Using full functionality of Acrobat SDK

i am able to use the AxAcropdfLib.AxAcroPDF functionalites with the Acrobat standard installed in my machine. but when i tried with the AcroAVPageView object is not getting created.
For using the full funciotnality of Acrobat SDK Acrobat Profesional edtion is required?
thanks in advance....

Yes, this is documented in the SDK. (Acrobat Standard for many functions; this is NOT documented properly).
Think of the Acrobat SDK as a marketing tool for Acrobat.

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    As explained in the API documentation, there are many functions of the SDK that are not available if you have not Acrobat Professional.
    For instance, all functions in:
    - AcroExch.PDDoc
    - AcroExch.PDPage
    So, it is not possible to select a part of a PDF and redraw, to control the scroll and zoom, and so on.
    The only functions available in the SDK with Acrobat Reader is contained in AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF.
    Unfortunately, it is very limited.

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    Please use the forum for Acrobat SDK.

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    No, there is no way to host the entire Acrobat application outside of Acrobat - only a limited set of functions are available in "external applications". This is by design.

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    Hi Malkyt,
    Thanks.. where is to write JavaScript code in the application..
    function GetWelcome()
    this above code. how to use this javascript code to plugin application.
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    char jsscript[200];
    AFExecuteThisScript (pddoc, jsscript, NULL);
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    Question three : Is the PDF Library SDK license also tied to Acrobat Std or Pro?
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    Thank you.

    Hello, I have managed to find a relevant posting which answers my questions by Patrick Leckey.
    Link is
    In short, for using Acrobat Reader API in your applications there is no license to buy. But to use the Acrobat SDK, need to buy the Acrobat Std or Pro depending on which API calls the developer is using. And for PDL Library SDK, have to work with a partner of Adobe for licensing.
    I have spent several days reading the EULAS and searching the NET and even talking to people, but could not get a clear answer, but this link cleared it all up. This is the first time I am working with Acrobat for development, as other softwares license their SDK separately, unlike Adobe. So this is something new for me.
    Thanks to Patrick Leckey for his excellent answer!

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    [email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                    mailto:[email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                    skyper : liuyuda6

    Open Acrobat. Not available in your own window.

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    Adobe hasn't supported Acrobat 6, VC6 or the Acrobat 6 SDK for at least 5 years.  You will need to move to the Acrobat 9 SDK if you wish support.
    And Acrobat 9 and its SDK are fine with Windows 7.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 01:15:42 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol
    Subject: Re: Plugin created using C++ 6 and Acrobat 6 SDK Not Working in Windows Plugin created using C++ 6 and Acrobat 6 SDK Not Working in Windows
    Plugin created using C++ 6 and Acrobat 6 SDK Not Working in Windows
    created by gomfp49<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Add Digital Signature Using C# and Acrobat SDK

    Hi everybody!
    Please, how can I digitally sign PDF documents using Acrobat Professional 8 API and C# language?
    I know that I need use JavaScript APIs (IAC) but I can't find anything really helpful in the Acrobat SDK Documentation. Could anyone post a sample of how use javascript manipulation inside C# (Framework 2.0), or give me a direction?
    Thank in advance!

    Hi Felipe,
    when i am signing the document.
    I believe i am missing something in my code. After executing the code to sign, when i open it i get "The following signature fields are not signed".
    Please let me know where i m doing wrong?
    Here is my VB.NET Code
    Dim gapp As Acrobat.CAcroApp
    Dim gpddoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
    Dim jso As Object
    gapp = CreateObject("")
    gpddoc = CreateObject("acroexch.pddoc")
    If gpddoc.Open("C:\Test1.pdf") Then
    jso = gpddoc.GetJSObject()
    and here is the javascript
    // password to use the digital signature
    var sigUserPwd = "UNKNOWN";
    // to test the sample without user input, specify:
    // var sigUserPwd = "testpassword";
    // path to the digital signature file
    var sigDigitalIDPath = "UNKNOWN";
    // to test the sample without user input, specify:
    //var sigDigitalIDPath = "/C/DrTest.pfx";
    // other variables the user can modify
    var sigHandlerName = "Adobe.PPKLite";
    var sigFieldname = "sdkSignatureTest";
    var sigReason = "I want to test my digital signature program.";
    var sigLocation = "San Jose, CA";
    var sigContactInfo = "[email protected]";
    /* Add a menu item for AddSignature */
    app.addMenuItem( { cName: "ADBESDK:AddSignature", cUser: "Add My Signature", cParent: "Advanced",
    cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);",
    cExec: "AddSignature(" });
    // main function
    AddSignature=app.trustedFunction(function (doc)
    app.beginPriv(); // explicitly raise privilege
    // if sigDigitalIDPath is not spcified, ask for user input
    if(sigDigitalIDPath == "UNKNOWN"){
    var cResponse = app.response({
    cQuestion: "Input your digital ID path:",
    cTitle: "Digital Signature",
    cDefault: "/C/DrTest.pfx",
    if ( cResponse == null) {
    app.alert("No input.");
    // if sigUserPwd is not spcified, ask for user input
    if(sigUserPwd == "UNKNOWN"){
    var cResponse = app.response({
    cQuestion: "Input your password:",
    cTitle: "Digital Signature",
    cDefault: "testpassword",
    if ( cResponse == null) {
    app.alert("No input.");
    // create a new signature field
    var signatureField = AddSignatureField(doc);
    // sign it
    if(signatureField) Sign(signatureField, sigHandlerName);
    // create a signature field in the upper left conner with name of sigFieldname
    function AddSignatureField(doc)
    var inch=72;
    var aRect = doc.getPageBox( {nPage: 0} );
    aRect[0] += 0.5*inch; // from upper left hand corner of page.
    aRect[2] = aRect[0]+2*inch; // Make it 2 inch wide
    aRect[1] -= 0.5*inch;
    aRect[3] = aRect[1] - 0.5*inch; // and 0.5 inch high
    var sigField = null;
    try {
    sigField = doc.addField(sigFieldname, "signature", 0, aRect );
    } catch (e) {
    console.println("An error occurred: " + e);
    return sigField;
    // define the Sign function as a privileged function
    Sign = app.trustedFunction (
    function( sigField, DigSigHandlerName )
    try {
    var myEngine = security.getHandler(DigSigHandlerName);
    myEngine.login( sigUserPwd, sigDigitalIDPath);
    sigField.signatureSign({oSig: myEngine,
    bUI: false,
    oInfo: { password: sigUserPwd,
    reason: sigReason,
    location: sigLocation,
    contactInfo: sigContactInfo}
    } catch (e) {
    console.println("An error occurred: " + e);
    // set a correct password for using the signature, so you can quietly sign a doc.
    function SetUserPassword(pwd)
    sigUserPwd = pwd;
    // set path to the digital signature file
    function SetUserDigitalIDPath(idPath)
    sigDigitalIDPath = idPath;

  • Using the Acrobat SDK with READER

    I have successfully coded (C#) against Acrobat Pro. in the past. Since ACROBAT.DLL is not provided with Acrobat Reader, how can you code against it? The sample code provided with the SDK shows it's use with ACROBAT.DLL and states that limited functionality is available for Reader, but how can that be if ACROBAT.dll is not provided with Reader? Am I missing a concept here? Is there another DLL and TLB to use for Reader? I'm lost!

    Ask your questions in the forum for Acrobat SDK.

  • Flex Use of the Adobe Acrobat Library SDK

    I have Flex Builder 3 and have been using Director and Flash for ages. Can anybody point me towards any FLEX 3 + AS3 code useage that builds Adobe Acrobat "Academic Library Facilities" e.g. Organiser into a Fully functioning website. I have chased the Adobe Acrobat Library SDK all around the Adobe site and through Google but I am still feeling that I have to work it out for myself.
    Help. Laurie THOMAS Director of The Centre for the Study of Human Learning, Oxford U.K.
    [email protected]

    I checked with the Acrobat team and this is not something that will be trivial I'm guessing.  There are no real libraries to support you.  The Organizer data is stored in a SQLLite database, which means that if you write an AIR application you could access it, but we don't document the format nor do we guarantee a consistency of format between versions.<br /><br />So I think basically you are going to have to work this out for yourself to meet your own needs, it won't be that generic.<br /><br />Best,<br />Matt<br /><br /><br />On 9/25/08 11:20 AM, "Prof. Laurie THOMAS" <[email protected]> wrote:<br /><br />A new discussion was started by Prof. Laurie THOMAS in<br /><br />Developers --<br />  Flex Use of the Adobe Acrobat Library SDK<br /><br />Hello<br />        I have Flex Builder 3 and have been using Director and Flash for ages.  Can anybody point me towards any FLEX 3 + AS3 code useage that builds Adobe Acrobat "Academic Library Facilities" e.g. Organiser into a Fully functioning website. I have chased the Adobe Acrobat Library SDK all around the Adobe site and through Google but I am still feeling that I have to work it out for myself.<br />Help.  Laurie THOMAS  Director of The Centre for the Study of Human Learning, Oxford U.K.<br /><br />[email protected]<br /><br />________________________________<br />View/reply at Flex Use of the Adobe Acrobat Library SDK <a href=><br />Replies by email are OK.<br />Use the unsubscribe <a href=!folder=.3c060fa3>  form to cancel your email subscription.

  • Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    //The below variables are global;
    DWORD FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    char * lpBuffer;//PDF buffer,please save binary PDF data into this buffer
    DWORD dwDataSize;//size of main PDF file
    DWORD dwDataIndex;//is a pointer for lpBuffer position.ex. lpBuffer[dwDataIndex]
    //write the following code in the initialzation of your application
    ASFileSys myFileSys;
    memset (&MyFileSys, 0, sizeof(ASFileSysRec));
    MyFileSys.size = sizeof(ASFileSysRec); = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysOpenProc, MyASFileSysOpenProc);
    MyFileSys.close = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCloseProc, MyASFileSysCloseProc);
    MyFileSys.flush = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushProc, MyASFileSysFlushProc);
    MyFileSys.setpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetPosProc, MyASFileSysSetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.getpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetPosProc, MyASFileSysGetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.seteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetEofProc, MyASFileSysSetEofProc);
    MyFileSys.geteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetEofProc, MyASFileSysGetEofProc); = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReadProc, MyASFileSysReadProc);
    MyFileSys.write = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysWriteProc, MyASFileSysWriteProc);
    MyFileSys.remove = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveProc, MyASFileSysRemoveProc);
    MyFileSys.rename = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRenameProc, MyASFileSysRenameProc);
    MyFileSys.isSameFile = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysIsSameFileProc, MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc);
    MyFileSys.getName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameProc, MyASFileSysGetNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getNameAsASText = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc, MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc);
    MyFileSys.getTempPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc, MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.copyPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc, MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.diPathFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.pathFromDIPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc, MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc);
    MyFileSys.disposePathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc, MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getFileSysName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc, MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getStorageFreeSpace = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc, MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc);
    MyFileSys.flushVolume = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc, MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc);
    MyFileSys.createPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc, MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getItemProps = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc, MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc);
    MyFileSys.firstFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.nextFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.destroyFolderIterator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc, MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc);
    MyFileSys.urlFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysURLFromPathProc, MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.getParent = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetParentProc, MyASFileSysGetParentProc);
    MyFileSys.createFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreateFolderProc, MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.removeFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc, MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.displayStringFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.setTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    MyFileSys.getTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    //These need to be implemented for 7.0 Windows
    MyFileSys.acquirePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc);
    MyFileSys.releasePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc);
    //MYFileSys Callbacks Functions definations
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysOpenProc (ASPathName pathName, ASUns16 mode, MDFile *fP)
    dwDataIndex = 0;
    dwDataSize  = FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCloseProc (MDFile f)
    dwDataIndex = 0;//set PDF buffer pointer to zero
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushProc (MDFile f)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    dwDataIndex = (DWORD)pos;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataIndex;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataSize;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysReadProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    *pError = 0;
    if ( ptr == NULL )
      return 0;
    DWORD dwRemaining = dwDataSize - dwDataIndex;
    DWORD dwReadSize = min( dwRemaining, (DWORD)( size * count ) );
    CopyMemory(ptr, &lpBuffer[ dwDataIndex ], dwReadSize );
    dwDataIndex += dwReadSize;
    return (ASSize_t)dwReadSize;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysWriteProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRenameProc (ASMDFile* f, ASPathName oldPath, ASPathName newPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc (ASMDFile f, ASPathName pathName, ASPathName newPathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameProc (ASPathName pathName, char *name, ASInt32 maxLength)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc (ASPathName pathName, ASText name)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc (ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc (const char * diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    static ACCB1 ASAtom ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc (void)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASUns32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return INT_MAX;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc (ASAtom pathSpecType, const void *pathSpec, const void *mustBeZero)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc (ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASFolderIterator ACCB2 MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc (ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter)
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetParentProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long type, unsigned long creator)
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long *type, unsigned long *creator)
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc(ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath *platformPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc(ASPlatformPath platformPath)
    //write the following code in your open PDF file procedure
    FileSize = //size of your PDF File;
    lpBuffer = (char *)malloc(FileSize);
    PDDoc pdDoc = PDDocOpen( (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS, &MyFileSys, NULL, true );
    ASFile asFile = PDDocGetFile(pdDoc);
    ASText title = ASTextFromScriptText ("PDF File Name",kASRomanScript);
    AVDoc targetDoc = AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams (asFile, title, NULL);

  • How to convert html to pdf using acrobat sdk 8.0?

    I am a beginner of acrobat sdk .
    I want to know How to use acrobat sdk 8.0 to convert html to pdf?
    herere some questions :
    1:How to support navigation inside PDF file that generated using acrobat sdk 8.0? For example: theres catalog in the top of HTML file, customer hopes can navigate inside the PDF file just like navigating inside the HTML file.
    2:How to support operating some controls in the PDF file that generated using acrobat sdk 8.0? For example: therere some drop down list and text box in HTML file, customer hopes can input text in the text box, click the drop down list to see available options in it just like in HTML file.
    Thanks in advance for any help and suggestion.

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    Can you help?
    Please let me know
    Thank you
    PS My system is online and i can give you the url if it helps.

  • How can I find out the screen size of the users moniter using the Acrobat SDK?

    How can I find out the screen size of the users moniter using the Acrobat SDK? I need to know how much sreen real estate that is available on the users moniter. Is there some call that I can make from the SDK to discover the maximun X and Y coordinates?

    Currently, I am testing on multiple moniters and it is defaulting to the moniter designated as the #1 moniter. For our purposes, this is acceptable. Once the two documents have loaded, the user can move and re-size at will.

Maybe you are looking for