Video animation promo

I would need an advice on which software could be reliable to make a Video animation promo like this

Motion or After Effects or Smoke.

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    I don't do 3D animations, but Seb Zaremba said it worked in the former Photoshop CC. You can have both version installed on your computer. Go to the Creative Cloud app and Apps>Filter & version>previous versions. There you will find the installer for CC (2013). Give it a try.
    Also, you might consider reporting a bug over at

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    I don't do 3D animations, but Seb Zaremba said it worked in the former Photoshop CC. You can have both version installed on your computer. Go to the Creative Cloud app and Apps>Filter & version>previous versions. There you will find the installer for CC (2013). Give it a try.
    Also, you might consider reporting a bug over at

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    I think you're probably in the wrong forum. The only Apple product I can think of that might be able to help you with this is Quartz Composer. You can wrap video onto a user-controlled sphere pretty easily (and much more besides). You may face performance issues with such a large video, however, and you'll need to experiment with codecs to balance data rate with decoding speed.
    Quartz Composer is free and is part of the Developer Tools, freely downloadable from Apple and possibly on your system installation discs in the Options folder.

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    Put the fill video on top of the background video. Put the ttext on top of that. In the video tab of the text select composite mode>stencil alpha. Select the text and the fill video and convert them into a compound clip.

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    Any suggestions to fix this would be appreciated,

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    Thank you,

    Without knowing your exact version of PPro and system specs, I encountered this issue on the way back machine during version 1.5.  The fix was to render out the timeline to an uncompressed wav, put that onto it's own track, mute the other tracks and then render out the final video.
    You could also try closing PPro and importing the sequence into AME and render it that way.
    If using non-native media (the audio is conformed), you might want to close PPro, delete the cache/conform files, reopen the project and have it re-conform.

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    You can try to use anime studio for mac ($49.99), and it will use your sons image as a 2D.
    But the quality will be more like a south park style and might not looks real.
    I use Toon Boom Studio ($399), there was Toon Boom Express version ($49.99) last year, but now the developer stop developing that version.
    for real result, maybe you should consider 3d animation or flash animation software instead of 2d software.
    Good Luck.

  • Photoshop CS6 Performance in Video-Animation mode?

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    I know PS wasn't built from scratch for this kind of work, but is a 5-10 second lag to be expected every time I scrub on the timeline?

    There is a site named Black Viper. The guy there knew how to configure an XP computer for different purposes, and then set it back easily for everyday use. I believe that he has updated to incorporate Vista and Win7. But, the whole purpose of the story is - knowing what system resources you need for rendering video - and what resources you can temporarily suspend, and then easily restart. Many, many resources can be suspended in Win7, which frees up resources for the important and resource-hungry activity that is video rendering. If you can get on over to Black Viper, it is a very useful starting point, because he designates the normal state of your computer - so that you can put it back there again. However, as a general rule, if your computer does not need to be active on a network, a lot of the networking services can be suspended. AV and anti-spyware - once disconnected from the network - can also be shut off (but do this only after you have done a comprehensive AV and spywware sweep). Software updaters can be turned off. In fact, if you know your way to the Services section of Windows (I cannot say what the equivalent for a Mac may be...) using trial and error, switch out services - say three at a time - and then see what effect. Obviously, put them back in if it turns out they are vital to the video-processing. But yes, nothing beats extremely fast hard drives, and even an overclocked chip can help, with more like a gamers GPU to boot. This, as you will understand,is more a dedicated video editing setup, and CS6/CC are meant for a more casual approach. If you own a Honda Civic, so to speak, it will not drive like a Porsche!
    If you have a modicum of computer savvy, go to and scroll down to your OS - make a copy of the table of modifications (or print) and then proceed to lock-down resource-hogging services. They can have a significant effect on processing speed.

  • Video-animated elements wirhin SWF file

    Hi there...
    I have seen some SWF banners which contain not only
    flash-made animations but also "inserted" videos elements: like
    this website for example: some times ther used to appear a person
    saying "welcome, yes, I am going to show you this new Macromedia
    product..." or "we are the Macromedia team" or whatever...
    Wel I need to create some animation like that because my
    customer asked me for a "virtual host person" explaining some
    things... Well I already have the video of him... but now.. what ??
    How do I crop the person ? how do I insert him inside my
    predseigned Flash banner ?
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Is the person on a green screen, and have you already made
    that transparent with After Effects or other software? Then you
    have to import your video into Flash 8 and have it converted to
    FLV. It may need to be embedded but you could lose audio sync, or
    you have to progressively stream it and use cue points to trigger
    All of this greek to you? If so you better visit and watch the tutorials on video

  • Photoshop CS6 Extended Timeline Video Animation - How to make rotation animation

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    In the timeline panel in CS6 EXTENDED, you have a video feature, where you can animate three things:
    What I would like to know, is: How can I animate rotation of a layer? I want to rotate my layer at an angle and animate it. But when I rotate, the first animation frame is also rotated, resulting in NO animation between the frames.
    Thank you

    You can also create a COUNTERCLOCKWISE rotation animation using the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Timeline:
    1. Make your first rotation keyframe by rotating your smart object layer -1 degrees.
    2. Make your second rotation keyframe by clicking near the middle of the timeline and rotating your Smart Object layer -179.9 degrees.
    3. Click near the end of your timeline, and make your third rotation keyframe by rotating your Smart Object Layer 1 degree.
    Create CLOCKWISE rotation, as described in JJMack's post:
    1. Make your first rotation keyframe--no need to rotate because we want the rotation Value to be Zero.
    2. Make your second rotation keyframe by clicking near the middle of the timeline and rotating your Smart Object layer 180 degrees
    3. Click near the end of your timeline, and make your third rotation keyframe by rotating your Smart Object Layer 180 degrees.
    Thanks JJMack, your input and animation helped me immensely.

  • Key frames switch to SMOOTH when they started as linear for multi key frame video animation ?

    When i create a series of animated moves on a freeze frame or pic...the second key frame which begins a "hold" ...always changes to smooth from linear after I add a few additional key frames and moves..  I use the key frame button on top left of viewer to add the key frames...I have tried adding the key frames in the inspector but smae results..2nd key frame changes to smooth after I add 4 additonal key frames and moves.  why?

    thanks for the reply Steve. I will battle through with this project and show the end result, but you may celebrate a birthday or six before I finish.But I will finish. It is part of a project I am creating from a recent stay on the Abrolhos Islands off the coast of Geraldton Western Australia. It is isolated like few places in the world, pristine and protected. We have friends who are proffessional fisherman and are allowed to stay there on shacks during the limited fishing/rock lobster fishing season.I have some really great photos and video to make use of.

  • Video and animation Skips 10% of video/animation duration button

    Is it possible to create a button to skip 10% of video and animation duration? I can easily make it work on just the video but I need the animation scroll bar to follow on where I skip. Below is the playback animation I did:
    The play button and the blue with orange bar syncs nicely but I can't sync the skip buttons to work with the video and the bar animation. Basically it's a video player that can do a frame-by-frame for the animation video above to show frame-by-frame when you start drawing. I'd like to have the bar follow the skip buttons on where the video timeline is.
    I'm no code expert but knows how to use Edge Animate, the basic functions.
    Thank you in advance!

    I ve tried to re-create a project with the issue... but it is working all right.
    The timeline animation is not stopping my video....
    If I reproduce the issue I came back to the forum.
    thank you

  • How to stop video/animation when the back/continue button is pressed

    hi! we are currently playing some of our videos via SWF. the swfs are placed on the slides and automatically play. Next and back buttons were added for navigation. One thing though is that when the next and back buttons are pressed to go to the next slide(even when the video in the swf is not yet finished) the swf still plays in the background. how do you set the triggers for this? thanks!
    by the way, we used flvplayback component in flash as3. so flash publishes both the flvplayback skin swf and the main swf of the FLA file. Then on Captivate's side, after zipping, we included the swf files there

    Yup, in the swf animation I placed some lines of code to make the slide pause but in my case since I'm playing a video on my swf pausing the slide doesn't pause the video.
    myRoot = MovieClip(root);
    mainmov = MovieClip(myRoot.parent.root);
    mainmov.rdcmndPause = 1;
    The code above will pause the slide. You can try if it works for you.

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