Following code run in vb no problem:
sql = "Select * from Table_name for update"
set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(sql, 0&)
But run exe the error message is "OIP-04117 Not an updatable set"
Help Me!

Just make sure that the executable is not started from a directory path containing brackets (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\myapp.exe") but copy that executable to a directory path without brackets. The brackets in one of the directies in the path may lead to the Oracle exception "ORA-12154: TNS :could not resolve service name".

Similar Messages

  • Oo4o-- error 429

    I have made a Excel macro command which uses OO4Ο automation to connect with a database(Oracle 7). In my PC(Windows NT) runs O.K but in other PC’s where I tried,I got an error message (error 429: ActiveX can’t create the object). Whitch references should I activate?

    I use this string:
    Connect = "Provider=MSDAORA;Password=mypass;User ID=myuserid;Data Source=mydb"
    and this recordset properties:
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer
    rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
    rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

  • Exception while dequeuing message

    I am getting an error sayin
    "Exception while dequeuing message : Dequeue error in AQ object, ORA-25215: user_
    data type and queue type do not match"
    What will be the problem?Please help me with solution.
    Thanks in advance

    This is the link i am following for enqueuing the message into a queue table, its happening successfully.
    I can see the message i enqueued in the queue table with the following query at the scheduled time.
    select user_data from queue_table;
    Below is the C++ code to dequeue the msg.In DequeueObject() function on this particular line "msgid = oaq.Dequeue();"
    the control moves to console which not proceeding further.I am wondering what went wrong.
    //This is a simple program showing how to call oo4o api from a mulithreaded application.
    //Note that every thread has its own OStartup() and OShutdown() routines.
    // PROJECT SETTINGS : Under C/C++ option, make sure the project options is /MT for release
    // or /MTd for debug(NOT /ML or /MLd).
    #include "windows.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <process.h>          
    #include <oracl.h>
    using namespace std;
    OSession osess ;
    int DequeueRaw();
    int DequeueObject();
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
         int retVal = 0;
         // create session object for each thread. This gives maximum
         // concurrency to the thread execution. This is also useful when OO4O
         // error reported on session object for one thread cannot be seen by
         // another thread.
              if ( ! osess.IsOpen() )
                   cout << "Session not opened: Error: " << osess.GetErrorText() << endl;
                   return -1;
         //     retVal = DequeueRaw();
              retVal = DequeueObject();
         catch(OException oerr)
              cout << "Exception while dequeuing message : " << oerr.GetErrorText() << endl;
              retVal = -1;
         return retVal;
    // This function dequeues a message of default type(string of characters)
    // from the raw_msg_queue.
    // Gets the message priority after dequeuing
    // Checks if any message with correlation like 'AQ' is available on the queue.
    int DequeueRaw()
         ODatabase odb;
         OAQ oaq;
         OAQMsg oaqmsg;
         OValue msg;
         const char *msgid = 0;
         odb.Open(osess, "MICROSOFT", "OMNIPOS", "OMNIPOS");
         if ( ! odb.IsOpen() )
              cout << "Database not opened: " << odb.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Open the 'raw_msg_queue'
         if( !oaq.IsOpen())
              cout << "AQ not opened: " << oaq.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Get an instance of the default message(of RAW type)
         if( !oaqmsg.IsOpen() )
              cout << "AQMsg not opened: " << oaqmsg.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Dequeue a message
         //msgid = oaq.Dequeue();
         //if (msgid )
         //     // Retrieve the message attributes
         //     oaqmsg.GetValue(&msg);
         //     const char *msgval = msg;
         //     cout << "Message '" << msgval <<
         //          "' dequeued at priority : " << oaqmsg.GetPriority() << endl;
         // Dequeue message with correlation like "AQ"
         msgid = oaq.Dequeue();
         if (msgid )
              // Retrieve the message attributes
              char msgval[101];
              long len = oaqmsg.GetValue(msgval,100);
              msgval[len] = '\0';
              cout << "Message '" << msgval <<
                   "' dequeued at priority : " << oaqmsg.GetPriority() << endl;
         // Close all of the objects
         return 0;
    // This function dequeues a message of user-defined type MESSAGE_TYPE
    // from the msg_queue.
    // Gets the message priority after dequeuing
    // Checks if any message with correlation like 'SCOTT' is available on the queue.
    int DequeueObject()
         ODatabase odb;
         OAQ oaq;
         OAQMsg oaqmsg;
         const char *msgid = 0;
         OValue msg;
         char subject[255];
         char text[255];
         odb.Open(osess, "MICROSOFT", "OMNIPOS", "OMNIPOS");
         if ( ! odb.IsOpen() )
              cout << "Database not opened: " << odb.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Open the 'msg_queue'
         if( !oaq.IsOpen())
              cout << "AQ not opened: " << oaq.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Get an instance of the udt MESSAGE_TYPE (check out schema for details)
         if( !oaqmsg.IsOpen() )
              cout << "AQMsg not opened: " << oaqmsg.GetErrorText() << endl;
         // Dequeue message with correlation like "SCOTT"
         msgid = oaq.Dequeue();
         if (msgid )
              // Retrieve the message attributes
              // Get the subject,text attributes of the message
              OObject msgval;
              msgval.GetAttrValue("subject", subject,255);     
              msgval.GetAttrValue("text", text,255);
              cout << "Message '" << (subject ? subject :"") << "' & Body : '" << text <<
                   "' dequeued at priority : " << oaqmsg.GetPriority() << endl;
         msgid = 0;
         // Dequeue a message
         msgid = oaq.Dequeue();
         if (msgid )
              // Retrieve the message attributes
              OObject msgval;
              msgval = msg;          
              // Get the subject,text attributes of the message
              msgval.GetAttrValue("subject", subject,255);     
              msgval.GetAttrValue("text", text,255);
              cout << "Message '" << (subject ? subject :"") << "' & Body : '" << text <<
                   "' dequeued at priority : " << oaqmsg.GetPriority() << endl;
         // Close all of the objects
         msgid = NULL;
         return 0;

  • TNS Error : ORA-12154 unsing oo4o with VB

    In VB6, using oo4o(Oracle InProc Server),
    whin I run debuging mode with VB6 App, result is successfull.
    But, compile this application, and execute EXE module,
    error occur 'Cannot resolve TNS Name (ORA-12154)'.

    Just make sure that the executable is not started from a directory path containing brackets (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\myapp.exe") but copy that executable to a directory path without brackets. The brackets in one of the directies in the path may lead to the Oracle exception "ORA-12154: TNS :could not resolve service name".

  • Oo4o Runtime-Error 429

    We are successfully using oo4o (8.0.6) to get data from ORACLE Release 7.3 into Word (Office 97 and Office XP). The clients are using NT 4.0 or Windows XP.
    We tried to install the application on a Windows 2003 terminal server with citrix.
    We use the following releases:
    - oo4o:
    - net:
    - rdbms: 7.3.4
    - Word: Office XP
    Starting our test-program we get the message:
    "Run-Time Error '429': ActiveX component can't create object"
    The statement "Set OraSession = CreateObject(..." causes the error.
    There may be a problem with the registration of the oip8.dll.
    What can we do to solve the problem ?
    We cannot use a 9i-client because of the ORACLE 7.3 rdbms.

    What's netbet pro?
    I'd recommend asking questions about third party applications in the vendor's forum, not a Microsoft forum meant for admin scripting.
    EDIT: Ah, some gambling website...
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

  • Service error when installing OO4O

    I get an error telling me to shut down the service
    when trying to install OO4O in XP.
    I can't see anything relating to this in my processes.
    Does anyone know how to shut this down?
    thanks very much...

    Fixed it thanks anyway

  • Raising Run Time Error '440' with  OO4O

    Hello everybody,
    I do not have much experience with ORACLE, but there is a problem I can not solve by myself:
    Asking my ORACLE DB (Oracle8i Enterprise Ed. Rel. - Production with Partitioning option JServer Rel. by SQL*Plus Rel. with the following SQL-string everything works fine:
    HAVING ((E.END_DATE IS NULL) AND ((A.CI Like '3AL78815AB**')))
    But when connecting ORACLE with VBA and OO4O, there raises the following error:
    Run Time Error 440: Error in SQL statement, ORA-0911: invalid character
    VBA-Code: (processed within an Excel97-Macro, Windows NT 4.00.1381)
    Option Explicit
    Sub Ask_DB
    Dim objDataBase As Object
    Dim objsession As Object, OraDynaSet As Object
    Dim strSQLAbfrage as String, strZeichen As String
    ' 1. Step: Create a reference to the OO4O dll
    Set objsession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    ' 2. Step: Create a reference to my database
    Set objDataBase = objsession.OpenDatabase("Oracle-DB", "user/passw", 0&)
    ' 3. Step: create SQL string
    strZeichen = vbCrLf 'vbNewLine <-- maybe I have to use another Char for CrLf?
    strSQLAbfrage = strSQLAbfrage & strZeichen & "WHERE A.CI = E.CI"
    strSQLAbfrage = strSQLAbfrage & strZeichen & "GROUP BY E.END_DATE, E.APPROVED_VALUE, A.CI"
    strSQLAbfrage = strSQLAbfrage & strZeichen & "HAVING ((E.END_DATE IS NULL) AND "
    strSQLAbfrage = strSQLAbfrage & "((A.CI Like '3AL78815AB**')))"
    ' lateron there might be additional part numbers
    strSQLAbfrage = strSQLAbfrage & strZeichen & "ORDER BY Max(E.START_DATE) DESC;" & strZeichen
    Debug.Print strSQLAbfrage
    Debug.Print Len(strSQLAbfrage)     ' <-- what about max. length of SQL-query?
    ' 4. Step: Retrieve the results from Oracle
    Set OraDynaSet = objDataBase.DBCreateDynaset(strSQLAbfrage, 0&)     ' <-- Error occurs!!!
    ' 5. Step
    ' ............ process results is not possible .....
    Set OraDynaSet = Nothing
    Set objsession = Nothing
    Set objDataBase = Nothing
    End Sub
    Can anybody help me?
    Thank you

    Try getting rid of the semicolon at the end.

  • How can I deal with long sql by the oo4o?

    I am using VB and oo4o to develop a sql executor which is a extention of an old system.
    For some reason, I have to use oo4o v8.1.7 to deal with Oracle Database 8i to 11g.
    But when I send a very long sql(11KB) to it I got a error in the VB enviroment.
    The Err.Description is "automention error. Started object is disconnected by the client.".
    The Err.Number is "-2147417848 ".
    The sql that I send it to the program is a simple select sql that like select a, b, c, substrb(d, 1, 2), substrb(e, 2, 3) .... from A_TBL where A=aa;
    This sql is normally executed by the sqlplus but I got an error by the oo4o.
    When I insert a '' between the 30Xth items, it got exectuted normally.
    ex. select a, b, c, substrb(d, 1, 2), substrb(e, 1, 2) ..... substrb(303th, 3, 4), '', substrb(304th, 1, 2) ... from A_TBL where A = aa;
    How can I deal with this problem? Thanks.

    So how can use this function correctly?By learning what exceptions are, how they're used, and what you can do to deal with them. There's a tutorial here: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.htmlAnd here's a quick overview:
    The base class for all exceptions is Throwable. Java provides Exception and Error that extend Throwable. RuntimeException (and many others) extend Exception.
    RuntimeException and its descendants, and Error and its descendants, are called unchecked exceptions. Everything else is a checked exception.
    If your method, or any method it calls, can throw a checked exception, then your method must either catch that exception, or declare that your method throws that exception. This way, when I call your method, I know at compile time what can possibly go wrong and I can decide whether to handle it or just bubble it up to my caller. Catching a given exception also catches all that exception's descendants. Declaring that you throw a given exception means that you might throw that exception or any of its descendants.
    Unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException, Error, and their descendants) are not subject to those restrictions. Any method can throw any unchecked exception at any time without declaring it. This is because unchecked exceptions are either the sign of a coding error (RuntimeException), which is totally preventable and should be fixed rather than handled by the code that encounters it, or a problem in the VM, which in general can not be predicted or handled.

  • Error :the specified module could not be found --oci.dll  : Oracle9i

    hi ,
    i m trying to connect thru my java code to the oracle on my system ,while creating the DSN it gives the error
    "the specified module could not be found" for the file oci.dll.
    earlier it was not able to look for the sqresus.dll which i copied to the winnt/system directory , and after this oci error is coming , anyone knowing it please guide
    with regards,

    Make sure it is the same version of 9i (i.e. 9.0.x or 9.2.x) for both OO4O and ODBC. Also make sure that the ORACE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory is in your search path AND last, check your windows directories and subdirectories for duplicate copies of OCI.DLL (or anywhere else on the PC for that matter). Sometimes MicroSoft will include one and it is usually an OLD one.

  • What's wrong with OO4O and delphi

    I am trying usint OO4O to fetch the spatial data in delphi,but I can not use the opendatabase function.
    here is the code
    OO4OSession:= CreateOLEObject('oracleInProcServer.XOraSession');
    OraDatabase:=OO4OSession.OpenDatabase('ExampleDb','scott/tiger', 0);
    the code is from the help.the error says that the opendatabase member function is not find.
    and when I trying to import type library of Oracle InProc Server 4.0 Type Library,when compile the unit,the error messages are like below
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2548): Undeclared identifier: 'CreateDatabase'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2553): Undeclared identifier: 'OpenDatabase'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2573): Undeclared identifier: 'Open'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2578): Undeclared identifier: 'Close'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2706): Undeclared identifier: 'Name'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2712): Undeclared identifier: 'OpenDatabase'
    [Error] OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas(2717): Undeclared identifier: 'Client'
    [Fatal Error] dclusr50.dpk(41): Could not compile used unit '..\Imports\OracleInProcServer_TLB.pas'
    Realy strange,can some one help me on this ,Thank u very much.

    I would recommend you don't use oo4o from Delphi.
    Check out ODAC at www.crlab.com. This is a VCL library based on the OCI directly so you will not have the backwards compatibility woes that come with oo4o.
    A library is also available from the same company that doesn't need the Oracle Client installed.
    Hope this helps.

  • ODBC Error

    I'm getting an error when trying to set up an ODBC data source. I just installed the ODBC driver When I test the connection, I first get an error that says:
    The procedure entry point lxhlcmod could not be located in the dynamic link library oranls9.dll.
    Then I get the same error again. The next message box says:
    Unable to connect
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed
    I would be most appreciative of any light someone could shed on this!
    Thank you, and happy new year,
    Owen Gibbins

    Oracle Objects for OLE Contents / Search /
    Introducing Oracle Objects for OLE
    Overview of Oracle Objects for OLE
    About the OO4O Automation Server
    About Oracle Data Control
    About Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Class Library
    New Features of Oracle Objects for OLE
    Tips and Techniques for Performance Tuning
    Required Setups
    OO4O Redistributable Files
    Demonstration Schema and Code Examples
    Getting Started with the OO4O Automation Server
    Basics of Client Applications
    Accessing the OO4O Automation Server
    Connecting to the Oracle Database
    Detection of Lost Connections
    Automation Objects
    PL/SQL Support
    Executing Commands
    Asynchronous Processing
    XML Data Interchange
    Initializing Oracle LOBs, Objects, and Collections
    Large Objects (LOBs)
    Oracle Object Datatypes
    Oracle Collections
    Advanced Queueing Interfaces
    Database Schema Objects
    Application Failover Notifications
    Database Events
    Using OO4O with Automation Clients
    With Visual Basic
    With Excel
    With Active Server Pages (ASP)
    Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic
    Oracle Data Control with MS VC++
    OO4O Code Wizard for Stored Procedures
    About the Code Wizard
    Supported Datatypes
    Using the OO4O Code Wizard
    Code Wizard Examples
    OO4O Automation Server Reference
    Oracle Data Control Reference
    Error Handling
    In general way the information above can help you.
    Joel P�rez

  • 500 Errors in IIS Logs Preventing DB Connections - See Errors

    Issue: A handful of users connecting to our database via IIS web page are saying they are getting "page cannot be dispalyed" error message as soon as they try to access the web page and make the initial database connection. I am seeing a significant number of 500 errors in the IIS logs. We turned tracing on for more details and came across th following two errors:
    The first error -
    Module Name : IIS Web Core
    HTTPStatus : 500
    HTTPReason : Internal Server Error
    HTTPSubStatus: 0
    ErrorCode : 2147943395
    ErrorCode : The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an applicaiton request.
    The second error -
    ErrorCode : 2147943629
    ErrorCode : An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection.
    Specs: IIS 7 Windows 2008 64 Bit .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 OO4O Connection version 10.2 Oracle 11G DB
    Historically when seeing 500 errors in the logs it indicated a database issue - that was pretty obvious once we researched it further. These errors aren't quite as "clear cut". Any suggestions?

    Unfortunatelly you are right. The real questions here are:
    1. why does OEM silently "hate" the "magic" word "localhost", and what is it that makes difference between "localhost.localdomain" and "hostlocal.domainlocal" (or anything else)? They are just words consisting of letters. Furthermore, the "localhost" is traditional linux hostname for local machines with no network, only loopback interface, and Oracle should respect this fact
    2. what does OEM's silent "animosity" towards the word "localhost" has to do with a perl script error like this: "ERROR: Max Count Value not set properly in file /usr/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/sysman/config/esa/database.properties line no. 44"?
    3. why is such OEM's behaviour not documented in the installation manual? Why is there even no warning during OEM configuration, either with dbca or manually?
    Therefore I consider this OEM's behaviour being a bug par excellence. Changing the name of host to something different than "localhost" is just a weird workaround. Let me remind you that Oracle is a multi-billion dollar company with more than $22 billion total revenues, and it cannot play the games with its customers ignoring such a thing.

  • Accessing V$tables from within OO4O

    When trying to access the V$ tables (ie. V$SQLTEXT)
    by using the OO4O interface I get the error
    ORA-03106 Fatal two task communication protocol error
    when accessing 'ordinary' tables (ie. EMPLOYEES) the
    error does not accor
    any ideas on this one?

    Hi Anil,
    I can only answer 1. and 2. (and would be interested into 3. as well):
    Yes you can access tables from a different schema and also HANA views. In this case no 'using' is needed.
              "SAP_ECC"."T441V" AS t,
              "_SYS_BIC"."tmp.package/AFPO" AS a.
        WHERE ...
    2. In this case, if you need schema mapping: You could use HANA (projection) views which just forward to a different schema, also see example.
    Best regards,

  • Getting a "Class not registered" error in VC++

    I'm after a bit of advice concerning a system that I'm
    supporting. The system is an Oracle 7.3.4 DB with Oracle
    Objects for Ole v2.2, and the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle,
    with the application consisting of a VB(ODBC) frontend and a
    VC++ DLL(OO4O) backend.
    The client has reported that one of the sites the software is
    installed at is generating the error "Specified Class not
    registered in Registry". I've narrowed this down to an OO4O
    call in the VC++ DLL, which does a simple select statement, it
    seems to be able to make the database connection and then
    crashes, however I've been unable to duplicate it in the
    development environment.
    No other sites have reported this problem, so I'm assuming that
    the OO40 installation has become corrupted. Has anyone else
    experienced similar problems and can offer advice or solutions
    to getting it working, and how I can reproduce the problem in
    the development environment.

    May be the name 'Oracle Objects' does not clearly reflect it
    being the forum for Oracle's Object-Relational Technology. There
    is a separate forum for OO4O (Oracle Objects for OLE).
    Just to let everyone know, I've managed to duplicate the problem
    on a development PC and come up with a fix, which I modified
    from a similar fix I found for Oracle 8i. The fix is to
    reregister OIP22.dll which is the inprocess server for Oracle
    Objects, and to run Oo4oParm.reg and Oraipsrv.reg which restore
    any missing entries in the registry. I've sent the client the
    steps to follow, and hopefully this should cure the PC.

  • 9i won't install oo4o components

    I'm trying to install 9i on a Win98 machine and it won't install the oo4o dll's. There's no oo4e folder in the oracle directory tree. I've installed three times now.
    I need them for a VB database application. I keep getting Runtime Error 429 ActiveX component can't create object.
    Can anyone explain what might be wrong?

    I have 9i on multiple Win98 machines here. But on this one, it just won't install some of the client files. ODBC, oo4e, and ole are missing.
    Is there something in the pc's configuration that could prevent these files from being loaded?

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  • Please help me with the miniatures in pdf

    Hi, I need help to see the miniatures generated in PDF . I have a very  very large numbers of e-books in PDF to work and to study;  and suddenly i cant watch the miniatures generated, only the adobe icon, make me impossible to found an specific book.

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    Any help would be appreciated

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  • IO exception when encrypting

    hi guys, i am trying to convert an image to a byte[] and then encypt. i have been able to convert to a byte array and have been able to get the private key to be encoded with base64 and output to the file. the problem is that when i run the program i