ValueListHandler, Large Results and Clustering

Has anybody got experience of using the ValueListHanlder pattern with a session facade and potentially very large query results, e.g. millions of results (even when filtered)?
How did this solution scale with many users each with a stateful session bean containing all of the results? How did state replication over a cluster scale? Are there any better solutions you have implemented?
Any experience/tips would be much appreciated.
Duncan Eley

Ah, ValueListHandler, a pattern whose soleexistence
is due to the limitations of entity beans. Ah,the
old painful days of EJB. (I digress)
Yes, there are several solutions. Do you
millions of rows? There are a few ways to getaround
this, depending on your requirements:Unfortunatley, the current implementation of the
system could result in millions of rows, paged of
course, being delivered to the end user. I am yet to
discuss how useful this could be to the end user -
- it is quite possibly useless but that's for our
users to decide.
There are business requirements, and there are also technical realities. First approach them with, "How would you even scroll through a million records?" Then, if they persist, "Well, it doesn't matter anyway because a million records will either break the server or require you to buy ten for every one you would have purchased otherwise."
If you are storing all those rows to perform aseries of calculations, perform the calculations
'close' to the ResultSet itself, meaning read each
row and update your calculations accordingly. You
should then simply have to return the calculation
results. This would typically be done during abatch
process run or a report.
If you are only displaying, say, a hundred at atime, implement pagination. This would be like in
Google where you see 1 ... n for however manypages
of data there are. Rather than returning amillion
rows, SELECT the count first and then SELECThowever
many rows are appropriate for a page. You can use
ROWNUM (for Oracle) or LIMIT (for ANSI compliant
RDBMS) to 'page' the results returned by the
database.This approach would require two queries to begin
with (count and first page) then a query for each
page. What worries me about this approach is that if
the query consists of multiple joins on tables with
millions of rows, the queries can be quite slow. And
having used this technique once before on a complex
query with GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING, using LIMIT
was not much quicker than not using LIMIT (in MySQL
You can always serialize the results to the file system or store the query results in a temporary table. The latter is nice because LIMIT works on that (smaller with fewer joins) query. The issue you will run into is how and when to clear out 'stale' query results. Depending on how much disk you have, you could conceivably dedicate a parent record for each user. When the user requested another query, the existing one would be overwritten. A batch process could expire all stored results at the end of the night, week, month, etc.
If all else fails, and this is a very rarerequirement that literally millions of rows
must be sent to either the app server orthe
client, then store the results temporarily in the
file system of the app server. This is a last
resort. I would be shocked to find real, valid
business requirements to actually hold ontomillions
of rows.I agree this would be a last resort: would not work
in a cluster, clean up issues etc. I've seen one
solution where results were stored back in the
database as a BLOB!? See:
BLOB is a possibility, but I think a dedicated temporary table is more elegant. How would you paginate a BLOB without loading it into memory first?
Hope that stimulates a few ideas. Why do you have
millions of rows? (BTW, regarding statereplication,
this would make a horrendous situation that much
worse; it would in all likelihood gum up yournetwork
and cause all your machines to run out of memory
Thanks for your input. If the requirements
cannot change then I guess at the moment I'll have to
compare the 'one query, page through results in
stateful session bean' approach with the 'multiple
but limited queries approach'.
I think the former has memory scaling issues and the latter may have performance issues.
Has anybody already compared these two approaches?
What do people think of the 'results stored in the
database' approach?
- SaishDuncan EleyInteresting discussion!
- Saish

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    Give iPhoto a look at for creating the slideshow.  It's easy to assemble the photos in an album in iPhoto, put them in the order you want and then make a slideshow of them.  You can select from various themes and transitions between slides and add music from your iTunes library.
    When you have the slidshow as you want use the Export button at the bottom of the iPhoto window and export with Size = Medium or Large.
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    Next, open iDVD, choose your theme and drag the QT movie file into the menu window being careful to avoid any drop zones.
    Then follow this workflow to help assure the best qualty video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.
    The reason I suggest iPhoto is that I find it much easier to use than iMovie (except for the older iMovie 6 HD version).  Personal preferences showing here.

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    see here for more information -
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    Ram - SharePoint Architect
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    No human can manage that much a grid, a chart, or a direct-connected link to the brain. 
    What you want to implement (much like other customers with similar requirements) is a drill-in and filtering model that helps the user identify and zoom in on data of relevance, not forcing them to scroll through thousands or millions of records.
    You can also use a time-based paging model so that you only deal with a time "slice" at one request (e.g. an hour, day, etc...) and provide a scrolling window.  This is commonly how large datasets are also dealt with in applications.
    I would suggest describing your application in more detail, and we can offer design recommendations and ideas.
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  • Session Failover and Clustering

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              Question 1: How does the other proxy in WS2 know that all future requests for this client need to be forwarded to AS1?
              Question 2: For failover, does the cluster automatically replicate the session state existing in AS1 onto AS2 before sending the response (does AS2 automatically become the secondary)?
              Now let's assume that AS1 crashes/dies. When the next request from the client comes to WS1 or WS2, they will forward it to AS1 (assuming that WS2 knows about the client session in AS1) . Since AS1 has crashed, will the client eventually get a timeout error message?
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              Thank you very much for your help!

              Thank you very much for your responses. It has been very helpful and I am clear on the session/clustering stuff. I have new questions on EJB and clustering which I will post as a separate thread.
              "Jason Rosenberg" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >And also, if the browser has cookies disabled, it is important for
              >the app server to embed the WebLogicSession info via url rewriting,
              >otherwise the proxy or NES will not be able to route the session
              >So, in all http responses, be sure to pass the url string through
              >response.encodeURL(). This will do the right thing depending
              >on whether cookies are enabled or not.
              >I've just only recently figured this out. Haven't actually tried it
              >all out yet, so forgive me if it is not quite this simple, but this
              >seems to be the gist of it...
              >"Justin James" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              >> Giri,
              >> I'm not a weblogic representative, but I tried to replicate this proxing service inside a load balancing switch(BigIP) and I
              >discovered a few things. The weblogic server sets a cookie (WebLogicSession)that the webserver plugin uses to manage the proxying.
              >The cookie (found in the HTTP header information) contains encoded information about the primary and secondary application servers
              >that the session is bound too. Any web server can read the cookie to determine how to dispatch the request to the primary server.
              >If the primary server does not respond, the request is forwarded to the secondary server by the plugin. Regardless of cluster size,
              >the session is replicated to only one other server.
              >> <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >Giri Alwar wrote:
              >> >
              >> >> I need a couple of clarifications. First with regard to Question 1, I understand that plugins provide load balancing and
              >failover but what I really was asking is how the plugin in WS2 knows that a session for the client has been initiated in AS1 as a
              >result of WS1 sending the initial request to AS1. If WS2 gets a future request from the client, it needs to know this to send the
              >request to AS1. Does the plugin talk to the cluster to find out if there is a primary and who it is?
              >> >>
              >> >
              >> >> I should have clarified that my other questions pertain to in-memory replication. If I do not persist the session in a database
              >then does the client get an error message (timeout) when AS1 goes down (assuming we use NES with the WebLogic plugin)?
              >> >
              >> >Plugins' know how to route requests based on cookies. If it can't reach the primary server it will automatically try secondary.
              >In your case it doesn't matter if it reaches to proxy 1 or proxy 2, it is still the same.
              >> >
              >> >- Prasad
              >> >
              >> >> To prevent this error message and achieve failover, do I need to use WebLogic as the proxy server? If so, why isn't the NES
              >plugin doing this?
              >> >
              >> >> Thanks.
              >> >> Giri
              >> >>
              >> >> Prasad Peddada <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >> >Giri Alwar wrote:
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Let's say that we have two WebServers (NES) with the weblogic plugin (say WS1 and WS2) and a cluster with two
              >WebLogicCommerce AppServers (say AS1 and AS2). Let's assume that each WebServer and AppServer runs on its own machine (total: 4
              >machines). Now, let's assume that the WebServer "obj.conf" files (on both WS1 and WS2) are setup so that they point to the servers
              >in the cluster (WebLogicCluster="AS1:7601,AS2:7601").
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> When a new request comes in to one of the WebServers (say WS1), the plugin will route it to one of the AppServers using
              >Round-Robin (say AS1). A session will now be initiated in AS1 and it sends a response back to the client.
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Question 1: How does the other proxy in WS2 know that all future requests for this client need to be forwarded to AS1?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > Plugin takes care of load balancing and failover, it is all transparent to the client.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Question 2: For failover, does the cluster automatically replicate the session state existing in AS1 onto AS2 before sending
              >the response (does AS2 automatically become the secondary)?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > If you have only two yes it is automatically your secondary. Yes, replication is synchronous.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Now let's assume that AS1 crashes/dies. When the next request from the client comes to WS1 or WS2, they will forward it to
              >AS1 (assuming that WS2 knows about the client session in AS1) . Since AS1 has crashed, will the client eventually get a timeout
              >error message?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > If you are using some kind of persistence then you will be able to retrieve the session information and since the server
              >is not available the request will automatically failover.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Question 3: To ensure that the session failover happens so that AS2 gets the request instead (becomes the primary), do we
              >need to setup a WebLogic Proxy Server? If so, why can't the plugins for NES provide the failover themselves?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > No, you need only one. Either NES or weblogic proxy.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Thank you very much for your help!
              >> >> >> Giri
              >> >> >
              >> >> >- Prasad
              >> >> >
              >> >

  • How to handle large result sets?

    Hi All,
    I have a large result set to be displayed to user using jsp's. Problem is that result set is too big, so I can't display all the records in a single push. I want to show the results page by page say 25 per page. Now for every page I have to fetch data from database, means there are going to be many database calls which is not advisable. Or i can cache data in a CachedRowSet to reduce database calls, but in this case you have to store all the data in memory which is not a good solution in case you have very large data sets. Can anybody suggest me a solution to this problem?

    The best thing for you to do is to implmeneting paging logic in conjunction with a scrollable resultset (JDBC 2.0+).
    The logic would go like this assuming 30 rows per page:
    - keep track of which page the user is on (e.g. page 3)
    - issue the full sql
    - scroll thru only the rows in the current page (e.g. rows 90-120)
    - copy the page's rows to value objects
    - close the resultset, statement, and connection
    In the above example, you would scroll to row 90 using rs.absolute(90).
    The efficiency comes from the fact that you're using a scrollable resultset. By using this, only the rows that you scroll thru are extracted out from the database. I performed some simple testing and with my data, and the scrollable resultset was about 10x in performance.
    Good luck!

  • Web Services with Large Result Sets

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    Have any of you handled paging when using Web Services? If so can you please share your experiences considering Web Services are stateless? Any patterns that have worked? I am aware of the Value List pattern but am looking for previous experiences here.

    Joseph Weinstein wrote:
    Aswin Dinakar wrote:
    I ran the test again and I removed the ResultSet.Fetch_Forward and it
    still gave me the same error OutOfMemory.
    The problem to me is similar to what Slava has described. I am parsing
    the result set in memory storing the results in a hash map and then
    emptying the post processed results into a table.
    The hash map turns out to be very big and jvm throws a OutOfMemory
    I am not sure how I can turn this around -
    I can partition my query so that it returns smaller chunks or "blocks"
    of data each time(say a page of data or two pages of data). Then I can
    store a page of data in the table. The problem with this approach is
    that it is not exactly transactional. Recovery would be very difficult
    in this approach.
    I could do this in a try catch block page by page and then the catch
    could go ahead and delete the rows that got committed. The question then
    becomes what if that transaction fails ?It sounds like you're committing the 'cardinal performance sin of DBMS processing',
    of shovelling lots of raw data out of the DBMS, processing it in some small way,
    and sending it (or some of it) back. You should instead do this processing in
    a stored procedure or procedures, so the data is manipulated where it is. The
    DBMS was written from the ground up to be a fast efficient set-based processor.
    Using clever SQL will pay off greatly. Build your saw-mills where the trees are.
    JoeYes we did think of stored procedures. Like I mentioned yesterday some of the post
    processing depends on unicode and specific character sets. Java seemed ideally suited
    to this since it handles these unicode characters very well and has all these libraries
    we can use. Moving this to DBMS would mean we would make that proprietary (not that we
    wont do it if it became absolutely essential) but its one of the reasons why the post
    processing happens in java. Now that you mention it stored procedures seem the best

  • Quotacheck: searchfs Result too large: Result too large

    Aside from a 2006 post regarding this issue, I'm unsure how to resolve my scenario. We're using OSX server's time machine AFP goodies, but we needed to enable quotas for users. Simple? Maybe, but not mac style... so you head into the terminal, read some old posts on outdated forums... use repquota, quotacheck, and quotaon...
    And everything seemed to work, until you add a user (through edquota) who's quota isn't in fstab, who can't be found in repquota...
    I turned off quota checking, tried starting from scratch... what do I get with but an error who's last mention on this forum is from 2006:
    sudo quotacheck -a -v
    * Checking user and group quotas for /dev/rdisk4 (/Volumes/ColdStorage)
    quotacheck: searchfs Result too large: Result too large
    Any ideas of ways around? The 2006 posts seem to indicate that after attempting variations of quotacheck, I might eventually break through!

    I've run into the same issue on our setup as well. (Xserve G5 10.4.8, data is an Xserve RAID, level 5 1TB, used for home directories) I'm working with Apple to see if there is a solution to this issue or if it is a bug. In the meanwhile, they recommended running quotacheck with the path to the share rather then -a
    sudo quotacheck -v /Volumes/OURDATA
    Using the command this way seems to work about half of the time for me, the other half still giving the same error message. I'm hoping this is a cosmetic issue with quotacheck, and not a hint of a problem with our setup.
    I'll be sure to post if I find anything else out.
    Matt Bryant
    Husson College and the New England School of Communications

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    1) Is there a size limit for i-bots to deliver by email?
    2) Is there a way to increase the limits if any so the report can be emailed even when returning large result sets?
    Please let me know.

    Sorry for late reply
    Below is the log file for one of the i-bots. Now I am getting an error message "***kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled: message text not found ***" and the i-bot alert message shows as "Cancelled".
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:04.551
    [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: A fatal error occurred while processing the request. The server responded with: ***kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled: message text not found ***
    Error Codes: YLKKAV7S
    Error Codes: AGEGTYVF
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:04.553
    iBotID: /shared/_ibots/common/TM/Claims Report
    ...Trying iBot Get Response Content loop again.
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:04.554
    ... Sleeping for 8 seconds.
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:12.642
    [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: A fatal error occurred while processing the request. The server responded with: ***kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled: message text not found ***
    Error Codes: YLKKAV7S
    Error Codes: AGEGTYVF
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:12.644
    iBotID: /shared/_ibots/common/TM/Claims Report
    ...Trying iBot Get Response Content loop again.
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:12.644
    ... Sleeping for 6 seconds.
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:18.730
    [nQSError: 77006] Oracle BI Presentation Server Error: A fatal error occurred while processing the request. The server responded with: ***kmsgPortalGoRequestHasBeenCancelled: message text not found ***
    Error Codes: YLKKAV7S
    Error Codes: AGEGTYVF
    +++ ThreadID: f3c6cb90 : 2010-12-17 23:55:18.734
    iBotID: /shared/_ibots/common/TM/Claims Report
    Exceeded number of request retries.

  • Multiple call managers and clusters sharing one application server

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    My question is how do we do that? do we have access to some parameters / variables, similar to "#DEVICENAME#", which can be used to pass the call manager identity to the application?

    Use multiple instances of your application with different URIs (assuming the instances will not have to talk to each other), then, when configuring the service on each cluster, simply reference the specific URI of the application instance for that cluster. eg: Using Tomcat to host the PhoneMessenger application for Cluster1 and Cluster2, Deploy the same application twice: PhoneMessengerForCluster1 and PhoneMessengerForCluster2. The service URL on Cluster1 might be: http://app_server/PhoneMessengerForCluster1/servlet/PhoneMessenger , and for Cluster2 it could be http://app_server/PhoneMessengerForCluster2/servlet/PhoneMessenger

  • See my code that no me error after complied but not give me pdf result and

    hi master
    sir i use this code for create the pdf
    ExternalContext econtext = getExternalContext();
    InputStream stream = econtext.getResourceAsStream(PREFIX);
    try {
    JRResultSetDataSource mcon = new JRResultSetDataSource(getSessionBean1().getChartofaccRowSet());
    JasperPrint jasperPrint = null;
    jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(stream, null, mcon);
    JRExporter exporter = null;
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)econtext.getResponse();
    FacesContext fcontext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    log(" Error Description" , ex);
    error("Error counting rows: " + ex.getMessage() );
    error("Error counting rows: " + ex ); }
    sir this code not give any error but also not create /display the pdf
    i try to find the where problem occurred i get textfiled and send some value after one by one line
    like is this
    first time try
    JRResultSetDataSource mcon = new JRResultSetDataSource(getSessionBean1().getChartofaccRowSet());
    is given me right result and show /WEB-INF/reports/mfa.jasper in textfield2
    second time
    jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(stream, null, mcon);
    when i press button second time this time page not give me result in textfield2 and show blank it means
    only this line have error but what i could not foud out jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(stream, null, mcon);
    use see my code and give me idea or solution of my problem

    I found and easier way to do it and wrote it up here:

  • I need help on back up and more storage for photos and videos.  I have a imac (500g) that I back up to a 500g hard drive using time machine.  How do I set up a larger hd and back that up as well?

    I can buy a 1T hd to store photos and videos to, but would need a second one to back that up as well?  I guess I need to know how to get aperture and iphoto to keep my photos on a larger drive and how to keep both the imac and that larger hd backed up.  Note- we can't get  DSL, so off site back up isn't a viable option.

    Move your photo and video libraries to an external HD. Apple explains how to do this in:
    iPhoto: How to move the Library to an EHD

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    I'm am using Adobe's Spry Slide Show. I can only use one size photo 640x480px for both the large photo and the thumbnail.
    I changed the size of the small thumnail on the html:
                     <li><a href="Photos/TestPhoto640x480.jpg" width="490" height="367"><img src="Photos/TestPhoto640x480.jpg" width="63" height="47" alt="photos-1.jpg" /></a></li>
    The thumbnail looks fine until you hit Live View or Preview in Browser then photo comes in full size and you can only see the upper left hand corner.
    I assume that the java is doing this. But I have no training in Java.
    How can I change the Java Code so the thumbnail comes in at 63x47px?
    Many thanks.

    Wish I could use scaled down versions of the thumbnails-but I can't.
    Why not?
        img.src = info.src; =  "490px";<!--Large Photo size on internet-changed from info.width + "px"; to "490px";  *********--> =  "368px";<!--Large Photo size on internet-changed from info.height + "px"; to "368px";  *******-->
    You're shooting yourself in the foot with this.  It's overriding your HTML and CSS  values.
    As an FYI, Adobe Abandoned the Spry framework late last year. l
    You might want to cut your losses right now and switch to something better suited to modern web devices & browsers.
    jQuery Fancybox
    20 of the best jQuery Slideshows
    Nancy O.

  • I am using Lightroom 5 and am hapy about it, but recently I hav encountered a problem when trying to edit an image in another program, i.e. Elements. I used the clone tool, saved the result and went back to Lightroom to open the image there. I did find a

    I am using Lightroom 5 and am hapy about it, but recently I hav encountered a problem when trying to edit an image in another program, i.e. Elements. I used the clone tool, saved the result and went back to Lightroom to open the image there. I did find a second copy, but this is identic with the one I already had in Lightroom, and I can see noe result of the clone process.

    At the moment I would say it is uncertain whether Acrobat is completely ignoring the change, or whether the changes you are making aren't affecting the ink density. I have a suggestion for a test you could make to see which is the case.
    When editing in Photoshop just add a box or mark on the image, for your tests.
    - If this box does not appear in Acrobat, you know Acrobat is not seeing the edit
    - If this box does appear in Acrobat, you know the problem is that your tool for changing ink densities is not taking effect.

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