Using a FireFX Class

I found this class today which is really cool:
However, I've never used a public class before.  I've been reading up on them all morning.  I'll provide the code for it here as well.  Anyway, the author also provides a sample application using the class; however, it's a bit different than what I've been reading.  He doesn't call the class in his code;however, it seems he has the class in his library, which is news to me.
Anyway, the biggest thing I'm after is trying to design my own application calling this class and just hardcoding the fire aspects in my application.  However, I'm coming up empty at every angle.  Any help would be much appreciated!
Here's the class he created:
* FireFX by Grant Skinner. May 30, 2007
* Visit for documentation, updates and more free code.
* You may distribute and modify this class freely, provided that you leave this header intact,
* and add appropriate headers to indicate your changes. Credit is appreciated in applications
* that use this code, but is not required.
* Please contact [email protected] for more information.
package com.gskinner.effects {
            import flash.display.BitmapData;
            import flash.geom.Matrix;
            import flash.geom.Point;
            import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
            import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
            import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
            import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;
            import flash.display.Sprite;
            import flash.display.MovieClip;
            import flash.display.Bitmap;
            import flash.display.DisplayObject;
            public class FireFX extends Sprite {
                        private var _fadeRate:Number=0.4;
                        private var _distortionScale:Number=0.4;
                        private var _distortion:Number=0.5;
                        private var _flameHeight:Number=0.3;
                        private var _flameSpread:Number=0.3;
                        private var _blueFlame:Boolean = false;
                        private var _smoke:Number = 0;
            // private properties:
                        // display elements:
                        private var displayBmp:BitmapData;
                        private var scratchBmp:BitmapData;
                        private var perlinBmp:BitmapData;
                        // geom:
                        private var mtx:Matrix;
                        private var pnt:Point;
                        private var drawColorTransform:ColorTransform;
                        // filters:
                        private var fireCMF:ColorMatrixFilter;
                        private var dispMapF:DisplacementMapFilter;
                        private var blurF:BlurFilter;
                        // other:
                        private var endCount:Number;
                        private var bmpsValid:Boolean=false;
                        private var perlinValid:Boolean=false;
                        private var filtersValid:Boolean=false;
                        private var _target:DisplayObject;
                        public function FireFX() {
                                    var frame:DisplayObject = getChildAt(0);
                                    frame.visible = false;
                                    frame.height = height;
                                    frame.width = width;
                                    scaleX = scaleY = 1;
                                    mtx = new Matrix();
                                    pnt = new Point();
                        // getter/setters:
                        override public function set width(value:Number):void {
                                    bmpsValid &&= (value == width);
                                    super.width = value|0;
                        override public function get width():Number {
                                    return super.width;
                        override public function set height(value:Number):void {
                                    bmpsValid &&= (value == height);
                                    super.height = value|0;
                        override public function get height():Number {
                                    return super.height;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='fadeRate (0-1)')]
         * Sets the rate that flames fade as they move up. 0 is slowest, 1 is fastest.
         * @default 0.4
                        public function set fadeRate(value:Number):void {
                                    filtersValid &&= (value == _fadeRate);
                                    _fadeRate = value;
                        public function get fadeRate():Number {
                                    return _fadeRate;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='distortionScale (0-1)')]
         * Sets the scale of flame distortion. 0.1 is tiny and chaotic, 1 is large and smooth.
         * @default 0.4
                        public function set distortionScale(value:Number):void {
                                    perlinValid &&= (value == _distortionScale);
                                    _distortionScale = value;
                        public function get distortionScale():Number {
                                    return _distortionScale;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.4,name='distortion (0-1)')]
         * Sets the amount of distortion. 0.1 is little, 1 is chaotic.
         * @default 0.4
                        public function set distortion(value:Number):void {
                                    filtersValid &&= (value == _fadeRate);
                                    _distortion = value;
                        public function get distortion():Number {
                                    return _distortion;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.3,name='flameHeight (0-1)')]
         * Sets the how high the flame will burn. 0 is zero gravity, 1 is a bonfire.
         * @default 0.3
                        public function set flameHeight(value:Number):void {
                                    perlinValid &&= (value == _flameHeight);
                                    _flameHeight = value;
                        public function get flameHeight():Number {
                                    return _flameHeight;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.3,name='flameSpread (0-1)')]
         * Sets the how much the fire will spread out around the target. 0 is no spread, 1 is a lot.
         * @default 0.3
                        public function set flameSpread(value:Number):void {
                                    filtersValid &&= (value == _flameSpread);
                                    _flameSpread = value;
                        public function get flameSpread():Number {
                                    return _flameSpread;
         * Indicates whether it should use a blue or red flame.
         * @default false
                        public function set blueFlame(value:Boolean):void {
                                    filtersValid &&= (value == _blueFlame);
                                    _blueFlame = value;
                        public function get blueFlame():Boolean {
                                    return _blueFlame;
                        [Inspectable(defaultValue=0,name='smoke (0-1)')]
         * Sets the amount of smoke. 0 little, 1 lots.
         * @default 0
                        public function set smoke(value:Number):void {
                                    filtersValid &&= (value == _smoke);
                                    _smoke = value;
                        public function get smoke():Number {
                                    return _smoke;
         * Sets the amount of smoke. 0 little, 1 lots.
         * @default
                        public function set targetName(value:String):void {
                                    var targ:DisplayObject = parent.getChildByName(value);
                                    if (targ == null) {
                                                try { targ = parent[value] as DisplayObject; }
                                                catch (e:*) {}
                                    target = targ;
         * Defines the shape of the fire. The fire will burn upwards, so it should be near the bottom, and centered in the FireFX component.
         * @default
                        public function set target(value:DisplayObject):void {
                                    _target = value;
                        public function get target():DisplayObject {
                                    return _target;
         * Clears the fire.
                        public function clear():void {
                                    if (displayBmp) {
         * Stops the fire effect after letting it burn down over 20 frames.
                        public function stopFire():void {
                                    // let the fire burn down for 20 frames:
                                    if (endCount == 0) { endCount = 20; }
                        private function updateBitmaps():void {
                                    if (displayBmp) {
                                                displayBmp = null;
                                                scratchBmp = null;
                                                perlinBmp = null;
                                    displayBmp = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0);
                                    scratchBmp = displayBmp.clone();
                                    perlinBmp = new BitmapData(width*3, height*3, false, 0);
                                    while (numChildren) { removeChildAt(0); }
                                    addChild(new Bitmap(displayBmp));
                                    bmpsValid = true;
                        private function updatePerlin():void {
                                    perlinBmp.perlinNoise(30*_distortionScale,20*_distortionScale,1,-Math.random()*1000|0,fals e,true,1|2,false);
                                    perlinBmp.colorTransform(perlinBmp.rect,new ColorTransform(1,  1-_flameHeight*0.5  ,1,1,0,0,0,0));
                                    perlinValid = true;
                        function updateFilters():void {
                                    if (_blueFlame) {
                                                fireCMF = new ColorMatrixFilter([0.8-0.55*_fadeRate,0,0,0,0,
                                                drawColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,210,240,255,0);
                                    } else {
                                                fireCMF = new ColorMatrixFilter([0.96-0.35*_fadeRate,0.1,0,0,-1,
                                                drawColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,255,255,210,0);
                                    dispMapF = new DisplacementMapFilter(perlinBmp,pnt,1,2,14*_distortion,-30,"clamp");
                                    blurF = new BlurFilter(32*_flameSpread,32*_flameSpread,1);
                                    filtersValid = true;
                        private function startFire():void {
                                    endCount = 0;
                        private function doFire(evt:Event):void {
                                    if (_target == null) { return; }
                                    if (!bmpsValid) { updateBitmaps(); }
                                    if (!perlinValid) { updatePerlin(); }
                                    if (!filtersValid) { updateFilters(); }
                                    if (endCount == 0) {
                                                var drawMtx:Matrix = _target.transform.matrix;
                                                drawMtx.tx = _target.x-x;
                                                drawMtx.ty = _target.y-y;
                                                drawColorTransform.alphaOffset = -Math.random()*200|0;
                                    dispMapF.mapPoint = new Point( -Math.random()*(perlinBmp.width-displayBmp.width)|0, -Math.random()*(perlinBmp.height-displayBmp.height)|0 );
                                    if (endCount != 0 && --endCount == 0) {
Then, this is the sample application he gave:
import fl.controls.Slider;
import fl.controls.Label;
var params:Array = ["distortion","distortionScale","fadeRate","flameHeight","flameSpread","smoke"]
var l:uint = params.length;
for (var i:uint=0; i<l; i++) {
            var label:TextField = new TextField();
            label.textColor = 0;
            label.text = params[i];
            label.width = 140;
            label.x = 350;
            label.y = 55+50*i;
            label = new TextField();
            label.textColor = 0x999999;
            label.text = "0.35";
   = params[i]+"fld";
            label.width = 30;
            label.x = 490;
            label.y  = 55+50*i;
            var slider:Slider = new Slider();
   = params[i];
            slider.minimum = -2;
            slider.maximum = 2;
            slider.x = 350;
            slider.width = 170;
            slider.y = 75+50*i;
            slider.snapInterval = 0.05;
            slider.value = 0.35;
            fireFX[params[i]] = 0.35;
function handleSlider(evt:SliderEvent):void {
            fireFX[] =;
            (getChildByName("fld") as TextField).text = String(;
function handleCheckBox(evt:Event):void {
            fireFX.blueFlame = blueFlame.selected;
            obj.visible = !hideText.selected;
Thanks again.

Looks like he has fireFX instance on the timeline. Most probably this instances symbol base class is com.gskinner.effects.FireFX
You just need to create a directory structure that reflects his package:
where you place his
Or, alternatively, you can remove package path from the class header and place FireFx where all you classes (or your application) are:
package com.gskinner.effects {
package {
Then you will just need to instantiate the class.

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    <mx:Canvas xmlns:fx=""
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    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
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        public static Rectangle srcRect;
        Insets insets = null;
        Image image;
        MyImage imp;
        private double magnification;
        private int dstWidth, dstHeight;
        public CenterRect(MyImage imp){
            insets = getInsets();
            this.imp = imp;
            int width = imp.getWidth();
            int height = imp.getHeight();
            srcRect = new Rectangle(0,0, width, height);
            setDrawingSize(width, height);
            magnification = 1.0;
        public void setDrawingSize(int width, int height) {
            dstWidth = width;
            dstHeight = height;
            setSize(dstWidth, dstHeight);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Image img = imp.getImage();
         try {
                if (img!=null)
                    g.drawImage(img,0,0, (int)(srcRect.width*magnification), (int)(srcRect.height*magnification),
              srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.x+srcRect.width, srcRect.y+srcRect.height, null);
            catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {e.printStackTrace();}
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new Opener().openImage();
    class Opener{
        private String dir;
        private String name;
        private static String defaultDirectory;
        JFrame parent;
        public Opener() {
         public void initComponents(){
            parent = new JFrame();
            parent.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        public void openDialog(String title, String path){
            if (path==null || path.equals("")) {
                FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(parent, title);
                defaultDirectory = "dir.image";
                if (defaultDirectory!=null)
                name = fd.getFile();
                if (name!=null) {
                    dir = fd.getDirectory();
                    defaultDirectory = dir;
                if (parent==null)
            } else {
                int i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (i==-1)
                    i = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
                if (i>0) {
                    dir = path.substring(0, i+1);
                    name = path.substring(i+1);
                } else {
                    dir = "";
                    name = path;
        public MyImage openImage(String directory, String name) {
            MyImage imp = openJpegOrGif(dir, name);
            return imp;
        public void openImage() {
            openDialog("Open...", "");
            String directory = dir;
            String name =;
            if (name==null)
            MyImage imp = openImage(directory, name);
            if (imp!=null);
        MyImage openJpegOrGif(String dir, String name) {
                MyImage imp = null;
                Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(dir+name);
                if (img!=null) {
                    imp = new MyImage(name, img);
                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo();
                    fi.fileFormat = fi.GIF_OR_JPG;
                    fi.fileName = name;
           = dir;
                return imp;

    This is the second part. It is a continuation of the first part. They are all supposed to be on one file.
    class MyImage implements ImageObserver{
        private int imageUpdateY, imageUpdateW,width,height;
        private boolean imageLoaded;
        private static int currentID = -1;
        private int ID;
        private static Component comp;
        protected ImageProcessor ip;
        private String title;
        protected Image img;
        private static int xbase = -1;
        private static int ybase,xloc,yloc;
        private static int count = 0;
        private static final int XINC = 8;
        private static final int YINC = 12;
        private int originalScale = 1;
        private FileInfo fileInfo;
        ImagePanel win;
        /** Constructs an ImagePlus from an AWT Image. The first argument
         * will be used as the title of the window that displays the image. */
        public MyImage(String title, Image img) {
            this.title = title;
             ID = --currentID;
            if (img!=null)
        public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int flags, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
             imageUpdateY = y;
             imageUpdateW = w;
             imageLoaded = (flags & (ALLBITS|FRAMEBITS|ABORT)) != 0;
         return !imageLoaded;
        public int getWidth() {
             return width;
        public int getHeight() {
             return height;
        /** Replaces the ImageProcessor, if any, with the one specified.
         * Set 'title' to null to leave the image title unchanged. */
        public void setProcessor(String title, ImageProcessor ip) {
            if (title!=null) this.title = title;
            this.ip = ip;
            img = ip.createImage();
            boolean newSize = width!=ip.getWidth() || height!=ip.getHeight();
         width = ip.getWidth();
         height = ip.getHeight();
         if (win!=null && newSize) {
                win = new ImagePanel(this);
        public void draw(){
            CenterRect ic = null;
            win = new ImagePanel(this);
            if (win!=null){
                ic = win .getCanvas();
                int width = win.imp.getWidth();
                int height = win.imp.getHeight();
                Point ijLoc = new Point(10,32);
                if (xbase==-1) {
                    xbase = 5;
                    ybase = ijLoc.y;
                    xloc = xbase;
                    yloc = ybase;
                if ((xloc+width)>ijLoc.x && yloc<(ybase+20))
                    yloc = ybase+20;
                    int x = xloc;
                    int y = yloc;
                    xloc += XINC;
                    yloc += YINC;
                    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
                    if (count%6==0) {
                        xloc = xbase;
                        yloc = ybase;
                    int scale = 1;
                    while (xbase+XINC*4+width/scale>screen.width || ybase+YINC*4+height/scale>screen.height)
                        if (scale>1) {
                   originalScale = scale;
                   ic.setDrawingSize(width/scale, height/scale);
        /** Returns the current AWT image. */
        public Image getImage() {
            if (img==null && ip!=null)
                img = ip.createImage();
            return img;
        /** Replaces the AWT image, if any, with the one specified. */
        public void setImage(Image img) {
            this.img = img;
            JPanel panel = ImagePanel.panel;
            width = img.getWidth(panel);
            height = img.getHeight(panel);
            ip = null;
        /** Opens a window to display this image and clears the status bar. */
        public void show() {
        /** Opens a window to display this image and displays
         * 'statusMessage' in the status bar. */
        public void show(String statusMessage) {
            if (img==null && ip!=null){
                img = ip.createImage();
            if ((img!=null) && (width>=0) && (height>=0)) {
                win = new ImagePanel(this);
        private void waitForImage(Image img) {
        if (comp==null) {
            comp = ImagePanel.panel;
            if (comp==null)
                comp = new JPanel();
        imageLoaded = false;
        if (!comp.prepareImage(img, this)) {
            double progress;
            while (!imageLoaded) {
                if (imageUpdateW>1) {
                    progress = (double)imageUpdateY/imageUpdateW;
                    if (!(progress<1.0)) {
                        progress = 1.0 - (progress-1.0);
                        if (progress<0.0) progress = 0.9;
    public void setFileInfo(FileInfo fi) {
        fi.pixels = null;
        fileInfo = fi;

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  • How to trigger New page while using ALV with classes/oops?

    Hi All
    I am trying to print a report which has to show the data in two pages.
    I am using ALV with classes/oops.
    Though I am able to print the report but a new page is not coming. Whole of the data is coming in one single page.
    Please tell me as to how to trigger a NEW PAGE while using ALV with classes/oops.
    Please send some code samples also if available.
    Thanks in advance.

    using sort option you can do it. in case of grid/oo alv class ALV you can view that only in print mode/preview mode.
    in case of list you can view that directly.
    sort-fieldname = 'FIELDNAME'.
    sort-group = '*'  "triggers new page
    sort-up = 'X'.
    append sort to it_sort.

  • How to use two activex class objects in same vi

    I am using labview to read ECU data from INCA software .INCA providing COMTOOL API(incacom.dll). I am using ACTIVEX for  communication between INCA & Labview. My problem is If I have used single activex class object  I am able to read Inca version, getting the database path etc. If I have used two activex class in same vi (one to open Inca & other one is to read the folder structure) I am not getting output.I have attached snapshot for referance
    activex1.JPG ‏114 KB
    activex2.JPG ‏107 KB

    It wasnt in the first two images you posted, or I couldnt see it anyway! That was the only reason.
    Did you try the database block on its own, just to confirm that it is working?
    Beginner? Try LabVIEW Basics
    Sharing bits of code? Try Snippets or LAVA Code Capture Tool
    Have you tried Quick Drop?, Visit QD Community.

  • How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.

    Hi Experts,
    How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.
    With BestRegards,
    M.Thippa Reddy.

    Hi ThippaReddy,
    see this sample code
    Public Class ClsMenInBlack
    #Region "Declarations"
        'Class objects
        'UI and Di objects
        Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Dim strQuery As String
    #End Region
    #Region "Methods"
        Private Function GeRate() As Double
                Return Double
        End Function
    #End Region
    Public Sub SBO_Appln_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            If pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                If pVal.MenuUID = "ENV_Menu_MIB" Then
                End If
            Else ' Before Action False
                End If
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    End Class
    Vasu Anna Regional Feeling a???? Just Kidding
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:49 PM
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:50 PM

  • How to use the implementation class in propetty pallete

    I am using forms 10g....I have to insert horizontal scroll bar in text item..
    I have only class files instead of jar files cani place the class file instead of jar file...
    How to use the implementation class in property palette to display the PJC

    The Implementation Class must reflect the full name of the class. For instance, if the full class name is : xx.yyy.zz.class_name, then put this in the Implementation Class property of the corresponding item.
    Also, the class must be stored in the equivalent directory structure, so that, in my example: <DEV_HOME>/forms/java/xx/yyy/zz

  • Can you use two tax classes in the same payroll run?

    I have a wage type that is currently set to Tax Class 1 (fully taxed) for processing class 71,  I need to change it to tax class 7 (Withholding and SUI only) and have it computed as part of the regular payroll run and also by itself using offcycle.
    When I have it set as Tax Class 1, all is well, when I change it to tax class 7, I get the error...
    This is the first time we're using this tax class and I think i have it set up correctly in the tax model but am not for sure.
    Any suggestions?   I'd really appreciate some guidance as I've looked
    Stephanie Abrahamson

    I think you should not change the PRCL 71 from 1 to 7 wide open. Start it with begin date of pay period you want and keep the history with PRCL 71 1.
    As well check the config of tax model.

  • Than how can i get java class by using it's class file?

    After compilation of a java program, it creates a class file.
    After getting class file suppose class file has been deleted.
    Than how can i get java class by using it's class file?
    Thanks in advance.

    get a decompiler and run your class file through it--I'll assume you want the source code back and that you are not trying to recover a missing class file by attempting to use the class file that is missing--if it's missing, then I've not a clue on how to get it back by using what is already missing.
    BTW: many of your compilers have source control--if it does, just restore your missing file.

  • Error while creating vendor bank details using MAINTAIN_BAPI of class VMD_ei_api

    hi, iam using maintain_bapi of class vmd_ei_api for bank details creation at the time of vendor creation. but im getting error: ' Invalid address:bank Country missing'.please suggest
    *    *** Bank details***************************************
        DATA: lt_bankdetails TYPE TABLE OF cvis_ei_cvi_bankdetail,
              ls_bankdetails TYPE cvis_ei_cvi_bankdetail.
        ls_bankdetails-data_key-banks = 'DE'. "Bank Country
        ls_bankdetails-data_key-bankl = 'BEBEDEBB'.     "Bank Key..
        ls_bankdetails-data_key-bankn = '3538174400' ."Bank account number.
        ls_bankdetails-data-bvtyp     = 'USA'.
        ls_bankdetails-data-bkref     = 'BEN'.           "Reference details.
        ls_bankdetails-datax-bvtyp     = 'X'.
        ls_bankdetails-datax-bkref     = 'X'.           "Reference details.
        ls_bankdetails-task            = 'I'.
        ls_bankdetails-data-iban      = 'DE24100200003538174400'.
        ls_bankdetails-datax-iban      = 'X'.
        APPEND  ls_bankdetails TO lt_bankdetails.
    *CLEAR : ls_bankdetails.
    *    ls_bankdetails-datax-iban      = 'X'.
    *   APPEND  ls_bankdetails TO lt_bankdetails.
    *  Inserting bank details,,,,
        ls_bank-bankdetails = lt_bankdetails[].
        ls_bank-current_state = ''.
        ls_vendors-central_data-bankdetail = ls_bank.
    And second question how/which method to use from this class to update bank details latter. Is it possible after creating vendor with mandatory fields and then update bank details?

    Hi Abhijeet,
    please check in transaction FI01, about your data consistencies. You can use this wiki help in terms of Address, it it found any useful facts for you
    Address Checks - Business Address Services (BC-SRV-ADR) - SAP Library

  • Creating a new class using a template class

    I am very new to Java.
    I need to make a new class by using a template class that was given to us.
    I go to File / New / Class but cannot find how to select a template class to create a new class.

    gs2010 wrote:
    I am very new to Java.
    I need to make a new class by using a template class that was given to us.
    I go to File / New / Class but cannot find how to select a template class to create a new class.
    gsYou need to be much more specific as to what you are trying to do.
    What is a "template class"?
    How are you trying to "go to" and "select" the template?

  • XSLT Mapping : RFC Lookup using java helper class

    Hi All,
    I am doing RFC Lookup in xslt mapping using java helper class. I have found blog for the same ( However this blog is very advanced.
    Can anybody help me with step by step approach for the same?
    My basic questions are not answered in the blog as:
    1) where to add the jar file of the java class used in xslt mapping.
    I have added zip file of XSLT mapping in imported archived and using that in mapping.
    Thanks in advace.

    Can u please have look at this in detail , u can easily point out yourself the problem...
    Please observe the line,
    in XSLT mapping..
    The packagename of class and class name and XSLT namespace should be matching...
    Edited by: hlbabu123 on Sep 29, 2010 6:04 PM

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