Video clip of glass top table flickers in PP CS5

I have shoot an HD video where there is a glass top table.  It displays fine when I watch it in windows media player and straight on the camera screen but when I import it to Premiere Pro CS5 the glass flickers.  Any ideas?

For someone to help you they would likely need more information.
post your system info:
RAM amount?
Graphics Card (MPE Hardware Acceleration)?
Hard drives set up?
premiere version?
Any 3rd party add-ons to Premiere (Fx plug-ins? 3rd party i\o card like matrox or Black Magic?)
Source material format specifics(Footage dimensions[1080p? 1080i? 720p?], camera, format\codec, framerate,etc.)
sequence settings - basically same info as above sans camera info
output format\codec settings. (Footage dimensions[1080p? 1080i? 720p?], Framerate.
If you offer this information and describe your problem clearly, you have a fair shot of getting your problem fix on this forum.

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    Ever read this? a.html
    Look for the section, "Use RAM preview to play video and audio".
    Im starting to believe its just After Effects that cant handle the file (its 4.7somethingGB's, 30FPS, 1920x1200).
    File size is irrelevant.  Bit rate is very relevant.  I'll bet you can't play the file properly in Quicktime, either.  Unless you have a RAID on an ESATA connection, your hard drive can't keep up. 
    I'd also think that previously to this file, you might have recorded in a different codec, which would explain why you could just hit the space bar and expect miracles.
    There's nothing wrong with AE.  You just need to learn how to RAM Preview.

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    Thanks for the advice given by Shooternz, Colin and Jim. Your help is much appreciated for a beginner like me... Jim's idea was also good..It worked for me and also safe if I need to use the original audio. Following method also found good...but previous audio clip cannot be extracted after deleting it. ... 1. Hold down "ALT" key first then select the first audio clip in the chain of video clips to Delete. 2. Hold down " Shift + Alt " keys together and click right mouse button on all audio clips to be deleted one by one. Make sure only audio clips are selected. 3. Then release ALT+Shift keys and then click right mouse button and select "Clear" from pull down menu to Delete all selected audio clips on the time line. This method works very well for me. Thanks for every one who has adviced me how to do it. Thanks guys... If u all find better method tha above...please inform us. Thx.

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    Analog-to-DV conversion adds narrow black borders to the left & right (and some analog "head switching" noise to the bottom).
    If you view the output on a TV, then the overscan will automatically crop the borders out. But if you view the output on a computer monitor, you might want to crop them out. You can do this with MPEG Streamclip ($0):
    My TRV320 D8 doesn't have such lines so your problem sounds strange. Have you tried to clean the camcorders heads?

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    1) Make sure that your project is in the same aspect ratio as your camera. If your camera shoots 16:9. make a 16:9 project.
    2) Check the clip inspector for the clip in your project to see if Image Stabilization is turned on. Stabilization works by zooming in, so you may want to turn it off.

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    You may have stabilization turned on in the project. On one of the clips, click on the small gear icon at the start of the clip and select Clip Adjustments. In the Inspector that opens, uncheck the box "Smooth Clip Motion" against Stabilization. If this fixes it for you, do the same for the other clips.
    Also, it's a good idea to turn off certain preferences in iMovie>Preferences (an iMovie menu item). In the Browser tab uncheck the boxes for both "Automatically stabilize clips that have been analyzed" and "Apply rolling shutter correction for clips that have been analyzed". See this picture:
    The stabilization process causes a zoomed in effect on the video, as it has to "average" the pixels in order to smooth any shaky motion. You therefore lose a certain amount of the picture, depending on the extent of stabilization applied. Here's what iMovie Help states (in part) about this process:
    "iMovie stabilizes video by analyzing the camera motion in the video and then moving the picture the opposite way to steady it onscreen. In this process, iMovie zooms in on the picture slightly. The amount of unstable motion in the clip determines how much zooming is necessary.
    Zooming in crops out some of the picture, but you can fine-tune the level of stabilization to strike the right balance between keeping the video steady and retaining as much of the picture as possible."

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    Please do not put the text of your entire question in the subject filed. A simple, concise, tersely condensed version will be more than sufficient. For instance, this might have been something like, "Still frame jitters."

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    I have a video player that I'm creating in Flash -- my video clips are on different scenes and I wanted a "menu" bar to allow the viewer to pick which scene they wanted. I found tutorials for various scrolling thumbnail menu bars and I eventually found a code which allowed me to click from scene to scene.
    However, now that the menu bar works, the video clips do not automatically play anymore and I'm not sure why.
    This is the link to my file:
    I only have one action script on the scene, which is the top layer that has [AS]stop();[/AS]
    I have two buttons on either side of the video clip:
    [AS]on (press) {
              nextScene(); play();
    on (press) {
              gotoAndPlay("SI", 1);
    This is the coding for the scrolling menu bar:
    Frame 1:
    [AS]// Photoscroller 2.0
    // Original Author: Barry Driessen
    // E-mail: barry@e-factory.
    // Upgraded by: Rob Gungor
    // Email: [email protected]
    // I don't care if u use this thingy, you don't have to
    // give me credit for it. Just knock yourself out with it!!
    // If you like it or have suggestions, just drop me an e-mail!
    // **stupid people tip**
    // to use this scroller as is --
    //copy all the frames in the timeline (by right/(control //for mac) click, copy frames)
    //then right click on your timeline  and paste frames
    //sorry if that is insulting, but when I first started this stuff, I was dumb too :-)
    // Okay... First let's set some variables......
    // Xphoto = startposition of the scoll image
    xphoto = 258;
    // Widthmovie = This variable hase to be set to the
    // same amount of the moviewidth
    widthmovie = 325;
    // Scrollspeed = The scollspeed of the image (high numbers result in slow scrolls 10=average)
    scrollspeed = 25;
    // widthphoto = the width of your scrollable image in pixels
    widthphoto = 2116;[/AS]
    Frame 2:
    [AS]// Setting the xmouse to 0 in the centre of the movie:
    xmouse = _xmouse - (widthmovie / 2);
    // Setting the speed:
    speed = (xmouse) / scrollspeed;
    // If the speed is negative, the speed will be made positive here:
    if (speed < 0) {
              speed = -(speed);
    //new function courtesy of Rob
    //basically says that if the mouse isn't betwen these two y points it won't work
    //**stupid people tip**
    //make sure that you figure out the top and bottom y points of your "photo" and insert them accordingly!
    mouseposition = getProperty("/myself", _y);
    if (_ymouse < 330) {
    if (_ymouse > 390) {
    // If the mouse moves to left, the photo will scroll to the right:
    // (That makes sense.... Doesn't it!! ;-)
    if (xmouse < 258) {
              xphoto = xphoto + speed;
    // If the mouse moves to the right, the photo will scroll to the left:
    if (xmouse > 258) {
              xphoto = xphoto - speed;
    // Checking for the left end of the image:
    if (xphoto > 258) {
              xphoto = 258;
    // Checking for the right end of the image:
    if (xphoto < -(widthphoto - widthmovie)) {
              xphoto = -(widthphoto - widthmovie);
    // Placing the moviclip (photo) on it's new postition:
    setProperty("photo", _x, xphoto);
    [AS]gotoAndPlay (2)
    // make sure this clip this in your movie when you copy it. 
    //**last stupid people tip**
    // if you copy these frames into any other frames other than 1, make sure you change the frame that it repeats (ie. if you copy these 3 action frames into 5,6,7 "gotoAndPlay (6)")--
    ///ok duh-i know. :-)
    // The mouseovers are quite simple. Just open the Movieclip "MouseOver"
    // to see how it works...
    //                                       Have fun!!!!!
    //**i realized that it's more fun when drinking beer.
    Then inside the thumbnail, to make it serve as a button:
    [AS]on (rollOver) {
    on (rollOut) {
    on (release) {
              // You can assign an actionscript to each Button in here:

    you need to remove:
    gotoAndPlay (2)
    so your video can play.  you've embedded your flv into your timeline so it only plays when the timeline plays and that goto is preventing the timeline from playing.
    of course, if you remove that the thumbnail code won't work.
    bottomline:  your project code is a mess and using an flv in a timeline is not what you should be doing.
    you should have no code attached to objects, no frame loops and no flvs embedded in a timeline.  you should attach your code to a timeline, user an enterframe loop and use an flvplayback component to play your flv(s).

  • Crashes, graphics glitches, and more crashes when editing video clips

    Can't for the life of me figure out why PE keeps crashing on me, so I'm here for help.
    My system consists of a i7-970 hexacore, 6GB ram, 1x 500GB os drive, 3x500gb raid 0 drives (this is where my video clips are stored), 2x GeForce GTX460 video cards.
    OS is Windows 7 Profressional 64 bit.
    The video files I work with are generally in the 50-200GB size.
    A little background - the videos that I am working with are recordings from Battlefield Bad Company 2 that I have recorded with some capture software called Dxtory.
    I record at 1920x1080 at 60 FPS to avi files.  The avi files are using the "xtor" codec (Dxtory's own codec)
    [ISFT]    DxtoryCore ver2.0.0.101
    [ISRC]    Video:YUV420 Audio:Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    Audio is PCM 192000Hz recorded in stereo.
    Let me start by saying I have not had trouble with this before until I started recording the videos at 60 FPS.  30 FPS worked ok (some crashes here and there, but they were bearable), but the frequent crashes started happening when I started working with the 60 FPS videos, done mainly so I could play around with slowing the clips down, etc.
    Sometimes I can open and edit clips just fine.
    Recently, a project that I'm working on is crashing when I try putting two different clips from different files together on the time line.  I managed to get it to work once, and saved the project after that.  Then, PE crashed randomly and when trying to reopen the project, it just crashes and won't let me get any further.
    I should mention the graphics glitches as well - occasionally (especially when previewing video clips before adding them to the timeline) after I close the preview window, the graphics in PE will glitch out, causing random lines to appear in certain areas, graphics to stack on top of eachother and freeze up, and sometimes I can click on the "play" button in the main project window and hear everything start playing, but the graphics are completely screwed up to the point where I can't view the video or hit the pause button.
    All of my computer hardware is fine, all drivers, and PE, are up to date.
    Can someone please help me figure out what is going on?  I'll be happy to provide any more information that might help out.

    The most likely issue is the codec that your program is using the create your video. It's apparently not compatible with Premiere Elements.
    This often happens also when people try to record their on-screen video with FRAPS.
    You'll see lots of discussions on this issue in the Premiere Pro forum. However, it's even more pronounced in Premiere Elements, which is designed to work almost exclusively with camcorder video.
    Some video programs are a little more versatile with this type of video. Some people have found Corell's Video Studio better at handling these non-traditonal formats.
    But I did a Google search on Dxtory editing and couldn't find any information on it.
    Sorry I can't offer a solution. But I can pretty much assure you that Premiere Elements isn't it. sorry.

  • How do I transfer video clips from iPhoto to iDVD? I followed the instructions in the help section but it did not work.

    I would like to make a DVD from video clips I took of my Grandchildren. I went to the help section and it stated to click on the video clip, then click 'share' and choose 'send to iDVD'. That option was not available on the share button. How to I transfer to iDVD. Thanks for any help.

    Do you plan to put each video clip in iDVD to be playes separately?  If so then here's how:
    1 - open iDVD and select your theme. 
    2 - click on the Media button at the bottom right and then on the Photo button at the top.
    3 - in the search window type in ".mov" (or the extension of the video clips you plan to use).
    4 - all of the video clips with the extension you entered will be displayed and you can drag them into the menu area at the left. 
    Another way would be to put all of the video clips in an Album and click on that album to view and drag the clips:
    Remember, the order that they are added to the menu will be the order that the buttons will highlight when you scroll thru the buttons with a DVD player remote.
    This will give you a menu with a separate button for each video clip (up to 12 in a menu with some themes).
    If you want to play all of the clips one after another you could create a slideshow in iDVD with the "+" button at the bottom and drag the video clips into the slideshow as you would still photos.  Set the slide duration to anything but manual and don't apply any transition.
    That will let you play all of the clips sequentially.

  • How do I add a video clip after my music?

    Its sort of a wierd question but basically to me imovie09 is a bust since i cant really see a real timeline to edit my project. But what im trying to do is after i edited my video and the song i have ends i want to add another clip after the song but without the song playing. Everytime i add a clip it either goes to the top of my project or just adds it to the song. basically what im tryign to ask is, how do i add a clip after a song?

    Lurkai wrote:
    ohh ok, so what i need to do is detach the audio and it will become that thin green strip at the bottom of the clips is what you are saying?
    you don't like tutorials, don't you?
    where does the audio come from?
    if you ADD audio/music/voice over to a project, there are TWO options.
    you drag it into the (grey) background of your Project - and it becomes a background track with its own 'behaviour': it will try to background the WHOLE Project as much as possible. as long there's audio left, any added video/still will lengthen the audio.
    drag audio ONTO a clip .... it gets connected PLUS it offers the usual options any clip offers; copy/pasting, cutting, fading, effects. here, I added a fade and the last video-clip is audio-less.

  • Questions about editing video clips, images and text

    I'm using the Expert mode and I'm having trouble with figuring out how to do certain things.
    1. I'm superimposing a picture of a scoreboard on my video and then I superimpose a text object on top of that so I can update the scores throughout the video.  I've placed on instance of the text object on my "Video 3" and now I want to change the score.  So I created another instance on the same "Video 3" timeline.  Now I want to close the gap between the two instances.  I would expect to be able to click on the gap in between and delete it but nothing happens.  I would also expect to be able to double click on the instance to access the specific start and end times that I see when I hover over it.  But again nothing happens.  So I've been magnifying the timeline so I can manually drag the two instances together.  Is there an easier and more precise way to close the gap?
    2. Is there an easier way to periodically change a text object without creating a bunch of instances?  My "project assets" folder is getting filled up quickly because the score is constantly getting updated and I keep creating a new instance for each score change.
    3. Is there a way to permanently combine two seperate video clips?  I've used the "group" option but there is still a divider that reminds me that the two were seperate.  I'd like to be able to combine the two and for it to look as if it was always just one large clip.
    4. When I use the scissors to cut a section out of the middle of a clip, the blue marker that shows where I am currently in the video stays in place.  So each time I cut out a section, I have to manually drag the blue marker over to the new beginning that was at the end of all the stuff I just cut.  Is there a preference to have the blue marker stay with you when you edit instead of it suddenly being far ahead of you in the editing process?

    Other than doing Duplicates of your Title, and editing those, as needed, the only other option would be to create the Titles in another program, such as Photoshop, then Save those as PSD's, to be Imported into PrE. The one downside of doing that, is that to edit those PSD "titles" is to Open them in Photoshop - the PrE Titler will not open them for the additional editing.
    PrE does not have as much power to organize Assets, such as Titles, as does Premiere Pro, with both Bins and Folders (later versions). I always create a Bin, for my Titles, or even several Bins, for different types of Titles in the Project.
    Maybe others will have a workflow, that I have not considered, so we both might learn something.
    Good luck,

  • When I have video clips on my timeline, they do not play in the monitor screen. I hear the sound track but can not see the image. To test if my new files are somehow the problem, I went back and used video files that I used successfully a year ago, and th

    When I have video clips on my timeline, they do not play in the monitor screen. I hear the sound track but can not see the image. To test if my new files are somehow the problem, I went back and used video files that I used successfully a year ago, and they no longer play in the monitor window. I hear the sound track, but do not see any video. Have I changed some setting that controls video playback in the monitor window?

    Randy Ruttger
    Thanks for the follow up.
    Missing in this equation were the version of Premiere Elements that you were using and the computer operating system on which it was running. But...
    The deed is done. But.....Until now and after you went ahead and moved to version 12, we now learn what version of Premiere Elements you were using. We still do not know the computer operating system involved.
    You just said Premiere Elements 10. Premiere Elements 10 is hit by a serious known display issue if the computer uses a NVIDIA GeForce video card/graphics card. In this issue, the only remedy is to roll back the driver version to about May 2013. The description of the problem and how to do the roll back are described in one of the Announcements at the top of this forum. What video card/graphics card does your computer use?
    On another front, Adobe will be releasing a new version of Premiere Elements any day now. No one but Adobe knows the feature set for the new version. That type of information is announced at the moment of release of the new version.
    So the remedy to the problem that you presented in this thread could have been...
    1. Rolling back the NVIDIA GeForce driver version to about May 2013 if possible (Windows 8 or 8.1 64 bit, may not be possible)
    2. Move to another version of Premiere Elements (which you did)
    I offer the above for consideration so that you can review your decisions. We are pleased to learn that Premiere Elements 12/12.1 works for you.
    Please do not hesitate to ask questions and ask for clarifications, but remember that the answers are in the details.
    Best wishes,

  • Why is it, if i have one video clip in the timeline, i can't just add a transition at the end of that solo clip to fade to black!?! please help!

    hey there, so im making a video for a family event..
    i drag in an audio clip all of a sudden this becomes the be all and end all, and i want to sync some vid clips to that audio track, so let's say i drag in a 10 second video clip, at the end of the 10 seconds, i want to add a transition to fade to black.. i go to the transition window.. choose the cross dissolve or fade to colour, but it will not allow me to drag it on that video clip.. it always ends up on the audio track. this bloody application is so confusing compared to final cut. please help!

    Ahhh, now I see the problem, Grasshopper.  Problem is, we are all Grasshoppers, here.
    Yes, that little piece of info is critical. I'd say the biggest difficulty with FCPX is the whole new language.
    If I read you correctly, your Audio is in the Main Storyline (Track 1 in plain old Editorese). This makes anything else you add (above or below) a "connected clip", which we can no longer think of as "Track 2" because Jobs sez so. So, yes, you cannot just add a transition to either end of a connected clip.
    No argument with Tracy's solution, because I haven't seen any other general solution presented for any attempt to treat connected clips as the main storyline.  And, of course, when they were "track 1" and "track 2", you could.
    An alternative solution, however, is to highlight the connected clip and press Ctrl-V to bring up the Video Animation Editor.  Click the "reveal button" for Compositing: Opacity (bottom, right).  Once open, there is a "fade handle" to the right top.  Drag it left for however much fade you wish.  (there is one on the left as well, but you were only talking about a fade-out.)
    A second alternative, perhaps for future projects where everything keys on audio, may be to create a Gap clip (used to be called slug) in the primary storyline before ever dropping in the audio.  Then you can add video to the main story line and modify it without having to go thru hoops to do the simplest thing.

Maybe you are looking for