Utilização do XML 2.0

Boa tarde a todos,
Gostaria de sanar as dúvidas abaixo:
Podemos trabalhar com a versão XML 2.0 (SAP)? Sabem informar se o SEFAZ (Homologação) está preparado para o recebimento (integração) do XML 2.0?
Alguém está trabalhando com o XML 2.0 (caso de sucesso) ?  Quais foram as dificuldades enconttradas?

Sem problemas mano, só foi falta de entendimento de minha parte.
Tudo claro agora.
QQ coisa, posta mais dúvidas aehh.
Thread sobre layout 2.0: NFE: Liberação das atualizações p/ Manual v4.01_NT2009.006 (layout v2.00)
Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

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  • Using a Global Session to find data in an XML file in Repository

    Ok, here is the scenario:
    1. We issue a company iPhone to each Field Sales Rep
    2. Each Sales Rep has an assigned Sales Support Rep in the Contact Center.
    3. When a Sales Rep calls the Contact Center from their company phone, we try to route them to their designated Sales Support Agent (if that Rep is available, if not they go to the Queue and wait for next available Sales Support Agent).
    At first we had all entries in 1 xml file but our Sales Force soon grew larger than we could accomodate in one xml file (my testing found a lookup limit of 121 rows in the xmfl file).
    I changed the script logic to first look at the area code and then do a lookup into one of 3 xml files based on the area code. For example, the first file contained all phones with area codes up to 350, the 2nd file for numbers with area codes from 351 to 700, the 3rd file for numbers with area codes from 701 to 999.
    The problem is that the script utilizes the Create XML Document function to search the xml files. This has resulted in the following condition:
    Error: It is not recommended to update the application as
    Engine heap memory usage exceeded configured threshold
    Do I create a global session for each xml file to hold that file's data?
    Do I just replace the "Create XML Document step with a subflow step to the appropriate global session for each xml file?
    Thanks in advance for help and or clarification.
    The recommended solution is to utilize global session variables to store the contents of the xml files.
    I found the following thread discussing just such a situation:
    I have downloaded Anthony Holloway's global session subscript but I am still unclear exactly how I utilize it in my base script.

    Ok, I just noticed that my initial post comes up somewhat out of sequence. The very last questions I had (after the included graphic) ended up before the graphic. Here are the questions I had:
    Do I create a global session for each xml file to hold that file's data?
    Do I just replace the "Create XML Document" step with a subflow step to the appropriate global session for each xml file?
    Thanks in advance for help and or clarification.

  • Newbie: Simplified Chinese characters are displayed as square boxes

    I am using Windows XP Simplified Chinese Version SP3, Sun JDK5.0 Update 20. I want to run Apache Ofbiz POS; however, the Chinese characters (zh) in PosUiLabels.xml are all displayed as square boxes.
    I have tested run Ofbiz in Mac OS X and the Simplified Chinese are displayed normally, and other languages can also be displayed in Windows XP.
    What should I do?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
        or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
        distributed with this work for additional information
        regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
        to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
        "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
        with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
        software distributed under the License is distributed on an
        KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
        specific language governing permissions and limitations
        under the License.
    <resource xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <property key="PosAdjustment">
            <value xml:lang="en">(adjustment)</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">(adjustment)</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">(ajustement)</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">(adjustment)</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">(adjustment)</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">(&#35843;&#25972;)</value>
        <property key="PosTotalReport">
            <value xml:lang="en">TOTALS REPORT</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">REPORTE TOTAL:</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">TOTAUX</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">TOTALI STAMPA</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">TOTAL REPORT</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#21512;&#35745;&#25253;&#34920;</value>
        <property key="PosTxId">
            <value xml:lang="en">TXID</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Número de venta</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">N°vente</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">IDTAX</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">IDTAX</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#20132;&#26131;&#21495;</value>
        <property key="PosULogin">
            <value xml:lang="en">Enter User ID:</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Ingrese su login:</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">Entrez votre identifiant :</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">Inserire Id Utente:</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Introduceti Id Utilizator:</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#36755;&#20837;&#29992;&#25143; ID:</value>
        <property key="PosUPassw">
            <value xml:lang="en">Enter Password:</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Ingrese password</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">Entrez votre mot de passe :</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">Inserire Password:</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Introduceti Parola:</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#36755;&#20837;&#21475;&#20196;:</value>
        <property key="PosUserNotManager">
            <value xml:lang="en">User is not a valid manager!</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">El usuario no es administrador válido</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">Cet utilisateur n'est pas un gérant !</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">Utente non è un manager valido!</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Utilizatorul nu este un manager valid!</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#29992;&#25143;&#38750;&#21512;&#27861;&#31649;&#29702;&#21592;!</value>
        <property key="PosValidating">
            <value xml:lang="en">Validating...</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Validando...</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">Validation...</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">Validazione...</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Validare...</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#30830;&#35748;...</value>
        <property key="PosVoid">
            <value xml:lang="en">Enter Order Number To Void:</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Ingrese número de orden a anular</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">Entrez le n° d'ordre à annuler :</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">Inserire Numero Ordine Da Svuotare:</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Introduceti Numarul Comenzii de Descarcat:</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#36755;&#20837;&#35201;&#20316;&#24223;&#30340;&#35746;&#21333;&#21495;:</value>
        <property key="PosWaitingFinalSales">
            <value xml:lang="en">Waiting for final sales data transmission...</value>
            <value xml:lang="es">Esperando transmisión de datos...</value>
            <value xml:lang="fr">En attente de transmission de données ...</value>
            <value xml:lang="it">In Attesa di trasmissione dei dati vendite finali...</value>
            <value xml:lang="ro">Asteptare pentru transmiterea datelor de vanzare finale...</value>
            <value xml:lang="zh">&#31561;&#24453;&#26368;&#32456;&#38144;&#21806;&#25968;&#25454;&#20256;&#36755;...</value>

    When you say "displayed" I assume you mean displayed in some GUI component. In which case you should assign a font to that component which can render those characters properly.

  • Search through a cluster or clusters in cluster by label-name of a control

    is there a function availabe which allows to search through an arbitray cluster by an label-name and if the desired control is found in the cluster, its value should be returned?
    The function should receive the cluster to be searched and the label-name of the wanted control. The Output should be the value of the control if the label-name was found within the cluster. If the name was not found, there should be a status e.g. -1 at the output uf the function.
    Thanks for your help!

    I have two general purpose methods in this instance.  The first is to utilize LV's XML schema and a little XPath:
    The second method utilizes Traversal and is contained in the zip file I have attached.  This method is very poorly documented at best (like most scripting).  It was a fun experiment.
    TraverseCluster.vi specifies the callback VI to be used when a control is encountered during the operation called 'FindControls'.  It then calls this traverse operation on the cluster which is based in by reference.  The Callback VI is called for all controls in the cluster, if a Label is specified all matching controls are added to the list.  If no label is specified, all control references contained in the cluster are returned (including those inside subclusters).  You can specify if you only want controls returned and not the clusters. Finally, the Class Operator is removed. 
    There is an example included to see how it all works.
    Traversing is a great tool to have at your disposal if you are a scripter.
    Traverse Cluster.zip ‏40 KB

  • InDesign, CQ5, Silicon Connector, WebDav = s  l  o  w

    I'm wondering if anyone else experiences severe slowness with InDesign (CS5), on a 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 Mac (8GB memory) running Mac OS X 10.6.8, (HD capacity is 999.86 GB, 131.03 used) while using Adobe's CQ5 Digital Asset Management, utilizing Silicon Connector (to link through it) and WebDav (to interface with InDesign).
    I don't mean sluggishness, but outright head-banging takes-a-full-minute-to-drag-and-drop-an-image slow. I am using Font Agent Pro plugin, and other necessary custom plugins that we utilize to tag xml information, but I have dialed in all the other things I've found on various blogs and at InDesign Secrets that could contribute to InDesign slowness in general. I can't find anyone else complaining about the issue, and we're flummoxed. There are about 5 of us on the team, all with different Mac computers, and we all experience it to different degrees, and it undulates throughout the day. Sometimes it's snappy and fun to use, sometimes we all spin out and crash. We tested our connection speeds, nothing unusual there. Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Photoshop are no problem. We run workflows on the files on the DAM through CQ5 and they are not slow, but sometimes navigating through the finder to access folders that are housed on this DAM is very slow at the same time InDesign is.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Just in case anyone is following: we figured out the issue. We use a plugin that was built by an external vendor, and the way it was coded was causing the performance of InDesign to be ridiculously slow. It was looping, and constantly validating. It was rewritten so that the loop is gone, and it caches. Problem solved.

  • Non-commercial XQuery -- SQL ?

    I was just curious if there were any open-source libraries, extensions, etc. which would allow one to convert XQuery into SQL (where possible), and/or SQL into XQuery? If one is dealing with tabular data, I would think this shouldn't be so impossible to exist... And it would make migration to BDBXML more practical as well as allow programs to be written in a truly database-abstracted manner so that the code could work on a relational system or XML system (again, assuming it was for a tabular data-centric representation of data). If so, what languages are they available in?
    thanks very much for your help,

    It makes a lot of sense to map data back and forth, especially if you are using, as I mentioned, tabular rather than hierarchical data. XML can represent tabular data just fine if you look inside any XHTML table element. Such an extension would not need to be limited to poorly-scalable projects. There are, as the other user pointed out, commercial applications that do this too. I found a number of hits when searching, but not for any open source projects.
    The reason to use this is that one's code could be more portable. If I just wanted to administer and utilize a (native) XML database, I could still use existing code which only knew relational SQL queries (and which used a database abstraction layer), but would work on either XML or relational databases.
    Likewise, if I preferred XQuery, I could stick to a familiar syntax, and, as long as I was not trying to query contrary to the tabular schema that relational data would fit (though even hierarchical representations are possible if the relational database is structured properly albeit in an inherentyl less aesthetic way), I should have no problem working on either type of database.
    One could even imagine an application where XQuery was querying and "joining" XML and relational sources together, and I thought I even remember reading about some program that did this.
    I think giving people choices is a nice thing, especially when it is also made easy to switch between those choices if one so decides.
    best wishes,

  • Software architecture  to utilize XML DB

    We're using currently using Toplink 9.0.4 with an Oracle 9i DB.
    I'm interested to find out what level of support there is in Toplink for the "new" XML DB features (in the Oracle 10g database for example).
    The material I've seen so far on the Toplink developer preview suggests that Toplink will manage mappings from an object model to a XML representation.....but that XML representation is purely an "in-memory" - i.e. it does not generate the "SQL" to store objects in an XML DB.
    There seems to be a gap in the way XML data is managed and the way Java domain models (and persistence ) are typically architected.
    The way we craft our services at the moment is based upon Java objects which encapsulate a request. Changing the contents of a request (e.g. adding a new attribute), breaks existing implementations that utilize that service (because of Java's serialization model).
    I'd like to define a service which takes a lump of metadata (passed as a generic object model, e.g. XML), but also allows that metadata to be evolving/variable/dynamic . The initial service implementation would look up a Java business object based upon the request information...include any transaction "attributes" from the request and persist it. Nothing new there, but what if I want to allow clients to attach "custom attributes" to their requests. The traditional model of request --> Java Business Object --> relational database seems to break down. Java Business Objects aren't typically very good at handling dynamic addition of properties.
    Does there exist a software architecture that allows for Java Business Object "properties" to be dynamically attached and persisted.
    It seems that the big push on XML is heading towards that goal....but at the moment I can't see how the pieces would actually fit together ......
    Apologies that my ramblings are a bit wild!

    TopLink 10.1.3 added XML support in three ways.
    - Object-XML mapping - Support was added to be able to map Java object to XML documents. This allows for in-memory two-way conversion between object and XML, and usage with XML messaging and web services.
    - Oracle XDB XML Type - Support was added to store a plain XML attribute of a Java object mapped in relational TopLink to an Oracle XDB XML type field.
    - EIS - Support was added to allow mapping Java objects to XML records and Interactions in a non-relational EIS system through a JCA adapter that supports XML records.
    From the sounds of things you may wish to:
    Use TopLink OX to map your XML messages to your Java object model. For the dynamic XML content you could use a Transformation mapping in TopLink OX to store this dynamic content in a plain XML field in the object. You could then use Oracle XDB and the TopLink XMLType mapping to store this dynamic XML content in an XMLType field in the database.

  • Memory Utilization during XML Parsing - Response time is high

    Slow response time while xml parsing is done.
    Description of the problem:
    During XML parsing, memory is used and discarded so frequently that garbage collection
    is occurring multiple times per minute, impacting performance. In order to better
    understand the source of the memory usage issue, we used JProbe Memory Debugger.
    JProbe Memory Debugger was run in Aggregate mode in order to determine which classes
    were using the most total or aggregate memory (the sum of the memory required
    to instantiate not just a given object, but all the objects it uses.) The result
    was that weblogic.apache. xerces.impl.xs.dom.DocumentImpl and weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
    comprise 23.8% and 15.4%, respectively, of total memory on a heap of 121MB. In
    additional tests, the larger the heap, the greater these percentages were.
    This results in slow response time.
    The following are the details of software and Hardware configurations used:
    Server: weblogic 8.1
    OS: Solaris 8
    System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire 6800
    System clock frequency: 150 MHz
    Memory size: 8192 Megabytes

    "Kris" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:40f2fcda$1@mktnews1...
    Sorry, I overlooked it.
    yes we do have 8 GB RAM. And as far as xml usage, we are parsing the xml to DOM
    (including validation) and then applying transformation. But its the parsing stuff
    which is eating the memory.1. Can you run JProbe to find out real CPU utilization/bottlenecks?
    2. Apache Xerses implementation that is used in weblogic has a design
    flaw that results in serialization of memory allocation by the transformer,
    that makes it impossible to use for intense multithreaded transformations.
    Consider using other transformers.
    Slava Imeshev
    "Slava Imeshev" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Please answer my questions.
    Slava Imeshev
    "Krisna" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:40f299ae$1@mktnews1...
    Thanks Slava for youe response. Coming back to response time, thisprocess is part
    of a big task. So i cant really tell what response time i can allocatejust for
    this piece alone. Might be, roughly it should be less than 0.4 seconds.what the
    major concenr is the memory utilization by these packages. So whatmakes it to
    use this kind of memory and whether its a known issue ?
    "Slava Imeshev" <[email protected]> wrote:
    "kris" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:40eaddce$1@mktnews1...
    Slow response time while xml parsing is done.
    Description of the problem:
    During XML parsing, memory is used and discarded so frequently thatgarbage collection
    is occurring multiple times per minute, impacting performance. In
    to better
    understand the source of the memory usage issue, we used JProbe
    JProbe Memory Debugger was run in Aggregate mode in order to determinewhich classes
    were using the most total or aggregate memory (the sum of the memoryrequired
    to instantiate not just a given object, but all the objects it uses.)The result
    was that weblogic.apache. xerces.impl.xs.dom.DocumentImpl and weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
    comprise 23.8% and 15.4%, respectively, of total memory on a heap
    121MB. In
    additional tests, the larger the heap, the greater these percentageswere.
    Large heap means longer garbage collections. Anyway, DOM is very heavy
    on memory and you can not escape it. What's is your usage patternfor
    processing? Do you use XSL?
    This results in slow response time.What do you consider as acceptable/inacceptable responce time?
    The following are the details of software and Hardware configurationsused:
    Server: weblogic 8.1
    OS: Solaris 8
    System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire 6800
    System clock frequency: 150 MHz
    Memory size: 8192 MegabytesDoes this mean you got 8GB RAM on 150Mhz box?
    Slava Imeshev

  • XML Parser and memory utilization

    I am using the sample given with
    the PL/SQL Parser to transform a
    1.5M file. When the document is
    parsed Oracle's memory resources
    increase 50M until the system
    runs out of virtual memory and
    errors out. If I decrease the
    size of the file to ~750K it
    works ok. When I use Saxon to
    transform the file it uses ~10M.
    Is there anyway to get the Oracle
    parser to better utilize memory,
    or am I missing some point?

    I have checked the lib folder. xmlparsev2.jar is there. Is this the classpath? if not how do i get it to the classpath? and how do i do that?
    Thanks for your help so far

  • Memory Utilization during XML Parsing

    We have a slow response time during XML Parsing.
    Description of the problem:
    During XML parsing, memory is used and discarded so frequently that garbage collection
    is occurring multiple times per minute, impacting performance. In order to better
    understand the source of the memory usage issue, we used JProbe Memory Debugger.
    JProbe Memory Debugger was run in Aggregate mode in order to determine which classes
    were using the most total or aggregate memory (the sum of the memory required
    to instantiate not just a given object, but all the objects it uses.) The result
    was that weblogic.apache. xerces.impl.xs.dom.DocumentImpl and weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
    comprise 23.8% and 15.4%, respectively, of total memory on a heap of 121MB. In
    additional tests, the larger the heap, the greater these percentages were.
    This results in slow response time.
    The following are the details of software and Hardware configurations used:
    Server: weblogic 8.1
    OS: Solaris 8
    System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire 6800
    System clock frequency: 150 MHz
    Memory size: 8192 Megabytes
    Please let me know if there is any work around or patches available.

    We have a slow response time during XML Parsing.
    Description of the problem:
    During XML parsing, memory is used and discarded so frequently that garbage collection
    is occurring multiple times per minute, impacting performance. In order to better
    understand the source of the memory usage issue, we used JProbe Memory Debugger.
    JProbe Memory Debugger was run in Aggregate mode in order to determine which classes
    were using the most total or aggregate memory (the sum of the memory required
    to instantiate not just a given object, but all the objects it uses.) The result
    was that weblogic.apache. xerces.impl.xs.dom.DocumentImpl and weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
    comprise 23.8% and 15.4%, respectively, of total memory on a heap of 121MB. In
    additional tests, the larger the heap, the greater these percentages were.
    This results in slow response time.
    The following are the details of software and Hardware configurations used:
    Server: weblogic 8.1
    OS: Solaris 8
    System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire 6800
    System clock frequency: 150 MHz
    Memory size: 8192 Megabytes
    Please let me know if there is any work around or patches available.

  • How can I use a 3rd party XML parser such as xerces with OC4J ?

    Hi all tech experts,
    I am using Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and i have
    installed Portal and Wireless and OracleAS Infrastructure on the same
    i tried all the solutions on this thread
    Use of Xerces Parser in out application with Oracle App Server 9.0.4
    but still fighting.
    I have also posted this query on OTN on following thread
    How can I use a 3rd party XML parser such as xerces with OC4J?
    but no reply....
    Please help me on this issue.
    Since OC4J is preconfigured to use the Oracle XML parser which is xmlparserv2.jar.
    i have read the following article which states that
    OC4J is preconfigured to use the Oracle XML parser. The Oracle XML parser is fully JAXP 1.1 compatible and will serve the needs of applications which require JAXP functionality. This approach does not require the download, installation, and configuration of additional XML parsers.
    The Oracle XML parser (xmlparserv2.jar) is configured to load as a system level library of OC4J through it's inclusion as an entry in the Class-Path entry of the oc4j.jar Manifest.mf file. This results in the Oracle XML parser being used for all common deployment and packaging situations. You are not permitted to modify the Manifest.mf file of oc4j.jar.
    It must be noted that configuring OC4J to run with any additional XML parser or JDBC library is not a supported configuration. We do know customers who have managed to successfully replace the system level XML parser and the Oracle JDBC drivers that ship with the product, but we do not support this type of configuration due to the possibility of unexpected system behavior and system errors that might occur from replacing the tested and certified libraries.
    If you absolutely must use an additional XML parser such as xerces, then you have to start OC4J such that the xerces.jar file is loaded at a level above the OC4J system classpath. This can be accomplished using the -Xbootclasspath flag of the JRE.
    i have also run the following command
    java -Xbootclasspath/a:d:\xerces\xerces.jar -jar oc4j.jar
    but no success.
    How could i utilize my jar's like xerces.jar and xalan.jar for parsing instead of OC4J in-built parser ?
    All reply will be highly appreciated.
    Thnx in advance to all.
    Neeraj Sidhaye
    try_catch_finally @ Y !

    Hi Neeraj Sidhaye,
    I am trying to deploy a sample xform application to the Oracle Application Server (10.1.3). However, I encountered the class loader issue that is similar to your stuation. I tried all the three solutions but the application is still use the Oracle xml paser class. I am wondering if you have any insight about this?
    Thanks for your help.
    Xingsheng Qian
    iPass Inc.
    Here is the error message I got.
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement
    Stack Trace:
    org.chiba.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException: java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Container.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Container.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Container.initModels(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Container.init(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.ChibaBean.init(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.adapter.servlet.ServletAdapter.init(ServletAdapter.java:153)
         at org.chiba.adapter.servlet.ChibaServlet.doGet(ChibaServlet.java:303)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:719)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:376)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:870)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:451)
         at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:299)
         at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:187)
         at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Instance.iterateModelItems(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Bind.initializeModelItems(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Bind.init(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Initializer.initializeBindElements(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Model.modelConstruct(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.Model.performDefault(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.XFormsDocument.performDefault(Unknown Source)
         at org.chiba.xml.xforms.XFormsDocument.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         ... 18 more

  • SAP NFe GRC XML 3.10 - Erro no envio do lote - Status 2

    Pessoal, bom dia!
    Configuramos os cenários para a versão do xml 3.10 da NFe porem ao criarmos a NFe (saída) o lote foi gerado porem ficou parado no status 2 (Enviado ao PI)  com o erro 38 (Web Service não acessivel) ao clicarmos na descrição do erro é exibida a seguinte mensagem:
    "Service Status not identified: Job /XNFE/NFE_CHECK_SRV_STATUS is not running or customizing is mi"
    O job /XNFE/NFE_CHECK_SRV_STATUS está agendado a cada 2 minutos para teste com o estado 29 (BA) e foi configurado na SPRO NF-e: definir consulta para status de serviço das autoridades (SEFAZ) conforme abaixo:
    Foram agendados os seguintes jobs para a versão 3.10
    Alguem já passou por este problema no lote? Alguma dica para soluciona-lo?
    Halsen Nagasawa

    Realmente o erro era na SEFAZ BA, o XML de envio e retorno do serviço NfeStatusServico difere das outras SEFAZ.
    Para solucionar criei um ZSLL-NFE e inclui um javamapping no request e outro no response do operation mapping SRVSC_nfeStatusServicoNF2_TO_nfeStatusServicoNF2SoapIn para modificar as tags conforme o modelo de XML informado pelo pessoal de desenvolvimento da SEFAZ BA.
    Abaixo o modelo informado pela SEFAZ BA.
    O XML do cabeçalho para utilização dos WebServices da SEFAZ-BA na versão 3.00/3.10 é o seguinte:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <nfeCabecMsg xmlns="http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe" versao="3.10">
    E o XML da solicitação ao WebService de StatusServico na versão 3.00/3.10 é o seguinte:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <consStatServ xmlns="http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe" versao="3.10">
    Halsen Nagasawa

  • Envio de e-mail B2B via Abap - erro na visualização do XML

    Boa tarde,
    Em virtude da minha versão (GRC 10.0 e NW 7.11), apenas poderia implementar a solução de B2B dinâmico, caso utilizasse Java Mapping. Como meu conhecimento em Java é pequeno, optei por enviar o e-mail a partir do Abap do GRC.
    O XML que estou gerando está com erro na tag <ns1:Transforms>. As tags acima desta estão ok.
    Comparei com o XML original e os códigos-fontes são EXATAMENTE iguais.
    O erro é "Página XML não pode ser exibida". Na instrução, aparece a seguinte informação: "Não é possível exibir a entrada XML usando a folha de estilos XSL".
    Alguém pode me ajudar?
    Se julgarem que, apesar de meu processo ser de NFe, preciso abrir a thread em outro tópico, basta avisar.
    Edited by: fgalmeida on Oct 6, 2011 7:09 PM

    Olhando o fonte do XML, verifiquei que ao final do arquivo haviam espaços em branco.
    A solução foi passar o tamanho do xstring no parâmetro i_attachment_size do método add_attachment da função cl_document_bcs, conforme abaixo:
    DATA lv_size TYPE so_obj_len.
      lv_size = xstrlen( lv_content_xml ) .
      CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
         i_attachment_size    = lv_size
          i_attachment_type    = 'xml'
          i_attachment_subject = 'XML NFe'
          i_att_content_hex    = lt_content_hex.

  • Consulta de Status do XML na SEFAZ.

    Boa tarde a todos,
    Estou implementando um cenario de entrada de XML e estou com problemas na parte de (GOOD Receipt), o primeiro passo que é a recepção da NFE por e-mail do fornecedor já esta configurada com sucesso, o problema agora é o recebimento do material. Quando a mercadoria chegar, no destino teremos um leitor de codigo de barras que executa a leitura da DANFE e valida se possuimos esse XML armazenado no GRC se sim executa a validação no SEFAZ do status da Nota.
    Meu problema esta no passo de consultar o WebService da SEFAZ de consulta, pois a entrada da chave DANFE vai ser disponibilizada pela RFC que sera executada apos o coletor de codigo de Barras.
    Analisando o método Standard de check do status da nota percebi que ele é executado atraves da pagina WebDynpro do monitor.
    Tem algum jeito de aproveitar o metodo standard de consulta do status do XML para utiliza-lo com a entrada da RFC e a resposta eu devolver para a mesma RFC?
    Se algum ponto não ficou claro posso detalhar melhor,

    Obrigado pelo Help, mas estou com uma duvida, só conseguirei fazer o check do status na SEFAZ atraves do coletor "RFC" após o XML estar na tabela /XNFE/XMLIN?
    E no caso de o fornecedor ainda não ter me enviado o XML pela InboundB2B como farei para checar o STATUS do XML?
    Será que neste caso não deveria deixar a mercadoria entrar se não tiver o XML na tabela do GRC?
    E outra pergunta o processo de B2B já faz no standard o check do XML correto? Pois estou olhando o monitor e para as duas notas que fiz de teste as duas ultimas colunas  estão vazias e na tabela /XNFE/XMLIN o campo CHECKSTATUS está em branco.
    Obrigado mais uma vez.

  • XML Publisher Help

    We currently have a payslip report that has been developed using Oracle reports, but for this to run we have to change our NLS_LANG setting from UTF8 to WE8ISO8859P1.
    The problem with this is to apply patches Oracle have told us we need to have the NLS_LANG set to UTF8.
    As a result Oracle have said that:
    The only available workaround for generating PDF on a UTF8 character set instance is to install and utilize the XML Publisher product or upgrade to E-Business Suite to Release 12.
    We don't have any plans to upgrade to Release 12, so I am looking to use XML Publisher. I have a couple of questions:
    Is this an add-on?
    Where is the best place to obtain navigation guides and tutorials to teach myself this?
    I have had a look at some of the pre-defined templates already and I am not sure how to create my own rtf file so that my required fields are passed to the template.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Many Thanks

    Hi Shruti,
    You can start with the BI publisher page on OTN http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/xml-publisher/index.html.
    Check out the tutorials (Oracle by Example). There's lot of good information out there. Check out the BI publisher guide here:http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/xml-publisher/xmlpdocs.html
    Search the forum or post questions about any specific questions you may have about formatting numbers and dates.
    Hope this helps.

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