Validate certificate using OCSP protocol.`

Hi all,
I'm doing an project using RSA SID 8000 that stores customer certificate, when customer using certificate stored in that Token for singing/encrypting... i must verify it whether it validated or not.
I searching on Google and write my apps:
My program:
1- read certifcate from token card
2- read CA certificate( get through IE, then export to my local disk)
3- import keystore for uing ssl
But when i run it often display message errors:
Validation failure, cert[-1] :Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors
package pki.ocsp;
import java.util.*;
//Hien tai dang hardcode OCSP Responder Url
public class DemOcsp {
private static final String TEST_RESPONDER_URL = "";
public static void main(String [] args){
try {           
//String certPath = "D:\\Test\\va\\vaCA.cer";
String caPath = "D:\\Test\\va\\am71cert.cer";
KeyStore cac = null;
String configName = "d:\\cards.cfg";
SunPKCS11 p = new SunPKCS11(configName);
char[] pin = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' };
//cac = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY");
cac = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11");
cac.load(null, pin);
X509Certificate clientCert;
clientCert = (X509Certificate) cac.getCertificate("nampx1, [email protected], vn, Vietinbank, Pham xuan nam");
System.setProperty("", "D:\\Test\\va\\am71keys.jks");
System.setProperty(" ", "Admin01");
X509Certificate caCert = readCert(caPath);
List certList = new Vector();
validateCertPath(certList, caCert, TEST_RESPONDER_URL);
} catch (Exception e){
private static void validateCertPath(List certList, X509Certificate trustedCert, String responderUrl) {
try {
// Instantiate a CertificateFactory for X.509
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
// Extract the certification path from
// the List of Certificates
CertPath cp = cf.generateCertPath(certList);
// Create CertPathValidator that implements the "PKIX" algorithm
CertPathValidator cpv = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX");
// Set the Trust anchor
TrustAnchor anchor = new TrustAnchor(trustedCert, null);
// Set the PKIX parameters
PKIXParameters params = new PKIXParameters(Collections.singleton(anchor));
// the list of additional signer certificates for populating the trust store
Security.setProperty("ocsp.enable", "true");
Security.setProperty("ocsp.responderURL", responderUrl);
// Validate and obtain results
try {
PKIXCertPathValidatorResult result =
(PKIXCertPathValidatorResult) cpv.validate(cp, params);
PolicyNode policyTree = result.getPolicyTree();
PublicKey subjectPublicKey = result.getPublicKey();
System.out.println("Certificate validated");
System.out.println("Policy Tree:\n" + policyTree);
System.out.println("Subject Public key:\n" + subjectPublicKey);
} catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) {
System.out.println("Validation failure, cert["
+ cpve.getIndex() + "] :" + cpve.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
} catch (CertificateException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
private static X509Certificate readCert(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, CertificateException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(fileName);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(bis);
return cert;

While it may be possible to get the CA certificate from an OCSP response under certain ideal conditions, it would be a bad idea to rely on that for the correct functioning of your application.
First, a CA may delegate a responder to sign responses for it, in which case any certificate in the response would be the responder's, not the CA's.
Second, the responder is not required to send the signing certificate in the response.
The only one true way to validate a certificate and build a chain is described in RFC 5280. Any PKIX-compliant application should adhere to those algorithms.
Edited by: dstutz on Dec 10, 2008 2:07 PM

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    What 'and how) are the required configuration to force this OCSP check?
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    Thank you for your immediate reply. Please find the below code for your infomationa and please let me know where I am wrong..
    Below is the example we used to connect to "" site and end up with the error I mentioned in the previous topic.
    package com.wipro.bugc;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
    import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
    import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
    import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope;
    import org.apache.http.auth.NTCredentials;
    import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
    import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
    import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
    import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
    import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext;
    import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
    import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
    import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
    import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcCommonsTransportFactory;
    public class Test1 {
        private static void install() throws Exception {
            // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
            TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] {
                new X509TrustManager() {
                    public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                        return null;
                    public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
                        // Trust always
                    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
                        // Trust always
            // Install the all-trusting trust manager
            SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
            // Create empty HostnameVerifier
            HostnameVerifier hv = new HostnameVerifier() {
                public boolean verify(String arg0, SSLSession arg1) {
                        return true;
            sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        public static void call(String url) throws Exception {
             HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
           Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password");
           httpClient.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope("", 443, AuthScope.ANY_REALM), defaultcreds);     
              HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("", -1, "https");
              System.setProperty("proxySet", "true");
              System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
              System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "xxxx");
              Authenticator proxyAuthenticator = new HttpAuthenticateProxy(
                        "username", "password");
              XmlRpcClient rpcClient = new XmlRpcClient();
              XmlRpcCommonsTransportFactory factory = new XmlRpcCommonsTransportFactory(
            XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
            config.setServerURL(new URL(url));
              Map<String, String> loginMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
              String bugzillaUserName = "username";
              String bugzillaPassword = "password";
              loginMap.put("login", bugzillaUserName);
              loginMap.put("password", bugzillaPassword);
              Object loginResult = rpcClient.execute("User.login",new Object[] { loginMap });
              System.out.println("loginResult.toString() "
                        + loginResult.toString());
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            String url = "";

  • Signed Applet not loading on Mac OS X if using HTTPS protocol

    Hi All,
    I need to open a trusted applet on Mac OS 10.2. The applet works fine if using HTTP protocol. But if the protocol used is HTTPS the the applet does not loads and " - untrusted server cert chain" exception comes on the console.
    The error comes for both - Verisign and javakey - signed applet.
    On seaching for possible solution on the net, i came across following link:
    It says that this is Mac's known bug and gives the workaround as:
    1. Access the problematic site with Internet Explorer on Windows. Click on the padlock item and export the certificate to a file.
    2. Copy the certificate to your Mac.
    3. Use the command
    sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /Library/Java/Home/lib/security/cacerts -file mycert.cer
    to import the certificate file to your keystore (substitute mycert.cer with the name of the file containing the certificate). The keystore is password protected - the default password is "changeit".
    4. Restart your browser
    But the client cannot be asked to do all this to run the applet.
    Is this problem being solved by Mac in their java implementation or is there any other possible solution?
    Thanx in advance.

    I am experiencing the same problem - I notice it does not happen on OS9.2 using IE but appears a problem on all browsers on OSX
    Apple gave me the following reply.....
    Re: Bug ID# 3268633: cannot load applet class under https connection
    Hello Andrew,
    Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. We have received feedback
    from engineering on your
    reported issue.
    Please know that to get Java to recognize the certificate you will need to do
    one of two things, depending
    on which VM you are using. Since you want it to work with Internet Explorer, we
    will assume Java 1.3.1.
    In Java 1.3.1 you'll need to add the certificate to
    /Library/Java/Home/lib/security/cacerts using
    /usr/bin/keytool to import the certificate into the certificate database.
    In Java 1.4.1 you should be able to just add the certificate to the keychain
    using certtool. For more
    details on how to do this, please refer to the information found at
    <>. After
    doing so, if you should require
    further help from Apple in resolving this issue, we recommend that you request
    assistance from Developer
    Technical Support. This must be done by filing a Technical Support Incident.
    So I am supposed to tell every Mac user to do the above am I?!!!

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    jdbc:oracle:oci:@[WHAT GOES HERE?]

    If you are having problems with TCP then you should find and fix those problems. Many thousands of others use TCP with, and without, Glassfish and it works just fine for them. That indicates you have an issue with one, or more of those four things I ask you to provide but chose not to.
    Fix would be to upgrade DB to or downgrade to 11, where I haven't got any problems with connection pool.
    SHOW US (don't just tell us):
    1. WHAT you are doing - that means posting the code and ALL relevant info about TNSNAMES and other properties/settings being used such as connection pool settings.
    2. HOW you are doing it - that means showing a copy of the console that shows the LAUNCH and EXECUTION of the code
    3. WHAT results you get - that means showing a copy of the console showing any results or exceptions you are getting
    4. WHAT results you expected to get
    You should also do basic troublshooting:
    1. confirm that you can connect to the DB without using JDBC
    2. confirm that you can connect and work properly WITHOUT using a connection pool
    That other link you provided shows pool settings that are pretty much guaranteed to cause the pool to close connections. An idle timeout of only 60 seconds greatly increases the possibility that a connection that is checked out of the pool and still in use may get closed if it isn't returned to the pool properly.
    This link describes the attirbutes  and their defaults:
    You are using SEVERAL non-default settings - and you are having a problem. That suggests you should go back to the defaults and test again.
    We can NOT see your computer screen or SEE what you are doing. We can NOT debug code that we can't see.
    Are you a bot? Or are you using some replay templates? Have you read my first post? Do I ask for help in debug any code? What code you are taking about? I ask for proper url using OCI driver over IPC protocol.
    This is my tnsnames.ora
    ORCL_IPC =
        (ENABLE = BROKEN)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(Key = ORCL))
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL)
    and jdbc config
    <jdbc-connection-pool validation-table-name="DUAL" datasource-classname="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" max-pool-size="50" res-type="javax.sql.DataSource" steady-pool-size="10" statement-cache-size="100" name="c2onlinePool" statement-timeout-in-seconds="30" is-connection-validation-required="true" idle-timeout-in-seconds="7200" max-wait-time-in-millis="10000" validate-atmost-once-period-in-seconds="60">
          <property name="driverClass" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"></property>
          <property name="user" value="***"></property>
          <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"></property>
          <property name="password" value="***"></property>
          <property name="portNumber" value="1521"></property>
          <property name="databaseName" value="orcl"></property>
          <property name="serverName" value=""></property>
    which is working (I'm testing with ping from glassfish web console), I just want to switch to IPC protocol.
    I tried with
    but every time JVM crashes with stackoverflow, as soon as I click on ping in console.
    Maybe it's just another driver bug. I have similar situation with thin driver - version didn't work, but version worked ok.

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    My general question is when a public key certificate, used for Seeburger AS2 payload decryption and digital signatures, needs to be renewed, how carefully do the certificate renewal steps need to be coordinated for a seamless transition?  More specifically...
    1. Once we import the CSR response from the CA, will the public key currently used by our partner become invalid, or will it continue to work until its expiration date? 
    2. Will our partner be able to validate our signature after the new CSR has been imported, but prior to them applying the new public key certificate in their system? 
    3. Or can we renew the certificate, import the CSR request, provide our partner with the renewed certificate, and let them apply the certificate at their own volition, provided they do it prior to the original certificate expiration?

    Hi Kurt
    In my experience, the renewal/replacement of AS2 certificates for encryption/decryption & signing/authentication requires coordinated effort on both sides.
    This is because AS2 uses asymmetrical encryption, so both parties need to use the same pair of certificates at the same time, i.e. you encrypt on your private key, and partner decrypt on the public key matching your private key. If the keys used do not belong to the same pair, then decryption will not work.
    I'm not sure what AS2 software your partner uses and if it has the feature of automatic rollover of certificate, but PI/Seeburger does not. The approach in PI/Seeburger can either be one of the following:-
    i) import new cert replacing original cert of the same name
    ii) import new cert into new name, manually update sender/receiver agreements
    Due to the manual nature of the tasks, normally it requires coordinated effort during a cutover window.
    Eng Swee

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    I am using a Symbol MC70 with windows mobile 5.0.  All the settings in SICF are okay so with the ports.  I appreciate whoever can give help on my issue.

    We are having the same issue.
    Does anybody have any suggestions?  We are using a self-signed certificate.

  • Wireless WRT160N Connection Error "Windows cannot validate certificate"

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    You need to change the Wireless Settings on your router...
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type - username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    For Wireless Settings, please do the following : -
    Click on the Wireless tab
    -Here select manual configuration...Wireless Network mode should be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box in order to differentiate your network from your neighbours network...
    - Set the Radio Band to Standard-20MHz and change the Standard channel to 11-2.462GHz...Wireless SSID broadcast should be Enabled and then click on Save Settings...
    Please make a note of Wireless Network Name (SSID) as this is the Network Identifier...
    For Wireless Security : -
    Click on the Sub tab under Wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the Wireless security mode to WPA, For Encryption, select AES...For Passphrase input your desired WPA Key. For example , MySecretKey , This will serve as your network key whenever you connect to your wireless network. Do NOT give this key to anyone.
    Click on Advanced Wireless Settings
    Change the Beacon Interval to 75 >>Change the Fragmentation Threshold to 2304, Change the RTS Threshold to 2304 >>Click on "Save Settings"...
    Now see if you can locate your new Wireless Network and attempt to connect...
    If the above fails : 
    Please go to the Control Panel and double click on Network Connections, right click on Wireless Network Connection and click on Properties.Choose the Wireless Networks-tab and remove all the preferred networks from the list and click Add...Click the tab Authentication, in this window you have to choose Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network and EAP type set to Protected EAP (PEAP?, now click O.k...
    Try to re-connect to your wireless network, it should connect...

  • How to create a certificate using keytool / terminal?

    I have problems with creating certificates using the terminal. I use the instructions below and typed in all the required information. When it asks me to type "yes" and confirm, the whole process just starts from the beginning over and over and I have to type in the same things. What do I do wrong? How do I confirm the information I typed in?
    I am trying to create a certificate to sign apps for GooglePlay and Amazon. I am using DPS Professional.
    Thanks for help!
    (Mac OS) Create a certificate file using Keytool
    Open Terminal, which is located in the Applications > Utilities folder.
    Type (or paste) the following line (replace “myname.key.p12” with the actual name of your certificate):
    keytool -genkey -v -keystore myname.key.p12 -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12 -validity 10000
    Specifying “10000” sets the expiration date after 22 October 2033.
    Enter and reenter a password. Until the Viewer Builder supports the creation of custom Android apps, it's necessary to share this password with Adobe. Create a password that you can share.
    Follow the prompts to specify the certificate information.
    When prompted to confirm choices, enter yes, and then press Return to use the same password.
    A certificate is created in your prompt location, such as your user name folder. Copy this certificate file to a known location. Write down the password as well.

    It could be access/rights issue. Enable root user and try again.

  • File to File scenario using Transport Protocol FTP  Problem

    my scenario is a file to file scenario using Transport Protocol FTP
    there are 3 systems involved
    a. computer 1 ( My system-source)
    b. computer 2 (XI server)
    c. computer 3 (Target system)
    I want XI to pick file from computer 1 and post it to computer 3
    I am logging on to XI server from computer 1(thro SAP GUI),
    <u><b>Sender communication  channel :</b></u>
    Transport protocol:FTP
    Messsage protocol: file
    <u><b>In FTP connection Parameters:</b></u>
    Server: computer 1 IP address
    User name and PW---> I have given computer 1 Username and password.
    Connection mode: permanently
    Transfer mode: Binary
    Folder: C:\ftproot\output
    filename : given
    <u><b>In Receiver Communication Channel</b></u>
    Transport protocol:FTP
    Message protocol: file
    <u><b>In FTP connection Parameters:</b></u>
    Server: computer 3 IP address
    User name and PW---> I have given computer 3 Username and password.
    Connection mode: permanently
    Transfer mode: Binary
    Put File: Use Temporary File
    filename scheme: given
    When I activate the scenario file is not getting picked from the source
    In Adapter Framework: Message says up and running No message processing now
    How to check FTP server is up and running on computer 1 (source system)and Computer 2 (XI server)?
    What could be the problem ?

    Consider that I dont have FTP installed on my computer. According to this blog
    I have configured.
    In sender comm channel I have given Ipaddress of computer 1 (which has a file to be picked)
    In Receiver Comm channel I have given IP address of computer 3 (in which file to be posted)
    and computer 2 is the XI server
    Computer 1 has FTP installed
    1. XI server should have FTP installed or not ? IF yes is it FTP client  or FTP server   or Guild FTP (according to the blog is enough)
    2. Computer 3 should have FTP installed or not ?
    Please help me I am really confused.

  • Error to Connect Oracle Files from Mac Os10  using smb protocol .

    I connect my MacOs10 to oracle Workspaces using smb protocol but when I try to copy a file into a folder the system show me "error -36".
    From the finder I type "apple -k" and then I write "smb://nomeserver". The system show me "User name" and "Password" and after the authentication I see "MyHome" resource on my desktop.
    I navigate into MyWorkspaces folders and than I copy a file from a local directory. After a few second the system show me "error -36" and the file is not transferred from local to server.
    Any idea?

    In OCS10g SMB protocol not supported, use FTP or WebDav.

  • Wildcard Certificate use in Sun Java System Messaging Server (IMAPs/POPs)

    I'm trying to use a wildcard certificate acquired from GlobalSign and am having problems getting
    it (properly) into the cert database.
    I tried using certutil, and that didn't seem to work at all, it would list without user cert status:
    rmorneau+root@mmp1:/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config# /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/certutil -L -d .
    GlobalSign-Ext-CA CT,c,
    * ,,
    I had some success using msgcert and pk12util, but after importing it in, then seeing that it did
    have user cert status, after a quick restart of Messaging (IMAP/POP), SSL quit for IMAP and kicked all
    my IMAPs users out temporarily (until I put the original cert8.db and key3.db back).
    -------- ImapProxy_20101115.log----
    20101115 135531 ImapProxyAService.cfg (id 2590) SSL negotiation failed for IP XXX.XXX.X.XXX: Cannot connect: SSL is disabled. (-12268) u,u,u
    GlobalSign-Ext-CA CT,c,
    * u,u,u
    I truly appreciate any help on this matter.

    2. Does the certificate nickname in NSS match the configured certificate nickname in the product?I'm not sure, but I'll try that the next time I try this... will probably be late at night were I won't be interrupting IMAPs and POPs
    Makes sense. Prior to release 7 update 4, the servers have to be shut down before modifying certificate databases. As of 7 update 4 you can do a one-time migration to the cert9.db/key4.db format that >should allow certificates to be updated without taking the servers offline.
    This was in the log just before the other log entry that I showed before.
    20101115 135440 ImapProxyAService.cfg ASockSSL_Init: couldn't find cert (-8174)
    This is the key line from the log. The server is looking for a certificate with the NSS certificate nickname of '' and is not finding that certificate so issue 2 is likely the problem.Yes, this was it. Oversite on my part, forgot they had to match and could not be a form of just or *
    You either need to modify the default:SSLCertNicknames setting to match the nickname of the new certificate, or install the new certificate using the existing certificate nickname of ''I modified the default:SSLCertNicknames setting.
    Thank you CNewman very much for all your help.
    And, for those trolling for an answer with more detail via an Internet search (that is, if Oracle doesn't screw up these forums for anon searches)::::
    With the private key in hand (not password protected), I used 'openssl' to get it into a pkcs12 type file:
    (It is best to do this as root and not as sudo root as you might run into problems if your host
    does not have root power to write to your home dir on the/a NFS share.... you will get "unable to write 'random state'".)
    root@mmp1:/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/GlobalSign-certs-new# /usr/sfw/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -in ket-wildcard-cert.pem -inkey private.key -out cert.pkcs12 -name
    Enter Export Password:
    Verifying - Enter Export Password:
    Where "private.key" is the key file, and "ket-wildcard-cert.pem" is the (pem format) cert from our cert provider,
    and cert.pkcs12 is our cert file that will be imported into the database, and is whatever you (nick)name your cert
    in the database
    (I think you could use a password protected private key if you have that password.. I don't.)
    Next, I used 'msgcert' to import the pkcs12 cert file into the database (I'm sure there is a way
    to use certutil or even pk12util to do the same, but I'm on Sun Messenger 6.3 at this time, so that's what I used.
    If someone would like to elaborate for those....?):
    (It is best, when using 'msgcert', to do it where your mailsrv user has some privs.. I took my pkcs12 cert and moved into /tmp.)
    root@mmp1:/tmp# /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/msgcert import-cert cert.pkcs12
    Enter the PKCS#12 file password: (blank)
    Enter the certificate database password: (token password in sslpassword.conf)
    Make sure your (wildcard) cert nickname matches what you have in
    ImapProxyAService.cfg and PopProxyAService.cfg at the "default:SSLCertNicknames" field.
    Edit if need be.
    root@mmp1:/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config# /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/certutil -L -d .
    GlobalSign-Ext-CA CT,c, u,u,u
    root@mmp1:/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config# grep default:SSLCertNicknames *AService.cfg
    Then, of course, restart the msg service(s).
    Edited by: 810750 on Nov 18, 2010 8:08 AM
    Edited by: 810750 on Nov 18, 2010 8:11 AM

  • Using https protocol thru Oracle Developer 6.0

    Hi ,
    I would like to know if it is possible to use https protocol from Oracle Developer 6.0.
    we have used http protocol when using
    Show_Document() and it works fine. But when we try to use https (which our application requires - secure mode)then we get the following error:
    FRM-99999 Invalid URL sent to browser with target_BLANK.
    Full Details: unknown protocol:https
    We would appreciate any help on this problem.
    Are there any patches which would enable the use of this protocol??
    Sanjay Sinha
    email:[email protected]

    There are other services that may cause you trouble.
    I have had to turn off SMTP and DHCP services in the past.

  • How to validate xml using xsd

    Hi All
    please tell me how to validate xml using xsd

    Try using this link:
    = for instance or
    = use the search button on this forum and / or
    = read the FAQ on this (XML DB FAQ
    Thanks Eddie et all, for educating me via (don't mind the URL , the info there is really useful)
    The following link on this site is just brilliant:
    Message was edited by:

  • Validate date using RE

    Hey guys,
    Need to validate date using RE in format MM/DD/YYYY and optional HH:MM:SS
    I already have simple solution, but would like to add checks for leap year and dates like 02/30/2006 or 04/31/2006
    So far I have this:
    private static final String datePattern =
         "^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\\d\\d" +

    A much better way is to specify the format of the data and parse it using the SimpleDateFormat class method parse.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Urgent: sales report

    Hi All, I want to devlop a sales report, please can any one explain me how to write select and go ahead the requiremnet is like this Based on selection criteria Sales organisation (VBRK-VKORG), Distribution channel (VBRK-VTWEG), Division (VBRK_SPART)

  • IPad cannot email a one-page PDF correctly

    This has been a persistent issue since I first bought my iPad 2.5 years ago. Now I'm on iOS 7 and it's still a problem. Create a file in Pages (doesn't matter what app you create the file with). Then send the file from the app as a PDF.  If the file

  • Display format for Chapter numbers

    I would like to be able to use automated chapter numbers however I am required to have a RH header which displays the chapter number in the header as a Two rather than 2. Is it possible to create some alternate display for the numeric chapter number.

  • Delete Transactional data for one (1) Cost element

    Hi All. How to Delete Transactional data for one (1) Cost element? i know T code OKC3 but it is saying I can delete only at controlling area level, I want to delete only data (Transactional) for one cost element . Please let me know, Thank you , Paar

  • How do I insert additional pages inside a footnoted document with accompanying text boxes and still keep pages below syncronized?

    Is there a way to insert additional pages into a lengthy document containing continuous footnotes at the bottom of each page and accompanying text boxes on most pages without losing the syncronization of text and text box information on the pages bel