Using Time Capsule's wifi with ATT

I currently use ATT's 2wire router for my home wifi network.  If I purchase Time Capsule, can I use it's wifi capabilities in conjunction with my 2wire router from ATT?  I don't think I can do away with the 2wire because I use ATT's dsl.

If I purchase Time Capsule, can I use it's wifi capabilities in conjunction with my 2wire router from ATT?
The Time Capsule will need to connect to the 2Wire router using an Ethernet connection.
Once you have that connection established, you could configure the Time Capsule to provide a wireless network and turn off the wireless function on the 2Wire.
Or, use the Time Capsule for backup only over the 2Wire wireless network and turn off the wireless function on the Time Capsule.
You would not want to have the wireless function on both the 2Wire and Time Capsule running at the same time because this will likely create interference issues between the two signals. The exception would be if you plan to locate the Time Capsule a few rooms away from the 2Wire.

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    Get a vpn router.. I have no idea where you are in the world but you can find reasonable stuff for not too much money or even a general router that takes third party firmware like dd-wrt can run openvpn. 
    Set up the vpn router in place of the TC, as the main router in the network. Simply bridge the TC and place it behind the router. It will be accessible as part of the network via the vpn.
    This is the only safe way to do it via windows. 7-over-the-int.html
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    How do you get internet??
    I understand that the TC is not going to be part of that but it still matters how you get internet.
    The setup is basically very simple.. The TC still needs to be in router mode.. ie on the network tab it should say dhcp and nat. You will get several errors .. ignore them.. that is because there is no WAN connection.
    That is all that is needed.. You can then connect everything via wireless and it will create a network where each device has connectivity to the others.. just no internet.

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    First find the spec for your AEBS. TC is Gigabit ethernet ie 10/100/1000. The older AEBS were Fast ethernet ie 10/100.
    What would I do? TC set as base and create its own wireless network.. Main computer and cable modem attach to it. AEBS set up as bridge and create its own wireless network.
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    No, since Apple designed their routers to only work with other Apple routers.
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    how do I get the Mac addresses for each device (this won't be a problem, I demand the device, check it, and then return it).
    What wireless devices are we looking at here?
    Most devices have the AirPort ID or MAC Address or Hardware Address printed on the back or bottom of the device
    Otherwise, you can learn the correct number by process of elimination. Turn off all wireless devices except your Mac computer....if it is connecting using wireless.
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the Time Capsule icon
    Look for Wireless Clients and click on the numerical IP address that is displayed
    Another box will open
    Look for the Hardware Address. It will be displayed as xx : xx : xx : xx :xx : xx
    Write that down and note that it is your Mac.
    Now, connect another wireless device and repeat the sequence.  Click on the "other" listing that you see to find out more info about that device.  Write down the ID or Address and note what device it is. Then power it off.
    Do the same for each wireless device that you want to have limited access.
    Post back when you have all the info.

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    On Ki

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

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    There is no question.. so if it is a statement of resignation.. then if under warranty and faulty Apple will fix it/replace it.. if not dead you will be given it back.
    Are you using Lion? If so did you download 5.6 airport utility?
    Plug the TC into a computer by ethernet.. hold in reset for 10sec.. and then redo the setup.
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    Then if it doesn't work most likely faulty. Otherwise it is just setup is wrong.

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    Yes, you have two options here, each with advantages and disadvantages.
    Option 1...connect the Time Capsule to your AirPort Extreme using an Ethernet cable connection. Turn off the wireless on the Time Capsule since your AirPort Extreme is already providing wireless.
    Advantages...easy to configure, you can backup either over wireless or plug directly into one of the Ethernet ports to backup large files 3-5 times faster than wireless.
    Disadvantages...none, except it requires a wired Ethernet connection to the AirPort Extreme.
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    Disadvantages....harder to configure, backups will occur only over wireless.

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    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

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    jshafer wrote:
    So, you are recommending using a USB drive into the TC or using an NAS plugged into the ethernet that correct?
    Yes, correct. USB drive is not fast but it is still mostly going to be faster than wireless.. it is of course slower than ethernet.. so what you are using on your clients dictates what is the rate determining step of the network.
    Am I correct in thinking that an NAS using ethernet connection would be faster than USB?
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    Yes, to both.. but remembering the client has to be able to make use of it. ie is also ethernet.
    True NAS is faster than TC as they use RAID systems.. more reliable.. you can replace disks in the raid.. TC is sealed.. and all decent NAS will be able to back themselves up to a USB drive.. on incremental basis.. which is major shortcoming when people try and use the TC in this role.

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    If the TC is not the main router just bridge it.
    Have you tried it with the TC bridged??
    You need to describe the full network because we have no idea how all this is setup.

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    TC is not designed for ipad or iphone or any iOS device.
    You should use them with cloud if you want remote access to your data do it via cloud.. you cannot easily get remote access to the TC from iOS device.

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    Check out these previous posts on this subject

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