Using two ipods on my windows computer

i have been using itunes on my windows pc for my 30gb ipod, i want to add music to my friends ipod mini using the same itunes library, i have seperated the music that i want to add to the mini into a playlist but whenever i try to "sync music through selected playlists" it tells me all music currently on the ipod will be erased. i do not have my friends original music on my itunes library so i do not want to erase it as i cannot replace it. Itunes will not even let me burn the original music on the mini to disc so as to re-load it later. please can anyone let me know of an alternative?? i have tried to "transfer purchases from ipod" but this does not work either, even though i have authorised the computer. and have also tried to "manage music manually" but it gives the same erase original music threat.

Apple intentionally made the iPod to work this way to help stem the illegal sharing of copyrighted material which is what you are trying to do.
"i have tried to "transfer purchases from ipod" but this does not work either, even though i have authorised the computer."
Doesn't work that way. It wasn't your iTunes account that purchased the music.

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    Okay i got a ipod for christmas and my brother got one for his b-day a few days ago & i already had itunes installed for my ipod now do i have to install it agian or what?
    these resources might be helpful with that:
    Natalie Beresford: multiple iPod/iTunes installations
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    iTunes: How to share music between different accounts on a single computer
    Also my brothers ipod has the picture of the ipod with the ! thing.
    these resources might be helpful with that:
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    iPod shows a folder icon with exclamation point when you turn it on
    love, b


    i cant seem to find alot of info about this on here... i am probably looking in the wrong place... but heres my situation. Ive had an ipod mini for 2 years now but ive just bought an ipod nano ..... i do all of my main downloading on my power mac g4, but i am going away for school soon and im going to bring my ibook with me. i have already transferred my current library from my Power Mac to my iBook.
    What i would like to do is keep using my Power mac to do my downloading until i leave in a few months and then start downloading on my ibook once im away. However, i want to use my ipod nano now.... and you know, a few days before i leave i will update all of my songs that i have downloaded on my power mac onto my ibook.
    any suggestions would be great. thanks.

    Yes you can. Set your IPOds to "Manual Update". The IPOD can only be linked to one ITunes library at a time. If the libraries have the same content the its up to you which one to snyc from either in Auto or Manual mode.
    Here is the official Apple statement:
    Question: Can I update more than one iPod with my computer?
    Answer: Yes. Each iPod communicates a unique device identification number to your computer, allowing you to take advantage of automatic music transfers to your iPod even if you share a computer with another iPod user. You can choose to automatically update your entire music collection on multiple iPod players or choose to update selected playlists, allowing you to transfer custom playlists to individual iPod players

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    How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    Using iPod with multiple computers
    Managing content manually on iPod
    iPod: Frequently Asked Questions
    Message was edited by: PT
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    You would need to sync in Dad's account to access Dad's iTunes Library. However, if she has loaded her iPod with the music she wants from Dad's iTunes Library, then she can continue to play the music even if she has her own Apple ID and separate user account on the same computer. She just will not be able to add new music from Dad's iTunes Library unless she uses Dad's Apple ID.
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    See these articles about using more than one iPod on one computer, and with either one or more iTunes libraries.
    Multiple iPod installations.
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer.
    If you have the latest iTunes, an easy way to create a new library is to hold down the 'alt' key whilst opening iTunes (for Macs), or hold down the 'shift' key (for Windows).
    This will give you the option of either using the current iTunes library or creating a new one.
    There are various methods of transferring different songs to different iPods with a single iTunes library.
    One is to manage the songs manually.
    With this setting, you can drag and drop songs/playlists etc onto the iPod from iTunes, and also delete and/or edit songs which are currently on the iPod without affecting the iTunes library.
    If you wish to keep the convenience of automatic sync, then you could set the iPods to sync with "selected playlists". This setting can be found in the iPod summary screen under the 'music' tab. With this setting, different playlists can be transferred and later deleted from each iPod without affecting any playlists stored in iTunes or the playlists on the other iPods.
    Also, on the 'summary' main page you will see the option to "only sync checked items". With this setting selected, if you remove the check marks from any songs in iTunes, they will not be transferred to the iPod. You can restore the check mark if you want to put the songs back on the iPod at a later date.
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    Apple intentionally made the iPod to work this way to help stem the illegal sharing of copyrighted material which is what you are trying to do.
    "i have tried to "transfer purchases from ipod" but this does not work either, even though i have authorised the computer."
    Doesn't work that way. It wasn't your iTunes account that purchased the music.


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    Hello Zach,
    There are a couple of methods for using more than one iPod on a single computer. Have a look at the article linked below. Method one is to have two Mac or Windows user accounts which by definition would give you two completely separate libraries. Method two is to set your preferences so each iPod is updated with only certain playlists within one library. Have a look anyway and see what you think and go for whichever you feel suits your needs best: How To Use Multiple iPods with One Computer

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    Welcome to the discussions. See this:
    Using two iPods with One Computer

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    iTunes does not automatically add files to library like you are looking for. The user that did not add the files has to do a file or folder import to get the tracks into that library.
    This is the one feature I really want added. I have already put in the suggestion.

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    Do Apple not have an online help service? It seems a little strange for a company so large.

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