Using DreamWeaver CSS Desinger how to?

I am CS6 Creative Cloud subscriber and saw the new CSS Designer feature which I want to use.
I am now confused with the product lines of Adobe. As Creative Cloud subscriber Adobe stated I have access to the newest versions of my products always. As it turns out the new CSS Designer is only available in DreamWeaver CC. I cant see anywhere how to download DreamWeaver CC or update my existing CS Version. Not only that Adobe patched the existing version of CS6 in the last couple of month twice in regards to the Fluid Layout and golden grid which is very confusing now they also diverted some features in the new CC version.
Can someone plase explain me that mess and how I can clean it up.
As a Web Designer working with responsive Design I would love to check out all new features.

The CC products will be available from next Monday. The rest is not relevant. Re-read the announcemnts properly.

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    ... as opposed to repeat.

    "motleyscrewed" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gan8i5$6t9$[email protected]..
    > ... as opposed to repeat.
    Are you talking about a real image in the markup (an img
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    background image?
    Background images do not stretch, real images will resize to
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    As a side note, IE has a filter that allows "background
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    An answer to what exactly?  You'll find plenty of tutorials below:
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    To create a dynamic menu take a look here
    The XML file for the above menu looks like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <item id="0001" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
                   <batter id="1002">Chocolate</batter>
                   <batter id="1003">Blueberry</batter>
                   <batter id="1003">Devil's Food</batter>
              <topping id="5001">None</topping>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5007">Powdered Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5006">Chocolate with Sprinkles</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
         <item id="0002" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5001">None</topping>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
         <item id="0003" type="donut">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
                   <batter id="1002">Chocolate</batter>
         <item id="0004" type="bar">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
                   <filling id="7001">
                   <filling id="7002">
                   <filling id="7003">
                        <name>Whipped Cream</name>
         <item id="0005" type="twist">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5005">Sugar</topping>
         <item id="0006" type="filled">
                   <batter id="1001">Regular</batter>
              <topping id="5002">Glazed</topping>
              <topping id="5007">Powdered Sugar</topping>
              <topping id="5003">Chocolate</topping>
              <topping id="5004">Maple</topping>
                   <filling id="7002">
                   <filling id="7003">
                        <name>Whipped Cream</name>
                   <filling id="7004">
                        <name>Strawberry Jelly</name>
                   <filling id="7005">
                        <name>Rasberry Jelly</name>
    Then remains the manner in which you create the XML file which can be found here
    One you have your menu up and running, you will be able to apply styles and effects

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    I don't think this has anything to do with the conditional comments.
    The problem is with your layout approach.  Trying to precisely fit content over a very large background image never works as planned.  If you increase text size in any browser (Zoom text only, Ctrl+++), your black content spills out of the gray box into the black region below.  Black text on black background becomes invisible.    Your approach works in Print design but fails on the web because web pages need to be flexible.
    Remove your Body background image and notice how your page flows.  A different approach would be to slice your background into sections to create a flexible gray box.
    Example here:
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics |  Print | Media Specialists

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    under view put a new tag
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    and thats it

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    Open the Find & Replace tool with Ctrl + F
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    A workaround that's available that involves a few steps.
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    b. Select the wireless menu
    c. Scroll and select network configuration.
    d. Print network configuration page.
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    d. In the Path or Folder text box, type the following:
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    If you switch to iWeb you will have to build the site from scratch since iWeb can't read or import html files.  Also since  the future of iWeb is a little uncertain as to if it will be continued to be supported by Apple it might not be the best move at this time.
    You might look into upgrading to Dreamweaver for Mac.

  • How To Use a css File To Watermark A Report

    I am using Apex 4.0.1 and have a need to place a watermark (that is, a background image) over a report, both a "classic" type and Interactive Report.
    I have two questions about this.
    1) I've searched this Forum and found several good questions/responses about this subject. What I think is the most maintainable solution is to create a .css file and reference this file within the Template section of a copy of, say, the "Reports Region" template used by my application theme. And so, I made a copy of the "Reports Region" template and called it "Watermark Reports Region". I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    I uploaded this css file via the Apex "Shared Components -> Cascading Style Sheets" option. I also made sure that menu_bug.png is, in fact, among my workspace images.
    I also made sure that my "Watermark Reports Region" template contains the substitution variable "REGION_STATIC_ID" and that my actual report region has a value in the Region Static Id field.
    Within my "Watermark Reports Region" template, I tried to reference my .css file. This is where I think my problem is.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
    I then assigned my template to my Apex report. When I run my report, I see nothing.
    So, how does one reference this css file within the template?
    2) I tried using my css tags as an internal style by placing it within the "HTML Header" section of my application page. I used:
    <style type="text/css">
    #empreport {
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I assigned a div tag to my report region header and footer that looks like:
    In Header: <div id="empreport">
    In Footer: </div>
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.
    Thank you all for any help/advice/code example.

    Thanks for taking the time to post sufficient information to understand the problem. In future if you're going to such efforts you might want to use them to reproduce the problem on, which means you can share actual working (or more likely not working!) code. Please also always wrap code posted on the forum in tags<tt>\...\</tt> tags to preserve formatting and special characters.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
    According to the relevant HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.x standards, <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements should only appear within the <tt>head</tt> element of a document.
    This changes in HTML5. The new <tt>scoped</tt> attribute allows <tt>style</tt> to be used in a prescribed way elsewhere in the document, with the effect that the styling rules specified are only to be applied to the other descendant elements of that <tt>style</tt> element's parent (in the way you're trying to do here). I'd expect <tt>link</tt> with a <tt>rel="stylesheet"</tt> to remain restricted to <tt>head</tt> content in HTML5: off the top of my head I can't see a use case for referencing external stylesheets in a non-metadata context.
    That said, current browsers apply CSS regardless of where in the document it appears, and future HTML5-compliant ones will continue to continue to do so for backwards compatibility. For myself, when using XHTML 1.0 I'll continue to follow the only put <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>. When I get round to using HTML5 for real I'll follow the standards for that as well.
    I strongly recommend that you follow the standards and only put <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>.
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    Use <tt>!important</tt> only where it's actually needed. It's over-represented in this forum because Oracle changed the order of style sheet inclusion in APEX 4.0 and made it more difficult to override theme styles using CSS in the page HTML Header without modifying page templates.
    Try your styles initially without using <tt>!important</tt>, and also consider using the cascade to provide any necessary overrides by including your CSS after other style sheets.
    I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I then assigned my template to my Apex report. When I run my report, I see nothing.
    Because <tt>#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#</tt> is not substituted in external CSS files: +{thread:id=986329}+
    If possible it's much better to locate image, CSS and JavaScript files externally on the file system. Otherwise you'll have to use the workaround suggested in that thread and include a <tt>style</tt> element in the page templates to specify the background image.
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.Reports are descendants of their region containers and may be subject to additional built-in or theme styles that overrides that specified for the region. Your CSS selector has to specify the report element, not the entire region.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.I'd use a <tt>class</tt> attribute in the region template: this removes the need to use the <tt>#REGION_STATIC_ID#</tt> selector, and allows the CSS to go in the page <tt>head</tt> where it belongs. Add <tt>watermark-report-region</tt> in addition to any existing <tt>class</tt> values in the region template:
    <div class="borderless-region watermark-report-region" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#>
      <div class="bl-body">#BODY#</div>
    </div>You may have to inspect the page source (use a web inspector like that found in Safari, or the Firefox+Firebug combo) to figure out what has to be overridden in the theme/templates you're using. This worked for an Interactive Report using theme 17:
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA {
      background: #fff url(/i/menu/blank_app_32.gif);
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.even td,
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.odd td {
      background-color: transparent;
    }For a standard report you'll need to identify the selector required for the actual report element (equivalent to the <tt>apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA</tt> table) using the web inspector or from the report template. It would be a good idea to create standard report template(s) incorporating a <tt>watermark-report</tt> class on the report table to provide a simple selector for such reports.

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    Thanks for your help!
    Go to Solution.

    somegirl wrote:
    Is the main page file listed as index.htm or index.html?
    When web designing, it doesn't matter if it's either .htm or .html. Just as long as every other page that you DO link the index file to that it's consistent.
    For example, I cannot have on another page:
    <a href="index.htm">Text here</a>
    When the original index file is a .html
    So long as you're consistent when linking each file to the original index it should be fine. The Suffix that it has really hasn't mattered for years.
    If you use 'pls' because it's shorter than 'please' I'm going to say 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes.'
    Wanna see my YouTube Channel? Message me about it really quick!

  • How do I create a web page using Dreamweaver

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    Start with HTML & CSS code.  Those are the building blocks for everything you will be doing in DW.
    Once you've grasped the above fundamentals, work through this 5-part tutorial:
    Creating your first web site in DW CC-
    Nancy O.

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       I would like to create a dynamic newsflash using dreamweaver and PHP in that the newsflash will be pulling information from a MySQL database. The newsflash should also have a link to view more information about the piece of news a user wants to know more about. Which tools do I need to use in dreamweaver and how's the procedure to go about that. Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanx in advance!

    I think you´ll need at least a MySQL table with the following columns:
    - id (primary key, int, auto_increment etc)
    - news_headline (varchar)
    - news_teaser (text)
    - news_content (text)
    What I´d personally add are columns such as:
    - news_date (date or datetime)
    - news_external_link (varchar), if a "read more..." link is supposed to navigate to an external URL rather than displaying the contens of the "news_contents" column.
    Based on such a MySQL table it should be easy to use Dreamweavers standard Server Behaviors to create the usual datalist.php, insert.php, update.php and delete.php documents, and there are numerous tutorials out there which will teach you how to do that.
    Am I right when assuming that you´ll also need to know how to automatically pull, say, the 5 most recent news records from the database ?

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    Bonjour ixixix2006
    Perhaps you will find your bonheur here:

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    I don't understand your subject line, "How to use dreamweaver to check scripts".  Can you explain what you mean by this?
    >I need to be able to copy an asp code and paste in dreamweaver and
    >continue with it, can anyone please help me on how to do this?
    You just copy the code from one page and paste into another. If you are having problems, you need to be more specific about what is not working.

Maybe you are looking for

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