Using input text to alter movieclip

I have a number of movieclips which I would like to move when a particular value is entered into an input text box. The movieclips simply need to grow longer when a value is added to the input text. eg '10' would cause 'this.movieclip1._xscale += 20;'
The closest to an explanation of how to achieve this that I could find was here:, but I dont understand what an 'associative array' is!?
Any ideas anyone? Thanks, R.

Ok, well I sorted out that bit of script to make it work with my files and it worked, but I think flash is having trouble handling my script.. I am trying to produce a 'clock' where numbers typed into the text box play a single movieclip (as above), the problem being that I am using 60 individual movieclips, and therefore 60xthe 'if ' function code above, and I think it's having a problem as flash seems to get confused with a (seemingly random) part of my code way before I have added all the needed sections of code.
This is the code I am using (It's a very clumsy way of solving the problem but I am a basic as2 user!):
time.onChanged = function()
if(time.text >= 1201 && time.text < 1213) {
          line1._xscale += 20;
  line1._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 1213 && time.text < 1225) {
          line2._xscale += 20;
  line2._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 1225 && time.text < 1237) {
          line3._xscale += 20;
  line3._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 1237 && time.text < 1249) {
          line4._xscale += 20;
  line4._yscale += 20;
  if((time.text >= 1249 && time.text < 1300)or(time.text >=0101 && time.text < 0102)) {
          line5._xscale += 20;
  line5._yscale += 20;
   if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
   if(time.text >= 0113 && time.text < 0125) {
          line7._xscale += 20;
  line7._yscale += 20;
   if(time.text >= 0125 && time.text < 0137) {
          line8._xscale += 20;
  line8._yscale += 20;
    if(time.text >= 0137 && time.text < 0147) {
          line9._xscale += 20;
  line9._yscale += 20;
    if((time.text >= 0147 && time.text < 0160)or(time.text >=0200 && time.text < 0202)) {
          line10._xscale += 20;
  line10._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
  if(time.text >= 0102 && time.text < 0113) {
          line6._xscale += 20;
  line6._yscale += 20;
Where time.text is the input text box, line1, line2 etc are my movieclips (there are 60, but only the code for 6 here), and the number ranges are basically incriments of 12 as I am trying to use the time(12hr clock) digits as a number that I can then [ut into a number range that would play the appropriate movieclip.
Complicated I know but I have attached the file, which works if you enter 1234/1256/1250 etc, and it's a firly basic idea, but I think I am approaching it in the wrong way and am not sure how to work around it!

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    Hi all -
    Tearing my hair out on this, and it seems like it shouldn't be that difficult.
    I've got an input text box (opAnswerTxt) that I've added to a movie clip (questAns) using AS3:
    That's fine -- I'm able to type text into the text field. Now I need to trace this text. (Ultimately, I will want to capture the text in a variable and then reuse the text in a dynamic text field, but just tracing to make sure I can get the text first.)
    I added a button (opSaveBtn) - also to the MC - and added an event listener to the button:
    opSaveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveOpInput);
    but can't seem to trace the input text. Here's what I'm using:
    function saveOpInput(me:MouseEvent):void
      trace (opAnswerTxt.text);
    My output is the original default text I have in the text box, rather than the text I just typed in.
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    Note: I've tried targeting the instance -- see the following -- but I get an error.
    trace (questAns.opAnswerTxt.text);
    Also tried trace (MovieClip(root).questAns.opAnswerTxt.text) and that didn't work either.
    Can anyone help?

    Thanks for your quick response. You may be right on this. The MC (and child text box and button) are all within a loop that's parsing an external XML file.
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    for (var i:int = 0; i < opLen; i++)
    //declare variables - the XML is loaded in the first frame - this all works fine
    var opQuestionElement:XML = opQuestion[i];
    var opQuestText:String = opQuestionElement;
    var opQuestionsElement:XML = opQuestions[i];
    var opQuestNum:int = opQuestion[i];
    //add container to hold each q&a
    questAns = new qAndAMC();
    questAns.width = 575;
    questAns.height = 200;
    questAns.x = 0;
    questAns.y = 0 + i * questAns.height;
    containerOp.addChild(questAns); = "Q&A #" + (i+1);
    //add question text
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    opQuestionTxt.multiline = true;
    opQuestionTxt.wordWrap = true;
    opQuestionTxt.defaultTextFormat = qTextFormat;
    opQuestionTxt.embedFonts = true;
    opQuestionTxt.htmlText = (i+1) + ". " + opQuestText.toString();
    opQuestionTxt.width = 545;
    opQuestionTxt.x = 5;
    opQuestionTxt.y = 10;
    questAns.addChild(opQuestionTxt); = "OpQuestTxt " + (i+1);
    //add answer input text box;
    var opAnswerTxt:TextField = new TextField();
    opAnswerTxt.type = "input";
    opAnswerTxt.multiline = true;
    opAnswerTxt.wordWrap = true;
    opAnswerTxt.background = true;
    opAnswerTxt.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
    opAnswerTxt.border = true;
    opAnswerTxt.defaultTextFormat = qTextFormat;
    opAnswerTxt.embedFonts = true;
    opAnswerTxt.width = 545;
    opAnswerTxt.height = 110;
    opAnswerTxt.x = 10;
    opAnswerTxt.y = 60;
    opAnswerTxt.text = "Here's some text";
    //add save btn
    opSaveBtn = new saveButton();
    opSaveBtn.x = 522;
    opSaveBtn.y = 188;
    opSaveBtn.buttonMode = true;
    opSaveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveOpInput);
    function saveOpInput(me:MouseEvent):void
      trace (opAnswerTxt.text); //This currently traces "Here's some text", rather than what I type in
    The two things I need to solve are:
    1. I want to be able to "save" the input text in each of the input fields, so if the user navigates away from this frame, the text they input last time isn't lost. Ideally, I'd like all of the input text fields to display whatever text they entered last time -- but they should still be an input field so they can edit the text if they want.
    2. I want to be able to print (or save to a text file) ALL of the question and answer text fields. I believe I need to create a separate print job MC for this?
    Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!!

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    You can access the text of an input box using the text propery of it. It will return a string
    var str:String = inputBox.text;

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and i am sorry if this was already answered in the forums.
    thanks for reading.

    If your interested... here's some general "rules of the road" that are basically courtesies...
    Don't post the same question in different forums (crossposting).  Folks that help don't like that because they can waste their time providing the same response someone else already offered elsewhere, or their helpful info gets no attention because the OP (original poster) got wrapped up in the discussion elsewhere and never went back to the other forums.  I saw one time where the OP suffered from doing this... the first person to respond in one forum said what they wanted couldn't be done, while my response in another forum showed them how to do it... but they accepted that it couldn't be done and never returned.
    Don't post in someone else's posting unless the exact same situation applies to you and it is a current posting.  It is a bit rude to step into someone else's posting just to get attention, which some people do... some with totally unrelated problems.  Or if your problem is even slightly different, it can end up confusing matters for all involved... trying to juggle helping two people where different solutions are needed.
    If you get one problem resolved and have another you want help with that does not involve the first, start a new posting.  People search these forums so it helps to have topics match the postings, which will not apply if mutliple topics get resolved under one title.  I recently saw one person tell someone to start a new posting even though they were following up to clarify something of the solution they received... that's wrong and is more likely someone with a case of points greed... as useless as points are, it happens.

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    Create a new dashboard and test as follows:
    1. Give some background color on the input box and then preview to check.
    2. Check whether you have marked for HIDE in the Object Browser for that input box.
    With best wishes

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  • Regarding Input text fields

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    And my problem is when we click on submit there is no difference in the blanks color all are in black only and i have assigned red to the wrong answer and green to the correct answer.
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    on (release) {
        if ((_root.Bl.txt1 == "abc1") && (_root.Bl.txt2 == "abc2") && (_root.Bl.txt3 == "abc3") && (_root.Bl.txt4 == "abc4")) {
            _root.Bl.txt1.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt2.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt3.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt4.textColor = 0x006600;
        } else {
            _root.Bl.txt1.textColor = 0xFF0000;
            _root.Bl.txt2.textColor = 0xFF0000;
            _root.Bl.txt3.textColor = 0xFF0000;
            _root.Bl.txt4.textColor = 0xFF0000;
    where "Bl" is the movie clip name and "txt1","txt2","txt3","txt4" are the var names for input text fields
    Please help........

    You are concatenating the conditions it will only work if all are true or  all are false
    on (release)
        if (_root.Bl.txt1 == "abc1")
            _root.Bl.txt1.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt1.textColor = 0xFF0000;
        if (_root.Bl.txt2 == "abc2")
            _root.Bl.txt2.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt2.textColor = 0xFF0000;
        if (_root.Bl.txt3 == "abc3")
            _root.Bl.txt3.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt3.textColor = 0xFF0000;
        if (_root.Bl.txt4 == "abc4")
            _root.Bl.txt4.textColor = 0x006600;
            _root.Bl.txt4.textColor = 0xFF0000;
    You can also run a for loop for optimizing the code further.

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    I am designing a roulette wheel type game. I am using a variable, "_global.myMoney = 0; " to keep track of the total money the player has. When I built the prototype, I used a dynamic text field on the stage with an instance name of "myMoney_text" and a variable of "_root.myMoney"
    Now, I need to move this text box into a movie clip with an instance name of "winnings_mc"
    When I test the movie, it looks like it showing the style sheet (font size, font, etc...) inside the dynamic text box. If I change the variable of the box to "_root.winnings_mc.myMoney" it seems to track initially, but now my updateMoney function in my main script does not work.
    The function is called like this:
    trace("updated money equals " + updateMoney(myMoney));
    This always traces zero now, the initial value.
    Any ideas?

    if you want to use a global variable, when initializing and everytime you assign a new value, prefix the variable with _global:
    whenever you want to retrieve its value, use myMoney.
    you should not be using _root.myMoney.
    and as ned mentioned, you should stop using the variable associated with textfields and use the text property of your textfield to assign its text.

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    AA9A 9AA
    EC1A 1BB
    A9A 9AA
    W1A 1HQ
    A9 9AA
    M1 1AA
    B33 8TH
    A99 9AA
    AA9 9AA
    CR2 6XH
    DN55 1PT
    AA99 9AA
    For Example :-  If user puts value as EC1A1BB, it should automatically changed to EC1A 1BB
                                 if user puts value as W1A1HQ, it should be automatically changed to W1A 1HQ and so on..
    If it could have been one format , i might have followed this :-
    But for multiple patterns i am not able to get through to the proper solution.
    Is there any way to achieve this ? Please suggest.

    For the validation you should be able to use one regular expression where you add the logical or (|)  (check the doc between the groups. If none of the patterns matches you have an error.
    For the for formatting I'm not sure you can use only one expression.
    I suggest to write one method which does the checking on and the formatting may be using an array of patterns to check and iterate the patterns in a loop. Once you found a match you can read the needed format from another array (or an other dimension if you prefer to use a multidimensional array).

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    I am using a Dataservices Commit method to write to the Database via a button on the screen
    When I type into the ComboBox's text input and click outside the combobox or on the commit button the application effectively freezes
    SituationService is a CRUD type servicePHP to MYSQL and it works with the Datagrid
    Here is the code -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:situationservice="services.situationservice.*">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                protected function Situation_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    getAllTblsituationResult3.token = situationService.getAllTblsituation();
                protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    getAllTblsituationResult.token = situationService.getAllTblsituation();
                protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                protected function vGroup_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    getAllTblsituationResult2.token = situationService.getAllTblsituation();
            <s:CallResponder id="updateSituationResult"/>
            <situationservice:SituationService id="situationService" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="getAllSituationResult"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="getAllTblsituationResult"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="getAllTblsituationResult2"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="getAllTblsituationResult3"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <mx:DataGrid x="96" y="167" id="dataGrid" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getAllTblsituationResult.lastResult}" editable="true" width="470" height="237">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ID2" dataField="ID2"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="SITUATION" dataField="SITUATION" width="200"/>
        <s:Button label="Commit Updates" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>
        <s:HGroup width="90%" height="80%" verticalCenter="20" horizontalCenter="0">
            <mx:ComboBox width="476" id="cmbSituation" creationComplete="Situation_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="  
                     {getAllTblsituationResult3.lastResult}" labelField="SITUATION" editable="true">
            <s:TextArea width="426" id="textArea" text="{getAllTblsituationResult3.lastResult.SITUATION}"/>
            <s:Button label="Back" click="cmbSituation.selectedIndex = cmbSituation.selectedIndex-1 ; textArea.selectedIndex = textArea.selectedIndex-1"/>
            <s:Button label="Forward" click="cmbSituation.selectedIndex = cmbSituation.selectedIndex+1 ; textArea.selectedIndex = textArea.selectedIndex-1"/>

  • Copy the values input in input text 1 to input text 2 using value change listener

    Hello ,
    I have two input texts :
    input text 1 & input text 2 .
    I need to copy the values input in input text 1 to input text 2 .
    How do I implement this using value change listener ?
    I did the following steps :
    1) I selected input text 1 and chose Value Change listener --> edit .
       Typed a new bean & class name .
       Which method name should I add ?
    Any help please ?

    Give any name to the method and bind the two input text to manged bean using bindings attribute of InputText. just follow the below given code
    Ex: class
        private RichInputText inputVal1;
        private RichInputText inputVal2;
        public Test() {
        public void ValChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void setInputVal1(RichInputText inputVal1) {
            this.inputVal1 = inputVal1;
        public RichInputText getInputVal1() {
            return inputVal1;
        public void setInputVal2(RichInputText inputVal2) {
            this.inputVal2 = inputVal2;
        public RichInputText getInputVal2() {
            return inputVal2;
    test.jspx page
    <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1" valueChangeListener="#{backingBeanScope.TestBean.ValChange}"
                                  binding="#{backingBeanScope.TestBean.inputVal1}" autoSubmit="true"/>
                    <af:inputText label="Label 2" id="it2" binding="#{backingBeanScope.TestBean.inputVal2}"

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    In my application I am using <input type = "time"> but in Firefox 30.0 its showing plain text box. Can anyone tell me which version of Firefox supports this feature?
    <input type = "time"> is added in HTML5.

    <i>Please do not comment in bug reports<br></i>

  • Use E-commerce Attributes to create an input text field

    Hey BC Community,
    Wondering if anyone has been able to create any specialized code to use an e-commerce attribute field as a input text field?
    I have a clients that needs to capture various input fields from the customer on the Large Product view.  Unfortunately I have no more open slots (yup - used up all 4 custom slots, unit type, product meta, etc.) so I can use the "How to Set Up Special Instructions Box" idea, as I need to put the <input> fields in a Content Holder, as not all of these products have this required input fields.
    Long story short, does anyone know how to use the {tag_attributes} area of the e-commerce platform to create user input fields, which will of course, populate into the Shopping Cart as well?

    Your the third person to ask about this today:
    Open Field Attribute

  • Error JBO-36000 in JDEV 11 TP3 when trying to use an ADF LOV Input Text

    I'm using JDEV 11 TP3 ( and i'm trying to use an ADF LOV Input Text on a JSF Page.
    In The Business Components Browser, It works perfectly.
    If I drop my Data Control on my JSF Page as an ADF Form, it works fine, too.
    But if I drop the same Data Control as an ADF Table when I run the JSF Page and when I click on the "magnifier" icon, I've got the folliwng message :
    ERROR JBO-36000 : unexpected expression token found... Server Exception during PPR.
    Can anyone explain me this message ?
    Thanks for adavance,

    Hi Frank, Thanks for trying to help me,
    I tried to do the same test on JDEV 11g TP2 (I've both TP2 and TP3 installed).
    It doesn't work either on TP2 : the LOV window appears, but it appears empty, with the "Fetching Data..." message.
    And in the OC4J Server Log, I've got the following complete Error Message : handleError
    GRAVE: Server Exception during PPR, #2
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding.<init>(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding.<init>(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlHierBinding.createNodeBinding(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierBinding.createRootBinding(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierBinding.getRootNodeBinding(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlHierBinding$FacesModel$2.getRowIterator(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.CurrencyRowKeySet._computeCurrentRowKey(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.CurrencyRowKeySet.iterator(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.__encodeRecursive(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeAll(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeAllChildren(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeAllChildren(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.__encodeRecursive(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeAll(
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.doRenderView(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper.renderView(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._renderResponse(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.ADSFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._invokeDoFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doDispatchRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    I've just created the table with the Wizard, I did'nt change anything on it.
    I'm running my ADF Page under Firefox
    Thanks for your help, if you've got any idea

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