Using Sockets to Update Active Users in a Chat

Hello. I am developing a multi-player game for a class using sockets. When a player loads the game, it first opens a GUI that allows the user to enter the hostname, port number of the server and their username. Upon connecting, the user can type into a chat area with other users. Now, i am trying to get the program to keep track of current users connected in a TextArea, but am having problems. Here is my relevent code for the chat.
* Recieves messages from the server
public void run() {
try {
while (true) {
     String line = (i.readUTF ());
outputText.appendText (line + "\n");
} catch (IOException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
listener = null;
inputText.hide ();
validate ();
try {
o.close ();
} catch (IOException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
* Handles user interation
public boolean handleEvent (Event e) {
if (( == inputText) && ( == Event.ACTION_EVENT)) {
System.out.println( + " " +;
try {
     o.writeUTF (user + ": " + (String) e.arg);
o.flush ();
} catch (IOException ex) {
listener.stop ();
inputText.setText ("");
return true;
} else if (( == this) && ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY)) {
if (listener != null)
listener.stop ();
hide ();
return true;
return super.handleEvent (e);
So what would i do to keep track of the users currently connected in a TextArea. Thanks.

Sorry, I did not see the code format.
     * Recieves messages from the server
    public void run() {
        try {
      while (true) {
       String line = (i.readUTF ());
        outputText.appendText (line + "\n");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      ex.printStackTrace ();
    } finally {
      listener = null;
      inputText.hide ();
      validate ();
      try {
        o.close ();
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        ex.printStackTrace ();
     * Handles user interation
    public boolean handleEvent (Event e) {
    if (( == inputText) && ( == Event.ACTION_EVENT)) {
        System.out.println( + " " +;
      try {
       o.writeUTF (user + ": " + (String) e.arg);
        o.flush ();
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        listener.stop ();
      inputText.setText ("");
      return true;
    } else if (( == this) && ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY)) {
      if (listener != null)
        listener.stop ();
      hide ();
      return true;
    return super.handleEvent (e);

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    There are 100 of such scripts are there online.
    here are few tips and codes. you will get more.
    Please mark this as answer if it helps

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    Hi Amol,
    You can use the below command from the command prompt of DC to get all the AD users who are inactive for last
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    Hi pandu345,
    Hint to reduce side effect error - one thing about objectclass violations:
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    Hi Bhaskar,
    You can achieve this by shell scripting either by scripting via CONCSUB utility (invoked from OS) or you can use the FND_SUBMIT package (through PL/SQL package), and in the script itself you can create the outputs or any hardcode messages to a file, and then mail the output to your desired mail address.
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    Google, Forum Search and metalink will provide you loads of articles on how to use CONCSUB and FND_SUBMIT packages.
    Thanks &
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    To find the number of active user session on each of the application servers from a unix command line. I would find the port that Apache was listening on eg 8100. The use the following command on each of the apps servers
    netstat -an | grep 8100 | grep -i est | wc -l
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    If you are using forms in socket mode again, you can grep on the forms listening port number to find how many active forms users are connected.
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    lsof -p PID
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    Hello Experts,
    I am developing one add-on in SAP B1 8.8 to input data in a User Defined Table described as under
    Table Name
    DriverMst UDT Type is No Object
    Stores the Driver master data which are used to get reference in Sale Delivery Form and Driver data management activity
    User defined fields
    Data Name
    Data source
    Pane Level
    Driver Code
    No object table fixed field
    System Name
    No object table fixed field
    Full Name
    Father Name
    Birth Date
    Phone Number
    Mobile No
    I have created one form using screen painter displaying text boxes and bind them to the table.
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    Thanks Nagarajan,
    There is no such query. The table fields is directly linked to Edit Box or Combo Box in form.
    From the examples I learned that I have to do something like this to get my table updated
    Dim oUsrTbl As SAPbobsCOM.UserTable
    Dim Res As Integer
    oUsrTbl = oCompany.UserTables.Item("DRIVERMST")
    oUsrTbl.Code = oBPC.Value 'Item Specific of Driver Code Edit Box
    oUsrTbl.Name = Left(oBPN.Value, 30) 'Item Specific of Name Edit Box
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FullName").Value = oMFN.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FatherName").Value = oFTHN.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_BirthDate").Value = oDOB.Value
    oUsrTbl.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_PhoneNo").Value = oPHN.Value
    (Similar For rest ofthe fields)
    Res = oUsrTbl.Add()
    Just let me know that is this necessary to do like above.. To be frank there are few more fields and matrices on the form which I didn't mentioned. I am just trying to get recovered from first step to proceed further.

  • Sending file using sockets (difficult)

    Hi, i have the following section of code
    (of which i am not claiming ownership) which
    implements a DCC Send command from irc.
    It accomplishes this using sockets, and while
    i understand how the code accomplishes what it
    does, i need help with a possible modification.
    Basically what i am looking to do is keep track
    of the progress of the send - so that the
    user can at any time see how much of the file
    has been sent and how much is remaining.
    If anyone has done such a thing in the past or
    has a good idea as to how this should be implemented,
    i would be greatful for their help.
    Here is the code:
    new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0);
                        int port = ss.getLocalPort();
                        //byte[] ip = ss.getInetAddress().getAddress();
                        byte[] ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress();
                        long ipNum = 0;
                        long multiplier = 1;
                        for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
                            int byteVal = (ip[i] + 256) % 256;
                            ipNum += byteVal*multiplier;
                            multiplier *= 256;
                        // Rename the filename so it has no whitespace in it when we send it.
                        // .... I really should do this a bit more nicely at some point ....
                        String safeFilename = file.getName().replace(' ', '_');
                        safeFilename = safeFilename.replace('\t', '_');
                        // Send the message to the user, telling them where to connect to in order to get the file.
                        sendCTCPCommand(nick, "DCC SEND " + safeFilename + " " + ipNum + " " + port + " " + file.length());
                        // The client may now connect to us and download the file.
                        Socket socket = ss.accept();
                        // Might as well close the server socket now; it's finished with.
                        BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                        BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
                        BufferedInputStream finput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                        byte[] outBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                        byte[] inBuffer = new byte[4];
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                        while ((bytesRead =, 0, outBuffer.length)) != -1) {
                            output.write(outBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
                  , 0, inBuffer.length);
                        log("+++ DCC SEND Completed to " + nick + " (" + file.getPath() + ")");

    You already have the necessary code to find the number of bytes sent at any point during the transmission. You can find out the size of the file by instantiating a RandomAccessFile before you send it, and querying for the file length.
    I suggest you make the file size and bytes sent volatile and conveniently accessible to another thread (best implemented here as an inner class?). Your new thread will need to monitor the file transfer at intervals to update the progress indicator. You can generate estimates of time remaining by measuring the average transmission rate, and extrapolating using the total file size. Classically this is done using an average, but you might be better just maintaining a list of fairly recent samples, allowing for the speed swings inherent in internet connections.
    How you update the progress indicator from your monitor thread is up to you. I suggest exposing methods in the UI for setting the progress and time remaining, and simply update them from the monitor.
    Does this help any?

Maybe you are looking for