Very glitchy performance

I’m at the end of my tether.
Aperture has been very glitchy for more than a month. I’ve tried all of the usual rebuild / repair permissions.
I’ve deleted every preview and then rebuilt them. This took five days non stop. When it finished I tried to work on some images and hey presto up pops the spinning wheel. The Activity Monitor reports that Aperture “isn’t responding”.
I forced a quit …… after three hours of spinning wheel I shut the computer down. When I restarted and reopened I’m told that the “library needs repairing”. So here we go again.
The only things I haven’t tried is reinstalling aperture and or creating a new library.
How do I do this? I bought Aperture as  download in 2008 and can’t find the file anywhere only the license key.
Library is 4.4tb. Mac pro (2008) 14gb Ram

The links to download Aperture installers to be used with the licence key, are no longer working.
What is your current Aperture version? If you update your Aperture version to Aperture 3.5.1 from the App Store, your registration key licence will be converted to an App Store licence, bound to your Apple ID. After that, you should seeAperture at the AppStore, in the "Purchased" section. You can reinstall from there.
But before you reinstall, check for other possible problem:
The hard drive being too full- do you have at least 20GB free disk space on your system drive?
Incompatible plug-ins - are you using plug-ins that need updating?
imported media, that cannot be processed?  What does Aperture's Activity viewer show,when Aperture is stalling?
To check, if your library is the problem, create a new one. With Aperture running, use "File > Switch to Library > Other/new" to create the library.  After that, restart the system, to have a well-defined testing condition. Import a few images and see, if Aperture is working well on a new library.
If even a new library does not help, test from a new / other user account, to check, if presets or preferences in your current user library are causing that.
If it does not work in a new user account either, reinstall, but you need to be running Aperture 3.5.1 to download again from the App Store.   To reinstall, remove aperture from the applications folder to the Trash, then launch the AppStore, sign into the store from the Store menu, and downoad Aperture again from the "Purchased" page.
Compare your symptoms to the issues discussed in this thread:
Is there a memory leak in Aperture 3.5?

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    [moved to Flash Player forum]
    Message was edited by: sinious

    The jump to FP11 was pretty significant with Stage3D. Now Flash Player has a lower level access to your computers GPU to offload playing video and 3d rendering to the GPU. However if your systems GPU isn't up to the task you really won't see that performance gain.
    Enter H264 video decoding. A large segment of the Flash usage market is simply viewing video. For sites without fallback in mind (or don't mind software rendering fallback), video may suffer. Using the GPU accelerated video classes may make it difficult for your system to view playback. Disabling hardware acceleration as recommended above would revert you back to software (CPU) decoding to check if your system itself is the issue (and not all the new GPU additions). You did that yet you're still having an issue.
    Just to clarify, as I have an eMachine (for accounting), your computer is very much in the "budget" margin. You have a 3 year old single core 1.6ghz AM2 CPU with 512kb of L2. That's the K8 series. This is a very underpowered, single thread loving CPU. Only the most optimized Flash sites and lower end videos (720p or below) should play, but I'm not even sure if they'll "play well". It depends on your GPU.
    Also you should know they have an official list of unsupported chipsets and drivers based on many factors. Here's a list for FP11 and AIR3:
    Check the bottom of the screen to see what Flash is reporting your rendering mode is. For example, mine states:
    Your gpu supports Stage3D in both Baseline and Constrained profile!
    Baseline RenderMode:
    Constrained RenderMode:
    DirectX9 (Baseline Constrained)
    This probably won't get better in the future for you. Flash is not a low end multimedia runtime. It does require and utilize high end hardware in a much more reliable way.

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    </Wares>blah blah blah</Wares>
    Query #1, with acceptable performances
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    return $m/MARQUE/Wares'
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    Query - canada/db - n(R(CodeApp,>=,'080000000',<=,'0801000000'),P(Wares)) : [1002] 538279...
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    Index: node-element-presence-none node-element-equality-string for node {}:CodeApp
    Index: edge-element-equality-string node-element-presence-none for node {}:Wares
    query plans:
    plan for #1
    <QueryPlanFunction result="collection" container="canada/db">
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="CodeApp" nodeType="element"/>
    <DbXmlCompare name="greater_than_equal">
    <AnyAtomicTypeConstructor value="080000000" typeuri="" typename="string"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="CodeApp" nodeType="element"/>
    <DbXmlCompare name="less_than_equal">
    <AnyAtomicTypeConstructor value="080100000" typeuri="" typename="string"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="Wares" nodeType="element"/>
    plan #2
    <ForBinding name="m">
    <QueryPlanFunction result="collection" container="canada/db">
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="CodeApp" nodeType="element"/>
    <DbXmlCompare name="greater_than_equal">
    <AnyAtomicTypeConstructor value="080000000" typeuri="" typename="string"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="CodeApp" nodeType="element"/>
    <DbXmlCompare name="less_than_equal">
    <AnyAtomicTypeConstructor value="080100000" typeuri="" typename="string"/>
    <DOMConstructor type="element">
    <AnyAtomicTypeConstructor value="wares" typeuri="" typename="string"/>
    <Variable name="m"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="MARQUE" nodeType="element"/>
    <Step axis="child" name="Wares" nodeType="element">

    Hi John, thank you for your answer.
    Unfortunately, I am positive about my times. Both my queries were eager (setLazy off). I tried outputing the 1000 hits to the screen with the sub-second query and it added roughly the time to display it on the console that is approximately 3 seconds. We are still very far off from the more than 30 seconds it takes to run the second query (without printing even! add another 3 seconds to print that one too).
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    in the early Navigation part of the query plan, where the other one seems to use just the CodeApp part in the Navigation and the Wares part only at the DOMConstructor phase...

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    out.println("<td align=\"center\">" + getRecords.countOffers(A.getIdads()) + "</td>");
    this is getRecords.countOffers:
    public static int countOffers(int ID) {
    int offersqty = 0;
    try {
    Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(DBurl, user, password);
    Statement stmnt = (Statement) con.createStatement();
    String readTopic = "SELECT idoffers FROM `wishloft`.`offers` where idads='" + ID + "';";
    ResultSet displayTopic = stmnt.executeQuery(readTopic);
    while ( {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return offersqty;

    Well, for starters, when posting additional code, please use tags.
    As for "looking" correct, I would offer these suggestions:
    - Use a PreparedStatement instead of just a String to build your query (as I suggested earlier)
    - Since you are expecting only 1 record from your query, why use a while() loop?  If someone else has to come in and look at your code, it could lead to confusion.  Just get the first record and process it without any loops.
    Also, only you can tell us if it performs correctly, because you should know what the results are since it's your data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Processes: 96 total, 4 running, 9 stuck, 83 sleeping, 419 threads      19:07:17
    Load Avg: 1.99, 1.81, 1.59  CPU usage: 2.36% user, 5.21% sys, 92.41% idle
    SharedLibs: 1660K resident, 0B data, 0B linkedit.
    MemRegions: 15947 total, 2662M resident, 47M private, 209M shared.
    PhysMem: 695M wired, 2175M active, 1083M inactive, 3953M used, 13M free.
    VM: 250G vsize, 1093M framework vsize, 699065(68) pageins, 1724738(881) pageouts
    Networks: packets: 70104/55M in, 66648/10M out.
    Disks: 966630/9347M read, 327765/18G written.
    4058  top          5.2   00:03.32 1/1  0    28   29    912K   216K   1620K
    4055  bash         0.0   00:00.02 1    0    20   23    356K   216K   1112K
    4052  CVMCompiler  0.0   00:00.30 1    0    30   69    7780K  220K   16M
    4051  login        0.0   00:00.08 2    1    33   63    928K   216K   2184K
    4049  Terminal     0.3   00:01.34 7    3    128+ 164+  7580K+ 13M    15M+
    4042  ocspd        0.0   00:00.02 1    0    26   33    420K+  276K   1376K+
    4041  WebProcess   0.0   00:04.35 7    3    119  201   16M-   10M    26M-
    4039  Safari       1.1   00:09.44 12   3    193  413   47M-   20M    81M-
    3958  spindump_age 0.0   00:00.02 2    2    38   55    356K   220K   1100K
    3956  spindump     1.3   00:42.93 16/1 13   228  145   46M+   15M    53M+
    3953  aosnotifyd   0.0   00:00.18 3    1    53   279   2064K  3532K  6156K
    3939  AddressBookM 6.8   06:59.11 4    1    68   4067+ 2131M- 3308K  1554M-
    3895  lsboxd       0.0   00:00.06 2    2    49   69    1156K  6820K  3292K
    3031  cookied      0.0   00:01.36 2    1    42   82    2028K  268K   3
    every minute or so the computer blocks, every 3 or 4 hours I have to restart etc.
    any suggestions?

    ok, stopped syncing in System preferences and even (horror) deleted the file which reappeared in seconds.
    now waiting to see if stopping the syncing helps - though computer is now working a bit better, the info on Activity Monitor would indicate it is not a real improvement
    473           AddressBookMobileMeSharingAgent          me          1,4          4          1.020,0 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    312           helpd          me          0,4          65          358,9 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    0           kernel_task          root          1,1          76          336,6 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    459           Mail          me          0,4          9          276,2 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    194           java          root          0,1          30          162,4 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    405           Safari          me          0,5          12          120,0 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    407           Safari Web Content          me          0,2          7          100,3 MB          Intel (64 bit)
    195           WindowServer          _windowserver          0,5          7          64,4 MB          Intel (64 bit)

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    Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or Cmd + Ctrl + Opt + Shift (Mac)
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  • Select single to RSEG with very low performance

    Hello experts,
    We have recently upgraded our sap basis from 701 to 740 and we are experiencing a very low performance with the following abap instruction:
    select single * from rseg into lw_rseg where ebeln = lw_output-pedido and
                                                                ebelp = lw_output-item and
                                                                kschl = lw_output-kschl.
    Could it be anything from the upgrade?
    Any suggestions?
    If we change the "*" for only one field of the RSEG table, would the improvement in te performance be significant?
    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Raquel Oliveira

    Hi, Raquel!
    In SELECT statement you are not using the key fields for RSEG table.
    Replacing "*" by a single field won't do the trick.
    In our system we've got a table index on EBELN and EBELP fields in RSEG and it helps a lot.
    In case you don't want to set additional indexes you can find all incoming invoices for the purchasing document items in EKBE table and then go to RSEG having BELNR, GJAHR and BUZEI fields.
    If you already have table index on RSEG with EBELN & EBELP fields - you can trace SQL statement in ST05 and check whether it uses the index.
    And apart from that - anything can be from upgrade

  • Very strange performance issue

    I've got a very very strange performance problem and I have no more ideas what it might be:
    The following code fragment contains the useless line int count=0;
    However, deleting the line reduces(!) the execution speed of the program by ~30%. This is not only weird because the line is absolutely useless, but also because the whole function only takes <1% total execution time in the program.
        public void simuliere_bis_soll_erreicht()
            int count=0;  //????
            while(welt.soll_simulationszeit>welt.ist_simulationszeit && simu_active)
        }The problem occurs both under Java 1.5 and 1.4.2, using the HotSpot-Client.
    Cleaning and rebuilding the project does not help.
    It occurs on different computers in the same way, too.
    Thank you very much in advance! :-)
    Mirko Seithe

    well, this is what you get:
    1.) run totally interpreted since compilation threshhold is reached (1500 (client jvm) - 10000 (server-jvm)
    2.) start background compilation, run further in interpreted mode till compilation finishes (depends on code, but about 1000-10000)
    3.) run compiled code
    so this is what you get:
    ~20.000 invokations interpreted (about 70-90%n of total time)
    ~80.000 invokations compiled (30-10% of total time)
    maybe your int takes much longer to optimize, so the loop executes much longer in interpreted code.
    I would not bet on such microbenchmarks, since they do not tell you real stories under real circumstances. Believe me, I am the programmer working on performance optimizations in the company I am employed.
    lg Clemens

  • Very Bad performance with high stress on Tempdb

    Hello ,
    below is the execution plan for a query rapidly increase the Tempdb and has very slow performance,
    appreciate your suggestion to enhance this query (any data is available upon request) 

    >Covering indexes will make a huge difference.
    You can't simply "create-covering-index" yourself out from every performance jam.
    Is the query important enough to justify special consideration?
    How many covering indexes?
    What is the performance impact of the new covering indexes on other queries?
    Query optimization:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SELECT Video Tutorials 4 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • E50 very slow performance

    my E50 is giving very slow performance anyway to tune it up ?? dosn't hangs but its slow ?? any solution ps whats the best antivirus to install in E50 ?

    I don't use your same workflow, and I assume you're shooting RAW. However,  after I have built 1:1 previews in LR (which takes a LONG time), when I click on a file to decide if it's sharp or not, it still takes 5-10 seconds for each file to load. And my computer isn't slow, and I have the same issue on my laptop, which is new and fast. I haven't seen a satisfactory answer to this problem, nor much acknowledgement from Adobe. My files are from a Nikon D7100 with 24 megapixels, so the file size is likely a factor.
    If you are shooting the type of subjects where you use 1:1 previews primarily to determine sharpness, you could consider Photo Mechanic (unfortunately it costs $150) as the first step in your workflow. It uses the embedded jpg files in the RAW file, so it loads 1:1 jpg previews almost instantly. Sports and nature photographers use this product all the time, mostly to delete losers.

  • Formatted Search with DI  leads to a very slow performance - HELP....

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    I have defined some formatted search in OPCH - everything is working fine.
    I have added some logic to this form via the DI.(handlling 1 item press_event), and I get a very very slow performance - the ADDON-EXE jumps TO 230MEGA of memory, and entering values to each row in the tables/item in the form takes about 15 seconds.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Hagai,
    Normally an addon written using the DI would take up 60-80MBs.
    Are you filtering out all events except for the item press event for the form? If you are not filtering events then this can have quite a drastic affect on performance.
    What logic have you got behind the press event? If the addon exe is ballooning out to 230MB then it suggests that there is either a problem with a memory leak or that an error is occuring in the code. I would recommend putting try/catch clauses at suitable places in the code and maybe specifically setting objects to null and calling the .NET garbage collector to try and minimise the potential for memory leaks.
    Are you sure that it is the combination of the formatted search and the addon that is causing the problem, i.e. if you take away the formatted search but leave the addon do you still get poor performance or does everything speed up?
    Hope this helps,

  • Very slow performance, need assistance

    I have a program that has very slow performance (and I mean SLOW).  I was hoping somebody could tell me how to improve the performance.  I know where it hangs up (at LOOP AT it_detail INTO wa_detail.) but I'm not sure what I need to do to make it quicker.  Any help would be appreciated.
    TABLES: vbak,
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_detail,
             vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
             erdat TYPE vbak-erdat,
             vdatu TYPE vbak-vdatu,
             adrnr TYPE vbpa-adrnr,
             sa_name TYPE adrc-name1,
             sa_street TYPE adrc-street,
             sa_city TYPE adrc-city1,
             sa_state TYPE adrc-region,
             sa_zip TYPE adrc-post_code1,
             sa_tel TYPE adrc-tel_number,
             kunnr TYPE vbpa-kunnr,
             ag_name TYPE kna1-name1,
             ag_street TYPE kna1-stras,
             ag_city TYPE kna1-ort01,
             ag_state TYPE kna1-regio,
             ag_zip TYPE kna1-pstlz,
             ag_tel TYPE kna1-telf1,
             vkbur TYPE knvv-vkbur,
             we_num TYPE likp-kunnr,
             we_name TYPE kna1-name1,
             we_name2 TYPE kna1-name2,
             we_street TYPE kna1-stras,
             we_city TYPE kna1-ort01,
             we_state TYPE kna1-regio,
             we_zip TYPE kna1-pstlz,
             we_tel TYPE kna1-telf1,
           END OF ty_detail.
    DATA: it_detail TYPE TABLE OF ty_detail WITH KEY vbeln adrnr kunnr we_num,
          wa_detail LIKE LINE OF it_detail.
    DATA: addressnum TYPE vbpa-adrnr,
          temp_kunnr TYPE likp-kunnr.
    * S E L E C T I O N - S C R E E N
    SELECT-OPTIONS:  s_vdatu FOR vbak-vdatu OBLIGATORY.    "Req delivery date
    SELECT-OPTIONS:  s_auart FOR vbak-auart OBLIGATORY.
    PARAMETER:  p_parfun TYPE vbpa-parvw DEFAULT 'Z5' OBLIGATORY.
    *  REFRESH s_auart.
    *  CLEAR s_auart.
    *  s_auart-sign = 'I'.
    *  s_auart-option = 'EQ'.
    *  s_auart-low = 'OR'.
    *  APPEND s_auart.
    *  s_auart-low = 'ZDT'.
    *  APPEND s_auart.
    * M A I N - B O D Y
    *Main select statement.
    SELECT a~vbeln a~erdat a~vdatu c~adrnr c~kunnr
        FROM vbak AS a
          INNER JOIN vbap AS b
              ON b~vbeln = a~vbeln
          INNER JOIN vbpa AS c
              ON c~vbeln = b~vbeln
    *          AND c~posnr = b~posnr
                   WHERE a~auart IN s_auart
                   AND a~vdatu IN s_vdatu
                   AND c~parvw = p_parfun.
    LOOP AT it_detail INTO wa_detail.
      SELECT SINGLE name1 street city1 region post_code1 tel_number
          FROM adrc INTO (wa_detail-sa_name, wa_detail-sa_street, wa_detail-sa_city, wa_detail-sa_state,
                            wa_detail-sa_zip, wa_detail-sa_tel)
          WHERE addrnumber = wa_detail-adrnr.
      SELECT SINGLE name1 stras ort01 regio pstlz telf1
          FROM kna1 INTO (wa_detail-ag_name, wa_detail-ag_street, wa_detail-ag_city, wa_detail-ag_state,
                            wa_detail-ag_zip, wa_detail-ag_tel)
          WHERE kunnr = wa_detail-kunnr.
      SELECT SINGLE c~kunnr INTO temp_kunnr
          FROM vbpa AS a
              INNER JOIN lips AS b
                ON b~vgbel = a~vbeln
              INNER JOIN likp AS c
                ON c~vbeln = b~vbeln
                WHERE a~vbeln = wa_detail-vbeln.
      wa_detail-we_num = temp_kunnr.
      SELECT SINGLE name1 name2 stras ort01 regio pstlz telf1
          FROM kna1 INTO (wa_detail-we_name, wa_detail-we_name2, wa_detail-we_street, wa_detail-we_city, wa_detail-we_state,
                            wa_detail-we_zip, wa_detail-we_tel)
          WHERE kunnr = wa_detail-we_num.
      SELECT SINGLE vkbur FROM knvv INTO wa_detail-vkbur
          WHERE kunnr = wa_detail-kunnr.
      MODIFY it_detail FROM wa_detail.
    PERFORM display.
    INCLUDE zpartner_displayf01.

    Hi Davis,
      The culprit is the select inside the loop.
    YOu should use for all entries instead .
    I will show for one select, you do similar thing for others:
      SELECT addrnumber name1 street city1 region post_code1 tel_number
          FROM adrc INTO table itab_adrc
    for all entries in it_detail
          WHERE addrnumber = it_detail-adrnr.
    sort itab-adrc by addrnumber.
    LOOP AT it_detail INTO wa_detail.
    read table it_adrc with key addrnumber = wa_detail-adrnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    move fiedls of it_adrc into wa_detail.

  • Very Low performance Firewire

    First.. sorry for Bad translating.
    i notes very low performance of my FW800/400 (i think after EFI/SMC Firmware Update)
    FW800/400 More slowly the USB2 and FW800 cannot see External Devices that working fine with my macbook pro.

    Hey Noorldin,
    I think I have a similar problem. I have always had some issues with the ports (owned the MacPro since the first month it came out) but several months ago things took a turn for the worse. External harddrives no longer work properly. USB drives won't mount, firewire drives will mount but the transfer rate is roughly 1MB a sec and after ~10 MB I get an error and the transfer stops. Other peripherals work for the most part but not well. My external usb microphone will not stop receiving audio signals when turned off and my canon HV20 drops frames during transfers. My awesome fujitsu scansnap scanner, printer, and usb mouse transmitter all work fine though. I used to be able to play many 1080p videos at the same time, now I can not play one without frames dropping even when booted into a new clean internal HDD. The MacPro will only sleep if I manually set it to sleep. The autosleep feature will have the internal hdds spinning up and down all night.
    I spent 20 min on hold to get an Apple rep and then 47 min on hold to get an Apple Specialist. The specialist was very kind and tried many things with me. In the end, the specialist concluded that my Logic board or CPUs were most likely bad and that I should get them tested and possibly replaced. You may need the same.
    One weird thing I tried just the other night was to unplug all USB and Firewire devices, including my 30 in display and wireless mouse hub, and then I plugged in just one firewire hdd. It worked fine!? So, I will continue testing on my own for a while and let you know what I find out from my tests or from the Apple repairs, as I have only seen one other person with an issue like mine and what I believe might be yours too. I have seen many issues with the front ports not working right though.

  • Very slow performance in Lightroom 3??

    I just upgraded to Lightroom  3.0 and I am very suprised how slow it is!?!  I don't have a very large library and I'm on two reasonably new computers yet the difference from Lightroom 2 (snappy performance) to Lightroom 3 (VERY sluggish) is quite suprising..
    I'm using it on a XP and a Vista system with the same results...
    Is anyone else experiencing this???

    I've noticed a slow down in performance with Lightroom 3 as well. As far a looking around the forum for older threads, ...found older lightroom 1 and 2 threads.
    Your Title "Very Slow Performance in Lightroom 3??" fits what I'm looking for just perfectly.

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