Versions of Adobe since Jan 2010

Is anyone able to state the stats on the number of versions of adobe reader have been released since Jan, 2010.


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    Are you talking about a Mac password or a password for Adobe's website or something?

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    Your above posted list of installed plugins doesn't show the Flash plugin for Firefox.<br />
    See [[Managing the Flash plugin]] and [[Installing the Flash plugin]]
    You can check the Adobe welcome and test page:
    You can use this manual download link:

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    == When I download and try to read a .pdf file and when I am asked to turn off all Firefox files and if I do, I lose them since I need to know how to save them without rebooting my computer.

    Brilliant! Problem solved! Thanks so much.

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    Three things to try (Reader XI)...
    Using Windows Explorer navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader, then double-click on Eula.exe and accept the license agreement
    Can you open Adobe Reader by itself?  If so, try disabling Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].
    It could even be a malware issue; see

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    De-install Adobe Reader 8 and re-install Adobe Acrobat 5.

  • PS CC (since JAN 2014 update) Layer-mask editing causes hangs/crashes

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    In any case, whenever this happens, it means in all practicality PS CC is not working, so I either kill it or it's crashed.
    Now, here's the thing: that VERY file, can immediately be opened in PS CS6 (which I have fortunately kept installed on my computer), and the mask will be as I thought it should be, and I can edit it as I always could, just fine! So it's obviously a PS CC thing, and I do NOT recall this happening prior to the JAN update. It is still a problem after the two subsequent updates.
    I have not been able to determine the specific instances when this happens, as it seems to happen whenever I am editing a mask, no matter what size/softness/color brush, what magnification, what view mode, many or few layers, big or small file, etc.
    I did upgrade my NVIDIA card (from GeForce GTX 260 [with current driver] to GTX660), just in case it was a factor (maybe kept it from crashing as fast? hard to tell... but it's still an unworkable problem). You can see from my Sys Info shown here from the PS CC Help menu  that it should be more than sufficient for any PS CC task, and it's running the latest driver:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.2.1 (14.2.1 20140207.r.570 2014/02/07:23:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:14, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
    Physical processor count: 4
    Processor speed: 2664 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16379 MB
    Free memory: 12453 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 14697 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 4
    Font Preview: Medium
    TextComposer: Latin
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1200, right=1920
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    gpu[0].Renderer="GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE2"
    gpu[0].Vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    gpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler"
    I work on digital-photography files, and use a layer mask in almost every file, so this relatively-recent bug is a big PITA, having to switch back and forth between CS6 and CC!
    Until there's a fix... is there a way to roll-back my PS CC version to BEFORE the JAN 15, 2014 update?

    I am not qualified to comment on technical issues; I'm just a user whose son in IT is my 'technical support department.' (But he's not much of a PS user.)
    I'm pretty sure, however, that all my Prefs were set to the same things BEFORE the Jan 16, 2014 PS CC update as after (unless the update itself changed something I was unaware of... the settings APPEARED to be the same but I can't easily locate my notes of what my Prefs were from long ago).
    And they were the same as the PS CS6 I have had installed on this same system for a very long time, with older video card with older driver, with newer driver; newer video card with newest driver, etc. Yet after that CC update, CC has not (until this workaround) worked re 'the masking bug' for me, yet CS6 has always worked just the same.
    So I conclude that the only variable (other than the video card upgrade I did in an attempt to solve this and of course those Windows auto-updates) in this scenario IS something to do with PS *CC*, and after Jan 16, 2014.
    As for restarting the machine vs. restarting PS, well, PS is the major player of my system, so when I shut that (and LR) down, I might as well 'clean things up' by Restarting. BTW, I am in the habit of closing and reopening PS (CC or CS6) whenever I finish with a file and load another, in order to get back some of that memory which PS never seems to want to let go. (This is not new to the latest versions, I think. My son says it's a 'memory hog'? ;-) ) I track its memory use in Windows' Task Manager and find that seems to let it 'refresh' itself. (See, I told you I'm not a technical person. ;-) ) But I do not think this has anything to do with the bug. Just a quirk of PS. Like when a tool goes all wonky (for example, its little icon becomes just a 'plus' sign even though the tool is still performing correctly, it's telling me, I think, that it would like to be restarted. And that makes it feel all better... I mean, tool icon reappears.)
    Anyway... it's up to Adobe to figure out IF and what may be wrong with PS CC -- it still doesn't work for me as I had it configured at first, and I think it should, right? -- and to fix that... PLEASE. SOON.

  • Can not view all the thumbnails in version 9 adobe standard

    I recently installed adobe standard 9 running parallel with adobe standard 5.
    My end user is claiming of the view setting for patient data. She can not scroll all the way to the bottom
    as she could in adobe 5. She can see all the thumbnails minus the last row. I have changed the prefereces to show the same
    as adobe 5. However I can not get the correct settting to make it right for her.
    Any adivse or trouble shoot steps would be appreciated. Adobe said to update the product, I have done that last night.

    How do I do that?
    Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 10:10:01 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email address deleted by host]
    Subject: Acrobat Windows Can not view all the thumbnails in version 9 adobe standard
    Change the size of the thumbnails, change the size of the thumbnails window, or upgrade Acrobat X.

  • Can not download newest version of adobe to my PC Mac osx 10.6.8

    Can not download the newest version of Adobe 16 to my PC Mac os  x 10.6.8,  2.5 GH2, Intelis i 5 memory 4GB mhz DDr 3 ... Since I've tried a number of times and it goes through the 3 steps and even says thank you but stays at version 15...also now all my plug-ins are blocked ???? Please help

    Contact Adobe for help with their products. These forums are for Apple products. If this is about installing Flash, then please be more descriptive and complete about the situation.

  • I have switched from PC to Mac how do i use my windows version  of adobe photoshop CS3 on my MAC?

    i have switched from PC to Mac how do i use my windows version  of adobe photoshop CS3 on my MAC?

    All Photoshop versions through CS6 came with platform-specific licenses, either Windows or PC.  You could get a cross-grade of platform swap at a nominal cost but not for older versions, only for whatever Photoshop versions was current at the time.
    CS3 is totally out of the upgrade or cross-grade loop.  You'd have to buy a new license for CS6 Mac or subscribe to Photoshop CC, as Trevor points out.
    Curt Y is correct in that CS2 will not run on current Mac-Intel machines.  You would need a used Mac G5 or G4 with a PowerPC (IBM) CPU, which have been obsolete since mid 2006.
    Of course, you could run your Windows  on your Mac if you installed and ran BootCamp or Parallells.

  • After I downloaded the new version of Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.262, I can't seem to play games with my friends on Yahoo Messenger.

    It could be a coincidence but when I upgraded to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.262 I can't seem to play any games on Yahoo Messenger with my friends. I know when I updated for some reason I had to try 3 times before it took it. It shows it's updated. I'm wondering if I have to un-install and re-install it. Also, I never use Internet Explorer 8 but when I went in there to check I found a plug in check link there and it showed over there that Adobe Flash Player needed updating but it was an older version and not the one Foxfire had me update too. Now I'm really confused if this is causing a problem. I have never had to check Internet Explorer for plug ins before. Have always just updated in Foxfire since that's what I use. The Adobe Flash Player seems to play videos okay so not really sure if that's the issue or not. My Java plug-ins have been fine and have been updated awhile ago, so I know it's not that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    Well, after hours of trying to figure it out I gave up and un-installed and re-installed that last verion of Adobe Flash Player and now it seems I can play games again in Messenger. Everything else had been fine just that. I can only figure it was because it was having a hard time updating the first time and took me 3 tries. So even though it said it was installed, apparently it wasn't done correctly.
    Though when I couldn't figure out what was wrong at first I looked and checked to see all the things were enabled that were supposed to be and they were.
    I even tried to go to the Adobe site and download the last version I had and couldn't find it. Kept coming up with the new version. Others said if you download a particular older version it may not have all the security features in it.
    This really gets to be a bit much, especially when you're by yourself and have only a smattering of knowledge of technical things.
    Thanks fore responding to my question.

  • I recently upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.2 and Aperture 2.1.4 will no longer open.  I cannot access my photos and I don't want to pay for latest version of Aperture since this application is no longer going to be supported.  How can I get my pictures?

    I recently upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.2 and Aperture 2.1.4 will no longer open.  I cannot access my photos and I don't want to pay for latest version of Aperture since this application is no longer going to be supported.  How can I get my pictures?

    If you want just the originals, then you can go into the Aperture library (right click on it and do "show package contents"). Inside is a directory called "Masters" and you can find the original files in a bunch of subfolders.
    But... you'll lose all adjustments, keywords, and other information, and just have the files as they were imported originally from the cameras.
    Easiest is probably to buy Aperture and update everything, and then migrate to the Photos application down the road if that's what you want. Aperture 3.0 came out in 2010 (five years ago!) so it's not like you've upgraded in a while

  • My plugins don't work even though I have the latest version of adobe flash and java. )

    when I go to a site like you tube that require a plugin I get the message that Firefox has disabled this feature for security reasons. I then click on the feature update plug ins it take me to the adobe site I down load the latest version of adobe flash only to run into the same problem over again. I've tried updating this feature both manual & auto but with no success.

    Hi there
    No need to get testy. Lilybiri was being spot on with the comparison.
    The only solution for you will be to uninstall the Flash player, then locate an older version of the Flash player and install it on the Windows XP you have. Captivate is now at version 8 and several years have passed since version 1.1. You will likely not make 1.1 work with Windows 7 or Windows 8. In fact, the only way I'm aware to remotely make it work on those operating systems is by first ensuring you have the Professional or Ultimate version, then installing the Windows XP mode Virtual Machine.
    Here is a link for uninstalling the Flash Player
    And here is a link for the older versions
    Sorry, but you are on your own to sort exactly how far back you will need to go to find a version of Flash Player that works with this version of Captivate. And keep in mind, that even though you finally get a Flash Player version that allows it to run, you will only be able to run it on some form of Windows XP. It will not run on Windows 7 or 8 unless you install the VM. And when you do that, you will be stuck inside the VM and will not be able to record anything outside it in the 7 or 8 environment.
    Cheers... Rick

  • I deleted my version of Adobe Flash Player for the latest version and then it wouldn't install. Now I have no version and need advice as to trying to install an older version or what?

    Since the latest version of Adobe Flash Player wouldn't install after deleting the version I had that did work, should I try to install an older version?
    I just checked in the control panel and my add/remove programs and listed is Adobe Flash Player Active X, version But when I tried to view a video I could not and got a message saying I needed Adobe Flash Player. Now I'm really confused?????
    ''Locking. Duplicate of: ''

    What does "still won't work" mean?  Flash Player is very old.  You might find that many sites require a newer version of Flash Player to view content, perhaps this is what you mean by "still won't work".   Depending on your system, you may be able to upgrade to OS X 10.6 which will enable you to install the newest version of Flash Player.  There's lots of information on this on the internet.  Just search for "upgrade OS X 10.5.8 to 10.6" or similar.

  • Latest version of Adobe Reader won't let me annotate

    I have been using the Adobe Reader 11 app to open PDFs and annotate them. The revised pdf is then uploaded to Dropbox and the reps in the field can download and continue annotating the same file. The field reps use iPads and/or iPhones but since the update to iOS 8.1 we can no longer annotate (I had a programmer specifically design this pdf form for me so it could be virtually passed and added to from one person to another via their mobile devices). Thoughts anyone?

    We received the PDF form.  Thank you!
    The Document Properties dialog shows that your PDF form is a static XFA form authored with Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 9.0.
    Unfortunately, Adobe Reader mobile products (Reader for iOS, Android, Windows Phone) do not support static or dynamic XFA forms.  This has not changed since the introduction of Adobe Reader mobile products a few years ago.  This has not changed for Adobe Reader for iOS version 10.4.
    When you open the static XFA form in any of the Adobe Reader mobile products, the text fields in the form are not highlighted in light blue.  That is the indication of the PDF form not being "fillable".  In other words, you are not able to fill in the static XFA form in Adobe Reader mobile products.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Please use the desktop version of Adobe Reader to fill in static and dynamic XFA forms.
    To make PDF forms fillable in both the desktop and mobile versions of Adobe Reader, we'd recommend authoring PDF forms using Acrobat Pro.
    Please let us know if you have further questions.

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