Using datadirect spy

i use datadirect spy like specified in Sakthis weblog : How to Track JDBC Calls with DataDirect Spy
i use the same approch of the blog : Navigating through a Large RowSet
in my page i query a table with 33 rows
in the cached rowset i make pagesize to 5
i run to display a first page of the table, there's a log:
spy>> Connection[1].createStatement()
spy>> OK (Statement[1])
spy>> Statement[1].executeQuery(String sql)
spy>> OK (ResultSet[1])
spy>> ResultSet[1].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> Statement[1].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].setTransactionIsolation(int level)
spy>> level = 2
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].prepareStatement(String sql)
spy>> OK (PreparedStatement[1])
spy>> PreparedStatement[1].setMaxRows(int max)
spy>> max = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[1].setMaxFieldSize(int max)
spy>> max = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[1].setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
spy>> enable = true
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[1].setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
spy>> seconds = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int result..
spy>> Connection[1]sql = SELECT ALL SCOTT.S_PRODUCT.ID,
spy>> Connection[1]resultSetType = 1004
spy>> Connection[1]resultSetConcurrency = 1008
spy>> OK (PreparedStatement[2])
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].setMaxRows(int max)
spy>> max = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].setMaxFieldSize(int max)
spy>> max = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
spy>> enable = true
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
spy>> seconds = 0
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].executeQuery()
spy>> OK (ResultSet[2])
spy>> ResultSet[2].absolute(int row)
spy>> row = 1
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSet[2].beforeFirst()
spy>> OK
spy>> ResultSet[2].getMetaData()
spy>> OK (ResultSetMetaData[1])
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnCount()
spy>> OK (3)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isAutoIncrement(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCaseSensitive(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCurrency(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isNullable(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (0)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSigned(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSearchable(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (8)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnLabel(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (ID)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (ID)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getSchemaName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getPrecision(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (7)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getScale(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (0)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getTableName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getCatalogName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnType(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (3)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnTypeName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (number)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnClassName(int column)
spy>> column = 1
spy>> OK (java.math.BigDecimal)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isAutoIncrement(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCaseSensitive(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCurrency(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isNullable(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (0)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSigned(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSearchable(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (50)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnLabel(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (NAME)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (NAME)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getSchemaName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getPrecision(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (50)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getScale(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (0)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getTableName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getCatalogName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnType(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (12)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnTypeName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (varchar2)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnClassName(int column)
spy>> column = 2
spy>> OK (java.lang.String)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isAutoIncrement(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCaseSensitive(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isCurrency(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isNullable(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (1)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSigned(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].isSearchable(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (13)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnLabel(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getSchemaName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getPrecision(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (11)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getScale(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (2)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getTableName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getCatalogName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK ()
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnType(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (3)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnTypeName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (number)
spy>> ResultSetMetaData[1].getColumnClassName(int column)
spy>> column = 3
spy>> OK (java.math.BigDecimal)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].previous()
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 1
spy>> OK (10011)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 2
spy>> OK (Bunny Boot)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 3
spy>> OK (150.00)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 1
spy>> OK (10012)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 2
spy>> OK (Ace Ski Boot)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 3
spy>> OK (200.00)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 1
spy>> OK (10013)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 2
spy>> OK (Pro Ski Boot)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 3
spy>> OK (410.00)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 1
spy>> OK (10021)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 2
spy>> OK (Bunny Ski Pole)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 3
spy>> OK (16.25)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 1
spy>> OK (10022)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 2
spy>> OK (Ace Ski Pole)
spy>> ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex)
spy>> columnIndex = 3
spy>> OK (21.95)
spy>> ResultSet[2].next()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> ResultSet[2].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> PreparedStatement[2].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].commit()
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].getAutoCommit()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> Connection[1].getTransactionIsolation()
spy>> OK (2)
spy>> Connection[1].createStatement()
spy>> OK (Statement[2])
spy>> Statement[2].executeQuery(String sql)
spy>> OK (ResultSet[3])
spy>> ResultSet[3].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> Statement[2].close()
spy>> OK
spy>> Connection[1].getMetaData()
spy>> OK (DatabaseMetaData[1])
spy>> DatabaseMetaData[1].locatorsUpdateCopy()
spy>> OK (false)
spy>> Connection[1].getAutoCommit()
spy>> OK (true)
spy>> Connection[1].getTransactionIsolation()
spy>> OK (2)
in this log i have 33 ResultSet[2].next()
and after ResultSetMetaData[1] series, another 5 ResultSet[2].next() with ResultSet[2].getObject(int columnIndex) for each column
my question is about the first 33 resultset, is cached rowset fetch the entire query result in the first and why?

to do the navigation with large table i make the maxrows property of the crs to 10 in the design mode, i have table with 10 rows only. After this the resultset in the log file is fetched 10 times only.
In the next_page button i make this code
CachedRowSet crs = this.getSessionBean1().getTest2RowSet();
// getRow cause exception in the first click because the nextpage is not occured and in the catch i do //another nextpage, like that the bug of first click is not happen
catch(Exception e)
{ info(e.getMessage());
CachedRowSet crs = this.getSessionBean1().getTest2RowSet();
catch(Exception e1)
with this, the resultset created and managed by the crs on each click is fetched 10 times only

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    If you can't figure it out from the help at that link try searching the developer name which is in Safari / Preferences - Extensions. I think it's *Price Injector*.
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                     java 1.1.7  java 1.4
            overall:    2.1s         3.5s
            step 1:     30           200
            step 2:    886          2009
            step 3:      2             2
            step 4:      9            17
            step 5:    122           187
            step 6:      1             1
            step 1:      0             0
            step 2:    203           161
            step 3:      0             1
            step 4:      8            15   <-   87% slower
            step 5:     48           117   <-  143% slower
            step 6:      1             2I find the same poor performance from java versions 1.2 and 1.3.
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    Why do the newer versions of java have such poor performance when using JDBC?
    What can be done so that we can have performance similar to java 1.1.7
    using java 1.4?
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class test12 {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            try {
                    long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 1 */  DriverManager.registerDriver(
                        new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
                    long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 2 */  Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (
                    long time3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 3 */  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                    long time4 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 4 */  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table1");
                    long time5 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 5 */  while( ) {
                      int message_num = rs.getInt(1);
                      String message = rs.getString(2);
                    long time6 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /* step 6 */  rs.close(); stmt.close();
                    long time7 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                System.out.println("step 1: " + (time2 - time1) );
                System.out.println("step 2: " + (time3 - time2) );
                System.out.println("step 3: " + (time4 - time3) );
                System.out.println("step 4: " + (time5 - time4) );
                System.out.println("step 5: " + (time6 - time5) );
                System.out.println("step 6: " + (time7 - time6) );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                System.out.println( "got exception: " + e.getMessage() );
            ... repeat the same 6 steps again...

    If I run my sample program with the -server option, it
    takes a lot longer (6.8s vs 3.5s).Which has to be expected, as the -server option optimizes for long running programs - so it shoudl go with my second suggestion, more below...
    I am not certain what you mean by "just let the jvm
    running". Our users issue a command (in Unix) which
    invokes one of our java programs to access or update
    data in a database. I think what you are suggesting
    would require that I rewrite our application to have a
    java program always running on the users workstation
    and to also rewrite our
    commands (over a hundred) to some how pass data and
    receive data with this new server java program. That
    does not seem a very reasonable just to move to a new
    version of java. Or are you suggesting something
    else?No I was just suggestion what you descript. But if this is not an option, then maybe you should merge your java-programs to C or another native language. Or you could try the IBM-JDK with the -faststart (or similar) option. If thew Unix you mention is AIX, then there would be the option of a resetable-vm. But I cannot say if this VM would solve your problem. Java is definitly not good for applications which only issue some unqiue commands because the hotspot-compiler can not be efficiently used there. You can only try to get 1.1.7 performance by experimenting with vm-parameters (execute java -X).

  • How can i use NI's VXI-1394 controller to control the CONDOR's VXI-1553B module?

    Now I want to use the NI's VXI-1394 to control a CONDOR's VXI-1553B module.But I did a test and found that the NI's VXI-1394 can not control that module.The VXI-PCI8015 can control the VXI-1553B module.
    But I have a VXI-1394 module and I want to use that to control the CONDOR's VXI-1553B module.How can I do that?Give me a hand,please.

    Hello Lincoln,
    Judging by the fact that you mention the VXIpc-8015, I am deducing that you are using the VXI-MXI-2 card under Windows NT. Is that correct?
    Under Windows NT, the VXI-MXI-2 board and the VXI-1394 need to use different versions of the NI-VXI driver.
    The VXI-PC-8015 (MXI-2) should be using NI-VXI v3.2, while the VXI-1394 needs to use a special version of the driver (v2.1.1) because Windows NT does not natively support the IEEE 1394 protocol.
    The issue may simply be the wrong driver, but if it is not, we will need to know more information about your system.
    1a. What version of NI-VXI are you using with the VXI-1394
    1b. What version of NI-VXI are you using with the VXI-MXI-2)
    2. What OS are you running?
    3. How are you attempting to communi
    cate with the CONDOR device?
    4a. What configuration utility are you attempting to use with the VXI-1394
    4b. What configuration utility are you attempting to use with the VXI-MXI-2
    5. Is the CONDOR device register based or message based VXI device?
    6. Have you used NI-Spy? If so, can you generate NI-Spy logs that might help debug this issue? There is a quick tutorial on NI-Spy here.
    Start with these steps, and let us know how it goes. Thank you!
    Josh Hernstrom
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                   <faultstring>No Deserializer found to deserialize a &apos;; using encoding style &apos;null&apos;. [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]</faultstring>
    Please help..

    Hi Quwang ur help needed
    My requirement ...
    1) PLSQL as web service : I succesffuly deployed PLSQL Procedure as Web service at 10 10g. The PLSQL takes string (CLOB) as input convert that into XML and store in table and return XMLTYPE as output.
    When I am accesing PLSQL WS using browser I am able to send string (basically XML format) as a input and able to receive the result back (SOAP envelop)
    2)WS Invocation : After PLSQL WS published I need to pass the SOAP XML which is generated from XYX wsdl file to the PLSQL WS published above. For this req I was using XML Spy to test this. (In actual the clinet will be Sieble that will send SOAP XML to PLSQL WS).
    Initially I was generating the SOAP XML from XYZ.wsdl and was directly sending that to PLSQL URL. I was getting error as I described initially.
    Next I tried to generate the SOAP request from the PLSQL WS wsdl file and inside the parameter I am sending the SOAP XML as string to the IN paramater of PLSQL WS. This time I am getting some different errors. The first error is same as http error: couldnot post the file /balprocess/balprocess/operation?processRequest on server 'localhost' (500)
    and second error is SOAP fault as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                   <faultstring>java.sql.SQLException: ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00210: expected &apos;<&apos; instead of &apos;"&apos;
    Error at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.BAL_A_PROCESS", line 16
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(</faultstring>
    For ur reference I am pasting the PLSQL WSDL file and the SOAP request xml that I am sending to PLSQL WS URL.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="bal_a_process"
    xmlns:xsd1="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" >
    WSDL for Service: bal_a_process, generated by Oracle WSDL toolkit (version: 1.1)
    <schema targetNamespace="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" xmlns:tns="http://bal.request.process/bal_a_process.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:dom="">
    <complexType name="bal_request_process_bal_a_processUser_processRequest_Out">
    <element name="outresponsexmlOut" type="dom:org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment"/>
    <message name="processRequestOutput">
    <part name="return" type="xsd1:bal_request_process_bal_a_processUser_processRequest_Out"/>
    <message name="processRequestInput">
    <part name="param0" type="xsd:string"/>
    <portType name="bal_a_processPortType">
    <operation name="processRequest">
    <input message="tns:processRequestInput"/>
    <output message="tns:processRequestOutput"/>
    <binding name="bal_a_processBinding" type="tns:bal_a_processPortType">
    <soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/>
    <operation name="processRequest">
    <soap:operation soapAction="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process/processRequest"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process"/>
    <service name="bal_a_process">
    <port name="bal_a_processPort" binding="tns:bal_a_processBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:7200/balprocess/balprocess"/>
    Request I am sending to PLSLQ WS URL
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
              <processRequest xmlns:m="urn:bal-request-process-bal_a_process" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
                   <param0 xsi:type="xsd:string">     "<a>"aaa"</a>"     </param0>
    I above SOAP request XML i m testing "<a>"aaa"</a>" as XML string. but this is also getting failed. In actual this will be SOAP XML request from some other XYZ wsdl file.
    Quwang ur help needed urgently.

  • SOAP- XI- RFC , while posting soap request thru SPY , getting exception,

    Hello friends,
    I am trying <b>SOAP->XI->RFC</b> scenario. would like to explain in brief about requirement then <b>let me know if this is correct approach</b>
    <i>Our client wants a pull approach from R/3 , for example lets say he wants to get Material Master data from R/3.
    So he will send a SOAP request with the material number and r/3 should return back the details.</i>
    <b>So we have decided to go with SOAP->XI->RFC approach
    That means a sender SOAP Adapter and a receiver RFC adapter,</b>
    I have done all the designing, like creating my own DataType,MessagType all interfaces etc.
    then i created a Bussiness system of type third party with host name as XI host name to use for sender, and a business system of type Web As ABAP and used one of the R/3 as receiver system.
    Doubts: Once i created Soap channel in my sender businees system(where Interface name i gave my Message Interface name and its Namespace), and the receiver channel in my another bussiness system, i created the entire scenario using Configuration Wizard.
    After clicking Define Web Service , it asks for URL
    i gave following url
    TPBS_Rohit is my Sender (third party bussiness system name), and soapChannel is the channel under it.
    <b>tell me if this is right</b>
    Then in the Message Interface i selected my Message Interface name that i had created in Design for publishing.
    <u><b>MAJOR DOUBT</b></u>
    <b>It Asks for
    Service :
    Interface Name :
    Interface NameSpace :
    what do i give here.</b>
    this is what i have given
    Service : TPBS_Rohit, Sender (third party bussiness system name)
    Interface Name : MI_SOAP <again the same message interface name that i have published earlier>
    Interface NameSpace : same namespace.
    AM i right ???
    I am sure somthing is wrong since when i tried sending a SOAP request using XML SPY , this is what i get.
    [code]<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- see the documentation -->
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
                   <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>
                        <s:SystemError xmlns:s="">
    java.lang.Exception: invalid channel (party:service:channel) = TPBS_Rohit:soapChannel
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Please Let me know where have i gone wrong ?

    hi manikandan,friends
    i changed the url to http://ps3181:50000/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:TPBS_Rohit:soapChannel
    colon included.
    but now i get the following error trace in SPY ..
    [code]<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- see the documentation -->
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
                   <faultstring>failed to call the adapter engine</faultstring>
                        <s:SystemError xmlns:s="">
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: failed to call the adapter engine [null "null"]; nested exception caused by: XIServer:NO_RECEIVER_CASE_BE:
         ... 20 more
    Caused by: XIServer:NO_RECEIVER_CASE_BE:


    Dear friends
    I have a simple scenario.
    The XML file that I got from mapping area of IR (Design) is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:MT_NAME_SOURCE xmlns:ns0="">
    If you notice, there are only 2 fields.
    I need to create an XSD file and import it as an external object, which I can use for SOAP Adapter.
    Which is the best way to create it.
    Also, I need to know if there is any step by step of sending a message from XML SPY. I have downloaded this software, but am not able to undertand how to use this.
    Hope to hear from any experts on this forum.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ram,
    See the below blog..
    It shows how to send SOAP message using XML Spy.
    It also shows how to generate wsdl.

  • Urgent Help in XML Spy

    Hi All,
    I am designing a schema using XML Spy tool. I need node elements like "Contact Person",
    "Other Information" etc. - which have a blank space between the words forming the element name. The XML Spy tool is not allowing a blank in between the words forming the element name. The blank is mandatory as the node names are being built after reading them from a text file which has a blank in between the words forming the element name.
    Please advice how to solve this problem..
    Thanks in advance..

    Element names cannot contain spaces. That is a rule of XML. How to solve the problem? Well, you have to follow the rules of XML, so it should be fairly obvious: Don't use spaces in element names. Replace the spaces by some other character that makes the names valid.

  • Table Problem : BOE-XI (R2) on AIX with DataDirect ODBC for MS-SQL

    BOE-XI (R2).
    Single-Server installed on AIX.
    ODBC connection to MS-SQL 2000 database using DataDirect 5.1 SQLServer Wire Protocol Driver.
    CR-XI (R2) RPT content.
    The CR-XI (R2) Reports run fine on the Windows desktop using the regular MS-SQL 2000 ODBC connection method.
    They also run fine on a Windows BOE-XI (R2) DEVELOPMENT server using the regular MS-SQL 2000 ODBC connection method.
    The TEST server for BOE-XI (R2) is running on AIX (not Windows).
    We set-up the ODBC connection to the MS-SQL 2000 database using the "DataDirect 5.1 SQLServer Wire Protocol Driver" for AIX as advised by BOBJ techs.
    Most of our RPTs run OK on the AIX server using that DataDirect ODBC, but about 25% run for a while then FAIL with the following error.
    "The table could not be found".
    All three (3) methods of running the reports - Desktop, DEV, and TEST are connecting to the same MS-SQL 2000 database using the same credentials. So it is not an account permissions problem...
    I can also get the FAILING reports to run OK on the AIX server if I use JDBC connection to the DB instead of DataDirect ODBC.
    It looks like the same TABLE NAME exists in more that one schema on this database.
    EXAMPLE - Table "User_Name" exists in both the "Current" and "Archive" schemas.
    The Windows SQL and the JDBC drivers seem to be able to determine which schema to connect to to access the correct table, but the DataDirect driver can't figure-out which "User_Name" table to use.
    My guess is that there is some setting missing on the DataDirect ODBC configuration on the AIX server, but I can't figure out what it is.
    Anyone seen this before when using that DataDirect ODBC driver on AIX....and know how to fix it?
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hmm... I haven't come across that problem myself, so I'll just throw this out.  A typical odbc.ini file looks something like this:
    Description=DataDirect 5.0 SQLServer Wire Protocol Driver
    ... it seems pretty clear exactly which database the datadirect should use.  Are there any weird characters in your odbc DSN ( [North] ) that can confuse between Windows and Unix? Is the DSN excessively long?.  I found a link ( which indicates that sqlserver will allow a three-part identifier to select database.table.column, since you have jdbc working, I'm not sure if that is a viable solution or easy to test using CR.  Otherwise, another workaround may be to create a view of that table using a unique name and report off of the view.

  • How to read data after using the PRINT function in visual basic

    I know the benchlink can capture the spectrum analyzer screen for me, but I want to integrate it into my application. I use NI spy to detect the communications from the benchlink and put it into my application. After sending the "PRINT 0" command, my "ilrd SpectrumAnalyzer, temp, 500" command doesn't work, giving me EARG error. Does anyone knows if it is because I can not define the temp to be string or some other problem?
    b.t.w, the communications I get from NI Spy actually read some unknown characters from the instrument, what kind of data it is? Any idea how to use it?

    Hello elm,
    This is completely dependent on your instrument; if you are getting the data then you are halfway there. Look in your instrument's programmer's reference manual to see if they mention how the picture is encoded in bytes. There are so many different ways to encode a picture in binary that speculating and guessing would probably never yield the true result. If there is no mention in the manual, contact the instrument manufacturer.
    Sorry I could not be of more help.
    Scott B.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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