Using 'P & X' to sort images in LRM 5

I have just downloaded a batch of images into LRM 5 - with earlier versions in  'Library' I have been able to go quickly through all the images using P or X. 
I have just found that in 5 when P or X are used, the image either shoots to the start or the end of the group.  So to move on to the next image you have to sort back to where you were previously - this is a real PAIN and makes a mockery of Quick Sorting'
Why is this happening - is it me or the sortware?!!
Message was edited by: Bella 2  -
I am using  a PC with Windows 7 - upgraded from LRM 4 - at the moment everything else seem to be working OK!

Thank you for that!
I have been with LRM since version 1 and  have never come across this before - certainly never knowingly set 'Capture time' - but it has worked!
Thanks again

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    Oh, baby! This bad boy flies!! Here's what to expect:
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    Haven't done anybprocessing yet, but i'm liking it!!

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    You may try the AppleScript script listed below. It is a simple wrapper of rubycocoa script which uses CIFilter to calculate average brightness and hue of each image (jpg|jpeg|png) in specified directory tree. It is a skeleton just to generate a TSV output of [brightness, hue, file] records sorted by brightness and then hue on desktop. I don't know how to embed these info into image metabata.
    Script is briefly tested under 10.6.8.
    Hope this may help somehow,
    PS. If copied code has extra spaces in front of every line, which appears to be the case with some browsers including Firefox, please remove them before running the script.
    -- SCRIPT
    set d to (choose folder with prompt "Choose start folder")
    set args to d's POSIX path's quoted form
    do shell script "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w <<'EOF' - " & args & " > ~/desktop/test_out.txt
    #     get average brightness and hue of image files (jpg|jpeg|png)
    #     * output record = B=brightness [TAB] H=hue [TAB] file [LF]
    #     * sorted by brightness and then hue
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    EXTS = %w[ jpg jpeg png ]    # target extensions
    module OSX
        class << CIContext
            def contextWithSize(w, h)
                br = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.objc_send(
                    :initWithBitmapDataPlanes, nil,
                    :pixelsWide, w,
                    :pixelsHigh, h,
                    :bitsPerSample, 8,
                    :samplesPerPixel, 4,
                    :hasAlpha, true,
                    :isPlanar, false,
                    :colorSpaceName, NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace,
                    :bytesPerRow, 0,
                    :bitsPerPixel, 0)
                c = NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep(br)
                CIContext.objc_send(:contextWithCGContext, c.graphicsPort , :options, {})
        class CIFilter
            def setParameters(dict)
            def output
        class << CIVector
            def vectorWithRect(r)
                self.vectorWithX_Y_Z_W(r.origin.x, r.origin.y, r.size.width, r.size.height)
    # process ARGV and retrieve image files with given extensions under specfied directory
    raise ArgumentError, %Q[Usage: #{File.basename($0)} directory] unless ARGV.length == 1
    dir, = { |a| a == '/' ? a : a.chomp('/')}
    ff = %x[find -E \"#{dir}\" -type f -iregex '.*/.*\\.(#{EXTS.join('|')})$' -print0].split(/\\0/)
    # get CIContext and CIFilter
    cic = CIContext.contextWithSize(5000, 5000)  # let it be large enough
    cif = CIFilter.filterWithName('CIAreaAverage')
    # retrieve average brightness and hue of images
    hh = {}
    ff.each do |f|
        u = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(f)
        ci = CIImage.imageWithContentsOfURL(u)
        civ = CIVector.vectorWithRect(ci.extent)
        cif.setParameters({'inputImage' => ci, 'inputExtent' => civ})
        ciout = cif.output
        cgout = cic.objc_send(:createCGImage, ciout, :fromRect, ciout.extent)
        colr = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithCGImage(cgout).colorAtX_y(0, 0)
        hh[f] = { :b => colr.brightnessComponent, :h => colr.hueComponent}
    # sort criteria
    brightness          = lambda { |k| hh[k][:b] }
    hue                 = lambda { |k| hh[k][:h] }
    brightness_and_hue  = lambda { |k| b, h = hh[k].values_at(:b, :h); b * 1e6 + h }
    # print sorted records
    hh.keys.sort_by(&brightness_and_hue).each do |k|
        b, h = hh[k].values_at(:b, :h)
        puts %Q[B=%f\\tH=%f\\t%s] %  [b, h, k]

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    Thanks for any help.
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    p.s.  Note to Adobe: Please make the selection button for sorting images arrow larger than a fraction of the size of the period at the end of this sentence.  Thanks.

    WHY can't Bridge sort images by date modified and STAY that way every time I come back?
    By default it does stay at the latest selected sort order so this could mean it is due to your install.
    First of all try to reset the preferences for Bridge, hold down option key while restarting Bridge and choose reset preferences. This sets it all to default. First try if the problem is solved then set prefs again to your own custom wishes.
    Also check and repair permissions for the OSX itself (Apple has disk utility in the utility folder for this job, and there are other 3th party applications)
    And be sure to have the latest update for Bridge. (Bridge CS5 should be
    In addition to the method Tai Lao pointed you already to there is a third option, use right click mouse button in content window and the pop up menu has also the sort option at the bottom of the row

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    To answer your questions:
    I am assuming that you want a new version of the crop size especially if you have an image/s that are required in multiple sizes like 8x10 and 5x7 the image would end up in each crop size album so you would have two versions one for each aspect ratio and doing the new version in the context of the album would make in the album pic so that the proper one will be at the top of the stack in each respective album.
    Orientation does not matter with the stamp it will work fine - if you have an issue let me know.
    with respect to the stamp - the stamp will position the crop relative to the one you lifted - if your lifted crop is in the middle then so will the stamped ones.
    As for adjustment of the crop - just click on the crop tool, the click on the browser image and arrow through the images with the crop tool open - you can drag the crop around for each one with a minimum of keystrokes.
    Try it and hit me back with issues. I do this all the time and it is about 3000x quicker than my old workflow 5 years ago. For that matter the power of albums, stacks, and stack picks for this kind of thing is fabulous, there are a million ways to use it to speed things up. Bonus is that you are not copying anything so it is virtually free from a resource perspective.
    Last but not least I would think twice before using a smart album to do this, youi really do not want the content changing in this type of album, it will not save you any time, I would use static albums in the manner that I suggested.
    Ps. If you are interested in the ins and outs of Aperture organization features check out my PDF on the subject there is a bunch of stuff like this.

  • Sort Images by average luminance -- possible?  Hints?

    Another edition of "Not that I know of".  :-)
    Is there any way to sort Images in Aperture by average luminance?
    Is there any way to determine the average luminance and save this to a custom metadata field?
    Bonus: hue?
    NB: using the Preview to determine average luminance or hue is OK by me  .
    Thanks in advance.

    Frank Caggiano wrote:
    Looks like with the current tools in Aperture there is no way to do this. You might want to look and see if there is any third party apps  but I'm not hopeful.
    I haven't found anything.  There is the app I mentioned in the similar thread in the OS X Dev forum:  CF/X Photo Mosaic.  It (surprisingly quickly!) creates a database of the images that will be used as tesserae in the making of photo mosaic, and allows the user to sort the image database by average color or average luminance.  I've asked their input.  There is no way to export the database, or — afaict — to use any of the information outside the program itself.
    Here's a screengrab from the manual showing images in the Photo Mosaic database with each image's average hue and average luminance displayed as a sample tile and a hex ordinal.  The luminance scale is 1 to 256 (in hex).  I'm not sure what the hue scale is (I guess it's 16 million).
    Frank Caggiano wrote:
      One of the new systems strengths is reported to be the ability to write extensions for the core image engine more easily then the current state of writing a plugin for Aperture. Perhaps something will get written then.
    We'll see.  I am holding my breath.
    Not .

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    You can do this in Finder. If you cntrl+click on the saved search query folder for images you can add resolution (width and/or height). All Images> Show Search Criteria>click on the "+" sign click on the drop down list on the far left select other if you check the box to the right (In Menu) that criteria will show up in the list. I use 4 resolution criteria to eliminate small files when do a "random" search (greater than but less than). You can also save a new "smart folder" with the criteria.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. It may be how Picassa and windows handles thumbnails as opposed to OS X. When you imported directly from the PC you might have imported the support files that, on the Mac, contained in the Resource Fork of the file. If you can try copying some of the files again to a folder on the desktop first and see what you get in the way of the number of files.
    To get rid of those duplicates already in the library you can try using Duplicate Annihilator or iPhoto Diet. In either case make a backup copy of the iPhoto LIbrary folder just in case the results are not what you expected.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Could use some help on positioning images

    With help here, I'm making my way through ID novice to ID "dangerous". I sorta get layout and sorta get styling and now could use some help with sizing and positioning images.
    The test is a 3-column newspaper that I let ID size when the document was created. All the text frames are linked. I now want to put some images on the pages and have the text wrap. I sorta understand wrapping and anchoring, the question is sizing.
    Am I on the right path to start thinking that images often need to be sized to a column width or two (plus gutter)? If so, do I size images based on the frame size? For example, the columns show as 3.2222in and the gutter as .1667. Does that mean I want to set the image width to 3.2887 or are things just not that accurate? What are the best practices?
    One related question on wrapping: it seems like anchoring the image allows wrapping around only one frame of text but not the other if the image spans two text columns. How do you place and image so that it wraps text in more than one column?
    Also, do people make the image smaller than the frame to put a border in when wrapping text?

    Are you asking about image size as it is saved, or as placed on the page?
    With older RIPS it was common to want to save images at the correct dimensions so when placed at 100% they would have the correct resolution. This was to reduce processing time. Today that is less of an issue and it is not at all unusual to scale images in the InDesign layout. (I'm talking raster here -- vector objects can be scaled almost infinitely.)
    So, what is the correct size? There are a number of rules of thumb, but the basic one is that images should be placed so that the resolution, at the size they will be printed, is twice the value of the linescreen being used. Anything in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 is probably acceptable, and I know people who routinely send images at 1.4 times the linescreen.
    For coated papers and reasonably good reproduction, 150 lpi is not unusual, with 200 lpi for fine art books, so you get the common suggestion that images should be 300 ppi. Newspaper printing is usually accomplished on fairly porous stock at much lower screen frequencies -- 80 to 100 lpi -- so you need considerably less image resolution.
    How do you know what the resolution is at the size you've place the image? Look at the info panel with an image selected. You'll see too numbers, an "actual" ppi and an "effective" ppi. The actual number is simply the resolution recorded with the image at its dimensions when it was saved (and digital cameras often save images 20 inches or so wide at 72 ppi) and is basically irrelevant. The effective ppi is the one that matters. If it's too small, either reduce the size of the image on the page, or be prepared to live with less than stellar reproduction. If it's grossly over the requirement it usually won't hurt except for some increased processing time, but the extra image data won't improve things as it gets discarded by the RIP.
    It's usually OK to downsample an image in Photoshop, though you will sometimes lose fine detail or subtlety in shading, but you'd probably lose the same things through scaling in ID. Upsampling never helps.
    I presume you know that you can place graphical objects in several ways, either into an existing frame, at full size (whatever that happens to be and at the "actual" resolution) by clicking the loaded cursor on an empty spot on the page, or you can click and drag a new frame the size you want. When an image is first placed it will always be "actual size" unless some scaling factor has been applied to the frame in advance, so you may not see the entire image. You then have several fitting options available to either make the frame fit the image or the image fit the frame (and in newspaper work you pretty much only want to fit to or fill the frame proportionally).
    I personally like keeping the images snapped to the column grid, but it's by no means an iron-clad rule. You want to avoid situations, though, where an image impinges on a column to the point that the remaining text is unworkably narrow.
    I don't know why you are using anchored frames for your images (text wrap only affects text in the frame after the anchor point). It's not likely in a newspaper that you would want the pictures to move on the page if you edit the text. You can group the image, caption and story, if you like, so that they all stay together if you need to re-arrange the page or move them to a new location.
    I don't know if I answered your question. Feel free to come back for clarification.

  • Column Sort image display permanent

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    Use sortable="true" for relevant Column and define sortProperty.
    <af:column sortProperty="NodeSubsidiaryType" sortable="true"
                             headerText="Header" id="c14" width="40">
                    <af:outputText value="#{row.field}" id="ot12"/>

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    I have attached the VI.
    Thanks for the help
    Attachments: ‏946 KB

    Take a look at this document that discusses how to monitor IMAQ memory usage:
    Hope this helps -

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    Delete all unused, invisible layers.
    Sometimes zip compression is better than jpg compression (in the pdf output settings). Zip is lossless, and works better with non gradient colour or no images.
    Flattening the image before you save it to pdf can reduce the file size if you are using jpg compression.
    Post a preview of your pdf and we can comment further on how to reduce the file size.

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    I've tried to undo the action.
    Please detail ALL you have done so far in the way of troubleshooting?   Need this info to avoid the been there done that scenarios.
    it's the only copy of this video.
    Where did you get the video from?
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    Anyone else having this problem?

    I have got the same behaviour after the last Safari Update to 5.1.3. It seems that Safari now handles some scripts in a new way. If you debug the Google Website, you will see, that there is some Javascript Error, that seems to prevent to write into local cache. After some searching I wasn't able to finde a solution for this problem, other then disabling Javascript while private browsing to prevent the script loading. You then are able to use Google with the old layout. The option to disable JavaScript can be found in the Menu "Developer", wich has to be enabled in Safari in the options first.
    In my opinion this is a bug that is now occuring, because Apple changed something in private browsing and that has to be fixed by Google now, to run again. Or we will have to wait for 5.1.4, as you can read online Apple will change and bugfix the javascript engine in that version, perhaps this fixes the problem as well. I hope so!
    If anyone is in the developer program perhaps you could test this with the beta of 5.1.4 and tell us if it works.

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    Someone posted a great answer to this dilemma that so many of us are having with iPhoto. I don't want to steal credit for the solution, so I'm providing a link to his solution which appears in another thread on this forum:
    Monica Ricci

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