VBA XML Ribbon now rendering in Project Client 2013 (version: 15.0.4569.15.04)

What I’m trying to do is to add XML ribbon to Project Client 2013 using VBA code. I have a method in my VBA project (mpp file) under “ThisProject”. When this project is open, it passes the xml ribbon to ActiveProject.SetCustomUI (“My XML
ribbon content HERE”). I can break point and see the call is being made but ribbon is not visible on the Project Client 2013.
This ribbon works in only one computer (in Project Client 2013). Right now I have this file stored as a local MPP file, but eventually I have to move this code to Project Server (global-check-out location). There are no error or any issues
that I can think.
Why does this work in one computer but not in other three computers? Is My XML schema and the format correct for Project Client 2013? What kind of permissions does Ribbon requires and how can I check them?
Below is my VBA/XML ribbon code:
Private Sub Project_Open(ByVal pj As Project)
Call AddCustomUI
End Sub
Sub AddCustomUI()
Debug.Assert 1 < 0
Dim customUiXml As String
customUiXml = "<mso:cmd app=""MSProject"" dt=""1"" /><mso:customUI xmlns:x1=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro"" xmlns:mso=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui""><mso:ribbon><mso:qat/><mso:tabs><mso:tab id=""PMMTab"" label=""PMM"" insertBeforeQ=""mso:TabAddIns""><mso:group id=""grpPMM1"" label=""PMM Options"" autoScale=""true"">" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnSetOptions"" label=""Set Options"" imageMso=""TableBorderPenColorPicker"" onAction=""btn_ShowSetOptionsForm"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnSetBaseline"" label=""Set Baseline"" imageMso=""VisibilityHidden"" onAction=""btn_ShowSetBaselineForm"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnSummaries"" label=""Summaries"" imageMso=""DesignXml"" onAction=""btn_InsertATECSummaryTasks"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnExcelRpt"" label=""Excel Report"" imageMso=""AppointmentColor9"" onAction=""btn_ShowExcelReportForm"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnDtLogic"" label=""Date Logic"" imageMso=""AppointmentColor5"" onAction=""btn_ShowDateLogicForm"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnTskSchedule"" label=""Task Schedule"" imageMso=""Bullets"" onAction=""btn_TaskSchedule"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnClean"" label=""Clean"" imageMso=""InkEraseMode"" onAction=""btn_ShowCleanProjectForm"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnQAS"" label=""QAS"" imageMso=""PositionAbsoluteMarks"" onAction=""btn_LaunchQAS"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnPMMSite"" label=""PMM Site"" imageMso=""MsnLogo"" onAction=""btn_GoToPMESDocs"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnActOffsets"" label=""Actual Offsets"" imageMso=""LinkBarCustom"" onAction=""btn_calculateActualOffsets"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnATCForm"" label=""ATC Form"" imageMso=""ViewSlideSorterView"" onAction=""btn_GoToATCForm"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "</mso:group><mso:group id=""grpPMM2"" label=""OTC Options"" autoScale=""true""><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnSetResDefault"" label=""Set Resource Defaults"" imageMso=""ListMacros"" onAction=""btn_SetResourceDefaults"" visible=""true""/></mso:group><mso:group id=""grpPMM3"" label=""External Links"" autoScale=""true""><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnLinkOptions"" label=""Link Options"" imageMso=""ListMacros"" onAction=""btn_LinkOptions"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnTRPOutline"" label=""TRP Outline"" imageMso=""CondolatoryEvent"" onAction=""btn_TRPOutline"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnSynProject"" label=""Sync Project"" imageMso=""RecordsRefreshMenu"" onAction=""btn_SyncProject"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnDetails"" label=""Details"" imageMso=""SlidesPerPageSlideOutline"" onAction=""btn_Detail"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnATCTools"" label=""ATEC Tools"" imageMso=""HyperlinksVerify"" onAction=""btn_ATECTools"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnImportActuals"" label=""Import Actuals"" imageMso=""_3DPerspectiveDecrease"" onAction=""btn_ImportActuals"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnAECMenu"" label=""AEC Menu"" imageMso=""ViewFullScreenView"" onAction=""btn_AEC_Menu"" visible=""true""/></mso:group>" _
& "<mso:group id=""grpPMM4"" label=""Admin Options"" autoScale=""true""><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnChgLog"" label=""Change Log"" imageMso=""ListMacros"" onAction=""btn_ShowChangeLogForm"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnResMaint"" label=""Resource Maint"" imageMso=""CondolatoryEvent"" onAction=""btn_ShowResMaintForm"" visible=""true""/>" _
& "<mso:button idQ=""x1:btnChkResRate"" label=""Check Resource Rates"" imageMso=""TableDesign"" onAction=""btn_checkResourceRates"" visible=""true""/><mso:button idQ=""x1:btnResReport"" label=""Resource Report"" imageMso=""SlideShowUseRehearsedTimings"" onAction=""btn_ShowSetResourceRatesForm"" visible=""true""/></mso:group></mso:tab></mso:tabs></mso:ribbon></mso:customUI>"
ActiveProject.SetCustomUI (customUiXml)
End Sub

I don't think it likes xl: in the ids. My utility throws up the following that does work:
<mso:customUI xmlns:mso=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui""><mso:ribbon><mso:tabs><mso:tab id=""PMM"" label=""PMM""  insertBeforeQ=""mso:TabView""><mso:group
id=""PMMOptions"" label=""PMM Options""><mso:button id=""btnSetOptions"" label=""Set Options"" size=""large"" imageMso=""TableBorderPenColorPicker""
onAction=""btn_ShowSetOptionsForm""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnSetBaseline"" label=""Set Baseline"" size=""large"" imageMso=""VisibilityHidden""
onAction=""btn_ShowSetBaselineForm""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnSummaries"" label=""Summaries"" size=""large"" imageMso=""DesignXml"" onAction=""btn_InsertATECSummaryTasks""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnExcelRpt"" label=""Excel Report"" size=""large"" imageMso=""AppointmentColor9"" onAction=""btn_ShowExcelReportForm""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnDtLogic"" label=""Date Logic"" size=""large"" imageMso=""AppointmentColor5"" onAction=""btn_ShowDateLogicForm""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnTskSchedule"" label=""Task Schedule"
" size=""large"" imageMso=""Bullets"" onAction=""btn_TaskSchedule""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnClean"" label=""Clean"" size=""large""
imageMso=""InkEraseMode"" onAction=""btn_ShowCleanProjectForm""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnQAS"" label=""QAS"" size=""large"" imageMso=""PositionAbsoluteMarks""
onAction=""btn_LaunchQAS""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnPMMSite"" label=""PMM Site"" size=""large"" imageMso=""MsnLogo"" onAction=""btn_GoToPMESDocs""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnActOffsets"" label=""Actual Offsets"" size=""large"" imageMso=""LinkBarCustom"" onAction=""btn_calculateActualOffsets""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnATCForm"" label=""ATC Form"" size=""large"" imageMso=""ViewSlideSorterView"" onAction=""btn_GoToATCForm""></mso:button></mso:group><mso:group
id=""OTCOptions"" label=""OTC Options""><mso:button id=""btnSetResDefault"" label=""Set Resource Defaults"" size=""large"" imageMso=""ListMacros""
onAction=""btn_SetResourceDefaults""></mso:button></mso:group><mso:group id=""External
Links"" label=""External Links""><mso:button id=""btnLinkOptions"" label=""Link Options"" size=""large"" imageMso=""ListMacros"" onAction=""btn_LinkOptions""></mso:button><mso:button
id=""btnTRPOutline"" label=""TRP Outline"" size=""large"" imageMso=""CondolatoryEvent"" onAction=""btn_TRPOutline""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnSynProject""
label=""Sync Project"" size=""large"" imageMso=""RecordsRefreshMenu"" onAction=""btn_SyncProject""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnDetails"" label=""Details""
size=""large"" imageMso=""SlidesPerPageSlideOutline"" onAction=""btn_Detail""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnATCTools"" label=""ATEC Tools"" size=""large""
imageMso=""HyperlinksVerify"" onAction=""btn_ATECTools""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnImportActuals"" label=""Import Actuals"" size=""large""
imageMso=""_3DPerspectiveDecrease"" onAction=""btn_ImportActuals""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnAECMenu"" label=""AEC Menu"" size=""large""
imageMso=""ViewFullScreenView"" onAction=""btn_AEC_Menu""></mso:button
></mso:group><mso:group id=""AdminOptions"" label=""Admin Options""><mso:button id=""btnChgLog"" label=""Change Log"" size=""large"" imageMso=""ListMacros""
onAction=""btn_ShowChangeLogForm""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnResMaint"" label=""Resource Maint"" size=""large"" imageMso=""CondolatoryEvent""
onAction=""btn_ShowResMaintForm""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnChkResRate"" label=""Check Resource Rates"" size=""large"" imageMso=""TableDesign""
onAction=""btn_checkResourceRates""></mso:button><mso:button id=""btnResReport"" label=""Resource Report"" size=""large"" imageMso=""SlideShowUseRehearsedTimings""
You'll need to
Rod Gill
Author of the one and only Project VBA Book

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    Hi all,
    I want to create a custom ribbon menu in MS Project Professional 2013 but I am not sure how to save it as a template and apply it enterprise wide.
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    Apologies for the delay. To get this working in VBA you need to construct a Ribbon XML format version of the menu as you want it. I've copied an example below, but there is a
    Microsoft page with information on how the schema works. Key lessons I've learnt are that:
    button id and group id values - doesn't seem to matter what they are, but they must be unique
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    here. I found various pages that described how to add custom images to the ribbon in Excel, but I never managed to get them to work for me, so just stuck with the images in this file.
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    Here's my example, which adds a "New Menu" tab to the ribbon, with a couple of buttons to launch macros. This can just be added to a new module in your global file.
    ' Developed by A Simpson, 27 November 2013
    Public Sub evst_AddCustomRibbon()
    Dim customUiXml As String
    Dim pj As Project
    customUiXml = "<mso:customUI xmlns:mso=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"" loadImage=""LoadImage"" >" _
    & "<mso:ribbon><mso:tabs><mso:tab id=""evst"" label=""New Menu"">"
    customUiXml = customUiXml _
    & "<mso:group id=""group0"" label=""Reporting"">" _
    & "<mso:button id=""button0-1"" label=""Task Usage+"" size=""large"" " _
    & "imageMso=""TaskUsageViewGallery"" onAction=""Macro1"" " _
    & "supertip=""Gives a report of the projected expenditure on the project.""/>" _
    & "<mso:button id=""button0-2"" label=""Resource Usage+"" size=""large"" " _
    & "imageMso=""ResourceAllViewsGallery"" onAction=""Macro2"" " _
    & "supertip=""Gives the projected headcount of the project in FTE values."" />" _
    & "</mso:group>"
    customUiXml = customUiXml _
    & "<mso:group id=""group1"" label=""Eversight QA"">" _
    & "<mso:button id=""button1-1"" label=""DCMA 14 point Analysis"" size=""normal"" " _
    & "imageMso=""GroupResolveConflictsAndErrors"" onAction=""Macro3"" " & "supertip=""Executes the DCMA 14 point assessment of the current schedule.""/>" _
    & "<mso:button id=""button1-2"" label=""Eversight Advanced QA"" size=""normal"" " _
    & "imageMso=""PwaProjectProgressUpdate"" onAction=""Macro4"" " & "supertip=""Executes the Eversight QA Advanced checks, as configured in Eversight > Options."" />" _
    & "<mso:button id=""button1-3"" label=""Eversight Basic QA"" size=""normal"" " _
    & "imageMso=""PwaProjectProgressUpdate"" onAction=""Macro5"" " & "supertip=""Executes the Eversight QA Basic checks, as configured in Eversight > Options.""/>" _
    & "</mso:group>"
    customUiXml = customUiXml _
    & "</mso:tab></mso:tabs></mso:ribbon></mso:customUI>"
    For Each pj In Application.Projects
    pj.SetCustomUI (customUiXml)
    Next pj
    End Sub
    You'll also need an event which executes this macro. The following code goes in the "Microsoft Project Objects > ThisProject (Global.MPT)" module within the global file:
    Option Explicit
    Public WithEvents MSPApp As Application
    Private Sub MSPApp_WindowActivate(ByVal activatedWindow As Window)
    End Sub
    I hope that gets you started,
    Andrew Simpson
    Founder – Eversight Ltd
    E: [email protected]
    W: www.eversight.co.uk
    Download Eversight for MS Project — a free add-on which helps users build high quality schedules with MS project.

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    Hi Ximet,
    If you go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Servers in this Farm. Do you see Upgrade Available for the servers.
    If they show Upgrade Available, can you run the SharePoint Config Wizard one more time or you can also try running the command "psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -force"
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    In case the issue persists and is impacting your business, I would suggest that you raise a support ticket with Microsoft so that we can further assist you on the case.
    Cheers! Happy troubleshooting !!! Dinesh S. Rai - MSFT Enterprise Project Management
    Please click Mark As Answer; if a post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been useful to you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    For SP2013 and PS2013 to work properly on Windows Server 2012 R2 you need to use the SP1 install media for both, download SharePoint 2013 with SP1 and Project Server 2013 with SP1
    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

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    Please help.

    you might want to post your question in some Weblogic server forum to get a quicker answer.
    Best thing would be to check a relevant forum or just post it in the [WLS-General forum|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=570].

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    the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: The interface is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706B5). 
    Repair of Team Explorer, Office, Test Manager 2012, etc did not assist.  if we go into excel and connect to TFS, we can then retrieve the query data.  Just not from TFS exporting to excel.  Had to unload Project 2013, repair Office 2010
    and rebooted with project off the machine and now it works.   It seems maybe the setup with the shared features and Office tools are breaking something?  We need the ability for VBA and .net functionality, but what could be breaking this?

    Your environment will support 32 bit of Project professional 2013 (x86) as you have Windows and Office of (X86).
    You try to modify registry then you wont face issue.
     The issue when you hit a "1653" is that Windows
    Installer "DisableRollback" is set. Office 2013 requires that "rollback" be enabled. If you are getting a "1653"
    error in your logs as Ken did then the solution is to delete the "DisableRollback" (or set to '0') at the following registry keys:
     these are the issues I've seen:
    Scheduler service was stopped. At a cmd window typing "net start schedule" resolves the problem.
    CMD.exe was customized via the following registry key. Solution was to temporarily disable the customization by changing autorun value to autorun_old. 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Command Processor
    Permission issues - seems some custom permissions affected Ingram's install which he explained in his previous post.
    Environment variable "ComSpec" had been modified (semicolon added). Fix was to remove the added semicolon (there should be no semicolon).
    The way to identify you are hitting this specific issue is if in the %temp%\OfficeSetup.log there is a mention of "Office64MUI.msi" failing to install with return value of 1603
    If you want to enable verbose logging via the following key, rerun your failed install, and collect all the setup and MSI* logs that will give more information.
    "logging"= "voicewarmup"

  • Project Server 2013 Ribbon Customization using a custom action

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    of how to do this in Project Server 2013 using a solution.
    Here is the custom action, I have tried with and without the EnableScript attribute but nothing seems to work:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
    <CustomAction Id="Ribbon.Library.Actions.AddAButton"
    ToolTipTitle="UniqueId Displayer"
    ToolTipDescription="Displays UniqueId for the list item."
    TemplateAlias="o2" />
    EnabledScript="javascript: function ReturnTrue() { return true; } ReturnTrue();"
    CommandAction="javascript:alert('Hello, world');" />

    You can add a new button using a SharePoint feature or via an app. If you haven't see the links below already, take a look. These are for 2010 but would be very similar for 2013:
    some of those example to get those buttons working / hiding then modify your code.
    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

  • MacBook Pro with SSD that has a limited disk space (120GB). Rendering in Project File (User/Movies/Final Cut Projects), it takes huge space and the limited disk space would not be enough for the whole editing.

    I'm using MacBook Pro with 128GB SSD that has a limited disk space. As we know, when rendering in Project File (User/Movies/Final Cut Projects), it takes huge space and the limited disk space would not be enough for the whole editing.
    My question is, Is there any method to get the rendering Projects file saved into an external hard drive which is connected with USB/ Thunderbolt/ Firewire, with huge disk space (eg. 500GB HDD).
    Now, new project created in my Mac is automatically saved in (User/Movies/Final Cut Projects) and my Mac has ran out of space to hold the files.
    Thank you.

    You have at least 3 different ways to show the project library:
    1) Go to WIndow->Show Project Library
    2) Click the button in bottom left of your window: 
    3) Hit the keyboard shortcut (Command-0)
    The project library will be shown, occupying the area where the timeline usually is.
    Your hard disks will be visible. Click the hard disk where you want the new project to reside and hit Cmd-N to create a new project.

  • How to Remove "Project Plan Template" from Project MSP client Enterprise tab / Project Server 2013

    Hello All,
    This should be easy one.
    I have created a "Project Plan Template" and applied to the EPT. Now i open my MSP Client 2013 and go to New--> Enterprise tab and select the template i want to use to create a new project. However, there are unnecessary Plan Templates which
    i want to remove from enterprise tab.
    Please Help. 

    Hi Sandeep, Go to PWA,server settings, delete enterprise objects. Then select the project combo box. You will see the list of all projects of your instance, with a column named "type". In this column you will find projects, sub projects, master
    projects and templates. Just sort along this type column, look for the templates, select the template to remove and click on the "delete" button.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

  • How do I use my third computer with cloud. I am rendering a project in Avid Media composer

    How do I get my third computer to work with when I am rendering Avid project on the other two computers computers

    Running creative cloud on third machine will prompt you for the deactivation from last 2 machines. As per EULA for Creative cloud you can only install and work on 2 machines only, be it MAC-MAC, MAC-windows and windows-windows.
    working on third machine without deactivation from previous machines is not possible.
    Hope this helps.
    Kapil Malik

  • XML Publisher (now BI Publisher) reports without Using RDF

    Hi All,
    We am trying to generate XML Publisher (now BI Publisher) reports from Oracle EBS reports without Using RDF.
    We have generated the required report using RDF however as we are trying to move away from RDF, we are looking for this type of solution (i.e without RDF). We simply want to use SQL query for XML output.
    I tried to generate XML output from a concurrent program which is a SQL query however the output doesn't come out in proper XML format.
    I am sure this can be done through XML publisher using pl/sql procedure. By using a procedure and using the function DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml to generate the output in XML format & storing it in a variable declared as CLOB type. The reports are running fine smaller result set but its giving error "Value or Numeric Error' for larger resul set. Following is the way i am using the function:
    select DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML('select * from dual') into result from dual;
    Where result is declared as CLOB Type.
    Can anyone help please?

    I used a different approach.
    I registered a concurrent program with executable as XDODTEXE and output as XML.
    I added a XML data definition (which contains my SQL query) on XML Publsiher admin and Registerd a template against that XML data definition.
    This solved my problem.
    Thanks all.

  • While rendering a project in After Effects CC (Mac) , the application closes half way, saying it quit unexpectedly, Please Help!

    So, I have created a cool project that was a lot of hard work in After Effects CC (Mac), While rendering a project in After Effects CC (Mac) , the application closes half way, saying it quit unexpectedly. Here is the link to an error log which is automatically recorded when After Effects crashes:- After Effects Crash (Mac) - Pastebin.com
    I have tried to render this project at least 5 times, shutting and restarting my computer. Please Help!
    Here is my computer specs if needed;
    Operating System: Mac OS X Mavericks version 10.9.4 (13E28)
    Processor: 2.5GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory: 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
    Screen Resolution: 13-inch (1280 x 800)
    Hard Drive: 500GB -- 186.49 GB free space.

    Element 3d renders using your graphics card. Unlike After Effects, what GPU you're using matters a lot for Element.
    As it is, you don't really have one.
    You could try rendering an image sequence and then picking up your render where it left off when it crashes, but if a certain frame is just too much for your computer to handle, there's not much we can help with. I'd suggest adding a GPU that Element can use.

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