Very basic, explanation about data fields

Hi everyone,
I am new here and I need to undertand the difference between static and nonstatic data fields. In my tutorial it says:
"To help you determine wether a data field should be static or not, you can ask your self how many many times it occurs. If it occurs once per class, it is static. but if it occurs once per object, it is not static".
can anyone explain what that means?


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    Hello ,
    First write your query & select datablock property.
    just change the below properties
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    now you should add the block ITEMs and give their names according to query columns names. shows the column on canvas and run..
    Best Regard
    Edited by: SKYNIAZI on Mar 29, 2009 1:32 PM

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    The problem with terabyte drives is that that a 3 TB is about as big as you can get without going into RAID territory. Ideally, a Time Machine drive should be 3 times as large as all the drives you are backing up. So, if you have 2.75 TB of internal storage, you should have 8 TB of Time Machine space.
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    It is unlikely that you have regular churn on 2.75 TB of disk. I suggest identifying which drives and folders have the most activity and excluding those drives and directories that don't change much. It would be better to archive the data that doesn't change often and keep it out of Time Machine. Then you may be able to get away with a 2 TB Time Machine drive.

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    SumitThokal wrote:
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    One example of inheritance comes in the form of a vehicle. Each vehicle has similarities however they differ in their own retrospect. A car is not a bus, a bus is not a truck, and a truck is not a motorbike. If you can define the similarities between these vehicles then you have a class in which you can extend into either of the previous mentioned vehicles. Resulting in a reusable class, dramatically reduces the size of code, creates a single point of definition, increases maintainability, you name it.
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    Please refer to the following links for details about the different database releases and Oracle tools.
    Oracle Timeline
    Oracle Corporation - Oracle FAQ
    Oracle E-Business Suite consists of Application/Database/Client tiers, you can find more details in [Oracle Applications Concepts|] manual.
    Oracle Forms

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    1. SATA 1 interface speed rated at 1.5 Gb/s; SATA II interface speed rated at 3.0 Gb/s.
    2. Drive ratings/performance is determined by many factors. You can best find out about individual drive performance by visiting to see their benchmark results on various drives. You will also find some helpful comparisons at
    3. As for drive specs see previous answer. Generally speaking within any manufacturer's category of drive models for a given size the fastest drive will be the most expensive. Manufacturer specs usually do not provide any idea about drive performance in real world situations. Only benchmark comparisons are really useful, and even those can be confusing.
    4. Yes, you can boot an Intel Mac from an APM partitioned drive. You simply cannot install OS X from the installer disc because it will refuse to install on a drive that has not been GUID partitioned.
    5. Some older Seagate 750 GB models were not working properly when installed in a RAID configuration on Mac Pro computers. Seagate provided a firmware update to fix the problem for those who already owned the affected drives.
    I don't know where you got the idea that Intel Macs were "picky about such things." Nor that installing drives in a beige G3 was a no-brainer. The old beige G3 required a lot of mechanical effort to mount a new drive internally. You not only had to connect all the various cables, but if you had two drives on the same ribbon cable each drive had to be jumpered properly - one as MASTER and one as SLAVE. Some older ATA hard drives had two different jumper settings for a MASTER - MASTER solo and MASTER w/SLAVE. Some beige G3 models wouldn't even boot OS X unless it was installed on a MASTER drive. And, you could not install OS X on a large drive except by partitioning the drive with an 8 GB partition for OS X that had to be the first partition on the drive. RAIDs may work or not depending on if you ran OS 9 or OS X. At least to me that wasn't the "good old days" unless you were comparing installing ATA drives to dealing with SCSI. I would say that in your particular case you were lucky, and you never tried putting two drives on the same ribbon cable. Oh, and I forgot about the size limiting jumper on most ATA large drives to limit capacity to 32 GBs because that's all that was supported by FAT32. Oh, yes, and the beige G3's disk controller did not support drives larger than 128 GBs.

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    F:\oracle\ora92\bin>sqlplus system
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Dom Dic 17 19:16:27 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Introduzca la contrase±a:
    Conectado a:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
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    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Dom Dic 17 19:06:19 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    Introduzca el nombre de usuario:
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    Hi claudiaricci-
    Greetings and welcome to the Apple boards
    There is also this: iMovie: Using footage from DV and non-DV sources

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    at the same time. There is some data/variable which is to be
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    -> Database (only 1 row exist)
    Instance 2 of A (with Entity Bean ) -
    Approach B:-
    Instance 1 of A
    -> Entity Bean -> Database (only 1 row exist)
    Instance 2 of A
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    packaged with Application)..Now both the entity bean instances
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    the same Entity Bean - which is representing 1 row of Database
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    corresponds to 1 row of database....If that is the case, Approach
    A would be wrong..
    Please help.

    1 Entity bean for 1 row is not true. An entity bean can represent data from multiple tables also. The correct statement is 1Entitybean for 1 resultset.
    So in case 1, u have 2 instances of Application running so it should not be an issue.

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    1) What's the difference between Sun Management Center
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    I'm sorry if this a really simple concept. I've come from a background of embedded systems, so DLLs are something I haven't really played around with much. Regardless. I'm developing an application in CVI for a project, and I generated a DLL that I want to use in Visual Studio 2013. I was able to compile it and it output the expected *.dll file. My question however is how do I properly import that *.dll into the CVI IDE? I did google and search the forums and I didn't find what I needed exactly.... I did find however this link: <>. I did read through it all, and I think I'm going to try and use Implicit Linking. In the link it does detail 3 steps: 
    Include the import library (.lib) in your LabWindows/CVI project
    Include the header file that contains the function prototype in your code using #include
    Call the function in your code like any other function
    I was able to easily complete step 1.. Now I'm on step 2. The headerfile that contains the function prototype of my code...I was looking at examples, do I just call the dll file as a .h file now? It seemed that way from what I saw. Do I need to output a header file for the DLL some how? Does the CVI compiler automatically reference that .h file with the lib that was imported? 
    Then in step I call the functions like they're in another file in the project? Just call the function as usual with the type and then feed the variables into the function and so on?
    Sorry if this is a really rudimentary question.
    Thanks in advance!

    The header file definitely isn't the .dll renamed! While creating the .dll, your development environment (don't know which one you've used) should create both a .lib file and a .h file that you must use in your project if you want to go the static linking way. I see you've found the .lib file: the .h file should be available as well, possibly in the same path. The include file lists all the definitions for variables and functions exposed by the dll.
    As per step #3 the answer is yes: you simply call .DLL functions like any other function in your program. At the bottom of the tutorial you've linked there is a link to a Developer Zone Example that is a complete CVI project that uses a .DLL: you may take this as a sample framework to study.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Very basic questions about how Airport Express works

    I'm using a non-Apple wireless router at home. I'd like to stream music from my iBook to my stereo. Will an Airport Express do that? Will it get confused that there's another access point? Can my iBook receive streaming radio via the non-Apple wireless router and send it to Airport Express?
    Alternatively: can I simply replace my non-Aple wireless router with an Airport Express? Will an Airport Express work as a wireless router? Will it to DHCP and NAT so that multiple computers can connect to the Internet through it?

    johnbkim, Welcome to the discussion area!
    I'd like to stream music from my iBook to my stereo. Will an Airport Express do that?
    Will it get confused that there's another access point?
    You would simply configure the AirPort Express (AX) to join your current wireless network.
    Can my iBook receive streaming radio via the non-Apple wireless router and send it to Airport Express?
    To stream non-iTunes items you will need to use Airfoil.
    Alternatively: can I simply replace my non-Aple wireless router with an Airport Express?
    Yes as long as you don't have any devices connected to that router via Ethernet.
    Will it to DHCP and NAT so that multiple computers can connect to the Internet through it?
    Yes it is a router.

  • Some very basic queries about mac os

    what is the diff between
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    1. Alias creates a shortcut to an item. Duplicate creates an exact copy.
    2. The Get Info window opens for what's selected at the time the command was issued. Show Inspector changes with the selection.

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    Is there any solutions about this?
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    You can manually delete the earlier request by going in the Manage option of the cube. select the request and click on delete icon at the bottom.
    Other option is to make setting in the Infopackage to delete similar or overlapping request.
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    Assign points if useful
    Venkata Devaraj !!!

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