Variable with range- only 1st value used in manual planning ?

We're trying to define a column in a manual planning layout that will represent a YTD total.  We have defined a variable  for 0fiscper that contains the range of periods we require in the YTD total.  When we execute that manual planning area with this variable used as a restriction on the data column we want, the key figure values displayed only represent those for the 1st period in the range - not  all periods in the range !
I'm hoping someone can tell me if manual planning layouts can use variables in this manner.  If not, how can this best be done ? 
Many thanks,

Hi Blair,
Create a total column using the dynamic column, as a result you would have the individual period columns and the total column in the layout. Now make the individual period columns hidden using any of the options below.
You could achieve the same, by making the column hidden in the transaction UPX_MNTN
> Enhance Planning Layout
  > Select the relevant layout
     > Select the enhanced button for the key figure
       > Mark the hidden check box there.
Alternatively if you are using Excel GUI, you could set the column width of the columns preceeding the total column as 0 (in the third screen of the layout) to make them hidden.
Hope it helps

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    The only workaround I know for the problem is to create parent in the dimension.
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    There is misleading information in two system views (sys.data_spaces & sys.destination_data_spaces) about the physical location of data after a partitioning MERGE and before an INDEX REBUILD operation on a partitioned table. In SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU6,
    the script below (SQLCMD mode, set DataDrive  & LogDrive variables  for the runtime environment) will create a test database with file groups and files to support a partitioned table. The partition function and scheme spread the test data across
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    -- PartitionLabSetup_RangeRight.sql
    -- 001. Create test database
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    USE [master]
    -- 001 - Create Test Database
    :SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    :SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    :SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    -- Drop if exists and create Database
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(databasename)','Status') IS NOT NULL
    DROP DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    CREATE DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_data,
    FILENAME = N'$(DataDrive)$(DatabaseName)_data.mdf',
    SIZE = 10,
    MAXSIZE = 500,
    FILEGROWTH = 5 )
    LOG ON
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_log,
    FILENAME = N'$(LogDrive)$(DatabaseName).ldf',
    SIZE = 5MB,
    MAXSIZE = 5000MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) ;
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    --:SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    DECLARE @x INT = 1;
    WHILE @x <= 6
    SELECT @nSQL =
    'ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ADD FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';
    ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    NAME= ''$(TableName)_f' + CAST(@x AS CHAR(5)) + ''',
    FILENAME = ''$(DataDrive)\$(TableName)_f' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + '.ndf''
    TO FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';'
    EXEC sp_executeSQL @nSQL;
    SET @x = @x + 1;
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    USE $(DatabaseName);
    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func (int)
    CREATE PARTITION SCHEME $(TableName)_scheme
    PARTITION $(TableName)_func
    -- Create TestTable
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR BackupDrive "D:\SQL\Backups\"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].$(TableName)(
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_GUID_PK] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [GUID_PK]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreateDate]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateServer] DEFAULT (@@servername) FOR [CreateServer]
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    -- Load TestTable Data - Seconds 0-59 are used as the Partitoning Key
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    WHILE @Now > DATEADD(minute,-1,GETDATE())
    INSERT INTO [dbo].$(TableName)
    ,ROUND((RAND() * 100),0)
    -- Confirm table partitioning -
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' =
    , N'TableName' =
    , N'IndexName' =
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' =
    , N'DataSpaceName' =
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' =
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' =
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    -- 001 - Create TestTableOut
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 -29
    -- 001. TestTableOut
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$(TableName)Out') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out](
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_fg2;
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER TABLE dbo.$(TableName)
    SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO dbo.$(TableName)Out;
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 - 29
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (15);
    -- Confirm table partitioning
    -- Original source of this query -
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' =
    , N'TableName' =
    , N'IndexName' =
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' =
    , N'DataSpaceName' =
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' =
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' =
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    The table below shows the results of the ‘Confirm Table Partitioning’ query, before and after the MERGE.
    The T-SQL code below illustrates the problem.
    -- PartitionLab_RangeRight
    USE workspace;
    DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableOut;
    USE master;
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f3 ;
    -- ERROR
    --Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    --The file 'TestTable_f3 ' cannot be removed because it is not empty.
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f2 ;
    -- Works surprisingly!!
    use workspace;
    ALTER INDEX [PK_TestTable] ON [dbo].[TestTable] REBUILD PARTITION = 2;
    --Msg 622, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
    --The filegroup "TestTable_fg2" has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added.
    --The statement has been terminated.
    If you run ALTER INDEX REBUILD before trying to remove files from File Group 3, it works. Rerun the database setup script then the code below.
    -- Rerun PartitionLabSetup_RangeRight.sql before the code below
    USE workspace;
    DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableOut;
    ALTER INDEX [PK_TestTable] ON [dbo].[TestTable] REBUILD PARTITION = 2;
    USE master;
    ALTER DATABASE workspace
    REMOVE FILE TestTable_f3;
    -- Works as expected!!
    The file in File Group 2 appears to contain data but it can be dropped. Although the system views are reporting the data in File Group 2, it still physically resides in File Group 3 and isn’t moved until the index is rebuilt. The RANGE RIGHT function means
    the left file group (File Group 2) is retained when splitting ranges.
    RANGE LEFT would have retained the data in File Group 3 where it already resided, no INDEX REBUILD is necessary to effectively complete the MERGE operation. The script below implements the same partitioning strategy (data distribution between partitions)
    on the test table but uses different boundary definitions and RANGE LEFT.
    -- PartitionLabSetup_RangeLeft.sql
    -- 001. Create test database
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    USE [master]
    -- 001 - Create Test Database
    :SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    :SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    :SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    -- Drop if exists and create Database
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(databasename)','Status') IS NOT NULL
    DROP DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    CREATE DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_data,
    FILENAME = N'$(DataDrive)$(DatabaseName)_data.mdf',
    SIZE = 10,
    MAXSIZE = 500,
    FILEGROWTH = 5 )
    LOG ON
    ( NAME = $(DatabaseName)_log,
    FILENAME = N'$(LogDrive)$(DatabaseName).ldf',
    SIZE = 5MB,
    MAXSIZE = 5000MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) ;
    -- 002. Add file groups and files
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DataDrive "D:\SQL\Data\"
    --:SETVAR LogDrive "D:\SQL\Logs\"
    DECLARE @x INT = 1;
    WHILE @x <= 6
    SELECT @nSQL =
    'ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    ADD FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';
    ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName)
    NAME= ''$(TableName)_f' + CAST(@x AS CHAR(5)) + ''',
    FILENAME = ''$(DataDrive)\$(TableName)_f' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + '.ndf''
    TO FILEGROUP $(TableName)_fg' + RTRIM(CAST(@x AS CHAR(5))) + ';'
    EXEC sp_executeSQL @nSQL;
    SET @x = @x + 1;
    -- 003. Create partition function and schema
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    USE $(DatabaseName);
    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func (int)
    CREATE PARTITION SCHEME $(TableName)_scheme
    PARTITION $(TableName)_func
    -- Create TestTable
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    --:SETVAR BackupDrive "D:\SQL\Backups\"
    --:SETVAR DatabaseName "workspace"
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].$(TableName)(
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ) ON $(TableName)_scheme(Partition_PK)
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_GUID_PK] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [GUID_PK]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreateDate]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].$(TableName) ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_$(TableName)_CreateServer] DEFAULT (@@servername) FOR [CreateServer]
    -- 004. Create and populate a test table
    -- Load TestTable Data - Seconds 0-59 are used as the Partitoning Key
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    WHILE @Now > DATEADD(minute,-1,GETDATE())
    INSERT INTO [dbo].$(TableName)
    ,ROUND((RAND() * 100),0)
    -- Confirm table partitioning -
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' =
    , N'TableName' =
    , N'IndexName' =
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' =
    , N'DataSpaceName' =
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' =
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' =
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    -- 001 - Create TestTableOut
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 -29
    -- 001. TestTableOut
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$(TableName)Out') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[$(TableName)Out](
    [Partition_PK] [int] NOT NULL,
    [GUID_PK] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [CreateServer] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [RandomNbr] [int] NULL,
    [Partition_PK] ASC,
    ) ON $(TableName)_fg2;
    -- 002 - Switch out partition in range 0-14
    --:SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER TABLE dbo.$(TableName)
    SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO dbo.$(TableName)Out;
    -- 003 - Merge range 0 - 29
    :SETVAR TableName "TestTable"
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (14);
    -- Confirm table partitioning
    -- Original source of this query -
    N'DatabaseName' = DB_NAME()
    , N'SchemaName' =
    , N'TableName' =
    , N'IndexName' =
    , N'IndexType' = i.type_desc
    , N'PartitionScheme' =
    , N'DataSpaceName' =
    , N'DataSpaceType' = ds.type_desc
    , N'PartitionFunction' =
    , N'PartitionNumber' = dds.destination_id
    , N'BoundaryValue' = prv.value
    , N'RightBoundary' = pf.boundary_value_on_right
    , N'PartitionFileGroup' =
    , N'RowsOfData' = p.[rows]
    sys.objects AS o
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
    ON o.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON p.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND p.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
    ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv
    ON pf.function_id = prv.function_id
    AND p.partition_number = prv.boundary_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds
    ON ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id
    AND p.partition_number = dds.destination_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds2
    ON dds.data_space_id = ds2.data_space_id
    The table below shows the results of the ‘Confirm Table Partitioning’ query, before and after the MERGE.
    The data in the File and File Group to be dropped (File Group 2) has already been switched out; File Group 3 contains the data so no index rebuild is needed to move data and complete the MERGE.
    RANGE RIGHT would not be a problem in a ‘Sliding Window’ if the same file group is used for all partitions, when they are created and dropped it introduces a dependency on full index rebuilds. Larger tables are typically partitioned and a full index rebuild
    might be an expensive operation. I’m not sure how a RANGE RIGHT partitioning strategy could be implemented, with an ascending partitioning key, using multiple file groups without having to move data. Using a single file group (multiple files) for all partitions
    within a table would avoid physically moving data between file groups; no index rebuild would be necessary to complete a MERGE and system views would accurately reflect the physical location of data. 
    If a RANGE RIGHT partition function is used, the data is physically in the wrong file group after the MERGE assuming a typical ascending partitioning key, and the 'Data Spaces' system views might be misleading. Thanks to Manuj and Chris for a lot of help
    investigating this.
    NOTE 10/03/2014 - The solution
    The solution is so easy it's embarrassing, I was using the wrong boundary points for the MERGE (both RANGE LEFT & RANGE RIGHT) to get rid of historic data.
    -- Wrong Boundary Point Range Right
    --ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    --MERGE RANGE (15);
    -- Wrong Boundary Point Range Left
    --ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    --MERGE RANGE (14);
    -- Correct Boundary Pounts for MERGE
    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION $(TableName)_func()
    MERGE RANGE (0); -- or -1 for RANGE LEFT
    The empty, switched out partition (on File Group 2) is then MERGED with the empty partition maintained at the start of the range and no data movement is necessary. I retract the suggestion that a problem exists with RANGE RIGHT Sliding Windows using multiple
    file groups and apologize :-)

    Hi Paul Brewer,
    Thanks for your post and glad to hear that the issue is resolved. It is kind of you post a reply to share your solution. That way, other community members could benefit from your sharing.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Fill BEx Variable with more than one value via Custom Exit

    Dear SDN comunity,
    I want to fill a BEx Variable via a custom exit. My problem is, I don't know how to fill this variable with more than one value.
    I try to give you some background info based on an exaple:
    <b>Type of Variable:</b> Characteristic Value
    <b>Variable Name:</b> ZCCD
    <b>Description:</b> Company Code Selection
    <b>Processing by:</b> Custom Exit
    <b>Characteristic:</b> Company Code
    <b>Variable Represents:</b> Multiple Single Values
    <u><b>This is the used ABAP code:</b></u>
    WHEN 'ZCCD'.
    CLEAR l_s_range.
    l_s_range-low = '2002;2004'.
    l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range-sign = 'EQ'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    <u><b>The system returns this message:</b></u>
    Value "2002;2004" is too long for variable ZCCD
    appreciate your help!

    Eugene, Marcus
    it works now, thx a lot!
    Please find attached the final code:
    CLEAR l_s_range.
    l_s_range-low = '2002'.
    l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range-<b>opt</b> = 'EQ'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    CLEAR l_s_range.
    l_s_range-low = '2004'.
    l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range-<b>opt</b> = 'EQ'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    (Delta to Marcus's code is bold)

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    Is there a list of the files and/or folders that contain Settings and Preferences which can be copied from the old system to the new?

    with your cc apps you should try to use the sync feature.  that's never worked consistently for me, but when it does work, it's helpful.
    there are preference folders and presets and settings that you could copy but you're better off installing fresh because a common problem for people with adobe program issues is a settings issue.

  • Unable to get values within scope of the RowGroup(only got values using Previous and current scope value)

    Hi All,
    I already calculated a row(Add Total row) like  Gross profit within Group1 (a,b,c,d,e which are sub groups) using Previous and current scope column group values. ex: Gross Profit = a - b. (within group1)
    Gross Profit = Previous(Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value)) - Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value) in Group1
    Now, I want to get values for Net income like  Net income = a - b - c in Group1.  (OR)
    Net income = Gross  Profit - c in Group1 (Using Gross Profit textbox values using Reportitems!textbox.value). but, values different.  Since Expression got new calculation)
     Please help me.
    Thanks Advance.
    - Prem Kumar T D

    Hi Premtd,
    As per my understanding, there are group and subgroups in the report, you added total to a group with the expresson: Previous(Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value)) - Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value). You want to add a text box to the report to calculate Net income
    with the expression: Previous(Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value)) - Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value) - Sum(Fields!Trans_amount.Value). In order to improve the efficiency of troubleshooting, I need to ask several questions:
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    • How to calculate Net income? Please provide some more detailed information of your requirements. I would be appreciated it if you could provide sample data and clear screenshot of the report.
    This may be a lot of information to ask for at one time. However, by collecting this information now, it will help us move more quickly toward a solution.
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu

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    a customer wants a report regarding payments of invoices with a formula in it to calculate interest results. In order to do so they want to be able to define a interest rate wich can be used to calculate te result by multiplying the rate by time and amount (for every line in the query the same rate should be used).
    As a solution I thought it would be easiest to give the key user access to a custom table via a custom transaction and then use the entered rate in the query by selecting it from this table using a formula variable (using an exit).
    I was wondering if anyone has ever used such a solution, or if one thinks this is possible.

    Hi Brock,
    Its possible, but I haven't tried as requirements didn't imply.
    More simpler idea is why don't you use a flat file loading through the IP to Info providers?
    Or even more better option is why don't you adapt to Virtual Info providers?
    For your suggested custom table using custom transaction, we can surely make it. Its possible in SE93. Try this transaction code. It must definitely help.
    Arun Bala G
    Edited by: Arun Bala G on Jan 11, 2010 2:16 PM

  • If i have an ipad 3 with wifi feature only, can I add or use the data plan in another country?, if i have an ipad 3 with wifi feature only, can I add or use the data plan in another country?

    I have an ipad 3 with wifi feature only, can I use the data plan 3G in another country??

    No. You have no place for a sim card in the WiFi only iPad. You MAY be able to purchase a personal MIFI hotspot that will work with a data plan in another country. I have one here in the U.S. that I bought through Verizon, but I assume it will only work on the Verizon network here with my Verizon Data Plan. So you would need a data plan in the country in which you want to use the iPad if this option is available for you.

  • Formula variable with replacement path

    HI ,
    1. Is it possible to use "Customer exist- without user entry variable in the formula variable with the replacement ?
    2. if I use two variable for a same time char in one report (one is User entry variable and the other is customer exit variable for calculating current system date), then how it will work ? (User entry variable is there in the "Char restrictions" section and the customer exit variable is customer exit used in formula variable)
    Thanks in Advance.

    1. Is it possible to use "Customer exist- without user entry variable in the formula variable with the replacement ?
    Yes. use I_step=1
    I_STEP = 1
    Call takes place directly before variable entry. Can be used to pre populate selection variables
    I_STEP = 2
    Call takes place directly after variable entry. This step is only started up when the same variable is not input ready and could not be filled at I_STEP=1.
    I_STEP = 3 In this call, you can check the values of the variables. Triggering an exception (RAISE) causes the variable screen to appear once more. Afterwards, I_STEP=2 is also called again.
    2. if I use two variable for a same time char in one report (one is User entry variable and the other is customer exit variable for calculating current system date), then how it will work ? (User entry variable is there in the "Char restrictions" section and the customer exit variable is customer exit used in formula variable)
    Yes you can use both the variable of time char to restrict a characteristic but that should not be used on single characteristic.
    You can use the sys defined  0date on one field and the customised one Zsydatum on other char.

  • Input query with dynamic actual & forecast values by month per year

    I am working on a Input ready query for a forecasting application which shows both actuals and forecast numbers and the user will revise the forecast numbers by month
    Requirement: I want to build a Input query for monthly forecasting for the current year. It will be dynamic rolling of months with actuals & forecast data.
    E.g. My report has 12 months for the current year
    and if run the report in May, the months before May has to show the actuals and the months after May has to show the old forecast data so that the user will revise the numbers again in each month and save the data to the real time cube.
    Act Act  Act Act Act  Old frcst for the remaining months
      user will revise forecast for these months
    So, i am able to create Input query with all restricted key figures( plan kf has change mode set to change, actual kf are not set change) and calculate key figures and all the logic is done on dynamically moving/rolling the data based on the input month of the year.
    But the problem is that i am using cal kf to dynamically roll months, i was not able to set the change option for the cal kf.
    So, how can i make sure that the dynamically changed plan months will open for entering forecast and the actuals months not to change?
    Do you guys have any better solutions in implementing it?
    I really appreciate it your input....:)

    Please look at the following DOC which may be useful to you and if so please grant me point.
    Input-Ready Query
    You use input-ready queries to create applications for manual planning. These can range from simple data entry scenarios to complex planning applications.
    You define a query that you want to use for manual planning in the BEx Query Designer (see Defining New Queries).
    In the Web Application Designer or the BEx Analyzer, you can combine the input-ready queries with other queries and planning functions to create complex planning applications.
    You can define an input-ready query on any of the following InfoProviders:
    &#9679;     Aggregation levels (see Aggregation Levels)
    &#9679;     MultiProviders that include at least one simple aggregation level
    The aggregation levels are created in the planning modeler; MultiProviders are defined in the modeling functional area of the Data Warehousing Workbench.
    Definition of an Input-Ready Query
    Once you have defined a query on an InfoProvider, you see the Planning tab page under the Properties of structural components (for example, in key figures or restricted key figures). The options provided there allow you to determine which structural components of an input-ready query are to be input ready at runtime and which are not. With structural components that are not input ready, you can also determine whether these components are viewed as reference data or are just protected against manual entry.
    For the structural components, you also have the following options:
    Input readiness of structural components of a query
    Not input ready (reference data)
    If they are being used as reference data, the structural components are not protected by data locks to ensure exclusive access for one user because this data serves as a reference for many users.
    This is the default setting.
    Not input ready (no reference data)
    If you want to protect structural components against manual entries but allow changes by planning functions, you can use locks to protect this data for one particular user. In this way you can ensure that the planning function works with the displayed data only and not with data that has been changed by other users.
    Input ready
    You can also determine whether an input ready query is to be started in change mode or in display mode. You find this property in the Query Properties on the Planning tab page. If there is at least one input-ready query component, the query (as long as it has not been determined otherwise) is started in display mode.
    In BI applications that use input ready queries as data providers, you can enter data manually at runtime. For more information, see Performing Manual Planning and Creation of Planning Applications.
    You want to create an input-ready query for manual planning for a plan-actual comparison of revenues for a set of products. You want the plan data in a real-time-enabled InfoCube and the actual data in a standard InfoCube.
           1.      Create a MultiProvider that includes the InfoCubes for the plan and actual data.
           2.      Define an aggregation level on the MultiProvider which contains the characteristic Product and the key figure Revenue.
           3.      On the aggregation level, create two restricted key figures Plan Revenue and Actual Revenue. For restriction, choose the characteristic 0INFOPROV and restrict it to the plan or actual InfoCube.
           4.      Add the restricted key figures to the key figure structure. Insert Product into the rows. For Plan Revenue, choose Input Ready for the input-readiness option. For Actual Revenue, choose the option Not Input Ready (Reference Data).
           5.      In the query properties, set the indicator that determines whether the queries are started in display or change mode as required.
    Example of an input-ready query
    Plan Revenue
    Actual Revenue
    If you want to keep actual and plan data in a real-time enabled InfoCube, you do not require a MultiProvider for the task described above. Create an aggregation level on the InfoCube and define the input-ready query for the aggregation level. In the example above, a version characteristic acts as the InfoProvider. Create restricted key figures with the plan or actual version and proceed as in the previous example.

  • Please help me out with  "Data only excel option "

    Post Author: pavan pusuluri
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    When i am trying to spool the data with data only excel option using crystal reports XI, the records are appearing in two rows instead of single row. i have studied that when we use data only excel option entire record will be displayed in a single row,but it is not appearing in that way.Please help me out in fixing this bug. I am very much new to crytal reports.

    Post Author: pavan pusuluri
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I thank you for the prompt reply.  
    All the field are of same size and height.  The format is fine.  The report is designed in such a way that data is   displayed in three detail sections. What i would like to have is " i want the data in these three sections to be displayed in a single row when i select the data only excel  export option".Please help me  out in fixing this issue.
    Thanks in anticipation

  • Report script - using substitution variable with multiple values

    Hi All,
    Substitution variable with multiple values is not working correctly with Report scripts. Can you please let me know what is the syntax to assign multiple values to a sub variable using maxl:
    alter database samp.samp set variable 'ExtractQuarter' 'Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4';
    alter database Samp.Samp set variable 'ExtractQuarter' 'Q1:Q4';
    I tried both of the above but they are errored out with the below error:
    Error: 1001005 - Unknown Member [Q1:Q4] in Report.
    my requirement is different for both Actual and forecast data extract so i would like to make use of this variable to extract whole year data for Forecast and current quarter data for Actual with out duplicating the report scripts for both processes.

    Please refer following thread,
    range of months in report script?
    Hope it helps.

  • Exit variable with multiple values or with ranges

    Dear Experts,
    I have a date exit variable used in a planning level. If the variable has a single value, I am able to execute the planning function. But if the exit is populated with a range or multiple single values, I am unable to execute the planning function. I get this message 'Variable "ZXPRDATE" is not restricted to a single value'.
    I should be able to read all records from the cube in date range of one week for repost. Please advice if this is possible.

    Hi Mayank,
    Yes, I am using the same variable for repost function also.
    Let me explain in detial.
    Req: I have a planning level with product, effective date and count(keyfigure). I want all products that has a count keyfigure value for the last one week.
    If my effective date is a single value, I get all the list of products on that particular day. But, if my effective date has multiple dates or a date range, nothing is read from the data base.
    Please advice.

  • How to overwrite the value of a struts variable value using struts only

    Say i define a variable using struts in my jsp
    <bean:define id="aVar" value="abc" />
    Now the variable has a value of abc , how can i overwrite it again to have another value --say "123"..
    I need to change its value using struts only and not scriplet.
    Kindly help ....

    This page may be helpful:

  • Default form value using sql with bind variable

    I wish to create a form based upon a table with a foreign key. I wish to add a field to the form that is an uneditable text field with a default value using sql of 'select name from other_table where other_table_id = ?' where ? is a bind variable defined by a hidden field which is the value of the foreign key identified at runtime. How can this be done?

    I don't think that will work. I have multiple people accessing the Portal at the same time with the same login (or lack of as public will be the most common user). I could set it easily enough as the value is passed to the form by a link object, so I could add it to the before page plsql block and set the value. But I am uncertain how it will behave in a multi-user mutlitasking environment.
    Maybe I should describe what I am looking to accomplish. I want to create a display above a form that will list static details from other tables (i.e. when editing a user's phone number, which is in one table, you want the user to see the person's name, which is in another table, and the form is based upon the phone table) ...
    Just as I am thinking about it, I thought of an idea. I could put some specific code in the before displaying page plsql section to query the database and use htp to output the information for data not in the table the form is based upon. I will try this and see how it works. It would have been nice to have just created a field that is not editable and had a default value, but this should work as well.
    Let me know if you see any problem with this or if you have any better suggestions.
    Thanks for the fast response.

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