      INTO l_dummy
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS "XSD", default ''),
                    passing xmltype(l_xml)
                    ab xmltype path '.' ) t;Also, the above returns two rows, which I suspect is not what you want. Here is the pure SQL version for you to debug.
    select *
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS "XSD", default ''),
                   passing xmltype('<definitions name="F1" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xsd:element name="SVARCHAR2-F1Input">
    <xsd:element name="A-VARCHAR2-IN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="F1Output">
    <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="F1InputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:SVARCHAR2-F1Input"/>
    <message name="F1OutputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:F1Output"/>
    <portType name="F1PortType">
    <operation name="F1">
    <input message="tns:F1InputMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:F1OutputMessage"/>
    <binding name="F1Binding" type="tns:F1PortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="F1">
    <soap:operation soapAction="F1"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <service name="F1Service">
    <documentation>Oracle Web Service</documentation>
    <port name="F1Port" binding="tns:F1Binding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/orawsv/XFILES/F1"/>
                   ab xmltype path '.' ) t

  • Error bind variable with "like %" clause ?

    Hello everybody;
    I would like to know how to do a like clause to bind variables, with this code i obtain 'ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended' error
    v_query:= 'UPDATE ' || collection(i) ||' SET REF_PLAN=:quatre_champ WHERE FAM_SIM like ''%'':prem_champ''%'' AND PRISE_V1P like ''%'':deux_champ''%'' AND BROCHE_V1P like ''%:trois_champ%''';
                                  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query USING quatre_champ,prem_champ,deux_champ,trois_champ;Maybe my " ' " are in a bad positions ?
    Thanks for your help, regards.

    try this
    v_query :=
             'UPDATE '
          || collection (i)
          || ' SET REF_PLAN =:quatre_champ WHERE FAM_SIM like'|| '''%:prem_champ%'''
          || ' AND PRISE_V1P like' || ''' %:deux_champ%'''
          || ' AND BROCHE_V1P like'||''' %:trois_champ%;'''
    Of course not tested
    Any efforts to give sample data and help us recreated the problem will be appreciated.

  • Using bind variables with sql statements

    We connect from a VB 6.0 program via OO4O to an Oracle 8.1.7 database, using bind variables in connection with select statements. Running ok, but performance again by using bind vars not as good as expected!
    When looking into the table v$sqlarea, we were able to detect the reason. We expected that our program submits the sql statement with bind vars, Oracle parses this once, and with each select statement again, we do not have a reparse. But: It seems that with each new session Oracle reparses the sql statement, that is, Oracle is not able to memorize or cache bind vars and statements. Even more worrying, this kind of behaviour was visible with each new dynaset, but the same database/session.
    Is there anybody our there with an idea of what is happening here?
    Code snippet:
    Dim OraSession As OracleInProcServer.OraSessionClass
    Dim OraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(my database", "my connect", 0&)
    OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "my_bind", 0, ORAPARM_INPUT
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").DynasetOption = ORADYN_NOCACHE
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").serverType = ORATYPE_NUMBER ' Bind Var Type
    Dim RS As OracleInProcServer.OraDynaset
    strSQLstatement= "Select * from my_table where igz= [my_bind] "
    Set RS = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(strSQLstatement, &H4)
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").Value = myValue
    Cheers and thanks a lot :)
    Michael Sonntag

    We connect from a VB 6.0 program via OO4O to an Oracle 8.1.7 database, using bind variables in connection with select statements. Running ok, but performance again by using bind vars not as good as expected!
    When looking into the table v$sqlarea, we were able to detect the reason. We expected that our program submits the sql statement with bind vars, Oracle parses this once, and with each select statement again, we do not have a reparse. But: It seems that with each new session Oracle reparses the sql statement, that is, Oracle is not able to memorize or cache bind vars and statements. Even more worrying, this kind of behaviour was visible with each new dynaset, but the same database/session.
    Is there anybody our there with an idea of what is happening here?
    Code snippet:
    Dim OraSession As OracleInProcServer.OraSessionClass
    Dim OraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(my database", "my connect", 0&)
    OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "my_bind", 0, ORAPARM_INPUT
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").DynasetOption = ORADYN_NOCACHE
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").serverType = ORATYPE_NUMBER ' Bind Var Type
    Dim RS As OracleInProcServer.OraDynaset
    strSQLstatement= "Select * from my_table where igz= [my_bind] "
    Set RS = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(strSQLstatement, &H4)
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").Value = myValue
    Cheers and thanks a lot :)
    Michael Sonntag

  • Trying to use bind variables with a list

    I have the following dynamic SQL statement which I'm trying to convert to use pure bind variables. the variable "v_list" is a string that gets filled dynamically with a list of numbers so it can be used in an expression "IN (<expr>)". The number of elements is not constant but DB driven. I cannot simply replace it with a bind variable, I get the "Invalid number" error.
    I read up on using collection/varrays but they seem to be build for other purposes. any ideas?
    BTW this query catcehs the NO_DATA and TOO_MANY exception. basically we are interested in either found at least one record, or not.
         v_list     VARCHAR2(1000);
         v_P1     INTEGER;
         v_temp     INTEGER;
         v_list := '0';
         FOR <some condition>
              v_list := v_list || ',' || <some-number>;
         END LOOP;
         v_String := 'SELECT pID FROM t1'
              || ' WHERE pID IN (' || v_list || ')'
              || ' AND f2 = :1 '
              || ' AND f3 = 1';
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_String INTO v_temp USING v_P1;

    Tom Kyte has a discussion that will probably be useful here
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Error using bind variables with SQL server with SQL92 mode

    I am using 2 bind variable in my VO (JDBC positional) . The mode is SQL 92 for ADF BC. I do not use the bind variable directly but in a view criteria. I see following error in the logs.
    The logs show the query executed and error.  I tried both ways - making bind variable required and not required. I have set -Djbo.SQLBuilder=SQLServer property. My other page works which has an updatable VO.
    JDEV version is - JDEVADF_11.
    <ViewObjectImpl> <getQueryHitCount> [4567] Estimated Row Count for ViewObject: []AdministrationAM.UserOnSystemROVO1, Query Statement:
    <ViewObjectImpl> <getQueryHitCount> [4568] "SELECT count(1) FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT
        TABLE2 TABLE2,
        TABLE1 TABLE1
    <ViewObjectImpl> <getQueryHitCount> [4569] Bind params for ViewObject.getQueryHitCount: UserOnSystemROVO1
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4570] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(0, null, null)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4571] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(1, null, null)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4572] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(4, null, null)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4573] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(5, null, null)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4574] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(2, null, null)
    <ViewRowSetImpl> <doSetWhereClauseParam> [4575] UserOnSystemROVO1 ViewRowSetImpl.doSetWhereClause(3, null, null)
    <ADFLogger> <addContextData> Estimated row count
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [4576] Binding null of type 12 for 1
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [4577] Binding null of type 12 for 2
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [4578] Binding null of type 12 for 3
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [4579] Binding null of type 12 for 4
    <BaseSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [4580] Binding null of type 12 for 5
    <ViewObjectImpl> <getQueryHitCount> [4581] ViewObjectImpl.getQueryHitCount failed...
    <ViewObjectImpl> <getQueryHitCount> [4582] java.sql.SQLException: [FMWGEN][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Invalid parameter binding(s).
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.dda4.b(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.dda4.a(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.dda3.b(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.dda3.a(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.ddb8.a(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.ddb9.a(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.sqlserverbase.ddb9.setNull(Unknown Source)
      at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.setNull(
      at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindParamValue(
      at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindParametersForStmt(
      at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.bindParametersForCollection(
      at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.getQueryHitCount(
      at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.getQueryHitCount(
      at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.getEstimatedRowCount(
      at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.getEstimatedRowCount(
      at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.getEstimatedRowCount(

    After making all the bind variables not required, the error is no longer coming.

  • Using collections / Bind variables with a PL/SQL functio returning a query

    I have this code, which is supposed to assign collection variables as column names
    FOR i in 1 .. Collection_count -1
    SELECT c002 into :P341_M1 FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=i;
    SELECT c002 into varholder FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=i;
    vQuery:= vQuery || 'SUM(decode(label, ''Aware'', product_'|| i || ', ''Expert'', product_' || i || ', ''Proficient'', product_' || i || ', ''Advanced(Demo)'', product_' || i || ' )) as ';
    vQuery:=vQuery || varholder || ', ' ;
    I've tried &P341_M1. , :P341_M1, ':P341_M1', varholder
    When I try '&P341_M1' it returns the whole SUM(decode... line as the label
    Basically Im having a hard time using bind variables with the PL/SQL returning a query...anybody?

    Ok so working through this problem more I have realized that the problem is using the for loop i as an index value
    This will get a value:
    SELECT c002 into :P341_M1 FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=2;
    But this won't
    SELECT c002 into :P341_M1 FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=i;
    I'm in the for loop, and use the i variable in other places within this loop...Is there a reason why I can't compare seq_id to i?
    My new code as follows:
    FOR i in 1 .. Collection_count -1 --apex_application.g_f01.COUNT - 1
    SELECT c002 into :P341_M1 FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=2;
    SELECT c002 into varholder FROM APEX_collections WHERE collection_name = 'MA_SKILLS' AND seq_id=4;
    vQuery:= vQuery || 'SUM(decode(label, ''Aware'', product_'|| i || ', ''Expert'', product_' || i || ', ''Proficient'', product_' || i || ', ''Advanced(Demo)'', product_' || i || ' )) as f';
    vQuery:=vQuery || :P341_M1 ||i||', ' ;

  • How to use Bind Variables in Essbase data control

    I am trying to use Bind Variables in MDX query while creating the Essbase Data Control. I have used the below query with the Bind Variable.. this query is working in Essbase admin console..but it is throwing error (*Invalid MDX Query)* while creating Essbase Datacontrol in JDeveloper.
    MDX Query : SELECT {[Measures].Msr_2} ON COLUMNS, [Time].Children ON ROWS FROM cube
    where ($name)
    Could any body suggest me on how to use bind variables with Essbase Data control.

    Hello Swathi, can you please help me how you created Essbase DataControl? Also were you able to figure out this?
    Thanks, Praveen.

  • How to use sql "IN" operator with named bind variable in where clause ?

    Can one bind variable be used for the "IN" list ('1','2','3') ?

    No worries. Glad it helped. Glad to see also that you're doing things right and trying to use bind variables ;)
    May I suggest adding "SOLVED" to the title of the original post?

  • ORA-01722: invalid number caused with SQL using bind variable

    Im am hoping that someone can help me resolve a problem thats only just services and is being experienced on quite a few clients.
    our application uses C++ exes and makes OCI calls to the database.
    what has happened in the last week or so, there has been quite a few invalid number errors being received on a prod server but strangly enough we cannot reproduct the error on our UAT system.
    The sql is using bind variables and the information in the trace file shows that a number is being used for the bind variable, here is an extract from one trace file:
    for some schemas, the bind variable value is some currupted value, i think:
    oacdty=01 mxl=32(21) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
    oacflg=03 fl2=1206001 frm=01 csi=178 siz=32 off=0
    kxsbbbfp=9a8d62b8 bln=32 avl=03 flg=05
    but on another schema, the value used is:
    oacdty=01 mxl=32(32) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
    oacflg=03 fl2=1206001 frm=01 csi=178 siz=32 off=0
    kxsbbbfp=c5f92718 bln=32 avl=04 flg=05
    however both produce invalid number errors.
    I am relatively inexperienced as a DBA so would appreciate as much help as i can get.

    Could you post your sql statement that is being run.
    Also post the query plan from your uat system and the one from your production system (They are likely to be different)
    You can export the stats from your production system and run them in your uat system. If you do this, then the execution plans should be the same on both systems(dbms_stats) and if you have the same data you should run into the same problem on uat as in production.
    The root cause of this type of problem is having a column in a table which holds values which are of different datatypes. Typically there is a condition in the where clause which indicates that for example only numeric columns should be retrieved from the column which holds multiple data types. However since the optimizer is free to rewrite the query any way it sees fit, (It does not necessarily execute in the order the sql statement is written) it does not filter this data first, and therefore you hit non-numeric data and run into the invalid number error.
    You can use little techniques like using an inline view with rownum in the column list, to perform the first filter. This ensures that the inline view is executed on its own, rather than being merged (materialized) with the rest of the query.
    A quick temporary solution is to use a comparison like to_char(column_name) = variable
    Make sure your comparisons are correct and it doesn't negatively impact on performance of the query

  • XSQL Using bind params with sql LIKE clause

    I am unable to use a bind-param with the LIKE clause in a SELECT statement.
    eg call .../temp.xsql?name=N
    XSQL query is this:
    <xsql:query max-rows="-1" bind-params="name">
    SELECT last_name
    FROM emp
    WHERE last_name LIKE '?%'
    I have tried a few combinations so far with no success eg:
    WHERE last_name LIKE '{@name}%'
    WHERE last_name LIKE ?||%
    Any ideas?

    I highly recommend using XSQL's real bind variable feature wherever you can. You can read about it in the XSQL Online Documentation (Search for the "Using Bind Variables" section).
    Using this feature is more performant and more secure than using textual substitution variables.
    Here's what your page looks like using textual substitution:
    <page connection="UTD4" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
      <xsql:query null-indicator="yes" >
    </page> .
    And here's what it would look like using real bind variables:
    <page connection="UTD4" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
      <xsql:query null-indicator="yes" bind-params="code">
    </page> .
    Using real bind variables allows the database to avoid reparsing the SQL statement everytime, which improves performance.
    Steve Muench
    JDeveloper/BC4J Development Team
    Author, Building Oracle XML Applications

  • Using a query with bind variable with columns defined as raw

    We are on Oracle on Solaris 8. I have a table that has 2 columns defined as raw(18). I have a query from the front end that queries these two raw columns and it uses bind vairables. The query has a performance issue that I need to reproduce but my difficulty is that how to test the query in sqlplus using bind variables (the syntax for bind vairables fails for columns with raw datatype).
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ID1                                                RAW(18)
    ID2                                                RAW(18)
    SQL> variable b1  RAW(18);
    Usage: VAR[IABLE] [ <variable> [ NUMBER | CHAR | CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) |
                        VARCHAR2 (n [CHAR|BYTE]) | NCHAR | NCHAR (n) |
                        NVARCHAR2 (n) | CLOB | NCLOB | REFCURSOR |
                        BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE ] ]
    The above is the error I get - i cant declare a variable as raw.
    SQL> variable b2  RAW(18);
    Usage: VAR[IABLE] [ <variable> [ NUMBER | CHAR | CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) |
                        VARCHAR2 (n [CHAR|BYTE]) | NCHAR | NCHAR (n) |
                        NVARCHAR2 (n) | CLOB | NCLOB | REFCURSOR |
                        BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE ] ]
    SQL> variable b3  RAW(18);
    Usage: VAR[IABLE] [ <variable> [ NUMBER | CHAR | CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) |
                        VARCHAR2 (n [CHAR|BYTE]) | NCHAR | NCHAR (n) |
                        NVARCHAR2 (n) | CLOB | NCLOB | REFCURSOR |
                        BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE ] ]
    --now the actual query below
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "B3" not declared.
    (this fails due to the errors earlier)Also this is a third party app schema so that we don't have the option of modifying the data type of the columns.
    Edited by: orausern on May 10, 2011 11:30 AM

    Try anonymous PL/SQL block:
    b1 RAW(18);
    b2 RAW(18);
    b3 RAW(18);
    SELECT col1, col2, ..
    INTO ...
    WHERE ID1=:B1

  • Use of bind variables with the oracle db - to improve library cache perform

    Dear Friends,
    We are using oracle db server - the performance of the db was pathetic and upon investigation it was revealed that the library cache was over loaded with sql hard parses generated by not using bind variables. We are using vb as a front end with oracle and our connection object in vb is created using ole db for oracle provided by oracle (installed from oracle client custom - programmer option).
    I would appreciate if any body can tell how can we use bind variables in vb to connect to oracle such that the hard parses can be changed into soft parses.
    Your effort to bring some peace in my life is worth comendable and I would be very obliged for your time and help.
    Thanks a lot.
    Take care.

    Generally, you would use bind variables by changing statements that are written like this
    select * from emp where empno=6678 and ename='Jones'
    so that they're written like
    select * from emp where empno=? and ename=?
    How you then bind these question marks to the particular values you want depends on the API you're using (ADO? OLE DB directly?, etc). If you have a support contract, there are plenty of examples for any API on

  • Using Bind Variable in a SELECT

    I'm trying to build up my SQL query at run-time using bind variables and in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) it says that 'After defining the bind variables, the next step is to reference them in the SQL statement. While SQL syntax allows bind variables to appear both in the SELECT list and in the WHERE clause, you'll typically use them in the latter context, as part of your WHERE clause.'.
    However, when I try to use the bind variables in my SELECT list because I've had to set a type for the variable to String the variable gets inserted with inverted commas either side e.g. SELECT 'Service' FROM TestTable. Is it possible to use bind variables to insert a value into my select list without these inverted commas around it?
    Thanks in advance,

    OK, thanks for your response. Do you know of a way then where I can control my SELECT parameters programmatically? I'm currently trying to do it using the information in the chapter '35.9 Using Programmatic View Objects for Alternative Data Sources' from the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). I think I'm part way there, would this be the correct way of acheiving what I want?
    Cheers, Tom

  • Report Using Bind Variables

    Hey Everyone,
    I'm having a bit of trouble creating a report. I need the FROM part of the code to use bind variables. I have come up with this peice of code below but im getting the following error:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following:
    begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use
    current cursor
    The symbol "" was ignored.
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 24:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following:
    begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use
    Can anyone see where im going wrong?
    Thanks in advance,
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    x := x || 'select *';
    x := x || 'from ';
    x := x || :p13_schema;
    x := x || '.ddl_log@';
    x := x || :p13_db_name;
    x := x || '_DBAAPEX.TNTEWW.COM';
    RETURN (x);

    Hey Roel and Daylocks,
    After getting frustrated for a while i deleted the page and started again. I put in the exact same code and it worked just how i wanted in the first place :S
    The only thing i did different is when i was creating the report region the first time around i used a normal SQL query, For Example:
    select sysdate from dual;
    Then i modified it to
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    x := x || 'select ';*
    x := x || 'from ';
    x := x || :p14_schema;
    x := x || '.ddl_log@';
    x := x || :p14_db_name;
    x := x || '_DBAAPEX.TNTEWW.COM';
    RETURN (x);
    Whereas on the second attempt i used the peice of code in question straight away. Its been a bit of a frustrating morning because i used a similar peice of code for a different application, nevermind tho :)
    Thanks for your replys, much appreciated.

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    hi i am running a z report with huge data in quality system. in 2 columns and not able to show the total and subtotal in 2 columns it says field overflow and cannot be dispayed. value is around 20character integer.

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