Using SYS_REFCURSOR returned from function in a WHERE clause

Hi All,
I have a plsql function that returns a SYS_REFCURSOR. Typically it will be three columns wide and 1 or more rows. I'd like to use it like:
FROM schema_name.table_name a
WHERE a.date_col BETWEEN trunc(add_months(SYSDATE,-12),'month') AND sysdate
AND ((a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c) IN (
open SYS_REFCURSOR returned by schema_name.package_name.function_name('x','y','z')
I've tried casting it to a table, but it complains about an invalid relational operator:
FROM schema_name.table_name a
WHERE a.date_col BETWEEN trunc(add_months(SYSDATE,-12),'month') AND sysdate
AND ((a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c) IN (TABLE(schema_name.package_name.function_name('x','y','z')))
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Regarding 3360's xml functionality:
SQL> create or replace function f
  2     return sys_refcursor
  3  as
  4     c   sys_refcursor;
  5  begin
  6     open c for
  7        select 7788 empno, 'SCOTT' ename from dual
  8        union all
  9        select 7900 empno, 'JAMES' ename from dual;
11     return c;
12  end f;
13  /
Function created.
SQL> select empno, ename
  2    from emp
  3   where (empno, ename) in
  4            (select extractvalue (column_value, 'ROW/EMPNO'),
  5                    extractvalue (column_value, 'ROW/ENAME')
  6               from table (xmlsequence (f)));
          EMPNO ENAME
           7788 SCOTT
           7900 JAMES

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    I have a very simple question: how do I view where Lion has autosaved my current version to (without the convoluted route of using finder)? In days gone by i'd simply use the save as function to see where it was being saved.

    It's actually even easier than using Save As to see the full path to the currently open document. Just do a "Secondary click" on the document title in its window's title bar.
    Like you, I relied upon Save As my whole life to check a file's location and considered it a must-have capability. Turns out it's even faster to use the single-click method to reveal the full path to the open document. It displays the entire path to the current document starting from the level of your Mac, and works for files stored on drives as well as iCloud.
    If you're not sure how to do a secondary click, go into System Preferences, select Trackpad, Point & Click to find the current preference for secondary click on your Mac. If you happen to have a mouse with more than one button, it's probably the right button. As a trackpad user, I check the box to "Click or tap with two fingers," so a simple two finger tap on the title of an open document reveals its full path. This feature actually has been around for a very long time.
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    Hi All,
    my database version is 10.2.
    the problem i am trying to deal with is that when I use multiple column sub-query in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement, the actual row number returned from the sub-query is different from the whole statement.
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    7782     CLARK     MANAGER     7839     09-JUN-81     2450     10
    7839     KING     PRESIDENT  NULL  17-NOV-81     5000     10
    7934     MILLER     CLERK     7782     23-JAN-82     1300     10
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    select empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno from EMP
    select empno, ename, job,  mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno from t);
    7782     CLARK     MANAGER     7839     09-JUN-81     2450          10     
    7934     MILLER     CLERK     7782     23-JAN-82     1300          10     If I specifically deal with the NULL situations for the columns which might return NULL, I can get the result right.
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    7782     CLARK     MANAGER     7839     09-JUN-81     2450          10     
    7839     KING     PRESIDENT  null   17-NOV-81     5000          10     
    7934     MILLER     CLERK     7782     23-JAN-82     1300          10     the problem is that, I feel this is a very lame way of handling it.
    So, I wonder or am asking if there is any better or standard way to do it?
    any help would be highly appreciated.

    As you discovered, INTERSECT treats NULL as a value, but IN does not.
    What you did with NVL is one way to handle the situation. If there was a chance that any of the columns could be NULL, then you might prefer something like this:
    select      *
    from      EMP
    where      ( EMPNO      || '~' ||
           ENAME      || '~' ||
           job           || '~' ||
           MGR           || '~' ||
                    || '~' ||
           SAL           || '~' ||
         ) in (
              select  EMPNO      || '~' ||
                     ENAME      || '~' ||
                   job     || '~' ||
                   MGR     || '~' ||
                   TO_CHAR (HIREDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')               
                        || '~' ||
                   SAL      || '~' ||
              from     emp
              select  EMPNO      || '~' ||
                     ENAME      || '~' ||
                   job     || '~' ||
                   MGR     || '~' ||
                   TO_CHAR (HIREDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')               
                        || '~' ||
                   SAL      || '~' ||
              from      t
             );This assumes that you can identify some string (I used '~') that never occurs in the strings in these tables.
    This is implicitly converting the NUMBERs. That's usually not a good thing to do. but explicitly converting them would make this even more tedious.
    You should explicitly convert any DATEs to strings, however. Depending on your default format, and your data, you might get away with implicit conversions even for DATEs, but don't bet on it.
    If you had to do this often, you might consider writing a user-defined function:
    delimited_string (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno) would return a string like
    This will make the coding easier, but beware: it will make the execution slower.

  • CBO and functions in the WHERE clause

    Can anyone point me to any documents describing how the cost based optimizer treats functions in a WHERE clause?
    For example, in
    select ...
    from   ...
    where  ...
    and    my_package.my_function( t.some_column ) = 'Y'
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    I've tried a few simple tests to answer the question, but I've received conflicting results. Has anyone had any experience with this?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks for the info. Justin.
    I think I've solved my problem, but I'll repeat it here in case it helps anyone else. Here is a very simplified example of what I was seeing.
    A query like this:
          a.party_id, b.cust_account_id
          hz_parties a,
          hz_cust_accounts b
          a.party_id = b.party_id
          and mis_hz_merge_veto_pkg.party_merge_will_be_vetoed(a.party_id) = 'N'was returning a drastically different execution plan than this
          a.party_id, b.cust_account_id
          hz_parties a,
          hz_cust_accounts b
          a.party_id = b.party_id
          and mis_hz_merge_veto_pkg.account_merge_will_be_vetoed(b.cust_account_id) = 'N'I initially thought the difference was due to the fact that I was using different functions in the last line, but then I tried this version
          a.party_id, b.cust_account_id
          hz_parties a,
          hz_cust_accounts b
          a.party_id = b.party_id
          and mis_hz_merge_veto_pkg.party_merge_will_be_vetoed(b.party_id) = 'N'and found that it gave me a different execution plan than the first SELECT as well, even though it used the same function. The difference seems to stem from the columns I use in the function parameter and not the choice of function.

  • Call a function in a where clause of a select

    is it possible to call a function in a where clause of a select????
    ex: select col1, col2
    from my_table
    where my_package.my_function(32199, 2008, col3, 'P');
    and i have error message "ORA-00920: invalid relational operator"
    FUNCTION my_function(v_matricule IN NUMBER,
              v_Year IN NUMBER,
              v_date IN DATE,
              v_type IN CHAR DEFAULT 'P')

    user10225229 wrote:
    is it possible to call a function in a where clause of a select????
    ex: select col1, col2
    from my_table
    where my_package.my_function(32199, 2008, col3, 'P');
    and i have error message "ORA-00920: invalid relational operator"
    FUNCTION my_function(v_matricule IN NUMBER,
              v_Year IN NUMBER,
              v_date IN DATE,
              v_type IN CHAR DEFAULT 'P')
    RETURN BOOLEAN;You can call a function if it returns a datatype that is supported by SQL. BOOLEAN is NOT supported by SQL.

  • SUBSTR function in the where clause

    I want to get a number of 15 digits from a column where the user only know the last 10 digits.
    So that when the user enter a number with 10 digits, only the record of that specific number should be displayed.
    And then when the user did not enter any number all the records in the table should be displayed.(this part works fine)
    The problem is: when the user enters any last digits( last, second last, thirth last and so on) the records which satisfy this are retrieved, which is not supose to be the case.
    I' am trying to use the substr function in the where clause but I'm not sure if it's working or not becasue the result of the query is just the same as before i used the substr.

    better to pad with '*' me thinks in case u have a number ending with 0's:
      1  select empno,ename
      2  from emp
      3* where empno like '%'||lpad('&1',2,'*')
    SQL> /
    Enter value for 1: 0
    old   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('&1',2,'*')
    new   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('0',2,'*')
    no rows selected
    SQL> /
    Enter value for 1: 00
    old   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('&1',2,'*')
    new   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('00',2,'*')
         EMPNO ENAME
          7900 JAMES
    SQL> /
    Enter value for 1:
    old   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('&1',2,'*')
    new   3: where empno like '%'||lpad('',2,'*')
         EMPNO ENAME
          7369 SMITH
          7499 ALLEN
          7521 WARD
          7566 JONES
          7654 MARTIN
          7698 BLAKE
          7782 CLARK
          7788 SCOTT
          7839 KING
          7844 TURNER
          7876 ADAMS
         EMPNO ENAME
          7900 JAMES
          7902 FORD
          7934 MILLER
    14 rows selected.

  • Trouble using a function in the where clause

    I am using a function found at which converts a long data type to a character. The function is returning an error when it is placed in the where clause. The sql statement , error message and the function from ask tom are shown below. Does anyone know how to fix this?
    AND b.flduserstr = c.fldrec_num
    AND A.FLDDATEDUE > '01/01/1900'
    The error message
    Error at Command Line:26 Column:4
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00904: "OHM_PKG"."GET_LONG": invalid identifier
    00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    create or replace
    /* TODO enter package declarations (types, exceptions, methods etc) here */
    function getlong( p_tname in varchar2,p_cname in varchar2,p_rowid in rowid ) return varchar2;
    create or replace
    function getlong( p_tname in varchar2,p_cname in varchar2,p_rowid in rowid ) return varchar2 as
    l_cursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_n number;
    l_long_val varchar2(4000);
    l_long_len number;
    l_buflen number := 4000;
    l_curpos number := 0;
    dbms_sql.parse( l_cursor,
    'select ' || p_cname || ' from ' || p_tname ||
    ' where rowid = :x',
    dbms_sql.native );
    dbms_sql.bind_variable( l_cursor, ':x', p_rowid );
    dbms_sql.define_column_long(l_cursor, 1);
    l_n := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor);
    if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_cursor)>0)
    dbms_sql.column_value_long(l_cursor, 1, l_buflen, l_curpos ,
    l_long_val, l_long_len );
    end if;
    return l_long_val;
    end getlong;

    Remove the '_' from the function's name as below:

  • How to use a function in a Where Clause?

    I've got a doubt. If MY_FUNCT is a function that returns a boolean, can I use it in a where clause for writing a query like this?:
    select ...
    from table a
    where ...
    and MY_FUNC (a.field) = true
    Edited by: Mark1970 on 2-lug-2010 3.27

    Bear in mind that this could kill your performance.
    Depending on what you're doing, how many tables and other predicates are involved, you might want to try to eliminate all other data early before applying your function predicate otherwise your function might be called more times than you might have imagined. Strategies for this include subquery factoring and the old ROWNUM trick for materialising an inline view.
    If performance is impacted, you might also want to consider using a function-based index provided that the function is deterministic.

  • How to use value returned from a bean in jsp page

    Hi All,
    I have a string array value being returned from a javabean to a jsp page. I want to be able to assign the value to a variable in the jsp page.
    How do I do this?
    Many thanks :)

    thanks for your response.
    I actually used something like this:
    <% String loggedin = log.User(user,password);
    %>i am not yet as much of an expert on beans as i would like to be, but i thought it is not really a bean if it has a getter method which takes arguments?

  • Table function sensitive to where clause?

    In Oracle SQL, you can use the results of a PL/SQL function as a table with the "TABLE()" syntax. Example: "SELECT * FROM TABLE(myfunction(param1,param2)) ..."
    Is there any (non-crazy) way for the function to be aware of the conditions in the WHERE clause of that SELECT statement? For example, if I wanted "myfunction" to know that I had specified "WHERE param3=10' without having to put param3 in the function call, could this be done?
    Other SQL implementations support this. I know of at least one where you can map a table on top of a function where the "in" parameters can correspond to columns on the mapped table. Does Oracle support a similar syntax or strategy?

    Not sure if it is too crazy for you ;)
    But again I rely on a helper function since I am not sure about the purpose of the whole thing:
    SQL> create or replace function set_param (p varchar2) return varchar2
    return p;
    end set_param;
    Function created.
    SQL> create or replace function myfunction
       return sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll
       return sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll (sys_context ('userenv', 'client_info'));
    end myfunction;
    Function created.
    SQL> select   *
      from   table (myfunction())
    where   set_param (3) is not null
    3                     Hope you get the idea ....

  • To_Date function in the Where Clause

    Hello All,
    I'm having an issue using the to_date function that has me quite perplexed.
    I have two varchar2 fields, one with a date value in the format Mon, DD YYYY, the other has a time value in the format HH:MI PM.
    When I run my query one of the columns I retrieve looks like this TO_DATE (d4.adate || e4.atime, 'Mon DD, YYYYHH:MI PM'). The two fields are concatenated together and converted to a date. This works fine.
    My problem occurs when I attempt to apply the same logic to the where clause of the aforementioned query. e.g. when I add the following criteria to my query and TO_DATE (d4.adate || e4.atime, 'Mon DD, YYYYHH:MI PM') <= sysdate I get an ORA-01843: not a valid month error.
    To further illustrate my problem here are the two queries:
    Select d4.adate, e4.atime, TO_DATE (d4.adate || e4.atime, 'Mon DD, YYYYHH:MI PM')
    from ....
    where ....
    The above query works.
    Select d4.adate, e4.atime, TO_DATE (d4.adate || e4.atime, 'Mon DD, YYYYHH:MI PM')
    from ....
    where ....
    and TO_DATE (d4.adate || e4.atime, 'Mon DD, YYYYHH:MI PM') <= sysdate
    The second query does not work.
    The tables used and the limiting criteria are identical, except for the last one.
    Does anyone have any ideas why this could be happening.

    Check this out. It does work. Do cut n paste sample
    data from your tables.
    SQL> desc test
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> select * from test;
    1 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    2 Mar, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    3 Apr, 13 2006 03:12 AM
    4 Nov, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    5 Dec, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    6 Oct, 30 2006 10:00 AM
    7 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    8 Apr, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    9 May, 13 2006 03:12 AM
    10 Sep, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11 Oct, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    12 Dec, 30 2006 10:00 AM
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> select id, ddate, dtime,
    2 to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM') AA,
    3 to_char(to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI
    MI PM'),'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM') BB
    4 from test;
    1 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    12:32 PM 10-JAN-06 Jan, 10 200612:32 PM
    2 Mar, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    07:10 AM 11-MAR-05 Mar, 11 200507:10 AM
    3 Apr, 13 2006 03:12 AM
    03:12 AM 13-APR-06 Apr, 13 200603:12 AM
    4 Nov, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-NOV-03 Nov, 15 200311:22 PM
    5 Dec, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-DEC-05 Dec, 20 200509:12 AM
    6 Oct, 30 2006 10:00 AM
    10:00 AM 30-OCT-06 Oct, 30 200610:00 AM
    7 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    12:32 PM 10-JAN-06 Jan, 10 200612:32 PM
    8 Apr, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    07:10 AM 11-APR-05 Apr, 11 200507:10 AM
    9 May, 13 2006 03:12 AM
    03:12 AM 13-MAY-06 May, 13 200603:12 AM
    10 Sep, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-SEP-03 Sep, 15 200311:22 PM
    11 Oct, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-OCT-05 Oct, 20 200509:12 AM
    12 Dec, 30 2006 10:00 AM
    10:00 AM 30-DEC-06 Dec, 30 200610:00 AM
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> select id, ddate, dtime,
    to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM')
    2 from test
    3 where id > 3
    4 and to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM')
    ') <= trunc(sysdate);
    4 Nov, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-NOV-03
    5 Dec, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-DEC-05
    7 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    12:32 PM 10-JAN-06
    8 Apr, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    07:10 AM 11-APR-05
    10 Sep, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-SEP-03
    11 Oct, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-OCT-05
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> select id, ddate, dtime,
    to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM')
    2 from test
    3 where id > 3
    4 and to_date(ddate||dtime,'Mon, DD YYYYHH:MI PM')
    ') <= sysdate;
    4 Nov, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-NOV-03
    5 Dec, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-DEC-05
    7 Jan, 10 2006 12:32 PM
    12:32 PM 10-JAN-06
    8 Apr, 11 2005 07:10 AM
    07:10 AM 11-APR-05
    10 Sep, 15 2003 11:22 PM
    11:22 PM 15-SEP-03
    11 Oct, 20 2005 09:12 AM
    09:12 AM 20-OCT-05
    6 rows selected.
    -SriSorry Sri, but I fail to see what you mean. How is what you're doing any different than what I'm doing?

  • Function calls in WHERE clause

    I have several procedures that all share a similar snippet of code in the WHERE clause. I tried to make this a function but, using a function increases the execution time of the calling procedure by a factor of ten. I am currently on 8i and will be moving to 9i soon. Was just wondering if there will be any performance increase from this type of function call on 9i vs. 8i.

    sometimes a perforance hit it worth the maintability factor.I disagree, strongly. The developer's Prime Directive is to make the user's experience a good one. Inflicting poorly performing code on the user in the name of maintinability is not on.
    Q: Why does the code have to be maintained so much?
    A: Because the users' keep complaining about how slow it runs....
    Of course in the real world things get confused and it can be quite difficult to distinguish programmers' issues - encapsulation, flexibility, maintainability - from users' issues - correctness, completeness, performance.
    But the relative worth of these things is easy to assess. A highly-modular parameter driven architecture that delivers the wrong answer and takes an age to do it ain't worth jack. Even if it is so maintainable that it's easy to fix every bug in it.
    "Whatever waits for us behind those doors, we have a better chance of survival if we stick together." Gladiator
    Cheers, APC

  • Function/Subrutine and where clause

      Is it possible to define a subroutine.function and use it in the SQL where clause in ABAP??
      If so, any reference code??

    Hi Kit,
    It  is not possible to define a subroutine.function and use it in the SQL where clause in ABAP.
    But you can use dynamic where clause. Try F1 on select.
    Display of flight connections after input of airline and flight number:
    PARAMETERS: carr_id TYPE spfli-carrid,
                conn_id TYPE spfli-connid.
    DATA:       where_clause TYPE  STRING,
                wa_spfli TYPE spfli.
    IF carr_id IS NOT INITIAL.
      CONCATENATE 'CARRID = ''' carr_id '''' INTO where_clause.
      and = ' AND'.
    IF conn_id IS NOT INITIAL.
      CONCATENATE where_clause and ' CONNID = ''' conn_id ''''
        INTO where_clause.
    SELECT * FROM spfli INTO wa_spfli WHERE (where_clause).
      WRITE: / wa_spfli-carrid, wa_spfli-connid, wa_spfli-cityfrom,
               wa_spfli-cityto, wa_spfli-deptime.

  • Delete from remote location with where clause between the two databases

    I want to delete records from a source database using dblink. The criteria for the delete is a where clause, that
    looks for the values between a table at source and the remote location. I get an invalid sql statement error.
    When i do a count(*) instead of a delete, I get rows returned.
    Can anyone see an the problem here ? I've tried qualifying the delete
    delete from tabl1@remote a, tabl1_temp b where (a."id" =b."id") and (a."title" = b."title) and (a."key" = b."key");
    the error I get is ORA 00933 SQL command not properly ended....
    The * is between the 2 ands ...
    Edited by: sgonos on Nov 6, 2009 6:46 AM
    Sorry the * moved when I save it ...
    delete from tabl1@remote a, tabl1_temp b where (a."id" =b."id") and (a."title" = b."title) and (a."key" = b."key");
    it's flagging the middle and ... a.title = b.title ... seems to like key ....
    Edited by: sgonos on Nov 6, 2009 6:51 AM

    You have 2 tables specified in the delete clause of your statement.
    It should maybe be something like:
    delete from tabl1@remote a
    where exists (select 'x' from tabl1_temp b where (a."id" =b."id") and (a."title" = b."title) and (a."key" = b."key"));

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    You have to create a function index. Check your documentation on it.

Maybe you are looking for

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    hi, i am creating a ztransaction here , iam creating it in create , change and display mode transactions . like VA01, VA02,AVA03. in my ztransaction if the user what to go to change mode from the create mode what i need to do like pass the value of s

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    A patch for FrameMaker 8 has been announced (see however due to the Thanksgiving holiday, hasn't been put up yet. Stay tuned... Arnis Gubins Forum host

  • AV Component Cables

    HI All. I have teh Apple AV Component Cables, and i have a Panasonic Viera LCD HDTV in the bedroom, what id like to know is why even after selecting TV out on the ipod touch, that i can get sound but no picture ? ive been through every setting on the