Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

//The below variables are global;
DWORD FileSize;//size of main PDF file
char * lpBuffer;//PDF buffer,please save binary PDF data into this buffer
DWORD dwDataSize;//size of main PDF file
DWORD dwDataIndex;//is a pointer for lpBuffer position.ex. lpBuffer[dwDataIndex]
//write the following code in the initialzation of your application
ASFileSys myFileSys;
memset (&MyFileSys, 0, sizeof(ASFileSysRec));
MyFileSys.size = sizeof(ASFileSysRec);
MyFileSys.open = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysOpenProc, MyASFileSysOpenProc);
MyFileSys.close = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCloseProc, MyASFileSysCloseProc);
MyFileSys.flush = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushProc, MyASFileSysFlushProc);
MyFileSys.setpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetPosProc, MyASFileSysSetPosProc);
MyFileSys.getpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetPosProc, MyASFileSysGetPosProc);
MyFileSys.seteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetEofProc, MyASFileSysSetEofProc);
MyFileSys.geteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetEofProc, MyASFileSysGetEofProc);
MyFileSys.read = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReadProc, MyASFileSysReadProc);
MyFileSys.write = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysWriteProc, MyASFileSysWriteProc);
MyFileSys.remove = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveProc, MyASFileSysRemoveProc);
MyFileSys.rename = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRenameProc, MyASFileSysRenameProc);
MyFileSys.isSameFile = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysIsSameFileProc, MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc);
MyFileSys.getName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameProc, MyASFileSysGetNameProc);
MyFileSys.getNameAsASText = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc, MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc);
MyFileSys.getTempPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc, MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc);
MyFileSys.copyPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc, MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc);
MyFileSys.diPathFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc);
MyFileSys.pathFromDIPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc, MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc);
MyFileSys.disposePathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc, MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc);
MyFileSys.getFileSysName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc, MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc);
MyFileSys.getStorageFreeSpace = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc, MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc);
MyFileSys.flushVolume = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc, MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc);
MyFileSys.createPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc, MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc);
MyFileSys.getItemProps = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc, MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc);
MyFileSys.firstFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc);
MyFileSys.nextFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc);
MyFileSys.destroyFolderIterator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc, MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc);
MyFileSys.urlFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysURLFromPathProc, MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc);
MyFileSys.getParent = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetParentProc, MyASFileSysGetParentProc);
MyFileSys.createFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreateFolderProc, MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc);
MyFileSys.removeFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc, MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc);
MyFileSys.displayStringFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc);
MyFileSys.setTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc);
MyFileSys.getTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc);
//These need to be implemented for 7.0 Windows
MyFileSys.acquirePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc);
MyFileSys.releasePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc);
//MYFileSys Callbacks Functions definations
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysOpenProc (ASPathName pathName, ASUns16 mode, MDFile *fP)
dwDataIndex = 0;
dwDataSize  = FileSize;//size of main PDF file
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCloseProc (MDFile f)
dwDataIndex = 0;//set PDF buffer pointer to zero
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushProc (MDFile f)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
dwDataIndex = (DWORD)pos;
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
*pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataIndex;
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
*pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataSize;
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysReadProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
*pError = 0;
if ( ptr == NULL )
  return 0;
DWORD dwRemaining = dwDataSize - dwDataIndex;
DWORD dwReadSize = min( dwRemaining, (DWORD)( size * count ) );
CopyMemory(ptr, &lpBuffer[ dwDataIndex ], dwReadSize );
dwDataIndex += dwReadSize;
return (ASSize_t)dwReadSize;
static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysWriteProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveProc (ASPathName pathName)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRenameProc (ASMDFile* f, ASPathName oldPath, ASPathName newPath)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc (ASMDFile f, ASPathName pathName, ASPathName newPathName)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameProc (ASPathName pathName, char *name, ASInt32 maxLength)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc (ASPathName pathName, ASText name)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc (ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
    return NULL;
static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc (const char * diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
static ACCB1 ASAtom ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc (void)
return NULL;
static ACCB1 ASUns32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc (ASPathName pathName)
return INT_MAX;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc (ASPathName pathName)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc (ASAtom pathSpecType, const void *pathSpec, const void *mustBeZero)
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc (ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASFolderIterator ACCB2 MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc (ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
return NULL;
static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
return 0;
static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter)
static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
return NULL;
static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetParentProc (ASPathName path)
return NULL;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc (ASPathName path)
return 0;
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc (ASPathName path)
return 0;
static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long type, unsigned long creator)
static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long *type, unsigned long *creator)
static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc(ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath *platformPath)
return 0;
static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc(ASPlatformPath platformPath)
//write the following code in your open PDF file procedure
FileSize = //size of your PDF File;
lpBuffer = (char *)malloc(FileSize);
PDDoc pdDoc = PDDocOpen( (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS, &MyFileSys, NULL, true );
ASFile asFile = PDDocGetFile(pdDoc);
ASText title = ASTextFromScriptText ("PDF File Name",kASRomanScript);
AVDoc targetDoc = AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams (asFile, title, NULL);

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    Hi meganl52100253,
    With Acrobat X, you can save to Word and Excel format by choosing File > Save As. But saving to PowerPoint wasn't introduced until Acrobat XI.
    You're welcome to try Acrobat if you'd like. You can download a free 30-day trial from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat.html.

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    Thanks for your reply.
    I don't seem to be able to find any ASFileSys samples / skeletons so I'm fighting this problem in the dark :(
    I have instantiated a new ASFileSysRec as follows...
    ASFileSysRec pdfMemoryFileSys;
    memset( &pdfMemoryFileSys, 0, sizeof( ASFileSysRec ) );
    pdfMemoryFileSys.size = sizeof( ASFileSysRec );
    pdfMemoryFileSys.open = OpenMemory;
    pdfMemoryFileSys.close = CloseMemory;
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    pdfMemoryFileSys.getpos = GetPosMemory;
    pdfMemoryFileSys.seteof = SetEofMemory;
    pdfMemoryFileSys.geteof = GetEofMemory;
    pdfMemoryFileSys.read = ReadMemory;
    (a very laborious task to implement each callback!)
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    pdfMemoryFileSys.firstFolderItem (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc)
    pdfMemoryFileSys.nextFolderItem (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc)
    I've no idea what to return in these callbacks (?).
    It's very frustrating, I don't believe I'm asking for anything too out of the ordinary by wanting to load a PDF from memory instead of a file!
    I'm hoping that someone will tell me I'm crazy to be doing what I'm doing and that there's a much simpler way (?!).

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    >I want this to be on the server.
    Ok, we can start there - or stop. The Acrobat SDK is for automating
    Acrobat. Acrobat must not be installed on a server. So you cannot use
    Adobe have a PDF Library, which can be licensed for server use. But it
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    >The dpi what I was talking about was..in the pdf i want a logo to appear that would around 200-300 dpi.That logo is a vector image.
    This seems a contradiction. PDF files can store text, vector images
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    1. HTML does not support any vector formats
    2. HTML often forces images to 72 dpi.
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    I have found another possible bug affecting network printing with 10.1.2 in Protected Mode on XP SP3 machines that has not been previously documented:
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    HKCU\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\windows\Device
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    Hi PLAVERY798
    Temporary fix:
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    Otherwise, Please Use any Other browser like , Firefox or Internet explorer !

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    Hi Matt,
    Acrobat 7 PDFMaker will not work on Windows 7 64 bit as it's not tested and there might be compatibility issues.

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    Hi Sara,
    I'm working on an Imac 3.2GHz Intel Core i5 running OS X 10.9.5. Sometimes
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    First of all, update your Acrobat to the latest version available for 9.
    Then, if you have Windows 8 it might still not be enough, as the two are
    not compatible.
    On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 7:07 AM, roxanne tollman <[email protected]>

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    [discussion moved to Creating, Editing & Exporting PDFs forum]

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