Valid AS3 will crash iPhone app on startup

Steps to reproduce:
1. Add this code to a Flex Mobile Project:
        public class Foo extends EventDispatcher {
             public override function addEventListener(type:String,  listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean=false, priority:int=0,  useWeakReference:Boolean=false):void {
                 var thisFunc:Function= arguments.callee;
                 super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference);
2. Refer to the class Foo somewhere in the application, for example the creation complete handler of MainHomeView.mxml:
        protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
             var foo:Foo;
3. Debug this on an iOS device using the 'Standard' packaging method.  Also, you could export a Release build for iOS.
When the iOS app launches, it will crash before running any code  written by the programmer-- just the *presence* of this code in the app  causes it to crash (!).  I'm attaching a crash log.
I've filed a bug for this here:

im using Flash Builder 4.6  in a mobile project.
Hhis cause a crash, can't see  nothing than the splash screen:
public static function getInstance():ApplicationData {
            if (!ApplicationData.instance){
                ApplicationData.instance = new ApplicationData(arguments.callee);
            return ApplicationData.instance;
private var applicationData:ApplicationData = ApplicationData.getInstance();
Is there any solution?

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    If you are targeting all iDevices I strongly suggest to forget about the Box2D. There is absolutely no way you can get (almost) any kind of physics simulation running smoothly with 1st and 2nd generation iDevices with current version of Packager for iPhone.
    And it really is graphics that is the problem more than anything else. Forget about caching Sprites or MovieClips. Actually don't use MovieClips and Sprites at all, it's just too slow. Instead start extending Bitmap class with your own animation system (swapping BitmapData) and mouse handling (hitTestPoint), there's plenty of examples.
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    2. Use only Bitmaps as graphics
    3. Do rotations with pre-rendered frames (or don't use rotation at all)
    4. Optimize Box2D and your code thoroughly
    Just for **** and giggles I think I try to get some kind of physics simulation running on 3G too...
    By the way, comparing performance of 1st generation iPhone to HTC Desire (I happen to own both too) is like comparing C-64 to my shiny new Phenom II X6 rig. If you just look at the specs:
    HTC Desire:
    1 GH ARM v7
    AMD Z430 GPU
    576 Mb DRAM
    iPhone 3G:
    ARM 1176JZ(F)-S (underclocked to 412 MHz)
    PowerVR MBX Lite 3D
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    Hello thirudoc,
    We've an article that provides a number of troubleshooting steps which may help get your camera working in other applications.
    Camera isn't functioning or has undesired image quality
    If the screen shows a closed lens or black image, force quit the Camera app.
    If you do not see the Camera app on the Home screen, try searching for it in Spotlight. If the camera does not show up in the search, check to make sure that Restrictions are not turned on by tappingSettings > General > Restrictions.
    Ensure the camera lens is clean and free from any obstructions. Use a microfiber polishing cloth to clean the lens.
    Cases can interfere with the camera and the flash. Try gently cleaning the lens with a clean dry cloth or removing the case if you see image or color-quality issues with photos.
    Try turning iPhone off and then back on.
    Tap to focus the camera on the subject. The image may pulse or briefly go in and out of focus as it adjusts.
    Try to remain steady while focusing:
    Still images: Remain steady while taking the picture. If you move too far in any direction, the camera automatically refocuses to the center.
    Note: If you take a picture with iPhone turned sideways, it is automatically saved in landscape orientation.
    Video: Adjust focus before you begin recording. You can also tap to readjust focus while recording. Exiting the Camera application while recording will stop recording and will save the video to the Camera Roll.
    Note: Video-recording features are not available on original iPhone or iPhone 3G.
    If your iPhone has a front and rear camera, try switching between them to verify if the issue persists on both.
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting

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    Just wanting to share this with anyone who may have the same problem.
    This is what I did: All I did was authorised my computer to transfer apps into my iTunes.
    This may also help (depending on the cause of the problem)
    (Thanks to Jim for sending this link but apparently my solution was a much simpler one)
    Hope this helps! Cheerios!

    Try this - worked for me:
    on the iPhone, go Settings-->General-->Restricitons and either turn all Restrictions off OR if they are on make sure 'Installing Apps' is ON.

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    Almost everything that runs on the iPhone will run on the iPad. But in a small window that matches the number of pixels of a 3GS iPhone. You can double the pixels to get it to fit the screen, but some people don't like the pixelaton this causes.
    The only things that won't run are things like telephony or photo apps that require use of hardware not present on the current iPad.

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    Hello kfarooq,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Troubleshooting apps purchased from the App Store
    Best of luck,

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    You've got it right--your app is crashing on startup. It's probably generating a crash report, but I don't know what Apple does with them.
    Some things to think about:
    1. Does the user have a different device type? For example, does she have an iPod touch and you only tested with iPhones? Or the user has a 3G and you only tested with an EDGE model? Does the user have push Exchange enabled when you didn't in testing?
    2. How about languages and locales? Were there any background apps running and using resources, like iPod? Is there anything else odd about the device--is it unlocked or jailbroken, for example? (Jailbroken phones might have background apps using resources.)
    3. Look at your code closely. Are there any possible race conditions? (That's where two parts of the program are trying to operate on the same object at the same time, and depending on the order in which they get to act, the program will either succeed or crash.)
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    5. If all else fails, just go ahead and refactor the code in your application's launch. No code is ever perfect, especially code in an iPhone app this close to the App Store's launch. Your spring cleaning might turn something up.

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    If this happens with one particular app, delete the app by holding down the app icon until it jiggles then tap the circle with an x then tap Delete. Press the Home button once to stop the jiggling.
    Then restart your iPad. Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button down until the red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off iPhone. To turn iPhone back on, press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.

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    Try the standard troubleshooting steps in this order:
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    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10-15 seconds). No data will be lost.
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    SuperSunT,  Thanks for posting this... as I'm having the same problem.
    Both my partner and I have iPhone 4S bought on the day they came out.  We weren't having any problems till last month I noticed my phone had the "lock" icon in the center at the top of the home screen and any apps (this "lock" icon is NOT the rotation lock, it is the one that should normally only show up when the phone is locked).  I could not get rid of it, no matter how many times I locked and unlocked my phone.  When I went to go to the Settings app/page, it was blank.  It was just a light grey background with tiny pinstripes (the usual background of the Settings page).   I was also unsuccessful turning the phone off just using the lock/power button.
    I finally had to hard-reset the phone as apps started to not work either. 
    I've only had the "lock" icon problem once, but I've had the Settings App/page blank several times, and each time I've then been unable to shut off the phone with just the lock/power button... then apps start to malfunction.
    The other day it did it and I just let it sit locked for about 10 minutes and it resolved.
    I have app crashes from time to time, but not anymore than before. 
    My partner's phone started having the Settings app/page being blank and being unable to shut off the phone wihtout a hard reset the other day as well! 
    I do not really want to do a clean install, and HATE when the Genius bar suggest this.  They don't ever suggest this for their Mac products, yet they're so nonchalant with this on the phone.  I know they're two VERY different products, but this is getting to be their "I don't know what's wrong.  Instead of me replacing your phone, you must drive back your hour drive, do this arbitrary thing which may or may not fix the problem, and when it doesn't, bring it back in so we can replace the phone and have it do the same thing again until an update comes out!" 
    Sorry, can you tell I've had a few too many problems where this is the case! 
    Anyway... I'm really curious about a few things.  I've not done a clean install since getting iOS 5 (even when I got the 4S I restored it from a 4 backup... but my partner just built his from scratch).  So, I know Game Center will take care of my games.  My e-mails are all stored on the server.  My notes are backed up to the Cloud.  I do have general Cloud backups turned off.  I know I'll need to transfer pictures.  But what other types of stuff do you suggest I should backup?  Basically, I'm asking what are the things you wished you had backed up that you forgot?
    And what is this "some apps let you send backups by email" that you speak of?  I've not seen that, but I've also not gone looking for it?  It drives me nuts that some apps have settings within the app, and some have them in the Settings app/page... and even worse, some have both! 
    Sorry this post is so long, but I've been searching for other people having these problems for a month now... starting with the "lock" icon problem (I figured that was the one identifying thing).  Unfortunately, I just ended up with hundreds of people who couldn't figure out that they had turned on the rotation lock and couldn't turn it back off.   
    Thanks for your (or anyone else's) help in advance! 
    P.S.  I'm including pictures of the "lock" problem as well as the blank Settings page! 
    This first one shows the "lock" icon at the top.  Clearly I am on the "Home" screen and the phone is not locked.
    This second one is while I'm in the Settings app.  This was taken the same day, and I just noticed that not only is the "lock" icon not showing, neither is the clock.  I have another screen shot from a different day where I wasn't getting the "lock" icon problem, but the clock was in the middle at the top as it should be. 

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    Anything is possible.

  • HT203421 How do I get iphone apps in the mac app store? Also, my apps from my iphone will not sync to my mac. Why is this?

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    Connect the iPhone and iTunes will open automatically. Then, go to iTunes menu (on the menu bar) > Devices > Transfer purchases, and all the content downloaded from the App Store and the iTunes Store will be transferred to the MacBook. Note that in iTunes 11 you can choose the iPhone at the top right part of your iTunes window.
    The Mac App Store is used to download Mac OS X apps, and the App Store is used to download apps for iPod touch, iPad and iPhone. You can't download apps for iPhone from the Mac App Store. Instead, you can download them from iTunes or from the iPhone

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