Veritas with Oracle RAC

Some days long ago one of my senior DBA invoked some GUI tool which was like web page for monitoring resources of Veritas SFRAC.
I would like to know how to find URL for this??

You and your management do realise that Windows does not feature in the Top 500 clusters in the world (2013/11 stats)? That Linux is the preferred operating system amongst the biggest and fastest clusters in the world?
Operating system Family
System Share (%)
Rmax (GFlops)
Rpeak (GFlops)
BSD Based
Now why would you want to use Windows for an Oracle cluster, when the top clusters in the world clearly show that such a choice is not ideal ito TCO, performance, scalability, flexibility and so on?
It is not that Windows is a bad o/s. It is simply that when it comes to computer clusters, Linux is significantly better. As operating system family stats of the top 500 clusters on this planet, shows.

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  • CRS10g patchset을 적용한 이후 Veritas SF Oracle RAC 관련 MODULE

    Problem Description
    다음은 SF(Storage Foundation) Oracle RAC를 구성하기 위하여 Oracle CRS
    PATCHSET 등을 적용하기 전에 SF Oracle RAC Veritas libraries 를 ORACLE_HOME에 설치해야 한다는 내용입니다.
    또한, ORACLE CRS 패치 Version 을 올리면서 Veritas 쪽 관련하여 필요한
    Veritas skgxp module 등이 설치 과정에 빠져 있거나 Veritas library file들이 overwrite되어 에러를 만나는 경우를 볼 수 있습니다.
    이런 관점에서 Veritas storage foundation 을 설치하고 oracle CRS stack을
    설치 또는 갱신하는 과정에서 만날 수 있는 에러에 대해 원인 및 해결방안을 알아봅니다.
    에러 증상
    다음은 CRS Patchset이 설치되면서 Veritas library가 overwrite 되면서 발생하는 에러임.
    Veritas clusterware 5.0 not recognized by Oracle due to the fact that Veritas libraries over written with crs patchset installation.
    The cssd.log shows:
    [ CSSD]2007-11-08 03:28:02.603 [5] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxnmon: skgxn init failed,
    rc 1 [ CSSD]2007-11-08 03:28:02.603 [1] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxnonline: Using vacuous skgxn monitor [ CSSD]2007-11-08 03:28:02.604 [1] >TRACE:
    clssnmNMInitialize: misscount set to (30), impending reconfig threshold set to
    The cssd.log should show this
    [CSSD]2007-09-20 14:14:06.008 [5] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxninit: initialized
    skgxn version (2/0/Veritas Cluster Server MM <<== USING VERITAS SKGXN LIBRARY
    CRS patchset 의 installation 이후에 Veritas library file들이 overwrite되는 문제 발생.
    Environment :
    Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
    OS : Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)
    이 예제는 sun os에 근거함.
    OS에 따라 해결책이 약간 다를 수는 있습니다.
    새로운 CRS patch 관련 변경이 있은 이후에 Veritas SFRAC 관련 module이 인식되지 못하는 문제 야기됨.
    Installing and Configuring SF Oracle RAC Software
    Veritas 에서 제공하는 Storage/Clusterware 관련한 절차는 이 문서에서 생략합니다.
    Install CD 안의 installsfrac 스크립트 수행 session 에서 RAC software installation을 하는 과정이 들어갑니다.
    Veritas가 제공하는 SF Oracle RAC 5.0 installation 문서를 보면 다음과 같은 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
    아래 내용에는 SF Oracle RAC component 들을 설치하는 과정만 기술합니다.
    # cd /cdrom/storage_foundation_for_oracle_rac
    # .installsfrac -configure
    Note: Do not run yet, but return to the installsfrac session from step 15.
    19 In the installsfrac session, press Return. The installsfrac utility now verifies
    the database software installation, copies the SF Oracle RAC libraries to $ORACLE_HOME, and relinks Oracle on each node in the cluster.
    다음은 위와 같은 installsfrac 스크립트를 수행한 이후에 Installer가 5.0 SF Oracle RAC library file들을 ORACLE_HOME으로 Copy하는 과정이고, Oracle library file들을 relink합니다.
    자세한 절차는 다음의 site에서 step 별로 확인을 할 수 있습니다.
    [ 참조 ]
    Performing Post-upgrade tasks for SF Oracle RAC 5.0 MP1.
    To Relink Oracle 10g R1 or R2 using the installer.
    installsfrac를 invoke하기 위해 다음과 같이 stage가 있다고 가정하고 invoke를 합니다.
    # cd /opt/VRTS/install
    # ./installsfrac -configure
    Oracle environment information verification 과정입니다.
    Oracle Unix User : oracle
    Oracle Unix Group : oinstall
    Oracle Clusterware (CRS) Home: /app/oracle/orahome
    Oracle Release: 10.2
    Oracle Patch Level: 0.1
    Oracle Base: /app/oracle
    Oracle Home: /app/oracle/orahome
    Is this information correct: [y,n,q] (y)
    Verifying binaries in /app/oracle/orahome on galaxy ...ok
    Verifying binaries in /app/oracle/orahome on nebula ...ok
    Copying SFRAC libskgxn on galaxy ......................ok
    Copying SFRAC libskgxn on nebula ......................ok
    Copying SFRAC ODM library on galaxy ...................ok
    Copying SFRAC ODM library on nebula ...................ok
    Copying SFRAC libskgxp on galaxy ......................ok
    Copying SFRAC libskgxp on nebula ......................ok
    Relinking Oracle on galaxy ............................ok
    Relinking Oracle on nebula ............................ok
    Oracle Relinking is now complete.
    Solution Description
    다음은 CRS patchset 적용 후, 문제 해결 위해 Oracle 10g 를 manual 하게 relink하는 과정입니다.
    방법1. Relinking Oracle 10g (Using the command line)
    [ 10g R1 ]
    For Oracle 10gR1, enter one set of the following commands
    a. For 32bit oracle:
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ ln -s /usr/lib/
    b. For 64bit oracle:
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ ln -s /usr/lib/amd64/
    [ 10g R2 ]
    For 10gR2, enter one set of the following commands:
    a. For 32bit oracle:
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    b. For 64bit oracle:
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    $ cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    방법2. Relinking Oracle10g (Installer)
    위 Article에서 Relinking Oracle 10g after upgrading SF Oracle RAC 부분을 참조하여 해결하는 것도 가능합니다.
    여기서 2개의 node name이 galaxy 와 nebula 라고 가정합니다.
    1. Invoke installsfrac once again:
    # cd /opt/VRTS/install
    #./installsfrac -configure
    2. Enter the system names when prompted:
    Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to configure
    SFRAC: galaxy nebula
    3. Navigate to the "Install and Relink Oracle" menu.
    a. Select the appropriate Oracle 10g version (3):
    1) Oracle 10gR1
    2) Oracle 10gR2
    b. Select "Relink Oracle" (3) from the menu:
    1) Install Oracle Clusterware (CRS)
    2) Install Oracle RDBMS server
    3) Relink Oracle
    b) [Go to previous menu]
    c. From the menu displayed, enter the required information. For example:
    Enter Oracle UNIX user name: (oracle) oracle
    Enter Oracle UNIX group name: [b] (oinstall) oinstall
    Enter Oracle base directory: [b] /app/oracle
    Enter absolute path of CRS Home directory: [b] /app/crshome
    Enter absolute path of Database Home directory: [b] /app/oracle/orahome
    Enter Oracle Bits (64/32) [b] (64) 64
    d. Confirm your responses in the verification screen. The installer copies the SF 5.0 Oracle RAC libraries to /opt/ORCLcluster, where it expects libskgxn.
    Oracle environment information verification
    Oracle Unix User: oracle
    Oracle Unix Group: oinstall
    Oracle Clusterware (CRS) Home: /app/crshome
    Oracle Release: 10.2
    Oracle Bits: 64
    Oracle Base: /app/oracle
    Oracle Home: /app/oracle/orahome
    Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)
    Copying /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/ ........... success
    Copying /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/
    /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/ .............. success
    Copying /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/ to
    /app/oracle/orahome/lib/ ........... success
    Removing /oracle/10g/lib/ ............ success
    Linking /opt/VRTSodm/lib/amd64/ /app/oracle/orahome/
    lib/ ... success
    Setting permissions oracle:oinstall /app/oracle/orahome/lib/ ... success
    Copying /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/lib/ to
    /app/oracle/orahome/lib/ ........... success
    Removing /oracle/10g/lib/ ............ success
    Linking /opt/VRTSodm/lib/amd64/ /app/oracle/orahome/
    lib/ ... success
    Setting permissions oracle:oinstall /app/oracle/orahome/lib/ ... success
    e. Enter "q" at the next prompt to leave the installer now that CRS setup
    tasks are complete.
    4. Bring the CSSD resource online. Enter:
    # hares -online cssd -sys galaxy
    # hares -online cssd -sys nebula
    5. Confirm that CRS in online. Enter:
    $CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stat -t
    6. Bring online the oracle resources configured under VCS. If they're directly controlled by CRS, you may run the CRS commands to start the instance.
    [ 참고 ]
    CRS patch 적용 이후에 HP server와 Veritas 환경에서 CRS stack 이 올라오지
    않는 경우를 추가 설명해 봅니다.
    참고로, Veritas 쪽에서 Node status를 check해 주는 tool을 제공하고 있고,
    CRS의 init.cssd 에서 그 tool을 사용하도록 init.cssd 에 patch가 되어야 한
    다는 내용의 문서가 있습니다.
    그 작업을 위한 patch를 역시 Veritas에서 제공하고 있습니다.
    CRS patchset 이나 CRS 를 위한 cumulative patch를 하기 전에 SFRAC 를 위해
    init.cssd에 patch를 적용해야 합니다.
    1. hangs when apply a patch[set]
    2. hangs when rollback a patch[set]
    자세한 사항은 다음의 문서에서 안내하고 있습니다.
    Late Breaking News (LBN) - Updates to the Release Notes for Veritas Storage
    Foundation (tm) and High Availability Solutions 5.0 and 5.0 Maintenance
    Pack 1
    on HP-UX 11iv2 and cross references to product documentation
    Veritas on HP server
    이 patch 는 HP-UX 11i 에만 해당함.
    Before you run the script, you need to add the init.cssd.patch.
    a. Open another window on the system where you are running the installer
    b. Log in as superuser
    c. Change to the directory where the patch is to be copied:
    For Oracle 10gR1:
    # cd $CRS_HOME/css/admin
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/patch /init.cssd-10gR1.patch .
    For Oracle 10gR2:
    # cd $CRS_HOME/css/admin
    # cp /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/patch /init.cssd-10gR2.patch .
    d. Run the following command to install the patch:
    For Oracle 10gR1:
    # patch < init.cssd-10gR1.patch init.cssd
    For Oracle 10gR2:
    # patch < init.cssd-10gR2.patch init.cssd
    e. Run the script. For example:
    # cd $CRS_HOME
    # ./
    This starts the CRS daemons on the node where you enter the command.
    <Note:467753.1> Title : Veritas clusterware 5.0 not recognized by Oracle
    due to the fact that Veritas libraries over written with crs patchset installation

  • Solaris x86 with Oracle RAC 10g Enterprise Edition Release

    Maybe you can help me (new on RMAN backup) in doing this.
    I have configured a single Oracle 10g database to have backup with RMAN with following steps:
    1. $ mkdir $ORACLE_BASE/rman_scripts
    2. $ mkdir $ORACLE_BASE/logs
    3. $ mkdir $ORACLE_BASE/tracking
    4. $ mkdir $ORACLE_BASE/c_backup
    5. $ sqlplus sys/<password> as sysdba
    6. SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size = 50G scope=both;
    7. SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='${ ORACLE_BASE}/flash_recovery_ area' scope=both;
    8. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_10='location= use_db_recovery_file_dest';
    9. SQL> shutdown immediate
    10. SQL> startup nomount
    11. SQL> alter database archivelog;
    12. SQL> alter database open;
    13. SQL> alter database enable block change tracking using file '${ORACLE_BASE}/tracking/rman_ change_track.f';
    14. $ rman target /
    TO '/var/opt/oracle/flash_ recovery_area/ORCL/c_backup/% F';
    19. RMAN> exit
    I need to configure incremental backup with RMAN on a two node Solaris x86 with Oracle RAC 10g Enterprise Edition Release installation.
    We also use ASM to store database files, and have Oracle software installed on separate file systems (two Oracle roots for Node1 and Node2).
    I have following questions:
    1) where to put Flash Recovery Area (FRA)?
    I saw recommendations to put FRA on the ASM, is this the best way to do it?
    2) Can I put FRA on another file system (not on the ASM) which is available only from Node1? This way I can save space on the ASM.
    3) Is it possible/recommended to run RMAN from Node1 only?
    Below is the script used to run RMAN on the normal Oracle database (without RAC) which I need to change :
    2.0 Oracle backup script: /opt/app/oracle/rman_scripts/
    Use this for daily backups, possiblly as a cron job.
    Once a week run this: /opt/app/oracle/rman_scripts/ FULL
    All other days of the week: /opt/app/oracle/rman_scripts/ INCREMENTAL
    Note: You may have to change ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_BASE below to match your database.
    if [[ $# < 1 ]]
    echo "usage: FULL|INCREMENTAL"
    if [[ $BACKUPTYPE == $full ]]
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman target / nocatalog log ${LOGFILE} append << eof
    run {
    backup database;
    SQL 'alter system archive log current';
    backup archivelog all;
    delete noprompt obsolete;
    echo ''
    if [[ $BACKUPTYPE == $incremental ]]
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman target / nocatalog log ${LOGFILE} append << eof
    run {
    backup database;
    backup incremental level 1 database;
    SQL 'alter system archive log current';
    backup archivelog all;
    delete noprompt obsolete;
    echo ''

    Hi [email protected],
    Q1) where to put Flash Recovery Area (FRA)?
    A1) With RAC: on the shared storage
    I saw recommendations to put FRA on the ASM, is this the best way to do it?
    If you want your backups to be available for both nodes you have to use shared storage or tape using an mml library.
    So if you want to use the FRA for rman backups and the database is on ASM just make ASM the standard for the FRA as well.
    Q2) Can I put FRA on another file system (not on the ASM) which is available only from Node1? This way I can save space on the ASM.
    A2) Than you cannot recover in case Node1 is down. Best would be to send your storage admin to a training course so he can manage the clustered raw devices needed for ASM.
    Q3) Is it possible/recommended to run RMAN from Node1 only?
    A3) No see A2.

  • Sun Fire V490 x 2 servers with Oracle RAC facing Split brain problem

    Hi all,
    I have Sun Fire V490 x 2 servers with Oracle RAC and they faced a Split brain problem. One of the node's database instance has gone down, The DBA claims it is due to network problem, but as such the networks are OK. We use the on board CE1 interface for Cluster interconnect and CE0 as the public interface.
    Did anybody face this kind of a problem? Could this be a hardware/OS patch problem?
    I had kept a continuous ping for 24 hours after this happened last time and the output shows no packet loss
    Many thanks in advance.
    Ushas Symon

    In order to diagnose this properly, you'll need to provide too much detail and far too many log files for a generic discussion forum to handle.
    Use your service contract and open a support case.
    Because a cluster environment is involved you'll likely end up talking to the cluster support staff.
    They can analyze hardware and software errors as well as review whether you configured the systems in a supportable fashion.
    Be prepared to make a direct connection to each system and gather data using such as by using the Explorer tool. The technical support staff will tell you what they will actually need.

  • SAP EHP6 Installation Steps with Oracle RAC

    Dear Experts,
    i am looking for step by step guide for SAP ehp6 installation with Oracle RAC. if anyone can help please guide me with the steps or share if any document available

    Hi Wali,
    You can follow below documentation to perform your installation on Oracle RAC.
    This document is very useful for planning the installation and executing the same
    Some other useful documents
    Installation of SAP on RAC with Oracle ASM
    SAP note which needs to be referred for installation
    Note 527843 - Oracle RAC support in the SAP environment
    Hope this helps.
    Deepak Kori

  • Is OCFS2 certified with oracle RAC 11gR2 ?

    Is OCFS2 certified with oracle RAC 11gR2 ?

    ocfs2 is certified for oracle 11gr2 but oracle recommends using asm. please see this for more information

  • Suncluster with oracle RAC customer

    Are we have any customer reference for suncluster with Oracle RAC.
    Suggestion and recommendation are welcome.
    Thanks in advance,

    There are many hundreds customers running this combination, totalling many thousands of nodes. Not all are (or want to be) public references. Some are listed here though:

  • Does /sapmnt need in cluster file system(SAP ECC 6.0 with oracle RAC)

    We are going to be installing SAP with Oracle RAC on Linux SuSE 10 and OCFS2. The Oracle RAC documentation states:
    You must store the following components in the cluster file system when you use RAC
    in the SAP environment:
    - Oracle Clusterware (CRS) Home
    - Oracle RDBMS Home
    - SAP Home (also /sapmnt)
    - Voting Disks
    - OCR
    - Database
    What I want to ask is if I really need put SAP Home(also /sapmnt) on cluster file system? I will build a two nodes oracel 10g RAC and I also have another two nodes to install SAP CI and DI. My orginial think is sapmnt is a NFS share, and mount to all four nodes(RAC node and CI/DI), and all oracle stuff was on OCFS2(only two rac nodes are OCFS), anybody can tell me if SAP Home(also /sapmnt) can be NFS mount not OCFS2, thanks.
    Best regards,

    Hi Peter,
    I don't think you need to keep /sapmnt in  ocfs2 . Reason any file system  need  to be in cluster is,in RAC environment, data stored in the cache of one Oracle instance to be accessed by any other instance by transferring it across the private network  and preserves data integrity and cache coherency by transmitting locking and other synchronization information across cluster nodes.
    AS this applies to redo files, datafiles and control files only ,  you should be fine with nfs mount of /sapmnt sharing across and not having ocfs2.

  • Tuxedo with Oracle-RAC

    Tuxedo -Oracle RAC ,
    We are planning to upgrade the Tuxedo Environmet to o Support Oracle-RAC , with Single Database server with Two Instances .
    ***At the moment we have ceratin Tuxedo Services ( part of a transaction ) to connect Database , which is used by more than One Application ie The connection Services to the Databse is COMMON.***
    Eg: we have service named DBSERVICE1 , which is connecting to a datbases , which also part of a Transaction , This DBSERVICE1 is used by more than one channels ( ATM/internet banking , phone banking etc )
    we have more than one service like DBSERVICE1
    With this architecture how we can effectively achieve Tuxedo -Oracle RAC High Availability.
    Is is possible to specify in the Tuxedo Configuration  like this " if the instance1 is down , use the Instance2"?+
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: user10229565 on Nov 11, 2008 11:30 PM
    Edited by: user10229565 on Nov 11, 2008 11:36 PM

    Hi Nadeer,
    In Oracle RAC 10g a single global transaction that spans more than one RAC instance, yet connected to a single database will not work, i.e., you may not get transactional integrity. To solve this problem, Tuxedo introduced RAC support by way of the TUXRACGROUPS environment variable. This environment variable tells Tuxedo about the RAC configuration, i.e., which RAC instances are connected to which RAC databases. Actually it tells Tuxedo which groups of Tuxedo servers can safely participate together in a single global transaction. Using that environment variable, Tuxedo will alter its request routing algorithm so that once a transaction is started, all subsequent service requests that are part of that transaction will only be routed to servers in Tuxedo groups that can safely participate in the transaction. So if we use a simple example where there are two RAC instances R1 and R2 connected to a single database D1 and we have Tuxedo groups G1, G2, G3, and G4, where the openinfo string for G1 and G3 connect to R1 and G2 and G4 connect to R2. If a server in G1 starts a transaction, or is called by a client that has started a transaction (assuming TUXRACGROUPS has been defined properly), Tuxedo will only route all subsequent requests that are part of that transaction to servers in G1 or G3. Thus Tuxedo will prevent a transaction from ever spanning 2 or more RAC instances connected to the same database.
    Again, I encourage you to read the documentation for RAC support in Tuxedo as it gives several examples and describes in detail how to define TUXRACGROUPS.
    Also note that this entire problem essentially goes away in Oracle RAC 11g.
    Todd Little
    Oracle Tuxedo Chief Architect

  • SAP ECC6.0 installation with Oracle RAC

    Hi Expert,
    Current we working on SAP ECC6.0 installation with Oracle 10G RAC on AIX 5.3. The RAC are running on two nodes (servers). And we are using GPFS filesystem (not running on HACMP).
    Overall we had completed the Oracle RAC installation (CRS+RDBMS) and tested the oracle failover and it work find. Now we want to start with the SAP installation (with HA). In the SAP installation documentation, it did request to create a virtual hostname on the node and execute the sapinst scripts with below command line.
    #./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=ascs00
    But if we are running on Oracle RAC + GPFS do we need to specify the virtual hostname? If not, which hostname i should use to install the HA for SAP?  Please advice.

    And then I'd continue with the documentation at:
    SAP on Oracle => SAP on Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 
    There you can find several installation guides for windows/UNIX/Linux

  • Compatibility with Oracle RAC 10g and E-business 11i ?

    Hi netpros,
    I am currently helping the sales guys with a tender. The customer requires the solution to be compatible for delivering Oracle RAC 10g and e-business 11i. we are proposing a combination of Cat6509E for the core with Infiniband server switches. Are these devices OK for use with Oracle. I have not much experience with Data centers and so any help is much appreciated.

    It just so happens Cisco have a paper on exactly this subject (Oracle and e-business 11i) here:
    The design is somewhat OTT as it includes everything which Cisco thinks may be even vaguely useful, including ACE and FWSM modules. However, it's very useful as a comparison document and does include some good design tips, and the references at the end are also worth following up.
    I wouldn't want to get into the whole Infiniband vs Fiber Channel argument (the doc uses MDS switches) but both work just fine in the DC environment.

  • How an aplications sever will communicate with  Oracle RAC?

    Hi, I wonder how the applacations server will communicate with the two nodes Oracle RAC. Do I have to install an Oracle client to the application server and configure tnsname.ora file to connect with the nodes?
    Have any one any experience to share and help me?

    That depends on the driver being used. Here are some examples for the JDBC connections
    If you are going to use FAN and FCF you may want to take a look at the following white paper.

  • IBM VIOS with Oracle RAC

    Hi everybody,
    I have a case of RAC implementation but they are planning to use VIOS (IBM Virtual I/O Server) for OCR, Voting and ASM.
    1) Metalink says VIOS is supported for RAC:
    "VIOS Virtual SCSI for ASM data storage and associated raw hdisk based Voting and OCR "
    2) Any implementation experience with 10g R2 ( and IBM VIOS
    3) What need to know the Storage or System Administrator to setup storage for RAC using VIOS (for OCR, Voting, ASM)

    Thanks for your update. Could you describe how do you setup your current VIO server implementation to support Oracle RAC?
    In our case:
    1) Physical storage is provided by EMC
    2) We have two VIO Server to provide storage and network to each LPAR.
    3) One VIO server works with one LPAR, so we have one VIO server behind each LPAR.
    As you know, we normally setup shared raw devices for OCR, Voting Disks and ASM. The storage administrator does not know how to setup the "virtual" shared storage (provided by VIOS) between each LPAR.
    Please, any advice if you know that.

  • Enterprise User Security (EUS) with Oracle RAC database

    Hi all,
    i'm experiencing a problem configuring centralized AAA on Oracle OID for Oracle RAC Database.
    My environment is:
    1) Oracle OID 10g ( -
    2) Oracle RAC database 11g
    I successfull configured a standalone Oracle Database to authenticate user in OID centralized repository, but i'm experiencing different problem to do, with RAC, same things.
    In dept:
    1) Oracle RAC works correctly and internal user (SYS,Oracle, ecc.) are correctly authenticated and authorizated against database
    2) Oracle RAC register himself in OID (see attached snapshoot)
    3) I run sqlplus to connect on Oracle RAC using OID users and i get following error: ORA-28030 Server encountered problems accessing LDAP directory service
    Using a sniffer, i can see a reset message after SSL handshake (SSL v3 encrypted alert), but i don't undenstand root cause....
    Host file on RAC server is:
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.          localhost.localdomain localhost
    ::1          localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
    # Public orclrac1 orclrac2
    #Private orclrac1-priv orclrac2-priv
    #Virtual orclrac1-vip orclrac2-vip openfiler openfiler-priv acti
    # rh4oidserver rh4oidserver
    tnsname.ora is:
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    RACDB1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb1)
    RACDB =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    RACDB2 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))
    (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb2)
    ldap.ora is:
    # ldap.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/network/admin/ldap.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT = "dc=dbtest101,dc=klab,dc=it"
    sqlnet.ora is:
    # sqlnet.ora.orclrac1 Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora.orclrac1
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (SOURCE =
    (DIRECTORY = /u01/app/oracle/admin/racdb)
    listener.ora is:
    # listener.ora.orclrac1 Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora.orclrac1
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521)(IP = FIRST))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)(IP = FIRST))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orclrac1-vip)(PORT = 1521)(IP = FIRST))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)(IP = FIRST))
    Thank's in advance for any help or suggestion.

    Hello bipkary,
    what version are you using?
    the following link tells you everything about EUS in oracle10g R2:

  • Problem with Oracle RAC with DRCP and persistent connections

    I am having a problem that has me stumped. I cannot get SCAN, and DRCP to work together nicely.
    Right now, I can connect through my scan hostname fine without connection pooling, once I enable it I start having connection time outs. I found if I specified outbound_connection_timeout in sqlnet.ora that it times the connection out to the time I set in there. If I don't set this option I get a "ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred".
    The odd thing is I can leave connection pooling on and connect to one of my rac instances individually and it doesn't experience this problem. The only time it pops up is if I combine multiple rac instances (Through the use of SCAN or tnsnames.ora) and I enable connection pooling.
    I don't know which direction to go to even diagnose this, so any and all help is appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Edited by: Rarp on Oct 1, 2011 10:47 PM

    You need to detail the problem. Enable TRACE SQL*NET on the server and client using note below.
    How to Enable Oracle SQLNet Client , Server , Listener , Kerberos and External procedure Tracing from Net Manager [ID 395525.1]
    Also you can try check this note:
    11g: ORA-12170 With Combination RAC, DRCP and a Firewall [ID 953277.1]
    Hope this helps,
    Levi Pereira

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