UWL Creation of new View

Hi Everybody,
How to Create the new UWL list view which can be attached to new role...?
the actual requirement is to fetch the Process and task from the workflow and display them in new view with there many attributs...
I am using NWDS7.2 CE and request to u pleas give me proper solution...I search n downloaded more PDF but not of use...incomplete information is provided...
I will reward points to proper solution..
Thanks to all...
Edited by: swapnilshelke on Nov 23, 2011 2:30 PM

Hi Deven,
    I think you have to create a new controller class for the new view, even if you don't want to change anything. Because in the attributes(attribute name - VIEW) of controller class you have to maintain view name.
Hope this will help you.

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  • Creation of new view in ICWC

    Hi All,
    I have created the new view in my custom CRM_IC. Can I know what is the next step to do in order for the new view to show in ICWC - what is the inbound or outbound plug all about?
    Appreciate if someone can list me all the steps. Thanks

    Calling a custom Simple View for the follow-up activity. Whenever, we click the link of a follow-up activity from the activity clipboard, the system leads us to “Simple Activity” view, where we can maintain the description and the status.
    This is just a guideline document to work with customer specific view sets for one case. While following this procedure for other cases, we may need to do further enhancements.
    A.     Primary Steps
    Create Custom Package “Z_CONS_COOK1”
    Create BSP application “Z_CRM_IC1” under package “Z_CONS_COOK1”.
    B.     Creating View Sets & Controllers
    1.     Through workbench transaction, Create New View Set: SimpleActivitySet
    2.     Specify view area name “main”.
    3.     All Controller & Model Classes are generated in the background.
    4.     Redefine method “GET_STATE_DESCRIPTION” of Controller Class “ZL_Z_CRM_IC_SIMPLEACTIVIT_IMPL” & populate with following source code:
       DESCRIPTION            =
        DESCRIPTION = TEXT-001.     " 'Simple Activity'
    5.     Corresponding BSP Page is generated with the following code:
    %@page language="abap"%
    <%@ extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="crm_bsp_ic" prefix="crmic"%>
    <%@ extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp"%>
    <crmic:gridLayout cellSpacing="1" columnSize="1" height="100%"
    rowSize="1" width="100%">
    <crmic:gridLayoutCell colSpan="1" columnIndex="1"
    rowIndex="1" rowSpan="1">
                <bsp:call  comp_id="<%=controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'main' )%>"
    url="<%=controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'main' )%>"/>
    6.     Activate all objects
    C.     Creating Views & Controllers
    1.     Create View using IC Web Client Workbench transaction. Give view name “SimpleActivity”.
    In the wizard enter our view name, and specify all model nodes, model attributes and links to custom controllers.
    Add Model Nodes:
    Model Nodes          BOL Entity     High-level model node    BOL Relation
    GT_BTORDER     BTOrder                         
    GR_BTADMINH     BTAdminH     GT_BTORDER          BTOrderHeader
    GR_BTSTATUS     BTStatusH     GR_BTADMINH          BTHeaderStatusSet
    GR_BTSTATUSH     BTStatus     GR_BTSTATUS          BTStatusHCurrent
    Four nodes are the pointers to the similarly named BOL entities of the focus object. The focus object will be the Activity that the user clicked in the Activity Clipboard. Whenever this happens, an instance method of the controller is called. Method “IP_INBOUNDPLUGID” retrieves the BOL entities from the global memory and places them into these attributes. They can also be seen as buffers since they are used in multiple locations within the controller class.
         Value node: Optional entry, keep it blank.
    Add Model Attributes:
    Model Attribute     Model Node          BOL Attribute
    Create Links to Custom Controller
    Context node:          GT_BTORDER
    BSP Application:     CRM_IC
    Custom Controller:     CuCoBDC.do
    Context node (Custom Controller):     CURRENTINTERACTIONRECORD
    Select View Type
    Type: Form View
    2.     Restart the IC Web Client Workbench. We will observe, controller class is generated with methods. If we want to enhance these methods we should redefine them in the corresponding *_IMPL class.
    3.     Define the Inbound Plug.
    This is the method that is called by the framework whenever we navigate to our view set. Define method “IP_INBOUNDPLUGID” and populate with following code:
    Following attributes added to the controller class, as it was showing an error message:
    data: lr_bdc     type ref to cl_crm_ic_cucobdc_impl,
          lr_btorder type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access.
    *- Read Parameter
      lr_bdc ?= get_custom_controller( 'CuCoBDC' ).
      CALL METHOD lr_bdc->get_navigation_data
        ev_selected_object = lr_btorder.
    *- Read Model
    IF lr_btorder IS BOUND.
           gr_btorder  ?= lr_btorder.
           gr_btadminh  = gr_btorder->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTOrderHeader' ).
           gr_btstatush = gr_btadminh->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderStatusSet' ).
           IF gr_btstatush IS NOT BOUND.
              gr_btstatush = gr_btadminh->create_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderStatusSet' ).
           gr_btstatus = gr_btstatush->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTStatusHCurrent' ).
           IF gr_btstatush IS NOT BOUND.
              gr_btstatush = gr_btstatush->create_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTStatusHCurrent' ).
           CATCH cx_root.
    4.     Confirm View Layout “SimpleActivity” consistency.
    5.     Two methods are responsible for the data transfer between the model/controller and the view and are created automatically by the wizard.
    SET_MODELLS -- Sends data to the view (PBO)
    DO_HANDLE_DATA -- Retrieves data from the HTTP request fields (PAI)
    We can redefine these methods for further enhancements.
    D.     Adjusting IC Web Client Framework
    After having defined the views, controllers and classes, we need to hook them up to the runtime profile of IC Web Client.
    1.     To prepare IC Web Client framework for custom-built view-sets, create a new runtime profile BSP application in the customer namespace.
    Create BSP application “Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP” under package “Z_CONS_COOK1”.
    Copy the file CRM_IC.xml from the BSP application CRM_IC_RT_REP to “Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP”.
    2.     Adjust the contents of file “CRM_IC.xml”, as under:
    <%@page language="abap"%><?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Application id="CRM_IC">
    <%@include file="../Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    3.     Create BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP in package Z_CONS_COOK1.
    4.     Copy page fragment CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml of BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and replace the file contents with the following lines:
    Page fragment: CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@include file="MainViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/BuPaViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets_wo_BUPA_and_Main.xml" %>
    This definition still works with all standard view sets, but replaces the MainViewSet.xml with our own definition, since it is now loaded from Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    5.     Copy page fragment MainViewSet.xml from BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    6.     Copy page fragment CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml of BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and replace the file contents with the following line:
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@ include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    This definition makes sure that standard navigational links still work and that we are able to add our own link definitions later.
    7.     Activate all objects.
    8.     Customize the IC Web Client Runtime Framework Profile in such a way that the new Source file is used with the following sample code:
    Navigation: SPRO &#61664; CRM &#61664; Interaction Center Web Client &#61664; Customer-Specific System Modifications &#61664; Define IC Web Client Runtime Framework Profiles.
    Provide new profile name “ZCUST_PROF” & populate it with following set of attributes:
    Profile name:      ZCUST_PROF
    Component Set:      ALL
    Separate Display Model: Off
    Application:      IC_BASE
    Viewset name:     workViewSet
    Runtime Rep.Type: BSP Application
    Application:          Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP
    Page:          CRM_IC.XML
    E.     Creating View Definitions for Design Time Repositories
    1.     Every new view set must be defined in Design Time Repository. For this purpose, create page fragment SimpleActivitySet.xml in BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and maintain it as shown in the following sample code:
    Page fragment “SimpleActivitySet.xml”
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <ViewSet id="Z_CRM_IC1 /SimpleActivitySet">
    <ViewArea id="main" views="Z_CRM_IC1 /SimpleActivity"/>
    2.     Include file “SimpleActivitySet.xml" into page CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml of BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    Page “CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml” after modification:
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@include file="MainViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/BuPaViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets_wo_BUPA_and_Main.xml" %>
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivitySet.xml" %>
    3.     Activate all objects.
    F.     Creating Navigational Link Definitions for Design Time Repositories
    To provide a navigational link for the activity clipboard, define this link.
    1.     Create Page fragment “SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml” in BSP Application “Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP” and maintain layout with following code:
    <NavigationalLink name="SimpleActivity">
    <Source viewRef="IRecActivitiesClipboard"
    <Target viewRef=" Z_CRM_IC1/SimpleActivity"
    2.     Similar to the view definition, also the Navigational Link must be included into the framework.
    Add the following line
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml" %>  to the file
    CRM_IC_ALL_NavLinks.xml in the BSP application “Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP”.
    Page fragment “CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml” – source code
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@ include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml" %>
    3.     Activate all objects.
    G.     Placing View Sets into Controller Hierarchies
    1.     Adjust the file MainViewSet.xml in BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    Add the reference to our view set and activate the file as shown in the following sample code:
              Page fragment: MainViewSet.xml
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/ICAPPMainViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="navigationArea" views="IC_BASE/navigationViewSet"/>
         <ViewArea id="workArea" views="IC_BASE/workViewSet"/>
         <ViewArea id="contextArea" views="IC_BASE/contextAreaView"/>
         <ViewArea id="breadCrumbsArea" views="IC_BASE/BreadCrumbsView"/>
         <ViewArea id="globalSearchArea" views="HistoryView"/>
         <ViewArea id="helpArea" views="Help"/>
           <ViewArea id="statusArea" views="StatusView"/>
         <ViewArea id="errorArea" views="IC_BASE/ErrorViewSet"/>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/navigationViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="navigationViewSetArea" views="IC_BASE/NavBarView"/>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/workViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="workViewSetArea"
                     views="<%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/StdWorkareaOccupation.xml" %>
                     Z_CRM_IC1/SimpleActivitySet "/>
    H.     Customize Activity Clipboard
    To make activity clipboard call our new view set, change it’s customizing.
    1.     Create Activity Clipboard profile called “ZCUST_PROF”.
    Navigation: SPRO &#61664; CRM &#61664; IC Web Client &#61664; Basic Functions &#61664; Define Activity Clipboard Profiles.
    Profile name: ZCUST_PROF (copy all entries)
    Keep Technical Profile name: DEFAULT
    2.     Assign this profile to IC Web Client profile.
    3.     Create a new entry for the object BTOrder and wrapped object type BUS2000126 by copying the existing entry BTORDERBUS2000126.
    Activity Clipboard Entry ID: ZBTORDERBUS2000126
    BOL Type: BTOrder
    NavigationLink: SimpleActivity
    4.     Go back to your profile and select Assign Entries to Profile. Replace the original Entry ID BTORDERBUS2000126  with your new entry ZBTORDERBUS2000126.
    5.     Activate your changes and test the IC WebClient (application CRM_IC)

  • Creation of new view by copying existing view in IC WebClient (BSP)

    we need to add a new view which will be a copy of existing view in IC web Client application. I ve created the new view & a controller for it(kepping the controller class same as that of old view).
    I have also created a new Id in the viewset runtime framework for the new view. Added this new ID in the viewset, but in the presentation layer it keeps on displaying the old view twice.
    Is there anything that I m missing out on???
    Pls help
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Deven,
        I think you have to create a new controller class for the new view, even if you don't want to change anything. Because in the attributes(attribute name - VIEW) of controller class you have to maintain view name.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Unable to create a new view for SAP UI5 in NWDS

    Hi UI5 Profis,
    I'm just getting started with SAP UI5 and wanted to create and run my first application using the UI5 Tools wirh NWDS. After having installed NWDS and the UI5 Tools
    I create new SAP ui5 project, but the wizard always run into error, when I want to create new view.
    Did someone already have the same issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Berenger,
    Which is your NWDS version?
    It seems there is a bug on view creation with 1.8.8 version:
    1814417 - Patched version 1.8.8 of UI Development Toolkit for HTML5
    Kind regards

  • Creation of materialized view

    Hi All,
    We had created some other materialized view with for small set of data. The materialized view name is ‘XXCA_PAGL_RECON_GL1_TRANS_MV’ and it has created a table with the same name.
    What I am unable to understand is that the new table which was created by the system during the creation of materialized view is in VALID state but the materialized view is in INVALID state.
    Please help me to understand this process.
    Thanks in advance

    The column dba_objects.status for mviews is set to INVALID when the base tables are updated. See Metalink note 454552.1. It is normal.
    Edited by: YasinBaskan on Feb 17, 2009 2:07 PM

  • Auto Creation of new requisitions based on a list of items

    Auto Creation of new requisitions based on a list of items
    We are starting discussions to determine how we could auto-create requisitions based on a list of servers in order to perform periodic health checks. 
    One approach we thought about was creating one service request that could spawn multiple requests, again based on a list and using a set schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.)
    Has anyone implemented this and can provide some guidance/tips?

    You can check this article for more references on how to use sp_helptext object_name stored procedure:
    I also suggest trying commercial tools to sync and compare the stored procedures between two databases. We used
    ApexSQL Diff, but I've also heard some good things about
    Devart's tools.

  • Automate Creation of new items in EBS

    Hey everyone -
    Just a question ,
    we want to automate creation of new items in our system.
    Our view is something like -
    1. user GUI to request a new item, according to predefined templates.
    2. Users fill a few fields of information.
    3. Item manager gets notified and approves item is needed.
    4. Automation to run batch and create everything relevant. (org assignment, item KFF, category assignments, BOMs etc). As much automation as possible, we can map template behaviour, variety is small.
    I was wondering if there is any product supporting such behaviour.
    I looked into Oracle's APC, and it seems like it doesnt do enough. Besides as far as I noticed it relies mostly on Item Catalog attributes which we don't. Also Im not sure if this product is "alive" coz oracle bought AGILE for PLM.
    Does anyone know of a product that supports creation of new items and is flexible to fit our needs?
    We want to make sure we're not missing something before we develop custom code for that.

    This is prom PIM to Oracle
    I have done an interface which creates an item in master and child .Which assighns category set on iots level controls .It inserts item into all active subinventories.
    It notifies the end user with email any item already exits and error .
    Regarding templates.
    it assigs compatible templates at master and org leve.These are predefined and are not validated in program
    Edited by: Sankuratri on Apr 5, 2009 10:02 PM

  • Getting ORA-20001: Creation of new object is not allowed: !!

    Hi Am getting ORA-20001: Creation of new object is not allowed while enabling constraints after importing the dumps from source to target datbase,can anyone assist me to fix this issue.

    Hi Osama/Mustafa,Thanks for your quick response,can you please explain me the following things-
    1)As i don't have privilege to run the DBA_XX views,am not able to run those queries-
    can you tell me what output it'll throw,based on this output how will we fix the issue.
    2)SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE privilege = 'UNLIMITED TABLESPACE';
    why we need to check this privilege?as i don't have privilege to run this one in my db.
    3)select * from dba_source where upper(text) like upper('%Creation of new object is not allowed%');
    as i don't have privilege to run this one in my db,already i got the object name from my logfile
    and more you have quoted"This is an error of someone that coded purposely on your database, probably dba or a developer who has privilege and again it is in a database event trigger"
    4)can you explain me much more deeper about the root cause and as already sent note to my DBA,can you explain me the solution to fix this issue ?

  • New View on WEBui to update z tables

    Hi Friends,
    I am new to webui and just getting into this.
    I want to create a new view on webui, with some input fields( also with F4 values ),
    I have 10 input fields on view and some have F4 values, just enter those values and there is  a button SAVE, once this button is hit i wanted this data to be updated on Custom tables(2).
    To do this, i got lost in the middle.
    I think there are many ways to do this, bsp development and writing code on event handler calling FM to update, create a new BOL etc.
    not sur which is the correct way, but i was just going BSP / FM way.
    I went to bsp_wd_cmpwb, created a new comp, then create a new view with form type.
    when i try to test this, this is giving me error on IE.
    how to create all teh UI elements ??
    could u pls help meout?
    or does BOL creation is easy process to ahieve this ??
    if yes could u pls help me how to do this
    thanks alot in advance,

    Since you said yours is a Form Type view, we can proceed this way. I did not try this, but it is worth using pointer. I used similar logic for a single field which was added on to a form view.
    Once the Z view is created.
    1.  Create a Value Node.
        In the method IF_BSP_MODEL~INIT of the Context node class, you can implement similar code like this based on the fields you like...
        TYPES: BEGIN OF ltype_attr_struct,
               abc TYPE abc,
               END OF ltype_attr_struct.
        super->if_bsp_model~init( id    = id
                                  owner = owner ).
        DATA: lv_struct_ref TYPE REF TO ltype_attr_struct,
                  lv_value_node TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_value_node,
                  lv_bo_coll    TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col.
        CREATE DATA lv_struct_ref.
        CREATE OBJECT lv_value_node
            iv_data_ref = lv_struct_ref.
        CREATE OBJECT lv_bo_coll
        lv_bo_coll->add( lv_value_node ).
        set_collection( lv_bo_coll ).
    2. Add the button for the save in the toolbar.
    3. Create an event handler for the save button. In the event handler
       lr_node = me->typed_context->xxx->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
       lr_node->get_properties( Exporting ls_struct ).
       update z table from ls_struct.
    Masood Imrani S.

  • Selection IDs missing after maintenance / creation of new ones

    Hi all,
    after the creation of new selection IDs the originally maintained selection IDs are missing.
    Who has an idea how this could have happen and how we can get the old ones back?
    Thanks in advance

    In which release of the APO you are facing this issue?
    Please check the entries in the header table of the selection ID /SAPAPO/TS_SELKO wheter it is present or not?
    Also check following tables too!
    /SAPAPO/TS_SEL                 View of Saved Selections
    /SAPAPO/TS_SELKO               Header Selection Variants
    /SAPAPO/TS_SELOB               Hitlist Selection Variants
    /SAPAPO/TS_SELPO               Item Selection Variants
    It will help you to understand what is happning.

  • Create a new view in a enhance component

    Hi All,
              I want to create a new view for sales order and quatation in a component BP_factsheet.When i craete new view ,it is asking about some value like model node, bol entity, higher level, bol realtion.after that is is asking context node ,bsp application ,custome controller and view type.How can i get these value .when i create a new view then have to add these view in run time repositry under a window or not?
    Thanks in advance....

    Hello Vishwas,
    You might be interested in knowing how to customise the new UI to add a new view using the enhancement concept.
    Please refer to the published document on the service marketplace:
    refers to the link at
    Inside this go to:
    SAP CRM 2006s: Learning Map for Technology Consultants
    wherein you can find the cookbook to perform similar operation in detail.
    SAP CRM UI Cookbook
    I hope this helps.

  • Opening a new view in a new window on click of a table row entry.

    Hi Guys,
    How to open a new View of a same application in a new window (just like a pop up) on a click of a Table Row entry?
    I am using NWDS 7.0 version. So please suggest acccorrdingly.

    Hi Nikesh,
    first of all you will have to declare use of onLeadSelect event handler for your table (note that it will only be triggered when a lead selection occurs not a multiselection).
    Also, you can build at design time a View and a Window (for example, PopupWin) in your WebDynpro Component, and embed the view into the window.
    In your code for onLeadSelect function, you can use something like this to pop up the window.
    public void onActionRowSelection(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionSeleccionTabla(ServerEvent)
        IWDWindowManager windowManager = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager();
        IWDWindowInfo windowInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopupWin");
        IWDWindow window = windowManager.createModalWindow(windowInfo);
        window.setWindowSize(new WDCssSize(450, WDWindowUnitOfLength.PX) , WDCssSize.UNDEFINED);
        // Store handle ti window in context attribute to able to close it later
    Hope it helps,

  • Creating a new view in a component

    I am trying to create a new view in a BSP component using the wizard. But the context nodes are not getting created. Its throwing up an error - "View not copied with wizard; processing not possible".
    What could be the problem ? Pls help.

    Hi Arvind,
    Before posting error, please search for it.
    Here is what i found here in 2007 forum itself.
    I guess you have not enhanced your component and your view.
    Without enhancing the component it is not possible to add a new context node.
    Here is a very helpful, follow it and the the other link within this thread,
    both are very useful in this regard.
    Web Client Context Node Enhancement
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to add a new view in Factsheet to collect data from R3

    Hi Experts,
    I need to add a new view in Account Factsheet called  'Open Delivery data'
    which will collect the delivery data from R3 system.
    As I know we have two Function Modules (at CRM) 'CRMT_ERP_FACT_SHEET_RETRIEVE'
    All We need to do is create view which calls the data from R3 Via these modules.
    How should I proceed.
    Is this relevent steps :-

    Hi Sandeep,
    To add a new currency in Metadata, just add in Currencies dimension, and to add in Data form-just send the script what you are using as of now for rest of the currencies, or follow the same steps as specified above. or just add the script A#CLORATE.w#Periodic.C2#XYZ in rows of your data form (where XYZ- is the new currency).
    To add a new location in FDM login to FDM web client- click on Metadata--> locations and select the Controls review location where you want to add the data load location, right click and add the new location.

  • CUP - Issue regarding creation of New SAP ID in CUP.

    System :  SAP GRC 5.3 SP 12..
    We have requirement where in we need to design a workflow for creation of New SAP ID.
    The Naming convention followed for SAP ID is FIRST LETTER of FIRST NAME and LAST NAME with maximum 8 characters.
    For Eg
    JOHN SMITH would have SAP ID as JSMITH
    JERRY SMITH would  have SAP ID as  JSMITH01
    The requirement here is when user fill the REQUEST FORM for NEW User ID there is field where in the requestor need to put the desired SAP ID,
    Can a validation be set OR Logic be written so that user can put the SAP ID as per the naming convention..?
    Also , any other solution as to how the situtation can be handled in CUP...

    Hi Ajit,
    Yes, you can maintain the user ID in the Active Directory. User id will be now auto populated in the request form, from Active Directory when  we data Source is LDAP -Actice directory. So when user login to end user form to create a request, It's all information( user details + manager details ) will fetched from Active Directory.
    It is not possible to change userid in later stage of approval in the request.
    You can have security as final stage and guide them to create user manually as per naming convention.
    Make auto provisioning OFF in CUP
    Kind Regards,

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    Please Help!! Motion 3 crashes when using Track Points. First I make a shape and apply the behavior. Clicking analyse shows its renderbar, but stops and motion crashes. Thank you. Huig Mac Pro/2.66 Ghz/3Gig/Aty Radeon X1900   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Mac

  • Circles vs. squares in different browsers... Help!

    Hello, My website-building skills are very basic, but I just finished revising my website:  http://www.sharibeaubien.com. When I check the site in different browsers, I notice a discrepancy.  I have a row of dots or circles underneath the main naviga