Verizon you're terrible..​.

My finacee that I moved in with was about to renew her service, but after seeing that you treat new customers better with cheaper deals, while raising prices on existing customers, we decided to just put the services in my name since I'm a new customer.
1. Recap since December 26th:
2. You've had us without phone for a week over the holidays.
3. It took 5 rescheduled installs, 3 of which I came home for to find out they were cancelled with no heads up.
4. Just received my newest bill found out that my service changed to an internet package that wasn't even an option... 25/25? 
5. Paid a bill for January and just received another one for January and February that's not the agreed package or amount... which ironically I was supposed to get the first month free per your customer support rep after you butchered my install.
I love fios internet, but can honestly say I hate my experience with Verizon thus far and now I get to waste more time talking with your customer service reps who will apologize for the inconvienance and not get my issue resolved. All while you continue to send me incorrect bills.
Where do I send my bill for the 15 hours of lost wages and time I'm spending talking with my service provider?

Hello Carter80,
It appears that your issue is being handled through our private support portal. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue on your private support case as the support agents will not see the public boards.
Please go to your profile page for the forum by clicking on your name, and look down the middle towards the bottom where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases".
There you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions.

Similar Messages


    >Post edited to remove vast amounts of profanity<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    if you have a droid razr dont update it
    it slows it down
    all the touch buttons dont work right
    ive restored it 5 times
    what can i do
    and the crappy screen cracked ***
    i guess its not as tough they say it is

  • Verizon - you big baby!

    So - if you are wondering why you will be out of service for days, thank Verizon management.  Do you know that the union returned to work ready to work, and the company has refused them any overtime hours.  We have had an earthquake and a tropical storm and the company refuses to allow these men and women overtime because they do not want them to make back any of the money they lost during their two week strike.  Verizon - that is terrible customer service, and as a service provide, don't you think it is more important to make your customers happy versus being the bully on the playground?  I think after two natural disasters in one week, nobody would think badly about you for putting the publics needs and safety first. 
    This is your time to shine Verizon.  Just pretend you care a little.  Let the union families make up some of their money and let the customers be happy with your customer service.  It is a win/win.

        Hello Patfromcork
    I'm sorry your having issues with your prepaid account. I'm sorry we don't have access to prepaid. I would recommend reaching out to our prepaid department at 888-294-6804.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Thanks Verizon, you made it easy

    One month and I am out of here. Verizon does not care about it customers or anyone else. I am porting my number out in 2 weeks.
    Can't even get a straight answer, Customer Service is rude and flat out lies to your face about everything.
    Goodbye Verizon. You will never get another cent from me...ever.

    Feel better now? Its good to vent!
    Just for the sake of my wondering, just what was the problem you were or are having?
    No I will not talk you out of going. I am just curious.
    Good Luck

  • Slowwwwww DSL Speeds!!....ByeBye Verizon, you lost another customer!

    What The Heck! (WTH) I'm paying for a 3mb download/768kb upload and barely getting 1mb UL...
    in fact, I tested it lastnight and got .40 DL/.27 UL
    Verizon!.....I have been on the phone for the past year about this and all your 3rd world techs (who I can barely understand because they can't speak fluent english) tell me is I am supposed to be getting between 1-3mb download.
    WTH!!.......I'm soooo done with you as my ISP. I signed up for the 5mb download plan in Jan. 2010...6 months later after reporting slow speeds, you tell me that the plan doesn't exist and I couldn't have it because I live too far from a switching station....again... Verizon!! I get different answers from different people each time I call!
    Your company will continue to lose it's customer base and fail as I expect it to. Bye-Bye Verizon!

    Hi dcyphert2192,
    I'm really sorry about the experience that you have had with us and the time it has taken to get a response to you.  If you are still having trouble with DSL speeds, I have sent you a PM with a form to fill out so that we can take a look into your issue. Please PM me back when the form is complete and we can begin to take a look into the issue.
    Verizon Support
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.

  • Verizon you ****.

    REALLY Verizon? REALLY? I "almost" upgraded earlier this week.... the salesperson was
    actually RIGHT in the MIDDLE of switching my service to the new phone, when he
    mentions, oh and there's a $30 upgrade charge too. WHAT? ARE YOU ********
    KIDDING ME? I'm due for an upgrade, in fact ALL THREE of my lines are due for
    upgrades....he informs me, this is a brand new charge JUST instituted 2 DAYS
    AGO! I made him stop and REVERSE the WHOLE thing. I walked out of there with my
    old phone and service. You STUPID ******, can you NOT see that having a loyal
    customer that is willing to sign up for a GUARANTEED TWO MORE YEARS is WAY more
    financially productive for you than a ridiculous and UNnecessary $30 upgrade fee
    FOR EVERY LINE I want to upgrade. I do NOT care if "every other provider is
    doing it" (so do NOT spout that rhetoric, just DON'T go there), I'm your
    customer (for now)  and you are NOT showing that you appreciate me AT ALL.
    This is an OUTRAGE and blatant disrespect to your customers. I should NOT
    be punished for wanting to continue to subscribe to YOUR SERVICE much less for
    wanting to practically guarantee you ANOTHER TWO years of monthly income from
    me. It's such a slap in the face, you should be thanking me for my YEARS of
    loyalty and patronage. Why SHOULDN'T I disconnect ALL THREE of my lines and
    become a customer of ANOTHER provider who appreciates me? The whole  "2 year
    upgrade" was suppose to be an incentive to do JUST THAT, sign up for another 2
    years, NOW it's a detriment to consider singing up for ANY more time with

    Boy, as a figure of speech and no disrespect intended at all... I feel you on this one. Way to voice your opinion, as a loyal customer. It's amazing how being a long time customer doesn't seem to matter anymore. Doesn't the CEO's get it. No they don't, cause most of them sit behind a large desk wearing the silk tie and eating the high dollar meals. The local sales office do as their told, as instructed by the upper management team. Their wages are far less than management.  Customer service reps are getting screamed at daily, for doing their job. That is the bottom line of customer service, no matter what industry.  I do know this from working in customer service all my life. Rules can be managed based on customer loyalty.  A good customer service rep has the abiltiy to override or get approval for such a concession. Don't let them fool you. It just depends if that individual wants to work on your behalf or not. Yes we have many choices where we can take our business and where to spend our hard earned money, but will the next company or provider really care or give a better service. Maybe, and possibly not. It's just a shame when all of us are trying to provide our families with all the resources of life and some, not all creditor/providers, could care less. Most of the time it isn't the customer service rep to are dealing with in the local store. They are only following through with the upper management. I feel the pain as you do and the only way we can reach resolve, is to team up as a community and make the CEO and other upper management  team be accountable. Let them have to be made to reduce their salary, give up designer suits and the lifestyles, roll up their sleeves and work in the field offices for a month and truly appreciate, the position and blessing they take for granted.  I hope you are given a better deal with your renewal. One can only hope for small gifts for being a valued customer. We as consumers do have choices. Have a great day everyone and happy election with all your decisions, for they all belong to you.

  • Well, Verizon, you may lose me.

    I upgraded my phone on Friday December 6, 2013.  I WAS told that I'd 'lose' my unlimited data and that it'd be replaced by 6GB a month FOR THE NEXT CONTRACT.  That's fine, I barely go over 2 most months, and only get close to 6 during football season watching stuff on my phone.
    Right now, I'm looking at this for my 'usage' data:
    This is your data usage since your recent plan change. You have exceeded your prorated plan allowance
    6.418 of 1.600 GB used 
    Estimate as of 12/08/2013 at 6:32 PM Date and time reflect last Data usage we received. Usage estimate and allowance may not include data used outside your local calling area, roaming charges, and may not take into consideration any promotional or bonus allowance you may have.
    4.819 GB over current data plan
    I'm thinking "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH".  This data was used Over the past month BEFORE I switched.  My 'billing cycle' ends 12/12/2013, but it started on December 5th.  I will not accept a partial month's data plan for an entire month's usage and be billed extra for it.  I have two weeks to return the phone, and I have ample reason since it doesn't work to call people unless I'm on speaker phone.
    If I'm going to be billed an extra $50 for the 'overage' when I had unlimited data until the 8th, I'm done being a Verizon customer.  I've used less than 1/3 of my allotted 'amount' ( <500mb of 1.6gb) since getting the phone, and almost all of that was getting apps back on my phone.  This wasn't explained to me during the sign up process, just that my data plan would be changing to 6GB, which I accepted on the understanding that it was a full month's amount.
    >> Tags edited to comply with the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service <<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    First of all, if you previously had unlimited data, the pro-rated amount for the first part of the month would be irrelevant since a pro-rated amount of unlimited is STILL unlimited.
    Next, you say you made the change on Dec 5 and your billing cycle ends on Dec 12. That means your pro-rated data allowance for these last 7 days of your billing cycle would be 7days/30days(7/30=.233) * 6 GB = 1.4 GB. The charge for this pro-rated data allowance would be $18.67. You will also get a credit on your next bill for the pro-rated unlimited data for the last 7 days of the month which would be $7.00.
    Of course, these numbers would be adjusted if you had any discounts thru your employer.

  • Verizon:  you're working on this MMS problem?

    I use MMS to contact everyone in groups I lead.  This worked fine until the last update.  You're NOT trying to tell me that I have to tell all my people to turn their WiFi off to get my messages, are you?  That will never happen.  I don't know who is responsible here, Google or Verizon, but I really need this ability.

    My son and I both have the Galaxy S5.  I seem to be able to receive pictures and group messages with the Samsung messaging app.  But when I send to a small group, some go through and some don't.  When I use my 3rd party app to send to a large group (50 people) some go through and some don't.
    My son receives NO group messages; where the message should appear is the word "downloading."  It never downloads.  Same for pictures:  no pic, just the word "downloading."  I told him to turn off his wifi and reboot.  No success.
    I had a group member drive 30 minutes to show up to an event that we had canceled because he isn't getting my messages.  This had never happened before the last update.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Take your GODSMACK verizon you had it coming !

          Total arrogance CAN be countered with total rejection, as confirmed by the events of the last 24 hours. Yeah, I'm talking about the much anticipated share data plan. Sure, people had asked for a share plan, but who would have thought that Lucifer would double down in one fell swoop and slap us like we just insulted their mother.  Yeah verizon, I'm talking about YOU. Rome fell in part because of the arrogance of it's 'leaders' and its overextended, overreach. One thing Wall street has taught us all,  YOU ONLY GET TO CHARGE WHAT THE MARKET WILL BEAR. Well, looks like this one broke the camels back. One vz exec was quoted as saying that the company was pleased with the reaction of the proposed plan. Who exactly are they trying to kid ?  What parallel universe does this guy (get paid to) live in ?  LVOL (laugh very out loud)  Not only did the feces hit the fan, but someone at verizon actually carried it (in a data bucket). Well, that's one bucket with a (gaping) hole in it. You will get exactly what you deserve verizon, a public REBUKE. Just be thankful we don't allow public stoning. If there was anything approaching corporate embarassement, this should have triggered it, but no one here is expecting that. What this proves to us is that REJECTION is a strong tool (remember High School ? )  Take that you greedy slug.  

    Same boat here. Extra $$ for the same or only 1GB for two iPhones to keep the same premium roughly.
    New plan does not add up in favor of 99% of the cases I'd bet. We have no need for unlimited voice minutes let alone unlimited texting, when I send less than 1 text message per year!
    Unfortunately we're kinda locked into Verizon because they have the best coverage in our area.
    We're locked in for another year and half, so no rush decisions to make as long as the iPhone 4 and 4s hold up, we will be fine (not charged extra). The grandfathered unlim data & 2GB are way cheaper than the new plan for the same cost excluding fees & taxes that would only allow us one measly GB of shared data for 2 iPhones. 


    Moved for greater exposure

    Totally wrote:
    Finally had enough of this phone, its issues and the lack of concern from VERIZON. With the tens of thousands who bought this phone from you, and all the DOCUMENTED issues, I think its CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT time for you and HTC.
    Hi Totally,
    I understand your discontent, I would be frustrated too if my phone didn’t perform as expected. Please be assured that our forum members and our social media team will be happy to address your concerns regarding your phone's issues. Please provide more details of the issues experienced with your phone and we all be happy to provide you with troubleshooting options to resolve your phone's concerns and improve it's performance. Please be as detailed as possible so that we all can better assist you.
    [Changed inappropriate user name used in quote]

  • Verizon You where doing so well... What happened

    Ok.. it was going soooo well for a couple of weeks... new functionality....stable serever... I knew it was to good to be true... Unable since yesterday, 7/4 ,  starting at  2 to view any recordings already on the  my screen.. Plus i received a multitude of notifications that cameras where recording but no sign of them on the server.... this is very dissapointing to say the least. It was looking so promiising having it work the way it was meant to work.. Did the server have a 4th of july bar b q to go to?  You are still hawking your products with smiling happy people on the add page....false adverstising ... not many smiling faces when it comes to Home Control...... I am ready to send it all back.

    I see you are as satisfied as I am as a Verizon Home Control customer.  As of 10 am today I am able to view recordings prior to 2:00 pm yesterday July 4 - but it seems they are just going to forget about the recordings that took place after that????? It is extremely important that I am able to view recordings after 2 on July 4 - the main reason I bought the system is to view activity when I am NOT at my home. 
    I really would expect these recordings to be pushed to our accounts.

  • Verizon LTE is Terrible in Pittsburgh

    I'm getting absolutely awful LTE speeds in Pittsburgh and upon browsing many other forums, I noticed I'm not the only one and the iPhone isn't the only phone.  There is definitely a problem with LTE in Pittsburgh and I would like to know if anyone can verify the same problems as myself and well as hopefully have someone from Verizon validate the issue and get someone to work on it.
    I believe Verizon guarantees a certain speed with LTE and when I get .51Mbps down with 5 bars of LTE I think it deserves a response.  Switching carriers is too much of a pain to deal with and honestly I haven't dropped a call since I switched to Verizon so I'd rather this be remedied then go through the pain of switching.
    I will run speed tests tonight and this weekend and post up screenshots to update the thread.

    I have the same problem in Pittsburgh. I have the Razr Maxx. Whenever I'm on 4g, it's fine, but my phone consistently defaults back to 3g, and the 3g speeds are terrible. I've run speed tests and on 3g, I get 10 - 20 kbps. I've spoken with Verizon reps and they've told me we are supposed to have full 4g signal in Pittsburgh and shouldn't have any issues with it dropping.
    I'd love to hear that something is being done about this...

  • Bought the Moto G Friday night hoping to god I'd have a phone before next week and it appears that I can't use my debit card to purchase prepaid refil online because I have updated my payment method too many times or some crap like that? Verizon you need

    Why can't I use my debit card to make payments *** verizon?

    Why can't I use my debit card to make payments *** verizon?

  • Sony you are terrible right now in your support

    sony with this policy you will really lose a lot of users! while all new phones like xperia u , go , sola and others and while the powerful xperia 2011 phones won't get jellybean, xperia p using the same novathor and xperia j using far less caapble cortex a 5 CPU and adreno 200 gpu are getting jellybean while samsung is providing a lot of phones especially galaxy music and galaxy mini 2 and ace plus jellybean! and also how does it come that your useless xperia j will get jellybean earlier than the costly powerful flagship xperia s and  updates are very very late when comparing to all others , or at least chagh the upgrade to android 4.2.1 not 4.1.2!!!!!!also change your policy about your customer support , nobody ever replies on us while helpful super users are wasting all their time on helping us for nothing as a benefit!
    Go to Solution.

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. All available information about the JB update can be found on the product blog.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Verizon, You May Be Losing My Business For Another Year

    Last year I put off buying a droid because of the $30 data plan requirement.  Now, the time was right, you were offering a $15 data plan, and I was ready to look again at upgrading, and lo and behold, you've dropped it!  So you already lost one year of data subscription from me, and now you may be losing out again.  Maybe for good.  Way to shoot yourselves in the foot.  Time to start shopping carriers...

    ScottK7 wrote:
    Last year I put off buying a droid because of the $30 data plan requirement.  Now, the time was right, you were offering a $15 data plan, and I was ready to look again at upgrading, and lo and behold, you've dropped it!  So you already lost one year of data subscription from me, and now you may be losing out again.  Maybe for good.  Way to shoot yourselves in the foot.  Time to start shopping carriers...
    The $15 data option was in place for almost 3 months, no offense, but it's not like they put it out there for only 5 days and yanked it back.  Why didn't you upgrade while the plan was available?

Maybe you are looking for

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