Very Urgent, files, threads, and swing !!!!

Dear friends, i have a swing application, in that application i have a class that extends a thread, that thread will do nothing but read the contents of my data file and puts them in an array, but i am getting a NullpointerException in my thread, could any friend help me please, it is very urgent, i will post my code below.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class FinalMachine extends JFrame
private JPanel MainPanel, ThicknessPanel, MainManager,fieldsPanel, sub_panel;
private Container c;
private CardLayout CardManager;
private String timezone;
private static final int ONE_SECOND = 1000;
private JLabel welcome_label, label1, label2, label3,field_label;
private JTextField data_entry;
private Connection connection;
public JPanel thick_figure;
public int num_of_hits, next_index, recCount;
public int dataBuffer[];
public FileReader data_file;
public BufferedReader b_data_file;
public File tem_file;
final int num_of_rec = 20;
public FinalMachine()
super("PHOENIX MACHINERY s.a.l");
/* Start all threads */
/* Start filling data file in global array */
     loadData dataFile = new loadData();
/* Adding control to window application */
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowevent)
// setDefaultCloseOperation(0);
public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent eve)
addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent componentevent)
setSize(500, 500);
Dimension dimension1 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
if(dimension1.width == 800 && dimension1.height == 600)
setLocation(150, 25);
if(dimension1.width == 1024 && dimension1.height == 768)
setLocation(200, 100);
/* Setting the location of the application on the screen */
Dimension dimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
if(dimension.width == 800 && dimension.height == 600)
setLocation(150, 25);
if(dimension.width == 1024 && dimension.height == 768)
setLocation(200, 100);
/* Constructing the main menu */
     JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
     setJMenuBar( bar );
     JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu( "File");
     fileMenu.setMnemonic( 'F' );
     JMenuItem mainItem = new JMenuItem( "Main page" );
     mainItem.setMnemonic( 'M' );
     mainItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "main");
     fileMenu.add( mainItem );
     JMenuItem dataItem = new JMenuItem( "Database page" );
     dataItem.setMnemonic( 'D' );
     dataItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "data_base");
     fileMenu.add( dataItem );
     JMenuItem printItem = new JMenuItem( "Print" );
     printItem.setMnemonic( 'P' );
     printItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     fileMenu.add( printItem );
     JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
     exitItem.setMnemonic( 'P' );
     exitItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     fileMenu.add( exitItem );
     bar.add( fileMenu );
     JMenu figureMenu = new JMenu( "Figures");
     figureMenu.setMnemonic( 'G' );
     JMenuItem thicknessItem = new JMenuItem( "Thickness" );
     thicknessItem.setMnemonic( 'T' );
     thicknessItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "thickness");
     figureMenu.add( thicknessItem );
     bar.add( figureMenu );
     JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu( "Help");
     helpMenu.setMnemonic( 'H' );
     JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About us" );
     aboutItem.setMnemonic( 'A' );
     aboutItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Engineer Bilal Haidar (Computer & "+                     "Communication Engineering)\n\n All Rights Reserevd. @ 2002",
                    "About me...", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
     helpMenu.add( aboutItem );
     bar.add( helpMenu );
/* Intializing global values */
dataBuffer = new int[60];
/* Initializing the panels */
c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
CardManager = new CardLayout();
MainManager = new JPanel(false);
javax.swing.border.Border border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 5, 10);
MainPanel = new JPanel(false);
MainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(MainPanel, 1));
ThicknessPanel = new JPanel(false);
ThicknessPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ThicknessPanel, 1));
fieldsPanel = new JPanel(false);
fieldsPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( fieldsPanel,1));
sub_panel = new JPanel(false);
sub_panel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(sub_panel,0) );
thick_figure = new JPanel(false);
/* Filling the main panel */
JLabel jlmain = new JLabel("Main Page");
timezone = showTime(new Locale("en", "US"));
JLabel jltime = new JLabel(" " + timezone);
MainManager.add(MainPanel, "main");
/* Filling the thickness panel */
num_of_hits = 0;
next_index = 0;
/* fill in with ero values for everything*/
/*display the figure*/
JLabel blanklabel = new JLabel(" ");
JButton build_fig = new JButton("Draw Figure");
     new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if ( num_of_hits == 0 )
/* draw figure based on first 20 points in the array */
next_index = num_of_rec;
if ( num_of_hits > 3 )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"No more data to draw","Error Drawing",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
/* draw the figure starting the data from index 20*/
next_index = next_index + num_of_rec;
num_of_hits += 1;
MainManager.add(ThicknessPanel, "thickness");
/* filling the database panel */
label1 = new JLabel(" ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
welcome_label = new JLabel(" Database Page ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
label2 = new JLabel(" ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
fieldsPanel.add( label1 );
fieldsPanel.add( welcome_label );
fieldsPanel.add( label2 );
field_label = new JLabel(" Enter your name: ");
data_entry = new JTextField( 10 );
sub_panel.add( field_label );
sub_panel.add( data_entry );
fieldsPanel.add( sub_panel );
JButton add_data = new JButton( "Add me" );
     new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
// try {
//          url = "jdbc:odbc:DataEntry";
//          Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
//          connection = DriverManager.getConnection( url );
//               System.out.println( "Connection Suucessfull");
// Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
//                String get_field;
//               get_field = data_entry.getText();
//               String query = "INSERT INTO data (anyField) VALUES ('get_field')";
//                int result1 = statement.executeUpdate( query );
//           if ( result1 == 1 )
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for the info..."," Data Entry Success",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
//                else
//                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, your name was not added...","Data entry error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
//     catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfex ) {
//          // process ClassNotFoundExceptions here
//          cnfex.printStackTrace();
//               System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
//          catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
//     // process SQLExceptions here
//          sqlex.printStackTrace();
//                System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
//          catch ( Exception ex ) {
//          // process remaining Exceptions here
//          ex.printStackTrace();
//               System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
MainManager.add(fieldsPanel, "data_base");
/* display time */
Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent)
timezone = showTime(new Locale("en", "US"));
setTitle("PHOENIX MACHINERY s.a.l " + timezone);
public static void main(String args[])
FinalMachine finalmachine = new FinalMachine();
finalmachine.setSize(500, 500);
ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("images/pc.gif");
public static String showTime(Locale locale)
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
byte byte0 = 2;
DateFormat dateformat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(byte0, locale);
String s = dateformat.format(date);
return s;
/* Thread loadData starts here */
class loadData extends Thread
public void run()
try {
catch( Exception x )
System.out.println("The following error occured in LoadData thread : "+x.toString() ); }
} // run() ends here
/* method read file inside thread loadData */
void readMyFile() {
String record = " ";
recCount = 0;
try {
          tem_file = new File("mydata.dat");
          data_file = new FileReader(tem_file);
          b_data_file = new BufferedReader( data_file );
          record = new String();
          while ( (record = b_data_file.readLine()) != null ) {
          dataBuffer[recCount] = Integer.parseInt(record);
          recCount += 1; }
          catch (IOException e) {
     System.out.println("Uh oh, got an IOException error!");
     } // end of readMyFile()
} // thread loadData ends

Thank you Mr. jobuck, you helped me a lot, i wonder if you can provide me with a tutorial on how threads work and how runnables work too. i fixed the error ut old me about but still when i try to add another thread to my program i got an error saying that, i must decalre the new thread in a seperate file please can u have a look on what i have:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class FinalMachine extends JFrame
private JPanel MainPanel, ThicknessPanel, MainManager,fieldsPanel, sub_panel;
private Container c;
private CardLayout CardManager;
private String timezone;
private static final int ONE_SECOND = 1000;
private JLabel welcome_label, label1, label2, label3,field_label;
private JTextField data_entry;
private JPanel thick_figure;
private int num_of_hits, next_index, recCount, read_flag;
private int dataBuffer[];
private FileReader data_file;
private BufferedReader b_data_file;
private File tem_file;
private Connection connection;     
final int num_of_rec = 20;
public FinalMachine()
super("PHOENIX MACHINERY s.a.l");
/* load JDBC drivers */
try {
String url = "jdbc:odbc:DataEntry";
Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
     connection = DriverManager.getConnection( url );
     System.out.println( "Connection Suucessfull");
catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfex ) {
// process ClassNotFoundExceptions here
     System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
// process SQLExceptions here
     System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
catch ( Exception ex ) {
// process remaining Exceptions here
     System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
/* Intializing global values */
dataBuffer = new int[60];
/* Start all threads */
/* Start filling data file in global array */
     loadData dataFile = new loadData();
     setData setdata = new setData();
/* Adding control to window application */
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowevent)
// setDefaultCloseOperation(0);
public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent eve)
addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent componentevent)
setSize(500, 500);
Dimension dimension1 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
if(dimension1.width == 800 && dimension1.height == 600)
setLocation(150, 25);
if(dimension1.width == 1024 && dimension1.height == 768)
setLocation(200, 100);
/* Setting the location of the application on the screen */
Dimension dimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
if(dimension.width == 800 && dimension.height == 600)
setLocation(150, 25);
if(dimension.width == 1024 && dimension.height == 768)
setLocation(200, 100);
/* Constructing the main menu */
     JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
     setJMenuBar( bar );
     JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu( "File");
     fileMenu.setMnemonic( 'F' );
     JMenuItem mainItem = new JMenuItem( "Main page" );
     mainItem.setMnemonic( 'M' );
     mainItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "main");
     fileMenu.add( mainItem );
     JMenuItem dataItem = new JMenuItem( "Database page" );
     dataItem.setMnemonic( 'D' );
     dataItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "data_base");
     fileMenu.add( dataItem );
     JMenuItem printItem = new JMenuItem( "Print" );
     printItem.setMnemonic( 'P' );
     printItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     fileMenu.add( printItem );
     JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
     exitItem.setMnemonic( 'P' );
     exitItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     fileMenu.add( exitItem );
     bar.add( fileMenu );
     JMenu figureMenu = new JMenu( "Figures");
     figureMenu.setMnemonic( 'G' );
     JMenuItem thicknessItem = new JMenuItem( "Thickness" );
     thicknessItem.setMnemonic( 'T' );
     thicknessItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
     , "thickness");
     figureMenu.add( thicknessItem );
     bar.add( figureMenu );
     JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu( "Help");
     helpMenu.setMnemonic( 'H' );
     JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About us" );
     aboutItem.setMnemonic( 'A' );
     aboutItem.addActionListener (
          new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Engineer Bilal Haidar (Computer & "+                     "Communication Engineering)\n\n All Rights Reserevd. @ 2002",
                    "About me...", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
     helpMenu.add( aboutItem );
     bar.add( helpMenu );
/* Initializing the panels */
c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
CardManager = new CardLayout();
MainManager = new JPanel(false);
javax.swing.border.Border border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 5, 10);
MainPanel = new JPanel(false);
MainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(MainPanel, 1));
ThicknessPanel = new JPanel(false);
ThicknessPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ThicknessPanel, 1));
fieldsPanel = new JPanel(false);
fieldsPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( fieldsPanel,1));
sub_panel = new JPanel(false);
sub_panel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(sub_panel,0) );
thick_figure = new JPanel(false);
/* Filling the main panel */
JLabel jlmain = new JLabel("Main Page");
timezone = showTime(new Locale("en", "US"));
JLabel jltime = new JLabel(" " + timezone);
MainManager.add(MainPanel, "main");
/* Filling the thickness panel */
num_of_hits = 0;
next_index = 0;
/* fill in with ero values for everything*/
/*display the figure*/
JLabel blanklabel = new JLabel(" ");
JButton build_fig = new JButton("Draw Figure");
     new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if ( num_of_hits == 0 )
/* draw figure based on first 20 points in the array */
next_index = num_of_rec;
if ( num_of_hits > 3 )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"No more data to draw","Error Drawing",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
/* draw the figure starting the data from index 20*/
next_index = next_index + num_of_rec;
num_of_hits += 1;
MainManager.add(ThicknessPanel, "thickness");
/* filling the database panel */
label1 = new JLabel(" ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
welcome_label = new JLabel(" Database Page ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
label2 = new JLabel(" ",SwingConstants.CENTER);
fieldsPanel.add( label1 );
fieldsPanel.add( welcome_label );
fieldsPanel.add( label2 );
field_label = new JLabel(" Enter your name: ");
data_entry = new JTextField( 10 );
sub_panel.add( field_label );
sub_panel.add( data_entry );
fieldsPanel.add( sub_panel );
JButton add_data = new JButton( "Add me" );
     new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
          try {
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
               String get_field;
          get_field = data_entry.getText();
          String query = "INSERT INTO data (anyField) VALUES ('"+get_field+"')";
          int result1 = statement.executeUpdate( query );
          if ( result1 == 1 )
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for the info..."," Data Entry Success",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                    data_entry.setText(" ");     
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, your name was not added...","Data entry error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
     catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
     // process SQLExceptions here
               System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
          catch ( Exception ex ) {
          // process remaining Exceptions here
               System.out.println( "Connection UN Suucessfull");
MainManager.add(fieldsPanel, "data_base");
/* display time */
Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent)
timezone = showTime(new Locale("en", "US"));
setTitle("PHOENIX MACHINERY s.a.l " + timezone);
public static void main(String args[])
FinalMachine finalmachine = new FinalMachine();
finalmachine.setSize(500, 500);
ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("images/pc.gif");
public static String showTime(Locale locale)
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
byte byte0 = 2;
DateFormat dateformat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(byte0, locale);
String s = dateformat.format(date);
return s;
/* Thread loadData starts here */
public class loadData extends Thread
public void run()
try {
          read_flag = 1;
catch( Exception x )
System.out.println("The following error occured in LoadData thread : "+x.toString() );
} // run() ends here
/* method read file inside thread loadData */
void readMyFile() {
String record = " ";
recCount = 0;
try {
          tem_file = new File("mydata.dat");
          data_file = new FileReader(tem_file);
          b_data_file = new BufferedReader( data_file );
          record = new String();
          while ( (record = b_data_file.readLine()) != null ) {
          dataBuffer[recCount] = Integer.parseInt(record);
          recCount += 1; }
          catch (IOException e) {
     System.out.println("Uh oh, got an IOException error!");
     } // end of readMyFile()
} // thread loadData ends
public class setData extends Thread {
public void run()
try {
          while ( !read_flag ) {
               try {     wait(); }
               catch( InterruptedException e ) {
          } // end while
          for(int index = 0; index < 60; index++)
          System.out.println("Array["+index+"] = "+dataBuffer[index]);
catch( Exception x )
System.out.println("The following error occured in LoadData thread : "+x.toString() );
} // run() ends here
the only added thing is the setData thread, i want this thread to start printing out the array whenever, loadData thread has finished filling the data inside the array please i need ur help.

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    I can zip them, create iso files, use a backup program that creates a blob, put them in a source-control system, etc - but I really don't *want* to do that; it's very convenient to have a direct copy of the directories.  Each of these 'solutions' either
    requires extra work (which could be scripted, so ok...) or doesn't work with the work-flow for some reason.
    Microsoft, *please* fix this in Windows 8!  (if not before...)   This limit has existed for far too long!
    And readers - please don't just repeat what's in the other threads (rename/use subst/map directory/etc) or flame without useful information.  Thanks!

    I would submit your opinion to our Product Team. If you have another feedback, please feel free and let me know. Or you could follow TekDozer’s advice to submit
    by yourself.
    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • Personnel Data Iview Error (It's very Urgent)

    Hi All,
    Personal Data   
    Critical Error
    A critical error has occured. Processing of the service had to be terminated. Unsaved data has been lost.
    Please contact your system administrator.
    failed to create or init instance of model '' in scope APPLICATION_SCOPE with instanceId 'null'   
    Caused by: failed to create instance of model ''
         ... 65 more
    Caused by: no jcoMetadata found for RFC function 'HRXSS_PER_GET_F4_P0002_IN'! Please verify, that your model is consistent with the ABAP backend: 'EC6'.
    Hi Please help me to solve this error it's very urgent ?
    thanks and regards,

    Hi Ashutosh Gulkhobre,
    I coppied the dump from the ST22.
    Now please tell me solution fro this error ?
    Runtime Errors         OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO
    Exception              CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL
    Date and Time          27.06.2007 09:54:55
         Short text
              Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
         What happened?
              Error in the ABAP Application Program
              The current ABAP program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC" had to be terminated because it
              come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
         What can you do?
              Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
              To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
              Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
              at and manage termination messages, and you can also
              keep them for a long time.
         Error analysis
              An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
              The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL', was not
               caught in
              procedure "HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING
              Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
              exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
              The reason for the exception is:
              You attempted to use a 'NULL' object reference (points to 'nothing')
              access a component.
              An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class)
              before it can be used to access components.
              Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the
              CLEAR statement.
         How to correct the error
              Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
              If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
              find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
              If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
              "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC" or "LHRXSS_PER_MACU04"
              If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
              notification to SAP, include the following information:
              1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
                 To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
              2. Corresponding system log
                 Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
                 Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
              after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
              3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
              program: The source code of the program
                 In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
              4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
              actions and input led to the error.
              The exception must either be prevented, caught within proedure
              "HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP" "(FUNCTION)", or its possible occurrence must be declared
               in the
              RAISING clause of the procedure.
              To prevent the exception, note the following:
         System environment
              SAP-Release 700
              Application server... "ptgsap10"
              Network address...... ""
              Operating system..... "Windows NT"
              Release.............. "5.2"
              Hardware type........ "2x Intel 80686"
              Character length.... 16 Bits
              Pointer length....... 32 Bits
              Work process number.. 0
              Shortdump setting.... "full"
              Database server... "PTGSAP10"
              Database type..... "ORACLE"
              Database name..... "EC6"
              Database user ID.. "SAPSR3"
              Char.set.... "C"
              SAP kernel....... 700
              created (date)... "Aug 29 2006 00:18:21"
              create on........ "NT 5.0 2195 Service Pack 4 x86 MS VC++ 13.10"
              Database version. "OCI_10201_SHARE ( "
              Patch level. 75
              Patch text.. " "
              Database............. "ORACLE 9.2.0.., ORACLE 10.1.0.., ORACLE 10.2.0.."
              SAP database version. 700
              Operating system..... "Windows NT 5.0, Windows NT 5.1, Windows NT 5.2"
              Memory consumption
              Roll.... 8176
              EM...... 2090448
              Heap.... 0
              Page.... 0
              MM Used. 1208256
              MM Free. 880672
         User and Transaction
              Client.............. 001
              User................ "ESS_USER1"
              Language Key........ "E"
              Transaction......... " "
              Program............. "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC"
              Screen.............. "SAPMSSY1 3004"
              Screen Line......... 2
              Information on caller of Remote Function Call (RFC):
              System.............. "########"
              Database Release.... 645
              Kernel Release...... 700
              Connection Type..... "E" (2=R/2, 3=ABAP System, E=Ext., R=Reg. Ext.)
              Call Type........... "synchron and non-transactional (emode 0, imode 0)"
              Inbound TID.........." "
              Inbound Queue Name..." "
              Outbound TID........." "
              Outbound Queue Name.." "
              Client.............. "###"
              User................ "############"
              Transaction......... " "
              Call Program........." "
              Function Module..... "HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP"
              Call Destination.... "ptgsap10_EC6_10"
              Source Server....... "EPSAND1"
              Source IP Address... ""
              Additional information on RFC logon:
              Trusted Relationship " "
              Logon Return Code... 0
              Trusted Return Code. 0
              Note: For releases < 4.0, information on the RFC caller are often
              only partially available.
         Information on where terminated
              Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC" - in
              The main program was "SAPMSSY1 ".
              In the source code you have the termination point in line 13
              of the (Include) program "LHRXSS_PER_MACU04".
              The termination is caused because exception "CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL" occurred in
              procedure "HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP" "(FUNCTION)", but it was neither handled locally
               nor declared
              in the RAISING clause of its signature.
              The procedure is in program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC "; its source code begins in
              1 of the (Include program "LHRXSS_PER_MACU04 ".
         Source Code Extract
         Line     SourceCde
             1     FUNCTION hrxss_per_cleanup.
             2     *"----
             3     ""Local interface:
             4     *"  EXPORTING
             5     *"     VALUE(MESSAGES) TYPE  BAPIRETTAB
             6     *"----
             8     *  CALL METHOD mac_adapter->cleanup
             9     *    IMPORTING
            10     *      messages = messages.
            12     * TRY.
         >>>>>       CALL METHOD xss_adapter->cleanup
            14         .
            16     * ENDTRY.
            17       IF NOT xss_adapter2 IS INITIAL.
            18         CALL METHOD xss_adapter2->cleanup.
            19       ENDIF.
            21     ENDFUNCTION.
         Contents of system fields
         Name     Val.
         SY-SUBRC     0
         SY-INDEX     2
         SY-TABIX     13
         SY-DBCNT     30
         SY-FDPOS     0
         SY-LSIND     0
         SY-PAGNO     0
         SY-LINNO     1
         SY-COLNO     1
         SY-TITLE     CPIC and RFC Control
         SY-MSGNO     000
         SY-MODNO     0
         SY-DATUM     20070627
         SY-UZEIT     095455
         Active Calls/Events
         No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line
             4 FUNCTION     SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU04                      13
             3 FORM         SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU04                       1
             2 FORM         SAPMSSY1                            SAPMSSY1                               85
             1 MODULE (PBO) SAPMSSY1                            SAPMSSY1                               30
         Chosen variables
         No.          4     Ty.      FUNCTION
         Name      HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP
         No.          3     Ty.      FORM
         Name      HRXSS_PER_CLEANUP
         No.          2     Ty.      FORM
         Name      REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL
         No.          1     Ty.      MODULE (PBO)
         Name      %_RFC_START
                  000                                                                                0###
         Internal notes
              The termination was triggered in function "method_call_iref"
              of the SAP kernel, in line 2203 of the module
              The internal operation just processed is "METH".
              Internal mode was started at 20070627095455.
         Active Calls in SAP Kernel
         Lines of C Stack in Kernel (Structure Differs on Each Platform)
         SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0
         Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.
         Callstack without Exception:
         App       : disp+work.EXE (pid=24080)
         When      : 6/27/2007 9:54:55.565
         Threads   : 2
         Computer Name       : PTGSAP10
         User Name           : SAPServiceEC6
         Number of Processors: 2
         Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1
         Windows Version     : 5.2 Current Build: 3790
         State Dump for Thread Id 6cd0
         eax=000a7358 ebx=00000464 ecx=00000248 edx=00000000 esi=00000464 edi=00000000
         eip=7c82ed54 esp=0549c640 ebp=0549c6b0 iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz ac po cy
         cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00200297
         function : KiFastSystemCallRet
                 7c82ed54 c3               ret
                 7c82ed55 8da42400000000   lea     esp,[esp]              ss:0549c640=7c822124
                 7c82ed5c 8d642400         lea     esp,[esp]              ss:27f2ac53=????????
         FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
         0549c6b0 77e6ba12 00000464 0001d4c0 00000000 0549c6e8 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
         0549c6c4 0101f939 00000464 0001d4c0 00000001 7c38b5c8 kernel32!WaitForSingleObject
         0549c6e8 005641c2 005641fb 7c38b5c8 7c38b5c8 7c38b5c8 disp+work!NTDebugProcess [ntstcdbg.c (501)]
         0549c6ec 005641fb 7c38b5c8 7c38b5c8 7c38b5c8 01d87888 disp+work!NTStack [dptstack.c (1367)]
         0549c708 0056422f 7c38b5c8 00000000 0085f2b9 7c38b5c8 disp+work!CTrcStack2 [dptstack.c (352)]
         0549c714 0085f2b9 7c38b5c8 00000000 005f0059 00300030 disp+work!CTrcStack [dptstack.c (182)]
         0549c738 008626fb 3ccf0c10 00008006 00000000 00660bd8 disp+work!rabax_CStackSave [abrabax.c (7020)
         0549cfe0 0067f9fc 01285324 012852e4 0000089b 2054de20 disp+work!ab_rabax [abrabax.c (1243)]
         0549d010 006914a8 00000003 3cda5308 00000000 0549d078 disp+work!method_call_iref [abmethod.c (2203
         0549d078 007c8d1e 00000000 3cda5308 0549d1c4 3cda67e8 disp+work!ab_extri [abextri.c (552)]
         0549d08c 008433d6 00000000 3cda6768 0059fdb0 3cda64b4 disp+work!ab_xevent [abrunt1.c (281)]
         0549d098 0059fdb0 3cda64b4 00000008 3cda6768 00000000 disp+work!ab_dstep [abdynpro.c (491)]
         0549d1c4 005a2ae2 3cda5308 3cda5308 0549fd04 005a2654 disp+work!dynpmcal [dymainstp.c (2394)]
         0549d1d4 005a2654 3cda5308 3cda5308 00000003 0549fd04 disp+work!dynppbo0 [dymainstp.c (542)]
         0549d1f0 00577116 3cda5308 00000004 00000000 0000001a disp+work!dynprctl [dymainstp.c (359)]
         0549fd04 004741c6 0000001a 00000001 00000001 0049792f disp+work!dynpen00 [dymain.c (1464)]
         0549fd14 0049792f 00000004 00000000 00000003 00000002 disp+work!Thdynpen00 [thxxhead.c (4683)]
         0549fee0 00497ead 00000001 00000000 00000000 00430000 disp+work!TskhLoop [thxxhead.c (4395)]
         0549ff00 004214f1 00000000 00000000 7ffd5000 0549ff60 disp+work!ThStart [thxxhead.c (1153)]
         0549ff14 00401080 00000003 056368d8 00000001 00000000 disp+work!DpMain [dpxxdisp.c (1119)]
         0549ff60 011bf720 00000003 056368d8 056378c8 01c05000 disp+work!nlsui_main [thxxanf.c (82)]
         0549ffc0 77e523cd 00000000 00000000 7ffd5000 80938fd6 disp+work!wmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c (395)]
         0549fff0 00000000 011bf5dd 00000000 00905a4d 00000003 kernel32!IsProcessorFeaturePresent
         State Dump for Thread Id 6408
         eax=00000001 ebx=00000103 ecx=0770fee8 edx=7c82ed54 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
         eip=7c82ed54 esp=0770fec0 ebp=0770ff04 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
         cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000246
         function : KiFastSystemCallRet
                 7c82ed54 c3               ret
                 7c82ed55 8da42400000000   lea     esp,[esp]              ss:0770fec0=7c821514
                 7c82ed5c 8d642400         lea     esp,[esp]              ss:2a19e4d3=????????
         FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
         0770ff04 0110e0b7 000006e0 00000000 00000000 059ca9d8 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
         0770ff84 7c349565 00000000 00000000 00000000 0563a508 disp+work!SigIMsgFunc [signt.c (594)]
         0770ffb8 77e66063 0563a508 00000000 00000000 0563a508 MSVCR71!endthreadex
         0770ffec 00000000 7c3494f6 0563a508 00000000 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA
         List of ABAP programs affected
         Index     Typ     Program     Group     Date     Time     Size     Lang.
              0     Prg     SAPMSSY1          0     11.04.2005     09:27:15         21504     E
              1     Prg     SAPLHRXSS_SER_AUTHORITHY_CHECK          1     13.02.2005     19:00:30         16384     E
              2     Prg     SAPLASTAT_TRIG          2     09.09.2004     14:18:33         13312     E
              3     Typ     ASTAT_TYP2          0     10.11.1998     05:35:18          2048     
              4     Typ     ASTAT_TYP1          0     30.11.1998     15:54:16          2048     
              5     Prg     SAPLSAUTHTRACE          5     07.03.2005     08:51:05         57344     E
              6     Typ     USOBHASH          0     02.07.2003     13:15:24          3072     
              7     Prg     SAPLSECH          7     05.07.2005     13:10:18         26624     E
              8     Typ     CVERS          0     09.11.2000     14:05:49          2048     
              9     Prg     SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC          9     10.02.2004     14:21:15         49152     E
             10     Prg     CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL==========CP         10     05.07.2005     13:10:16         10240     E
             11     Typ     SCX_SRCPOS          0     18.05.2004     14:07:11          2048     
             12     Prg     CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK==============CP         12     05.07.2005     13:10:16         10240     E
             13     Prg     CX_ROOT=======================CP         13     05.07.2005     13:10:16         11264     E
             14     Prg     CX_NO_CHECK===================CP         14     05.07.2005     13:10:16         10240     E
             15     Prg     CX_SY_NO_HANDLER==============CP         15     05.07.2005     13:10:16         10240     E
             16     Typ     SYST          0     09.09.2004     14:18:12         31744     
         Directory of Application Tables
         Name                                     Date       Time       Lngth
         Program      SAPMSSY1
         SYST            .  .            :  :          00004612
         ABAP Control Blocks (CONT)
         Index     Name     Fl     PAR0     PAR1     PAR2     PAR3     PAR4     PAR5     PAR6     Source Code     Line
           246     FUNC     03     0020                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           247     PAR2     02     0000     001B     C000                         LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           249     FUNC     13     0003                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           250     PAR2     01     0000     0011     C001                         LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           252     FUNC     FF     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           253     ENDF     00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           254     -
         00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           255     STCK     02     C001                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           256     CPOP     00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           257     -
         00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU03            1
           258     FUNP     3E     0000     0011     8000     0000     8000     0000     0000     LHRXSS_PER_MACU04            1
           262     FUNP     80     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     LHRXSS_PER_MACU04            1
         >>>>>     METH     03     0000     0000     8006     0000     0000     0000     0000     LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           13
           270     PAR2     00     0000     0001     0000                         LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           13
           272     CMPS     20     024B     001B     001B                         LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           17
           274     BRAF     05     0007                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           17
           275     METH     03     0000     0001     8006     0000     0000     0000     0000     LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           18
           279     PAR2     00     0000     0001     0000                         LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           18
           281     FUNE     00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           21
           282     -
         00     0000                                   LHRXSS_PER_MACU04           21
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Error in Personnel Data Iview (its very urgent)

    Hi All,
    Personal Data   
    Critical Error
    A critical error has occured. Processing of the service had to be terminated. Unsaved data has been lost.
    Please contact your system administrator.
    failed to create or init instance of model '' in scope APPLICATION_SCOPE with instanceId 'null'   
    Caused by: failed to create instance of model ''
         ... 65 more
    Caused by: no jcoMetadata found for RFC function 'HRXSS_PER_GET_F4_P0002_IN'! Please verify, that your model is consistent with the ABAP backend: 'EC6'.
    Hi Please help me to solve this error it's very urgent ?
    thanks and regards,

    I am not very much sure about this.
    Are u calling a BAPi from WD application?
    If yes then the error seems to be that : JCOs metadata is not available.
    Please check that ur JCO definitions in portal and make sure the name in Portal and the name u defined in WD application are same( case  sensitive).
    Also TEST JCO in Portal.
    Please revert back with current status and explain ur problem a bit more.

  • How to go about with a finance project in BW - very urgent

    Dear Guru's
    As i need to extract the data from R/3 for the first time, how should i decide to go for extractors. those are financial datas. should i go to COPA or FISL or Generic Extraction. how to proceed with, kindly help me in this regards, it's very urgent.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: cs ramesh on Feb 14, 2008 6:12 PM

    Hello Ramesh,
    Please find the links of the datasources,Infocubes etc
    5. Business Analytics to be available at single click of a button giving important business insights such as
    a. Vendor wise expenditure
    b. Customer wise revenue
    [Customer / Vendor Analysis (FI-AP & FI-AR)|]
    c. Revenue streams for varying time windows (monthly, quarterly, annually)
    d. Comparison reports (against similar time windows)
    e. Category wise expenses
    [General Ledger Accounting |]
    f. Statistical reports (highs, lows, averages etc…)
    1. [Overhead Cost Controlling|]
    Statistical key figure analysis
    Edited by: Chandran Ganesan on Feb 14, 2008 8:59 AM

  • Communication b/w SAP and VB .exe file - Very urgent.

      I am currently in a project implementing SAP for a cement manufacturing company. Here we have a VB .exe file which takes parameters and return values. now we need to connect this to application to SAP R/3 to pass data to that application and access the data from that .exe file.
    Note: we don't have any source code for that vb .exe file its a third party software.
    Its an very urgent one....
    please guide me how to do it with all steps.
    Any material please pass to [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.

    form grosswt .
      refresh itab3.
      clear itab3.
       Executing VB EXE file to get the weight from weigh bridge
      call function 'WS_EXECUTE'
          DOCUMENT                 = ' '
          CD                       = ' '
          COMMANDLINE              = ' '
         inform                   = 'X'
           cd      = 'C:\SAPWEI'
         program                  = 'C:\sapwei\MyVB.exe'
          STAT                     = ' '
          WINID                    = ' '
          OSMAC_SCRIPT             = ' '
          OSMAC_CREATOR            = ' '
          WIN16_EXT                = ' '
          EXEC_RC                  = ' '
          RBUFF                    =
          FRONTEND_ERROR           = 1
          NO_BATCH                 = 2
          PROG_NOT_FOUND           = 3
          ILLEGAL_OPTION           = 4
          GUI_REFUSE_EXECUTE       = 5
          OTHERS                   = 6
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
       Fetching Value from VB text file
      call function 'WS_UPLOAD'
        CODEPAGE                      = ' '
         filename                      = 'C:\sapwei\w1.txt'
        FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
        HEADLEN                       = ' '
        LINE_EXIT                     = ' '
        TRUNCLEN                      = ' '
        USER_FORM                     = ' '
        USER_PROG                     = ' '
        DAT_D_FORMAT                  = ' '
        FILELENGTH                    =
          data_tab                      = itab3
        CONVERSION_ERROR              = 1
        FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 2
        FILE_READ_ERROR               = 3
        INVALID_TYPE                  = 4
        NO_BATCH                      = 5
        UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 6
        INVALID_TABLE_WIDTH           = 7
        CUSTOMER_ERROR                = 9
        NO_AUTHORITY                  = 10
        OTHERS                        = 11
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
      loop at itab3.
        v1 = itab3-num.
        pgrwt = v1.
      message 'Save Gross Weight' type 'S'.
    endform.                    " grosswt

  • Help with DAQmx tension measurement and saving to spreadsheet file with NI USB-6218 (very urgent !)

    Hello people,
    I've been given at the last minute a project at school where I need to do some data acquisitions (tensions) with a DAQ NI USB-6218 and it has
    been miserable ever since, I first tried the "easy" way with DAQ assistant to save a given number of samples per channel to a text file
    in order to use it in matlab, isn't working : every time in my text file I have a different number of samples, I used the "Write to spreadsheet" function within a while loop where I wired the path outputs to a shift register in order not to have it asking me the path all the time,
    but I'm still not getting the X number of samples per channel as specified at the beginning.
    So I've been using another method with the DAQmx where I get each individual waveform into a vector of samples, when I look for the size
    of the vector it looks Ok, 100 in my case but the problems start when I try to have a text file where each column will represent a channel for
    subsequent matlab treatment, what I'm doing doesn't seem to be working, it's really unbearable, please help me sort this mess out.
    I'll add both VIs as attachment so it can help you help me, thank you.
    Basically what I need is to acquire 15 tensions with a given number of samples per channel (the same for each channel) and then plot it in matlab.
    Note the first VI has switches to "unblock" each channel but it doesn't seem to be working, please look at both VIs.
    It's very urgent, I could fail my school year if I fail this project.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Projet EM acquisition - ‏78 KB
    projet autre version envoyer sur ‏20 KB

    Hi Thank you very much for your help, in the meantime, I've changed the project to (see attachment), now
    it is at least writing the waveforms to the txt file, but again there is an another problem, it seems to be ignoring the
    number of samples I specified per channel, it seems to be writing into the txt file for as long as I keep the VI running.
    What is missing ? Also I'd like to have a clock for my samples, that is when I plot in matlab I do not just plot random numbers, but the
    physical analogical inputs as a function of time, that is for instance the first line corresponds to time 0, line 2 to time 0,001
    ect...How could I do that ? For the meantime I got only 5 channels, when I know what my mistake is, I'll expand it to 15 channels.
    Please help me.
    acquisition 5 ‏61 KB

  • IC_BASE look and feel (Default theme)  very urgent !!!

    Hi Gurus,
    Somehow the theme of my BSP application ic_base has been changed, entire look and feel of the application has been changed. Is the link between ic_base.css file with the ic_base bsp application has been changed?
    How can I restore my look and feel of my application?
    Very urgent!!!!

    avoid duplicate threads. continue the discussion in your old thread at
    BSP portal display problem (Urgent!!!)

  • HT202786 my friend shared a video with me on icloud photo sharing and then she deleted it from her camera roll, how do I save it???(very urgent)

    my friend shared a video with me on icloud photo sharing and then she deleted it from her camera roll, how do I save it???(very urgent)

    DVDs are encoded into MPEG2, which iMovie cannot edit. So you need to convert the DVD back to something else. For highest quality, I recommend that you convert the DVD to Apple Intermediate Codec. There is a free tool called MPEG Streamclip that will do this. You will also need to install the Apple QuickTIme MPEG2 Playback Component.
    Here are the details.
    1) Download and install the Apple MPEG2 QuickTime Component ($20) - available online from Apple.
    2) Download and install MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5 (free).
    3) Start MPEG Streamclip
    4) Insert your DVD into your Mac. If DVD Player or Front Row starts automatically quit those.
    5) Open a Finder window. Navigate to your DVD to the Video_TS folder.
    6) Drag the .VOB files from the Video_TS folder and drop then into MPEG Streamclip.
    7) If MPEG Streamclip offers to fix timecode breaks, say yes.
    8) Use FILE/EXPORT TO QUICKTIME to convert the files to Apple Intermediate Codec (or h.264 if you prefer)
    9a) Optional: You can deinterlace your footage in this step, if you like
    9b) optional: If you know the date and or time of the footage, name your file
    clip-yyyy-mm-dd hh;mm;ss
    (let mpeg streamclip provide the extension). This will provide metadata that iMovie will use to put the event in the right year and month.
    9c) Optional: If you don't want to make one huge clip out of your DVD, you can make smaller clips by using MPEG Streamclip. Move the cursor to the "in" point of the clip, and press i. Move the cursor to the "Out" point of the clip, and press o. Then do steps 8 through 10 and repeat until you have done this for all clips you want.
    10) Save the resulting file in a place where you can find it, like your Desktop.
    11) Open iMovie.
    12) In iMovie, choose FILE/IMPORT/From File and choose the file you saved in steps 8, 9, 10.
    13) iMovie will generate thumbnails and you can edit.

  • Upload file in clustered environment- Very Urgent

    My requirement is to upload a file onto the WebServer and also list out the file names on the front end and provide a funcionality to delete them from the server.
    Environment Details:
    -Product: WebSphere Portal
    -Type - Clustered Enviroment with 2 nodes
    -Framework: JSF
    The problem I am facing here is:
    1) I login to the application using a common URL: Say
    2) I dont know which node I am logged into, it can be either Primary(X1) or Secondary(X2).
    3) I click on the browse button and select a file and click on the Upload button. The file is uploaded successfully on say primary node X1.
    4) I can at that time read the name of the file and display it on screen and also select and delete it. But if I log off and login again and say I am now redirected to secondary node, I am not able to read the name of the file I uploaded as it is stored on the primary node.
    Can some body provide me a solutions to this.
    What I can think of is , While uploading the file, I will check if I am on the primary node or secondary node and Upload the file only on one node rather than uploading them on both. Say uploading only on primary node X1, Now if I am logged into primary I can just mention the directory name and upload it.
    But I f am on the secondary node I need to upload the file on the primary node using URL connection.
    Can some body tell me the feasibility of this approach ?? Also how do I upload a file on a remote machine(Logged into the secondary but putting the file onto the primary node.) ???
    Please help me this very very urgent.

    I would simply use a network share which is accessible from both nodes as storage. This way you don't have to care to which server the file is uploaded too, because both share the same filesystem.
    If you are on windows, simply share a folder and access it from both nodes. In Linux I'd suggest using samba & mount, on solaris use share & mount.
    Another approach would be to use a database as storage.
    hth Chris

  • Very urgent..Can a batch file be executed from a button in application?

    Please this is very urgent..
    I want to know wheather it is possible to provide a button in an htmldb application,
    that executes a batch(dos .bat file) file from a network location????
    Message was edited by:

    It will be possible to do that but I suggest you search the HTML DB Forum first and place your question there rather than in this forum .

Maybe you are looking for

  • Acrobat 9 Pro - Converting PDF to JPEG

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  • One e-mail address but using multiple servers

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  • Edit Toolbar of CL_GUI_ALV_TREE

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