Very subtle DB corruption ?

Hello all,
    I'm experiencing what I call a very subtle bug. Subtle because there are no exceptions, no memory leak, not even an error message.
    My application uses BDB XML and it inserts, updates, removes and searches documents - pretty basic functionality. But after some time of use, my users are calling me saying the searches never return any results. I mean, they send a request, then it's sent to BDB, but it doesnt return.
    First I thought it was another memory leak, but memory cosumption is high as always, but it is stable at some point. Just for checking, I restarted the server and tried searching again - dog slow, no return, even with 600MB free RAM.
    The only solution was to run recovery, which I chose to do manually at this time (and I dont do it automatically yet). Started the server, and then it returns to its normal state.
     So, I can just wonder what can possibility cause this? The containers are getting corrupted (although no corruption messages appear)? My Environment is managed by this class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.naming.LimitExceededException;
import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainerConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManagerConfig;
public class EnvironmentInit {
    private Environment myEnv; // objeto ambiente
    private XmlManager myManager;
    private XmlManagerConfig managerConfig;
    private File envPath;
    private boolean ismyEnvOpen = false;
    private String nomeAmbiente;
    private String separador;
    private String envHome;
    private ArrayList containersAbertos;
    public EnvironmentInit(String envHome, String nomeAmbiente)
            throws Throwable {
        this.nomeAmbiente = nomeAmbiente;
        containersAbertos = new ArrayList();
        separador = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // pega o separador
        this.envHome = envHome + separador + nomeAmbiente;
    public EnvironmentInit(String envHome, String nomeAmbiente, XmlManager mgr)
    throws Throwable {
        this.nomeAmbiente = nomeAmbiente;
        this.myManager = mgr;
        containersAbertos = new ArrayList();
        separador = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // pega o separador
        this.envHome = envHome + separador + nomeAmbiente;
    private void iniciar() throws Exception {
        Dir.criarDiretorio(this.envHome); // cria o diretorio
        envPath = new File(this.envHome); // converte o caminho de String p/ File, requerido pelo construtor do Environment
        if (!envPath.isDirectory()) {
//            System.out.println("Criando dir.. " + envHome);
//            Dir.criarDiretorio(this.envHome);
            throw new Exception(envPath.getPath()
                    + " does not exist or is not a directory.");
        try {
            EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
            //envConf.setCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024); //let default cache size.
            envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
                                          // exits,create it.
            envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
                                              // region.
            envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking
                                                 // subsystem
            envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem
            envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
                                            // subsystem - Passo 1 para setar transa??????es.
            //envConf.setLogBufferSize(10 * 1024 * 1024); //100 Mbs de log. Logs são usados para recuperação do banco em caso de corrupção.
            //envConf.setRunRecovery(true); // Roda o recovery automaticamente
            myEnv = new Environment(envPath, envConf);
            managerConfig = new XmlManagerConfig();
            managerConfig.setAdoptEnvironment(true); // autoriza ao XmlManager, quando for fechado, fechar tamb???m o ambiente
            //  managerConfig.setAllowAutoOpen(true); // autoriza a abrir um
                                                  // container automaticamente
            //managerConfig.setAllowExternalAccess(true); // acesso externo
            myManager = new XmlManager(myEnv, managerConfig);
            ismyEnvOpen = true;
        } catch (DatabaseException de) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - erro no banco");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Config faltando");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar  \n" + e.toString());
    //Returns the path to the database environment
    public File getDbEnvPath() {
        return envPath;
    //Returns the database environment encapsulated by this class.
    public Environment getEnvironment() {
        return myEnv;
    //Returns the XmlManager encapsulated by this class.
    public XmlManager getManager() {
        return myManager;
     * Reabre o container com as configura??????es j??? preparadas. ??? necess???rio
     * re-abrir posteriormente os containers
    public void reabrir() {
        if (ismyEnvOpen == false) {
            try {
                //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit: reabrir()");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar reabrir ambiente!");
    public String getName() {
        return nomeAmbiente;
    public void cleanup() throws DatabaseException {
        ismyEnvOpen = false;
        try {
            if (myManager != null) {
                // myEnv.close(); // fechado automaticamente pelo myManager
                myManager.delete(); //trocado pelo close() pois é mais seguro.
                ismyEnvOpen = false;
        } catch (Exception de) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - N�o conseguiu fechar o banco");
    private void registraContainerAberto(XmlContainer container) {
    private void fechaContainersAbertos() {
        for (int i = 0; i < containersAbertos.size(); i++) {
            try {
                System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:fechaContainer:" + ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).getName());
                ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).closeContainer();
                ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).delete(); //realmente garante o fechamento, destruindo o objeto associado.
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                        .println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar fechar container");
    public XmlManagerConfig getXmlManagerConfig() {
        return managerConfig;
    public XmlContainer abrirContainer(String nome) {
        int ind = indiceContainerRegistrado(nome);
        XmlContainer container = null;
        if (ind >= 0) {
            //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (j??? aberto) : " + nome + " - ambiente aberto!");
            return (XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(ind);
        boolean existe = Dir
                .existeArquivo(envPath.toString() + separador, nome);
        try {
            if (!existe) {
                container = myManager.createContainer(nome);               
                System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (create) : " + nome + " - criando container");
                return null;
            } else {
                 System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer - nome = '" nome "'");
                XmlContainerConfig conf = new XmlContainerConfig();
                 container = myManager.openContainer(nome, conf);
                //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (open) : " + nome + " - ambiente aberto!");
            registraContainerAberto(container); // registra que o container foi
            // aberto
            return container;
        } catch (XmlException e) {
        return null;
    public boolean removeContainer(XmlContainer c) {
        String path = null;
        try {
            path = envPath.toString() + separador + c.getName();
            c.delete(); //trocado pelo close acima por ser mais seguro.
            System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:removeContainer : " + path);
            return true;
        } catch (XmlException e) {
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar remover container ");
        return false;
    public int indiceContainerRegistrado(String nome) {
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < containersAbertos.size(); i++) {
                XmlContainer cont = (XmlContainer)containersAbertos.get(i);
                if (cont.getName().compareTo(nome) == 0)
                    return i;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return -1;
    Is there anything wrong with it, that could be causing this? Any help would be much appreciated.
-- Breno Costa

Hello all,
    I'm experiencing what I call a very subtle bug. Subtle because there are no exceptions, no memory leak, not even an error message.
    My application uses BDB XML and it inserts, updates, removes and searches documents - pretty basic functionality. But after some time of use, my users are calling me saying the searches never return any results. I mean, they send a request, then it's sent to BDB, but it doesnt return.
    First I thought it was another memory leak, but memory cosumption is high as always, but it is stable at some point. Just for checking, I restarted the server and tried searching again - dog slow, no return, even with 600MB free RAM.
    The only solution was to run recovery, which I chose to do manually at this time (and I dont do it automatically yet). Started the server, and then it returns to its normal state.
     So, I can just wonder what can possibility cause this? The containers are getting corrupted (although no corruption messages appear)? My Environment is managed by this class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.naming.LimitExceededException;
import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainerConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManagerConfig;
public class EnvironmentInit {
    private Environment myEnv; // objeto ambiente
    private XmlManager myManager;
    private XmlManagerConfig managerConfig;
    private File envPath;
    private boolean ismyEnvOpen = false;
    private String nomeAmbiente;
    private String separador;
    private String envHome;
    private ArrayList containersAbertos;
    public EnvironmentInit(String envHome, String nomeAmbiente)
            throws Throwable {
        this.nomeAmbiente = nomeAmbiente;
        containersAbertos = new ArrayList();
        separador = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // pega o separador
        this.envHome = envHome + separador + nomeAmbiente;
    public EnvironmentInit(String envHome, String nomeAmbiente, XmlManager mgr)
    throws Throwable {
        this.nomeAmbiente = nomeAmbiente;
        this.myManager = mgr;
        containersAbertos = new ArrayList();
        separador = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // pega o separador
        this.envHome = envHome + separador + nomeAmbiente;
    private void iniciar() throws Exception {
        Dir.criarDiretorio(this.envHome); // cria o diretorio
        envPath = new File(this.envHome); // converte o caminho de String p/ File, requerido pelo construtor do Environment
        if (!envPath.isDirectory()) {
//            System.out.println("Criando dir.. " + envHome);
//            Dir.criarDiretorio(this.envHome);
            throw new Exception(envPath.getPath()
                    + " does not exist or is not a directory.");
        try {
            EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
            //envConf.setCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024); //let default cache size.
            envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
                                          // exits,create it.
            envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
                                              // region.
            envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking
                                                 // subsystem
            envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem
            envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
                                            // subsystem - Passo 1 para setar transa??????es.
            //envConf.setLogBufferSize(10 * 1024 * 1024); //100 Mbs de log. Logs são usados para recuperação do banco em caso de corrupção.
            //envConf.setRunRecovery(true); // Roda o recovery automaticamente
            myEnv = new Environment(envPath, envConf);
            managerConfig = new XmlManagerConfig();
            managerConfig.setAdoptEnvironment(true); // autoriza ao XmlManager, quando for fechado, fechar tamb???m o ambiente
            //  managerConfig.setAllowAutoOpen(true); // autoriza a abrir um
                                                  // container automaticamente
            //managerConfig.setAllowExternalAccess(true); // acesso externo
            myManager = new XmlManager(myEnv, managerConfig);
            ismyEnvOpen = true;
        } catch (DatabaseException de) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - erro no banco");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Config faltando");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar  \n" + e.toString());
    //Returns the path to the database environment
    public File getDbEnvPath() {
        return envPath;
    //Returns the database environment encapsulated by this class.
    public Environment getEnvironment() {
        return myEnv;
    //Returns the XmlManager encapsulated by this class.
    public XmlManager getManager() {
        return myManager;
     * Reabre o container com as configura??????es j??? preparadas. ??? necess???rio
     * re-abrir posteriormente os containers
    public void reabrir() {
        if (ismyEnvOpen == false) {
            try {
                //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit: reabrir()");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar reabrir ambiente!");
    public String getName() {
        return nomeAmbiente;
    public void cleanup() throws DatabaseException {
        ismyEnvOpen = false;
        try {
            if (myManager != null) {
                // myEnv.close(); // fechado automaticamente pelo myManager
                myManager.delete(); //trocado pelo close() pois é mais seguro.
                ismyEnvOpen = false;
        } catch (Exception de) {
            // Exception handling goes here
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - N�o conseguiu fechar o banco");
    private void registraContainerAberto(XmlContainer container) {
    private void fechaContainersAbertos() {
        for (int i = 0; i < containersAbertos.size(); i++) {
            try {
                System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:fechaContainer:" + ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).getName());
                ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).closeContainer();
                ((XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(i)).delete(); //realmente garante o fechamento, destruindo o objeto associado.
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                        .println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar fechar container");
    public XmlManagerConfig getXmlManagerConfig() {
        return managerConfig;
    public XmlContainer abrirContainer(String nome) {
        int ind = indiceContainerRegistrado(nome);
        XmlContainer container = null;
        if (ind >= 0) {
            //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (j??? aberto) : " + nome + " - ambiente aberto!");
            return (XmlContainer) containersAbertos.get(ind);
        boolean existe = Dir
                .existeArquivo(envPath.toString() + separador, nome);
        try {
            if (!existe) {
                container = myManager.createContainer(nome);               
                System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (create) : " + nome + " - criando container");
                return null;
            } else {
                 System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer - nome = '" nome "'");
                XmlContainerConfig conf = new XmlContainerConfig();
                 container = myManager.openContainer(nome, conf);
                //System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:abrirContainer (open) : " + nome + " - ambiente aberto!");
            registraContainerAberto(container); // registra que o container foi
            // aberto
            return container;
        } catch (XmlException e) {
        return null;
    public boolean removeContainer(XmlContainer c) {
        String path = null;
        try {
            path = envPath.toString() + separador + c.getName();
            c.delete(); //trocado pelo close acima por ser mais seguro.
            System.out.println(".EnvironmentInit:removeContainer : " + path);
            return true;
        } catch (XmlException e) {
            System.err.println("[erro] EnvironmentInit:iniciar - Erro ao tentar remover container ");
        return false;
    public int indiceContainerRegistrado(String nome) {
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < containersAbertos.size(); i++) {
                XmlContainer cont = (XmlContainer)containersAbertos.get(i);
                if (cont.getName().compareTo(nome) == 0)
                    return i;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return -1;
    Is there anything wrong with it, that could be causing this? Any help would be much appreciated.
-- Breno Costa

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  • Repairing a Damaged / Corrupt .sparsebundle

    After spending a couple days searching around the internet for anyone having a similar problem and coming up almost empty handed, I've decided to make a post and see if anyone can help me.
    I made a Time Machine backup to an external drive back in November, November 11th to be exact (not that it matters). While all was fine and good, in the end I decided to not use Time Machine and delete the backup sparse bundle. Fast forward a bit to December 4th. It's been a month and I get on the train in the morning like I do every day, and open my Macbook - I'm greeted with a black screen; I reboot and get the dreaded 'folder with question mark' icon on boot. My MacBook's hard drive has died.
    I tried all sorts of restoration tools on the drive, and in the end decided that there was no way to get my data back, the drive won't even show as attached to a controller card in any machine I tried it on. Then I had an idea.. I remembered that I made and deleted a Time Machine backup a month earlier, and so I searched for some sort of undelete program. Long story a bit shorter, I was able to recover about 98% of the original sparse bundle file, with only 13 of the band files either damaged or missing entirely.
    Unfortunately it seems the sparse bundle format is very intolerant to corruption, because even though the majority of the bundle is intact I can't mount it in OS X at all. I managed to find this thread: which helped me to get the sparse bundle detected using Mac data recovery software, but that leads me to my next issue..
    When searching the drive for files using either Data Rescue II or TechTool Pro 4, it'll find the entirety of the directory structure in the sparse bundle, but whenever I try to recover files they're completely messed up. By messed up, I mean a jpeg file will show up with the correct filename, size, attributes, etc.. but the data will be from another file. For example, I might have a file named DCIM_002.jpg with a filesize of 42.2kb, and upon opening it in Preview it's "corrupt", when I open it in TextEdit I'll see for example, the contents of a XML file or a Readme file, even parts of another jpeg.
    It seems like all the information is shifted around because of the missing or damaged band files.
    Now using the aforementioned software, I can also do a recovery where it finds files by scavenging through the entire image and manually detecting file types, but this will result in a directory full of jpeg001.jpg jpeg002.jpg, jpeg003.jpg ... jpeg4012.jpg files, simply due to the large amount of pictures I had on the drive. The pictures aren't corrupt when I do this, but it'll take me months to restore my iPhoto library by this route - and that's just considering restoring my pictures, I still have other data I'd like to get back from this image.
    So I'm asking you guys if anyone knows of a method to get my data back from a corrupt sparse bundle. Maybe there's something I haven't tried, maybe there's a way to rebuild the image and my brain is just fried from messing with this stuff for a couple days. (I just bought a hard drive btw, that's why the Macbook died in December, and I'm just now making a post about it). Quite possibly, there might be no way to do what I'm asking, and this is my payback for not backing up on a regular or even semi-regular basis. Either way, I'm still somewhat hopeful. =)
    Thanks in advance to any who respond.

    Welcome to Discussions.
    Try asking on the the Using Mac OS X Leopard forum. You also might want to see if FileSalvage does a better job.
    File Salvage

  • IOS4.0.x: I just don't understand. Please explain... exactly the same hardware (give or take physical tolerences) loaded with exactly the same software, can run differently on everyone's phones?
    So many people are saying that they've lost this, lost that, this doesn't work, that doesn't work.
    Surely all phones should be exactly the same shouldn't they? It's exactly the same software going onto everyone's phone so, assuming there is no third party software interfering with the Apple processes, they should all behave the same way.
    Why do they not appear to be doing that?
    Just asking

    Surely all phones should be exactly the same shouldn't they?
    Assuming no defect, the hardware would be the same, yes, other than the size of the flash RAM. But some devices do indeed have hardware defects, some obvious and some very subtle; for instance, a small defect in RAM can cause all sorts of strange problems not easily traced to a specific hardware problem.
    It's exactly the same software going onto everyone's phone so, assuming there is no third party software interfering with the Apple processes
    That, however, is an assumption that it is incorrect to make. Very few people have exactly the same load of software, since few people have no third-party apps at all. And misbehaved apps, or corrupted cache or data files (which could occur even with nothing but Apple's software on the iPhone), can cause problems, something which has been well established by the number of people for whom restoring their iPhone as a new phone rather than restoring a backup has cured the problems being experienced.

  • PPT to Captivate 3: image import issue

    I'm creating a Captivate project by importing a PowerPoint
    2003 project. After I import them (but not in PowerPoint), some of
    the slides have weird images or words that show up. Sometimes
    there's a grey or black blob in the upper left corner, sometimes
    there's words like "class," "operations," and "situation," on
    various parts of the slide, and sometimes there's lines. I think
    they are something messed up in the code, but I'm not a programmer
    so I don't know how to access that or fix it.
    Has anyone ever encountered something like this? I've tried
    re-importing the slides, but that doesn't work. And, sometimes the
    images change, so I can't even just blot them out and call it good.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Well, I figured out that the PowerPoint file had a very
    subtle corruption that was fixed by basically extracting the
    content and pasting it into a new PowerPoint project. Converting it
    to Captivate, everything then showed up just fine.

  • Unable to pair Apple Remote App with iTunes

    I am running a Toshiba Satellite L505D-S5965 with Windows Vista SP 2. My iTunes software is, and my iPhone 3GS is running OS 3.0.1 (7A400). Both the Satellite and iPhone are connected to the same WiFi local network, and yet the App "Remote" by Apple Software is unable to communicate with iTunes to allow the entry of the four digit code to establish control of the iTunes library. Shortly after purchasing the iPhone 3GS I purchased the Satellite, but in the couple of weeks between the purchases the Remote App worked fine on my Gateway running Windows XP SP2. I have been through Apple Telephone support twice, and have really run one of the technicians through the mill researching possible solutions. I have visited an Apple Store Genius, who could find no reason for the problem. The iPhone and Remote App worked perfectly well on the store's WiFi and Mac, but his iPhone also wouldn't work with my laptop. I have been through Kaspersky's technical support system to ensure that there isn't a firewall issue. They have assured me, after reviewing logs from my laptop, that this is not the case. I even went so far as to uninstall all my Kaspersky product, but the Apple Remote App still would not function properly. I have updated the router's firmware, and checked that the laptop's wireless card is running the latest driver. At this point I can't think of anything else to try but would really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Steve

    Monday 7th Jan.
    Just to say that Apple did call me this am to discuss the problem on foot of a call I made last week.
    In the meantime the remote worked with both a 2007 IMac and a 2009 laptop but not on the m-mini.
    When I tried  pairing this morning during the call by pressing Menu and next together it paired.
    The change is very subtle, it just says paired in the advanced section of the security et sl section as referred before, with a fleeting 2 intersecting rings icon.
    The big difference is that Front Row is gone....
    The remote only works to a limited degree within some apps such as iTunes and iPhotos.
    In theory it controls the volume in iTunes but as of now for me  it doesnt....:( need to look more.
    As to what the problem was:
    It seems there is a set of keyboard combinations that can be used to force a  reset the ID of the remote, the suggestion is  MAYBE that by getting it to work on the iMac and laptop in some way reset the ID.
    This stuff  is WAY beyond my skill level:)
    I did impress upon Apple the need to look at the issue in threads like this....
    Message was edited by: qazxsw52

  • Why is it not possible to access lightroom catalouge trough a Network (ready nas)

    As the Topic title says why i can´t use My LRM Catalouge when it´s hosted on my Network hard drive or why I can´t create a catalouge an an Network Share (ready Nas)
    With friendly Regards

    No, it will not work ever as long as the database of LR is SQLite.
    This is said to be very vulnerable against corruption in case of short link outages during write commands.
    On the other hand changing the DB underneath LR seems not to be easy either.
    There are some requests in the feature request forum around that topic, e.g.
    Add your vote if you agree with the proposal.

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