Versions in NW  xi

Hi experts wat r the versions in netweaver xi . wat is the latest version in this .wat r the differences in between these .
and one more question is wat is 2004s and is there any 2004 versions remaining r there.
please clear my doubts

Hi Sehsa giri
Difference in Versions:
<b>XI 2.0</b> was a very old version.
1. It had a j2Se adapter engine
2. It did not have BPM.
<b>XI 3.0</b>
1. J2Se adapter engine was replaced with J2EE Adapter Engine.
2. BPM was available from XI 3.0
3. Part of Netweaver 2004
<b>PI 7.0</b>
1XI renames as Process Integration
2.. Part of Netweaver 2004s.
3. Has all features of XI 3.0 and every SP of Pi 7.0 has a corresponding release for XI 3.0.
4. Runs on WAS 7.0 and has same features as XI 3,0
Hope I am clear.
Please let me know if you have any queries..!
Thanks and Regards,

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    The script always used to work fine, but the new version of AppleScript seems to have broken it. When I run it now, it creates all the .app files up until '' but then stalls in 'Running...' mode in the AppleScipts editor, and refuses to save apps for the final nine files in the .csv file.
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    tell application "Finder" to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
    set cwd to result
    set fileRef to open for access alias (cwd & "fileNames.csv")
    set theList to read fileRef using delimiter ","
    close access fileRef
    set theFolder to alias (cwd & "fscommand")
    set theFolderPath to theFolder as string
    #Create the .app files and save them in theFolder
    set NL to ASCII character 10
    tell application id ""
              repeat with theItem in theList
                        set x to make new document
                        set x to the front document
                        set theCharacters to characters of theItem
                        set theReversedCharacters to reverse of theCharacters
                        set theReversedFileName to theReversedCharacters as string
                        set theOffset to offset of "." in theReversedFileName
                        set theReversedSuffix to text 1 thru (theOffset - 1) of theReversedFileName
                        set theSuffix to (reverse of (characters of theReversedSuffix)) as string
                        set the text of document 1 to "tell application \"Finder\"" & NL & "activate" & NL & "set cwd to get folder of container of (path to me) as Unicode text" & NL & "open file (cwd & \"assets:" & theSuffix & ":" & theItem & "\")" & NL & "end tell"
      compile document 1
                        set file_path to theFolderPath & theItem & ".app"
                        save document 1 as "application" in file file_path
      close window 1
              end repeat
    end tell

    That seemed to be it. I put a tiny delay in between saving the document and closing the window and the file runs smoothly through all 20 items.
    compile document 1
    set file_path to theFolderPath & theItem & ".app"
    save document 1 as "application" in file file_path
    delay 0.3
    close window 1
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    You have to go to autherized iPhone agent.

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    Historically Apple has sold OS X upgrades via DVD media however with the advent of the Mac Apple Store that throws another possibility into the mix. That's about as much as I can say as these forums don't allow us to speculate about future products. As for the cost historically Apple has priced OS X upgrades between $29-$129, the last upgrade (Snow Leopard) was only $29 but that was an exception. Again we cannot speculate on these forums about that. The good news is that Apple is unlike Microsoft which makes OS upgrades expensive and complicated. The choice with OS X is do you want a server version (most users don't need one) or a single computer license. The users that buy server versions tend to have a number of Macs they manage from a server, most consumers don't have this issue.
    Keep reading the news, as you know Apple has announced a Summer release for Lion.
    Upgrades on OS X are usually very simple. I've upgraded from Tiger to Leopard to Snow Leopard and each transition has been very easy. With any major OS upgrade there are some basic rules to follow, for example always, always, always backup prior to any update. When Lion is released to the general public post again for what to do to prepare or even do a Google search on "How to prepare for OS X upgrade" and you will find a number of articles that will provide some suggestions and valuable insight. You can also re-post here and users will be happy to assist.

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    Click here and install the software.

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    Problem Event Name:                          APPCRASH
      Application Name:                             iTunes.exe
      Application Version:                 
      Application Timestamp:                    4deec351
      Fault Module Name:                          ntdll.dll
      Fault Module Version:                        6.1.7601.17514
      Fault Module Timestamp:                 4ce7ba58
      Exception Code:                                  c0000005
      Exception Offset:                                0002e3fb
      OS Version:                                          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:                                             1033
      Additional Information 1:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 2:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 4:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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    Any suggestions?

    I looked in the folder from which I want to synch photos, but there is no such thing as an "ipod photo cache" in that folder, or sub-folders, as suggested in the link which you were nice enough to provide.
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    Ineed simple help.  Not tech jargon, please
    Message was edited by: BlairMac

    I replied to you on the "Is it this simple?" thread.

  • I'm on ff 3.5.5 for Mac. I've been prompted twice to download latest version. Each time I have dragged the ff icon from applications folder to the dock and all seems ok. But next time I start ff it says I'm on 3.5.5 and should update to latest version!

    There was no "update failed" message
    I wonder whether I'm doing the right thing when I drag to the dock. There's only one ff icon in the applications folder. The first time I was prompted to update it showed that days date next to the icon as if the update was successful. The second time was a few days later but I think it was still the same date next to the icon (25/8/10) I've only just noticed that (on 10/9/10) so can't be sure but I'm sure the second time was around 2nd or 3rd of Sept.
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    By the way, I got the prompt to update twice for ''BOTH'' the Italian and the English version- so 4 times altogether so it would seem that ff does recognise them as separate but still has problems concluding the update for each separate one respectively.
    Thank you very much if you can help.

    Download a new copy of the Firefox program:
    Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean reinstall.
    Install the new version that you have downloaded.
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

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    Unfortunately I tried that and it didn't work. Thanks for the help though. I tried to uninstall and it said I couldn't because the file is corrupt or something, but I think I finally got it uninstalled and/or deleted or whatever, but now I try to reinstall/download it again from the beginning and I can't. No matter what I do I can not get Firefox working again. No matter how many times I try to redownload it. Any other suggestions?

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    The T1i was first supported by Camera Raw 5.4 which is only compatible with CS4 and later
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    Some options:
    Upgrade to CS6
    Join the Cloud
    Download the free Adobe DNG converter, convert all T1i Raw files to DNGs then edit the DNGs in CS3
    Camera raw, DNG | Adobe Photoshop CC

  • Firefox update 10 won't open and the previous version 3.6 won't load any pages. I have done everything this site said to do. HELP?

    The last version of Firefox that I had was the one before 3.6. I stopped upgrading due to it always messing up and not working right for me... whether it be due to vista, or just errors on your part. My husband decided to upgrade firefox to the newest one two days ago because the version I had was just "too slow!" Ever since he did that, I cannot get firefox to open. No matter how many times I uninstall it and delete everything mozilla on my computer then reinstall after restarting my computer, it just refuses to open. Every time i try it says that firefox has stopped working. It cant even check for solutions. I then try to click on the icon and I get something that says: firefox.exe - Bad Image C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\MSVCP80.dll is either not designed to run n windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.
    I have tried installing it over and over again several times, same message shows up. So i had clicked on the link to go download the previous version of firefox... what sucks is that the only version on the site is 3.6.27. I have never upgraded to this. So the second i installed that version, i now am able to open up firefox... BUT it is unable to connect. I have internet... a pretty bad ass connection. So my internet is not the problem. I then looked up how to fix that issue and did all 5 things listed under the Firefox cant load pages but other browsers can link. Still nada! I am now stuck using IE and going insane. I am on the verge of throwing my laptop out of the damn window because I have to wait 3 hours for google to load. Nothing is working for me... and it would be appreciated for something more. If i can get help with a ton of details on what to do or how to fix this issue... either version... i would greatly appreciate it. I am going nuts having to put up with IE because my husband decided to update Firefox to a version that sucks with vista!

    Here is the system requirements page: has the latest 3.6.x version, and is another option.

  • Pages downloaded, but I still can't open iCloud pages from iPad. Says that I need a new version of Pages on my Mac

    For my Mac Pro, after I downloaded the new Mavericks OS, I downloaded the new pages. However, I still can't open iCloud pages from iPad. Says that I need a new version of Pages on my Mac.
    Please help.

    It appears that you are launching the old version, probably using an icon in your Dock. That icon is an alias & is not updated. You will need to go to your Applications folder & find the new Pages 5 icon & double-click it. Once it is launched, you can right-click on the icon & choose Options > keep in Dock from the contextual menu.

  • Open Pages documents from an older version

    I need to open Pages documents from an older version of Pages that I saved to an external drive from a computer that I no longer have access to.  My current operating system is 10.7.5 and I can't upgrade it right now.  I see that Pages 5.0 requires 10.10 or higher and I can't find older versions to download and from what I've read, it doesn't sound like I'd be able to open the old documents with the new version anyway.  I really need these documents. What can I do?

    I found it helpful to convert all my old Pages '08 files to .doc files.  They can be opened by the new version of Pages.
    Since the new version of Pages is no longer back compatible, and so not good for anything you want to keep for a long time, you might consider using an open source word processing application like Libra Office.  That's what I had to do.  After seven years of being a happy Pages user - archiving thousands of files in Pages -Apple has abandoned us.  I no longer think it is wise to use the new Pages and then five years down the road (or sooner) not to be able to open them in a newer version.
    If you would like a quick way to convert your Pages '08 files to .doc, let me know.

  • Pluginspage is not working in embed script in firefox 36 version. Actually wanna downlaod jre 1.8 . It was working on firefox 22 version. Please suggest

    <pre><nowiki>function createEmbed(divID, context, locale, server,client)
    var d = document.getElementById(divID);
    d.innerHTML = '<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.8" CODE="com.cybertrust.webrao.WebRAOApplet.class"'+
    'JAVA_CODEBASE="'+context+'" '+
    'ARCHIVE="WebRAO.jar" '+
    'NAME="WebRAOApplet" '+
    'MAYSCRIPT="true" '+
    'L="'+locale+'" ' +
    'java_version="1.8.0_31" />';
    We are using the above script. Defined the application/x-java-applet;version=1.8 So. as per the oracle documentation, Firefox has to check whether java version 1.8 or above is available and then run the applet thereby opening the run window and finally the applet window has to open. So the expectation is if 1.8 jre is not available it has to trigger the pluginspage attribute thereby redirecting to the jre autodownload url mentioned in pluginspage. This code use to work for firefox 21. Not sure why it will not work with any of the versions above 21. Right now we are trying with firefox 36. The same code works with IE 11 also. Please suggest is there any solution for the same.

    There are some updates happening to []
    However to further investigate I would suggest troubleshooting the installation of Java:
    Or also checking with Mozillazine or for compatibility and development troubleshooting is a good place to also look.

  • In the previous version i was able to close my mozilla and to open it again, the web pages which i was working with remained however i've tried many ways to have this advantage again but it is not working what can i do ???

    in the previous Mozilla version i used to leave some web sites opened and when i start working again my Mozilla showed the web pages i was working with in that occasion, i have looked in the options menu but there is no way, perhaps it was an add-on and now it is removed??? i would like to have this advantage again in my Mozilla could it be possible?? thx!

    Your webpages/tabs are still there. When you start firefox again, there is a "Restore Previous Session" icon below. If you click that, it will open up all your tabs again.
    Or you could see this article for better understanding-

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