Using DivX with Compressor...

Just getting started with FCS2. I have installed the DivX software from their website, and it seems to work well exporting from FCP, however I would like to add DivX export to Compressor so I can do a batch render to several formats at once there...
When I select Quicktime Export in Compressor, however, DivX doesn't show up (even thought it does in FCP6)...
Anyone know how to get this working?
Benjamin [The TV Show for The 'Not-So-Geeky']

Ya, and I can export fine from FCP. Any idea why it won't work from Compressor? Seems strange that I can do it from FCP but not from compressor...
Benjamin [The TV Show for The 'Not-So-Geeky']

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    I would recommend downgrading to QuickTime 7.3.1, which is currently the most stable version of QuickTime for Final Cut Studio 2.0.2.
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Leopard
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Tiger
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Panther
    Have a look here for instructions:

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    University of Canberra
    geo at mac dot com

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    Name: Vimeo HD Encode
    Description: No description
    File Extension: mov
    Estimated size: 2.3 GB/hour of source
    Audio Encoder
              AAC, Stereo (L R), 44.100 kHz
    Video Encoder
              Width: 1920
              Height: 1080
              Pixel aspect ratio: Square
              Crop: None
              Padding: None
              Frame rate: (100% of source)
              Frame Controls On:
                        Retiming: (Best) High quality Motion Compensated
                        Resize Filter: Statistical Prediction
                        Deinterlace Filter: Best (Motion Compensated)
                        Adaptive Details: On
                        Antialias: 0
                        Detail Level: 0
                        Field Output: Progressive
              Codec Type: H.264
              Multi-pass: On, frame reorder: On
              Pixel depth: 24
              Spatial quality: 75
              Min. Spatial quality: 25
              Key frame interval: 30
              Temporal quality: 50
              Min. temporal quality: 25
              Average data rate: 5.12 (Mbps)
    Compatible with Mac
    My video in the timeline is 1920 x 1080 / 23.98 fps
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    Can someone offer a tip?
    iMac 2009,1

    Youn can't use it in FCP, only with Compressor. In Compressor make a new QuickTime preset or duplicate an Apple preset and change the codec to x264.

  • Ingested videos not playing in stereo with Quicktime or after exporting with compressor

    Why does it seem like every time I try to do something just mildly complex I'm stymied by some bug or problem with the software?
    Here's the deal:
    0) I have footage was shot with a stereo camcorder, a JVC GR-DV3000 (circa 2003), with built-in stereo mics.
    1) I ingest the footage from the Mini DV tape and save it to a camera archive using Final Cut Pro X (latest version).
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    3) When the events are played from within Final Cut Pro X, I hear strereo and audio meters indicate the audio is in stereo (left and right channels have different volume levels).
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    5) When I play the event clips with QuickTime from my hard drive after step 2 above, I get no audio from the right channel. Weird, right?
    But most annoying of all:
    6) When I use Compressor 4 (instead of Final Cut) to output the event clips to "SD for Apple Devices" using the default audio settings, I get no audio from the right channel, either.
    7) I've got hundreds, if not thousands, of clips. I'm not about to save each clip manually with FCPX. I need to batch convert these files with Compressor.
    8) I've tried various combinations of the audio import settings ("Analyze and fix audio problems," "Separate mono and group stereo audio," and "Remove silent channels." These options have not solved the issue for me. The clips still play in mono in QuickTime.
    When I look at the properties of the file in QuickTime, here's what it shows:
    DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720 x 480 (640 x 480)
    Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 32000 Hz, Left
    Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 32000 Hz, Unused
    Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 32000 Hz, Unused
    Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 32000 Hz, Unused
    Why it's telling me the other 3 channels are unused, I have no idea. As I mentioned, the footage was shot in stereo and even Final Cut plays it in stereo.
    Here's what VLC says about the very same file:
    Stream 0:
    Type: Audio
    Codec:PCM S16 LE (sowt)
    Channels: Mono
    Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
    Bits per sample: 16
    Stream 1:
    Type: Audio
    Codec:PCM S16 LE (sowt)
    Channels: 1
    Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
    Bitrate: 512 kb/s
    Stream 2:
    Type: Audio
    Codec:PCM S16 LE (sowt)
    Channels: 1
    Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
    Bitrate: 512 kb/s
    Stream 3:
    Type: Audio
    Codec:PCM S16 LE (sowt)
    Channels: 1
    Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
    Bitrate: 512 kb/s
    Stream 4:
    Type: Video
    Codec: (DV Video (dvc)
    Resolution: 720 x 480
    Frame Rate: 29.970030
    Decoded Format: Planar 4:1:1 YUV
    If anyone can point in the right direction, I'd much appreciate it.

    I ended up just using iMovie to capture video from the camera. The clips now play in stereo in QuickTime perfectly.
    It's interesting to note that iMovie saves the clips as .dv file types, not .mov file types like FCPX does.
    And it turns out the iMovie capture is *much* smoother. It actually "just works." Ingesting tapes with FCPX, I had to cross my fingers, spin on my head and pray three times to a statue of Steve Jobs before it would work (and even then it would do weird stuff).
    The only downside of using iMovie is that it doesn't have the camera archive feature.
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  • Problem with compressor 2.01

    Hallo everyone.
    I've a great problem with compressor 2.01 and Final cut pro 5.04.
    When I try to export a movie from final cut to compressor, all the two application crash.
    All is regular when I export the movie with Quick time.
    This happens to me for the first time I used Final cut.
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    Please help me. Thank you

    You need to update to Compressor 2.3.1 for Leopard compatibility.
    Use Software Update, under the Apple menu item at top left of your screen, or look here:

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    Youn can't use it in FCP, only with Compressor. In Compressor make a new QuickTime preset or duplicate an Apple preset and change the codec to x264.

  • Quality Issues with Compressor 2.0.1

    Has anyone had any contact with Apple engineers about the problems folks are having with macro-blocking artifacts with Compressor since 2.x appeared?
    Is Apple aware of this serious step-back in reliability and quality?
    We too are experiencing this and it is very troublesome. Really takes the fun out of doing this type of work.
    I would like hear from those who have never had the problem or who had the problem and resolved without reverting to older versions.
    I think the one common factor among those experiencing the problem is that we are all working in DV25 (NTSC or PAL).

    Jamie, here is a link to a more detailed discussion on the problem with Compressor's (v2) 2-pass MPEG2 VBR encodings.
    Waymen, "MPEG-2 conversion issues" #8, 06:15pm Sep 13, 2005 CDT
    The problem is somewhat random and can be hard to reproduce or detect. However, since it usually (always?) occurs in sequences that contain at least some difficult to compress material it's possible that very clean video sources will suffer less from this defect (since they won't be "wasting" bits to encode noise or image shortcomings that were already present in the original source).
    Some users have complained about poor fades to black, but probably the worst example I've seen was a slow cross-fade between two clips that both contained a fair amount of motion. In the latter case, Compressor 1.2.1 handled the transition much better even when using the same bit rate and quality settings. However, when Compressor 2 fails the image degenerates into some fairly large, very low detail compression blocks for maybe one or two frames. Then it recovers, everything will look fine until you see another random occurrence of the problem. You may only see two bad frames out of several hundred, but when you see it you know immediately that something is wrong.
    I doubt that this is a configuration problem or something that is hardware specific since I've been able to duplicate the exact same failure on two systems that had absolutely nothing in common as far as installation or software setup. The only commonality was the source video clip (which looks fine) and Compressor 2. However, this same clip looks fine when encoded with Compressor 1.2.1.
    Note, also, that I'm using only Compressor 2 presets on Compressor 2, this is not the problem caused by using "old" presets imported from Compressor 1.X.
    Anyway, I've already sent Apple a bug report, so there is little that I can do at this point other than to hope for a fix from Apple. That and restricting myself to one-pass encodings (as discussed in my earlier post).

  • Can I Encode to These Settings with Compressor??

    I need some help from you good people.
    I have been tasked with preparing our video program for an SD Television Broadcast.
    In my many years of using Final Cut, I have never had to export for an official SD Broadcast.  So I declare up front that this is a new world for me from web and DVD creation. 
    But I seem to be having a hard time matching all of these settings using an MPEG-2 Transport Stream in Compressor.  So I want to know if I can use Compressor to match these settings or will I miss some of what the station wants?
    I've tracked down most of the major settings in Compressor.  I highlighted below in bold and red what I am having trouble with.
    I will also add that I was trying to work with the GOP I and P frames settings but do not see a choice for selecting 1 frame for each one.
    Most of my other issues are with the audio settings.  I went to "Extras" and selected Multiplex but don't have any other control over the audio.
    So any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
    These are the requirement sent from the station:
    (BOLD AND RED are what I need help with)
    BITRATE TYPE: VARIABLE (If they say a variable type, why would they state a Constant Bit Rate below??)
    CBR BITRATE: 8000Kbps
    I FRAMES: 1
    P FRAMES:  1
    PROFILE ID: 4:2:2
    Thanks in advance!

    Disclosure: I haven't prepared a show for SD Broadcast either, but have been working with Compressor/DVDStudio Pro for a decade.
    Looking at the specs, there are only a couple of unclear areas...  the big thing is, they're asking for a Program Stream rather than Elementary Streams.
    I looked into that codec and it seems capable of handling the task once you clear up the VBR/CBR and interlace/de-interlace questions.
    Good luck!

  • Export workflow with Compressor or QT?

    I finally make the move to Studio Pro5 and FCP5, love the FCP and now have a confusing problem with a movie that I want to export with Chapters to DVDSP5.
    1. Export to QT, save as (not conversion), self contained from FCP with chapters,
    only to import it into DVDSP5 for chapters and so I can then compress the
    2. Export Compressor conversion for DVDSP5 but, I dont see my chapters from
    FCP timeline.
    (This would be ok if my chapters from FCP5 showed up)
    What happened to the direct QT to mpeg2 with chapters, Quick and direct.
    I guess im trying to find out from someone the workflow from exporting a movie from FCP5 with chapters into DVDSP5.
    It seems the manuals are not 100% accurate or clear on this process.

    For me, I simply export my sequence using Export QuickTime Movie... leave it at Current Settings..., make it self contained (if I have the space), and bring that file into DVDSP. I let DVDSP handle the compression...
    The only time I mess with Compressor is to play with frame rate conversions, and to do H.264 compressions for the web...

  • Are the problems with Compressor's encoding fixed yet?

    Sorry for the slightly vague title but I only use compressor once a year basically, which is after the production of a Christmas show I produce. Last year I upgraded ot Final Cut Studio to do the DVD and got caught out. I encoded using what I thought was the best setting (2 pass variable bit rate) and got jittery encoding. After investigating on this very forum, I found lots of comments about known problems with Compressor's encoding in this setting and ended up re encoding using one pass which was "ok".
    I'd rather do the best job I can so the basic question is, "is it fixed yet". Keeping in mind I understand about altering settings so that I can get the time I need onto one disc (110 minutes unfortunately!) What setting will offer me the best possible picture quality, regardless of encoding time, with compressor? Many, many thaks for any advice you regular user can offer!!
    Happy Christmas in advance, Gareth

    According what was posted in this thread:
    by Brian a lot of problems must be solved using the last 2.3 version.
    Hope it helps !

  • Using divx in "iTunes TV shows" instead of m4v...

    Hello everyone,
    I'm currently using EyeTV with a PCTV USB Stick, it works just great and I began to record a few TV shows. I usually convert them in to m4v and then to DivX. The only issue is that I can't and them to iTunes then... What should I do to add them to my library?
    Thank you for the forum and hope someone has its idea about my problem...

    It's a matter of bitrate and profile. It is possible to get Divx or Xdiv level compression out of h.264, but when you are just 'recoding' a file it is hard to tweak the settings so it does what you want.
    The key thing to understand is that if you recode pre-encoded video or audo you can NEVER add quality back in. So if the bitrate on the Divx equates to a h.264 bitrate of 1000...and you recode that Divx with 5000 you are going to have a HUGE jump in the file size without any quality gain (and very possible quality loss depending on other settings).
    Oh, and what I mean by "Profile". h.264 has standard profiles that are defined by the standard (sorry, redundant sounding). You can see that when you look at the AppleTV or Quicktime h.264 list. There /are/ higher profiles, and selecting one of them /can/ work, but it's outside the specifications. If you used the profile that equates to "HD" to recode a Divx file then your asking for trouble and non-support.
    I'm a Windows person myself, so I can't point you at quality Mac software to recode. However, the guys over at the Doom9 forums may have some insight.

  • Rendering Motion project with compressor?

    I've got a MacPro with MacOS X 10.5.5 and the lastest FCS2 update (so Compressor 3.0.5).
    I want to use virtual cluster to speed up the rendering of Motion project because by default, only a few part of the power is used.
    I've created a virtual cluster who works when i want to compress a QT file but no way to use it with Motion. The project appears in Batch Render but disappears after a few secondes...
    As somebody a solution?
    Thank you

    Hello Patrick...I have posted a sample video of the "layer strobing" effect I was originally referring to:
    I also just heard back from the apple store, and they claim they can't find anything wrong with the Mac Pro. I have exported this project from my macbook pro with no strobing at all. The project was even opened and exported by mounting the drive from the Mac Pro on my Macbook Pro, so there was no chance of anything being changed if I had copied the project. I argued with the repair guy from Apple for quite a while, but he could not give me a definitive answer as to what might be wrong, only that their hardware tests showed nothing wrong with the Mac Pro. He went on to suggest that it may be a software problem, maybe something went wrong with the way I installed the OS or Motion...however, he also said that they tested the project on other machines in their shop, and it also rendered incorrectly on those machines. Wouldn't that mean that their machines had bad software as well? He contradicted himself many times and I was losing my patience with him. I am not saying that their tests were wrong, but I'm sure it is possible they could have missed something. What else can I do? Is there anyone else I can contact from Apple? This computer is my main source of income and I need it to function correctly.
    I have posted quite a few problems with Motion 3 on this website in the past...quite a few of which you personally responded that you had never experienced those types of problems or errors that I was having. This also leads me to believe that my problems were hardware related, specific to only my Mac Pro perhaps...
    I would appreciate any suggestions that you or anyone else may have. I don't know where else to turn. I have also posted the project and media on my iDisk:
    Thank you.

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