Video ads way too loud

Listening to my music at a reasonable volume and then all of a sudden a video ad will come blaring on, seemingly at least twice as loud as my actual music volume. Loud enough to ****ing literally hurt my ears. This needs to fixed immediately.
This latest update is just a mess. The lead developer and anyone who OK'd the update should be fired. The update should be rolled back until someone competent, and who also values user experience, is put in charge.

I've been having the same problem, ad volume was normal and the same volume(haven't updated spotify since maybe around halloween when I got my new computer) as my music, then a few days ago my spotift appeared to randomly crash then it automatically updated itself when I tried reopening it and ever since that auto update the ad volume has been pretty much twice the volume my music is at :/ Like i'll be listing to something trying to sleep, then some loud ad shows up and wakes me back up scaring me to death just about, or i'd be listening to music at night when people are sleeping then suddenly some loud voice or video ad or music ad pops up so loud it could probably be heard from outside my house and most likely anyone else in my house could hear it as well seeing how it was so loud I could feel it in the floor and my desk and clothing, that's how loud the ads are now when the ads before the update were the same volume as my music. It's so bad that I pretty much stopped using spotify until that problem gets fixed. Im scared to even use spotify anymore now because never know when some loud ad is going to attempt to blow my $200 speakers again or blow my headphones and make me deaf as well as giving me a heart attack in the process...
Imagine listening to music at a nice volume, then some random loud voice or random loud music on an ad shows up that's at least twice as loud as your music, pretty sure it would give anyone a heart attack. Not to mention that people can't exactly be having that happen when they live in a house with other people or live in an apartment, they'll get kicked out for noise complaints just because of an ad because you're listening to music at 2am while studying or getting ready for work or something then the ad pops up as loud as possible. If i've stopped using spotify because of this problem, im wondering how many others have picked the same option since there's other music sources like pandora and slacker that DON'T play ads louder than the music, I pretty much always listened to spotify(gaming, cooking, music to help me go to sleep, music while working on stuff or hanging out with friend or girlfriend or just sitting around relaxing and texting someone) up until that ad volume problem showed up, I tolerated it for a couple hours then got tired of rushing to mute my volume(usually while im in a game, I may add) or turn it down before I woke someone up or my speakers blew(because $200 doesn't exactly grow on trees so can't really afford to buy new speakers every time an ad pops up and blows my speakers, feel like i'd have to do like how Orange county choppers does with doors and have a storage room full of spare speakers instead of spare doors if these ads keep up with challanging me to race to see if I can mute or turn down the volume before my speakers blow). And if I remember correctly, it's apparently illegal to put ads higher than the program volume on tv, so not sure if same applies to radio and internet music streaming but seems like it should apply as well. NO ONE wants to have some loud ad blasting in their ears and blowing their speakers or headphones.
If goal is to see how many heart attacks you can cause and how many people you can annoy enough to quit using spotify and to get people in trouble with noise complaints with the ads, then you've done your job. Now, can you please make the ads the same volume as the music so me and everyone else can use spotify again?

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    wow people normally complain its to low
    the volume for an alarm tone is standard it cant be altered the only thing possible is to select another tone thats not high pitched
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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Sorry to inform you that there are no setting for the intensity of the vibration feature.
    I have not seen 1 post that is similar to your post.
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    can find another user with your concerns.
    I wish there was an answer to address four concerns, but I'm afraid there isn't.
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    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Sorry to inform you that there are no setting for the intensity of the vibration feature.
    I have not seen 1 post that is similar to your post.
    Please feel free to take advantage to the search box upper left corner, to see if you
    can find another user with your concerns.
    I wish there was an answer to address four concerns, but I'm afraid there isn't.
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    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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    Try logging in as another user. Is the sound still very loud?
    Try deleting the sound preference files. I'm at work at the moment so I'm working from memory... so please excuse any errors:
    Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > then delete the few files that could be sound related. (They will be in the format or and they will automatically re-generate).
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    Hi honeybadgers
    If you click on a clip and bring up the inspector for clip/video/audio, the third section has "Speed" control where you can slow down or speed up the clip.  Slow the speed of the clip and the sound should become right too.
    Good luck

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    Not a solution, but if the Podcast feed is dormant, why not unsubscribe?
    As to the file structure for media on the device it is deliberately obscured as a countermeasure to casual piracy. See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device. Content put on the iPod by a non-iPod aware product is going to treat it like any external drive. The iPod firmware won't read that media.

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    You can take control of the startup chime with the Startup Sound preference pane.
    Also, do a PRAM reset after installing the pref pane;
    Reset the PRAM
    • (Re)start the computer
    • Immediately press & hold the CommandOption+PR keys
    • Wait for two startup chimes
    • Release the keys and allow the computer to boot.

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