Using iMatch to redownload entire library

First time posting a question.  I have a MBP which contains my entire library for iTunes.  I have a PC at work.  I have iMatch and have uploaded all my songs to it, and they are accessible for download as they are supposed to be on all my  iTunes registered devices and computers.   I want to download my entire music library to my work computer.  I have the option to download invdividual songs, but since I have 5000+ I do not want to manually click each cloud-download icon. 
Is there a way to tell iTunes that you want to download everything that's available all at once from iMatch or iCloud (which ever is the proper way to say that)?

Assuming you are seeing all your songs on your PC but with a grey 'Cloud' symbol in the main Music library, then yes, just do a 'Select All' then Right click on the cloud icon and pick download, they will all start downloading.
Should the cloud sysmbol be missing from your list, just go to View, View options, and select 'iCloud Download' were it will appear to the right of your song list.

Similar Messages

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    I have an iPod classic that syncs my entire library, I'd like to buy a smaller iPod, maybe a Nano for the gym. Would I need a 2nd iTunes library? Is that possibly, I mean for one person to have 2 iTune librarys/accounts?

    Woodblock 3 wrote:
    Would I need a 2nd iTunes library? Is that possibly, I mean for one person to have 2 iTune librarys/accounts?
    In other words, no. You don't need another iTunes Library for your new iPod
    Another iTunes Library, that's only if someone elses music is mixed in with yours and you want to create another Windows user account with their music in it.
    The iTunes Library is the master vault containing all your content, from there you create playlists or smart playlists specially tailored for the smaller iPod's storage requirements.
    For instance if the iPod can hold only 2,000 songs, then you create a smart playlist based upon those rules/limitation. Plus what type of music you like.
    You have a incredible degree of control with smart playlists, they update automatically so you only set the conditions for what goes into them. Including content from other created playlists and smart playlists.
    Then, when you hook up the smaller iPod, it has it's own sync options, "all of your music and playlists" or "only select playlists"  So you use the second option to select just the smart playlist you tailored for the new iPod.
    When you hook up the iPod Classic, only it's sync options are used, not the new iPod ones.
    I hope I explained it better this time.

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    How do I share just one movie (not my entire library) from my itunes library with an authorized computer using home sharing?

    many thanks.
    That should be possible.
    From his library connect to your library via Home Sharing.
    Select the name of the shared library in the source pane of your itunes, and click on the wee disclosure triangle to the left of the name of the library. Does "Films" appear beneath the name of the library?
    Here's a screenshot of what I mean.
    Select "Films". In the right-hand pane you should see the item you want to transfer. Just select that item, and click "Import".
    Use the same basic technique to get one or a few songs from your library transferred to his library. (The only difference is that you would have "Music" selected instead of "Films".
    If you don't want him to have access to other items in your library, you could just switch Home Sharing off on his library after you've done the transfers.

  • I only want to apply iMatch/iCloud to one of my iTunes playlists, not my entire library. Is that possible?

    I only want to apply iMatch/iCloud to one of my iTunes playlists, not my entire library. Is that possible?

    Hello efisch81,
    As far as I know, this is not currently possible. It matches the entire library or none of it. For specific playlist syncing, you'll still need to sync traditionally through iTunes for now.

  • Ipod re-intalling all entire library, but used space has doubled!

    Odd. Plugged in my Ipod (30g video) to re-charge and my Ipod began updatting the entire library. I didn't think anything of it, it's been awhile and I had added about 10 new songs.
    Wehn I got back from a meeting, the library was complete, but my used space has doubled! Almost like there are two version of everything.
    This ring a bell to anyone?

    This didn't work. I get this error when repairing the disk "The underlying task reported failure on exit" And when I gave in to restoring it, I got this error "The ipod disk does not have the correct structure. You need to restore the ipod" Which what it was doing. Why would I get the error? And the next time I plugged in the pod it mounted, itunes recognized it, but it only had 2GB since that was the only amount it restored the first time apparently. Any more ideas?

  • Exporting Of Entire Library for use with Tversity and PS3

    I'm a recent Mac owner and my background is windows. I have a setup at home where all my photos are backed up to a windows server which uses tversity to distribute photos etc to my PlayStation 3 for display on my television. I want to use the Mac as the source for my photos. Having imported all my photos into iPhoto I have realised that my standard concept of organising all my photos into folders based on the month they were taken is perhaps outdated and iPhoto creates it's own library. I still want to be able to view the photos on the PS3 so somehow need to get the files back to my windows PC.
    I have the following questions:
    1. Is there any software that will keep the iPhoto library in sync with another external folder structure, making changes as necessary when photos are added/modified? (This is a long shot I know).
    2. Assuming not can I export the entire library to the windows PC? If I can what happens to the folder structure and file names? Is it possible to export just changes from a point in time?
    3. Are exported photos always the latest version of the photo including any edits that have been made?
    4. I'm struggling to understand how Albums, Projects and Events relate to the underlying folder structure that I am used to. I prefer to have the photos organised into smaller folders by month, preferably with the date and time in the filename. Is there a way to force iPhoto to maintain this type of structure?
    Apologies if any of these are stupid questions. I've had a good look through the forums and can't find any answers that address this issue.

    iPhoto has no cross platform ability at all. It may well not be the app for you.
    1. Is there any software that will keep the iPhoto library in sync with another external folder structure, making changes as necessary when photos are added/modified? (This is a long shot I know).
    2. Assuming not can I export the entire library to the windows PC? If I can what happens to the folder structure and file names? Is it possible to export just changes from a point in time?
    You can export the files easily using the File -> Export command. A app like *_[Iphoto To Disk|>_* will help automate the process for you.
    3. Are exported photos always the latest version of the photo including any edits that have been made?
    No, not always. If you choose 'Originals' in the export dialogue that's what you'll get.
    'm struggling to understand how Albums, Projects and Events relate to the underlying folder structure that I am used to.
    They don't. When you import photos to iPhoto they are stored in folders that reflect the Events in the iPhoto Window. But if you move files between Events in the iPhoto Window that's not reflected in how the files are stored on the HD. Albums are virtual, they are entirely constructs of the iPhoto Database. They have no corresponding folders on the HD at all. This is why a photo can be in 100 albums and use no extra disk space at all.
    I prefer to have the photos organised into smaller folders by month, preferably with the date and time in the filename. Is there a way to force iPhoto to maintain this type of structure?
    The point of iPhoto is that it's about managing Photos not Files. The idea is to let iPhoto store the files and for you to forget about them and get on with organising the photos. You do all your work in the iPhoto Window and iPhoto tracks the relationship between what you decide and the actual files.
    What you can do is run a Referenced Library.
    *I strongly caution you against doing this because you are inexperienced with Macs and iPhoto*
    It's a limited way to meet your requirements. You can decide how to store the unedited photos only. You still have no access to the edited ones except via iPhoto. Really, the best this offers is some comfort for people who have a burning need to see where the files are on the HD. It offers no functionality.
    That said:
    *How to do it:*
    Simply go to iPhoto Menu -> Preferences -> Advanced and uncheck 'Copy Files to the iPhoto Library on Import'.
    *What Happens:*
    Now iPhoto will not copy the files, but rather simply reference them on your HD. To do this it will create an alias in the Originals Folder that points to your file. It will still create a thumbnail and, if you modify the pics, a Modified version within the iPhoto Library Folder.
    *Some things to consider:*
    1. Importing and deleting pics are more complex procedures. You have to to put the files where they will be stored before importing them. When you delete them you'll need to remove the files from the HD yourself.
    2. You cannot move or rename the files on your system or iPhoto will lose track of them on systems prior to 10.5 and iPhoto 08. Even with the later versions issues can still arise if you move the referenced files to new volumes or between volumes.
    3. Most importantly, migrating to a new disk or computer can be much more complex.
    4. Because iPhoto has no tools for managing Referenced Files, if, for some reason, the path to the photos changes then you could find yourself resolving aliases for +each photo in the Library+ one by one.
    My own opinion:
    I've yet to see a good reason to run iPhoto in referenced mode unless you're using two photo organiser
    If disk space is an issue, you can run an entire iPhoto Library from an external disk:
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library as an entity from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    If you're concerned about accessing the files, There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    *For Users of 10.5 and later*
    You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    *For users of 10.4 and later* ...
    Many internet sites such as Flickr and SmugMug have plug-ins for accessing the iPhoto Library. If the site you want to use doesn’t then some, one or any of these will also work:
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. However, if you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    *If you want to access the files with iPhoto not running*:
    For users of 10.6 and later:
    You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation which will give you access to the iPhoto Library from your Services Menu. Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    For Users of 10.4 and later:
    Create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    Message was edited by: Terence Devlin

  • Please help - entire library is missing

    Hello guys,
    I am currently experiencing some problems with iTunes, I hope someone can help me. After not having used my PC since September, I accessed it yesterday. After installing the iTunes update, everything was still normal, but after the computer had to be restarted for the HP update, ALL my media files are gone. Not only is the library wiped, the actual folder where the file should be is empty.
    I will explain what I did below.
    Also, please excuse my English, it's not my first language.
    Okay, then let me explain my problem from the beginning. Maybe someone can tell me what I did wrong.
    I am from Germany, but I am currently in the US as an exchange student. At home, I used a HP PC with Vista, but I decided to buy a little netbook (Asus eeePC)to take with me. The most important thing for me was (and still is) my music, my iTunes library. It is 86.4 GB big and consists of everything; songs, TV-shows, movies, apps, podcasts, audiobooks - you name it. In short, it's the result of years of listening to and collecting music; and it's not mine alone, the whole family uses it. I researched ways to copy my library unto my new netbook, but with a file that size, it's not that easy. Eventually, I decided to use a backup and re-create the library on the netbook. However, this did, for reasons unknown to me, not work, the backup was (from the 2nd disc on) unreadable. I created 2 more backups, tried to read them with different PCs - the same problem every time.
    Finally, I had to leave without having accomplished anything. But I took my iPod touch with me, it had most of the files on it. I hoped that I could somehow transfer the files from my iPod. However, shortly after I arrived, it was stolen. I bought a new one, but of course all the files on it are gone.
    In he meantime, my family at home created a new backup and send it to me - but this one, again, is not readable. Now I researched other possible ways on how to get my files over here. I decided to use a torrent this time. I had someone install a VNC client on my PC so I can access it from here, and then I installed utorrent and created a torrent from my entire library, send it to myself per e-mail and started downloading on my netbook. I was really happy to finally have found a way - but I should be wrong.
    Since I had access to my iTunes after so much time, I decided to open iTunes and listen to a few songs. However, as my PC has not been used since I left in September, there were some available updates. Unsuspecting, I installed the new iTunes version and also a HP update. After the iTunes update everything was still okay, but after the PC had to be restarted for the HP update to work, my entire library was gone! And I checked, not only is the library empty, but the actual song-file is gone, meaning when I open, eg, "C:\Users\Chris\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Linkin Park\Meteora" the folder is totally empty.
    That's how it is now. I decided not to do anything big, as I am afraid I'll mess it up even worse (though I don't think that's quite possible - there is nothing to mess up left, afterall).
    Please please please, can somebody help me?

    If you don't have any other back up, and the torrent files you sent to yourself are gone, then your music is gone.
    Nobody can help you recover data that no longer exists, but I can offer some sympathy. Sorry to read your story.

  • I can't sync my iPod to entire library

    My husband had the first iPod.  We shared an email address.  When he died, I gave his iPod away.  I had been able to sync mine early on, but now I can't add new content or sync the content of the main library.  I'm still using the old email account.  My computer recognizes my iPod, but my iTunes account shows two separate playlists.  The main one with new podcasts won't sync.  I can't figure out how to add new content to the playlist for my iPod.  I can play all the content on the computer.  How can I change settings so I can use the entire library?

    The setting for syncing the entire music library is on the iPod's Music settings screen.  If your entire iTunes music library can fit on the iPod, you can use it.
    Select the iPod in iTunes, so that you see its "management" screen.  I don't know if you have the latest iTunes (version 12) installed, or if it's an earlier version.  If 12, there is a sidebar (along left side of window) on the iPod's screen.  In the sidebar, under Settings, click Music.  If it's an earlier version, there is a bar of buttons starting with Summary.  Click Music next to Summary.  That is the iPod's Music settings screen, where you tell iTunes how to sync songs to your iPod.
    Near the top, there is a box for Sync Music.  Check that box to enable automatic syncing, if it's not already checked.  NOTE:  If that box is not already checked, the iPod is currently set to manually manage content.  If you change to automatic syncing (by checking that box), content on the iPod will be replace by content from your iTunes library.  Any songs on the iPod now that are not in your current iTunes library will be lost.
    Below that setting, there are two options for how to sync.  To sync your entire iTunes music library to the iPod, choose the option to sync Entire music library.  When you click Apply, iTunes syncs your entire music library to the iPod.  Going forward, changes to your iTunes music library are synced automatically to the iPod, the next time it is connected (or when you click Sync if already connected).
    If your entire iTunes library is too large to fit on the iPod, you can use the option to sync Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.  Please reply back to get more info...  or about using the manual method to load content on the iPod.

  • I want to transfer my entire library from a Mac to a Dell

    I tried to use the backup function to save all my music to DVDs. The music is copied to the DVD, but when I try to import it to my Dell, it copies a few songs, locks up, and spits the DVD out asking for the next disk. It seems to only transfer songs that I purchased; not my entire library. Is there a way to get the entire library from one computer to the next? My Mac is old and I want to put all my music to the new computer.

    assuming all your media files are in the default location, copy the entire iTunes folder (not just the iTunes music or media) folder to the exact same location on the new machine.
    you can use an external HD or your local network.

  • HT1386 When I sync my itunes and iPhone... most of the library still doesn't show up on my iPhone... how can i sync my entire library to my iPhone

    When I sync my itunes and iPhone... most of the library still doesn't show up on my iPhone... how can i sync my entire library to my iPhone

    Have you copied your content over from your old computer and onto the new on ? If not, and you still have your old computer, then there a number of methods described on this page which you can use to copy your library over : . If you no longer have your old computer then have you got a backup of your content that you can copy onto the new computer and add into iTunes ?

  • My home computer with my i-tunes library was destroyed in a fire. I have the entire library on a 164GB  i-pod and i'd like to know how to move this content back to a home computer so that i can access it with my other ipod/pad/touch devices. How?

    How do I restore my library from an i-pod? My home computer with my i-tunes library was recently destroyed in a fire. I have the entire library on a 160GB i-pod that I bought a few years back. How should I go about getting this content back to a computer so that I can access it with my other ipod/pad/touch/phone devices?

    You can't transfer songs from iPod to computer using iTunes, except for songs you purchased from the iTunes Store (and you can re-download any previous purchase from the iTunes Store Purchased screen).
    However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can transfer songs files from iPod to computer.  If you do a Google search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links.
    Once the song files are on your computer, drag the files (or the folder containing the files) to the iTunes window to add them to the iTunes library.

  • IPhoto Trash Can deleted my entire library

    I bought a brand new 27" iMac at the end of Oct 2010, which came pre-loaded with iPhoto '11 (Version 9.1 (475). I copied photos from my old iMac onto CD-ROMS and then imported them directly into my brand new iPhoto '11 by the select, drag and drop method. I deleted maybe 5 photos which the trash can correctly counted. However, when I deleted my trash can, it included ALL the photos in my entire iPhoto library (4000+) and deleted my entire library. These photos were not visible in the trash can before I hit the delete button.
    After that happened, I thought maybe I did something wrong, so I manually transferred the photos to my iPhoto '11 all over again. This time, photos which I haven't even deleted appear in the trash can and when you try to empty the trash can, the message says something like "Are you sure you want to delete 4000 photos?" (i.e. my entire library). Plus it seems that I can't manually move things out of the trash can because they just magically reappear in the trash again. Why is this happening?
    BTW I just downloaded and installed the latest iPhoto update, but the problem still persists.
    As a side note, before deleting my iPhoto library, I had used Migration Assistant to transfer some files from my old iMac G5 (circa 2005/2006) to my new iMac using a firewire cable. However, as I did not transfer any applications, I don't think this would have affected my iPhoto '11, right? It was only after I noticed that my iPhoto library didn't get transferred to my new iMac that I decided to import photos to my new iPhoto '11 manually.
    Apple products seem to be getting worse. I've filed a report with Apple, so hopefully they can fix the software. But what can I do in the meantime?

    same thing here. out of the clear blue my trash said it had 800 photos in it (my library has 9000 photos in it). I looked at the ones in the trash and they appeared to be still in the real album, as though I had duplicated some of my photos then trashed them. If i tried to empty iPhoto trash it asked me if I wanted to delete my entire 9000 photos (even though only 800 were in iPhoto trash).
    I rebuilt the entire iPhoto album (option command button on launching iPhoto) and picked all rebuild etc. options, took a couple hours) but the problem persisted. Fortunately I was totally backed up from a day or so ago, I checked the backup to make sure it did not have the trash problem, and then had iPhoto empty the trash of the one with with trash problem, and like others it dumped the entire iPhoto library! Yikes
    Now there are 2 things on my computer that i could not afford to lose, 20 years of photos, and 20 years of quicken data, so I am VERY careful with those, and fortunately it paid off.My back-up is good and I rebacked up that file, but what a disaster that would have been had I lost all m photos.
    so, This is not a minor glitch but a huge software issue that has to be fixed fast, not everyone, despite being told so, has good regular back-ups.

  • Please help before it kills my entire library!

    I’m sure this has come up before but I have to ask.
    When I add new songs to my iTunes, it will “misplace” older ones and adds exclamation points to them?
    At first I thought this was because I had to have my hard drive replaced and it lost the original songs but the more songs I add, the more get “lost” and now its started to affect the songs that I have purchased from iTunes recently so I KNOW its not due to the hard drive replacement. What can I do? Way too many of my songs are exclamationed now. I backed up the list several weeks ago because I had a suspicion this was what was wrong. The weird part is, even though the songs are gone in iTunes, it doesn’t delete them from the iPod. Even if I clear those songs. It will add the new ones just fine, but it won’t delete the old ones. There doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason to the deletion of my songs. They just go as I add more. I have 330 songs and 70 of them are exclamationed. I had more but started deleting them before I figured out what was happening. So far, I seems to only happen when I add new music, no matter where its from. It even happens when I purchase from iTunes. Please help before it kills my entire library!
    I have an 8 gig iPod so I know its not because its full. Oh, and Im running on an older Gateway, but I can’t even begin to tell you what year or anything and OS is Windows XP Pro. I also have the latest version of iTunes and update regularly. Any other info you need?
    I haven’t needed to lately, but Im scared for if I need to restore my iPod. (I have had to do it once before) Im sure that it will delete the songs that have been preserved that were deleted on the tunes. One more thing, it APPEARS to be mixing up the artwork on the iPod itself with other artists. For example, my Kerli artwork is now my Matchbox 20 artwork and so on. That problem is only with a few songs though.
    Any ideas? Thanks SO much for trying to help!

    Check your Preferences > Advanced > iTunes Music folder location to make sure that it is correct. Also, is "Keep iTunes Music folder organized checked"? Have you tried to Consolidate Library? (Note: I'm not saying to do that, yet, just asking if you have.) Have you used Windows Explorer to actually locate your music?
    I've seen where iTunes could be "missing" a song but not indicate it with the exclamation mark until some action is attempted -- moving, dragging, playing. For me it would be because I forgot to turn on the external drive where my music is stored. But then, once I mount the drive, I still have to point iTunes to its Music folder again.

  • I run an itune 10.4 and would like to back up my entire library to a DVD, because I do not have an external hard drive to back it up to (as the "help" topic is sugesting). Is it possible and if so, can someone help me please.

    I run an itune 10.4 and would like to back up my entire library to a DVD, because I do not have an external hard drive to back it up to (as the "help" topic is suggesting). Is it possible?...and if so, can someone help me please.

    This is no longer done via iTunes.
    Use whatever CD/DVD burner software is installed on your computer.
    Add the iTunes media folder to the list of files/folders to burn to disc.

  • Problem using iTunes restore to transfer library to new PC

    I have used iTunes 8 to back up my entire library to 5 DVDs following the instructions at
    When I insert the DVDs in my new PC I get the option in iTunes to restore from the DVD's - which I do. However about 50% of my music is missing after restoring from the 5 DVDs - also none of the Playlists are restored.
    Any ideas on what is hapenning here?

    OK so some more detail.
    As I restore from each DVDs it goes fine for while - but eventually a dialog pops up saying that I do not have enough privileges to write to C drive. It happens at a different place each time. When it happens it stops copying from that DVD and asks for the next one. I have checked and I have write privileges for the music and library folders. Any ideas?

Maybe you are looking for