Using WSUS to update customer workstations pre-delivery

We intermittently, as a company, supply PCs to customers 5-20 at a time and windows update each one separately. Can WSUS be used to update these non domain joined workstations to save time and our broadband? If not, is there a method others use to update
a bunch of workstaions before delivering to their clients?
thanks in advance,

Makes sense, Dave.
One additional item I'll share. Since you're doing this to essentially do post-OS-deploy patch remediation, you may also find some value in using approval deadlines in conjunction with those new machines, along with a 2-hour detection frequency. This will
effectively allow you to patch those systems virtually hands-free and probably in less than a workday.
Store a REG file on a thumb drive. Import the REG file and restart the WUA service (or reboot the client). The WUA will run a scan automatically on service restart, and every 95-120 minutes thereafter until all available updates have been installed.
The actual number of cycles needed will depend on whether there are any exclusive updates in the patch collection (e.g. .NET Service Packs most notably) which will trigger their own installation/reboot cycle, but my expectation would be that almost any machine
can be completed in three cycles ... which would be about four hours from the time you point the client to the WSUS server and reboot.
Resist the temptation to use the 1-hour detection frequency, unless you also configure the WUA to use client-side targeting (which is really dependent upon how you currently manage your WSUS environment). If you're using client-side targeting and a 1-hour
detection, the update cycles could complete in as little as 2 hours.
Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
SolarWinds Head Geek
Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
My MVP Profile:
The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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    Edited by: Kalyan Mohan Venigalla on May 25, 2009 9:32 AM

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    Normally I use the FM modules generated by the EEWB that contain API to update the data.  However keep in mind if this is a Z-Table and you don't like what is provided, then add your own BAPI modules to the BDT function group to update the data.
    Take care,

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      CALL TRANSACTION 'F-28' USING gt_bdcdata
                              MODE   'E'
                              UPDATE 'S'
                              MESSAGES INTO gt_messtab.
      READ TABLE gt_messtab INTO wa_messtab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'S'
                                                     msgnr  = '312'.
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    update status for items cleared bearing the same OR Number*
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                             zsapdocument = wa_messtab-msgv1(10)
                             zruntime     = sy-uzeit
                             zrundate     = sy-datum
                       WHERE zor          = gv_zor
                       AND   customer     = gv_customer.
        COMMIT WORK.

    it's not possible that status isn't updated in zfiacsf28 while date and time are updated there, because it's hard coded.
    There must be other programs that also change your table zfiacsf28 and maybe clear those fields. Maybe the key fields zor and customer cannot provide  duplicate access, what is the meaning of field zor ?
    Please check the where used list of table zfiacsf28 to find other update programs.

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    see the help
    Kiran Sure

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    I am able to create the WBS element using BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI.But the issue is i am not able to update customer specific fields even after passing the fields as per specification in Function module documentation. I have also created an implementation of BADI  as per below specification in FM documentation:
    Procedure for Filling Standard Enhancements
    Before you call the BAPI for each object that is to be created or changed,
    for which you want to enter customer-specific table enhancement fields, add a
    data record to the container ExtensionIn:
    STRUCTURE:    Name of the corresponding help structure
    VALUEPART1:   Key of the object + start of the data part
    VALUEPART2-4: If required, the continuation of the data part
    VALUPART1 to VALUPART4 are therefore filled consecutively, first with the
    keys that identify the table rows and then with the values of the
    customer-specific fields. By structuring the container in this way, it is
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    Note that when objects are changed, all fields of the enhancements are
    overwritten (as opposed to the standard fields, where only those fields for
    which the respective update indicator is set are changed). Therefore, even if
    you only want to change one field, all the fields that you transfer in
    ExtensionIn must be filled.
    Checks and Further Processing
    Using the methods ...CREATE_EXIT1 or. ...CHANGE_EXIT1 of the BAdI
    BAPIEXT_BUS2001, BAPIEXT_BUS2002, and BAPIEXT_BUS2054, you can check the entered
    values (and/or carry out other checks).
    In the BAdI's second method, you can program that the data transferred to the
    BAPI is processed further (if you only want to transfer the fields of the CI
    includes, no more action is required here).
    But still i am unable to update fields though i am able to create WBS with rest of the fields except  custom fields.
    I am using attached code to achieve this.Do we need to code anything inside method create_exit1 or create_exit2 implementation for BADI or
    Please help on priority

    Hi Rahul,
    First observation from your code is that i could not find the assignment for the field
    GWA_WBS_EXTIN-STRUCTURE. I hope you are not filling this field, that could be one reason for failure. Try to do it and let us know if you still have the problem.

  • Updating customer master using billing

    Hi ,
    Let let me tell the business scenario
    if you purchase something in supermarket, lifestyle etc
    based on the amount u buy (say 2000,3000) they will give u points
    say for 2000 - 5 points for 3000 - 10 points
    so the first field is card type ie - master card, golden card, silver card etc
    second field is card points - no. of points
    see in business scenario, say after getting some points at one stage , customer can redeeme the points he got on the whole
    ie he can get cash discount based on his points at certain stage
    now my 50 points will be redeemed and next time i will have 0 points
    now other fields are points redeemed, poiints in balance
    now i got this screen working in customer master
    data will be updated in ztable
    now in billing , we have to write a user exit through which , we can update this points based on the amount of billing
    ie updating customer master from billing user exit
    can anyone tell what exit i have to use, what logic i have to write , and how to create project and all

    User Exits are nothing but Customizing the SAP Standard prog. with out changing the exiting functionality.
    Option, prepared by SAP to extend delivered standard-programs without modification of the original program at the customer. For potential customer requirements, which are not part of the standard, SAP installs blank containers, which can be filled with own functionalities by the customer. Customer-Exits are administered by SAP .
    T-Codes are
    SMOD - To find a Enahancement/User Exits
    CMOD - To Create Enhancement/Project.
    Follow the steps
    1. Go to CMOD there you have to give the project name that project name should get from your Functional people, or if you know no problem.
    2. Click on Create button it will asks save it local or Package.
    3. In Enhancements it will give the All Exits Names then double click on your exit
    4. It will take you into a Functional Module nothing but your Exit.
    in that Exit you will find Include Program i.e. Eg: ZXQSMU01 where you are going to implement your logic.
    5. Double Click on the Include program it will asks create object click enter
    it will creates there you can write your logic save it local or any package and Activate it.
    6. You need not to pass any values from Functional module/Exit to Include program that import/export values automatically program will access, you don't bother directly you can access the import/export etc. values in the program.
    Finally your Exit and Project also Activate it. then check your requirement reached or not.
    Following Exit try it.
    1. V60F0001 - SD Billing plan (customer enhancement) diff. to billing
    2. V60A0001 -  Customer functions in the billing document
    3. V46H0001 - SD Customer functions for resource-related billing 
    4. V05I0001  -  User exits for billing index   ETC...
         May be try these you can get or goto SMOD press F4 it will give a popup window there short text bill execute then you will get a list of exits check those.
    if any clarifications reply me.

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    [Extending Repository Creation Utility to Configure Custom Application Repositories|]
    RCU allows only two operations - 1. create a new schema OR 2. drop a schema.
    Can RCU be used to update or modify a custom schema, which has been created using RCU itself?
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    Basically we need to deliver patches (insert scripts containing the fixed or corrected data) to the custom schema created using RCU.
    Does RCU support this use case?
    Edited by: Mahendra Varman on Jun 8, 2011 5:10 PM

    Thanks for the suggestions. Having a bad day with this today.
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    Hi All-
    I am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE, to update the delivery date on the schedule lines...If I have 2 lines of schedule, needs to be updated the second one ETENR '0002'...
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    But, let me know if I am missing something and also let me know is it possible to change schedule delivery date or not?
    Please try to use a meaningful subject.
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Feb 25, 2009 2:08 PM

    give a meaningful title to ur thread, so that, people get u back quickly. Just tip that, try to do ur requirement online, then Observe How the system is behaving....thanq

  • How Update Custom fields for EABL DB table by using BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD

    Hi friends,
    How can I Update Custom fields for EABL DB table by using BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD
    for the parameter EXTENSIONIN of type BAPIPAREX
    I am passing the Structure as BAPI_TE_EABL
    in that structure MRIDNUMBER as EABL-ABLBELNR field value
    ZMESSAGE some text of 30 char and
    ZSKIPC of 2 char
    but I am not able to update that data for the MRIDNUMBER (ABLBELNR ) in DB table EABL
    I am getting RETURN Structure message type E
    "Upload interim entries: Maintain one table only"
    Can any one provide me solution
    Thanks in Advance

    Refer the following SAP notes.
    1. Note 485557 - BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE: 'EXTENSIONIN' customer enhancements
    2. Note 584902 - BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE: ExtensionIn not connected
    3. Note 792132 - EBAN, EBKN: user-defined fields are not filled

  • HT4623 am update my iphone 3gs ios4.1 to ios 6.0.1 using itunes when update comleted itunes show a message Were sorry, we are unable to continue with your activation at this time. Please try again later, or contact customer care! pls help me pls

    am update my iphone 3gs ios4.1 to ios 6.0.1 using itunes when update comleted itunes show a message Were sorry, we are unable to continue with your activation at this time. Please try again later, or contact customer care! pls help me pls

    Generally this is a sign that the iPhone had previously been
    hacked/modified/jailbroken and the update relocked it to the
    original wireless carrier. If this is the case, only that wireless
    carrier can unlock your iPhone. You must contact them to see
    if they offer unlocking and if you qualify.
    Where did you acquire this iPhone?
    What wireless carrier did you use before this problem?
    Does the app Cydia appear on your iPhone?
    What does it say when you look at Settings=>General=>

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    You could try steps in the following blog.
    (Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact
    information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.)
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
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