Using Numbers to sort terms rather than figures or numbers

Hi folks,
I am new to numbers and need a hand. I have a large table of data including company names, expertise, sector experience etc. I am trying to write a formula so that colleagues can check boxes in 2 smaller tables (expertise and sector experience) to produce a list of all the companies that operate in those spaces and then contact them. So, in table 1, I have headings -
Company Name
Company Registration Number
Company Contact
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Capability Statement
Turnover for last 3 years
Insurance Levels
Sector Experience
GB Geographical Experience
Non UK Geographical Experience
Main sector focus
Reference Projects
Other Points of Interest
in table 2, I have check boxes and "sector experience" (all the terms from the same column in table 1 e.g. airports, rail, healthcare and so on)
in table 3, I have check boxes and main sector focus (again, all the terms from column of same name in table 1 e.g. civil engineering, fit out, concrete etc.)
What I would like to happen is, if a colleague checks boxes in tables 2 and 3, table 4 will pull company names and contact details through to the 4th table using info from table 1.
1st off, is this do-able and if so how do I go about doing it?

I would add the two tables as you described AND add two columns to your main table, then use the "Reorganize Panel" to filter the list.
To set this up add the two table for the check boxes:
I gave these table names:
- "Sector Experience"
- "Main Sector Focus"
then added some of the names you provided and set the second column to be formatted as check boxes
Then I added a new column in the main table (highlighted light green) titling those columns the same name with "Filter" at the end
Now enter the formula:
C2=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,Sector Experience :: A:B, 2, 0), "")
select C2 and fill down as needed (I reordered the columns for viewing convenience... move the columns as needed later)
E2=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2,Main Sector Focus :: A:B, 2, 0), "")
select E2 and fill down as needed
Now enter names in the vaious columns and check some boxes, then select the main table and open the reorganize panel by selecting the menu item "Table > Show Reorganize Panel":

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    Surely this all depends on your environment. There's nothing wrong with creating RemoteApps to push to client devices. Maybe you have an environment where RDS is widely used. 
    Why not leverage both solutions and target App-V's at RDS servers and then create App-V based RemoteApps that users can run at home as part of a home working solution via RDWeb.
    Creating apps via RDS will be an admin overhead yes but then so is creating App-V packages in SCCM.
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    rjo98 wrote:
    That's a shame. It's so easy when I use my PC with Internet Explorer, I just drag from IE to the desktop, and it uses that icon by default.
    I guess it could be interpreted as a shame that you can not get the favicon to stick to the desktop, different anyway. As Thomas A Reed suggested above, the link itself can receive a custom icon.
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    g.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
    End Sub
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    OK Crazypennie, maybe you are right. I tend to rant on a bit sometimes.
    Also, maybe the jumpy graphics is made worse because the animation output is not synced with the video hardware refresh rate. We can get around that slightly by using a very high fps. 
    Hi Leon,
    I tried modifying your code using a GraphicsFrame class that I wrote a little while back, the class utilizes the bufferedcontext/bufferedgraphics, instead of using the forms graphics directly. In theory, all objects should be rendered to the buffer before
    the forms graphics object. Is this less glitchy/faster on your pc? It seemed less glitchy/faster on mine..., and previous benchmarks show that using buffered graphics in this manner improved render time.
    You can read the discussion on
    this thread.
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form11 ' drawing Code by Paul Ishak Apr 2015 A spinning pie chart. My timing code.
    Private Angle As Single = 100
    Private NextIncrement As Single = 1
    Private Randomizer As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
    Private SliceColors As New List(Of Color)
    Private SlicesOnWheel As Integer = 24
    Private Velocity As Single = 0
    Private WheelRadius As Integer = 300
    Private WheelLocation As New Point(50, 50)
    Private SW As New Stopwatch
    Private SFlag As Boolean ' wheel is currently spinning
    Private CntMS As Integer ' count the milliseconds
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim gFrame As New GraphicsFrame(e.Graphics, Me.ClientRectangle.Size)
    Dim g As Graphics = gFrame.Graphics
    g.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
    Dim sliceAngle As Single = CSng(360 / SlicesOnWheel)
    Dim rect As New Rectangle(WheelLocation, New Size(WheelRadius, WheelRadius))
    Dim curveWidth As Integer = CInt(WheelRadius - (WheelRadius / (2.0! * 0.9)))
    Dim rect2 As New Rectangle(rect.Left + curveWidth, rect.Top + curveWidth, rect.Width - curveWidth * 2, rect.Height - curveWidth * 2)
    Dim inc As UInteger = UInteger.MaxValue \ 360
    For I As Single = 0 To 359 Step sliceAngle
    g.FillPie(New SolidBrush(SliceColors(CInt(I / sliceAngle))), rect, I + NormalizeAngle(Angle), sliceAngle)
    g.DrawPie(Pens.White, rect, I + NormalizeAngle(Angle), sliceAngle)
    g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, rect2)
    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, rect2)
    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, rect)
    If SFlag Then
    If Me.Text = " " Then Me.Text = "" Else Me.Text = " "
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSpin.Click
    If Not SFlag Then
    Velocity = Randomizer.Next(3, 5)
    NextIncrement = Velocity
    SFlag = True
    CntMS = 0 : SW.Reset() : SW.Start()
    If Me.Text = " " Then Me.Text = "" Else Me.Text = " "
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    ClientSize = New Size(375, 375)
    End Sub
    Public Function NormalizeAngle(value As Single) As Single
    Return value Mod 360.0!
    End Function
    Private Sub Form11_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.TextChanged
    If Not SFlag Then Exit Sub
    Angle = NormalizeAngle(Angle + NextIncrement)
    NextIncrement = CSng(NextIncrement - 0.0033)
    If NextIncrement <= 0.0033 Then
    SFlag = False : SW.Stop() : Exit Sub
    End If
    CntMS += 5 ' <<< set timer interval here <<<
    Do Until SW.ElapsedMilliseconds > CntMS
    End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class GraphicsFrame
    Implements IDisposable
    Private disposedValue As Boolean
    Private BackBuffer As System.Drawing.BufferedGraphics = Nothing
    Public ReadOnly Property Graphics() As System.Drawing.Graphics
    Return Me.BackBuffer.Graphics
    End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As System.Windows.Forms.Control)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.ClientRectangle.Width + 1, canvas.ClientRectangle.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvas.CreateGraphics, New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.ClientRectangle.Width, canvas.ClientRectangle.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvasGraphics As Graphics, maximumBuffer As Size)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(maximumBuffer.Width + 1, maximumBuffer.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvasGraphics, New Rectangle(0, 0, maximumBuffer.Width, maximumBuffer.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal handle As IntPtr, maximumBuffer As Size)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(maximumBuffer.Width + 1, maximumBuffer.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromHwnd(handle), New Rectangle(0, 0, maximumBuffer.Width, maximumBuffer.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As Image)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.Width + 1, canvas.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromImage(canvas), New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As Bitmap)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.Size.Width + 1, canvas.Size.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromImage(canvas), New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub Render()
    If Not BackBuffer Is Nothing Then BackBuffer.Render()
    End Sub
    Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    If Not Me.disposedValue Then
    If disposing Then
    Me.BackBuffer = Nothing
    End If
    End If
    Me.disposedValue = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    End Sub
    End Class
    Don't forget to vote for Helpful Posts and
    Mark Answers!
    *This post does not reflect the opinion of Microsoft, or its employees.

  • Using named constants in SQL rather than magic numbers

    We are running Oracle 7.3.4. In our system we have a number of
    tables that just store static data. For example, we have a table
    that stores the different types of statuses that a docket can
    Docket_Status: docket_status_id NUMBER(8), description VARCHAR
    It has a small number of records as follows:
    docket_status_id description
    1 New
    2 Issued
    3 Completed
    4 Finalised
    and so on.
    When we want to select all of the dockets with a status of
    "New", we could do something like:
    select d.*
    from docket d
    where d.docket_status_id = 1
    However, this SQL statement is not particularly readable or
    maintainable since the "1" is meaningless unless you have
    memorised the id fields for the docket.
    So we defined constants for each of the static data tables, in a
    package of their own:
    New_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 1;
    Issued_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 2;
    Completed_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 3;
    and so on.
    Ideally you could directly reference these values in SQL as
    select d.*
    from docket d
    where d.docket_status_id = Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    But SQL does not let allow this - an invalid column error is
    raised when this is parsed.
    So the package must then be changed to have functions pass back
    each of the constants.
    and so on.
    N_New_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 1;
    N_Issued_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 2;
    N_Completed_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 3;
    RETURN N_New_Id;
    RETURN N_Issued_Id;
    and so on.
    Once these functions have been defined in the packages, they can
    be called in a SQL statement as follows:
    select d.*
    from docket d
    where d.docket_status_id = Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    This makes the SQL statement a lot more readable, but has the
    unfortunate by-product of having the Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    function called for every row in the docket table. Although it
    is very quick to call, once there are thousands of records in
    the docket table this can add up to a lot of extra
    An alternative is to select the constant from the dual table as
    select d.*
    from docket d
    where d.docket_status_id = (select Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id from
    This works but is not really an ideal solution, since it
    decreases the readability of the SQL statement.
    Does anyone know of alternatives to this approach? Ideally
    package constants could be referenced from SQL, but this does
    not work under our version of Oracle. Do any later versions
    support this ability?
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I don't understand why you cannot just select on the description
    column if you don't no the id. If speed is a problem create a
    unique not null index on the column description. Technically
    this should have been done since your id column is a is not
    the "REAL" primary key.
    Having said that you could also create a view on top of this
    table which mimics your package.
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW name_of_view AS
    SELECT DECODE(docket_status_id, 1, 'New_id',
    2, 'Issued_Id',
    3, 'Completed_Id',
    'OTHER') alt_description,
    docket_status_id description
    FROM name_of_table
    then select * from name_of_view
    where alt_description = 'New_id'
    Geoff Hardy (guest) wrote:
    : We are running Oracle 7.3.4. In our system we have a number of
    : tables that just store static data. For example, we have a
    : that stores the different types of statuses that a docket can
    : have:
    : Docket_Status: docket_status_id NUMBER(8), description VARCHAR
    : (100)
    : It has a small number of records as follows:
    : docket_status_id description
    : 1 New
    : 2 Issued
    : 3 Completed
    : 4 Finalised
    : and so on.
    : When we want to select all of the dockets with a status of
    : "New", we could do something like:
    : select d.*
    : from docket d
    : where d.docket_status_id = 1
    : However, this SQL statement is not particularly readable or
    : maintainable since the "1" is meaningless unless you have
    : memorised the id fields for the docket.
    : So we defined constants for each of the static data tables, in
    : package of their own:
    : New_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 1;
    : Issued_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 2;
    : Completed_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE := 3;
    : and so on.
    : Ideally you could directly reference these values in SQL as
    : follows:
    : select d.*
    : from docket d
    : where d.docket_status_id = Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    : But SQL does not let allow this - an invalid column error is
    : raised when this is parsed.
    : So the package must then be changed to have functions pass back
    : each of the constants.
    : and so on.
    : N_New_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE :=
    : N_Issued_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE :=
    : N_Completed_Id CONSTANT Docket_Status.Docket_Status_Id%TYPE :=
    : BEGIN
    : RETURN N_New_Id;
    : END;
    : BEGIN
    : RETURN N_Issued_Id;
    : END;
    : and so on.
    : Once these functions have been defined in the packages, they
    : be called in a SQL statement as follows:
    : select d.*
    : from docket d
    : where d.docket_status_id = Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    : This makes the SQL statement a lot more readable, but has the
    : unfortunate by-product of having the Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    : function called for every row in the docket table. Although it
    : is very quick to call, once there are thousands of records in
    : the docket table this can add up to a lot of extra
    : time/processing.
    : An alternative is to select the constant from the dual table as
    : follows:
    : select d.*
    : from docket d
    : where d.docket_status_id = (select Docket_Status_Pl.New_Id
    : dual)
    : This works but is not really an ideal solution, since it
    : decreases the readability of the SQL statement.
    : Does anyone know of alternatives to this approach? Ideally
    : package constants could be referenced from SQL, but this does
    : not work under our version of Oracle. Do any later versions
    : support this ability?
    : Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • Using PDF files for items rather than .png.

    Hi there
    We have been looking into improving iBook production. We have a few books that feature elements that are comprise of a background image with text over the top. As the text isn't in an iPad-friendly font (I.e. not in iOS) and it doesn't have to be searchable. Previously, the items have been produced individually either in Illustrator or Photoshop. The main 'problem' with this is the plethora of file it creates, and the huge amount to time taken to apply style changes across all the separate items, save, re-import into iBA, and re-apply all the iBA-specific attributes.
    In an effort to speed up production somewhat, we have been trying to create these items in InDesign, using style sheets etc to give standardised appearance across all the items, and then drag and drop into iBA. The advantage is that all the separate items are in one document, and all style changes can be instantly applied to all items instantaneously, saving time, space, and effort.
    It places them as PDFs, and after unzipping the .iba file, the PDFs look fine, with pin-sharp text (as you'd expect, as PDF text would be vector data. Similarly, when you zoom in to the items in iBA, the text is still pin-sharp.
    However, once the iBA is previewed on a iPad, the text goes a little blurry. As one of the fonts is a dot-matrix-type font, the effect is noticeable - all the dots blur together into a line.
    Does anyone have any idea as to what is happening to the PDF between iBA and the iPad? Does it rasterise it at some point?

    Hi Ken
    'What leads me think it would?', well the fact that it worked, and looks ok. The iBook previews fine and works fine on the iPad.
    We initially came up with the idea when we 'unzipped' an .iba file (you know, changing the .iba extension to .zip, then unarchiving the contents), and found that iBA itself had created .pdf files for the full-screen photos which appeared rotated and shadowed on the iPad page, but were viewed as straight, unshadowed, images. (the rotated version was the iBA-created PDF file, the full-screen was the original .jpg we pulled into iBA). Naturally, we were surprised. So we started mucking about, and found that drag/drop from ID worked, and looked OK.
    As an update to my original post, it appears that the difference in quality was due to the fonts used. Once we opened the .PDFs within the .iba file, we converted the text to outlines, resaved the .pdfs, changed the unzipped folder back to an .iba file, and the font now looks great.
    BTW, Is it me, or were you being snippy?

  • Why would you use a managed service account rather than a virtual account in SQL Server 2012?

    In SQL Server 2012, service accounts are created as
    virtual accounts (VAs), as described
    here, as opposed to
    managed service accounts (MSAs).
    The important differences I can see for these, based on the descriptions:
    MSAs are domain accounts, VAs are local accounts
    MSAs use automagic password management handled by AD, VAs have no passwords
    in a Kerberos context, MSAs register SPNs automatically, VAs do not
    Are there any other differences? If Kerberos is not in use, why would a DBA ever prefer an MSA?
    Another user has noted a
    possible contradiction in the MS docs concerning VAs:
    The virtual account is auto-managed, and the virtual account can access the network
    in a domain environment.
    Virtual accounts cannot be authenticated to a remote location. All virtual accounts
    use the permission of machine account. Provision the machine account in the format
    What is the "machine account"? How/when/why does it get "provisioned"? What is the difference between "accessing the network in a domain environment" and "authenticating to a remote location [in a domain environment]"?

    “Virtual accounts cannot be authenticated to a remote location. All virtual accounts use the permission of machine account. Provision the machine account in the format <domain_name>\<computer_name>$.”
    “The virtual account is auto-managed, and the virtual account can access the network in a domain environment. If the default value is used for the service accounts during SQL Server setup on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7, a virtual account
    using the instance name as the service name is used, in the format NT SERVICE\<SERVICENAME>”
    Per the above description, they are two concepts and not conflict with each other.
    As you understand, virtual account access network resources by using the credentials of the computer account. Generally, computer account will not be granted permission unless giving the computer account permission on the shared folder manually.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Am trying to get my Ipad1 to work via AirPrint using Pages and a Canon MG8250 printer. My iMac works ok  but the iPad attempt results in the printer trying to use the rear paper tray rather than the lower paper drawer. All drivers and firmware are latest

    My set up is Imac + Ipad1 + canon MG8250 printer. Wireless network. airprint in use and functions fine with the Imac. The Ipad initiates printing ok but always faults out with the error 'Printer out of paper' because it tries to use the rear paper tray (special paper ) instead of the paper drawer. 

    Could the iMac have printed something that required use of the rear tray?  That might have reset the printer's default.  Look in the printer manual to see if it has a setting to change the default paper tray.  (Note that the iMac does not use AirPrint, it uses the printer's native printing language.)
    Your problem may be a flaw in the Canon AirPrint implementation.  I suggest you report it to Apple at <iPad Feedback>, as well as to Canon.  There may be a simple correction that can be made to either the next iOS update or to the Canon printer firmware.

  • Using an external shell script rather than a main class

    I've just started to use Creator and I'm like to replace the "Run" function with a call to a shell script. The projects are all libraries (no main class) so the shell script will copy the jar to a another location and perform some other tasks such as starting/stopping services.
    I've tried uncommenting the target tag example in the build.xml file but that had no effect.
    Any ideas?

    I've just started to use Creator and I'm like to replace the "Run" function with a call to a shell script. The projects are all libraries (no main class) so the shell script will copy the jar to a another location and perform some other tasks such as starting/stopping services.
    I've tried uncommenting the target tag example in the build.xml file but that had no effect.
    Any ideas?

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    I posted this in the Motorola forums also and now that I can finally post in the Verizon forums, I’m posting it here too. This phone (Droid Bionic) worked perfectly the first 14 days accept for one glitch where it toggled to 3G while in the same plac

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    hi, i am using axis 1.2.1 & tomcat-5.0.28 when i am trying to invoke the web service i am getting the error. i am passing all the parameters..then also it is giving the error.i have used the wsdl file to generate the stubs (using wsdl2java tool).the

  • MS Access 2K/ODBC link Problems

    Hi - To date, I've been accessing Oracle files through an Oracle 8 ODBC link. I then had a problem where I couldn't update a long number field. Kept saying that the record was locked and that I could "Copy" or "Drop" my changes. I could easily update

  • PDF viewed on iPad external links didn't work

    I have a pdf made from InDesign CS5.5 with internal navigation links, and links to external websites. I looked at it on a new iPad G4 iOS 5.1 I opened it on Safari (would not download the pdf but would view) The internal links worked, the two flash p

  • Outlook 2010 shared mailbox in cache mode not updating Inbox automatically

    I have a user who has XP on his desktop, running Outlook 2010, connecting to a Exchange 2010 w/SP2.  I recently added a shared mailbox for him to monitor. I did it the old way by adding additional mailbox to his client (outlook 2010) pc.. I understan