Using BlurFilter

I'm trying to create a "motion blur" effect on a movie clip
that contains a child clip/ sprite whose child clips/ sprite
contain bitmap data using this function
private function dispatchOnEnterFrame(e) {
if (Math.round(Math.abs(finalX-cX))<1) {
var per=100*(10-(finalX-cX)/diffX);
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
holder.filters = [blur];
On an on click the the child clip is scrolled to a position
and the blur filter is supposed to be changed from a blurred to
none. However only on the first advancement it blurs and changes.
Further more i'm not even sure the blur filter sequence is working.
commenting out the blurring sequence the clip's blurred doesn't
stay for some reason...however i'm not sure
I'm using code from the tutorial
What causes the clip to "lose the blur". I'm substituting the
scaling with the blurring

is it that when you ad a child to a blurred movieclip that
blurfilter is removed?

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  • Using a FireFX Class

    I found this class today which is really cool:
    However, I've never used a public class before.  I've been reading up on them all morning.  I'll provide the code for it here as well.  Anyway, the author also provides a sample application using the class; however, it's a bit different than what I've been reading.  He doesn't call the class in his code;however, it seems he has the class in his library, which is news to me.
    Anyway, the biggest thing I'm after is trying to design my own application calling this class and just hardcoding the fire aspects in my application.  However, I'm coming up empty at every angle.  Any help would be much appreciated!
    Here's the class he created:
    * FireFX by Grant Skinner. May 30, 2007
    * Visit for documentation, updates and more free code.
    * You may distribute and modify this class freely, provided that you leave this header intact,
    * and add appropriate headers to indicate your changes. Credit is appreciated in applications
    * that use this code, but is not required.
    * Please contact [email protected] for more information.
    package com.gskinner.effects {
                import flash.display.BitmapData;
                import flash.geom.Matrix;
                import flash.geom.Point;
                import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
                import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
                import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
                import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;
                import flash.display.Sprite;
                import flash.display.MovieClip;
                import flash.display.Bitmap;
                import flash.display.DisplayObject;
                public class FireFX extends Sprite {
                            private var _fadeRate:Number=0.4;
                            private var _distortionScale:Number=0.4;
                            private var _distortion:Number=0.5;
                            private var _flameHeight:Number=0.3;
                            private var _flameSpread:Number=0.3;
                            private var _blueFlame:Boolean = false;
                            private var _smoke:Number = 0;
                // private properties:
                            // display elements:
                            private var displayBmp:BitmapData;
                            private var scratchBmp:BitmapData;
                            private var perlinBmp:BitmapData;
                            // geom:
                            private var mtx:Matrix;
                            private var pnt:Point;
                            private var drawColorTransform:ColorTransform;
                            // filters:
                            private var fireCMF:ColorMatrixFilter;
                            private var dispMapF:DisplacementMapFilter;
                            private var blurF:BlurFilter;
                            // other:
                            private var endCount:Number;
                            private var bmpsValid:Boolean=false;
                            private var perlinValid:Boolean=false;
                            private var filtersValid:Boolean=false;
                            private var _target:DisplayObject;
                            public function FireFX() {
                                        var frame:DisplayObject = getChildAt(0);
                                        frame.visible = false;
                                        frame.height = height;
                                        frame.width = width;
                                        scaleX = scaleY = 1;
                                        mtx = new Matrix();
                                        pnt = new Point();
                            // getter/setters:
                            override public function set width(value:Number):void {
                                        bmpsValid &&= (value == width);
                                        super.width = value|0;
                            override public function get width():Number {
                                        return super.width;
                            override public function set height(value:Number):void {
                                        bmpsValid &&= (value == height);
                                        super.height = value|0;
                            override public function get height():Number {
                                        return super.height;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='fadeRate (0-1)')]
             * Sets the rate that flames fade as they move up. 0 is slowest, 1 is fastest.
             * @default 0.4
                            public function set fadeRate(value:Number):void {
                                        filtersValid &&= (value == _fadeRate);
                                        _fadeRate = value;
                            public function get fadeRate():Number {
                                        return _fadeRate;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='distortionScale (0-1)')]
             * Sets the scale of flame distortion. 0.1 is tiny and chaotic, 1 is large and smooth.
             * @default 0.4
                            public function set distortionScale(value:Number):void {
                                        perlinValid &&= (value == _distortionScale);
                                        _distortionScale = value;
                            public function get distortionScale():Number {
                                        return _distortionScale;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='distortion (0-1)')]
             * Sets the amount of distortion. 0.1 is little, 1 is chaotic.
             * @default 0.4
                            public function set distortion(value:Number):void {
                                        filtersValid &&= (value == _fadeRate);
                                        _distortion = value;
                            public function get distortion():Number {
                                        return _distortion;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.3,name='flameHeight (0-1)')]
             * Sets the how high the flame will burn. 0 is zero gravity, 1 is a bonfire.
             * @default 0.3
                            public function set flameHeight(value:Number):void {
                                        perlinValid &&= (value == _flameHeight);
                                        _flameHeight = value;
                            public function get flameHeight():Number {
                                        return _flameHeight;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.3,name='flameSpread (0-1)')]
             * Sets the how much the fire will spread out around the target. 0 is no spread, 1 is a lot.
             * @default 0.3
                            public function set flameSpread(value:Number):void {
                                        filtersValid &&= (value == _flameSpread);
                                        _flameSpread = value;
                            public function get flameSpread():Number {
                                        return _flameSpread;
             * Indicates whether it should use a blue or red flame.
             * @default false
                            public function set blueFlame(value:Boolean):void {
                                        filtersValid &&= (value == _blueFlame);
                                        _blueFlame = value;
                            public function get blueFlame():Boolean {
                                        return _blueFlame;
                            [Inspectable(defaultValue=0,name='smoke (0-1)')]
             * Sets the amount of smoke. 0 little, 1 lots.
             * @default 0
                            public function set smoke(value:Number):void {
                                        filtersValid &&= (value == _smoke);
                                        _smoke = value;
                            public function get smoke():Number {
                                        return _smoke;
             * Sets the amount of smoke. 0 little, 1 lots.
             * @default
                            public function set targetName(value:String):void {
                                        var targ:DisplayObject = parent.getChildByName(value);
                                        if (targ == null) {
                                                    try { targ = parent[value] as DisplayObject; }
                                                    catch (e:*) {}
                                        target = targ;
             * Defines the shape of the fire. The fire will burn upwards, so it should be near the bottom, and centered in the FireFX component.
             * @default
                            public function set target(value:DisplayObject):void {
                                        _target = value;
                            public function get target():DisplayObject {
                                        return _target;
             * Clears the fire.
                            public function clear():void {
                                        if (displayBmp) {
             * Stops the fire effect after letting it burn down over 20 frames.
                            public function stopFire():void {
                                        // let the fire burn down for 20 frames:
                                        if (endCount == 0) { endCount = 20; }
                            private function updateBitmaps():void {
                                        if (displayBmp) {
                                                    displayBmp = null;
                                                    scratchBmp = null;
                                                    perlinBmp = null;
                                        displayBmp = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0);
                                        scratchBmp = displayBmp.clone();
                                        perlinBmp = new BitmapData(width*3, height*3, false, 0);
                                        while (numChildren) { removeChildAt(0); }
                                        addChild(new Bitmap(displayBmp));
                                        bmpsValid = true;
                            private function updatePerlin():void {
                                        perlinBmp.perlinNoise(30*_distortionScale,20*_distortionScale,1,-Math.random()*1000|0,fals e,true,1|2,false);
                                        perlinBmp.colorTransform(perlinBmp.rect,new ColorTransform(1,  1-_flameHeight*0.5  ,1,1,0,0,0,0));
                                        perlinValid = true;
                            function updateFilters():void {
                                        if (_blueFlame) {
                                                    fireCMF = new ColorMatrixFilter([0.8-0.55*_fadeRate,0,0,0,0,
                                                    drawColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,210,240,255,0);
                                        } else {
                                                    fireCMF = new ColorMatrixFilter([0.96-0.35*_fadeRate,0.1,0,0,-1,
                                                    drawColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,255,255,210,0);
                                        dispMapF = new DisplacementMapFilter(perlinBmp,pnt,1,2,14*_distortion,-30,"clamp");
                                        blurF = new BlurFilter(32*_flameSpread,32*_flameSpread,1);
                                        filtersValid = true;
                            private function startFire():void {
                                        endCount = 0;
                            private function doFire(evt:Event):void {
                                        if (_target == null) { return; }
                                        if (!bmpsValid) { updateBitmaps(); }
                                        if (!perlinValid) { updatePerlin(); }
                                        if (!filtersValid) { updateFilters(); }
                                        if (endCount == 0) {
                                                    var drawMtx:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix;
                                                    drawMtx.tx = _target.x-x;
                                                    drawMtx.ty = _target.y-y;
                                                    drawColorTransform.alphaOffset = -Math.random()*200|0;
                                        dispMapF.mapPoint = new Point( -Math.random()*(perlinBmp.width-displayBmp.width)|0, -Math.random()*(perlinBmp.height-displayBmp.height)|0 );
                                        if (endCount != 0 && --endCount == 0) {
    Then, this is the sample application he gave:
    import fl.controls.Slider;
    import fl.controls.Label;
    var params:Array = ["distortion","distortionScale","fadeRate","flameHeight","flameSpread","smoke"]
    var l:uint = params.length;
    for (var i:uint=0; i<l; i++) {
                var label:TextField = new TextField();
                label.textColor = 0;
                label.text = params[i];
                label.width = 140;
                label.x = 350;
                label.y = 55+50*i;
                label = new TextField();
                label.textColor = 0x999999;
                label.text = "0.35";
       = params[i]+"fld";
                label.width = 30;
                label.x = 490;
                label.y  = 55+50*i;
                var slider:Slider = new Slider();
       = params[i];
                slider.minimum = -2;
                slider.maximum = 2;
                slider.x = 350;
                slider.width = 170;
                slider.y = 75+50*i;
                slider.snapInterval = 0.05;
                slider.value = 0.35;
                fireFX[params[i]] = 0.35;
    function handleSlider(evt:SliderEvent):void {
                fireFX[] =;
                (getChildByName("fld") as TextField).text = String(;
    function handleCheckBox(evt:Event):void {
                fireFX.blueFlame = blueFlame.selected;
                obj.visible = !hideText.selected;
    Thanks again.

    Looks like he has fireFX instance on the timeline. Most probably this instances symbol base class is com.gskinner.effects.FireFX
    You just need to create a directory structure that reflects his package:
    where you place his
    Or, alternatively, you can remove package path from the class header and place FireFx where all you classes (or your application) are:
    package com.gskinner.effects {
    package {
    Then you will just need to instantiate the class.

  • Using images with transparent backgrounds

    Hello. I'm trying to design several forms using a large background graphic along with several other overlays (defined by the form user) that contain transparent backgrounds. Unfortunately, everytime I go to change the graphic, the program won't recognize the transparency of the overlay and substitutes white in it's place. So, for example, I have a background image that is rectangular and when my form user selects an overlay that is circular, it inserts the circle with a white background (which is supposed to be transparent). Can anyone help me with this?

    Min required version of flash player for my application is 9..
    I think I figured it out, Here is my solution:
    private function completeHandler(evt:Event):void
       var originalWidth:int=loaderG.content.width;
       var originalHeight:int=loaderG.content.height;
       var scale:Number = 0.5;
       var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
       matrix.scale(scale, scale);
       myBitmapDataObj=new BitmapData(originalWidth, originalHeight, true, 0xFFFFFF);
       myBitmapDataObj.draw(loaderG.content, null, null, null, null, true);
       var copyBitmapData:BitmapData= new BitmapData(originalWidth* scale, originalHeight* scale, true, 0x000000);
       copyBitmapData.draw(myBitmapDataObj, matrix, null, null, null, true);
       var myBitmapG:Bitmap=new Bitmap(copyBitmapData,PixelSnapping.AUTO,true);
    I also try blur filter on my bitmap:
    var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
       blur.blurX = 1.4;
       blur.blurY = 1.4;
       blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH;
       myBitmapG.filters = [blur];
    Or is there better solution?

  • Blur effect using actionscript

    How can I make a blur effect using actionscript, not the
    built-in effect for which I have to use a tween?
    Any codes you can give me or links to tutorials?

    Ok, Using flash help file sI did this:
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    var rect:MovieClip = createRectangle(100, 100, 0x003366,
    var blurX:Number = 30;
    var blurY:Number = 30;
    var quality:Number = 3;
    var filter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(blurX, blurY,
    var filterArray:Array = new Array();
    mymovie_mx.filters = filterArray;
    It did work, but I have 2 problems with this, one I need it
    to go from 100% blur to 30%blur.
    But my biggest problem is, part of the code I'm using in the
    animation is actionscript 1, and the above solution is actionscript
    Can anyone give me an actionscript 1 solution?

  • How would I use the blur filter property

    I commented out the alpha line in my script but I would like to use the blur filter property.
    My animation seams a bit abrupt an easing effect can that be doe or not ... if so how?
    Please take a look at the attached pictures for more detail ... thank you.
    var dir:int = 1;
    var T:Timer = new Timer(1);
    T.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, flap);
    function flap (Event:TimerEvent):void
    dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.scaleX += .05 * dir;
    if ((dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.scaleX>=1&&dir>0) ||
    //dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.alpha = .3;
    //import flash.filters.BlurFilter.quality;
    T.start ();

    var dir:int = 1;
    var t:Timer = new Timer(1);
    //var bf:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter
    //(10, 10, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH);
    //var gf:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter
    //(10, 10, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH);
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    var blurX:Number = 80;
    var blurY:Number = 80;
    var bf:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(blurX,blurY);
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(bf,"blurX",None.easeNone,0,30,1,true);
    t.addEventListener (TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE,f);
    function f (e:Event)
    bf.blurY = bf.blurX;
    dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.filters = [bf];
    t.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, flap);
    function flap (Event:TimerEvent):void
    dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.scaleX += .05 * dir;
    if ((dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.scaleX>=1&&dir>0) ||
    //dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.filters = [bf, gf];
    //dragonfly_mc.wings_mc.alpha = .2;
    //import flash.filters.BlurFilter.quality;
    Event.updateAfterEvent ();
    t.start ();

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    How do I use Edge Web Fonts with Muse - is it an update to load, a stand alone, how does it interface with Muse? I've updated to CC but have no info on this.

    Is there a reason why you want to use Edge Web Fonts with Adobe Muse?
    Assuming you wish to improve typography of your web pages, you should know that Muse is fully integrated with Typekit. This allows you to access and apply over 500 web fonts from within Muse. Here's how you do it:
    Select a text component within Muse, and click the Text drop-down.
    Select Add Web Fonts option, to pop-open the Add Web Fonts dialog.
    Browse and apply fonts per your design needs.
    Muse also allows you to create paragraph styles that you can save and apply to chunks of text, a la InDesign. Watch this video for more information:
    Also take a look at these help files to see if they help you:
    Hope this helps!
    Suhas Yogin

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    My children have iphones, ipads, ipods and mac books, my problem is how do you use home sharing with the devices and not get each others data.  My Husband just added his iphone to the account and got all of my daughters contacts.  I understand they could have there own accounts but if i buy music on itunes and both children want the same song, I don't feel i should have to pay for it twice.  Is there away we can have home sharing on the devices and they can pick and choose what they want? and is this icloud going to make it harder to keep their devices seperate?

    My children have iphones, ipads, ipods and mac books, my problem is how do you use home sharing with the devices and not get each others data.  My Husband just added his iphone to the account and got all of my daughters contacts.  I understand they could have there own accounts but if i buy music on itunes and both children want the same song, I don't feel i should have to pay for it twice.  Is there away we can have home sharing on the devices and they can pick and choose what they want? and is this icloud going to make it harder to keep their devices seperate?

  • Iphoto crashing after using mini-dvi to video adapter

    Hi, IPhoto on my Macbook is crashing. I can open it, then as soon as I scroll down it locks up and I have to force quit.
    This started happening right after I used a Mini-DVI to Video Adapter cable to hook my macbook up to my TV. The adapter/s-video connection worked and I was able to see the video on the tv. But iphoto immediately locked up the computer when I went to slide show and now it locks every time I open it.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you:)

    It means that the issue resides in your existing Library.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • How do multiple family members use iTunes.? One account or multiple?

    How do multiple family members use iTunes. One account right now but apps gets added to all devices and iTunes messages go to all devices.  Can multiple accounts be setup and still have ability to share purchased items?

    Hey Ajtt!
    I have an article for you that can help inform you about using Apple IDs in a variety of ways:
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    Using one Apple ID for iCloud and a different Apple ID for Store Purchases
    You can use different Apple IDs for iCloud and Store purchases and still get all of the benefits of iCloud. Just follow these steps:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:
    When you first set up your device with iOS 5 or later, enter the Apple ID you want to use with iCloud. If you skipped the setup assistant, sign in to Settings > iCloud and enter the Apple ID you’d like to use with iCloud.
    In Settings > iTunes and App Stores, sign in with the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match). You may need to sign out first to change the Apple ID.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Apple () menu > System Preferences > iCloud.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, you can also click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    PC (Windows 8):
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in the Control Panel. To access the iCloud Control Panel, move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar, click the Search charm, and then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes. In iTunes 10, select Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    PC (Windows 7 and Vista):
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Control Panel > Network and Internet > iCloud.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes 10 in Store > Sign In. In iTunes 11, click iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    Note: Once a device or computer is associated with your Apple ID for your iTunes Store account, you cannot associate that device or computer with another Apple ID for 90 days. Learn more about associating a device or computer to your Apple ID.
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • Using SQVI to generate report of open and released delivery schedule lines

    I'm using SQVI  to generate an excel spreadsheet for some buyers to show open released schedule lines because they are a 1 line item per scheduling agreement company.
    I used the logical database MEPOLDB instead of a table joint and pulled fields from EKKO(vendor, SA #,&purchasing group), EKPO(Material Number), EKEH(schedule line type), and EKET(delivery date, scheduled qty,previous qty).
    Does this sound like I'll get the results I want on paper as long as I use the right selection criteria, because the report I'm getting isn't quite what I expect? I am unable to identify which lines are authorized to ship vs. trade-off zone, planning, etc. in the report thus far.

    Hi Mark,
                 I have faced same requirement. I am not sure about transporting to TST and PROD. I done by this way.
    After generating SQVI program in DEV , I assigned that program  to a transaction and tested in DEV. Later i have regenarated SQVI in Production. then I assigned the generated Program to same transaction in DEV. And transported the Tcode assignment of program to Production..
    About authorization , if its not sensitive report, BASIS can restrict at transaction level.

  • Using Mini DVI to VGA adapter on MacBook

    I bought the adapter from Apple & hooked up my LCD monitor to the MacBook, but the video I get on the monitor is different that on my laptop. It has an old screen background & the dock but nothing on my desktop shows up. Also, when I'm plugged to the monitor, my dock disappears on the laptop screen. Is there some setting I need to change? It worked fine with my G4 PowerBook.
    Thanks for any help....
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    i use the mini dvi-vga adapter in my classroom almost everyday. It sounds like your new monitor is running as a side by side monitor to your display instead of a "replacement" display.
    To get your projector/monitor to basically show whatever is on your macbook screen once you've hooked up press F7....this should make your projector/monitory become your display with your dock & all of your desktop stuff. Your new monitor will completely mirror your display.
    THis should do what you're looking for.

  • Using mini-DVI to VGA adapter to Samsung display

    I have 2009 late model of mac mini, The text on display looks washed out, not clear or sharp at all from day one, I thought it was the old model of monitor, tried the same cable to another monitor on another computer, SAME. so I thought the problem could be the cable or adapter.
    It's hard for me to believe is the signal from computer. I'm using VGA adapter made by Dynex bought from Best Buy.
    Anybody has suggestions?? Thanks

    Yeah, My old Samsung is lcd synmaster 17", bought many years ago at around $1000. Crazy, crazy price looked back. It's fine when I used it on the retired old Dell. It must be the adapter, trying not to buy another VGA adapter, could not image my next lcd will use one, anyway.
    This cable has only 14 pins vs 15 pins on the other cable, not sure if it matters?? Or if Safari has anything to do with it??
    Thank for you reply...

  • Using S-Video w/ the Mini DVI to Video Adapter

    I just purchased a MacBook last week and I also purchased a Mini DVI to Video adapter for it so I can use the built-in DVD player to watch movies on my TV. I have a composite to composite cable and that worked fine when I connected the cable between the Mini DVI to Video Adapter and my TV. However, when I tried to use a S-Video cable and connected that between the Mini DVI to Video Adapter and my TV; then I got no picture at all. All I saw on the TV was a picture of the MAC desktop w/o the dock and the movie or nothing else played at all.
    Is the composite connection a better connection for the MAC, or, are there some settings I need to work with on the MAC to get the S-Video connection to work?

    I managed to figure this one out, by fluke. The MacBook has to be powered on and ready for user input prior to connecting the mini DVI to video adapter with the s video already connected to it, and to the TV. Once I did it this way, it worked fine. I just thought I'd share this.

  • Using a mini-DVI to video adapter

    I have connected the video adapter and everything works fine. I use the internet for my video source and I was just wondering, is it possible to have video playing fullscreen on the tv and have another window open on my desktop that I can work with without disrupting the video from the browser? Every time I watch something I am unable to work on my computer while the video is playing.

    As far as I know, you can't go full screen on one monitor without it interfering with the other. I believe this would require a second video card, which isn't possible for a MacBook.

  • Display problems using mini-dvi to video adapter

    I recently purchased the mini-dvi to video adapter for my powerbook to use my TV as a monitor and to play pictures and videos from the laptop to the TV. I am getting a full color display on the TV, but it's only the screen saver. None of my files, text, or any other desktop folders or menus appear when I open them up on the laptop. The only screen that opens is the display preferences when I open that up, but it's a different set of preferences than what's in my computer's display preferences, as it's header is "NTSC/PAL". But other than that 1 menu, nothing is appearing but the screen saver.

    OK, I discovered that I didn't know what I was doing. With the Mini-DVI to video adapter, you need to use an S-Video cable that plugs into an S-video jack on the TV, and then you need a separate cable to plug into the audio out jack on the MacBook to plug into the TV.
    I think you could also use an S-video to RCA component cable if you have a TV with component video input, but I couldn't get that to work so I went to the s-video to s-video cable.

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