Validation on first item

i am using apex_3.2.1.
I have these items and i want to create validation on p1_item1 to check values.if the value entered in first item is
exist into the database it shows the alert msg value already exist and control should not move to the next item.

I want to focus the cursor on name item until the user
not entered the Unique value. I am sending
you login id and password.
what I have done i am dispalying
popup on item if user not entered the unique value in name item.
I have implement this using ajex. name is the item on which
i am displaying popup if value entered in name
item exist into the database popup should raise and after click on ok
button of popup cursor should point to the same item until user not entered the unique value.
1)The problem is cursor not focus
to the name item after display of the popup in case of incurrect value.
2)it display The popup if i am click on the cancel button too.
how could i resolve this problem. please help me to sort out this problem.
i am sending you my application login id and password.
Application No-51552
page No -2 and 3
Workspace   ---  DISCUSSION
User Name  ----   [email protected]
passowrd     ----      fuvubeEdited by: Vedant on May 19, 2011 10:17 PM

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    After some some trial and error I came up with the follow script. But it's so slow! And seems to be missing my document centre - it has about 80000 items in it.
    Two questions: Can I make this quicker? and why can't it handle getting results from the document centre?
    $webs = (Get-SPSite "http://portal...." | Get-SPWeb -Limit all -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    if($webs.count -ge 1 -OR $webs.count -eq $null)
    foreach($web in $webs)
    $lists = $web.Lists
    foreach($list in $lists)
    if ($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" -OR $list.BaseType -eq "GenericList")
    $item = $list.Items[0]
    if (($item -ne $null) -and ($item["Document ID Value"] -ne $null))
    $finalstring = $item["Document ID Value"].ToString()
    write-output $finalstring | Out-File "C:\scripts\results.txt" -append

    I thought that pointing to items[0] would literally just grab the first item.
    So what do I do here? How can I use an spquery in my code? I'm confused in the order and the exact sytax I would use the spquery.
    Thanks for you help so far Alex.
    Edit: Amended my code, is this correct?
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.PowerShell
    $webcount = 0
    $listcount = 0
    $itemcount = 0
    $itemid = ""
    $TimeStamp = Get-Date
    $Date = $TimeStamp.ToShortDateString()
    $Time = $TimeStamp.ToShortTimeString()
    $webs = (Get-SPSite "Http://portal..." | Get-SPWeb -Limit all -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    $query = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPQuery
    $query.Query = "<Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='ID'/></IsNotNull></Where>,<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='_dlc_DocId' Ascending='True'/></OrderBy>"
    $query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='_dlc_DocId'/>"
    if($webs.count -ge 1 -OR $webs.count -eq $null)
    foreach($web in $webs)
    $lists = $web.Lists
    foreach($list in $lists)
    if ($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" -OR $list.BaseType -eq "GenericList")
    $listcount += 1
    $items = $list.GetItems($query)
    foreach ($item in $items)
    if ($item["_dlc_DocId"] -ne $null)
    $itemid = $item["_dlc_DocId"].ToString()
    if ($itemid -ne "")
    $itemcount += 1
    $finalstring = $Date + " ; " + $Time + " ; " + $web.url + " ; " + $list.title + " ; " + $itemid
    write-output $finalstring | Out-File "C:\scripts\results.txt" -append
    $webcount += 1
    Write-Host "Amount of Webs checked:"$webcount
    Write-Host "Amount of Document Library Lists:"$listcount
    Write-Host "Amount of valid IDs:"$itemcount

  • Af:inputListOfValues sets value of first item in result set when using enter key or tab and component set to autosubmit=true

    I'm using JDev and when I type a value into an af:inputListOfValues component and hit either the enter key or the tab key it will replace the value I entered with the first item in the LOV result set. If enter a value and just click out of the af:inputListOfValues component it works correctly. If I use the popup and search for a value it works correctly as well. I have a programmatic view object which contains a single transient attribute (this is the view object which is used to create the list of value component from) and then I have another entity based view object which defines one of its attributes as a list of value attribute. I tried using an entity based view object to create the LOV from and everything works as expected so I'm not sure if this is a bug when using programmatic view objects or if I need more code in the VOImpl. Also, it seems that after the first time of the value being replaced by the first value in the result set that it will work correctly as well. Below are some of the important code snippets.
    Also, it looks like it only doesn't work if the text entered in the af:inputListOfValues component would only have a single match returned in the result set. For instance given the result set in the code: Brad, Adam, Aaron, Fred, Charles, Charlie, Jimmy
    If we enter Cha, the component works as expected
    If we enter A, the component works as expected
    If we enter Jimmy, the component does not work as expected and returns the first value of the result set ie. Brad
    If we enter Fred, the component does not work as expected and returns the first value of the result set ie. Brad
    I also verified that I get the same behavior in JDev
    UsersVOImpl (Programmatic View Object with 1 transient attribute)
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
    import oracle.jbo.JboException;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Wed Sep 18 15:59:44 CDT 2013
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class UsersVOImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
        private static ADFLogger LOGGER = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(UsersVOImpl.class);
        private long hitCount = 0;
         * This is the default constructor (do not remove).
        public UsersVOImpl () {
         * executeQueryForCollection - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected void executeQueryForCollection (Object qc, Object[] params, int noUserParams) {
             List<String> usersList = new ArrayList<String>();
             Iterator usersIterator = usersList.iterator();
             setUserDataForCollection(qc, usersIterator);
             hitCount = usersList.size();
             super.executeQueryForCollection(qc, params, noUserParams);
        } // end executeQueryForCollection
         * hasNextForCollection - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected boolean hasNextForCollection (Object qc) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             if (usersListIterator.hasNext()) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 setFetchCompleteForCollection(qc, true);
                 return false;
             } // end if
        } // end hasNextForCollection
         * createRowFromResultSet - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected ViewRowImpl createRowFromResultSet (Object qc, ResultSet resultSet) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             String user = (String);
             ViewRowImpl viewRowImpl = createNewRowForCollection(qc);
             try {
                 populateAttributeForRow(viewRowImpl, 0, user.toString());
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 LOGGER.severe("Error Initializing Data", e);
                 throw new JboException(e);
             } // end try/catch
             return viewRowImpl;
        } // end createRowFromResultSet
         * getQueryHitCount - overridden for custom java data source support.
        public long getQueryHitCount (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) {
             return hitCount;
        } // end getQueryHitCount
        protected void create () {
        } // end create
        protected void releaseUserDataForCollection (Object qc, Object rs) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             usersListIterator = null;
             super.releaseUserDataForCollection(qc, rs);
        } // end releaseUserDataForCollection
    } // end class
    <af:inputListOfValues id="userName" popupTitle="Search and Select: #{bindings.UserName.hints.label}" value="#{bindings.UserName.inputValue}"
                                                  label="#{bindings.UserName.hints.label}" model="#{bindings.UserName.listOfValuesModel}" required="#{bindings.UserName.hints.mandatory}"
                                                  columns="#{bindings.UserName.hints.displayWidth}" shortDesc="#{bindings.UserName.hints.tooltip}" autoSubmit="true"
                              <f:validator binding="#{bindings.UserName.validator}"/>                      

    I have found a solution to this issue. It seems that when using a programmatic view object which has a transient attribute as its primary key you need to override more methods in the ViewObjectImpl so that it knows how to locate the row related to the primary key when the view object records aren't in the cache. This is why it would work correctly sometimes but not all the time. Below are the additional methods you need to override. The logic you use in retrieveByKey would be on a view object by view object basis and would be different if you had a primary key which consisted of more than one attribute.
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, Key key, int i) {
        return retrieveByKey(viewRowSetImpl, null, key, i, false);
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, String string, Key key, int i, boolean b) {
        RowSetIterator usersRowSetIterator = this.createRowSet(null);
        Row[] userRows = usersRowSetIterator.getFilteredRows("UserId", key.getAttribute(this.getAttributeIndexOf("UserId")));
        return userRows;
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, Key key, int i, boolean b) {
        return retrieveByKey(viewRowSetImpl, null, key, i, b);

  • Validation of an item

    this may be a simple question to most but I'm having trouble understanding how I would go about this
    I have a app where our call centre agents can enter the first 6 digits of a members CC number, the agents are advised to enter multiple cards by separating the numbers by a comma i.e. 123456,234567,654321 to indicate an issue with multiple cards
    I then want to be able to run some validation over the item to ensure the agents have not entered a number longer than 6 digits but the validation would need to take into account the comma separated values
    so a value of
    123456, 123456, 123456 would pass validation
    123456, 12345678123456789, 123456 would fail because the 2nd entered value is more than 6 digits
    am I asking the impossible here ?
    Edited by: Mr JD on 06-Jul-2010 07:38

    Simplest way might be using a regular expression validation.
    with t as (
      select null cards from dual
      union all
      select ',' from dual
      union all
      select '123456' from dual
      union all
      select '123456,' from dual
      union all
      select '123456,234567 ' from dual
      union all
      select '123456,234567,654321' from dual
      union all
      select '123456,   123456, 123456' from dual
      union all
      select '123456, 1234567812345678, 123456' from dual
      union all
      select '12345678123456789, 0, 123456' from dual
      union all
      select '123456, -123456, 123456' from dual
      union all
      select '12345, 12345, 12345' from dual
      union all
      select 'ABCDEF, 12345A, 1Z3456' from dual
      union all
      select '123456, ,' from dual)
            , case
                when regexp_like(cards, '^([[:digit:]]{6}[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*)*([[:digit:]]{6}[[:space:]]*)$') then 'PASS'
                else 'FAIL'
              end posix_regexp
            , case
                when regexp_like(cards, '^(\d{6}\s*,\s*)*(\d{6}\s*)$') then 'PASS'
                else 'FAIL'
              end perl_regexp
    CARDS                            POSIX_REGEXP PERL_REGEXP
                                     FAIL         FAIL       
    ,                                FAIL         FAIL       
    123456                           PASS         PASS       
    123456,                          FAIL         FAIL       
    123456,234567                    PASS         PASS       
    123456,234567,654321             PASS         PASS       
    123456,   123456, 123456         PASS         PASS       
    123456, 1234567812345678, 123456 FAIL         FAIL       
    12345678123456789, 0, 123456     FAIL         FAIL       
    123456, -123456, 123456          FAIL         FAIL       
    12345, 12345, 12345              FAIL         FAIL       
    ABCDEF, 12345A, 1Z3456           FAIL         FAIL       
    123456, ,                        FAIL         FAIL

  • Navigate to the first item in a updatable report

    on my page i have a master/detail form. When a new detail - record is created, the cursor navigate to the first item on the page => it is the first item of the master! What I have to do, that the cursor navigate to the first item in the new detail-record ??

    Hi Andy,
    thank you for your answer.
    When the program start, I can not find the cursor. I think, I have a problem to reference the item in the updatable report. I wrote the following lines:
    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
    alert('Vor Cursor Navigation');
    (FKOM_RUFNR is a column of the select statement in the report!!)
    A second problem: The cursor navigate to the field - first_field('FIELD_NAME') - every time. But the cursor should navigate to the field in the updatable report, if the button "ADD" in the region of the updatable report was clicked. If the page was displayed without clicking the ADD - button, the cursor should navigate to the first item in the master form ( like => Cursor focus: first item on the page). How can I do that ??

  • Hide "more" button in a list view, only works for first item in the list

    I have the following code in a list view that outputs several dozen items in a web app.  The code only works for the first item, how can I make it loop through and execute the test for each item in the list view?  The {tag_hide more button} is a checkmark field that yields a numeric 1" if checked otherwise yields a numeric "0".
    <div id="more-option">
            <p class="right"><a href="{tag_itemurl_nolink}" class="btn btn-small btn-very-subtle">More &rarr;</a></p>
          <div class="more-selection" style="display: none;">{tag_hide more button}</div>
    if ($(".more-selection").text() == "1") {

    What's the URL for the site where you are using this?  Offhand, it looks like it should work with your first example so you are either placing the script before those elements are loaded or you might try wrapping your current javascript inside the:
    $(document).ready(function() {
    --- your existing javascript here
    This make sure the code runs once all the html is loaded on the page.  Without seeing a URL and debugging with the js console in Chrome I can't give you a solid answer.
    But, I do know that you can probably do this with a lot less markup.  Once we figure out what the actual problem is I have a better solution mocked up for you on jsfiddle.
    When looking at my HTML code on jsfiddle, please realize I setup some dummy HTML and removed your tags and added actual values which would be output by your tags.  The main thing I did was remove the whole div.more-selection and instead, added a "data-is-selected" attribute on your div.more-option element.  Then, in my javascript for each element on the page, we loop through them, find the value of that data attribute and hide that div if it's less than 1 (or 0).
    Here's the fiddle for you to look at:
    You'll see in the end result that only two divs show up, both of those divs have data-is-selected="1".
    You can try pasting the javascript code near the closing </body> tag on your page and make sure to wrap my js inside a <script> tag, obviously.  My way is neater on the markup side.  If you can't get it to work it's likely a jquery conflict issue.  My version is using the $(document).ready() method to make sure all the code is loaded before it runs.

  • Is it possible to show first item in a Drop down list

    Is it possible to automatically display the first item in a drop down list ?
    The reason I ask is  ... I am generating pre-filled PDF forms using XML data files.
    Whenever there is a certain type of data I am populating a drop down list for the user to review.
    Currently, the user must click on the drop down to see if data is there regardless of whether there is no data at all or many data lines of data..
    I would like to make it clear to the user whether or not there is any data - right awa.y
    I have considered creating a display item next (like a check box or a text field ) next to the drop down and setting it to cindicate if there is data, etc -
    but i thougth that I would ask if the drop down could simply be set to automatically display the first item in the list (this is the preferred functionality)
    If this is not possible I can always create a check box and set it if there is any data as an  indicator for the user ..

    You can do this way..
    Place the code in Inititalize event with Java Script
    if(DropDownList1.rawValue == null)
        DropDownList1.selectedIndex = 0;
    You need to check if the Dropdown has a value selected from the previous save.. If not then set the selected item to 0th index. (which is 1st one in the dropdown values)..

  • Since I upgraded my Ipad2 with IOS6, i keep getting kicked out of Safari after I am in the middle of looking for something and on Ebay it continually kicks me back to the first item if I click to see a picture, say after I am 150 items down.  Even CNN too

    Since I upgraded my Ipad2 to IOS6, I keep getting kicked out of Safari after I am in the middle of searching for something.  Also, Ebay kicks me back to first item if I click on an item, say number 153 or 642!  Very annoying.  Even CNN kicked me out back to Ipad home screen last night!  How do I make it stop???

    My question is this:
    What is the best way of getting the pictures out of the iPhoto Library? I
    Select the photos you want out and export them as JPGEs - kind = current for the current edited version - kind = original for the original
    f I get access to the original folders within the library by right-clicking any photo and then being able to browse inside the library, am I going to have any problems if I copy or move those original pictures directly to a folder outside of the iPhoto Library?
    Copying photos out will not be a problem if you make no errors - for me that is not a good bet - it is best to stay out of yoru iPhoto library
    Would it be better to export the pictures?
    Does exporting using "current" under "Kind" give you the original more safely?
    No - it gives you the current version which may be the original if no changes have been made or will be the current edited version if edits ahve been made
    Also, any suggestions on how to best have photos OUTSIDE of an iPhoto library organized so that iPhoto can reference them, but your backup is also organized?
    In the iPhoto preferences un check the advanced preference to "copy imported items to the iPhoto library"
    HOWEVER - this is not recommended - it makes importing more complicated, deleting more complicated and makes replacing a hard drive or going to a new computer much more difficult - and it puts you totally in charge of your original photos - being sure that they are there and do not get moved
    I'd like to have my photos organized by date in the backup as well, so that I don't have to backup all my pictures every time I add new ones, just add the latest to the backup drive.
    Finally, any suggestions on what to do with pictures that you scan so that they appear by the date they were taken as opposed to the date they were scanned? Is there a way to modify the date of the photo info?
    Select the photos in iPhoto and use the batch change command under the photos menu - the tiem and date option

  • Validation on text item

    Hi all,
    i have a text item P6_MAXLIABILITY
    I put a validation on that item with regular expression.
    I want that validation to happen, when the focus moves to the next item.
    could any one give me a suggestion?

    if the focus changes the javascript is event "onblur();" automatically fired. Then you can call own javascript function and validate the input.
    <form name="test" action="">
    Name: <input type="text" name="input1" onblur="checkContent(this.value)">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkContent (field) {
    if (field == "") {
    alert("Please input something!");
    return false;

  • Validation on an Item

    I am trying to put a validation on an item.
    I have two columns:
    Ethics Status and Ethics Tracking Number
    Ethics Status is required but Ethics Tracking Number is only Required if Ethics Status is Yes.
    I am unsure how to go about doing this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    I would create a Validation for the item Ethics Tracking Number that says it cannot be NULL, and then set the condition to "Value of Item In Expression 1 Is NOT NULL", and then in the Expression 1 box fill in the name of the page item for the Ethics Status field.
    This way the validation is only applied when the condition evaluates to TRUE, which will only happen when Ethics Status is not null.
    So if you had the item P1_ETHICS_STATUS, then put that in the Expression 1 box.

  • Only display first item when item no is bound to viewBT117S_SRC/AdvancedSRL

    Hi ;
    I want to add order item attributes to the lines of the page "service confirmatioms" , at first It was displaying only order header lines in standart ,  i enhanced the context node and added "item line no" of the orders but in the view it displays first item lines for each order.ıf you have 18 orders , it displays only 18 lines and only item no 10 for each one.
    new attribute i added to the context no in following orders (item line no)
               --> BTOrderItemAll
                    -->Item No
    For each order I have at least 2 lines , Why does it displays only first items after I enhanced the context node by adding item line no?
    What sould I follow the steps?

    Hi ;
    I want to add order item attributes to the lines of the page "service confirmatioms" , at first It was displaying only order header lines in standart ,  i enhanced the context node and added "item line no" of the orders but in the view it displays first item lines for each order.ıf you have 18 orders , it displays only 18 lines and only item no 10 for each one.
    new attribute i added to the context no in following orders (item line no)
               --> BTOrderItemAll
                    -->Item No
    For each order I have at least 2 lines , Why does it displays only first items after I enhanced the context node by adding item line no?
    What sould I follow the steps?

  • Galleries - default to first item in list

    I am working on a trade show app using Siena. I have a number of product galleries that load from excel, but I am having trouble getting the galleries to default to the first item in a selected list. Instead, if I select a new gallery, it starts on the last
    position viewed by another gallery instead of starting clean on first item.
    I thought it has something to do with DefaultVisibleIndex, but I have had no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Rojon,
    In your dropdown list control, set Behavior>OnChange property to: UpdateContext({index:5});UpdateContext({index:1}). You're setting a context variable named index to 5 and then 1--basically cause its value to change every time the selection in the control
    Now, set the DefaultVisibleIndex property of your gallery to: index

  • How to get first item of hashMap w/out knowing the key

    can someone tell me if there is a way to get first item from a hashMap when you dont know what the key is. as the get method expects a defined 'key'
    reason I am asking this:
    I am using struts 2 UI <s:radio> tag. this tag takes a hashmap and creates radio maps. it has a 'value' attribute and if something is passed to this attribute then that radio button is checked by default. the list that contains radio buttons is created dynamically so i dont know what is actually in the hashMap key's. but i do know that key's are string.
    so just wondering if there is a way to get first item from a hashmap without knowing the key...

    thanks for the quick reply.
    posted in java forums because thought it was a java API/workaround question. gave a little history because i didnt want people to start questioning my use of HashMap for this purpose..
    anywhose..i've found a workaround.
    If someone has a similar problem:
    as the hashmap is being populated dynamically....set a String member of class to contain the first key thats being put in the hashmap. then have struts tag pick up that value.
    also, through your post and reading hashMap api...its usefull to know that hasMaps do not gurantee the order of elements in it. So now I am using a TreeMap.

  • First item in dd list indented in IE

    On a few pages of a redesign I am doing I have a few
    <dd><li> - In FireFox its fine but in IE it is
    indenting the first item in the list.
    Any suggestions on how to fix? I looked in all my CSS and Im
    not seeing anything.. ( should I look harder?)
    Here is a page of a good example

    On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:41:03 +0000 (UTC), "NeilPeartRocks"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    > On a few pages of a redesign I am doing I have a few
    - In FireFox its
    >fine but in IE it is indenting the first item in the
    > Any suggestions on how to fix? I looked in all my CSS
    and Im not seeing
    >anything.. ( should I look harder?)
    > Here is a page of a good example
    > thanks
    > R
    Definition lists - at least as I read it don''t just have
    <dd>'s as
    you have:
    Definition lists have a <dt> to define the definition
    term and then
    the <dd) to describe the definttion description. so it
    would look like
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    but to change the indent - you can change the margin with
    dd {margin-left: 5px; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:18px; }
    ~Malcolm N....

  • Select first item in table

    I have a spry:region that feeds data to another spry:region
    and spry:detailregion. The setup works fine, but the first
    dsJobCategories TD doesn't appear selected via CSS. It pipes in the
    data to the subsequent spry:region and :detailregion without
    showing up as selected. The code is below. Can anyone tell me what
    I'm doing wrong?
    <div id="Jobs_DIV">
    <span spry:region="dsJobCategories">
    <h2>2: Choose a Subcategory</h2>
    <table width="200">
    <tr spry:repeat="dsJobCategories">
    <td spry:if="{jobcount} == 0" class="disabled"
    <td spry:if="{jobcount} &gt; 0" spry:select="select"
    spry:hover="hover" spry:selectgroup="jobs"
    <div id="Job_List_DIV">
    <span spry:region="dsJobList">
    <h2 spry:if="{ds_RowCount} == 0"> </h2>
    <p spry:if="{ds_RowCount} == 0">Please choose a
    category at the left. Categories with no jobs are greyed
    <span spry:if="{ds_RowCount} != 0">
    <h2>Job List:</h2>
    <table width="200">
    <tr spry:repeat="dsJobList">
    <td spry:select="select" spry:hover="hover"
    <div id="Jobs_Detail_DIV" spry:detailregion="dsJobList"
    spry:if="{ds_RowCount} &gt; 0">
    <h2>Job Detail:</h2>
    <p><b>title:</b> {title}<br />
    <b>description:</b> {description}<br />
    <b>facility:</b> {facility}<br />
    <b>referencenumber:</b> {referencenumber}

    Originally posted by:
    ven schrieb:
    > Hi,
    > I am using a multipage editor with a master details block. The master
    > block has a table viewer. I am trying to select the first item in the
    > table programmatically and fire the event associated with the selection.
    > TEven though i select the item in the table using setSelection() on the
    > table viewer, the details block doesn't show up. It shows up when
    > explicitly clicked upon. Does anybody know any solution to this problem.
    > I want the details black to be shown as soon as the editor is loaded and
    > the user swtiches to this page.
    > thanks,
    > ven
    In your master part use managedForm.selectionChanged(this,
    viewer.getSelection()) to notify other parts in the managed form that
    the selection has changed.
    Kind regards,

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