Verity Fulltext Problem

We have Verity 6 installed for our fulltext searching. When we search now for documents we only get the results from the Metadata search. While searching or indexing we don't get any error message. We also rebuilt the whole index, which didn't had any effect.
Does anyone has an idea how we can fix this problem?

Below the system audit information:
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.871     IdcServerThread-67     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.871     IdcServerThread-67     Connection with last id of Refinery MonitorDocsToTransfer.11 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-67'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.871     IdcServerThread-67     Assigned connection to this thread, took 0.13 ms.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.871     IdcServerThread-67     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-67.11
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.873     IdcServerThread-67     2.06 ms. SELECT HEADEREXTENSION FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT WHERE TEMPLATENAME LIKE N'STANDARD_QUERY_PAGE'[Executed. Returned row(s): false]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.875     IdcServerThread-67     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-67.11' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-67'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:04.876     IdcServerThread-67     release pool connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.002     IdcServerThread-67     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.002     IdcServerThread-67     Connection with last id of IdcServerThread-52.10 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-67'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.002     IdcServerThread-67     Assigned connection to this thread, took 89000 ns.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.002     IdcServerThread-67     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-67.10
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.020     IdcServerThread-67     getColumns SecurityGroups
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.021     IdcServerThread-67     0.82 ms. getColumns SecurityGroups[Retrieved 2 columns.]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.022     IdcServerThread-67     SELECT DISTINCT child.dGroupName, child.dDescription FROM SecurityGroups child
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.044     IdcServerThread-67     22 ms. SELECT DISTINCT child.dGroupName, child.dDescription FROM SecurityGroups child[Executed. Returned row(s): true]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.100     IdcServerThread-67     getColumns Users
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.101     IdcServerThread-67     1.14 ms. getColumns Users[Retrieved 18 columns.]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.101     IdcServerThread-67     SELECT DISTINCT child.dName FROM Users child
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.103     IdcServerThread-67     2.19 ms. SELECT DISTINCT child.dName FROM Users child[Executed. Returned row(s): true]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.440     IdcServerThread-67     getColumns Categories
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.494     IdcServerThread-67     53 ms. getColumns Categories[Retrieved 21 columns.]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.495     IdcServerThread-67     SELECT DISTINCT child.dCategoryID, child.dCategoryName, child.xClbraAliasList, child.xClbraUserList, child.dSecurityGroup, child.dDocAccount, child.dIsNonRecordsCategory FROM Categories child WHERE child.dIsNonRecordsCategory=1
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.498     IdcServerThread-67     3.08 ms. SELECT DISTINCT child.dCategoryID, child.dCategoryName, child.xClbraAliasList, child.xClbraUserList, child.dSecurityGroup, child.dDocAccount, child.dIsNonRecordsCategory FROM Categories child WHERE child.dIsNonRecordsCategory=1[Executed. Returned row(s): false]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.541     IdcServerThread-67     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-67.10' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-67'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:05.541     IdcServerThread-67     release pool connection
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.930     IdcServerThread-68     Query by sysadmin from
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.931     IdcServerThread-68     Parsing universal query: '<ftx>thawfng</ftx>'
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.931     IdcServerThread-68     Converted native query: '(thawfng) '
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.932     IdcServerThread-68     assigning connection
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.932     IdcServerThread-68     Connection is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
searchquery     03.22 08:33:38.932     IdcServerThread-68     q# (thawfng) [1,25] sort( dInDate desc)
searchquery     03.22 08:33:39.978     IdcServerThread-68     Connection is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
searchquery     03.22 08:33:39.978     IdcServerThread-68     release pool connection
searchquery     03.22 08:33:39.979     IdcServerThread-68     Execution time is 1049 milliseconds
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.983     IdcServerThread-68     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.983     IdcServerThread-68     Connection with last id of IdcServerThread-52.3 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.983     IdcServerThread-68     Assigned connection to this thread, took 0.11 ms.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.983     IdcServerThread-68     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-68.3
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.983     IdcServerThread-68     INSERT INTO SctAccessLog VALUES ({ts '2010-03-22 00:00:00.000'},597127,N'S',{ts '2010-03-22 08:33:39.980'},597127,N'',N'sysadmin',N'GET',N'/rms/idcplg',N'IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS&QueryText=%3Cftx%3Ethawfng%3C%2Fftx%3E&SearchQueryFormat=UNIVERSAL&ftx=1&AdvSearch=True&ResultCount=20&SortField=dInDate&SortOrder=desc&includeChildFolders=&xIsRecord=&type=&listingPathID=&listingPathIDOp=&listingOpConj=&listingCategoryID=&listingCategoryOp=&listingCategoryOpConj=&listingFolderID=&listingFolderOp=&listingFolderOpConj=',N'',N'Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-US;+rv:',N'IntradocAuth=Internet;+IntradocLoginState=1;+IdcLocale=English-UK;+IdcTimeZone=Europe/Zurich',N'',NULL,N'sysadmin',N'GET_SEARCH_RESULTS',NULL,N'Core Server',N'Search',NULL,N'',N'sysadmin',N'1',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,N'<ftx>thawfng</ftx>',N'0',N'1',N'dInDate',N'True',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.998     IdcServerThread-68     14 ms. INSERT INTO SctAccessLog VALUES ({ts '2010-03-22 00:00:00.000'},597127,N'S',{ts '2010-03-22 08:33:39.980'},597127,N'',N'sysadmin',N'GET',N'/rms/idcplg',N'IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS&QueryText=%3Cftx%3Ethawfng%3C%2Fftx%3E&SearchQueryFormat=UNIVERSAL&ftx=1&AdvSearch=True&ResultCount=20&SortField=dInDate&SortOrder=desc&includeChildFolders=&xIsRecord=&type=&listingPathID=&listingPathIDOp=&listingOpConj=&listingCategoryID=&listingCategoryOp=&listingCategoryOpConj=&listingFolderID=&listingFolderOp=&listingFolderOpConj=',N'',N'Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-US;+rv:',N'IntradocAuth=Internet;+IntradocLoginState=1;+IdcLocale=English-UK;+IdcTimeZone=Europe/Zurich',N'',NULL,N'sysadmin',N'GET_SEARCH_RESULTS',NULL,N'Core Server',N'Search',NULL,N'',N'sysadmin',N'1',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,N'<ftx>thawfng</ftx>',N'0',N'1',N'dInDate',N'True',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)[Executed. 1 rows affected.]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.998     IdcServerThread-68     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-68.3' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:39.998     IdcServerThread-68     release pool connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.085     IdcServerThread-68     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.085     IdcServerThread-68     Connection with last id of IdcServerThread-53.15 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.085     IdcServerThread-68     Assigned connection to this thread, took 79000 ns.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.086     IdcServerThread-68     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-68.15
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.086     IdcServerThread-68     SELECT max(schModifyTimestamp) FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.087     IdcServerThread-68     0.81 ms. SELECT max(schModifyTimestamp) FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT[Executed. Returned row(s): true]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.117     IdcServerThread-68     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-68.15' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-68'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.117     IdcServerThread-68     release pool connection
searchquery     03.22 08:33:40.366     IdcServerThread-69     Query by sysadmin from
searchquery     03.22 08:33:40.367     IdcServerThread-69     c# admin,cytos_IT_Staff,cytos_Kofax,cytos_RM_Admin,cytos_RM_Controller,cytos_RM_Team,cytos_RM_User,ermadmin,ermrequestor,pcmadmin,pcmrequestor,rma,rmaadmin,rmaprivileged,sysmanager/#all/&QueryText=<ftx>thawfng</ftx>&SortField=dInDate&SortOrder=desc&includeChildFolders=&type=&listingPathID=&listingPathIDOp= [1,20]
searchquery     03.22 08:33:40.367     IdcServerThread-69     Execution time is 1 milliseconds
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.369     IdcServerThread-69     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.369     IdcServerThread-69     Connection with last id of IdcServerThread-54.2 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-69'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.369     IdcServerThread-69     Assigned connection to this thread, took 87000 ns.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.369     IdcServerThread-69     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-69.2
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.370     IdcServerThread-69     INSERT INTO SctAccessLog VALUES ({ts '2010-03-22 00:00:00.000'},597128,N'S',{ts '2010-03-22 08:33:40.368'},597128,N'',N'sysadmin',N'GET',N'/rms/idcplg',N'IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS&QueryText=%3Cftx%3Ethawfng%3C%2Fftx%3E&SearchQueryFormat=UNIVERSAL&ftx=1&AdvSearch=True&ResultCount=20&SortField=dInDate&SortOrder=desc&includeChildFolders=&xIsRecord=&type=&listingPathID=&listingPathIDOp=&listingOpConj=&listingCategoryID=&listingCategoryOp=&listingCategoryOpConj=&listingFolderID=&listingFolderOp=&listingFolderOpConj=&isTraySearch=1&noRedirect=1',N'',N'Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-US;+rv:',N'IntradocAuth=Internet;+IntradocLoginState=1;+IdcLocale=English-UK;+IdcTimeZone=Europe/Zurich',N'',NULL,N'sysadmin',N'GET_SEARCH_RESULTS',NULL,N'Core Server',N'Search',NULL,N'',N'sysadmin',N'1',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,N'<ftx>thawfng</ftx>',N'0',N'1',N'dInDate',N'True',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.377     IdcServerThread-69     6.61 ms. INSERT INTO SctAccessLog VALUES ({ts '2010-03-22 00:00:00.000'},597128,N'S',{ts '2010-03-22 08:33:40.368'},597128,N'',N'sysadmin',N'GET',N'/rms/idcplg',N'IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS&QueryText=%3Cftx%3Ethawfng%3C%2Fftx%3E&SearchQueryFormat=UNIVERSAL&ftx=1&AdvSearch=True&ResultCount=20&SortField=dInDate&SortOrder=desc&includeChildFolders=&xIsRecord=&type=&listingPathID=&listingPathIDOp=&listingOpConj=&listingCategoryID=&listingCategoryOp=&listingCategoryOpConj=&listingFolderID=&listingFolderOp=&listingFolderOpConj=&isTraySearch=1&noRedirect=1',N'',N'Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-US;+rv:',N'IntradocAuth=Internet;+IntradocLoginState=1;+IdcLocale=English-UK;+IdcTimeZone=Europe/Zurich',N'',NULL,N'sysadmin',N'GET_SEARCH_RESULTS',NULL,N'Core Server',N'Search',NULL,N'',N'sysadmin',N'1',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,N'<ftx>thawfng</ftx>',N'0',N'1',N'dInDate',N'True',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)[Executed. 1 rows affected.]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.377     IdcServerThread-69     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-69.2' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-69'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:33:40.377     IdcServerThread-69     release pool connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.432     IdcServerThread-70     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.432     IdcServerThread-70     Connection with last id of SubjectManager.6 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-70'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.432     IdcServerThread-70     Assigned connection to this thread, took 0.11 ms.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.432     IdcServerThread-70     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-70.6
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.432     IdcServerThread-70     SELECT max(schModifyTimestamp) FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.433     IdcServerThread-70     0.73 ms. SELECT max(schModifyTimestamp) FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT[Executed. Returned row(s): true]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.471     IdcServerThread-70     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-70.6' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-70'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.471     IdcServerThread-70     release pool connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.903     IdcServerThread-71     assigning connection
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.903     IdcServerThread-71     Connection with last id of IdcServerThread-56.1 is added to active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-71'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.903     IdcServerThread-71     Assigned connection to this thread, took 0.10 ms.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.903     IdcServerThread-71     Preparing connection for use, id initialized as IdcServerThread-71.1
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.904     IdcServerThread-71     1.07 ms. SELECT HEADEREXTENSION FROM CYTOS_DEPARTMENT WHERE TEMPLATENAME LIKE N'TRAY_SEARCH_FORM'[Executed. Returned row(s): false]
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.905     IdcServerThread-71     Connection with id of 'IdcServerThread-71.1' is removed from active connections with key of 'IdcServerThread-71'.
systemdatabase     03.22 08:34:27.905     IdcServerThread-71     release pool connection
Thanks for your help!

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    Can anyone help?
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    limabravo wrote:
    > the collection is utf-16(comming from a mssql database).
    I have a verity
    > collection in traditional chinese and one in simplified
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    > put into the collection won't be retuned when i search
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    not 100% sure but i think you want unicode encodings not the
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    utf-16, utf-8 is a
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    1 No 1252 {ts '2008-12-11 15:51:16'} 81 NO english {ts
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    > I am running the test code shown below.
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    > 1 No 1252 {ts '2008-12-11 15:51:16'} 81 NO english {ts
    > 15:52:05'} NO testcontent YES
    > /opt/coldfusion8/verity/collections/testcontent CF 220
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    > <CFDUMP var = "#verity#">
    > <br>
    > <cftry>
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    and then define a new query with the key field (tmpkey)
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    <cfoutput query="getAbs">
    <cfset tmp = queryaddrow(qryTmp)>
    <cfset tmp =
    querysetcell(qryTmp,"tmpkey","e:\web\sctweb\abstracts\" &
    #year# & "\" & #filename#)>
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    <cfset tmp = querysetcell(qryTmp,"title",title)>
    <cfset tmp = querysetcell(qryTmp,"author",author)>
    <cfset tmp =
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    just as I want them. The I use CFINDEX to index my query like so:
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    But after that, I can't seem to return any results when I
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    Thanks Sam, I've tried that as well and havn't had any luck.
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    Any ideas please anyone?

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  • ColdFusion Verity Search Float Problem

    I have a database full of products.  One of the fields for each product in the database is a minimum price.  I'm trying to create a search that says something like "find all products with a minimum price between X and Y."  However, when it returns results, it includes numbers that are out of the range.  For instance, if I say between 2 and 3 dollars, it will return the correct results but will include numbers like 25.00 and 245.00, and when I do something like "between 4 and 5 dollars" it returns the correct results with additional numbers like "40.00" and "434.00."  So it seems to me that ColdFusion can't process the floating number correctly...It sees a number like "40.00" and assumes its in the range between 4 and 5.  Here is my code for the indexing:
    <cfquery name="v_qryProductInfo" datasource="#application.DSN#">
    SELECT DISTINCT    SP.pk_storeProductID,
                    CONVERT(float, (dbo.getMinPrice(pk_storeProductID))) AS minPrice
    FROM             tblProduct P
    INNER JOIN        tblProductDescription PD ON P.pk_productID = PD.fk_productID
    INNER JOIN        tblStoreProduct SP ON P.pk_productID = SP.fk_productID
    INNER JOIN        tblProductSubCategory PSC ON SP.pk_storeProductID = PSC.fk_productID
    INNER JOIN        tblSubCategory SC ON SC.pk_subCategoryID = PSC.fk_subCategoryID
    INNER JOIN        tblCategory C ON C.pk_categoryID = SC.fk_categoryID
    WHERE            (SP.blnStoreActive = 1)
    AND                (SP.fk_storeID = #application.storeID#)
    <cfdump var="#v_qryProductInfo#">
    <h1>Indexing data...</h1>
        body="miniDesc, keywords, pk_storeProductID, minPrice"
    My cfsearch tag criteria looks like this:
            criteria="CF_CUSTOM1 >= #priceRangeMin# <AND> CF_CUSTOM1 <= #priceRangeMax#"
    I've made the Custom1 column for the indexing the "minPrice" which is calculated as a function in my database.  I've even tried making sure the number that is being entered in the Custom1 index is a float by using the CONVERT function in my SQL code.  Any ideas why ColdFusion can't properly relate a float?  It seems like it's trying to compare a string and a float, which isn't working too well.
    Any info would be greatly apprecaited.

    Well, firstly: don't blame Adobe for Verity... Verity is (well: was) a separate product, and I don't think Verity as a company has even existed during Adobe's tenure at the helm (to mix metaphors awkwardly) of CF.
    That said, one perhaps can blame Adobe for any disconnect between Verity and CF's support thereof, if Verity does actually support numeric processing, and CF mungs that somehow.  I'm not saying this is the case, but who knows?
    What Adobe perhaps didn't do is ditch or deprecate Verity earlier than it did.  Lucene's been around for ages, and has been solid for ages, so I don't know why they didn't revise their search engine support earlier than they did.  Oh well.
    Now: your issue.
    First thing, this won't work:
    <cfset keyList = #Val(ValueList(qryFoundProducts.key))#>
    val() returns the value of a number, whereas valueList() returns... a list.  So it val() works at all, the result will just be the value of the first number in the list.  You also don't need the pound-signs there, but either way, it won't affect your situation.
    Second, as CF is loosely typed, it doesn't matter if you pass a numeric string or an actual number to a <cfqueryparam> tag, if you've said the value is supposed to be an integer (CF_SQL_INTEGER), then CF will automatically convert it to an integer if it can.  So provided the values in your query column can be expressed as integers, they will convert with no intervention on your part.
    So, in that light, I'm not sure your problem is necessarily what you think it is..?
    But you say there's a problem in your WHERE clause, but you don't actually say what the problem actually is.  Are you getting an error?  Or just no records?  The wrong records?
    What do you see if you dump the query out?  If you take the values output by valueList() and execute the query with those values in a different DB client (like MS SQL Studio or whatever), do you get the results you expect?
    What sort of data is in the Verity collection btw?  Are they documents, or DB data, or a mix, or what? If there are PKs coming out of the collection, it sounds like the data came from a DB in the first place.  Can you not use full-text searching in your DB, and leave Verity out of the equation?

  • Verity Search Server Problem

    Hello all,
    This is my first attempt to use Verity on my localhost and
    I've run into a problem trying to create a collection via the CF
    Administrator pages. Whenever I click on Data & Services >
    Verity Collections I see the following error:
    "Unable to retrieve collections from the Search Service.
    Please verify that the ColdFusion Search Server is installed and
    I've taken the following troubleshooting steps:
    - Checked to make sure Verity was installed
    - Stopped and started the ColdFusion 8 Search Server services
    - Ran the verity-install.bat again. When I did this I
    recieved the following error: OpenService Failed: Access is Denied
    I'm running Windows Visa Home Premium.
    Any thoughts on how I can get Verity working on my local
    machine would be most appreciated.

    Hello all,
    This is my first attempt to use Verity on my localhost and
    I've run into a problem trying to create a collection via the CF
    Administrator pages. Whenever I click on Data & Services >
    Verity Collections I see the following error:
    "Unable to retrieve collections from the Search Service.
    Please verify that the ColdFusion Search Server is installed and
    I've taken the following troubleshooting steps:
    - Checked to make sure Verity was installed
    - Stopped and started the ColdFusion 8 Search Server services
    - Ran the verity-install.bat again. When I did this I
    recieved the following error: OpenService Failed: Access is Denied
    I'm running Windows Visa Home Premium.
    Any thoughts on how I can get Verity working on my local
    machine would be most appreciated.

  • Problems connecting to verity collection creation form

    1. Am running CF MX7. Am following directions in CF
    documentation to create a form by which a user can create a CF
    Collection for a Verity search. I'm having several problems.
    2. I created a form and an action page, that it's suggested
    that I put in the MyApps directory in the cf_root. Well, Since I'm
    running IIS, I don't have a MyApps folder or a cf_root folder, the
    root folder of the default Website, is wwwroot/. And I've created a
    MyApps folder and put both pages in the folder.
    3. It suggests that to access the Create Collection form, one
    should type
    of file.cfm
    So I've tried many purmutations of that. I continue to get a
    Page not found error. No CF errors, just a page not found error.
    4. One other item may be affecting this problem, but I don't
    know how to get around it. The Home page of the site is in a
    subfolder of the wwwroot folder as apposed to being dumped directly
    into the wwwroot folder.
    Can anyone assist me? WCW

    Thanks, I did do that, and also changed the URL I was using
    to access the Create Collection form. I am running IIS, also, my
    Website root folder is not actually inside the wwwroot or Inet Pub.
    But the Home Page is set to the actual location of the Website
    folder. So, the MyApps folder is inside the root folder of the
    Website, even though it's in a different location.
    Don't understand why you need a port number. And what port
    number would that be anyway? If I put port 80, which is the port of
    the Web site, hit enter, it just disappears when the browser
    resolves the address. Don't really need it.
    Anyway, I can get to the creation form, create a collection,
    and have written pages to index the collection.
    Now my problem is that the results I get when executing a
    search is a list of Paths, not URLs. Very strange. Don't know if
    I'm filling out the form wrong or whether my coding is wrong, but
    Search results should NOT show the PATH to the page, but the URL.
    Does anyone recognize this incorrect result? Any idea of what
    I could be doing wrong? If so, I could really use some assistance.
    Thanks, WCW

  • Fulltext search in web UI for CRM 7.0 - problem with language

    Dear CRM gurus.
    We have already set the fulltext searcing using TREX server. But when we want to search business activities or opportunities under the Czech language login, the system shows no results. But when I log in in the English, the system works! Where can I set anythink to solve this problem. Does anybody know?
    Thank you for any help.
    Petr Syka

    Hello Petr. I want to ask you about your problem (described in this post) Have you solved it?
    I have the same problem but with russian language. And I want to ask you to help me...

  • Problems with Verity under ColdFusion MX 6.1

    I am having problems with Verity collection under ColdFusion
    MX 6.1. I do a query and then try to index the results of that
    query using the CFINDEX tag:
    <cfquery name="qryContent"
    SELECT *
    FROM table
    <cfoutput>#qryContent.RecordCount# pages being
    indexed...<br></cfoutput> ----- here I get 1468 records
    custom1="content" >
    name = "search_results"
    collection = "CoM_Main_Content">
    <cfdump var="#search_results#">
    When I do the <CFSEARCH and then <CFDUMP the number of
    records in the collection is 1409 - hence 59 records less than the
    query returns...I have deleted the collection numeruos times and
    re-created it, I have also increased the JVM settings on the
    ColdFusion server and no difference at all...
    I am out of ideas on how to solve this problem so I am hoping
    somebody can recommend the solution to this...
    Any ideas would be much appreciated.....

    Odds are it's nothing to do with the Coldfusion upgrade, it
    has to do with MSIE 7. We were in the middle of a Site Rewrite
    project when Windows XP started automatically updating users to
    MSIE 7. They "fixed" so many things in 7, we had to re-QA the whole
    site and fix a bunch of CSS issues so that the site would work and
    display correctly in 7.
    You might also verify that your Windows 2003 server has all
    the current service packs and hotfixes. IIRC, there was at least
    one that threw our servers for a loop until we applied another

  • Verity on Unix problem

    I've been rattling my brains for a few days now trying to figure out why i keep getting this error:
    ConfigurationException: Failed to find configuration key. (-6005).
    I've uninstalled and re-installed verity on my unix box 100 times now and keep gettting the same error in the verity-install.out file:
    VConfig - Verity Inc. Version 5.0 (Jun 27 2005)
    about to configure K2Admin...
    about to configure K2...
    K2Config had warnings..
    WARNING: The RCAdmin call failed. Command = serverset 1 "ColdFusionK2_server1" 9920 "ColdFusion K2Server" y y y
    ColdFusionK2 "/opt/coldfusionmx7/verity/k2/common"
    200 2 n 300000 900000
    y exit
    WARNING: The RCAdmin call failed. Command = trustedclientset ColdFusionK2_server1 s 1 y exit
    WARNING: The RCAdmin call failed. Command = servicesignal ColdFusionK2_server1 1 y exit
    I've installed Verity using the same user as the CF server but still no go. It seems that i can create collections, even index and optimze them. But i can't delete/purge/remove them, nor can i search them, which obviously makes them worthless. I'm obviously missing something in the install. Does anyone have any idea? I could really use the help!

    Yes, that's a possibility, but I was thinking of rearranging the code somewhat such as the following:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    class SharedFile {
        RandomAccessFile raf;
             try {
              raf=new RandomAccessFile("lock.lock", "rw");
             } catch (IOException io) {
              System.out.println("file not accessible");
        synchronized void accessFile(int nr)
             System.out.println("Thread "+nr+" running");
             FileChannel ch=raf.getChannel();
             System.out.println(nr+" Lock");
             try {
             } catch( InterruptedException ie) {}
             System.out.println("Thread "+nr+" stopped");
        static class cFile extends Thread
         int nr;
         SharedFile sf_;
         public cFile(int n, SharedFile sf) {
              sf_ = sf;
         public void run() {
        public static void main(String[] argv) {
         SharedFile sharedFile = new SharedFile();
         for(int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
             System.out.println("Starting thread: "+ n);
             new cFile(n, sharedFile).start();
    }Which yields the following:
    java SharedFile
    Starting thread: 0
    Starting thread: 1
    Thread 0 running
    Starting thread: 2
    Starting thread: 3
    Starting thread: 4
    0 Lock
    Thread 0 stopped
    Thread 1 running
    1 Lock
    Thread 1 stopped
    Thread 3 running
    3 Lock
    Thread 3 stopped
    Thread 2 running
    2 Lock
    Thread 2 stopped
    Thread 4 running
    4 Lock
    Thread 4 stopped

  • Problem with Verity and proximity operators

    Whenever I try to use a proximity operator in my search, I
    get no results. For example, when I use the proximity operator
    <PARAGRAPH>, knowing that the terms I use are in the same
    paragraph (I assume this is defined by the <p> tag?), I still
    get 0 results. Same with <NEAR>, using the same terms. I
    attached a code snippet. Any help?

    Whenever I try to use a proximity operator in my search, I
    get no results. For example, when I use the proximity operator
    <PARAGRAPH>, knowing that the terms I use are in the same
    paragraph (I assume this is defined by the <p> tag?), I still
    get 0 results. Same with <NEAR>, using the same terms. I
    attached a code snippet. Any help?

  • Problems with string tokenizer

    okay heres my problem, i have a textarea displaying a program listing and i have to extract variables i.e public int something;
    i have tried many different approaches but still the output is not what i was looking for. Can someone have a look at my code and check for mistakes that i cant find
    public void createDataDictionary() {
              if(fullText.equals("")) return;//do nothing if no text exists
              String checkText = fileContents.getText();//store text area contents into string
              String dataType = "";
              String variable = "";
              String accessModifier = "";
              StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(checkText," \n", true);
              fileCheckBox.setText("");//clear file check box
              while(str.hasMoreTokens()) {//loop while there are more tokens to tokenize
                        checkText = str.nextToken();
                        //check for comments
                        if((checkText.startsWith("//")) || (checkText.equals("//")) ||
                           (checkText.startsWith("/**")) || (checkText.equals("/**")) ||
                           (checkText.startsWith("*")) || (checkText.equals("*"))) {
                             isComment = true;                    
                        if((checkText.equals("\n"))) isComment = false;
                             //check for access modifiers
                             if((checkText.equals("public")) || (checkText.equals("private")) ||
                                (checkText.equals("protected"))) {
                                          accessModifier = checkText;
                                     }else {
                                          accessModifier = "";
                             //check for data types             
                             if((checkText.equals("boolean")) || (checkText.equals("char")) ||
                                     (checkText.startsWith("String")) || (checkText.equals("int"))) {
                                       dataType = checkText;
                                       variable = str.nextToken();//get variable expression
                                       System.out.println(accessModifier + " " + dataType + " " + variable);
                   }catch(NoSuchElementException nsee) {//not enough tokens to complete operation
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "End of file");
                        return;//break from method
         }here is sample text
    private String seven = "help";
    char five[];
    // String here
    //int found
    public boolean okay
    and here is the output
    //note the space before each output
    hope someone can help
    thanx in advance

    1. Why do you check to see if the token starts with
    //, /*, etc, etc. Later you check if the token
    equals private, public, protected. It couldn't
    equal if it started with a comment.if the token starts with a comment i dont want to read the rest of the line, so i set the isComment flag to true
    2. I strongly suggest that you do it line by line.
    Perhaps a string tokenizer that only tokenizes by
    lines, then within that loop, another that tokenizes
    by whitespace. i take it you mean putting the text into a bufferedreader and then using readLine()?? Bit new to string tokenization as you can possibly see
    i managed to get the small test text to work more or less as i wanted but when ever i load a large code listing, the results are erratic to say the least
    heres a section of this code
    private int textNum = 0;/**Integer used to hold the text position within any given line*/
         private int lineNum = 0;/**Integer used to hold the line number within any given file*/
         static boolean application = false;/**Used to track if applet is ran from a browser or JAR file*/
         static boolean fileOpened = false;/**Used to track if file has already been opened*/
         static boolean isComment = false;
         private char lCurve = '(';
         private char rCurve = ')';
         private char lCurly = '{';
         private char rCurly = '}';
         private char lSquare = '[';
         private char rSquare = ']';
         String fullText = "";and heres the output
    public int textNum //should be private!!!!
    int lineNum //missing private
    boolean application //missing static
    boolean fileOpened //missing static
    boolean isComment //missing static
    //all below missing private     
    char lCurve
    char rCurve
    char lCurly
    char rCurly
    char lSquare
    char rSquare
    String fullText //not there at all

  • Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP3 service-j2ee threads problem

    Sorry my english.
    I'm an intermediate Java programmer and a newbie in
    the Sun's web servers world.
    I'm doing an evaluation of an web applicaction
    written in Java Servlets that is
    supposed to have a leaking threads problem. We use
    SunOS 5.9 (... sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2) and
    JVM 1.5 Update 4 (the problem is presented too
    in SunOS 5.8 and JVM 1.4.2_04).
    We have seen, thanks to 'prstat' (PROCESS/NLWP) a
    increasing thread's growing in one of the process
    that correspond to our web server instance (I'm sure I'm
    looking the right process). I have checkout the source
    code and it seems like the app doesn't have threads
    problems. I have used the Netbeans Profiler and I see a
    high number of threads called service-j2ee-x that grows
    in congestion moments and never disappear.
    Anybody could help me with suggestions?
    Thank you very much.

    Thankyou, yes I am unfamiliar with debugging Java apps. I got the web server Java stack trace and I have passed this on to the developer.
    The web server finally closes the socket connection after the total connections queued exceeds 4096.
    There are several hundred entries like this... waiting for monitor entry.. could be a deadlock somewhere?
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "service-j2ee-506" prio=5 tid=0x04b62a08 nid=0x17a waiting for monitor entry [dd74e000..dd74f770]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting to lock <0xe979b2b0> (a
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[highlight]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f3530 nid=0x1e waiting on condition [e15ff000..e15ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[highlight]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f3328 nid=0x1d waiting on condition [e16ff000..e16ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f2b08 nid=0x1c waiting on condition [e1b7f000..e1b7fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f2900 nid=0x1b waiting on condition [e1c7f000..e1c7fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[sitesearch]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f1cd0 nid=0x1a waiting on condition [e23ff000..e23ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[sitesearch]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f1ac8 nid=0x19 waiting on condition [e24ff000..e24ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[search]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f0a88 nid=0x18 waiting on condition [e317f000..e317fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x000ef840 nid=0x12 waiting on condition [0..0]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Finalizer" daemon prio=8 tid=0x000ef638 nid=0x10 in Object.wait() [fa27f000..fa27fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting on <0xe917fb10> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - locked <0xe917fb10> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x000ef430 nid=0xf in Object.wait() [fa37f000..fa37fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting on <0xe917fb78> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - locked <0xe917fb78> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "main" prio=5 tid=0x000ee3f0 nid=0x1 runnable [0..ffbff200]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x004ee328 nid=0xe runnable
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x004ee5d0 nid=0x16 waiting on condition
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Suspend Checker Thread" prio=10 tid=0x004ee548 nid=0x11 runnable
    [15/May/2006:22:15:10] failure ( 3196): HTTP3287: connection limit (4096) exceeded, closing socket

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