Using Link DB to query Source DB and Insert results in Target DB

I have created a link between the source database and target database.
I have a simple query that queries the dba_segments table in the source db
Using a cursor, I'd like to insert those records into a table in the target database. I believe this has to be done with a cursor.
Does anyone have the proper syntax for this type of operation that I could pick apart.
This is what I have so far:
Cursor GetTableSizesEmr IS select owner,segment_name,bytes as Bytes, bytes/1024/1024 as Megs,(blocks*8192)/1024 as totsize_block
from dba_segments@LINKNAME
where owner='KEN'
and tablespace_name ='MY_DATA';
open GetTableSizesEmr;
FETCH GetTableSizesEmr Into TARGET_Table
CLOSE GetTableSizesEmr;
Thanks for any help.

Well, you think wrong.
        ID DESCR
         1 ONE
         2 TWO
         3 THREE
         4 FOUR
        ID DESCR
         6 SIX
         7 SEVEN
         8 EIGHT
         9 NINE
  2  SELECT * FROM t1;
4 rows created.
        ID DESCR
         1 ONE
         2 TWO
         3 THREE
         4 FOUR
         6 SIX
         7 SEVEN
         8 EIGHT
         9 NINEThe presence of a db_link makes no difference to the basic structure.

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    Not sure what you're data looks like but it's possible the the comma separated value (CSV) requirement may be solved by something like this in your MAP statement:
    colmap (usedefaults,
    my_blob = @STRCAT (col02, ",", col03, ",", col04)
    Since this is not 1:1 you'll be using a sourcedefs file, which is nice because it will do the datatype conversion for you under the covers (also a nice trick when migrating long raws to blobs). So col02 can be varchar2, col03 a number, and col04 a clob and they'll convert in real-time.
    Mapping two tables to one is simple enough with two MAP statements, the harder challenge is joining operations from separate transactions because OGG is operation based and doesn't work on aggregates. It's possible you could end up using a combination of built in parameters and funcations with SQLEXEC and SQL/PL/SQL for more complicated scenarios, all depending on the design of the target table. But you have several scenarios to address.
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    If you need to update the LOB by appending or prepending new data then that's going to require some custom work, staging tables and a looping script, or a user exit.
    Some parameters you may want to become familiar with if not already:
    Good luck,

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    You can create a VO based on EO on emp_temp table.....
    And u have attached a Different VO on the page... Right...
    Now what u can do is....once u click on apply....
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    Create a page for the user to upload the file to your webserver and send a message (containing the file location) to a server app that will open the file, parse it, and insert it into your database. Make sure you secure the page.
    Have the user paste the file into a simple web form that submits to a servlet that parses the data and inserts it into your db.

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    This form of deadlock error can occur on a table which has a clustered index.
    If you are doing updates on a table which has a clustered index and that table also has a nonclustered index and the nonclustered index is used to find the row to update you can see this type of deadlock.  For example create a table with a clustered
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    Insert Foo Default Values;
    go 10000
    Update Foo Set OtherKey = 'C' + Cast(PK As varchar(10))
    Create Unique Index FooIdx On Foo(OtherKey);
    That creates a table with 10000 rows, a clustered index and a nonclustered index.  Then run
    Begin Transaction
    Update Foo Set OtherData = 1 Where OtherKey = 'C5'
    That will use the FooIdx index to find the row that needs to be updated.  It will get a U lock on the index row in the FooIdx index, then an X lock on the row in the clustered index, update that row, then free the U lock on FooIdx, but keep the X lock
    on the row in the clustered index.  (There is other locking going on, but to simplify things, I'm only showing the locks that lead to the deadlock).
    Then in another window, run
    Begin Transaction
    Update Foo Set OtherData = 2 Where OtherKey = 'C5'
    This will get a U lock on the index row in the FooIdx index, then try to get an X lock on the row in the clustered index.  But that row is already exclusively locked, so this second window will wait holding a U lock on FooIdx row and is waiting for
    an X lock on the clustered index row.
    Now go back to the first window and run
    Update Foo Set OtherData = 3 Where OtherKey = 'C5'
    This will once again try to get the U lock on the FooIdx row, but it is blocked by the U lock the second window holds.  Of course the second window is blocked by the X lock on the clustered index row and you have a deadlock.
    All that said, I certainly do not routinely code my updates with UPDLOCK.  I try to design databases and write code so that deadlocks will be rare without holding excessive locks.  The more locks you hold and the longer you hold them, the more
    blocking you will get and the slower your system will run.  So I write code that if a deadlock exception occurs, it is properly handled.  Then if too many deadlocks occur, that is the time to go back to the code to see what changes are needed to
    decrease the number of deadlocks (one way to do that may be to get locks earlier and/or hold them longer. 
    But I wouldn't worry much about this form of deadlock.  It is, in my experience, vary rare.  I don't recall ever seeing it in a production environment.

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    Now we can convert the datalink into SQL as follows:-
    SELECT *
    (Query for Q1)a,
    (Query for Q2)b
    WHERE a.comn=b.comn(+)
    Note: "a" and "b" are alias names for Q1 and Q2.

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    'GSCDB_COMPANY',to_date('01-DEC-06',3,0 )
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    Why are you using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for this? And why are you not using bind variables? It'll be much easier (and more efficeint, easier to debug, etc) to just have static SQL
    INSERT INTO table_name
      VALUES(, r_gscdbio.last_exec_time, v_count, 0 );Additionally, you'll want to explicitly specify the column list for your INSERT statement. Otherwise, if you add another column to the table, your code will break.

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    My requirement is little different.
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    Vishwamber Shetty

    Hi Vishwamber,
    Try using Datatable in OATS. Using datatable you can read and write to Excel.
    Deepu Muraleedharan

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    Right now I have a powershell script that uses ODBC to query SQL Server 2008 / 2012 database and write to EXCEL
    $excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
    $excel.Visible = $True
    $wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
    $ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $ = "GUP Download Activity"
    $qt = $ws.QueryTables.Add("ODBC;DSN=$DSN;UID=$username;PWD=$password", $ws.Range("A1"), $SQL_Statement)
    if ($qt.Refresh()){
    $excel.Rows.Item(1).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter
    $excel.Rows.Item(1).VerticalAlignment = $xlTop
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Name = "Calibri"
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Size = 11
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Bold = $true
    $filename = "D:\Script\Reports\Status_$a.xlsx"
    if (test-path $filename ) { rm $filename }
    $wb.SaveAs($filename, $xlOpenXMLWorkbook) #save as an XML Workbook (xslx)
    $wb.Saved = $True #flag it as being saved
    $wb.Close() #close the document
    $Excel.Quit() #and the instance of Excel
    $wb = $Null #set all variables that point to Excel objects to null
    $ws = $Null #makes sure Excel deflates
    $Excel=$Null #let the air out
    I would like to use connection string to query the database and write results to EXCEL, i.e.
    $SQL_Statement = "SELECT ..."
    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;User Id=$username;Password=$password;"
    $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SQL_Statement,$conn)
    $rdr = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
    while (${
    $sql_output += ,@($rdr.GetValue(0), $rdr.GetValue(1))
    $transactionComplete = $true
    $transactionComplete = $false
    }until ($transactionComplete)
    How would I read the columns and data for $sql_output into an EXCEL worksheet. Where do I find these tutorials?

    Hi Q.P.Waverly,
    If you mean to export the data in $sql_output to excel document, please try to format the output with psobject:
    $rdr = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
    while (${
    $sql_output+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{data1 = $rdr.GetValue(0);data2 =$rdr.GetValue(1)}
    $transactionComplete = $true
    $transactionComplete = $false
    }until ($transactionComplete)
    Then please try to use the cmdlet "Export-Csv" to export the data to excel like:
    $sql_output | Export-Csv d:\data.csv
    Or you can export to worksheet like:
    $excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $excel.Visible = $true
    $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
    $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet
    $counter = 0
    $sql_output | ForEach-Object {
    $sheet.cells.Item($counter,1) = $_.data1$sheet.cells.Item($counter,2) = $_.data2}
    Refer to:
    PowerShell and Excel: Fast, Safe, and Reliable
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • How to identify the source column and source table for a measure

    Does anyone have a query that I can use to positively identify the source column and source table for a cube measure in an SSAS cube?  Visual Studio shows ID, Name, and Source, but it is nearly worthless in a large cube and database.
    Also - the same for a dimension would be great.
    If no query exists for this, can someone please explain how to find the source column/table for a measure and for a dimension?

    DMVs don’t expose the DataSourceView content. AMO is much better suited for object model operations like
    this than the DMVs. PowerShell is also sometimes an option, but in this case C# code would be much easier because analyzing the contents of the DataSourceView is much easier using the .Net DataSet class.
    Hope this helps.
    Denver, CO

  • Sliding Flash Interface - Using Links from an XML file Problem

    Hi All,
    Working on a new site for the company i've recently started
    working for... fairly new to flash but wanted to try this sliding
    interface for the graphic banner at the top of the page...
    have a look here at an early version of the site - sliding
    graphic interface at the top with coloured rollover buttons (a lot
    of work still to do! feel free to post constructive criticism)
    (am I allowed to post links??)
    here is the unfinished version with no links in the flash bit
    The Problem:
    I am pulling in a 'heading' 'text' and 'image' into the
    sliding graphic interface from the following xml file... (there are
    4 different xml files for 4 different slides)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <heading>Interested in selling our health
    <text>Click here to learn more...</text>
    I want to add a link to the xml that would be specific to
    each instance of the window...
    But my limited knowledge of flash means I have no idea how to
    pull the link through from the xml file to use in the flash...
    Perhaps I need link text to pull as well
    <link-text>click here to contact us</link-text>
    Here is the function that pulls in the img, heading and txt
    public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
    var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
    if (loader != null) {
    externalXML = new XML(;
    mover_mc.heading_txt.htmlText =
    mover_mc.myText_txt.htmlText = externalXML.dialogue[0].text;
    var url:URLRequest = new
    } else {
    trace("loader is not a URLLoader!");
    Can anyone help me on how to pull in the link from the xml
    and use it to navigate to a different page on the site
    Thanks very much
    link to
    my unfinished flash file...

    What is the exact error you get (what db version also), could you post a simplified version of the SQL which fails also? I have splitter based maps that successfully read from file via the XMLType(bfilename....) style code and insert into multiple targets, I did this on 11g though.

  • Which one to use - Customer Interface or TCA APIs? And why?

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    1) What does customer interface does NOT do which the TCA APIs can do?
    2) Doesn’t the customer interface use the TCA API within it?
    3) Is it better to use APIs than customer interface? If so, why and what are the criterions I should look for for deciding on what to use?
    Highly appreciate the help.

    Hello Dinesh,
    To answer your questions below:
    user3331828 wrote:
    1) What does customer interface does NOT do which the TCA APIs can do?The Customer Interface tables do the same things that TCA API does.
    user3331828 wrote:
    2) Doesn’t the customer interface use the TCA API within it?I have never been able to open a Spawned program to see which packages are used. Not sure if it uses the same API packages.
    user3331828 wrote:
    3) Is it better to use APIs than customer interface? If so, why and what are the criterions I should look for for deciding on what to use?Customer interface might be easier than the to implement than the use of API..
    For customer interface, just right a program to validate the source data and insert into open interface table, submit the import program and view output for errors. Much easy to maintain than API.
    API need a certain level of programming and you will need to investigate for all the flow of creating a customer and their corresponding create procedure to call..
    Hope this help,

  • What is the use of transporting BEx query to production from development ?

    Hi !
    if create a query by copying an existing query and make some modification in production and sent it to client..and client is happy as it satisfies all his requirement .
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    There is something called as SOX compliance..and three system landscape.
    First of all you are not suppose to make changes to standard qeuries.
    You can give it to the client a new copied query wirth required changes and it is very much accepted as well but how will it be tracked for future support.
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    What is your exact requirement?
    If you want the number of rows selected, you can use rownum.
    select rownum, a.* from <table> a;

Maybe you are looking for