UTF-8 Unicode in JEditorPane doesn't work

I do hope this is the correct forum for this question so that some forum nazi doesn't give me grief...here goes.
I have a JEditorPane with the contentType set to "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
I do a .setText method with this text:
<HTML><body><font face='Arial Unicode MS' size='3'>
Followed by some text extracted from an RSS feed (just the contents of the <description> tag)
and then </body></html> to finish it off.
It displays fine apart from a unicode character, it looks like one of those 'fancy' apostrophes so that in the word "We've" the appostrophe shows as an accented a and two squares as shown in this screenshot : Screenshot
So does that mean that 'Arial Unicode MS' cannot display Unicode as the name would suggest, or am I doing something else wrong?

When you specify the charset in the contentType setting, you're telling the JEditorPane how to convert raw bytes that it reads from a URL into a Java string. That's assuming you use one of the setPage() methods to populate the component--but you're using setText(), which takes a String. That means the text was corrupted before you put it in the JEditorPane; you need to look at how it's getting brought in from the RSS feed. It's obviously encoded as UTF-8, but being decoded as if it were a single-byte encoding like ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (the default for English-locale Windows systems).

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    2. Check "Install files for complex..." checkbox
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    Installation CD
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    It looks like the syntax has changed slightly.  I verified this works in Mavericks
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    killall Finder
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    killall Finder
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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    <title>video vitrectomy for macular hole re-operation ilm peel</title>
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Sudo doesn't work anymore, not permitting me to enter password

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    sudo any_command
    I get:
    Sorry, try again.
    Sorry, try again.
    Sorry, try again.
    sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
    I updated my server two days ago, but I cannot say whether it's related to my problem.
    Here's the result of doing
    tail /var/log/sudolog
    as root (su works):
    Oct 13 12:35:33 : kalasusi : 3 incorrect password attempts ; TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/etc; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/ls
    Here's the result of doing
    tail /var/log/auth.log
    as root (the last new lines after trying sudo again with my normal user):
    Oct 13 14:52:59 myserver sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): authentication failure; logname=kalasusi uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/1 ruser=kalasusi rhost= user=kalasusi
    Oct 13 14:53:05 myserver sudo: kalasusi : 3 incorrect password attempts ; TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/kalasusi ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/ls
    For some background info, the sudo troubleshooting guide identifies such a problem (the third Q&A):
    Q) Sudo never gives me a chance to enter a password using PAM, it just
       says 'Sorry, try again.' three times and exits.
    A) You didn't setup PAM to work with sudo.  On Redhat Linux or Fedora
       Core this generally means installing sample.pam as /etc/pam.d/sudo.
       See the sample.pam file for hints on what to use for other Linux
    The only problem is that I didn't change anything from the Arch stock configuration of /etc/pam.d/sudo, and it used to work. Here's the result of
    cat /etc/pam.d/sudo
    on my system:
    auth required pam_unix.so
    auth required pam_nologin.so
    Something else that comes into my mind that might be connected with the problem is that at some point while doing maintenance on the server, I received the following error:
    Authentication token manipulation error.
    Unfortunately I don't remember in what context it was or whether the problem started afterwards. I believe though the problem is either that or the update, because those are the two extraordinary things that happened on the server since the problem started.
    Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by kalasusi (2010-10-13 23:20:14)

    [2010-10-11 22:08] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2010-10-11 22:08] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-10-11 22:10] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-10-11 22:12] Generating locales...
    [2010-10-11 22:12] en_US.UTF-8... done
    [2010-10-11 22:12] en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
    [2010-10-11 22:12] Generation complete.
    [2010-10-11 22:12] upgraded glibc (2.12.1-1 -> 2.12.1-2)
    [2010-10-11 22:12] upgraded binutils (2.20.1-3 -> 2.20.1-4)
    [2010-10-11 22:12] upgraded libmysqlclient (5.1.50-1 -> 5.1.51-1)
    [2010-10-11 22:12] upgraded logrotate (3.7.8-1 -> 3.7.9-1)
    [2010-10-11 22:12] upgraded mysql-clients (5.1.50-1 -> 5.1.51-1)
    [2010-10-11 22:13] upgraded mysql (5.1.50-1 -> 5.1.51-1)
    [2010-10-11 22:13] upgraded php (5.3.3-1 -> 5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-11 22:13] upgraded php-cgi (5.3.3-1 -> 5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-11 22:13] upgraded php-gd (5.3.3-1 -> 5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-11 22:13] upgraded php-mcrypt (5.3.3-1 -> 5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-11 14:19] Running 'pacman -S apache'
    [2010-10-11 14:21] installed apr (1.4.2-1)
    [2010-10-11 14:21] installed unixodbc (2.3.0-1)
    [2010-10-11 14:21] installed apr-util (1.3.10-1)
    [2010-10-11 14:21] installed apache (2.2.16-1)
    [2010-10-11 14:28] Running 'pacman -S php-apache'
    [2010-10-11 14:28] installed php-apache (5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-12 19:46] Running 'pacman -Rns php-apache'
    [2010-10-12 19:48] removed php-apache (5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-12 19:51] Running 'pacman -Rns apache'
    [2010-10-12 19:51] removed apache (2.2.16-1)
    [2010-10-12 19:51] removed apr-util (1.3.10-1)
    [2010-10-12 19:51] removed unixodbc (2.3.0-1)
    [2010-10-12 19:51] removed apr (1.4.2-1)
    [2010-10-12 19:52] Running 'pacman -S nginx'
    [2010-10-12 19:52] installed nginx (0.8.52-2)
    [2010-10-12 20:01] Running 'pacman -S php-fpm'
    [2010-10-12 20:01] installed libevent (1.4.14b-1)
    [2010-10-12 20:01] installed php-fpm (5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-12 13:45] Running 'pacman -Rns nginx'
    [2010-10-12 13:45] removed nginx (0.8.52-2)
    [2010-10-12 13:46] Running 'pacman -Rns php-fpm'
    [2010-10-12 13:46] removed php-fpm (5.3.3-2)
    [2010-10-12 13:46] removed libevent (1.4.14b-1)
    As you can see, I installed (and removed) apache and nginx, as I was testing their performance. I don't think it's related to this issue, but I'm adding this here for the sake of completeness.
    Last edited by kalasusi (2010-10-13 23:26:13)

  • [Solved] Lexmark Pro901 doesn't work

    EDIT: I forgot to install ghostscript, that solved it
    Hello everyone,
    I installed the lexmark-inkjet-legacy package from the AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lexm … et-legacy/) and I configured my printer using the lx-postinstall script, which is shipped with the package but I'm not able to print a test page. It turns on the printer and the printer pulls a page but cups just says "Processing - Connected to printer".
    Here my cups error log:
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to [v1.::1]:631 (IPv6)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to (IPv4)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to /run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Remote access is disabled.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Added auto ServerAlias AOD-255
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Using policy "default" as the default.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series.data...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0xb83f05a0(Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series))
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(--p--)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Not busy"
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Partial reload complete.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] systemd_checkin: Matched existing listener /run/cups/cups.sock with fd 3...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Calling DeleteDevice(/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Using profile ID "Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-Gray..".
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Calling CreateProfile(Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-Gray..,temp)
    W [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id 'Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-Gray..' already exists
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Using profile ID "Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-RGB..".
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Calling CreateProfile(Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-RGB..,temp)
    W [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id 'Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series-RGB..' already exists
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Registering ICC color profiles for "Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series".
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Calling CreateDevice(cups-Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series,temp)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Created device "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series".
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to [v1.::1]:631 on fd 10...
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to on fd 11...
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Listening to /run/cups/cups.sock:631 on fd 3...
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Resuming new connection processing...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:17 +0100] Discarding unused server-restarted event...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: clients=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: jobs=2
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: jobs-active=1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: printers=1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=10258
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=11424
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:18 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=178272
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] GET /admin/?OP=redirect HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Authorized as root using Basic
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] argv[1] = "OP=redirect"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@AOD-255"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[18] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[19] = "LANG=de_DE.UTF8"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[20] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[21] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[23] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[25] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[27] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=root"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[34] = "QUERY_STRING=OP=redirect"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 689)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=689)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] admin.cgi started...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] http=0xb9218a08
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION="admin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is "b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP="redirect"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] redirecting with prefix http://localhost:631!
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Closing connection.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=689, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Script header: Location: http://localhost:631/admin
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Script header:
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=689, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] PID 689 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=689, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] GET /admin HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@AOD-255"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=de_DE.UTF8"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/admin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[27] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[28] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[31] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] envp[32] = "QUERY_STRING="
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 690)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=690)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] admin.cgi started...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] http=0xb864da08
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION="admin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is "b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] No form data, showing main menu...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEBUG_LOGGING="CHECKED"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: HAVE_GSSAPI="1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: KERBEROS=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOBS="CHECKED"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_HISTORY="Yes"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_FILES="1d"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_CLIENTS="100"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_JOBS="500"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_LOG_SIZE="1m"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] /usr/share/cups/drivers/pscript5.dll: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] 2.0 Get-Subscriptions 1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Get-Subscriptions ipp://localhost/
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Get-Subscriptions client-error-not-found: No subscriptions found.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Returning IPP client-error-not-found for Get-Subscriptions (ipp://localhost/) from localhost
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Content-Length: 117
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=117, response=0xb83f3568(IPP_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE="Administration"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] Script header:
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 16] Closing connection.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] PID 690 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=690, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] GET /admin/log/error_log? HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] Authorized as root using Basic
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] Sending file.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=20200, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=18152, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=16104, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=14056, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=12008, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=9960, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=7912, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=5864, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=3816, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=1768, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-280, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-2251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-2451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-2651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-2851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-3051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-3251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-3451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-3651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-3851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-4051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-4251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-4451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-4651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-4851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-5051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-5251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-5451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-5651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-5851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-6051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-6251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-6451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-6651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-6851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-7051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-7251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-7451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-7651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-7851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-8051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-8251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-8451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-8651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-8851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-9051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-9251, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-9451, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-9651, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-9851, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-10051, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-10252, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-10453, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-10654, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-10855, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-11056, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-11257, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-11458, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-11659, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-11860, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-12061, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-12262, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-12463, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-12664, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-12865, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-13066, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-13267, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-13468, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-13669, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-13870, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-14071, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-14272, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-14473, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-14674, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-14875, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-15076, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-15277, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-15478, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-15679, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-15880, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-16081, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-16282, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-16483, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-16684, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-16885, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-17086, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-17287, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-17488, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-17689, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-17890, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-18091, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-18292, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-18493, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-18694, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-18895, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-19096, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-19297, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-19498, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-19699, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-19900, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-20101, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-20302, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-20503, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=-20704, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=0, file=15
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] Closing on EOF
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] [Client 14] Closing connection.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:28 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] Closing because Keep-Alive disabled
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] [Client 14] Closing connection.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:29 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:48 +0100] Generating printcap /etc/printcap...
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Dirty files"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 15] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 15] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 16] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 16] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 17] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 17] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 18] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 18] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 19] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv6)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:55 +0100] [Client 19] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] GET /printers/ HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@AOD-255"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=de_DE.UTF8"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/printers/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[27] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[28] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[31] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] envp[32] = "QUERY_STRING="
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 691)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=691)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is "b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION="printers"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Content-Length: 202
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=202, response=0xb83f3388(IPP_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI="/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] show_all_printers(http=0xb8bed528, user="(null)")
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE="Printers"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] Script header:
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Printers 2
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Content-Length: 375
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=375, response=0xb83f3580(IPP_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL="1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]="3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state_message[0]=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]="/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]="/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]="Lexmark Pro800-Pro900 Series, 1.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL="/printers/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 21] Closing connection.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] PID 691 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=691, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:56 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] GET /printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@AOD-255"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=de_DE.UTF8"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] envp[33] = "QUERY_STRING="
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 692)
    I [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=692)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is "b2c78295dd021592201110e11d3493a3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION="printers"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Content-Length: 202
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=202, response=0xb83f3388(IPP_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI="/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] show_printer(http=0xb89f2578, printer="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series")
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] No authentication data provided.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] 2.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 2
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series) from localhost
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Content-Length: 693
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=693, response=0xb83f3580(IPP_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=0
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 21] Waiting for request.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_accepting_jobs[0]="1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_shared[0]="1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]="3"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]="/admin/"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]="/printers/Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=""
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_sheets_default[0]="none, none"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: device_uri[0]="lxhcp://002000A3422C"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: color_supported[0]="1"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]="Lexmark Pro800-Pro900 Series, 1.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: media_default[0]="na_letter_8.5x11in"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_supported[0]="one-sided, two-sided-long-edge, two-sided-short-edge"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_default[0]="one-sided"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_commands[0]="none"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetArray: server_is_sharing_printers[0]="0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE="Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME="localhost"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION="CUPS v1.7.0"
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data ready to be sent.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=692, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] Script header:
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=692, file=20
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] Waiting for CGI data.
    D [06/Dec/2013:14:31:58 +0100] [Client 14] CGI data

    zezke wrote:
    Hi, i've just installed Arch with LXDE on my netbook, but despite all my efforts, automount still doesn't work. What i've done so far:
    -installed pmount (didn't configure anything, because this isn't mentioned anywhere)
    -added myself to the hal group
    -put hal in the daemons (it boots in the background, but this shouldn't affect automounting).
    Anything i forgot?
    There were some reports to fix automounting you needed to change the PolicyKit file. Have you done that yet?
    Here's the link
    Last edited by Inxsible (2009-03-06 16:44:44)

  • [solved] remove grub timeout doesn't work

    i am trying to remove the grub timeout by editing /etc/default/grub and setting grub_timeout to 0, but it doesn't work, is there anything else i should change?
    p.s. should i run grub-mkconfig?
    Last edited by aldoiljazi (2013-09-18 07:35:11)

    okay i run 'sudo grub-mkconfig'
    this is my /etc/default/grub
    # Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
    GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
    # Uncomment to enable Hidden Menu, and optionally hide the timeout count
    # Uncomment to use basic console
    # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal
    # The resolution used on graphical terminal
    # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
    # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
    # Uncomment to allow the kernel use the same resolution used by grub
    # Uncomment if you want GRUB to pass to the Linux kernel the old parameter
    # format "root=/dev/xxx" instead of "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxx"
    # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
    # Uncomment and set to the desired menu colors. Used by normal and wallpaper
    # modes only. Entries specified as foreground/background.
    # Uncomment one of them for the gfx desired, a image background or a gfxtheme
    # Uncomment to get a beep at GRUB start
    #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
    and this is my /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    # It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
    # from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
    insmod part_gpt
    insmod part_msdos
    if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
    if [ "${next_entry}" ] ; then
    set default="${next_entry}"
    set next_entry=
    save_env next_entry
    set boot_once=true
    set default="0"
    if [ x"${feature_menuentry_id}" = xy ]; then
    export menuentry_id_option
    if [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then
    set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}"
    save_env saved_entry
    set prev_saved_entry=
    save_env prev_saved_entry
    set boot_once=true
    function savedefault {
    if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then
    save_env saved_entry
    function load_video {
    if [ x$feature_all_video_module = xy ]; then
    insmod all_video
    insmod efi_gop
    insmod efi_uga
    insmod ieee1275_fb
    insmod vbe
    insmod vga
    insmod video_bochs
    insmod video_cirrus
    if [ x$feature_default_font_path = xy ] ; then
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod ext2
    set root='hd0,msdos1'
    if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos1 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos1 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos1 6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43
    if loadfont $font ; then
    set gfxmode=auto
    insmod gfxterm
    set locale_dir=$prefix/locale
    set lang=en_US
    insmod gettext
    terminal_input console
    terminal_output gfxterm
    set timeout=5
    ### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
    menuentry 'linux' --class arch --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-core repo kernel-true-6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43' {
    set gfxpayload=keep
    insmod gzio
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod ext2
    set root='hd0,msdos1'
    if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos1 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos1 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos1 6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43
    echo 'Loading Linux core repo kernel ...'
    linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=6b44daaa-610c-4f23-a632-569d091e4d43 rw quiet
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    ### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###
    ### END /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
    ### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###
    # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
    # menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
    # the 'exec tail' line above.
    ### END /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/41_custom ###
    if [ -f ${config_directory}/custom.cfg ]; then
    source ${config_directory}/custom.cfg
    elif [ -z "${config_directory}" -a -f $prefix/custom.cfg ]; then
    source $prefix/custom.cfg;
    ### END /etc/grub.d/41_custom ###
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/60_memtest86+ ###
    ### END /etc/grub.d/60_memtest86+ ###
    p.s. i didn't think you needed those, because i thought they had default values.
    edit: i guess i need 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg '
    Last edited by aldoiljazi (2013-09-18 07:31:39)

  • [Solved] Network doesn't work after hibernate?

    Hello!  This is my first legit Linux install so excuse me if I'm a bit slow.  I installed Arch last night and everything went smoothly.  However, after I tested out hibernate on my machine, the network doesn't seem to work.  Just prior to the hibernate, I installed Pidgin and Skype but they worked alright, so I think that the hibernate caused a problem on eth0.
    I have an Asus P8Z68-V Pro motherboard with an Intel 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller that's using the e1000e driver.  Running "dmesg | grep e1000e" says that it is up.
    I'm not entirely clear here, but from reading, I think that I have several ways of connecting to the network, including network, dhcpcd, networkmanager, and wicd.  I am using wicd so I did the following (or at least I think I am only using wicd):
    #rc.d stop network
    #rc.d stop dhcpcd
    #rc.d stop networkmanager
    Similarly, I put a ! in front of network in rc.conf:
    # /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
    # LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
    # DAEMON_LOCALE: If set to 'yes', use $LOCALE as the locale during daemon
    # startup and during the boot process. If set to 'no', the C locale is used.
    # HARDWARECLOCK: set to "", "UTC" or "localtime", any other value will result
    # in the hardware clock being left untouched (useful for virtualization)
    # Note: Using "localtime" is discouraged, using "" makes hwclock fall back
    # to the value in /var/lib/hwclock/adjfile
    # TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
    # Note: if unset, the value in /etc/localtime is used unchanged
    # KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
    # CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
    # CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
    # USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
    # MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Blacklisting is no longer supported.
    # Replace every !module by an entry as on the following line in a file in
    # /etc/modprobe.d:
    # blacklist module
    # See "man modprobe.conf" for details.
    # Udev settle timeout (default to 30)
    # Scan for FakeRAID (dmraid) Volumes at startup
    # Scan for BTRFS volumes at startup
    # Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
    # HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
    # Use 'ip addr' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
    # Wired network setup
    # - interface: name of device (required)
    # - address: IP address (leave blank for DHCP)
    # - netmask: subnet mask (ignored for DHCP) (optional, defaults to
    # - broadcast: broadcast address (ignored for DHCP) (optional)
    # - gateway: default route (ignored for DHCP)
    # Static IP example
    # interface=eth0
    # address=
    # netmask=
    # broadcast=
    # gateway=
    # DHCP example
    # interface=eth0
    # address=
    # netmask=
    # gateway=
    # Setting this to "yes" will skip network shutdown.
    # This is required if your root device is on NFS.
    # Enable these netcfg profiles at boot-up. These are useful if you happen to
    # need more advanced network features than the simple network service
    # supports, such as multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
    # - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
    # - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
    # Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
    # This requires the netcfg package
    # Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
    # - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
    # If something other takes care of your hardware clock (ntpd, dual-boot...)
    # you should disable 'hwclock' here.
    DAEMONS=(hwclock syslog-ng dbus !network netfs crond wicd)
    Restarting eth0 through wicd-cli still did not work.  I also tried resuscitating the network via instructions on the configure network page before trying to focus solely on wicd.
    I found a few similar problems on the forums by searching "wicd hibernate" and tried several solutions but they did not work.  Several problems seem to be that the network doesn't work after a suspend because I guess the stuff in RAM did not get saved?  But people were able to restart the network by running "/usr/lib/wicd/autoconnect.py" and I wasn't able to get this to work.  As a final effort, I added "resume" into mkinitcpio.conf and placed the machine into sleep again to see if it may magically reset something but of course this did not happen .
    # vim:set ft=sh
    # The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
    # run. Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
    # in this array. For instance:
    # MODULES="piix ide_disk reiserfs"
    # This setting includes any additional binaries a given user may
    # wish into the CPIO image. This is run first, so it may be used to
    # override the actual binaries used in a given hook.
    # (Existing files are NOT overwritten if already added)
    # BINARIES are dependency parsed, so you may safely ignore libraries
    # FILES
    # This setting is similar to BINARIES above, however, files are added
    # as-is and are not parsed in any way. This is useful for config files.
    # Some users may wish to include modprobe.conf for custom module options
    # like so:
    # FILES="/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf"
    # HOOKS
    # This is the most important setting in this file. The HOOKS control the
    # modules and scripts added to the image, and what happens at boot time.
    # Order is important, and it is recommended that you do not change the
    # order in which HOOKS are added. Run 'mkinitcpio -H <hook name>' for
    # help on a given hook.
    # 'base' is _required_ unless you know precisely what you are doing.
    # 'udev' is _required_ in order to automatically load modules
    # 'filesystems' is _required_ unless you specify your fs modules in MODULES
    # Examples:
    ## This setup specifies all modules in the MODULES setting above.
    ## No raid, lvm2, or encrypted root is needed.
    # HOOKS="base"
    ## This setup will autodetect all modules for your system and should
    ## work as a sane default
    # HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata filesystems"
    ## This is identical to the above, except the old ide subsystem is
    ## used for IDE devices instead of the new pata subsystem.
    # HOOKS="base udev autodetect ide scsi sata filesystems"
    ## This setup will generate a 'full' image which supports most systems.
    ## No autodetection is done.
    # HOOKS="base udev pata scsi sata usb filesystems"
    ## This setup assembles a pata mdadm array with an encrypted root FS.
    ## Note: See 'mkinitcpio -H mdadm' for more information on raid devices.
    # HOOKS="base udev pata mdadm encrypt filesystems"
    ## This setup loads an lvm2 volume group on a usb device.
    # HOOKS="base udev usb lvm2 filesystems"
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata resume filesystems usbinput"
    # Use this to compress the initramfs image. With kernels earlier than
    # 2.6.30, only gzip is supported, which is also the default. Newer kernels
    # support gzip, bzip2 and lzma. Kernels 2.6.38 and later support xz
    # compression.
    # Additional options for the compressor
    Not sure if my fstab.conf is useful but if this has something to do with settings getting "lost" in swap, here it is.  Linux is on an SSD and HDD (sda and sdc) and Windows 7 is on a HDD (sdb).
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noatime,size=2000M,mode=1777 0 0
    /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults,noatime,discard 0 1
    /dev/sda2 /home ext4 defaults,noatime,discard 0 2
    /dev/sdc1 /boot ext4 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdc2 /var ext4 defaults 0 0
    /dev/sdc3 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sdc4 /media/data ext4 defaults 0 0
    shm /dev/shm tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=10G 0 0
    Is wicd causing these problems or did I configure something else improperly?  Would appreciate any help to get eth0 up again!
    Last edited by TheBigCow7 (2011-09-13 17:57:20)

    Ok, I think I've made some progress!  Hibernate definitely affects my network connection.  Could this be a kernel 3.0 problem?
    I noticed that ifconfig showed eth0 without an inet addr, just an inet6 addr for the longest time.  e1000e seemed to be loading up ok.  I'm not certain here, but I think that meant the dhcp settings didn't stick, or something along those lines.
    Trying to use dhcpcd like the instructions here did not work.  By some chance, one attempt did work and while it did, I downloaded and installed dhclient.  After that one successful attempt, renewing the DHCP lease via dhcpcd did not work again.
    Luckily though, I found that running "dhclient eth0" worked.  My DHCP settings seemed to have somehow gotten messed up after my initial, problematic hibernate to the point where none would stick, even after a reboot.  Manually typing in "dhclient eth0" would get eth0 working, so I decided to add it to the bottom of /etc/rc.local, like in the example on the networking page.
    Now, eth0 works after a boot.  However, after the daemons load up during the boot process, my computer takes a long time to get to the login prompt (this is relatively speaking, since I am on a SSD and the boot process used to be blazing fast before).  I'm pretty sure it's because I added "dhclient eth0" to /etc/rc.local.
    I should say that even with these changes, after a hibernate, my eth0 still does not work and if it weren't for the edit to /etc/rc.local, eth0's inet settings would still not stick after a reboot (that is to say, the hibernate does do something to my network settings). 
    Is this the correct/most efficient way to fix my DHCP problem?  Can I fix my "eth0 after hibernate" issue?  Also, can I make my DHCP settings boot up without changes to /etc/rc.local so that I can get a fast boot again (still not sure how it was able to work before without my edit)?

  • ActiveDirectory mapping file, doesn't work for login

    The mapping file below works.
    Logged in as administrator, in the SAP NP administrator web tool,
    I can see and edit users in the datasource (Active Directory).
    However, when users in the AD try to login to the portal, they get "User authentication failed".
    <u>Default trace log show:</u>
    Authentication failed on LDAP server: back end message [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 775, vece]
    java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key DS_AD_I
    <b>Any ideas on what in the configuration file below,
    that could cause these errors ?</b>
    <b>Configuration file</b>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- $Id: //shared_tc/com.sapall.security/630_SP_COR/src/_deploy/dist/configuration/shared/dataSourceConfiguration_ads_readonly_db.xml#6 $ from $DateTime: 2004/08/20 09:55:24 $ ($Change: 17140 $) -->
    <!DOCTYPE dataSources SYSTEM  "dataSourceConfiguration.dtd">
        <dataSource id="PRIVATE_DATASOURCE"
                     <principal type="group"/>
                     <principal type="user"/>
                     <principal type="account"/>
                    <principal type="team"/>
                    <principal type="ROOT" />
                    <principal type="OOOO" />
                     <principal type="group"/>
                     <principal type="user"/>
                     <principal type="account"/>
                    <principal type="team"/>
                    <principal type="ROOT" />
                    <principal type="OOOO" />
         <dataSource id="AD_I"
                        <principal type="account">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                            <attribute name="j_user"/>
                                            <attribute name="logonalias"/>
                                            <attribute name="j_password"/>
                                            <attribute name="userid"/>
                        <principal type="user">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                            <attribute name="firstname" populateInitially="true"/>
                                            <attribute name="displayname" populateInitially="true"/>
                                            <attribute name="lastname" populateInitially="true"/>
                                            <attribute name="fax"/>
                                            <attribute name="email"/>
                                            <attribute name="title"/>
                                            <attribute name="department"/>
                                            <attribute name="description"/>
                                            <attribute name="mobile"/>
                                            <attribute name="telephone"/>
                                            <attribute name="streetaddress"/>
                                            <attribute name="uniquename" populateInitially="true"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement.relation">
                                            <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="$usermapping$">
                                               <attribute name="REFERENCE_SYSTEM_USER"/>
                        <principal type="group">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                             <attribute name="displayname" populateInitially="true"/>
                                             <attribute name="description" populateInitially="true"/>
                                             <attribute name="uniquename"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement.relation">
                                             <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE"/>
                                             <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.bridge">
                                            <attribute name="dn"/>
                        <principal type="account">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                            <attribute name="j_user">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="samaccountname"/>
                                            <attribute name="logonalias">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="samaccountname"/>
                                            <attribute name="j_password">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="userPassword"/>
                                            <attribute name="userid">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="null"/>
                        <principal type="user">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                            <attribute name="firstname">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="givenname"/>
                                            <attribute name="displayname">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="displayname"/>
                                            <attribute name="lastname">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="sn"/>
                                            <attribute name="fax">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="facsimiletelephonenumber"/>
                                            <attribute name="uniquename">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="samaccountname"/>
                                            <attribute name="loginid">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="null"/>
                                            <attribute name="email">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="mail"/>
                                            <attribute name="mobile">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="mobile"/>
                                            <attribute name="telephone">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="telephonenumber"/>
                                            <attribute name="department">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="ou"/>
                                            <attribute name="description">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="description"/>
                                            <attribute name="streetaddress">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="postaladdress"/>
                                            <attribute name="pobox">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="postofficebox"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement.relation">
                                            <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="memberof"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="$usermapping$">
                                               <attribute name="REFERENCE_SYSTEM_USER">
                                                    <physicalAttribute name="sapusername"/>
                        <principal type="group">
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement">
                                             <attribute name="displayname">
                                                  <physicalAttribute name="displayname"/>
                                             <attribute name="description">
                                                  <physicalAttribute name="description"/>
                                             <attribute name="uniquename" populateInitially="true">
                                                  <physicalAttribute name="cn"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.usermanagement.relation">
                                             <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE">
                                                  <physicalAttribute name="member"/>
                                             <attribute name="PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE">
                                                  <physicalAttribute name="memberof"/>
                                  <nameSpace name="com.sap.security.core.bridge">
                                            <attribute name="dn">
                                                 <physicalAttribute name="null"/>
                   <ume.ldap.access.user>[email protected]</ume.ldap.access.user>

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">
    - <welcome-file-list>
    - <error-page>
    <jsp-config />
    This is a very simple war with no component and an error page is defined. But this doesn't work. When I type something like /loginnnn.htmllll, it doesn't give me the error page. That is my problem. Any idea???

  • Repoussé with Nvidia GeForce 9600GT 512 Doesn't work?!

    Hey..  i have a problem with Repoussé in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended...  
    The "Repoussé" in 3D tab in Photoshop is Grayed out...
    This is my system specs:
    Windows Vista Home Premium  Service Pack 2
    2GB DDR2 RAM running at 667 MHZ
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHZ   OC to 3.0GHZ
    Nvidia GeForce 9600GT 512MB   OCed     - With last Driver Updates
    MSI-P6NGM Main Board
    This VideoCard is supported in Photoshop CS5, but this Tool doesn't work!
    Any ways to fix this?

    i set the Video Card clocks back to standard..
    Clock  650mhz
    Shader 1600mhz
    Memory 900mhz
    And rebooted..  The OpenGL things in Photoshop wont work..
    What the hell?
    Here is some "System Info" from "Help" in Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch]) x32
    Operating System: Windows Vista 32-bit
    Version: 6.0 Service Pack 2
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:15, Stepping:13 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
    Physical processor count: 2
    Processor speed: 3000 MHz
    Built-in memory: 1982 MB
    Free memory: 862 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 1574 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 58 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    Image cache levels: 4
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: False.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: False.
    OpenGL Crash File: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: GeForce 9600 GT/PCI/SSE2
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds:=  top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1050, right: 1680
    Video Card Number: 1
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20100403225531.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dum.dll,nvwgf2um.dll,nvwgf2um.dll
    Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    Video Card Memory: 512 MB
    Video Card Number: 1
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20100403225531.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dum.dll,nvwgf2um.dll,nvwgf2um.dll
    Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    Video Card Memory: 512 MB
    Serial number: <removed>
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\Anders\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      C:\, 465,8G, 357,7G free
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Plug-ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
       A3DLIBS.dll   A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library  
       ACE.dll   ACE 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2010/02/23-12:40:58   61.421986   61.421986
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   5.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2010/03/29-17:44:28   3.0.91   61.425789
       AdobeOwlCanvas.dll   Adobe Owl Canvas   3.0.68   61.2954
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2010/03/04-10:02:26   61.281542   61.281542
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core   5.0   61.134777
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files   5.0   61.134777
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script   5.0   61.134777
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   3,0,116,0  
       adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll   Adobe OOBE Launcher (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       AFlame.dll   AFlame 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421976   61.421976
       AFlamingo.dll   AFlamingo 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       AGM.dll   AGM 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,5,0,30  
       aif_core.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       aif_ogl.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       amtservices.dll   AMTServices (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       asneu.dll    AsnEndUser Dynamic Link Library   1, 7, 0, 1  
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       Bib.dll   BIB 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       boost_threads.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   2.0.0015  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   2.0.0015  
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2010/03/10-08:31:04   61.423599   61.423599
       data_flow.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       dvaadameve.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       dvaui.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2010/03/05-08:21:15   61.423205   61.423205
       FileInfo.dll   Adobe XMP FileInfo   5.0   61.134777
       icucnv36.dll   International Components for Unicode 2009/06/17-13:21:03    Build gtlib_main.9896  
       icudt36.dll   International Components for Unicode 2009/06/17-13:21:03    Build gtlib_main.9896  
       image_flow.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       image_runtime.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2010/02/24-17:43:58   61.131544   61.131544
       libeay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   0.9.8g  
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   10.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession   2, 0, 1, 11  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2010/02/24-17:43:58   61.421978   61.421978
       msvcm80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4053  
       msvcm90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.4148  
       msvcp71.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET   7.10.3077.0  
       msvcp80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4053  
       msvcp90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.4148  
       msvcr71.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET   7.10.3052.4  
       msvcr80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4053  
       msvcr90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.4148  
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       PlugPlug.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (32 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2010/03/05-08:21:15   61.423205   61.423205
       shfolder.dll   Microsoft® Windows® Operating System   6.0.6000.16386  
       ssleay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   0.9.8g  
       tbb.dll   Threading Building Blocks   2, 1, 2009, 0201  
       TfFontMgr.dll   FontMgr  
       TfKernel.dll   Kernel  
       TFKGEOM.dll   Kernel Geom  
       TFUGEOM.dll   Adobe, UGeom©  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Thursday January 21 2010 12:13:3   Build 0.11423   0.11423
       wu3d.dll   U3D Writer  
    Installed plug-ins:
       3D Studio 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Accented Edges 12.0
       ADM 3.11x01
       Angled Strokes 12.0
       Average 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Bas Relief 12.0
       BMP 12.0
       Camera Raw 6.0
       Chalk & Charcoal 12.0
       Charcoal 12.0
       Chrome 12.0
       Cineon 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Clouds 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Collada 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Color Halftone 12.0
       Colored Pencil 12.0
       CompuServe GIF 12.0
       Conté Crayon 12.0
       Craquelure 12.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 12.0
       Crosshatch 12.0
       Crystallize 12.0
       Cutout 12.0
       Dark Strokes 12.0
       De-Interlace 12.0
       Dicom 12.0
       Difference Clouds 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Diffuse Glow 12.0
       Displace 12.0
       Dry Brush 12.0
       Embed Watermark 4.0
       Entropy 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Extrude 12.0
       FastCore Routines 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Fibers 12.0
       Film Grain 12.0
       Filter Gallery 12.0
       Fresco 12.0
       Glass 12.0
       Glowing Edges 12.0
       Google Earth 4 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Grain 12.0
       Graphic Pen 12.0
       Halftone Pattern 12.0
       HDRMergeUI 12.0
       IFF Format 12.0
       Ink Outlines 12.0
       JPEG 2000 2.0
       Kurtosis 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Lens Blur 12.0
       Lens Correction 12.0
       Lens Flare 12.0
       Lighting Effects 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Liquify 12.0
       Matlab Operation 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Maximum 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mean 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Measurement Core 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Median 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mezzotint 12.0
       Minimum 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       MMXCore Routines 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mosaic Tiles 12.0
       Multiprocessor Support 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Neon Glow 12.0
       Note Paper 12.0
       NTSC Colors 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Ocean Ripple 12.0
       OpenEXR 12.0
       Paint Daubs 12.0
       Palette Knife 12.0
       Patchwork 12.0
       Paths to Illustrator 12.0
       PCX 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Photocopy 12.0
       Photoshop 3D Engine 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Picture Package Filter 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Pinch 12.0
       Pixar 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Plaster 12.0
       Plastic Wrap 12.0
       PNG 12.0
       Pointillize 12.0
       Polar Coordinates 12.0
       Portable Bit Map 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Poster Edges 12.0
       Radial Blur 12.0
       Radiance 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Range 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Read Watermark 4.0
       Reticulation 12.0
       Ripple 12.0
       Rough Pastels 12.0
       Save for Web & Devices 12.0
       ScriptingSupport 12.0
       Send Video Preview to Device 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Shear 12.0
       Skewness 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Smart Blur 12.0
       Smudge Stick 12.0
       Solarize 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Spatter 12.0
       Spherize 12.0
       Sponge 12.0
       Sprayed Strokes 12.0
       Stained Glass 12.0
       Stamp 12.0
       Standard Deviation 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Sumi-e 12.0
       Summation 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Targa 12.0
       Texturizer 12.0
       Tiles 12.0
       Torn Edges 12.0
       Twirl 12.0
       U3D 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Underpainting 12.0
       Vanishing Point 12.0
       Variance 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Variations 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Video Preview 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Water Paper 12.0
       Watercolor 12.0
       Wave 12.0
       Wavefront|OBJ 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       WIA Support 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Wind 12.0
       Wireless Bitmap 12.0 (12.0x20100407 [20100407.r.1103 2010/04/07:14:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       ZigZag 12.0
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
       Mini Bridge
       Access CS Live
       CS Review
       CS News and Resources
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

  • Repository event handler doesn't work when inserting an xml-doc via ftp

    I want to add a 'schemaLocation'-attribute to an XML-document when I load it in the repository. Therefore, I use the precreate-repository event and created a Repository Event Handler (see code extract below).
    Everything works fine if I type the following code in SQL Plus:
    v_return BOOLEAN;
    v_return:=DBMS_XDB.createresource('/public/xml/test.xml', XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'test.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    end;Unfortunately, when I try to insert an XML-document via ftp into the /public/xml folder it doesn´t work as expected and no 'schemaLocation'-attribute is added to the new resource.
    What's the reason for this strange behavior and how can I solve it?
    For your information: I use the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    Thank you very much for your help!!!
    Repository Event Handler code extract:_
    create or replace
    PACKAGE BODY schemalocation AS
    PROCEDURE handlePreCreate (eventObject DBMS_XEVENT.XDBRepositoryEvent) AS
    XDBResourceObj DBMS_XDBRESOURCE.XDBResource;
    var XMLType;
    l_return BOOLEAN;
    l_xmldoc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_docelem dbms_xmldom.DOMElement;
    l_attr dbms_xmldom.DOMAttr;
    c1 clob;
    node     dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    txid varchar2(100);
    dDoc DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDocument;
    nlNodeList DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMNodeList;
    XDBResourceObj := DBMS_XEVENT.getResource(eventObject);
    l_xmldoc := dbms_xmldom.newDOMDocument(var);
    l_docelem := DBMS_XMLDOM.getDocumentElement(l_xmldoc);
    ------ add schemaLocation attribute
    l_attr := DBMS_XMLDOM.createAttribute(l_xmldoc, 'xsi:schemaLocation');
    DBMS_XMLDOM.setValue(l_attr, 'urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sese.023.001.01 http://www.test.com/Testswift.xsd');
    l_attr := DBMS_XMLDOM.setAttributeNode(l_docelem, l_attr);
    DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOCLOB(l_xmldoc, c1);
    ------- get the value of the TxId-tag
    node := DBMS_XMLDOM.ITEM(nlNodeList, 0);
    txid:= dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(dbms_xmldom.getfirstchild(node));
    l_return:=DBMS_XDB.createresource('/public/ok/'||txid||'.xml', XMLType(c1));

    Here's an example of the problem :
    create or replace package handle_events
      procedure handlePreCreate(p_event dbms_xevent.XDBRepositoryEvent);
    create or replace package body handle_events
    procedure handlePreCreate (p_event dbms_xevent.XDBRepositoryEvent)
      XDBResourceObj dbms_xdbresource.XDBResource;
      doc XMLType;
      res boolean;
      XDBResourceObj := dbms_xevent.getResource(p_event);
      doc := dbms_xdbresource.getContentXML(XDBResourceObj);
      select insertchildxml(
      , '/root'
      , '@xsi:schemaLocation'
      , 'urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sese.023.001.01 http://www.test.com/Testswift.xsd'
      , 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"'
      into doc
      from dual;
      res := dbms_xdb.CreateResource('/public/xml/result.xml', doc);
    res boolean;
    res := dbms_xdb.CreateFolder('/public');
    res := dbms_xdb.CreateFolder('/public/tmp');
    res := dbms_xdb.CreateFolder('/public/xml');
    res            boolean;
    resconfig      xmltype;
    my_schema      varchar2(30) := 'DEV';
    resconfig_path varchar2(300) := '/public/ResConfig.xml';
    resource_path  varchar2(300) := '/public/tmp';
      resconfig  := xmltype(
    '<ResConfig xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/XDBResConfig.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/XDBResConfig.xsd http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/XDBResConfig.xsd">
      <event-listeners set-invoker="true">
          <description>My event handler</description>
      res := dbms_xdb.CreateResource(resconfig_path, resconfig);
      dbms_resconfig.addResConfig(resource_path, resconfig_path, null);
    /Giving the following input XML file :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>This works :
    SQL> declare
      2    res boolean;
      3  begin
      4    res := dbms_xdb.CreateResource('/public/tmp/test.xml',
      5               xmltype(bfilename('TEST_DIR','test.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
      6  end;
      7  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select XMLSerialize(document xdburitype('/public/xml/result.xml').getXML()
    as clob indent size = 2)  result
      2  from dual
      3  ;
    <root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
    urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sese.023.001.01 http://www.test.com/Testswift.xsd
    "/>With the same document loaded via FTP, we get :
    SQL> select XMLSerialize(document xdburitype('/public/xml/result.xml').getXML()
    as clob indent size = 2)  result
      2  from dual
      3  ;
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00283: document encoding is UTF-16-based but default input encoding is not
    Error at line 1
    no rows selectedand the content looks like :
    < ? x m l   v e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 "   e n c o d i n g = " u t f - 8 " ? >
    < r o o t   x m l n s : x s i = " h t t p : / / w w w . w 3 . o r g / 2 0 0 1 / X M L S c h e m a - i n s t a n c e " / >As a workaround, I've found that serializing and re-parsing the document solves the problem :
      select insertchildxml(
      , '/root'
      , '@xsi:schemaLocation'
      , 'urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sese.023.001.01 http://www.test.com/Testswift.xsd'
      , 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"'
      into doc
      from dual;
    ...We then get the expected result after FTP transfer :
    SQL> select XMLSerialize(document xdburitype('/public/xml/result.xml').getXML()
    as clob indent size = 2)  result
      2  from dual
      3  ;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
    urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sese.023.001.01 http://www.test.com/Testswift.xsd
    "/>The workaround also works for the DOM version presented above.
    Any ideas?

  • GetBusinessObjectFromXML doesn't work with JournalEntries in 2005A SP1

    Hello experts!
    I need some quick help for the following problem:
    After upgrading from 2004 to 2005A SP1 (now PL 16) the import of JournalEntries by GetBusinessObjectFromXML doesn't work any more. I tried to adapt properties based on an exported JournalEntries object but no chance! When I use the originial exported xml file (XmlExportType set to xet_ExportImportMode or xet_ValidNodesOnly) there are some readonly properties inside the xml file, that can not be imported (CreditSys, DebitSys). But even without any readonly properties the GetBusinessObjectFromXML returns error -1114:
    "<ErrorList><Error>System Id = 139467432, Line Number = 1, Column Number = 79, Description = The namespace of element 'schema' must be from the schema namespace.</Error><Error>System Id = 139467432, Line Number = 1, Column Number = 99, Description = T..."
    This is my XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
      <Memo>Lieferung - C1001</Memo>
      <Reference2 />
      <LineMemo>Lieferung - C1001</LineMemo>
      <AdditionalReference />
      <Reference2 />
      <ProjectCode />
      <CostingCode />
      <LineMemo>Lieferung - C1001</LineMemo>
      <AdditionalReference />
      <Reference2 />
      <ProjectCode />
      <CostingCode />
    Thanks a lot for any help!!

    Hi Trinidad,
    thank You so much for Your answer.
    What I am doing to test the error is exactly what You do. But I got the above error in GetBusinessObjectFromXML. The strange thing is, that GetXMLelementCount recognizes all BOs inside the XML document.
    My project is linked to the SAP Business One DI API 2005 - yours too?
    Another strange thing is the XML document I get by SaveXML (find it below) - there are 2 readonly properties inside (CreditSys and DebitSys) - that should not be. Could You please send me Your Je2.XML from Your test? That might be helpfull.
    Could it be a problem in my B1 installation or database?
    Here is my XML file from SaveXML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    - <BOM>
    - <BO>
    - <AdmInfo>
    - <JournalEntries>
    - <row>
      <Memo>Lieferung - C1001</Memo>
      <Reference2 />
    - <JournalEntries_Lines>
    - <row>
      <LineMemo>Lieferung - C1001</LineMemo>
      <AdditionalReference />
      <Reference2 />
      <ProjectCode />
      <CostingCode />
    - <row>
      <LineMemo>Lieferung - C1001</LineMemo>
      <AdditionalReference />
      <Reference2 />
      <ProjectCode />
      <CostingCode />
    Thanks again Trinidad!
    Best wishes,

  • "ignoreRecordsetName" doesn't work in sender file CC

      I set the Content Conversion Parameters in sender file CC as follow:
    Document Name: ZFileDemo
    Document NameSpace:http://hand-china.com/mm/po_01
    Recordset Structure:Item,1
    Recordset Sequence:Ascending
    Item.fieldSeparator = ,
    Item.fieldNames = ItemNo,Matnr,Text
    ignoreRecordsetName = true
    The content of csv file is as follow:
    But the payload message in SXI_MONITOR as follow:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ns:ZFileDemo xmlns:ns="http://hand-china.com/mm/po_01">
    - <Recordset>
    - <Item>
    - <Recordset>
    - <Item>
    Why does "</Recordset>" still exist?
    I am confused "ignoreRecordsetName" doesn't work!!

    A <Recordset> element is inserted in the XML structure for each recordset structure. This level is not always required, particularly if the recordset only contains one structure definition.
    If you set the parameter to true, the <Recordset> element is not inserted.
    See the below links to get more details about File Content Conversion,
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2004/12/15/how-to-send-a-flat-file-with-fixed-lengths-to-xi-30-using-a-central-file-adapter - FCC
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2004/12/15/how-to-send-a-flat-file-with-fixed-lengths-to-xi-30-using-a-central-file-adapter - FCC
    /people/jeyakumar.muthu2/blog/2005/11/29/file-content-conversion-for-unequal-number-of-columns - FCC
    /people/anish.abraham2/blog/2005/06/08/content-conversion-patternrandom-content-in-input-file - FCC
    /people/harrison.holland5/blog/2006/12/20/xi-configuration-for-mdm-integration--sample-scenario - FCC - MDM
    /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2006/04/03/xi-in-the-role-of-a-ftp - FCC
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/14/file-to-r3-via-abap-proxy - FCC
    /people/mickael.huchet/blog/2006/09/18/xipi-how-to-exclude-files-in-a-sender-file-adapter - EOIO - File

  • Abap multi-mapping doesn't work

    We have a 7.1 PI system and we are trying to set up a multi-mapping. This should process one IDOC into multiple XML-files.
    If we do this with a message mapping everything works fine. If we do this with an abap mapping it doesn't work. We receive the following error message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Message canceled -->
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>No interface specified for parameter 2</SAP:Stack>
    I can make it work by changing a value in debugging. In class CL_MERGE_SPLIT_SERVICE, method ENTER_SPLIT_SERVICE, there is a read on table split_data:
              set interface
                READ TABLE split_data
                  WITH KEY
                    param_type = c_param_type_inbound
                    param_numb = <payload_line>-numb
    Now if I change the <payload_line>-numb to 1 each time the table is read, everything works fine.
    What am I doing wrong here? Or is this a bug?
    Edited by: Wim Van Linden on May 19, 2009 12:32 PM

    What ws you mistake ? caus I have the same error, here is my XML generated :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                             <productLab>PALETTE INTERCO</productLab>
                             <productLab>PALETTE INTERCO</productLab>

Maybe you are looking for