Using GB to mix Tascam Tracks

I'm trying to transfer previously recorded tracks from my dinosaur Portastudio 488 into GB in order to make a cleaner final mix. I can only group the 8 tracks into 4 outputs, so I need recommendations for a good basic interface that will allow me to record 4 tracks on GB simultaneously. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Thanks for the help. This looks like the ticket. Having no experience with this, do you know how it works? Does it plug directly into the one firewire port I have then allow me to assign the 4 inputs from the mixer going through the interface to 4 individual tracks on GB? I can't find any data in the manual that addresses how you tell GB to recognize 4 (or more) different sources coming through one port/input. This may be a moot point as the directions that come with the unit may make this clear. Even though the source sound is technically not a "real" instrument, is that the only/best track assignment when recording in GB? Thanks again.

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    Thanks for your info.
    the second link works now.
    I kept trying the first link but I kept getting the same message,
    not be able open page becuase invalid address.
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    Thank you very much for your help.
    Best regards.

    Hello Ruben,
    I am sorry because my previous reply may not be useful for you.
    With "BL"  I meant "Budgetary Ledger"
    PBET is Period Based Encumbrance Tracking.
    In other words, you should use an update profile being period-based and not fiscal year-based.
    As a general rule, Spanish customers use update profile 109 or 359. So maybe update profile 350 would not help you as it works as fiscal year-based and you should override many value types in order to get Period-based (PBET) active.
    You can find how your update profile will work by using report RFFMMONI. This report shows the basic settings of your FM Area and how the relevant value types will update FM depending on the assigned update profile.
    Regarding to PBET:
    If you are not familiar with this functionality, let me suggest you to visit this link:
    <a href="">PBET</a>
    I understand the fact that probably the may not look as useful as you expect since probably you may not find all answers "in the next 2 seconds". But I think it is a really good start point...
    Hope it is useful for you
    Kind regards,

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    I'm currently using UB as my click track. I created a custom template in UB and imported my click samples. I do not set up UB at concert level but instead set up UB at each one of my SETS level. I set the tempo and time signature under each SET.
    I then map a button to ACTIONS>PLAY/STOP not to CLICK(name of channel strip)>ULTRABEAT (Drum Synth)>SEQUENCER PLAY/STOP. This allows me to stop and start the click track and for the drummer to count the song off whenever he feels like.
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    The only problem I've found with this is that if you start the PLAYBACK before the UB click it will turn on the UB click. Other than that it has been working well for me.
    Also, add a button mapped to PANIC somewhere in your setup so you can cease any/all midi/tracks at anytime.

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    This is a flaw from the first days of Logic.
    There is a "helper" plug in called "direction ....." - I can't remember the full name. Anyway, it gives you more control over stereo tracks. You can narrow the width (left - right) and pan accordingly.
    Hope this helps.

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