Using global in web method vis

 I am using labview 8.6 . I have a problem in using Globals in my web method vis. If i directly read the data it works fine but if i use global it doesnt read data.

Hello Jawad,
Thanks for sharing your issue. There could be more than one reason why your global variables are not behaving as you would like them to. I would encourage you to read through the following online article to get started with troubleshooting: <>. Could you also share more about your application and what your ultimate goal is with the global variable?
If you are interested in web services, I would recommend reading the articles at the following links:
If you have any questions about web services, please feel free to ask.
Dan Richards
Dan Richards
Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    I have  to call some user events in my project so i am using while loops in which i use event case that handles user events. When i make this vi  web method vi and when pass url in my webbrowser it stucks. So can i handle or use  while loops in webmethod vi.

    You do not want to use an unterminated while loop in your web method VIs, because it won't return any data and your web browser will get "stuck" waiting for the VI to complete.  Instead you should have a separate VI, in your application, that runs your while loop continuously.  When the web method executes it should query the while loop for the current data and return immediately, leaving your while loop running independently in the background.

  • Reentrant web method VIs

    The only mention I've found anywhere about using multiple web method instances is in this post:
    "If the web method VI is marked reentrant, than multiple requests can be
    handled concurrently (and your application logic should account for that
    fact).  If the web method is not marked reentrant, than only one
    request at a time can call the VI and subsequent request threads will
    block waiting to be able to call your VI." darenw, talking about web services in 8.6.
    This makes plenty of sense and is what I expect. However, I find this not to be the case [using 2010 SP1]. My example is very simple:
    Make the web method VI consist only of a "Wait (ms)" function set to wait for 10000 ms [10 s]. Check the "reentrant execution" box in the VI Properties dialog. Add the web method VI to a RESTful Web Service build spec and build and deploy. Then type the URL for the web method into two browser windows and send both queries at close to the same time. The first window will take 10s waiting for a response before finishing, as expected. The second window will take 20s--apparently the second instance of the web method VI does not start running until the first instance is completed.
    Not only does this conflict the the quote above, but it's a poor behavior for web services in general [and it's fatal to my application in particular]. [To be complete I should add that running the web method VI in multiple parallel instances in the same container VI results in a 10s run as expected].
    Is this a bug or what?
    [this is an appendage to this ongoing discussion but is distinct enough from the original topic that I decided it should get its own--I apologize for the clutter if that was the wrong decision]

    Just some more clarification
    I did a similar test to pltrogon using LabVIEW 2010 SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2 with a VI which waits 10 seconds and then returns the current time (hour/minutes/seconds). This web service VI is set to be re-entrant with the 'preallocate clone for each instant' option. It turns out the browser you use makes the difference, as seen from the time stamps returned:
    Internet Explorer 9 executes the requests in parallel so multiple instances run at the same time. Five concurrent requests cause no difficulties.
    Firefox 5 executes the requests in series. That is, it sends the second request as soon as the response to the first one has arrived.
    That's why getting the page on two different computers shows the expected re-entrant execution.
    As a check, if I set the VI to be not re-entrant, only one instance of the VI runs at the time, as seen from the times returned in the browser window.
    My conclusion:
    LabVIEW (2010 SP 1) is doing what is expected, you just have to use a client which sends multiple requests to the same page at the same time, and doesn't let the second request wait until the first request is finished.

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    Hi there,
    If you have defined already your partner links to the service you can use the BPEL API to invoke them from RMI. See this blog entry
    It'd be also good if you post the question on the bpel forum BPEL

  • Can i use global variable in web forms

    guys can any one tell me if i can use global variables when i am
    deplying the forms on the web,.....
    thank you

    Global variables work in their perfection even when you deploy
    your forms on the WEB.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=""
         xmlns:xsd="" name="MyWebService"
         <!-- T Y P E S -->
              <xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
                   <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="http://myHost/schemas/Transaction.xsd"/>
                   <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="http://myHost/schemas/TransactionResponse.xsd"/>
                   <xsd:element name="ProcessTransactionRequest">
                               <xsd:element ref="ns0:Transaction"/>
                               <xsd:element name="TransactionTime" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
         <!-- M E S S A G E S -->
         <wsdl:message name="ProcessTransactionRequest">
              <wsdl:part element="tns:ProcessTransactionRequest" name="parameters" />
         <wsdl:message name="ProcessTransactionResponse">
              <wsdl:part element="ns1:TransactionResponse" name="parameters" />
         <!-- P O R T   T Y P E -->
         <wsdl:portType name="MyWebServicePortType">
              <wsdl:operation name="ProcessTransaction">
                   <wsdl:input message="tns:ProcessTransactionRequest" />
                   <wsdl:output message="tns:ProcessTransactionResponse" />
         <!-- B I N D I N G -->
         <wsdl:binding name="MyWebServiceSOAP" type="tns:MyWebServicePortType">
              <soap:binding style="document"
                   transport="" />
              <wsdl:operation name="ProcessTransaction">
                   <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
         <!-- S E R V I C E -->
         <wsdl:service name="MyWebService">
              <wsdl:port binding="tns:MyWebServiceSOAP" name="MyWebServiceSOAP">
                   <soap:address location=""/>
    </wsdl:definitions>However when I run the WsImport tool bundled with JAX-WS RI 2.1.1, I get the following interface:
    public interface MyWebServicePortType {
         * @param parameters
         * @return
         *     returns
        @WebMethod(operationName = "ProcessTransaction")
        @WebResult(name = "TransactionResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters")
        public TransactionResponse processTransaction(
            @WebParam(name = "ProcessTransactionRequest", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters")
            ProcessTransactionRequest parameters);
    }Which is workable, but I was wondering how to modify the WSDL to get a web method signature similar to:
    public TransactionResponse processTransaction(
            @WebParam(name = "Transaction", targetNamespace = "", partName = "transaction")
            Transaction transaction,
            @WebParam(name = "TransactionTime", targetNamespace = "", partName = "transactionTime")
            XMLGregorianCalendar transactionTime);With two parameters in the parameter list instead of one. Is there a way to do this?

    Try changing the <xsd:element name="ProcessTransactionRequest"> element name to: <xsd:element name="ProcessTransaction"> and update the reference to it in the <wsdl:message name="ProcessTransactionRequest"> message.
    In order to use wrapper style, your WSDL needs to have the following characteristics:
    1) The operation's input and output messages (if present) each contain a single part
    2) The input message part refers to a global element declaration whose localname is equal to the operation name
    3) The output message refers to a global element declaration
    4) The elements referred to by the input and output message parts (henceforth referred to as wrapper elements) are both complex types defined using the xsd:sequence compositor
    5 The wrapper elements only contain child elements, they must not contain other structures such as wildcards...

  • Dynamic IP for web service VIs?

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    Best Regards,

    Hello ! Has anyone found a working solution to this problem yet ? The URL can be changed just like Joe explains, but at least for me this is not a solution. My application is Still trying to connect to the IP Address of the PC from where the Web Service methods were originally imported and it doesn't make difference if I feed another IP address into the url.
    It seems the fixed IP Address was stored somehow directly into the WebServiceInterface.dll itself, when the Web Service was first imported.
    I guess one workaround would be to install the LabVIEW into the same PC where the Web Service is located and import the Web Service there using "localhost" instead of IP Address. But this helps (? - haven't tried yet) only if I run my application on the server computers. If I install my application on some client PC the application is probably trying to connect to "localhost" and it won't work.
    I wonder if this annoying problem has been fixed in 2010, or if there's another workaround ?
    Best regards,

  • RRI drilldown on structures using javascript and Web API

    Hi SDN community,
    We have devised a method to RRI on structure elements using javascript and Web API statements:
    var url = SAP_BW_URL_Get();
    zREP_UNIT_VAR1 = "ZN_MRU01";
    var zeroFISCYEARKey = getVar("ZPFYEAR");
    var zREP_UNITHierNodeKey = getVar("ZN_MRU01");
    var zREP_UNITHierNodeKey = trimString(zREP_UNITHierNodeKey);
    var zeroFISCPERVarKey = getVar("ZP_FPER");
    var zeroFISCPERKey = convertZeroFISCPERVarKeyToKey (zeroFISCPERVarKey);
    var zeroCURRENCYKey = getVar("ZPM_CURR");
    url = SAP_BW_URL_Get() + "&CMD=LDOC&TEMPLATE_ID=" + zREP_UNIT_TEMPLATE +"&VAR_NAME_1=" + zREP_UNIT_VAR1 + "&VAR_VALUE_EXT_1="  + zREP_UNITHierNodeKey  + "&VAR_NODE_IOBJNM_1=" + "0HIER_NODE" + "&VAR_NAME_2=" + zREP_UNIT_VAR2 + "&VAR_VALUE_EXT_2=" + zeroFISCPERKey + "&VAR_VALUE_EXT_3=" + zeroCURRENCYKey + "&CMD_1=DATA_PROVIDER%3DFY" + "%26FILTER_IOBJNM_1%3D"+ filter + "%26FILTER_VALUE_1%3D"  + parameter1 + "&CMD_2=DATA_PROVIDER%3DCMYTD" + "%26FILTER_IOBJNM_2%3D"+ filter + "%26FILTER_VALUE_2%3D"  + parameter1;
    SAPBWOpenWindow(url,"IO_Process_KPI_Report","width=screen.width, height=screen.height,menubar=yes, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes");
    Necessary conditions:
    The same Global Structure is in the Sender Query and the Target Query
    Is there any other way to RRI on structure elements within a sender query to a target query using:
    BADI's, ABAP or any other method.
    Thank you.

    Hi SDN Community,
    At the time of asking this question there were not many examples of BADI for RRI's.  I now see a number of examples we can use.
    Thank you.

  • I am taking courses online and the newer version of firefox 4.0 isn't compatible with the java, which I use on my web page. And I need to go back to the older version of 3.614. How do I reverse to what I had before?

    I need to get another version of firefox other than 4.0. due to the version not compatible or is unknown to the java I'm using on my web for online classes.

    You might try using the add-on 'NoSquint' which allows numerous zoom options specific to each page you visit & keeps your settings -
    If you want to go back to 3.6x, you will find it here:
    In most cases you can simply "upgrade" (meaning downgrade) directly from the installation. It would be a good idea to save your passwords & bookmarks just to be on the safe side.

  • Return multiple values from a web method??

    I am wondering if it's possible for a web method to return multiple values to a client. I know each web method can return only one value of a given data type. I am looking for something like ref or out keyword in C#. If it's not available, is there any workaround? Thanks.

    Java web service endpoints can return multiple values by using the javax.xml.rpc.holders classes. The following post might help:
    If you'll be returning lots of values, it might be worth considering a document-style implementation rather than RPC-style.

  • Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: using begin childName Display method

    It sounds like you have your display fields in a container view, and
    that container view is inside of a view bean. I haven't tested whether
    the fireChildDisplayEvents has a "deep" effect on its container view
    children. Meaning that you may have to set fireChildDisplayEvents="true"
    for the <jato:containerView> tag instead. If all else fails and you need
    to just get it working, you can set the fireDisplayEvents="true" for
    each display field tag separately.
    stephen_winer wrote:
    I should clarify my earlier statement. The data I want to display is
    coming from a model (tied in in the createChild method). I want to
    conditionally reformat the text that is being substituted in the JSP
    for a JATO form element, but I want this to happen on the server, not
    with JavaScript. The begin<childName>Display and
    end<childName>Display methods allow me to do this, in theory, but I
    can not get them to execute.
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., Belinda Garcia <belinda.garcia@s...> wrote:
    I don't currently use a begin or end Display method. I merely bind
    the fields to
    the model when the child is created and use the setValue to
    initially set the
    value to what's in the model. I get nulls though if I try to use a
    tiled View. I
    haven't quite got this figured out.
    X-Sender: stephen_winer@y...
    User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
    From: "stephen_winer" <stephen_winer@y...>
    X-Yahoo-Profile: stephen_winer
    Mailing-List: list iPlanet-JATO@y...; contact
    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 18:32:48 -0000
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] using begin<childName>Display method
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    I want to be able to conditionally show/hide data as well as
    it for display without touching the model. I found the
    begin<childName>Display and end<childName>Display methods that
    provide the hooks to do this, but I have been unsuccessful in
    these method to execute. I added the
    attribute to the jato:useViewBean tag, but this has not helped.
    also added some debug to the ContainerViewBase class in the
    boolean beginChildDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event) method to see
    was happening. The displayMethodMap was returning null for the
    display methods that were in the view bean. I covered all the
    (compiling, redeploying, etc.) and nothing has worked. Is there
    anything I am missing or is there some working example of this?
    For more information about JATO, please visit:
    >For more information about JATO, please visit:

    The hidden field was present in the page, but it looked like this:
    <input type="hidden" name="jato.defaultCommand" value=""../search"">
    Seems like there is a small bug in the code generating this tag.
    FYI - I am using JATO1.2
    What file displays this text? Maybe I can go in and fix it and rejar
    --- Mike Frisino wrote:
    Can you check the HTML source that shows up in the browser? Do you see an entry that looks like this at the bottom of the form in
    <input type="hidden" name="jato.defaultCommand" value="/search">
    To answer your question - it should work as you described. Some of the JatoSample make use of the defaultCommandChild. Can you try
    running the sample BasicSample->Field Types and let us know what you
    Failing this you can send me your jsp file , maybe there is some subtle issue there. michael.frisino@s...
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: stephen_winer
    Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:05 AM
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] Using the defaultCommandChild in a form
    I am trying to set the defaultCommandChild in my jato:form tag to be
    the searcg button. The search button definition is:
    <jato:button name="search"/>.
    The form tag definition is:
    <jato:form name="PendingIA" defaultCommandChild="/search">
    Clicking on the search button works fine, but hitting return in one
    of the textFields (which submits the form) passes a value of "" to
    the createChild method in my viewBean, which throws an error. Why
    does this not just work as normal and trigger the handleSearchRequest
    () method?
    For more information about JATO, please visit:
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • Re: [iPlanet-JATO] using begin childName Display method

    Oops. Sorry about that, Craig. I didn't realize I might leave that impression.
    I'm sure the tiled
    views work since you have so many examples of these and it's a relatively
    simple concept, isn't it?
    Not to mention a necessary one. I didn't have time to debug my code and find
    out what I was doing
    wrong where the tiled views are concerned. I decide to just try to implement
    tiled views later and
    just stick with one of everything for now and get that working.
    Yes, I have reviewed your comments and am taking them into consideration. I am
    able to save and
    retrieve values with my model at this point.
    X-Sender: craig.conover@s...
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4)Gecko/20011019 Netscape6/6.2
    X-Accept-Language: en-us
    From: "Craig V. Conover" <craig.conover@s...>
    X-Yahoo-Profile: cvconover
    Mailing-List: list [email protected]; contact
    [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:00:10 -0800
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] using begin<childName>Display method
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    He may also be binding the models, howerver, he needs to change the way
    the value appears before it is displayed which is why you would use the
    display events.
    Your null value issue is a completely different issue and has nothing to
    do with it being a tiled view. I don't want anyone getting the idea
    that the tiledView binding is broken. It does work. You issue should
    have something to do with the inconsistent way in which you are getting
    your model. At least from what I could tell in your source code that you
    sent me.
    Have you reviewed my comments I sent to you in your source code?
    Belinda Garcia wrote:
    I don't currently use a begin or end Display method. I merely bind the
    fields to
    the model when the child is created and use the setValue to initially setthe
    value to what's in the model. I get nulls though if I try to use a tiledView. I
    haven't quite got this figured out.
    X-Sender: stephen_winer@y...
    User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
    From: "stephen_winer" <stephen_winer@y...>
    X-Yahoo-Profile: stephen_winer
    Mailing-List: list [email protected]; contact
    [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 18:32:48 -0000
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] using begin<childName>Display method
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    I want to be able to conditionally show/hide data as well as format
    it for display without touching the model. I found the
    begin<childName>Display and end<childName>Display methods that
    provide the hooks to do this, but I have been unsuccessful in getting
    these method to execute. I added the fireChildDisplayEvents="true"
    attribute to the jato:useViewBean tag, but this has not helped. I
    also added some debug to the ContainerViewBase class in the public
    boolean beginChildDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event) method to see what
    was happening. The displayMethodMap was returning null for the child
    display methods that were in the view bean. I covered all the bases
    (compiling, redeploying, etc.) and nothing has worked. Is there
    anything I am missing or is there some working example of this?
    For more information about JATO, please visit:
    For more information about JATO, please visit:
    For more information about JATO, please visit:

    The hidden field was present in the page, but it looked like this:
    <input type="hidden" name="jato.defaultCommand" value=""../search"">
    Seems like there is a small bug in the code generating this tag.
    FYI - I am using JATO1.2
    What file displays this text? Maybe I can go in and fix it and rejar
    --- Mike Frisino wrote:
    Can you check the HTML source that shows up in the browser? Do you see an entry that looks like this at the bottom of the form in
    <input type="hidden" name="jato.defaultCommand" value="/search">
    To answer your question - it should work as you described. Some of the JatoSample make use of the defaultCommandChild. Can you try
    running the sample BasicSample->Field Types and let us know what you
    Failing this you can send me your jsp file , maybe there is some subtle issue there. michael.frisino@s...
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: stephen_winer
    Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:05 AM
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] Using the defaultCommandChild in a form
    I am trying to set the defaultCommandChild in my jato:form tag to be
    the searcg button. The search button definition is:
    <jato:button name="search"/>.
    The form tag definition is:
    <jato:form name="PendingIA" defaultCommandChild="/search">
    Clicking on the search button works fine, but hitting return in one
    of the textFields (which submits the form) passes a value of "" to
    the createChild method in my viewBean, which throws an error. Why
    does this not just work as normal and trigger the handleSearchRequest
    () method?
    For more information about JATO, please visit:
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • Using WebCenter Spaces Web Service API through JDeveloper's Data Control

    I'm trying to access WebCenter Spaces Web Service API (located at http://host:port/webcenter/SpacesWebService)
    using JDeveloper's Web Center Data Control.
    I created a data control in my portal project using JDeveloper's Web Service Data Control wizard.
    I also created and configured key stores (jps-config.xml) at both sides (spaces server and my portal client).
    How I created a data control:
    * First I entered the name and the URL (http://host:port/webcenter/SpacesWebService?WSDL)
    * Then I entered HTTP basic authentication details (user name and password)
    * After that I drag-and-drop the getGroupSpaces() method from the data control to a .jspx page as a ADF read-only table.
    * Then ran my portal project and navigated to this .jspx page and it worked. List of group spaces appeared well on that page.
    The problem is that I got only public group spaces and group spaces created by the user I entered on HTTP basic authentication details.
    I makes no sense to enter some static user details in a web service client (or a data control).
    So the question is; can I use identity propagation to get only group spaces created by the same user which I logged in my portal?
    Edited by: 832886 on Feb 18, 2011 3:09 AM

    You generally get NameError when you are executing the createCred/updateCred from a incorrect location. Are you using the wlst from oracle_common\common\bin?
    Also, In your steps I don't see what you did to populate the walllet at JDeveloper end after your updateCred failed. This is a required step. Use the wlst from the location emntioned above and you should be able to proceed.

  • Uploading multiple documents into sharepoint list item with REST in sharepoint 2013 using content editor web part :

    hi ,
    i am trying to upload multiple document files into sharepoint list item. I followed below link for implementaion.
    It was working for sharepoint hosted app.
     This complete code is written within content edito web part.
    It was working when i was in root site collection with below change (hard coded the root level url) in code in "UploadFile" function.
    var scriptbase = "http://servername" + "/_layouts/15/";
                console.log(' File size:' + bytes.length);
                $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.RequestExecutor.js", function () {
                    var createitem = new SP.RequestExecutor("http://servername");
                        url: "http://servername/sites/cpg/" + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('SalesRecord')/items(" + attachmentitemid + ")/AttachmentFiles/add(FileName='"
    + fileName + "')",
                        method: "POST",
                        binaryStringRequestBody: true,
                        body: binary,
                        success: fsucc,
                        error: ferr,
                        state: "Update"
                    function fsucc(data) {
                        //alert( data.statusText + "\n\n" + data.responseText);
                        console.log(data + ' uploaded successfully');
                    function ferr(data) {
                        //alert( data.statusText + "\n\n" + data.responseText);
                        console.log(fileName + "not uploaded error");
    But the issue came in picture when i was working with the other site collection instead of root one. The url was like below.
    "http://servername/sites/cpg/". This time i need to be there within "cpg" site collection. 
    Now if i hard code the url as i did above my code gets break here while come to below line
     $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.RequestExecutor.js", function () {
    I am getting error when i used below code:
    var scriptbase = "http://servername" + "/_layouts/15/";
     $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.RequestExecutor.js", function () {
                    var createitem = new SP.RequestExecutor("http://servername");
                        url: "http://servername/sites/cpg/" + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('SalesRecord')/items(" + attachmentitemid + ")/AttachmentFiles/add(FileName='"
    + fileName + "')",
                        method: "POST",
                        binaryStringRequestBody: true,
                        body: binary,
                        success: fsucc,
                        error: ferr,
                        state: "Update"
                    function fsucc(data) {
                        //alert( data.statusText + "\n\n" + data.responseText);
                        console.log(data + ' uploaded successfully');
                    function ferr(data) {
                        //alert( data.statusText + "\n\n" + data.responseText);
                        console.log(fileName + "not uploaded error");
    Please hekp in this case. This complete code is written within content edito web part. 
    Sanjay Joshi

    According to your post, my understanding is that you have an issue about upload multiple documents files into library vai REST API.
    As you have said, you have used the hard code url in your code.
    How about use the _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl method to get the url?
    I have used this method to get the url, then use the code in the article you have pasted within a content editor web part to upload the files.
    You can replace the hard code url with the _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl method, then check whether it works.
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to create Image as Custom Property Type used in Configurable Web Part?

    I wanted to create custom configurable web part property for Image.
    Example - the screenshot of Image property used in Image web part is shown below:
    My goal is to create as many images as possible in custom configurable web part.
    I tried to write the code:
    WebDisplayName("Example Photo"),
    WebDescription("Example Photo of the user"),
    Category("Custom User Profile"),
    public Image ExampleUserPhoto { get; set; }
    However, the result does not display Image configurable web part property.
    I wonder why the data type Image does not cause the custom web part to have Image configurable web part property.
    Other data types such as Boolean, Enum, Integer, String and DateTime can be used.
    How can I create Image as Custom Property Type used in Configurable Web Part?

    I have examined that context node __00 has been enhanced,and  has a class name  z___00. But  when I created a new attirubute by right click " Attributes" with wizard under context node __00.There is still  a error message "view is not enhaced or copied with wizard".
    But  when  I created a method  "getvaliation "  in the class of context node zcl__00, the attribute  'valiation' automatically created(at the same time the method "getvaliation' automatically  created for the attribute 'valiation') and I need not to create attibute 'validation' by wizard .  It seemed as if the problem is resloved. But when I make test for it in web ui .There is a runtime erro message.
    Do I need to make some configurations in  the business object layer  for the checkbox? but  the checkbox is only used as a flag  to decide whether a backgoud job is needed to be executed.
    Edited by: samhuman on Jun 22, 2010 10:31 AM

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